Thursday November 1, 2018

CNW Deadlines Club (s) Required By: Enter All Teams in MyCricket All clubs. Each Thursday by 8.30 pm. for Media Access. Annual Report and Financial All clubs. Within one week after AGM. Statements. Affiliation All clubs. Thursday November 1. Program Applications Due. Australian Cricket Infrastructure Fund Interested clubs. Monday December 3. Applications Due.

Events Wednesday November 7 & Start of Under-13, Under-15 & Under-17 Competitions. Thursday November 8

Sunday November 11 Start of the Female Competition Roster.

Wednesday November 14 CNW Board Meeting, Devonport, 6.00 pm.

Start of the Girls Under-17 Roster (double header with Female Sunday December 2 Competition teams – most games will be Monday nights).

Dropbox All documents mentioned in the CNW Bulletin are available via Dropbox. This reduces the number of attachments sent via email. You will see links to individual documents throughout the bulletin. For a link to the main CNW Bulletin folder, organised into relevant sub-folders, please click on the link below.


New Cricket Tasmania Staff Members

Ben Richmond has been appointed to the role of Cricket Promotions Officer – North West. Ben brings experience from a diverse sporting background including time at Collingwood Football Club, AFL Tasmania and working with the community engagement team at the North West Thunder.

Ben commenced this week, and will be working closely with our schools and entry-level programs.

James Jennings has been appointed to the role of Clubs Officer – Greater North. James has been employed with Queensland Cricket over the past 6 years and has gained experience through a variety of roles working with clubs and schools.

CNW Bulletin – November 1, 2018

New Cricket Tasmania Staff Members (continued)

James will commence on Monday 19th November and will be working across the North and North West regions in a Greater North role heavily focused on junior and female cricket.

Captains & Umpires Reports

A reminder to all 1st Grade and 2nd Grade Captains & Umpires to complete the new Survey Monkey Captains Reports and Umpires Reports after each game. They are due by 10.00 pm each Monday.

Links are available on the CNW website home page, and these reports are to be completed by Captains and Umpires for all 1st Grade, 2nd Grade and Female Competition matches.

Match Management Resources

Senior and Junior Rules Handbooks, information for scorers, PDF versions of rosters and other “How To” sheets and videos are available in a new section of the CNW website. Look for “Match Management Resources” on the CNW website homepage. This section will be updated regularly.

First Grade Scorers – Total Cricket Scorer link to MyCricket

First Grade scorers are reminded to follow exactly the steps outlined in the “How To Sheet” or “How To Video” for using the Total Cricket Scorer link to MyCricket feature. In recent weeks, some scorers have not been following these instructions exactly, and thus, scores are not being synced to MyCricket or the result isn’t being confirmed (matches are showing up as one over short of completion).

Remember to “Download the Fixture” from MyCricket when you set up a match.

At the end of the match, you need to “Upload Match” so that the result is synced to MyCricket.

First Grade Scorers’ Laptop – Update Total Cricket Scorer

Cricket Australia has advised CNW to update Total Cricket Scorer on all 1st Grade scorer laptops.

You can download the latest version of TCS here:

Or simply accept the prompt to update inside your current version of TCS.

Along with other minor improvements, the latest version adds support for ball-by-ball score updates to the MyCricket app and website. Just download a fixture from MyCricket and the match will be updated live as you score on the MyCricket website and mobile app.

Once you have downloaded the latest version on your scorer’s laptop, follow the prompts to install the updated version.

Prepared for Cricket North West – for distribution to players, clubs, umpires and volunteers Nathan Dennis – Community Competitions Officer | Shop 3/142 William St, Devonport, TAS 7310 T: 03 6282 0454 | M: 0429 961 700 | E: [email protected] | W: CNW Bulletin – November 1, 2018

Scoring with iPads – 2nd Grade, Female Competition, Juniors

All clubs received two iPads, keyboard covers and chargers recently. One iPad is to be used for Girls Under-17 matches exclusively, although it can be used for the Under-13s before and after the girls’ roster.

The second iPad is to be retained at each club’s turf venue, and is to be used for all home 2nd Grade, Female Competition, Under-17 and Under-15 matches (e.g. home team to use iPad, away team to use scorebook). It is expected that home clubs will begin using these devices now, with the away team to use a manual scorebook (or you can score away games on a personal device, with only the home team to sync to MyCricket). Scores can be synced from the app to MyCricket via the club’s internet connection or a personal hotspot. This enables “Live Scores” and removes the need for results and scores to be entered in MyCricket manually.

The MyCricket Live Score app is installed on each iPad. It is hoped that those who attended the Club Development Expo MyCricket session will help train players and officials to use the app.

Links to support articles, tips and tricks, videos and a demo match are available in the “Match Management Resources” section on the CNW website home page.

Great resources are also available via the MyCricket Support Helpdesk (1800 274 2538) and MyCricket Support website.

MyCricket Live Score App Support

Cricket Tasmania have a casual staff member available to assist with training and troubleshooting in the use of MyCricket Live Score App. Josh Bell is ready to meet with club volunteers to provide additional assistance in setting up matches, using the app, and dealing with any unexpected situations.

It is fantastic that we have this additional resource available to us. Clubs are strongly encouraged to contact Josh and book in some training and support. He can be contacted via the details below:

Josh Bell – [email protected] or 0417 944 337.

MyCricket Admin Support

Cricket Tasmania staff are available to conduct training sessions for club volunteers in navigating the various features of MyCricket Admin. This could include online player registration, team selections, results entry, contact management and websites. It could also include a tutorial in completing the key requirements of the CT Affiliation Program.

Please contact me to book in a training session. Group sessions in the club environment are preferred, but individual follow-up training can also be arranged.

Viewing Live Match Scores

The MyCricket App is the easiest way to view live CNW scores. Download and install the app from the App Store (iPhone or iPad) or Google Play Store (Android). You can then select your own club or Cricket North West as a favourite and follow the live scores.

Prepared for Cricket North West – for distribution to players, clubs, umpires and volunteers Nathan Dennis – Community Competitions Officer | Shop 3/142 William St, Devonport, TAS 7310 T: 03 6282 0454 | M: 0429 961 700 | E: [email protected] | W: CNW Bulletin – November 1, 2018

Teams to the Media – MyCricket Option

Fairfax Media are providing Cricket North West clubs with a streamlined way of submitting their teams to The Advocate Newspaper. Instead of submitting teams via The Advocate’s online form, clubs are to ensure ALL teams are entered in MyCricket by 8.30 pm each Thursday. This will take effect from this week.

You can select teams on your club laptop or iPad using the MyCricket login supplied. Simply go to, log in with your User ID and password, and select your teams. A “How To” sheet for selecting teams in MyCricket is available in the Dropbox.

If one of your teams is training on Friday for a Sunday game, you can select a squad to go to The Advocate.

Entering teams in MyCricket on a Thursday night has the added the advantage of ensuring that all teams are available for downloading matches to Total Cricket Scorer or the MyCricket Live Score app, ready for the weekend’s matches. This will be a big help to your scorers! Last-minute additions and withdrawals can be made from within these apps.

Umpires – Awarding Votes for Greater Northern Cup Games in the North

First Grade umpires are not required to complete an Umpires Report or votes for any Men’s Greater Northern Cup matches played at Cricket North venues. The appointed Cricket North umpire shall enter the Greater Northern Cup Player of the Year Award votes for these games.

CNW umpires only need to submit an Umpires Report for these games at Cricket North venues if a player from a CNW club is awarded a yellow card or is reported. Our players are subject to the CNW disciplinary procedures.

Day-Night Greater Northern Cup Fixture

Devonport and Wynyard will be playing their Round 4 Greater Northern Cup One-Day fixture as a Day-Night match at Devonport Oval this Saturday, November 3. The game starts at 2.30 pm and will run through until 9.30 pm. The match will coincide with a DCC Ladies Day function.

Thanks to both clubs for their co-operation. It will be great to see One-Day cricket under lights at The Oval!

Female Competition Roster

The CNW Female Competition roster commences on Sunday November 11. All six CNW clubs have nominated a team. We welcome Sheffield into this competition for the first time, with Devonport returning to the competition after a five-year hiatus.

The roster for the opening half of the season has been set, and is available in Dropbox. The roster is also available in the “Match Centre” menu on the CNW website.

Prepared for Cricket North West – for distribution to players, clubs, umpires and volunteers Nathan Dennis – Community Competitions Officer | Shop 3/142 William St, Devonport, TAS 7310 T: 03 6282 0454 | M: 0429 961 700 | E: [email protected] | W: CNW Bulletin – November 1, 2018

Female Pre-Season Gala Day

Thanks to all clubs for their participation in last Sunday’s Female Pre-Season Gala Day at Maidstone Park. It was the first time we have had all six clubs competing in a female competition, and the day was a great opportunity to welcome new players and test the MyCricket Live Score App.

Most teams looked to be relatively even, which augurs well for the season.

Cricket Tasmania captured some video footage from the event, which we will use to promote female cricket in the region.

I took numerous photos on the day, and each club will be provided with a link to an online folder containing photos of their players. These photos can be used for club promotional purposes.

Congratulations go to the Burnie Hurricanes, who claimed the inaugural Pre-Season Gala Day premiership, defeating Sheffield in the Grand Final.

Junior Coaches and Junior Co-ordinator’s Meeting

Thanks to the JDO’s and junior coaches who attended Monday night’s meeting. Representatives received a briefing on rule changes, competition management and rosters.

Each club received copies of the Junior Rules Handbook and scorebooks to be used for Under-13, Under-15 and Under-17 games.

Digital copies of the Meeting Presentation and Junior Rules Handbook are available in Dropbox, and in the “Match Management Resources” section of the CNW website.

All coaches and JDO’s are strongly encouraged to familiarise themselves with these documents.

Junior Rosters

Thanks to clubs for providing their junior team nominations for 2018/19. Yesterday the Round 1 and 2 fixtures were released for the Under-13, Under-15 and Under-17 competitions, and clubs also received instructions for booking grounds and managing games.

The Under-13s and Under-15s will start on Wednesday November 7, playing T20 twilight matches.

The Under-17s will commence on Thursday November 8, also playing T20 twilight matches.

The midweek fixtures are to avoid a clash with the Australia v South Africa ODI at Blundstone Arena on Sunday November 18.

All grades will play Round 2 One-Day matches on Sunday November 18.

Round 1 and 2 fixtures are available in the “Match Centre” menu on the CNW website.

Clubs can add or withdraw teams by Monday November 12, with the full junior rosters to be completed by Friday November 16.

Prepared for Cricket North West – for distribution to players, clubs, umpires and volunteers Nathan Dennis – Community Competitions Officer | Shop 3/142 William St, Devonport, TAS 7310 T: 03 6282 0454 | M: 0429 961 700 | E: [email protected] | W: CNW Bulletin – November 1, 2018

Good Sports Registration Incentive

The Summer of Good Sports competition offers new clubs who join their free program the opportunity to win $500 for their club. The Good Sports program provides tools, resources and policies around alcohol management, tobacco, illegal drugs, safe transport and junior role- modelling.

Any CNW clubs not currently registered with Good Sports are eligible for this competition if they register before November 16. More information is available here -

Australian Cricket Infrastructure Fund

The Australian Cricket Infrastructure Fund is now open in Tasmania. Clubs, associations and councils across the state can now apply to receive a grant of up to $50,000 as Cricket Tasmania and seek to enhance the quantity and quality of infrastructure across all levels of community cricket.

All information, guidelines and an online application form are available here –

Applications close on Monday December 3. Please contact me if you require any assistance or information to support your application.

Australian Sports Foundation

The Australian Sports Foundation (ASF) supports local grassroots clubs to help fundraise for cricketing projects. This includes training nets or other facilities, rollers, equipment, initiatives to increase participation, costs of team travel – anything that helps improve your cricket club!

Once your club has signed up you’ll get your very own fundraising page that is easily accessible and can be shared online via social media.

All donations of $2 or more are tax-deductible. For more information, view the “Cricket Fundraising Toolkit”, available in Dropbox.

This could be a worthy partner initiative to support any facility projects for which you are also seeking Australian Cricket Infrastructure Fund contributions.

Lion Co Representative

As you would be aware, Lion Co. is Cricket Tasmania’s new alcohol partner, taking over from CUB. All clubs should be exclusively stocking and selling Lion Co. beer and cider products from their first home game.

Through this new partnership with Lion Co., Cricket Tasmania have arranged some additional benefits for clubs to support their products.

Your club could be getting rewarded for purchases of Lion Co. product, be that directly through them, or via your local, just by ensuring you stock their range of products.

Prepared for Cricket North West – for distribution to players, clubs, umpires and volunteers Nathan Dennis – Community Competitions Officer | Shop 3/142 William St, Devonport, TAS 7310 T: 03 6282 0454 | M: 0429 961 700 | E: [email protected] | W: CNW Bulletin – November 1, 2018

Lion Co Representative (continued)

It’s as easy as contacting Henry Schreier ([email protected] or 0428 182 628) to find out the details and see if it works for your club. He will then put you in contact with your local Lion Co. Representative to ensure you have on-the-ground support moving forward.

Community Champions Campaign

Calling all Community Champions around Australia! Do you know someone with an inspiring story that deserves to be told? Australian cricket is brimming with the untold stories of its Community Champions and we want to hear them.

Cricket Australia’s Community Champions Campaign is back this year and it’s bigger than ever!

A Community Champion can be defined as an inspiring individual in the community who makes cricket a great sport for all.

More information is available via this online flyer.

There are plenty of great examples from within CNW. Nominate your Community Champions today!

Lords Taverners Tasmania - Major Event

Lords Taverners Tasmania is hosting its “Spirit of Cricket & Sporting Chance Awards” function prior to the Australia v South Africa Men’s One-Day International at Blundstone Arena on Sunday November 11.

Their event will be held from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm at Bellerive Yacht Club. Lords Taverners Australia Ambassador Adam Gilchrist will be the guest speaker. Only 100 places are available.

Tickets cost $95 each (including brunch). More information is available on the Lords Taverners Tasmania website.

Online Player Registration

If they haven’t done so already, all clubs are reminded to activate online registration for the 2018/19 season. This allows players to confirm or update their contact information and register for their club without the need for club officials to handle all the paperwork. Sounds good!

I set up online player registration for all clubs in the past, so club officials should only have to update the dates and subscription amounts to prepare for 2018/19.

Cricket Tasmania have put together a handy “Save Your Club Secretary” instruction sheet to help clubs set up their online registration, and prepare players to register themselves online. Check it out in Dropbox. It is a better way to have players review and update their contact details than a paper- based registration form, from which you must manually enter details in MyCricket.

Prepared for Cricket North West – for distribution to players, clubs, umpires and volunteers Nathan Dennis – Community Competitions Officer | Shop 3/142 William St, Devonport, TAS 7310 T: 03 6282 0454 | M: 0429 961 700 | E: [email protected] | W: CNW Bulletin – November 1, 2018

MyCricket Contact Details

All clubs should ensure that the contact details listed in MyCricket are correct. This will ensure that any player registration enquiries, clearance applications and other communications are directed to current club contacts.

Club officials should log into MyCricket ( and click on the “Administration” tab. They should then navigate to the “Organisation” menu and check/update details listed in the “Organisation Details”, “Office Bearers”, “Contacts for Parent Organisations” and “Notification Subscribers” sections.

Clearances & Transfers

Clubs should have been active in seeking clearances for their new recruits by following the transfer and clearance process in MyCricket. Any player who is new to your club, and played cricket at another club (CNW or community club) last season must obtain a clearance before they will be eligible to play.

When your club requests a clearance for a player, the clearance application is sent to their former club for approval (they will approve it if the player does not owe them money, uniform or is contracted) and finally, it will be approved by CNW. If no response is received from the former club within 10 days, the player will be granted a clearance.

In cases of dual registration, where, for example, a Circular Head Under-17 player is playing with a CNW club on Saturdays (or a junior player who is playing with a community club on Saturdays and a CNW junior team on Sundays), a clearance is not the appropriate mechanism. In these cases, a player transfer is appropriate, so that they can be registered to play with both teams.

Transfers could also be applicable for Female Competition players participating in community cricket on Saturdays and community association players participating in CNW T20 competitions or filling in for a 2nd Grade team.

To submit clearances and transfers, log on to MyCricket. Click on the “Teams” tab, then go to the “Players” menu. Scroll down to “Permits and Clearances”, and click on “Person Transfer or Player Clearance”. You can then apply for a transfer or clearance from the club the player last played with.

Note: Do not leave clearances to the last minute and expect them to be approved (or apply for them after a player has taken the field for you). If you haven’t received a response and require one urgently (i.e. inside 10 days), you are responsible for contacting the other club to expedite matters, not me.

You cannot play someone who has not been cleared by their former club, nor can they be registered to play in CNW. Clubs subverting this process will forfeit any matches in which an uncleared, unregistered player takes the field.

Finally, to ensure that clearance processes are not unnecessarily delayed, please check that current club contacts are receiving notification of clearance applications. Contacts can be set in the “Administration” menu in MyCricket, under “Organisation”, then scrolling down to “Notification Subscribers List”.

Please contact me if you have any questions about this process, particularly if you are unsure as to whether to apply for a transfer or clearance for a specific player.

Prepared for Cricket North West – for distribution to players, clubs, umpires and volunteers Nathan Dennis – Community Competitions Officer | Shop 3/142 William St, Devonport, TAS 7310 T: 03 6282 0454 | M: 0429 961 700 | E: [email protected] | W: CNW Bulletin – November 1, 2018


Cricket North West is keen to see some new umpires join the ranks this season. We welcome all males and females with an interest in cricket and a willingness to learn to come on board as a CNW umpire. We offer regular training, uniform items and competitive match payments and travel assistance. There are opportunities to umpire games on Saturdays and Sundays across multiple formats and grades.

If you are interested in learning more about umpiring with CNW, please contact Regional Administrator Nathan Dennis on 6282 0454 or email [email protected].

PlayCricket Marketing Resources

All clubs and associations are encouraged to use marketing tools to promote cricket and encourage people to get involved. Marketing material can be used to: (1) encourage new participants to play cricket; (2) get volunteers involved at a club or association; and (3) keep members informed of new and improved programs and changes to formats.

Cricket Australia has developed a wide range of resources fit for this purpose, available from within your club’s MyCricket Admin account, or via the MyCricket Community website.

You have the option to use or generic branding for your materials. Take advantage of this ready-made solution to assist with your recruitment and retention activities!

Club AGM’s and Annual Reports

All clubs are asked to provide me with their 2017/18 Annual Report and Financial Statements within one week of their meeting.

This is a CNW and Cricket Tasmania requirement.

Cricket Tasmania Affiliation Program

All clubs recently received information about CT’s new Affiliation Program, combining a lot of the administration and governance requirements already sought from clubs, with resources and support provided in one place.

In addition, the Affiliation Program will provide a mechanism for CT to ensure that all Clubs adopt the new Cricket Australia Child Safety Framework and comply with the Tasmanian Government’s Working with Vulnerable People legislation. I’m sure you’ll agree that there is no more important task than looking after our children!

The Affiliation Program Information document details the program and what is required to successfully affiliate with Cricket Tasmania. The document includes links to “How To” sheets for each step to assist volunteers.

We invite clubs to register for the 2018/19 Affiliation Program by Thursday November 1.

Please note that affiliated clubs will receive priority access to Cricket Australia and Cricket Tasmania funding streams, such as the Australian Cricket Infrastructure Fund or Growing Cricket for Girls Fund.

Prepared for Cricket North West – for distribution to players, clubs, umpires and volunteers Nathan Dennis – Community Competitions Officer | Shop 3/142 William St, Devonport, TAS 7310 T: 03 6282 0454 | M: 0429 961 700 | E: [email protected] | W: CNW Bulletin – November 1, 2018

Cricket Tasmania Affiliation Program (continued)

You will also receive priority access to training and workshops offered by Cricket Tasmania, such as MyCricket Live Score app tutorials.

A Safeguarding Children and Cricket Tasmania Affiliation workshop will be delivered at the Club Development Expo at Penguin District School on Wednesday October 10. Club representatives are encouraged to attend this workshop from 6.45 – 7.30 pm. Please register your attendance via our Club Development Expo link.

Girls Under-14 and Girls Under-17 Outfield “Come & Try” Roster Overview

Alex King has put together a brief overview of how we envisage clubs preparing female players for the Girls Under-13 Gala Day and Girls Under-17 competition. See below:

- We encourage clubs to facilitate small sided outfield rosters to encourage girls who have not played cricket before to attend and learn the game – opposed to going straight in to the nets with all the gear on. - These rosters will hopefully build confidence and greater game understanding for players in the lead up to the Cricket North West Competitions. - We are hopeful girls can enjoy the games in a social setting and encourage them to recruit their friends over the 4 weeks. - Clubs can run the outfield roster at any time on any night that suits – we encourage that it goes no longer than 1 hour. This possibly could be run instead of training for these age groups. - At the end of the 4 weeks, clubs can then enter teams in the CNW Girls U17 roster and the U13 Gala Day competition. - As part of the Growing Cricket for Girls funding scheme, CT can arrange a payment of $500 to clubs to help purchase any gear, marketing material or support coaches for the 4-week outfield roster.

Defibrillator Funding

Defibrillators save lives, which is why the Hodgman Liberal Government will deliver 180 new Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs) over the next two years around the state. Application are now open for the fund, which is the biggest single investment in community defibrillators the state’s ever seen. When a heart suddenly and unexpectedly stops beating, having a defibrillator deliver an electric current within the first few minutes is critical. The chance of survival after a cardiac arrest declines by up to 10 per cent a minute, so early access to an AED is live-saving. The Government are committed to making Tasmanians’ lives better, and we believe those living in rural and regional areas in every corner of our state should not be disadvantaged. The cost of an AED is often outside the reach of many not-for-profit and community-led organisations, so this fund is an important investment in community safety. Online applications to host an AED are open to individuals, community organisations and not-for-profit organisations at Applications close on Monday November 5, 2018. You might like to submit a joint application with other clubs that share your venue to increase your chances of success?

Prepared for Cricket North West – for distribution to players, clubs, umpires and volunteers Nathan Dennis – Community Competitions Officer | Shop 3/142 William St, Devonport, TAS 7310 T: 03 6282 0454 | M: 0429 961 700 | E: [email protected] | W: CNW Bulletin – November 1, 2018

Cricket Australia Clubs and Associations News

All club officials are encouraged to subscribe to Cricket Australia’s Club and Association news. The e- newsletters feature links to helpful resources to assist in the running of your club.

The most recent edition featured assistance with online registration, child safety, the My Cricket Live Score and a Community Coaching update.

Click on the image below to view the latest newsletter, and hit the subscribe button to sign up for the next edition.



Remember that all documents mentioned in this Bulletin are available in Dropbox, saving multiple email attachments being sent to club contacts.


Prepared for Cricket North West – for distribution to players, clubs, umpires and volunteers Nathan Dennis – Community Competitions Officer | Shop 3/142 William St, Devonport, TAS 7310 T: 03 6282 0454 | M: 0429 961 700 | E: [email protected] | W: CNW Bulletin – November 1, 2018

As always, please contact me if you have any questions about the contents of this Bulletin or general CNW competition enquiries.

Nathan Dennis Cricket Tasmania – Community Competitions Officer E: [email protected] P: 03 6282 0454 M: 0429 961 700

For other Cricket Tasmania matters, please contact:

Alex King Cricket Tasmania – Cricket Manager (Greater North) E: [email protected] P: 03 6282 0455 M: 0477 444 401

Prepared for Cricket North West – for distribution to players, clubs, umpires and volunteers Nathan Dennis – Community Competitions Officer | Shop 3/142 William St, Devonport, TAS 7310 T: 03 6282 0454 | M: 0429 961 700 | E: [email protected] | W: