
Jenny Mclean

Health Mapping – Locality Level (a full report available)

Moray is a rural area that covers 861 square miles The main towns are Elgin, , , Keith and . Moray has a higher than average younger population at present.

Health Mapping – Milne’s locality

Fochabers is a small town within Moray situated 9 miles from Elgin with a population of 1495

Within the Milne’s locality there are the smaller villages of Kingston, Garmouth, Spey Bay, Urquhart, and .

Current service provision for young people within the Milne’s locality includes: • One secondary school & 3 primary schools - with a total of 1233 pupils – all schools are participating in the health promoting schools accreditation. HPS is a whole school approach which identifies 9 priorities in relation to lifestyle e.g. healthy eating. Parents, pupils and teachers work together to identify the priorities for the whole school. • School Nurse • Guidance Support • Active Schools Co-ordinator • Home School Link Worker • Educational Psychologist • Mobile Information Bus • Community learning and Development Youth Worker • Transition Programmes within Schools • Community Pharmacy • Community Centre - Lhanbryde • GP practice • Lhanbryde Community Challenge • Libraries • Chill ‘n’ spill • Local access points


The agencies that took part in the health mapping within the Milne’s Locality include:

Home School Link Worker Local Community Network Officer

Health Visitors Dialogue Youth Worker

Lhanbryde Community Challenges Health Improvement Officer Schools

Community Learning and Development Officer

Community learning and Development Arts Development

Current Activity, Issues Identified, Barriers and Recommendations identified within the Milne’s Locality

1 Communication & Information

Agencies both at a local level and Moray wide were unaware of support services available to young people, what support other agencies could provide and how to access funding streams. Professionals also felt that there were strong links to be made as in some areas as it seems that there is duplication amongst the various forums and groups.

Key Issues / Barriers Identified • Lack of community spirit • Interagency communication • Challenging attitudes to health

Recommendations • Improved communication links between agencies and general public • Improved ICT links • Healthpoint drop-in specifically for each area • Provide consistent health information on lifestyles • A clear focus and action plan agreed by all partner agencies

“Talking more with each other, agencies knowing what each other are doing, identify gaps ” - Local Community Network Officer


2 Access to Services - Facilities/Premises

Moray due to its rurality raises issues in relation to access to services and highlights issues in regard to transport. It is also perceived by agencies that the majority of support services are based centrally within Elgin.

Key Issues / Barriers Identified • Lack of facilities for 9 – 16 year age group • Gap in support services

Recommendations • Increased access to affordable activities • Provision of youth clubs (day & evening) • Use of existing facilities within the smaller localities • Increased sporting activities • Youth Café

“More activities in and around Milne’s ASG and Young Parents, a youth café run by/for Young People ” - Home School Link Worker

3 Sustainability & Funding – short/long term

The majority of funding to available agencies is on a short term basis which has implications on the sustainability of service created.

Key Issues / Barriers Identified • Short term funding • Sustainability of staff due to short term funding

Recommendations • Increase the level of staff within the area working with young people. • Public injection of sustainable funding • Community and young people involvement • Identify long term project and staffing

“Closer links, permanent or long term projects and staff - ” Community Learning and Development Worker


4 Training

To support ‘Community Capacity Building’ it is vital that training is offered to various agencies to ‘support’ their roles within communities to enhance and develop confident, capable individuals, groups and organisation that can address issues affecting the quality of life in their community. (HMIe Scottish Executive).

Key Issues / Barriers Identified • Lack of appropriately trained staff • Lack of funding to support training

Recommendations • Identify key health issues – weight management, physical activity, sexual health, alcohol and provide a flexible training programme for staff working with young people

“Better up to date trained and equipped staff with accurate and relevant information” - Community Learning and Development Worker

5 Transport

Lack of a good public transport system is an ongoing issue in Moray particularly for the rural communities in being able to access basic services including health, schools and leisure facilities

Key Issues / Barriers Identified • Lack of accessible, affordable transport

Recommendations • Increased access to affordable transport

“ Transport realistic costings ” – Arts Development Worker


6 Child Care

Parents enjoy a pivotal role in shaping and even irrevocably determining, the long-term physical, mental and emotional and well being of their children. Being a parent is a complex and demanding task and parent’s ability to fulfil their role will be influenced by the information and support they receive as well as their own health, resilience and life circumstances. It is therefore crucial that parents receive accurate, relevant information in surroundings that provide them the opportunity to fully participate in any training awareness raising event. In Moray there is a distinct lack of appropriate venues and child care.

Key Issues / Barriers Identified • Lack of childcare • Lack of family support • Lack of early intervention initiatives

Recommendations • Increase activities & support for young parents • Early intervention programmes

“.Lack of childcare and Parent Groups” – Project Manager Lhanbryde Community Challenge

5 Issues/Barriers in services locally - Milne’s



3 Number 1st of Responses 2 2nd

1 3rd


Total Number of Responses Overall - 26

1st , 2 nd and 3 rd Responses 1st Total 2nd Total 3rd Total Gaps in Support 4 Transport 3 Trained Staff/Support 2 Services/Out of hours (15%) Available/Cost (15%) (11%) Funding 4 Child Care 3 Attitudes 2 (15%) (15%) (11%) Where possible similar aspects have been combined


Issues/Barriers in services locally - Milne’s Total Responses - 26 Gaps in support services/Out 4 (15%) Trained staff/Support staff 2 (8%) Early and current 1 (4%) of hours intervention

Funding 4 (15%) Attitudes 2 (8%) Isolation 1 (4%)

Transport available/Cost 3 (11%) Sustainability 1 (4%) Community involvement 1 (4%)

Child Care 3 (11%) Family support pre crisis 1 (4%) Inappropriate siting of 1 (4%) facilities

Facilities 1 (4%) Knowledge/Understandin 1 (4%) g

7 Provision in services locally - Milne’s

9 8

7 1st

6 Number 5 of Responses 4 2nd

3 2 3rd 1


Total Number of Responses Overall - 33

1st , 2 nd and 3 rd Responses 1st Total 2nd Total 3rd Total School Nurse/ 9 Mobile Information Bus 6 Drop Ins 3 Information/ (28%) (MIB) (18%) (9%) Teacher’s Guidance/health Promoting Schools Where possible similar aspects have been combined


Provision of health information and support – Milne’s Total Responses - 33 School Nurse/School 9 ( 28%) Lhanbryde village hall 2 (6%) Home school link 1 (3%) information/Teacher Guidance/ worker Health promoting schools

Mobile Information Bus (MIB) 6 (18%) Community 2 (6%) Chill n Spill 1 (3%) learning/Detached youth workers

Drop Ins 3 ( 9%) Health centres/GP/Heath 2 (6%) Lhanbryde community 1 (3%) visitors challenge

SMS Drop In 2 (6%) Health Point 1 (3%) Community pharmacies 1 (3%)

Libraries 1 (3%) Lhanbryde resource 1 (3%) centre

9 Recommendations/Requirements in services locally - Milnes


4 1st

Number 3 2nd of

Responses 2 3rd


0 Total Number of Responses Overall - 33

1st , 2 nd and 3 rd Responses 1st Total 2nd Total 3rd Total More Affordable activities/ 5 Permanent or Long Term 3 Permanent or Long Term 2 Resources/ (16%) Staff (9%) Projects (6%) Increased general activity Health 2 Issues/Weight/Oral/Attitudes/ (6%) Information Closer Links/Better 2 communication between (6%) agencies/general public/increased involvement Youth clubs Day/evening 2 (6%) Where possible similar aspects have been combined


Recommendations/Requirements in services locally - Milne’s Total Responses - 33 More affordable 5 (16%) Out of hour services 1 (3%) Trained and equipped 1 (3%) activities/Resources/Increased staff general activity provision

Permanent/Long term staff 3 (9%) Youth café run by/for Young 1 (3%) Transport 1 (3%) People Permanent/Long term projects 2(6%) Funding 1 (3%) Improved access to 1 (3%) provision Health 2 (6%) Drop in facilities 1 (3%) Relevant information 1 (3%) Issues/Weight/Oral./Attitudes Information

Closer links./Better 2 (6%) Emotional wellbeing 1 (3%) Better ICT links 1 (3%) communication between agencies and general public

Youth Clubs (day and evening) 1 (3%) Target teen issues 1 (3%) Parents groups 1 (3%)

Health visitor assistants 1 (3%) Sporting Activities 1 (3%)

11 List of Participants in Mapping Exercise - Milnes

Person Interviewed and Post Held Core Business & Role/Remit

David Millar Support and Develop Youth Work Community Learning and Development Worker Jean Wilcock Develop wider opportunities for Arts Development Worker access and participation to a broad range of arts and cultural activities Gail Buckley Target children and families who Home School Link Worker have issues that disrupt and hinder their education Moira Morrison Foster Social Inclusion Project Manager - Lhanbryde Community Challenge Patricia Weaver Promoting health, preventing disease Health Visitor

Daniel Edwards Providing information services to Dialogue Youth Worker young people leading onto targeted work Barbara Stearn Support for Health Promoting Schools Assistant Health Improvement Officer - Schools Ben Hinnie Work with statutory & voluntary Local Community Network Officer agencies in order to facilitate integrated work regarding services, promoting new initiatives