S. No Name & Address of the ICTC District Name of the Counsellor

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S. No Name & Address of the ICTC District Name of the Counsellor Name of the Name of the ICTC Incharge S. No Name & Address of the ICTC District Counsellor Contact No / Medical Officer Contact No ICTC, GH Ambala City, Ambala Mrs Neelam 9356251447 Dr. Bharti 9416110322 1 District PIN‐ . 134003 Ambala ICTC,GH Nariangarh, Ambala, Dr.Ashok Sharma 09215391835‐ 2 Ambala District PIN. 134203 Ambala Ajay Kapoor 9017421885 01734.284024 ICTC,GH Ambala Cantt. Ambala Ms. Rachana 9466131116 Dr. Suparna 9816447471 District PIN. 133004 Saini 3 Ambala ICTC,CHC Sajadpur, Ambala, Ambal NA District PIN. 134202 4 Ambala NA Vidha Bhushan 9215391861 ICTC,MM Collage Mullana, Ambala, Sh. Vijay Kumar NA Ambala District, PIN‐134003 5 Ambala 9416481887 NA ICTC,GH Bhawani 237 old housing MS. Abha 09812383700‐ board bhiwani, Bhiwani District Sharma 01664.248451 6 PIN. 127021 Bhiwani 9466338777 Dr.K.K. Bastia ICTC,CHC Dadri Bhiwani Bhiwani Seema Aggarwal 9466338377 NA District , PIN‐ 127306 7 Bhiwani NA ICTC.CHC Siwani Mandi,Bhiwani, Mr. Sanjay Dr. Inderjeet Bhiwani District, PIN. 127046 8 Bhiwani 9416996259 9813101023 ICTC,CHC Loharu Bhiwani , Bhiwani Sh. Satish Kumar 01252‐258211, 9 District, PIN. 127201 Bhiwani NA Dr. Hari Singh 094162‐90038 ICTC,KLJ Eye Hospital, Bhiwani PIN. 9466010061 10 127021 Bhiwani Sh. Satbir Singh 9416147449 Dr. Dhankhar ICTC,GH Bhawani Khera, Bhiwani Surender Pilania Dr. Vijaypal 9416287975 11 District PIN. 127032 Bhiwani 9466555064 ICTC CHC, Tosham, Bhiwani District. 12 PIN. 127021 Bhiwani vinod kumar 9255101229 NA ICTC CHC, KAIRU , Bhiwani District , 13 PIN. 127021 Bhiwani ARUN 999163725 NA NA ICTC CHC, BUNDKALAN , Bhiwani 14 District , PIN‐127021 Bhiwani RAM AUTAR 9466825273 NA NA ICTC CHC, MANHERU , Bhiwani 15 District, PIN‐120721 Bhiwani SANDHIP 9812405676 NA NA 16 ICTC,GH Faridabad PIN. 121001 Faridabad Priti Narwal 9871067518 Dr. A S Ahlawat 0129‐2411881 ICTC,GH Palwal fridabad PIN. Ajay kumar Dr. Logveer 17 121102 Faridabad 9466575358 9254255372 ICTC,CHC Hathin fridabad PIN. Raj kumar Bhir Singh 18 121102 Faridabad 9996793186 9254255374 ICTC,ESI Hospital no. 3 Faridabad Krishan kumar Dr.Santi Passi 19 PIN. 121001 Faridabad 9868497191 9899473045 20 ICTC,GH Fatehabad PIN. 125050 Fatehabad Mr. Reshi Roy 9812442930 Dr. Surajbhan Kamboj 01667‐20024 ICTC,GH Tohana Fatehabad PIN. NA NA 125120 21 Fatehabad NA ICTC,CHC Bhuna Fatehabad PIN. Mr. Karan Singh 9991666610 NA 22 125111 Fatehabad 23 ICTC,GH Gurgaon PIN. 122001 Gurgaon Ms. Poonam 9711003411 Ms. Neelam 9868791681 ICTC,CHC Sohna Gurgaon PIN. Deepak Kumar 24 122103 Gurgaon 9313924442 Dr. Sunita Devi 9992139161 ICTC,CHC Pataudi,Gurgaon PIN. Mr. Bintu Dr. Mahender 25 122503 Gurgaon 9017937033 NA ICTC,GH Haily Mandi,Gurgaon PIN. Mr. Ravi Bholla NA 123504 26 Gurgaon NA ICTC,CHC Farukhnagar,Gurgaon pin NA NA 27 123506 Gurgaon NA ICTC, CHC Farukhnagar Gurgaon NA NA 28 Gurgaon NA NA ICTC,GH Hisar pin code 125001 Mamta Rani Dr. Ashok Chaudery 9812020402 29 Hisar 9416455834 ICTC,GH Hansi,Hisar pin coce no. Mamta Sharma 125039 30 Hisar 9813016832 Dr. Madan Lal 9416237367 ICTC,CHC Narnaud hisar pin 125039 Sh. Rajender Dr. Paleram Kataria 31 Hisar 9466760699 9416510720 ICTC,GH Adampur, Hisar PIN. Mr. Manjeev NA 32 125052 Hisar Kumar 9813954217 NA ICTC,TB Hospital Hisar pin 125001 Ajit Kumar Nisha Varma 01662‐0278150 M. 33 Hisar 9466206233 09991096990 ICTC,MAIMRE AGROHA HISAR pin Mr. Amit Kumar NA 34 code 125039 HISAR NA NA ICIC,GH Jind pin 126116 Mamta Sharma Dr Anil 35 Jind 9813016832 NA ICTC,GH Narwana,Jind PIN. 126116 Ms. Sandya Mr. B R Kayat 36 Jind 9416721784 9466340900 ICTC,CHC Saffidon,Jind PIN. 126112 Ms.Poonam Dr. Munish Bansal Bhan 37 Jind 9896613599 9416325324 ICTC,CHC Jullana,Jind PIN. 126102 NA NA 38 Jind NA ICTC,GH uchana,Jind pin 126115 Mr.Rangiram Dr. Lalit Gupta 39 Jind Verma 9466345615 9355431335 ICTC,GH Jhajjar PIN. 124103 Ms.Anju NA 40 Jhajjar 9315136943 NA ICTC,GH Bahadugarh,Jhajjar pin Neelam Dr. Inderjit 41 124507 Jhajjar Chaudery 9250987880 9255284385 ICTC,CHC Jamalpur,Jhajjar pin Ms. Bhawana Dr. Sanjay 42 Jhajjar 9728190648 9728160405 ICTC,GH Karnal Superiya Sharma NA 43 Karnal 9896376663 NA ICTC,CHC Assandh, Karnal pin Mr. Balwinder NA 132039 44 Karnal 9812073508 NA ICTC,CHC Indri Karnal pin 132041 Ms. Saroj Varma Dr. N K garg 45 Karnal 9416368713 9896001823 ICTC,GH Nilokhaeri,Karnal pin Mr. Rachit Kapila Dr J K Gulati 132117 46 Karnal 9416411071 9896095757 ICTC, CHC Gharaunda karnal pin Mr. Hawa Singh P K Chaudery 47 132114 Karnal 9896714366 NA ICTC,GH Kurukshetra pin code Ms Nisha 136118 Gajwani 48 Kurukshetra 9812476534 NA NA ICTC,CHC Shahbad Kurukshetra pin Mr. Varun NA 136135 Kaushik 49 Kurukshetra 9991666624 NA ICTC,CHC Pehawa Kurukshetra PIN. Mr.Gurpreet NA 136128 Singh 50 Kurukshetra 9991666609 NA ICTC,CHC Ladwa Kurukshetra pin Ms. Sarojbala Dr. Ashawani 136132 51 Kurukshetra 9992338272 01744‐260504 ICTC,GH Kaithal PIN. 136027 Ms. Madhu Dr. M C Verma Sharma 52 Kaithal 9416562082 01746‐233766 ICTC,CHC Rajond Kaithal pin Sh. Anoop Kumar Dr. Vikash Singh 136044 53 Kaithal 9896953221 9896748850 ICTC,CHC Kalayat Kaithal pin Ms. Geeta NA 136117 54 Kaithal 946604919 NA ICTC,CHC,Nuh Mewat pin code Sh. Vinod Kumar NA 55 122103 Mewat NA NA ICTC,CHC,Mandikhera PIN. 122104 Mr. Ashok Kumar NA 56 Mewat NA NA ICTC,CHC Ferojpur Zhirka mewat Mr. Umed Singh Dr. M.D. Sharma 57 PIN. 122104 Mewat 9050019830 01268‐277218 ICTC.GH Narnaul pin code 123001 NA NA 58 Narnaul NA NA ICTC,GH Mahendergarh, Narnaul Mr Ajay Kumar NA pin code 123029 59 Narnaul 9991666634 NA ICTC,GH Kanina, Narnaul pin code Ms. Sunita Yadav Dr. Sudarshan Kumar 9466330004 123027 60 Narnaul 9466677617 Room no. 23 Bhim Sain Sacchar NA 9992012350 ICTC,GH PIN. 1321034 Panipat 61 Panipat NA Dr. Rajkumar ICTC,CHC Samalkha,Panipat PIN. Ms. Jhosana 132101 Juneja 62 Panipat 9315821536 Dr. Shathi 2572196 ICTC,GH Panchkula pin code Mrs Anulampa Dr. Seema Gai 63 134109 Panchkula Sangwan NA 9876058060 ICTC,CHC Kalka Panchkula PIN. Ms. Geeta Dogra Rajesh Anand 133302 64 Panchkula 9463206080 01733‐220891 ICTC,CHC Raipur Rani Panchkula Mrs. Sarita Singh NA 01734 25864 PIN. 134203 65 Panchkula 9416725122 ICTC,BRS Institute of Medical Mr. Munish Kohli Ms. Suman Science, Kotbila Panchkula PIN. 134118 66 Panchkula NA ICTC,GH Rohtak PIN. 124001 Asha S.M.O. Deepu jakhar 67 Rohtak 9466231105 094167 66615 ICTC,CHC Maham Rohtak pin Ms. Pravinder NA 124142 Kaur 68 Rohtak 9990666639 NA ICTC,CHC Kalanaur Rohtak pin Sh. Munish Dr. Shiv Kumar 124113 69 Rohtak 9466236611 9416102900 ICTC,PGIMS Rohtak pin code Ms. Deepali Nitin Nanda 124001 70 Rohtak NA 9813218393 ICTC,CHC Sampla Rohtak PIN. Ms. Sunita NA 124501 71 Rohtak 9812813701 NA ICTC,GH Rewari pin code 123401 Ms. Suman Dr. Indra Yadav 72 Rewari 9466227810 9416288361 ICTC,CHC Kosli Rewari pin 123302 Naseeb Kumar Dr. Chitranjan 73 Rewari 9416858397 9416248144 ICTC,CHC Bawal Rewari pin code NA NA 123501 74 Rewari NA NA ICTC,GH Sonipat PIN. 131001 Ms. Saroj Bala Dr. Sukhbir 75 Sonipat 9253366178 NA ICTC,CHC Gohana Sonepat pin code Mr. Surender NA 131001 Dhaka 76 Sonipat NA NA ICTC,CHC Ganaur Sonepat pin code Sh. Rajinder NA 77 131001 Sonipat Singh DOA 9416163244 NA ICTC,CHC Kharkhoda Sonepat Mr. Narender NA pincode131001 Sandhu 78 Sonipat 09991666632 NA ICTC,CHC Badkhalsa Sonipat pin Mr. Pawan Dr. Java code 131001 Kumar 79 Sonipat 9466306626 NA ICTC,GH Sirsa PIN. 125055 Ms. Sarika Juneja NA 80 Sirsa NA NA ICTC,GH Dabwali Sirsa PIN. 125104 NA Dr. T R Mittal 81 Sirsa NA NA ICTC,CHC Ellanabad Sirsa pin Sh. Shainabh Dr. Rajender 125102 Arora 82 Sirsa 9991091789 01698 220347 ICTC,GH Chautala Sirsa PIN. 125101 NA NA 83 Sirsa NA NA ICTC,GH Yamunanagar PIN. 135001 Ms. Varsha Rani NA 09991666643 84 Yamunanagar NA ICTC,CHC Sadhora Yamunanagar Ms. Shalika Dr. Jagirmal PIN. 134204 Sharma 85 Yamunanagar 9416541171 9896510115 ICTC,CHC Radaur Yamunanagar Devender Singh NA 135133 86 Yamunanagar 9991666645 NA ICTC,CHC Khizarabad Yamunanagar Mr Suraj Bhan Dr. Jagvinder Singh pin code 135021 87 Yamunanagar 9896676350 9812146096 ICTC,GH Jaghaderi Yamunanagar Mr. Sanjeev NA PIN. 135003 Kumar 88 Yamunanagar NA NA.
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