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Layout Foundation Institute for Eastern Studies


Warsaw 2019 Table of Contents

Programme 11

List of Speakers 81

List of Participants 189

Partners 241 12th December 12th December Economic Visegrad Business Time Investments Innovations Infrastructure Economy Meetings and Management

13:30-14:00 Welcome Coffee / Guest Registration Welcome Coffee / Guest Registration

14:00-15:00 Thematic Block: Local Healthy and Well-educa- Local Government as an Thematic Block: Infrastruc- Smart Supply Chains. From The Future is Now. An Econo- Products on the Inter- ted Citizens as the Best Investor of Growing Im- ture – the Key to Regional Artificial Intelligence to Block- my without Crystal Ball Gazing national Market – An Investment in the Future. portance on the Market Development chain. new Image of Logistics Asset for the Domestic How to Achieve it? Industry?

15:00-15:10 Break Break

15:10-16:10 Thematic Block: Active Thematic Block: Trans- By Train or by Bus? The Thematic Block: Export and The Euro Versus National Cur- Polish Shipowners – a Key Citizens = Active Region. port Infrastructure In the Future of Regional Con- Expansion of Polish Companies rencies. Still a Dilemma or Not Element of Logistics Security Civic Society as a Pillar of Regions – What To Invest nections – Aspirations, Climate, Barriers any More? in Central and Eastern Europe Regional Development In And How To Do It? and Opportunities

16:10-16:20 Coffee Break Coffee Break

16:20-17:20 Thematic Block: Car Thematic Block: Going Thematic Block: Invest The Supervisory Board – Thematic Block: Innovations in Thematic Block: The Idea Transport – Can That Be Smart. How to Achieve in... How to Increase Inve- Burden or Support for a Family Agri-Food as A Driving Force of of Zero Waste and the Polish Ecological? Operational Excellence in stment Attractiveness? Business Economy Legal System Urban Management?

17:20-17:30 Break Break

17:30-18:45 Thematic Block: Energy Thematic Block: Start- Thematic Block: Landsli- Family Business – Competitive Thematic Block: Foreign Direct Thematic Block: How to Security in Industry -up Hype. Are Start-ups des – Is this a Big Problem Advantage or Obstacle for Investment – How to Effectively Optimize the Expenses in the in Losing the for the Economy? Development? Support Investors? Healthcare System? Momentum?

18:45 – 19:00 Break Break

19:00-20:00 Plennary Session Plennary Session

20:00 Official Gala of the 4th Industry Forum Official Gala of the 4th Industry Forum

12th December 12th December Economic Visegrad Business Time Investments Innovations Infrastructure Economy Meetings and Management

13:30-14:00 Welcome Coffee / Guest Registration Welcome Coffee / Guest Registration

14:00-15:00 Thematic Block: Local Healthy and Well-educa- Local Government as an Thematic Block: Infrastruc- Smart Supply Chains. From The Future is Now. An Econo- Products on the Inter- ted Citizens as the Best Investor of Growing Im- ture – the Key to Regional Artificial Intelligence to Block- my without Crystal Ball Gazing national Market – An Investment in the Future. portance on the Market Development chain. new Image of Logistics Asset for the Domestic How to Achieve it? Industry?

15:00-15:10 Break Break

15:10-16:10 Thematic Block: Active Thematic Block: Trans- By Train or by Bus? The Thematic Block: Export and The Euro Versus National Cur- Polish Shipowners – a Key Citizens = Active Region. port Infrastructure In the Future of Regional Con- Expansion of Polish Companies rencies. Still a Dilemma or Not Element of Logistics Security Civic Society as a Pillar of Regions – What To Invest nections – Aspirations, Climate, Barriers any More? in Central and Eastern Europe Regional Development In And How To Do It? and Opportunities

16:10-16:20 Coffee Break Coffee Break

16:20-17:20 Thematic Block: Car Thematic Block: Going Thematic Block: Invest The Supervisory Board – Thematic Block: Innovations in Thematic Block: The Idea Transport – Can That Be Smart. How to Achieve in... How to Increase Inve- Burden or Support for a Family Agri-Food as A Driving Force of of Zero Waste and the Polish Ecological? Operational Excellence in stment Attractiveness? Business Economy Legal System Urban Management?

17:20-17:30 Break Break

17:30-18:45 Thematic Block: Energy Thematic Block: Start- Thematic Block: Landsli- Family Business – Competitive Thematic Block: Foreign Direct Thematic Block: How to Security in Industry -up Hype. Are Start-ups des – Is this a Big Problem Advantage or Obstacle for Investment – How to Effectively Optimize the Expenses in the in Poland Losing the for the Economy? Development? Support Investors? Healthcare System? Momentum?

18:45 – 19:00 Break Break

19:00-20:00 Plennary Session Plennary Session

20:00 Official Gala of the 4th Industry Forum Official Gala of the 4th Industry Forum

13th December 13th December Economic Visegrad Time Investments Innovations Infrastructure Economy Meetings 09:00-09:10 Coffee Break Coffee Break Thematic Block: E-Commerce Market Thematic Block: Industrial Monocul- Thematic Block: Safe Industry Thematic Block: Pillars of The Potential of Cross-Border 09:10-10:25 and New Technologies ture is not a Monopoly. How to Build – How to Protect Your Business Polish Economy Cooperation Between Poland a Regional (Intelligent) Specialisation? from Cyber Attacks? and the Czech Republic 10:25-10:35 Coffee Break Coffee Break SME Development Barriers in 2020 Digital Technologies – Opportunity of The Role of the Arms Indu- Thematic Block: Employee Thematic Block: Industry 4.0 Threat for the Labour Market? stry in Today's International Capital Plans Implementation – How to Face the Challenge? 10:35-11:50 Relations in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprices 11:50-12:00 Coffee Break Coffee Break Thematic Block: (post)Industrial Cities Thematic Block: Social Insurance and Contemporary Challenges Development Directions of Thematic Block: Sustainable and Regions – How to Ensure Their Polish Economy of Regional Tourism – Entre- Distributed Energy in Lower Development Versus Global 12:00-13:00 Development? preneurship, Investments, Silesia on the Example of the Challenges Innovations Eław Energetic Cluster EKO 13:00-13:10 Coffee Break Coffee Break Thematic Block: Modern Tourism Thematic Block: Hospital of the Future Thematic Block: Regional Building Trademark on Local, Not Only Prague, Not Only – Trends and Alternative Paths of – Innovation and Informatization in the Intelligent Specializations – Regional and International Wrocław – Tourism and Regio- 13:10-14:10 Development Healthcare System the Key to Extracting the Full Level nal Connections Development Potential? 14:10-14:20 Coffee Break Coffee Break Thematic Block: Cross-Border Eco- Cultural Industry as a Way to Regional Sports Industry – How to Make At the Dawn of the Economic Carpathian Brand – Ambitions 14:20-15:20 nomic Cooperation in Europe. High Development Business on Physical Activity? Crisis. Who Can Benefit from it? Versus Possibilities Hopes or Missed Opportunities 15:20-15:30 Coffee Break Coffee Break Business investment in R&D – is it Thematic Block: Influencers – Ambas- Thematic Block: „United We How to Encourage SMEs to Tourist from Poland, Tourist profitable? sadors of Products and Ideas. Tomorro- Stand”. How Industrial and Increase Investment Spending? from Hungary – How to Maxi- 15:30-16:30 w's Communication Technology Parks Have Become mise the Touristic Potential of a Driving Force for Develop- Both Countries ment? 16:30-16:40 Coffee Break Coffee Break Renewable Energy Without Subsidies? Thematic Block: Praising Start-Ups Thematic Block: Innovations in The Family Foundation as an Culture or Religion. What Do Prospects for Development. but Then What? How to Effectively Energy Sector – Obstacles and Innovative Solution in the We Need In Business? 16:40-17:55 Implement Innovative Ideas of Small Challenges for Next Decades Succession of Polish Family Business Nation-Wide? Businesses 18:00 THE CLOSING RECEPTION THE CLOSING RECEPTION

14th December 14th December Recreational Programme Recreational Programme 13th December 13th December Economic Visegrad Time Investments Innovations Infrastructure Economy Meetings 09:00-09:10 Coffee Break Coffee Break Thematic Block: E-Commerce Market Thematic Block: Industrial Monocul- Thematic Block: Safe Industry Thematic Block: Pillars of The Potential of Cross-Border 09:10-10:25 and New Technologies ture is not a Monopoly. How to Build – How to Protect Your Business Polish Economy Cooperation Between Poland a Regional (Intelligent) Specialisation? from Cyber Attacks? and the Czech Republic 10:25-10:35 Coffee Break Coffee Break SME Development Barriers in 2020 Digital Technologies – Opportunity of The Role of the Arms Indu- Thematic Block: Employee Thematic Block: Industry 4.0 Threat for the Labour Market? stry in Today's International Capital Plans Implementation – How to Face the Challenge? 10:35-11:50 Relations in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprices 11:50-12:00 Coffee Break Coffee Break Thematic Block: (post)Industrial Cities Thematic Block: Social Insurance and Contemporary Challenges Development Directions of Thematic Block: Sustainable and Regions – How to Ensure Their Polish Economy of Regional Tourism – Entre- Distributed Energy in Lower Development Versus Global 12:00-13:00 Development? preneurship, Investments, Silesia on the Example of the Challenges Innovations Eław Energetic Cluster EKO 13:00-13:10 Coffee Break Coffee Break Thematic Block: Modern Tourism Thematic Block: Hospital of the Future Thematic Block: Regional Building Trademark on Local, Not Only Prague, Not Only – Trends and Alternative Paths of – Innovation and Informatization in the Intelligent Specializations – Regional and International Wrocław – Tourism and Regio- 13:10-14:10 Development Healthcare System the Key to Extracting the Full Level nal Connections Development Potential? 14:10-14:20 Coffee Break Coffee Break Thematic Block: Cross-Border Eco- Cultural Industry as a Way to Regional Sports Industry – How to Make At the Dawn of the Economic Carpathian Brand – Ambitions 14:20-15:20 nomic Cooperation in Europe. High Development Business on Physical Activity? Crisis. Who Can Benefit from it? Versus Possibilities Hopes or Missed Opportunities 15:20-15:30 Coffee Break Coffee Break Business investment in R&D – is it Thematic Block: Influencers – Ambas- Thematic Block: „United We How to Encourage SMEs to Tourist from Poland, Tourist profitable? sadors of Products and Ideas. Tomorro- Stand”. How Industrial and Increase Investment Spending? from Hungary – How to Maxi- 15:30-16:30 w's Communication Technology Parks Have Become mise the Touristic Potential of a Driving Force for Develop- Both Countries ment? 16:30-16:40 Coffee Break Coffee Break Renewable Energy Without Subsidies? Thematic Block: Praising Start-Ups Thematic Block: Innovations in The Family Foundation as an Culture or Religion. What Do Prospects for Development. but Then What? How to Effectively Energy Sector – Obstacles and Innovative Solution in the We Need In Business? 16:40-17:55 Implement Innovative Ideas of Small Challenges for Next Decades Succession of Polish Family Business Nation-Wide? Businesses 18:00 THE CLOSING RECEPTION THE CLOSING RECEPTION

14th December 14th December Recreational Programme Recreational Programme

Programme December 12 12 Plenary Session

19:00 – 20:00 Plenary Session

Private, National, Cooperative and Communal – Does the Ownership Type Affect How Businesses Function?

Only last year about 360,000 new companies appeared on the Polish entrepreneurship map. Nearly 75% of them are sole proprietorships that are the foundation of the domestic economy. They often provide services to larger businesses on the market, such as companies, local government ownership and, finally, the property belonging to the Treasury. Does the form of ownership affect the functioning of the business? What facilities and obstacles await Polish companies in the current economic situation? How to manage a company so that it can perform the most effectively on the market?

Special guest: • Jaroslaw Gowin – Deputy Prime Minister, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland Moderator: • Boguslaw Chrabota – Editor-in-Chief, Rzeczpospolita Daily, Poland Speakers: • Krzysztof Balawejder – President of the Board, Municipal Transport Facility in Wroclaw, Poland • Filip Grzegorczyk – President of the Management Board, TAURON Polska Energia S.A., Poland • Mirosław Kozlakiewicz – Chairman of the Supervisory Board, CEDROB S.A., Poland • Katarzyna Szarzec – Associate Professor, Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland December 12 Business and Management 13

14:00 – 15:00 Discussion Panel

The Future is Now. An Economy without Crystal Ball Gazing

Partner: Employers’ Organization of Polish Copper

Technological transformations do not happen without social and environmental changes which impact business and the labour market. During our panel we would like to address the following questions: • How to prepare our organisations for the 4.0 industrial revolution? • How we can use future scenarios to change our organisations and work places? • What are the key leadership challenges resulting form dogitalisation and its impact upon people and business? • What are the consequences of demographic changes upon the future labour market?

Moderator: • Beata Staszkow – President of the Board, Employers’ Organization of Polish Copper, Poland Speakers: • Beata Bukowska – Partner, Inwenta Sp. z o.o., Poland • Jolanta Jasinska – HR Manager, Mine Master Sp. z o.o., Poland • Mieczyslaw Morawski – Professor, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland • Roman Wendt – Director Board Member, Stowarzyszenie Interim Managers, Poland • Krzysztof Woloszyn – Mayor, Zukowice Commune, Poland • Magdalena Wrobel – Executive Director Human Resources, Poland KGHM Polska Miedź S.A., Poland December 12 14 Business and Management

15:10 – 16:10 Discussion Panel

Polish Shipowners – a Key Element of Logistics Security in Central and Eastern Europe

Partner: Polsteam

Polish shipowners operating on the global transport market have a significant impact on the stability and development of several sectors of the domestic economy. Within the context of dynamic development of intermodal transport as it can be currently observed, they are a key element of the entire logistics chain. Maritime transport stimulates both local companies closest to the place of transhipment, as well as companies from the TSL sector operating inland. However, apart from the strictly economic function, native shipowners can also play a key role in Poland’s security system – both in logistic and military aspect. Importantly, as state entities, they guarantee an increase in the state’s transport independence and ensure stable supplies of energy resources.

Moderator: • Piotr Talarek – Managing Partner, StrategyWise, Poland Speakers: • Wladyslaw Bienkowski – Director of the Legal Department, Polsteam, Poland • Adam Czerniak – Chief Economist, Director for Research, Polityka Insight, Poland • Tomasz Pietruszewski – Deputy Director of Fleet Operations, Polsteam, Poland • Andrzej Sikora – President of the Management Board, Insititute Of Energy Studies, Poland • Krzysztof Zaremba – Secretary of the Management Board, Zegluga Polska, Poland December 12 Business and Management 15

16:20 – 17:20 THEMATIC BLOCK

The Idea of Zero Waste and the Polish Legal System

No waste – rescue for the planet, help for the needy, or a shot at redemption of highly developed societies? Organisations fighting poverty and malnutrition will continue to be put to a tough test, despite the new Polish law on counteracting food waste. Should the obligations resulting from the new regulations be imposed only on sellers? Which entities should be involved in the implementation of this idea to ensure its effectiveness? TALK Talking about Infrastructure Special guest: • Tomasz Zuchowski – General Director, General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways, Poland Host: • Krzysztof Olszewski – Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Wirtualna Polska S.A., Poland

Discussion Panel The Idea of Zero Waste and the Polish Legal System Moderator: • Sebastian Ogorek – Editor-in-Chief of, WP Finanse, / Wirtualna Polska, Poland Speakers: • Marek Borowski – President of the Board, Polish Federation of Food Banks, Poland • Grzegorz Macko – Deputy Marshal, Marshal’s Office of the Lower Silesia Region, Poland • Tadeusz Pokrywka – President, Polish Chamber of Food Industry and Packaking, Poland • Krzysztof Jan Stawnicki – Chairman of the Board, Foundation Center of Ecology Support, Poland December 12 16 Business and Management

17:30 – 18:45 Thematic Block

How to Optimize the Expenses in the Healthcare System?

How to Optimize the Expenses in the Healthcare System?-Type of Event:Discussion Panel Despite the act, which will increase funds allocated to health care to 6 percent GDP in 2024, its financing in Poland still remains a challenge, and the situation is exacerbated by a shortage of medical staff and an aging society. Therefore, mechanisms are needed to increase the efficiency of spending, and the funds should go first to those institutions that are able to use them best. Consolidation, purchasing groups, consortia. These are only selected ways to optimize expenses in health protection. But is it effective?


Host: • Robert Weber – CEO, Medical Progress, Poland

Discussion Panel how to Optimize the Expenses in the Healthcare System? Moderator: • Mariusz Gujski – Chairman of the Board of Directors, Healthcare Institute, Poland Speakers: • Dorota Czudowska – Senator, Senate of the Republic of Poland, Poland • Roman Kolek – Deputy Marshal, Opolskie Region’s Marshal’s Office, Poland • Waldemar Malinowski – President of the Board, Nationwide Association of Employers of Poviat Hospitals, Poland • Roman Szelemej – Mayor, City of Walbrzych, Poland • Zbigniew Terek – Director, Lower Silesian Provincial Branch of the National Health Fund, Poland • Robert Weber – CEO, Medical Progress, Poland December 12 Business and Management 17

20:00 Industry Forum Awards Ceremony Room 7.38 (7th level) The symphony orchestra of the Lower- Silesian Philharmonic will give splendor to the ceremony

Reception December 12 18 Economic Visegrad Meetings

14:00 – 15:00 Discussion Panel

Smart Supply Chains. From Artificial Intelligence to Blockchain. The new image of Logistics

Current global markets are characterized not only by high competitiveness but also by dynamic changes caused by technological development and digitalization. One of the crucial elements building competitive advantage is creating smart supply chains using artificial intelligence, blockchain or the Internet of Things. How does changing the logistic model affect entrepreneurship? Will the new solutions meet the demands of current market rivalry?

Moderator: • Igor Kulin – Director of the Digital Development Department, Kaliningrad Regional Consumer Union, Russia Speakers: • Giorgi Gogitidze – Director, Black Sea College, Georgia • Lukasz Grala – CEO, TIDK, Poland • Marek Mocik – President, Blockchain Slovakia, Slovakia • Ignacy Morawski – Director, SpotData Analytical Centre, Poland • Piotr Regulski – Member of the Management Board, RUCH S.A., Poland December 12 Economic Visegrad Meetings 19

15:10 – 16:10 Discussion Panel

The Euro versus National Currencies. Still a Dilemma or Not any More?

The Euro, which was meant to further integrate the EU, became a spark of division. For some economies, it is too strong, for others, especially Germany, it is too weak, which results in trade imbalance. Before the Euro era, economically weaker countries could leverage their currencies’ rates to stay competitive. Now they can’t resort to devaluation because the monetary union has made it the ECB’s prerogative. Was the changeover to the Euro a mistake? Do countries who either chose to opt out or were made to wait until they meet the convergence criteria, have any economic interest in joining the eurozone someday?

Moderator: • Jan Bolanowski – Chief of Consumer Column, Ringier Axel Springer Polska Sp. z o.o., Poland Speakers: • Mario Ghioldi – Trinita dei Monti, Italy • Andrzej Gut Mostowy – Deputy, Sejm, Poland • Paula Olszyk – Jagiellonian Club’s Wroclaw unit coordinator, The Jagiellonian Club, Poland • Andris Strazds – Adviser, Bank of Latvia, Latvia December 12 20 Economic Visegrad Meetings

16:20 – 17:20 THEMATIC BLOCK

Innovations in Agri-Food as A Driving Force of Economy

Partner: Wacław Felczak Polish-Hungarian Cooperation Institute

The fourth industrial revolution, based on digital solutions, also applies to the agri-food sector. Scientific and technological advances in the area of robotics, mechanisation, automation, storage and energy generation, the development of artificial intelligence and the digital economy are changing the image of international agri-food processing and agricultural production. How do european countries support the innovation of the agri-food industry? What do manufacturers think about innovative solutions?

TALK Talking about Business Special guest: • Mirosław Kozlakiewicz – Chairman of the Supervisory Board, CEDROB S.A., Poland Host: • Pawel Jablonski – Editor Forbes, Ringier Axel Springer Polska Sp. z o.o., Poland

Discussion Panel Innovations in Agri-Food as A Driving Force of Economy

Moderator: • Pawel Kocon – President of the Management Board, AGREEHUB, Poland Speakers: • Tajaddin Bayramov – Head of International Relations Department, Azerbaiajan State Agricultural University, Azerbaiajan • Mathias Eisert – Managing Director, Polish Agro, Poland • Attila Hudecz – Founder and CEO, Growberry, Hungary • Mirosław Kozlakiewicz – Chairman of the Supervisory Board, CEDROB S.A., Poland December 12 Economic Visegrad Meetings 21

17:30 – 18:45 THEMATIC BLOCK

Foreign Direct Investment – How to Effectively Support Investors?

Partner: Wacław Felczak Polish-Hungarian Cooperation Institute

Direct investments are a key element of economic processes in the regions. The general climate for investments, the condition of infrastructure or access to a qualified workforce – according to investors – are the most important factors determining the decision on the implementation of an investment. How do Poland and Hungary manage attracting foreign investment? How can we support investors in the region? How to maintain investment attractiveness?

TALK Talking about Politics

Special guest: • Jaroslaw Gowin – Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland Host: • Boguslaw Chrabota – Editor-in-Chief, Rzeczpospolita Daily, Poland December 12 22 Economic Visegrad Meetings

Discussion Panel foreign Direct Investment – How to Effectively Support Investors?

Moderator: • Marcin Pacholski – Deputy Head of Representative Office in Cracow, Central European Economic Development Ltd., Hungary Speakers: • Jan Mladek – Director, Czech Institute of Applied Economics, former Minister of Industry and Trade, Czech Republic • Andrzej Siess – Advisor to the Board, Grupa Raben, Poland • Grzegorz Slomkowski – Member of the Management Board, Polish Investment and Trade Agency, Poland • Cornelius Weissenfeld – Manager, Metroplan Eastern Europe GmbH, Germany • Hanna Wojciechowska – Country Manager, Jasmine International Dental Poland Ltd., Poland • Tomasz Zjawiony – President, Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Katowice, Poland

20:00 Industry Forum Awards Ceremony Room 7.38 (7th level) The symphony orchestra of the Lower- Silesian Philharmonic will give splendor to the ceremony

Reception December 12 Economy 23

14:00 – 15:00 THEMATIC BLOCK

Infrastructure – the Key to Regional Development

Partner: Wrocław Airport

The convenient geographical location of our country is of great importance for the transport industry. For years, Poland has been dominated by road transport, but recently air transport has become increasingly important. How should we invest in the development of airport and road infrastructure so that its strengthening directly translates into the development of the region? Does the Polish infrastructure keep up with the challenges posed by the reality?

TALK Talking about Local Governments Special guest: • Krystian Kinastowski – Mayor, City of Kalisz, Poland Host: • Wojciech Wroblewski – Director general, Business Poland/Wroclaw, Poland

Discussion Panel Infrastructure – the Key to Regional Development Moderator: • Rafał Marek – Director, TVP Krakow, Poland Speakers: • Krzysztof Andrzejewski – Member of the Board, Autostrada Wielkopolska S.A., Poland • Agata Granatowska – Vice-President of the Board, Wroclaw Airport S.A., Poland • Robert Pawlowski – Mayor, City of Zlotoryja, Poland • Andrzej Siess – Advisor to the Board, Grupa Raben, Poland • Wojciech Zdanowski – Vice-President of the Board, Lower Silesian Railways, Poland December 12 24 Economy

15:10 – 16:10 THEMATIC BLOCK

Export and Expansion of Polish Companies – Aspirations, Climate, Barriers and Opportunities

The current expansion of Polish companies on European markets, where 80% of our exports go, is not enough for many entrepreneurs – they also supply their products and services to countries in Asia or Africa, and are also slowly entering the Indian market. This is due to the formation of the middle class, market development and the lack of its supersaturation. Although the total export value of Polish companies is at the level of EUR 183 billion, ensuring the 8th place in the EU and 21st in the world, domestic entrepreneurs are not settling on their laurels, constantly looking for new challenges. What helps them on this path, but also what threats are awaiting entrepreneurs who want to achieve success in global markets?

TALK Talking about Business Special guest: • Slawomir Lipkowski – President of the Managment Board, CEO, Grupa Azoty ZAK S.A., Poland Host: • Radoslaw Nosek – Publishing Director, Kapital Polski, Poland December 12 Economy 25

Discussion Panel Export and Expansion of Polish Companies – Aspirations, Climate, Barriers and Opportunities Moderator: • Marek Rocki – Rector, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland Speakers: • Janusz Chojna – Head of Foreign Trade Team, Polish Economic Institute, Poland • Alfred Franke – President of the Board, Stowarzyszenie Dystrybutorów i Producentów Części Motoryzacyjnych, Poland • Janusz Komurkiewicz – Member of the Board for Marketing, FAKRO Sp. z o.o., Poland • Jakub Lechowicz – Director of the Legal Office, Industrial Development Agency JSC, Poland • E. Longin Wons – President of the Management Board, CEO, Rafamet S.A., Poland December 12 26 Economy

16:20 – 17:20 Discussion Panel

The Supervisory Board – Burden or Support for a Family Business?

Partner: Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Katowice

In Poland, in connection with the first wave of succession in family businesses and increase of size of family businesses, there is a need to provide professional supervision. So far, advice is seen as unnecessary ballast. However, according to the experience of family businesses operating in more developed economic systems, supervisory boards consisting not only of family members but also professionals coming from outside the family can add value in the functioning of a family business and help achieve the goal of „longevity”. Panel participants will tell what factors determine the appointment of fully professional supervisory boards.

Moderator: • Andrzej Bochenski – Advisor, PM Doradztwo Gospodarcze, Poland Speakers: • Rafal Kunaszyk – Chairman, Eurokreator, Poland • Lukasz Martyniec – CEO, Succession Advisor, Succesion Office, Poland • Pawel Rataj – Legal Counsellor, Law Firm Paweł Rataj & Partners, Poland • Piotr Rybicki – Vice-President, Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Katowice, Poland • Maciej Stradomski – Chairman of the Program Council, Institute of Family Business, Poland December 12 Economy 27

17:30 – 18:45 Discussion Panel

Family Business – Competitive Advantage or Obstacle for Development?

Partner: Czepczyński Family Foundation

Family businesses are the oldest way of doing business. They are simply foundations of the global economy. Their activity is based on combining traditional values with innovation and modern forms of management. What determines their competitive advantage and where is the border between a great development opportunity and the destructive impact of family relationships? Why is the running a family business a great opportunity on the one hand and a challenge on the other? How to achieve a balance, is there any kind of a „golden mean”?

Moderator: • Pawel Kaczmarczyk – Lecturer, Leon Kozminski Academy, Poland Speakers: • Artur Czepczynski – President of the Board, ABC-Czepczyński Sp. z o.o. Sp. K, Poland • Krzysztof Kasztelewicz – Member of the Management Board, Sadecki Bartnik Sp. z o.o , Poland • Rafal Kunaszyk – Chairman, Eurokreator, Poland • Artur Mazurkiewicz – Board Advisor, Proxy, Style and Beauty, Poland • Wojciech Wróbel – Grupa Wróbel, Poland

20:00 Industry Forum Awards Ceremony Room 7.38 (7th level) The symphony orchestra of the Lower- Silesian Philharmonic will give splendor to the ceremony

Reception December 12 28 Infrastructure

14:00 – 15:00 Discussion Panel

Local Government as an Investor of Growing Importance on the Market

The local government sector is an important public investor. Local self-government in Poland has an increasingly higher position and more and more far-reaching independence. For several years it has been able to realize its own vision of development, establishing a hierarchy of local needs and investments. What kind of projects is the most effective for the development of the region and the country? How should the state cooperate with the self-government in this matter? What is the future after the end of the current EU perspective?

Moderator: • Robert Gwiazdowski – Lawyer, Gwiazdowski Tax & Legal, Poland Speakers: • Lucjusz Nadberezny – Mayor, City of Stalowa Wola, Poland • Marzena Piszczek – Assistant Professor, Cracow University of Economics, Poland • Cezary Przybylski – Marshal, Marshal’s Office of the Lower Silesia Region, Poland • Justyna Weber – Consul for Migration, City Hall Munich, Germany • Piotr Zietara – President of the Menagement Board, Municipal Water and Sewage Service, Poland December 12 Infrastructure 29

15:10 – 16:10 Discussion Panel

By Train or by Bus? The Future of Regional Connections

Partner: Lower Silesian Railways

There has been a swift development for regional trainways. Modernized trains, new connections and a growing amount of passengers, which companies like Koleje Dolnośląskie, Koleje Wielkopolskie or Koleje Mazowieckie can now boast about, creating trends in the development of regional transport. With this in mind, bus connections look pale in comparison, though a light in the tunnel could be a government Fund for the development of bus connections. What future awaits for regional connections? Transport, private or public? By bus or by train?

Moderator: • Patryk Halaczkiewicz – Marketing and Promotion Director, Lower Silesian Railways, Poland Speakers: • Michal Beim – Lecturer, Poznan University of Life Sciences, Poland • Iwona Budych – President, Polish-German Passenger Railway Association, Poland • Tymoteusz Myrda – Member of the Board, Marshal’s Office of the Lower Silesia Region, Poland • Damian Stawikowski – Chairman of The Board, Lower Silesian Railways, Poland • Patryk Wild – Councillor, Regional Council of Lower Silesia, Poland December 12 30 Infrastructure

16:20 – 17:20 Thematic Block

Invest in... How to Increase Investment Attractiveness?

The impact of a propitious investment climate for the development of cities and regions is invaluable. New investments have a positive impact on the local labour market and technological development. What is the greatest incentive to invest the capital in a region/city? What actions should be taken to maintain investment attractiveness in the eyes of investors and attract new entrepreneurs?

Presentation Ports As Key Points for Industrial Development

Host: • Mirela Koci – Executive Director, AULEDA Local Economic Development Agency, Albania

Discussion Panel Invest in... How to Increase Investment Attractiveness?

Moderator: • Roman Matys – Head of the Investment Office, Lviv Regional State Administration, Ukraine Speakers: • Aslan Lortkiphanidze – Deputy Chairman, Ajara Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Georgia • Nicolas Nève de Mévergnies – Economic & Trade Representative, Hub Brussels, Belgium • Marek Obrebalski – Vice-Chairman of Regional Council, Regional Council of Lower Silesia, Poland • Szymon Oglaza – Member of the Board, Opolskie Region’s Marshal’s Office, Poland • Katarzyna Sokolowska – Head of Representative Office, NRW.INVEST GmbH, Poland December 12 Infrastructure 31

17:30 – 18:45 Thematic Block

Landslides – Is this a Big Problem for the Economy?

Land degradation, damages and often long-term environment recovery. These are just the most important problems behind landslides. Is this a characteristic situation for mountainous and hilly areas, where road or infrastructure construction is a problem in itself. How big are landslide problems for the economy? Can this phenomenon be prevented or only reacted to its effects? Can modern technology control this threat?

Presentation SOPO Landslides Counteracting System as a Tool for Reducing the Risk Associated with Geological Threats

Host: • Tomasz Wojciechowski – Head of Geohazards Center, Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute, Poland

Discussion Panel Landslides – Is this a Big Problem for the Economy?

Moderator: • Leszek Jankowski – Director of the Carpathian Branch, Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute, Poland Speakers: • Jaroslaw Geborys – Distict Governor, Kamienna Gora District, Poland • Jaroslaw Kotlinski – Deputy District Governor, Jelenia Gora District, Poland • Dariusz Stasiak – Councillor, Regional Council of Lower Silesia, Poland • Tomasz Wojciechowski – Head of Geohazards Center, Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute, Poland • Tomasz Zuchowski – General Director, General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways, Poland December 12 32 Infrastructure

20:00 Industry Forum Awards Ceremony Room 7.38 (7th level) The symphony orchestra of the Lower- Silesian Philharmonic will give splendor to the ceremony

Reception December 12 Innovations 33

14:00 – 15:00 Discussion Panel

Healthy and Well-educated Citizens as the Best Investment in the Future. How to Achieve it?

Good health care and educational centers that take into account the needs of the labor market and offer good quality education and a dignified standard of living may be the main arguments for staying of young people who are thinking about emigration in search of better living conditions. What can be done to prevent young and educated people from looking at the „West”?

Moderator: • Mariusz Gujski – Chairman of the Board of Directors, Healthcare Institute, Poland Speakers: • Andrzej Fal – Professor, Head, Dept. of Allergy, Lung Diseases and Internal Medicine, CSK Ministry of Interior, Poland • Grzegorz Juszczyk – Director, National Institute of Public Health – National Institute of Hygiene, Poland • Peter Nowak – Senior Account Manager, BKK VBU, Germany • Elena Orlova – Deputy Chairman, Kaliningrad Regional Association of Trade Unions, Russia • Joanna Rosinczuk – Dean Faculty of Health Sciences, Wroclaw Medical University, Poland December 12 34 Innovations

15:10 – 16:10 THEMATIC BLOCK

Transport Infrastructure In the Regions – What To Invest In And How To Do It?

Partner: Wrocław Airport

The main objectives of the transport policy are to increase territorial accessibility and improve the safety of road users. Transport must be accessible and safe, but at the same time efficient and sustainable. How and in what way should we invest to ensure that transport infrastructure meets all these criteria? What should be kept in mind before deciding to invest?

TALK Talking about Local Governments Special guest: • Cezary Przybylski – Marshal, Marshal’s Office of the Lower Silesia Region, Poland Host: • Piotr Slowinski – Journalist, Radio Wroclaw, Poland

Discussion Panel Transport Infrastructure In the Regions – What To Invest In And How To Do It? Moderator: • Krzysztof Olszewski – Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Wirtualna Polska S.A., Poland Speakers: • Darko Barisic – Member of the Board, Croatian Railways Infrastructure, Croatia • Dariusz Kus – President of the Management Board, Wroclaw Airport S.A., Poland • Marcin Slezak – General Director, Motor Transport Institute, Poland • Tomasz Zuchowski – General Director, General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways, Poland December 12 Innovations 35

16:20 – 17:20 Thematic Block

Going Smart. How to Achieve Operational Excellence in Urban Management?

The residents who use the latest technological solutions are expecting that municipalities will keep implementing, developing and optimising innovative solutions to meet community needs. Broadband internet, modern communication platforms, mobile applications – these are just some of the tools used by Smart Citizens. What to invest in and what is particularly important when building a city of the future?

Presentation Smart Citizen Presentation

Host: • Piotr Sedzik – Chairman of the Board, Smart Citizen, Poland

Discussion Panel Going Smart. How to Achieve Operational Excellence in Urban Management?

Moderator: • Agnieszka Sznyk – President of the Board, Institute of Innovation and Responsible Development, Poland Speakers: • Magdalena Kachniewska – Professor, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland • Krystian Kinastowski – Mayor, City of Kalisz, Poland • Tadeusz Krzakowski – Mayor, City of Legnica, Poland • Gratian Mihailescu – Founder, UrbanizeHub, Romania • Piotr Sedzik – Chairman of the Board, Smart Citizen, Poland December 12 36 Innovations

17:30 – 18:45 Thematic Block

Start-up Hype. Are Start-ups in Poland Losing the Momentum?

Polish start-ups are becoming more and more famous around the world. Thanks to the correct management and well utilised financing, these companies have been able to successfully expand to foreign markets, quickly capturing the hearts and minds of investors and potential clients. Despite these initial success, these seems to be less and less talk over start-ups in Poland. Why is that? Did Poles just got used to them or are they going out of favour in general? If this is the case, what can be done to restore the ‘start-up hype’ in Poland?

Presentation how corporations might implement Venture Building model

Host: • Piotr Marchel – Head of Corporate Club, Ecosystem & Partnerships, The Heart, Poland

Discussion Panel Start-up Hype. Are Start-ups in Poland Losing the Momentum?

Moderator: • Eszter Szabo – President, Women Business Angels, Hungary Speakers: • Raffaele Buompane – Senior Advisor, European Business & Innovation Centre Network EBN, Belgium • Radosław Bułat – Chairman of the Board, Applover Software House, Poland • Thomas Olbrich – Senior Partner, Excubate Corporate Startups, Germany • Konrad Romek – CEO, EcoTech System, Poland • Michal Zukowski – Managing Partner, Innteo Legal Żukowski i Szukowska, Poland December 12 Innovations 37

20:00 Industry Forum Awards Ceremony Room 7.38 (7th level) The symphony orchestra of the Lower- Silesian Philharmonic will give splendor to the ceremony

Reception December 12 38 Investments

14:00 – 15:00 Thematic Block

Local Products on the International Market – An Asset for the Domestic Industry?

Regional handicraft products, local cuisine specialties or traditional clothing patterns are becoming more and more popular today, attracting the interest of foreign buyers and achieving success on the world market. Can local products be an important element of the industry and an additional asset in the development of the national economy? Does every region have a chance to effectively promote and sell its characteristic products?

Presentation Commercial Sturgeon Breeding in Industrial Waters

Host: • Tofig Rzayev – Chairman of the Kaliningrad Regional Branch, All-Russian Azerbaijan Congress, Russia

Discussion Panel Local Products on the International Market – An Asset for the Domestic Industry?

Moderator: • Leslaw Kretowicz – CEO, ISBnews Informacyjny Serwis Biznesowy sp. z o.o., Poland Speakers: • Andrzej Grzyb – Deputy,Sejm, Poland • Wieslaw Pioro – President of the Board, Health Resort Krynica-Żegiestów S.A., Poland • Piotr Roman – Mayor, City of Boleslawiec, Poland • Yaroslav Zhalilo – First Vice-Director, National Institute for Strategic Studies, Ukraine • Katarzyna Zukrowska – Professor, Institute of International Studies, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland December 12 Investments 39

15:10 – 16:10 Thematic Block Active Citizens = Active Region. Civic Society as a Pillar of Regional Development

Regions become stronger when their citizens take an active part in local decisions. Social consultations, civic budget projects, setting up social organisations – these are just some of the many examples of such involvement. Active citizens help create better living conditions. How to support and promote social activity?

Presentation Civic Activity of the Polish Community in the Kaliningrad Region as a Stimulus for the Region’s Development and Cross- border Relations Host: • Elena Rogachikova – Chairwoman, Social Organization „Polish National- Cultural Autonomy of Kaliningrad”, Russia

TALK Talking about Society Special guest: • Pawel Mucha – Deputy Head of the Chancellery of the President, Chancellery of the Polish President, Poland Host: • Rafał Marek – Director, TVP Krakow, Poland December 12 40 Investments

Discussion Panel active Citizens = Active Region. Civic Society as a Pillar of Regional Development

Moderator: • Tomasz Zwolinski – Project Manager, The Commonwealth of Generations Foundation, Poland Speakers: • Marcin Krzyzanowski – Deputy Marshal, Marshal’s Office of the Lower Silesia Region, Poland • Pawel Mucha – Deputy Head of the Chancellery of the President, Chancellery of the Polish President, Poland • Robert Raczynski – Mayor, Lubin City Council, Poland December 12 Investments 41

16:20 – 17:20 THEMATIC BLOCK

Car Transport – Can That Be Ecological?

In recent years, the world has choked on the vision of ecological transport. Cars powered by alternative energy sources are no longer the matter of the future – it’s the present ...unfortunately not available to everyone. Development barriers in the area of infrastructure and high costs of such vehicles raise the question whether it is profitable? How to treat green car transport? Only as an utopian concept – still underdeveloped – or exclusive concept suitable for the chosen?

TALK Talking about Transport Special guest: • Andrzej Jachym – Assistant General Manager, Toyota Motor Manufacturing Poland, Poland Host: • Jakub Wiech – Deputy Editor-in-Chief, / Grupa Defence24, Poland

Moderator: • Jakub Kajmowicz – Editor-in-Chief, / Grupa Defence24, Poland Speakers: • Peter Paul Barbara – Director, Transport Malta, Malta • Grzegorz Gorski – Manager General Affairs, Toyota Motor Manufacturing Sp. z o.o., Poland • Grzegorz Gumulak – President, iPolska Grzegorz Gumulak, Poland • Tim Patterson – CEO, Fuel Economy Solution Limited, United Kingdom • Michal Wekiera – Executive Director, Polish Automotive Industry Association, Poland Commentator: • Alexander Korkin – Deputy Chairman of the Public Advisory Council, Kaliningrad Regional Duma, Russia Participation in discussion: • Marcin Slezak – General Director, Motor Transport Institute, Poland December 12 42 Investments

17:30 – 18:45 Thematic Block

Energy Security in Industry

Access to energy is necessary for industrial development. European countries are concerned with energy security, which is primarily associated with diversification of energy sources. What actions should be taken in order to ensure that? What are the challenges faced by the companies carrying out infrastructural projects in the field of natural gas, oil and electricity interconnections?

Presentation Polish Nuclear Power Programme

Host: • Andrzej Sidlo – Ministry of State Assets, Poland

TALK Talking about Energy Special guest: • Filip Grzegorczyk – President of the Management Board, TAURON Polska Energia S.A., Poland Host: • Pawel Czurylo – Deputy Editor-in-Chief,, Poland December 12 Awards ceremony 43

Discussion Panel Energy Security in Industry

Moderator: • Mykola Voytiv – Head of Energy Projects, NGO New Generation Management, Ukraine Speakers: • Malcolm Grimston – Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Imperial College London, United Kingdom • Natalia Slobodian – Head of Strategic Planning and Analysis Division, National Power Company „Ukrenergo”, Ukraine • Przemysław Zaleski – Collaborator, / Grupa Defence24, Poland • Radosław Zydok – Director of Regulatory and Strategic Analysis Department, KGHM Polska Miedź S.A., Poland Commentator: • Honorata Nyga-Lukaszewska – SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland

20:00 Industry Forum Awards Ceremony Room 7.38 (7th level) The symphony orchestra of the Lower- Silesian Philharmonic will give splendor to the ceremony

Reception December 13 44 Economic Visegrad Meetings

09:10 – 10:25 Discussion Panel

The Potential of Cross-border Cooperation between Poland and the Czech Republic

In modern Europe, where we observe more and more tensions and anxieties, cross-border cooperation can be an important element integrating the Old Continent. Strengthening the ties between the border regions of Poland and the Czech Republic, developing strategies and multidimensional partnership can be extremely beneficial for both sides and contribute to strengthening the position of regions of both countries on the industrial map of Europe. The activities of entrepreneurs from Poland and the Czech Republic who are investing in a neighboring country contributes to strengthening these relations.

Moderator: • Miroslav Vlasak – Deputy Director, EGTC NOVUM, Czech Republic Speakers: • Tomas Balcar – Chief Executive Officer, Regional Association of Territorial Cooperation of Těšín Silesia, Czech Republic • Cezary Przybylski – Marshal, Marshal’s Office of the Lower Silesia Region, Poland • Martin Puta – President, The Liberec Region, Czech Republic • Radoslaw Roszkowski – Chairman of Board, The Association of Communes of the Pradziad Euroregion, Poland Commentator: • Roman Klima – Regional Expert for Czech-Polish Cooperation, Hradec Kralove Region, Czech Republic December 13 Economic Visegrad Meetings 45

10:35 – 11:50 THEMATIC BLOCK

Industry 4.0 – How to Face the Challenge?

Partner: Wacław Felczak Polish-Hungarian Cooperation Institute

The fourth industrial revolution, called Industry 4.0 means digital transformation of the industry. It is about innovative technologies, digitalization of production processes, robotisation and cloud computing. Development of artificial intelligence, automatization and informatisation of industry are developed day by day and remain the main policy direction of the companies looking for competitive advantage on the global market. How quickly shall the new technologies be adopted? Are we ready for the challenges of the changing labor market?

TALK Talking about Society Special guest: • Marek Borowski – President of the Board, Polish Federation of Food Banks, Poland Host: • Wojciech Wroblewski – Director general, Business Poland/Wroclaw, Poland December 13 46 Economic Visegrad Meetings

Discussion Panel Industry 4.0 – How to Face the Challenge?

Moderator: • Renata Anna Jaksa – Director, ICEG European Center, Hungary Speakers: • Andrzej Jachym – Assistant General Manager, Toyota Motor Manufacturing Poland, Poland • Kyrylo Kostanetskiy – Director, SmartEAM, Ukraine • Adam Nagy – Deputy State Secretary, Ministry of Innovation and Technology, Hungary • Balazs Tordai – Industrial Digital Transformation Lead, IT Association (IVSZ), Hungary • Janusz Zawila-Niedzwiecki – Professor, Faculty of Management, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland • Zygmunt Lopalewski – Corporate Communications Director, Whirlpool, Poland Commentator: • Małgorzata Godlewska – Assistant professor, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland • Rafal Ruranski – Project Manager for Technical Affairs, TUV Nord Polska, Poland December 13 Economic Visegrad Meetings 47

12:00 – 13:00 THEMATIC block

Sustainable Development versus Global Challenges

Partner: Wacław Felczak Polish-Hungarian Cooperation Institute

Five years after the announcement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, sustainability is becoming a key consideration shaping our strategic perspectives. Sustainable Tourism, Circular economy, environmental awareness and ethical supply chains are at the heart of a new industrial thinking that seeks to enhance competitiveness while addressing serious global issues such as climate change or growing social inequalities. In this panel, we will examine the current state of sustainable development in our countries and discuss how Poland and Hungary could benefit from joining forces across sectors to contribute to the solution of the greatest challenges of our time.

TALK Talking about Business Special guest: • Zbigniew Warmuz – President of the Board, Synthos S.A., Poland Host: • Radoslaw Nosek – Publishing Director, Kapital Polski, Poland

Discussion Panel Sustainable Development versus Global Challenges Moderator: • Andras Volom – President and Co-Founder, V4SDG – Visegrad for Sustainability, Hungary Speakers: • Pawel Dziekonski – Vice-President of the Board, Kazar Group Sp. z o.o., Poland • Zbigniew Gryglas – Former Deputy, Poland • Zsigmond Perenyi – Minister of State, Ministry of Innovation and Technology, Hungary • Maciej Szymanowski – Director, Waclaw Felczak Polish-Hungarian Institute, Poland • Anna Zalewska – Member, European Parliament, Poland December 13 48 Economic Visegrad Meetings

13:10 – 14:10 Discussion Panel

Not Only Prague, Not Only Wrocław – Tourism and Regional Transfers Development

Golden Prague, one of the most touristic places in Europe. On the other side of the border Wroclaw – called the city of meetings. However, the Czech Republic is not only the capital, and Poland is not only Wrocław. Other cities and regions in both the Czech Republic and Poland have a lot to offer to tourists as well as entrepreneurs and potential investors. The development and promotion of tourism, as well as the development of a network of regional transfers will certainly affect the attractiveness of regions and contribute to the popularization of less-known places.

Moderator: • Karol Przywara – Director of the International Cooperation Department, Marshal’s Office of the Lower Silesia Region, Poland Speakers: • Rafal Balinski – Director of Territorial Cooperation Department, Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy, Poland • Pavel Hecko – Member Of The Hradec Králové Region Council, Hradec Kralove Region, Czech Republic • Tymoteusz Myrda – Member of the Board, Marshal’s Office of the Lower Silesia Region, Poland • Kveta Vinklatova – Member Of the City Council, City of Liberec, Czech Republic • Jakub Wosik – Manager, Leo Express Polska Sp. z o.o., Poland Commentator: • Jan Spelda – Specialist in Tourism Promotion Department, Hradec Kralove Region, Czech Republic December 13 Economic Visegrad Meetings 49

14:20 – 15:20 Discussion Panel

Carpathians as a Brand – Ambitions versus Possibilities

Partner: Wacław Felczak Polish-Hungarian Cooperation Institute

Despite the rich, diverse culture and great natural values, the Carpathians are still not discovered by tourists. There is still a lack of thoughtful tourist promotion of the region, which has all the qualities to become one of the most popular tourist destinations in Europe. Are the set goals achievable? How to promote and invest in the Carpathian Brand?

Moderator: • Arleta Alicja Rybak – Journalist, OZEON Magazine, Foundation Center of Ecology Support, Poland Speakers: • Dumitru-Tudor Jijie – General Manager, Eastern Marketing Insights, Romania • Sandor Koles – President, Carpathian Foundation, Hungary • Marek Kuchcinski – Deputy, Sejm, Poland • Dawid Lasek – Secretary General, Association of the Carpathian Euroregion Poland, Poland • Ryszard Skotniczny – Owner, Kombornia Manor Hotel&SPA****, Poland December 13 50 Economic Visegrad Meetings

15:30 – 16:30 Discussion Panel

Tourist from Poland, Tourist from Hungary – How to Maximise the Touristic Potential of Both Countries

Partner: Wacław Felczak Polish-Hungarian Cooperation Institute

For years Hungary has been a very popular destination for Polish tourists. The country by the Vistula River is unfortunately not so often chosen by Hungarian travelers. Both countries have huge natural and cultural potential, which is still not fully used. How to effectively promote Poland in Hungary and develop cooperation in the field of tourism in both countries? What should the state and state agencies do to support it? How to maximize the tourist potential of the region?

Moderator: • urszula Bakowska-Morawska – Vice-President of the Board, INTERFERIE S.A., Poland Speakers: • Tomasz Dublasiewicz – Operations Manager, Amtest-Group Poland, Poland • Piotr Grudziński – Marketing Director, Polish Health Resort Group, Sp. z o.o., Poland • Marcin Gwozdz – Member, Sejm, Poland • Krzysztof Mroz – Senator, Senate of the Republic of Poland, Poland • Adam Nagy – Deputy State Secretary, Ministry of Innovation and Technology, Hungary • Andrzej Rapacz – Head of the Department of Marketing and Tourism Management, Professor, Wroclaw University of Economics and Business, Poland December 13 Economic Visegrad Meetings 51

16:40 – 17:55 Discussion Panel

Culture or Religion. What Do We Need In Business?

The model approach to business takes into account not only the company’s profit orientation but also responsibility for employees and ethical approach to their needs. The other side of this medal is ethical business conduct, which should be based on respect for the contractor, integrity and anticipation of certain business moves to prevent the company’s problems, which can be felt by both the market and employees. Is there still room in the money-oriented world for doing business in accordance with faith and ethics? How not to be tempted by wealth at the expense of employees? Should the good of society based on the company’s profits be more important than personal owners?

Moderator: • Grzegorz Malinowski – Assistant Professor, Leon Kozminski Academy, Poland Speakers: • Zbigniew Ladzinski – Lower-Silesian Chamber of Craft in Wroclaw, Poland • Janislaw Muszynski – President of the Board, Lower Silesian Regional Development Foundation, Poland • Robert Obaz – Deputy, Sejm, Poland • Ewa Szymanska – Deputy, Sejm, Poland • Andrzej Tomko – Priest, Director of the Institute of Social Sciences, Pontifical Faculty of Theology, Poland

18:00 THE CLOSING RECEPTION Room 7.38 (7th level) folk music concert by József Terék and friends December 13 52 Economy

09:10 – 10:25 Thematic Block

Pillars of Polish Economy

The biggest challenge for both Poland and other Central European countries is to reduce the distance between their development and the situation of Western countries. Experts say that what we can do today is to intensify efforts to overcome the demographic crisis, achieve tax stability and strengthen the solidarity of the countries in the region. However, one cannot ignore the analysis saying that economic slowdown is coming. Is the Polish economy ready for that? What actions should be taken to respond wisely to strong pan-European threats? On what pillars – at the turn of the second and third decade of the 21st century – is the Polish economy based?

Talk Talking about Society Special guest: • Gertruda Uscinska – President, Social Insurance Institution (ZUS), Poland Host: • Marcin Prynda – President, Kapital Polski, Poland

Discussion Panel Pillars of Polish Economy Moderator: • Marcin Prynda – President, Kapital Polski, Poland Speakers: • Jacek Cieplak – Deputy of the Ombudsman, Office of the Ombudsman for the Small and Medium-size Entrepreneurships, Poland • Slawomir Lipkowski – President of the Managment Board, CEO, Grupa Azoty ZAK S.A., Poland • Przemyslaw Myszakowski – Vice-President of the Board, Wroclaw Airport S.A., Poland • Zbigniew Warmuz – President of the Board, Synthos S.A., Poland December 13 Economy 53

10:35 – 11:50 THEMATIC BLOCK

Employee Capital Plans Implementation in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprices

Partner: PFR Portal PPK Sp z o.o.

TALK Talking about Investments Special guest: • Robert Zapotoczny – President of the Board, PFR Portal PPK Sp z o.o., Poland Host: • Robert Gwiazdowski – Lawyer, Gwiazdowski Tax & Legal, Poland

Discussion Panel Employee Capital Plans Implementation in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprices Speakers: • Robert Zagata – Konsultant, Employee Benefits, Polska • Robert Zapotoczny – President of the Board, PFR Portal PPK Sp z o.o., Poland December 13 54 Economy

12:00 – 13:00 Discussion Panel

Development Directions of Distributed Energy in Lower Silesia on the Example of the Eław Energetic Cluster EKO

Partner: Lower Silesian Institute for Energy Studies

The development of distributed energy is the effect of global mega trends. This favors the creation of energy clusters as local sources, giving the possibility of independence from centralized energy systems and ensuring supplies without emission energy for industry and local governments. Are energy clusters the future of energy as an example of independence and development of local energy? What role do clusters play in supplementing energy supply in less urbanized areas? Participants of the debate will discuss, among others, the concept of using the conditions of the Lower Silesia region to develop distributed energy on the example of the Eław Energetic Cluster EKO. How to effectively use the geographical conditions of an area to maximize the effects of distributed energy? The subject of debate will also be the issue of investment and adaptation of infrastructure, technologies and tools for managing a distributed network. Where to start and what direction to take: mnergy storage, hydrogen technologies and synthetic gas production, digitization?

Moderator: • Waldemar Skomudek – Professor, Opole University of Technology, Poland Speakers: • Roman Gabrowski – Management Board Proxy for Technical Affairs, TAURON Ekoenergia sp. z o.o., Poland • Andrzej Jezewski – President, Promet-Plast s.c., Poland • Remigiusz Nowakowski – President of the Board, Lower Silesian Institute for Energy Studies, Poland December 13 Economy 55

13:10 – 14:10 THEMATIC BLOCK

Building Trademark on Local, Regional and International Level

A strong trademark is a promise of high quality and predictability of a given product or service, it is also a sign of customer’s attachment and loyalty. It relies not only on a good advertising and marketing campaign. Creating a brand is a complicated, long-term process that requires considerable financial, organizational and intellectual effort. However, the benefits of having and maintaining a good brand are invaluable.

TALK Talking about Security Special guest: • Marco Lupo – President of Leonardo Poland, Leonardo S.p.A., Italy Host: • Jacek Raubo – Military and Security Expert, Defence24, Poland

Discussion Panel Building Trademark on Local, Regional and International Level

Moderator: • Krzysztof Olszewski – Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Wirtualna Polska S.A., Poland Speakers: • Sergei Bogdanov – Head of Public Relations Center, Faculty of Public Administration, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia • Piotr Polulich – Chairman of the Management Board, Stawy Milickie Inc., Poland • Jacek Protasiewicz – Member, Sejm, Poland • Krzysztof Wisniewski – District Governor, Jelenia Gora District, Poland • Witold Wlodarczyk – President of the Board, Association of Employers Polish Spirits Industry (ZP PPS), Poland Participation in discussion: • Elzbieta Sniadecka – Marketing Manager, Targi Kielce SA, Poland December 13 56 Economy

14:20 – 15:20 Discussion Panel

At the Dawn of the Economic Crisis. Who Can Benefit from it?

The trade war between the USA and China – no matter who wins, the global economy is already losing money. New barriers to foreign trade, breaking normal industrial ties, lack of working capital. Decline in production and demand. Accumulation in the world of huge debts. Debt will be the main problem of the new crisis: in the United States it will be corporate debt increased by a budget deficit, while in the EU – public debt combined with some features of the eurozone. Which countries can benefit from this situation?

Moderator: • Ignacy Morawski – Director, Centrum Analiz SpotData, Poland Speakers: • Jan Krzysztof Bielecki – Chairman to the Advisory Board, EY, Poland • Robert Gwiazdowski – Lawyer, Gwiazdowski Tax & Legal, Poland • Adam Lacki – President of the Board, KRD Economic Information Bureau, Poland • Nika Manukova – Regional Director to Europe, CIS, Turkey and Iran, World Free Zones Organization, Armenia • Artur Niziol – Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Uniserv S.A., Poland December 13 Economy 57

15:30 – 16:30 Discussion Panel

How to Encourage SMEs to Increase Investment Spending?

Should the support for the SME sector be limited by the central government to Latin maxim primum non- nocere? How to stimulate the sector in the face of the impending economic slowdown? The previous years, despite the positive economic situation, brought a relative decline in investment outlays in relation to revenues in the SME sector. It amounted to 4.3% and was the lowest since 2012. And the sum of investment outlays remained in 2017 at the level from last year – PLN 93.6 thousand. The discussion will concern the postulated changes in the regulatory environment that would encourage SMEs to increase investment outlays, thus contributing to increasing the competitiveness of Polish SMEs on a regional scale.

Moderator: • Katarzyna Walterska – Edito-in-Chief ISBnews.TV, ISBnews Informacyjny Serwis Biznesowy sp. z o.o., Poland Speakers: • Ireneusz Bartnikowski – President of the Board, SOLGAZ sp. z o.o., Poland • Marek Ignor – President of the Management Board, Lower Silesia Development Fund Ltd., Poland • Piotr Sosinski – President of the Board, Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone “INVEST-PARK” Ltd., Poland • Peter Wolfmeyer – Partner, N3 Nachhaltigkeitsberatung Dr. Friege & Partner, Germany • Andrii Zablovskyi – Head of the Secretariat of Entrepreneurs Council, Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Ukraine Participation in discussion: • Krzysztof Jajuga – President, CFA Society Poland, Poland December 13 58 Economy

16:40 – 17:55 Discussion Panel

Family Foundation as an Innovative Solution in the Succession of Polish Family Businesses

Partner: Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Katowice

Family foundations have been serving business families for years to preserve the integrity of property and multiply it for generations. The wealthiest have long been using this opportunity – but abroad. In Poland, family foundations are not yet available, work on their introduction has just begun. Will the new institution become a remedy for succession problems and gain popularity? Let’s check what the practitioners and the authors of the assumptions for the bill on family foundations think about it.

Moderator: • Rafal Kunaszyk – Chairman, Eurokreator, Poland Speakers: • Szczepan Barszczewski – Office Director, Legal Counsel, Office of the Ombudsman for the Small and Medium-size Entrepreneurships, Poland • Tomasz Kucharski – Partner, BDO Legal Łatała i Wspólnicy sp.k., Poland • Lukasz Martyniec – CEO, Succession Advisor, Succesion Office, Poland • Katarzyna Skrzek – Legal Counsellor, Ministry of Development, Poland

18:00 THE CLOSING RECEPTION Room 7.38 (7th level) folk music concert by József Terék and friends December 13 Infrastructure 59

09:10 – 10:25 THEMATIC block

Safe Industry – How to Protect Your Business from Cyber Attacks?

Cyber security has become one of the priorities of nearly every company nowadays. But data and information security are very difficult to guarantee, and any incidents and cybercrimes can have negative effects not only for one company but for the entire sector. How to defend your company from cyber attacks? Where to search for help and solutions?

TALK Talking about Business Special guest: • Ireneusz Bartnikowski – President of the Board, SOLGAZ sp. z o.o., Poland Host: • Pawel Jablonski – Editor Forbes, Ringier Axel Springer Polska Sp. z o.o., Poland

Discussion Panel Safe Industry – How to Protect Your Business from Cyber Attacks?

Moderator: • Andrzej Kozłowski – Editor-in-Chief, Defence24, Poland Speakers: • Bartłomiej Drozd – B2C Services Development Director,, Poland • Krzysztof Gawkowski – Deputy, Sejm, Poland • Csaba Krasznay – Program Director of Cybersecurity Academy, National University of Public Service, Hungary • Szymon Ruman – Owner, Szymon Ruman Public Affairs&Regulation, Poland • Alexander Szanto – Research Fellow (Cybersecurity), Brandenburg Institute for Society and Security (BIGS), Germany December 13 60 Infrastructure

10:35 – 11:50 Discussion Panel

The Role of the Arms Industry in Today’s International Relations

Technological progress guides the development of the arms industry. The need to have the most modern and effective defence systems means that governments decide not only to invest heavily in their own arms industries, but also to conclude international agreements. What role does the arms industry play in today’s international relations? Is it necessary to receive help from abroad in order to effectively defend citizens?

Moderator: • Jacek Raubo – Military and Security Expert, Defence24, Poland Speakers: • Gabriel Balayan – Deputy Minister of Defence, Ministry of Defence Armenia, Armenia • Filip Bryjka – PhD, Akademia Wojsk Lądowych im. gen. Tadeusza Kościuszki we Wrocławiu, Poland • Marco Lupo – President of Leonardo Poland, Leonardo S.p.A., Italy • Anton Mikhnenko – Editor-in-Chief, Defence Express, Ukraine • Pawel Poncyljusz – Member of Parliament, Sejm, Poland • Tomasz Siemoniak – Deputy, Sejm, Poland December 13 Infrastructure 61

12:00 – 13:00 Discussion Panel

Contemporary Challenges of Regional Tourism – Entrepreneurship, Investments, Innovations

Partner: Krakow Airport

The development of tourism significantly contributes to the development of entrepreneurship and infrastructure. Due to the growing demand for tourist services, the development of the industry, both at the national and regional level, translates into the level of entrepreneurship, investment and innovation. The development of entrepreneurship stimulates the development of regions, increases their attractiveness, thanks to which they are referred to as tourist destinations. At the same time, the development of entrepreneurship, based on the development of tourism, dynamizes / stimulates the labor market, creates employment opportunities and increases income for local communities. Tourist and socio-cultural values of the region attract tourists, influencing the increase in tourist demand and infrastructure development. Nowadays, the region’s dependence on tourism is becoming more and more visible, becoming an accelerator of economic development.

Moderator: • Rafał Marek – Director, TVP Krakow, Poland Speakers: • Urszula Bakowska-Morawska – Vice-President of the Board, INTERFERIE S.A, Poland • Michal Bobowiec – Member of the Board, Marshal’s Office of the Lower Silesia Region, Poland • Andrzej Gut Mostowy – Deputy, Sejm, Poland • Andrzej Rapacz – Head of the Department of Marketing and Tourism Management, Professor, Wroclaw University of Economics and Business, Poland • Radoslaw Wloszek – President of the Management Board, Krakow Airport, Poland December 13 62 Infrastructure

13:10 – 14:10 Thematic Block

Regional Intelligent Specializations – the Key to Extracting the Full Potential?

Within the framework of the current budget perspective, the European Union has obliged the regions of the Member States to identify the economic areas in which there is a large innovative and competitive potential, resulting from, among others, their scientific and technological background. This is aimed, on the one hand, at optimising the way Structural Funds are spent and, on the other hand, at bringing about a reorientation based on a knowledge-based economy, which makes it possible to fully unlock the potential of human resources and make more effective use of productive capital. How has the concentration of investment activities impacted economic development? Is it followed by an increase in innovativeness of Polish enterprises?

Talk What Kind of Education Does a Modern Economy Need?

Moderator: • Rafał Marek – Director, TVP Krakow, Poland Special guest: • Marzena Machalek – Secretary of State, Ministry of National Education, Poland • Miroslawa Stachowiak-Rozecka – Member, Sejm, Poland

Discussion Panel Regional Intelligent Specializations – the Key to Extracting the Full Potential?

Moderator: • Mieczyslaw Morawski – Professor, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland Speakers: • Heidi Fossland – Managing Director, Mid-Norway European Office, Norway • Dumitru-Tudor Jijie – General Manager, Eastern Marketing Insights, Romania • Irakli Kvergelidze – General Director, Orbi Group Batumi LTD, Georgia • Victoriia Levchuk – Founder, Innovation Today, Ukraine • Patryk Wild – Councillor, Regional Council of Lower Silesia, Poland December 13 Infrastructure 63

14:20 – 15:20 Discussion Panel

Sports Industry – How to Make Business on Physical Activity?

From multi-million sponsorship contracts with the best teams and players in the world to retail sales of articles for amateurs – a wide range of sports companies’ offer makes them an excellent promoter of physical activity, moreover creating another branch of industry. The organization of sports events, not only of international but also local rank, can bring measurable financial benefits for the organizer and partners. How to make business and promote sport?

Moderator: • Wojciech Piotrowski – Editor, TVP Wroclaw, Poland Speakers: • Miroslaw Bieniecki – President, The Butcher’s Race Foundation, Poland • Radoslaw Jecek – Mayor, City of Karpacz, Poland • Igor Perechuda – PhD, Jagiellonian University, Poland • Andrzej Rokita – Rector, University School of Physical Education in Wrocław, Poland December 13 64 Infrastructure

15:30 – 16:30 THEMATIC BLOCK

„United We Stand”. How Industrial and Technology Parks Have Become a Driving Force for Development?

Since the mid-1990s, business support institutions were established in Poland whose mission was to stimulate cooperation between entrepreneurs and the scientific community. Their activity resulted in the creation of new jobs and the supply of new technologies, as well as in the increase of investment attractiveness of regions. Areas were created where, thanks to providing access to infrastructure and legal support, companies based on innovative activities are established and operate under the supervision of experts. Revitalised areas have gained new functions and have been reintegrated into the economic structure of cities. How has the position of parks developed in recent years? Do the services currently offered in them fully meet the needs of developing companies?

TALK Talking about Local Governments Special guest: • Robert Raczynski – Mayor, Lubin City Council, Poland Host: • Piotr Slowinski – Journalist, Radio Wroclaw, Poland

Discussion Panel „United We Stand”. How Industrial and Technology Parks Have Become a Driving Force for Development?

Moderator: • Grzegorz Napieralski – Member, Sejm, Poland Speakers: • Sławomir Hunek – President of the Board, The Lower Silesian Regional Development Agency, Poland • Krzysztof Sadowski – President of the Board, Legnica Special Economic Zone, Poland • Piotr Wrzecioniarz – President of the Management Board, Professor, Instytut Inwentyki, Poland December 13 Infrastructure 65

16:40 – 17:55 Thematic Block Innovations in Energy Sector – Obstacles and Challenges for Next Decades

Energy efficiency and its security are closely linked to the development of innovation in the sector. Both the energy market, as well as the industrial potential and its competitiveness are changing due to new technologies being introduced. What are the perspectives for the development of innovations in the energy sector? How to implement new ideas and where to look for modern solutions?

Presentation Energy Security as a Challenge for European Industry

Host: • Maksym Bilyavskiy – Expert, Energy Programmes, Razumkov Centre for Economic & Political Studies, Ukraine

Discussion Panel Innovations in Energy Sector – Obstacles and Challenges for Next Decades

Moderator: • Jakub Wiech – Deputy Editor-in-Chief, / Grupa Defence24, Poland Speakers: • Krzysztof Ksiezopolski – Assistant Professor, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland • Jacek Rynski – CEO, Rynski Capital Sp. z o.o., Poland • Jan Soczewka – President of the Board, Mar-Bud Sp. z o.o., Poland • Krzysztof Zalewski – CEO, NAFTOSERWIS Sp. z o.o, Poland • Artur Zawisza – Vice-President, Union of Producers and Employers of Biogas Industry, Poland

18:00 THE CLOSING RECEPTION Room 7.38 (7th level) folk music concert by József Terék and friends December 13 66 Innovations

09:10 – 10:25 THEMATIC BLOCK

Industrial monoculture is not a monopoly. How to build a regional (intelligent) specialisation?

Partner: Employers’ Organization of Polish Copper

The perception of the European extractive industry is rather negative, therefore it is becoming less and less competitive in the global market place. On the other hand, it is still one of the major basis for the economic and regional development in many regions. Technological, ecological and social transformation is not just a challenge but also a future opportunity. The discussion will be based on the research carried out by Polish Copper Employers’ Association and the WSB University and will be devoted to the pros and cons of having a powerful industrial player such as KGHM in the region.

TALK Talking about Business Special guest: • Beata Staszkow – President of the Board, Employers’ Organization of Polish Copper , Poland Host: • Wojciech Wroblewski – Director general, Business Poland/Wroclaw, Poland

Discussion Panel Industrial monoculture is not a monopoly. How to build a regional (intelligent) specialisation? Moderator: • Krzysztof Safin – Professor, Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa we Wrocławiu, Poland Speakers: • Lukasz Horbatowski – Mayor, Kotla Commune, Poland • Tomasz Iwaniec – President of the Board, Financial Solutions ZM Sp. z o.o., Poland • Beata Staszkow – President of the Board, Employers’ Organization of Polish Copper, Poland • Radosław Zydok – Director of Regulatory and Strategic Analysis Department, KGHM Polska Miedź S.A., Poland December 13 Innovations 67

10:35 – 11:50 Discussion Panel

Digital Technologies – Opportunity of Threat for the Labour Market?

60 percent of our jobs are to be replaced by robots and computers. The development of new technologies changes the labor market and forces acquiring new competences. The previous economic revolution has led to a increase in prosperity and the number of jobs. The effects of the upcoming “4.0 Change” raise concerns about how the employer-employee relationship will change. What prospects are there for the employees?

Moderator: • Marek Bosak – CEO, Modus Consulting, Poland Speakers: • Antoni Duda – Former MP, Poland • Bartosz Kotecki – Acting Director, Lower Silesian Regional Labour Office, Poland • Beata Staszkow – President of the Board, Employers’ Organization of Polish Copper, Poland • Nina Twardowska – Impel Business Solutions Sp. z o.o., Poland • Gertruda Uscinska – President, Social Insurance Institution (ZUS), Poland December 13 68 Innovations

12:00 – 13:00 Thematic Block

Social Insurance and Polish Economy

Partner: Social Insurance Institution (ZUS)

Social insurance compensates for lost income or increased needs. Protection is financed from contributions, with a state guarantee, and positively impacts the economic growth. Contribution preferences are introduced to facilitate the development of small and novice entrepreneurs, as well as IT changes that increase the quality of customer service. The situation of the Social Insurance Fund depends on the economy. Currently, the efficiency of SIF is high, but it faces demographic challenges and the need to rationalise the principles of sickness insurance.

Presentation ZUS IT Project Facilitating Business Operations

Host: • Gertruda Uscinska – President, Social Insurance Institution (ZUS), Poland

Discussion panel Social Insurance and Polish Economy

Moderator: • Mateusz Ratajczak – Journalist,, Poland Speakers: • Jadwiga Emilewicz – Minister, Ministry of Economic Development, Poland • Mirosław Grewiński – Rector, Janusz Korczak Pedagogical University in Warsaw, Poland • Sebastian Ogorek – Editor-in-Chief of, WP Finanse, / Wirtualna Polska, Poland • Gertruda Uscinska – President, Social Insurance Institution (ZUS), Poland December 13 Innovations 69

13:10 – 14:10 Thematic Block

Hospital of the Future – Innovation and Informatization in the Healthcare System

The digitalization of the hospitals gives the chance to improve the results of treatment and better personalization of the therapy, but carries the risk of hacker attacks and access to medical data by unauthorized persons. How to use the first and avoid the second?

Presentation The Use of Modern Digital Technologies in Healthcare

Host: • Sergey Orlov – General Director, Institute of Medical Informatics, Russia

Discussion Panel hospital of the Future – Innovation and Informatization in the Healthcare System

Moderator: • Robert Weber – CEO, Medical Progress, Poland Speakers: • Lukasz Dudkowski – President, Nowy Szpital Wojewódzki Sp. z o. o., Poland • Jacek Kopacz – Vice-President, Supra Brokers Inc, Poland • Piotr Krajewski – CEO, Cancer Center, Poland • Marcin Krzyzanowski – Deputy Marshal, Marshal’s Office of the Lower Silesia Region, Poland • Artur Zaczynski – Medical Affairs Deputy Director, Central Clinical Hospital Ministry of the Interior and Administration in Warsaw, Poland December 13 70 Innovations

14:20 – 15:20 Discussion Panel

Cultural Industry as a Way to Regional Development

Cultural industries contribute to the socio-economic revival of cities and regions, change their image, generate new jobs. They designate a new paradigm of regional and local development, as creating good conditions for attracting creative people and activities is becoming necessary. How can the development of creative industries in the regions be supported?

Moderator: • Lucija Vasiljevic – Technical Assistant, Regional Development Agency Zasavje, Slovenia Speakers: • Marcin Biegluk – General Director of the Press Portfolio, Ringier Axel Springer Polska Sp. z o.o., Poland • Marc Glenn Buhagiar – Head of Communications and Marketing, Valletta Cultural Agency, Malta • Maksym Cherkashyn – Organizer, Faine Misto, Ukraine • Leila Gogitidze – Director, Black Sea International College „Golden Sea”, Georgia • Marek Mutor – Director, Zajezdnia History Center, Remembrance and Future Institute, Poland December 13 Innovations 71

15:30 – 16:30 THEMATIC BLOCK

Influencers – Ambassadors of Products and Ideas. Tomorrow’s Communication

The consumer plays an increasingly important role in a company’s communication. He is invited to co- create „the story”. What’s more, advertising is no longer a complete masterpiece consisting of picture and sound, but a perpetual motion. Its natural environment is no longer classic media because communication has largely moved to the internet. What channels of communication should we invest in to be heard to and credible?

TALK Talking about Society Special guest: • Krzysztof Gawkowski – Deputy, Sejm, Poland Host: • Robert Gwiazdowski – Lawyer, Gwiazdowski Tax & Legal, Poland

Discussion Panel Influencers – Ambassadors of Products and Ideas. Tomorrow’s Communication

Moderator: • Aleksandra Nagel – Editor-in-Chief of SO Magazine and of the Health and Parenting Editorial Board, Wirtualna Polska S.A., Poland Speakers: • Jan Bolanowski – Chief of Consumer Column, Ringier Axel Springer Polska Sp. z o.o., Poland • Tomasz Grabowski OP – President of the Publishing House, „On the way”, Poland • Diana Horbatiuk – Expert, Promin Ukraine, Ukraine • Konrad Kruczkowski – Blog Owner,, Poland • Marek Staniewicz – Marketing and Communication Director, Lower Silesia Development Fund Ltd., Poland Commentator: • Barbara Sipa – PR Team Manager, TARGI KIELCE S.A., Poland • Ksenia Alpern – Owner/Director, Ksenia Coaching, Poland December 13 72 Innovations

16:40 – 17:55 Thematic Block

Praising Start-Ups but Then What? How to Effectively Implement Innovative Ideas of Small Business Nation-Wide?

The significant importance of start-ups in introducing innovative solutions is undoubtful. Small businesses are full of ideas that can significantly improve the quality of life for the state’s inhabitants – for example by improving the tax declarations system, securing the internet payment and increasing the capacity of hospital IT systems. How to identify and then implement ideas coming from small companies nationwide? How can governments learn from start-ups?


Host: • Krzysztof Luczak – Member of the Board,, Poland

Discussion Panel Praising Start-Ups but Then What? How to Effectively Implement Innovative Ideas of Small Business Nation-Wide?

Moderator: • Aniko Ivanics – Head of Mentoring Program, Design Terminal, Hungary Speakers: • Jan Kaminski – Co-Founder, Applover Software House, Poland • Piotr Krzyżewski – Member of the Investment Board, Lower Silesia Development Fund Ltd., Poland • Oksana Orlova – Director, OOO LUO, Russia • Krzysztof Luczak – Member of the Board,, Poland

18:00 THE CLOSING RECEPTION Room 7.38 (7th level) folk music concert by József Terék and friends December 13 Investments 73

09:10 – 10:25 Thematic Block

E-commerce Market and New Technologies

In recent years, the e-commerce market in both Poland and the world has been growing rapidly. The fastest – the Asian market – in China 20% of retail purchases are made via the Internet, while in the USA – about 10%, Poland ranks 7th in this ranking. In the coming years, dynamic development of the omnichannel model is forecasted, in which the focus is on the possibility of using online stores at any time, anywhere and on any device. What impact will new technologies have on the e-commerce market and what future awaits online stores in the coming years? How can artificial intelligence be used in e-commerce?

Presentation What Software Development Practices Can Be Used in Hardware Development?

Host: • Siarhei Fedarenka – Director, TAKTIL LLC, Belarus

Discussion Panel E-commerce Market and New Technologies

Moderator: • Balazs Tordai – Industrial Digital Transformation Lead, IT Association (IVSZ), Hungary Speakers: • Siarhei Fedarenka – Director, TAKTIL LLC, Belarus • Michal Golinski – Professor, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland • Vitaly Starikovich – Professor of the Department „Information Security”, Kaliningrad State Technical University, Russia • Krzysztof Luczak – Member of the Board,, Poland December 13 74 Investments

10:35 – 11:50 Discussion Panel

SME Development Barriers in 2020

The SME sector is vital for the Polish economy and is accounted for nearly 50% of Polish GDP. Recent PMI readings, the lowest since 2009 for Polish industry, indicate a possible economic slowdown. Both fiscal stimulation and lifting of formal restrictions will affect the condition of the sector. The discussion will be devoted to the identification of growth barriers and possible ways of bearing them.

Moderator: • Jerzy Meysztowicz – Vice-chairman of Nowoczesna, Poland Speakers: • Jacek Cieplak – Deputy of the Ombudsman, Office of the Ombudsman for the Small and Medium-size Entrepreneurships, Poland • Andrzej Kaleta – Rector, Wroclaw University of Economics and Business, Poland • Adam Lacki – President of the Board, KRD Economic Information Bureau, Poland • Marek Osuchowski – Owner, Almonte, Poland • Ruslan Sobol – Head, Association of Small and Medium Enterprises, Ukraine • Rafal Solecki – Managing Director, Malopolskie Centre of Entrepreneurship, Poland December 13 Investments 75

12:00 – 13:00 Thematic Block

(post)Industrial Cities and Regions – How to Ensure Their Development?

The development of modern technologies has led to the collapse of the „old industry”. In post-industrial regions, the authorities are still faced with the challenge of finding a solution to the high unemployment rate and how to manage and revitalise the abandoned industrial areas. Have the solutions presented so far been successful in the long run? What role should local and national authorities play in this process?

Presentation ‚Koneser’ Warsaw Vodka Factory and into the Polish Vodka Museum – the Model Example of Successful Revitalisation

Host: • Karolina Iskierka – Polish Vodka Museum, Poland

Discussion Panel (post)Industrial Cities and Regions – How to Ensure Their Development?

Moderator: • Piotr Slowinski – Journalist, Radio Wroclaw, Poland Speakers: • Vasyl Abaimov – Executive Director, Association of Ukrainian Cities Lviv Regional Branch, Ukraine • Marek Dyduch – Deputy, Sejm, Poland • Patricija Sanchez Draksler – Business Secretary, Regional Development Agency Zasavje, Slovenia • Olena Snihova – Senior Researcher, Associate Professor, National Academy of Science, Ukraine • Ewelina Szczech-Pietkiewicz – SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland Participation in discussion: • Oksana Prishchepova – President, The Kaliningrad Regional Public Organization „Woman’s World”, Russia December 13 76 Investments

13:10 – 14:10 Thematic Block

Modern Tourism – Trends and Alternative Paths of Development

Tourism is still one of the most developed branches of industry and has a huge impact on the development of the economy in some regions. With the development of new technologies and easier access to tourism services (Airbnb, Booking, etc.) the question arises, what direction should the tourism industry go. What are the challenges for tourism? How to manage the industry in order to respond to the needs of modern consumers?

Presentation Cultural Heritage and the Universal Value of the Curonian Spit

Speakers: • Ludmila Poplavskaia – Deputy Director, Curonian Spit National Park, Russia

Discussion Panel Modern Tourism – Trends and Alternative Paths of Development

Moderator: • Leszek Zegzda – Coordinator for the Development of the Tourism Strategy of the Małopolska Region, Malopolska Tourist Organisation, Poland Speakers: • Anatoly Kalina – Director, Curonian Spit National Park, Russia • Yuriy Opanashchuk – President, Association of Hotels Union and Hotels, Ukraine • Agnieszka Puszczewicz – Director, Croatian National Tourist Board Representative in Poland, Croatia • Aleksandra Sedziak – Chief Doctor of Lower Silesian Health Resorts, Lower Silesian Governor’s Office, Poland December 13 Investments 77

14:20 – 15:20 Thematic Block Cross-border Economic Cooperation in Europe. High Hopes or Missed Opportunities

Close cooperation of regions with neighbours on the other side of the border may significantly improve the quality of life of the inhabitants and influence economic development. The implementation of important cross-border projects is now an important element of bilateral cooperation. What are the good examples of this kind of cooperation? How to avoid the traps of ineffective cross-border cooperation?

Presentation The Main Directions, Problems and Prospects of Cross-border Cooperation of Poland with Neighboring CIS Countries

Host: • Sergei Margulis – Lecturer, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Russia

Discussion Panel Cross-border Economic Cooperation in Europe. High Hopes or Missed Opportunities

Moderator: • Leszek Buller – Director, Center of European Projects, Poland Speakers: • Bartlomiej Bartczak – Mayor, City of Gubin, Poland • Krzysztof Bramorski – Marshall’s Representative for International Relations, Marshal’s Office of the Lower Silesia Region, Poland • Oleg Dubish – First Vice-President, Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce, Ukraine • Solomon Ginzburg – President, The Foundation for Socio-Economic and Political Studies „Regional Strategy”, Russia • Zbigniew Kulik – Deputy President, Association of European Border Regions, Poland December 13 78 Investments

15:30 – 16:30 Discussion Panel

Business Investment in R&D – is it Profitable?

Research and development are aimed at creating innovative product or process solutions. The effect is to be raising the position and increasing the value of the company on the market and deriving additional benefits from these solutions. For what type of companies R&D are particularly profitable, in which industries is the creation of departments responsible for research and development checked? What contribution can enterprises make to the development of state innovation?

Moderator: • Pawel Jablonski – Editor Forbes, Ringier Axel Springer Polska Sp. z o.o., Poland Speakers: • Vladimir Karyagin – Chairman of the Presidium, Republican Confederation of Entrepreneurship Development, Belarus • Tomasz Nasilowski – CEO, InPhoTech, Poland • Petr Nesterenko – Consultant, The Foundation for Socio-Economic and Political Studies „Regional Strategy”, Russia • Jury Solozobov – Director of International Projects, Institute of National Strategy of Russia, Russia • Mariusz Strojny – Rector’s Proxy for Technology Transfer, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland December 13 Investments 79

16:40 – 17:55 Discussion Panel

Renewable Energy without Subsidies? Prospects for Development.

The future belongs to renewable energies. Wind power, biogas and photovoltaics could replace the burning of fossil fuels such as coal or oil in the medium term. In 2017, renewables covered 17.1% of global energy use. The discussion will therefore focus on the question of how renewable energies can be further expanded in the future while subsidies are falling at the same time. Infrastructural issues such as the development of electricity grids, energy storage and grid stability are taken into account as well as the political question of combining ecological responsibility with economic profitability.

Moderator: • Krzysztof Jan Stawnicki – Chairman of the Board, Foundation Center of Ecology Support, Poland Speakers: • Miroslaw Bielinski – CEO, Stilo Energy SA, Poland • Michał Kaczerowski – President of the Board, Ambiens Sp. z o.o., Poland • Lukasz Kasztelowicz – President of the Management Board, Regional Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Wroclaw, Poland • Lukasz Krawcewicz – Vice-President of the Board, Polish Photovoltaics Association, Poland • Krzysztof Lawrywjaniec – Head of PPA & C&I Business Development, Sun Investment Group, Poland

18:00 THE closing reception Room 7.38 (7th level) folk music concert by József Terék and friends 80 List of Speakers 82 List of Speakers

abaimov Vasyl Ukraine Executive Director Association of Ukrainian Cities Lviv Regional Branch

From 1998 to 2010 years was been elected three times mayor of Dobrotvir in Lviv region, Ukraine. From 2011 executive director in Lviv regional branch Association Ukrainian cities.

adeszko Artur Poland President of the Board ATC Cargo S.A.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors in the Company with a leading position in the field of maritime container logistics in Poland, works also socially as a Council Member in the Polish Chamber of Forwarding and Logistics.

agirbaia Giorgi Georgia CEO ProActive Group Georgia

Young European Ambassador and a passionate Youth Worker from Georgia. Busi- ness development and Entrepreneurship consultant and Trainer. Travel and Nature lover, keen on exploring less known/unknown places/areas, very much into the cul- tures and proactive people. List of Speakers 83

alpern Ksenia Poland Expert European Integration Club

Ksenia Alpern is a doctor of humanities, a trainer and motivational speaker in ca- reer and business development, graduated of the L. Kirkland Program of the Polish- American Freedom Foundation, Coach ICF. She worked in various Eastern European countries: Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Poland.

attard Mallia Joanne Malta Head of Programming & Production Valletta Cultural Agency

Joanne heads the Programming and Production Department which creates an an- nual cultural programme for the Valletta Cultural Agency.

Bak Tadeusz Poland Mayor City of Wojnicz

Associated with the local government of Wojnicz since 2008. He began his politi- cal career as a Village Leader of Isep. He succeeded in performing his duty and it resulted in electoral mandate of a councilman in the City Council of Wojnicz. In 2014 he was elected for a Mayor. 84 List of Speakers

Bakowska-Morawska Urszula Poland Vice President of the Board INTERFERIE S.A

For 10 years associated with the tourism industry, in 2016-2019 Vice President of Uzdrowisko Cieplice sp.z o.o. Doctor of economic sciences. A graduate of postgradu- ate studies in controlling at SGH in Warsaw. Author of expert opinions for municipali- ties and other entities, as well as many publicationes in the area business tourism.

Balawejder Krzysztof Poland President of the Board Municipal Transport Facility in Wroclaw

Krzysztof Balawejder for the last 7 years was president of POLBUS-PKS. Since May 6,the president of the board of MPK Wroclaw – the largest municipal transport com- pany in Lower Silesia. Privately football and speedway fan.Involved in pro-social campaigns and activities for people with disabilities.

Balcar Tomas Czech Republic Executive Director Regional Association of Territorial Cooperation of Cieszyn Silesia

Graduate of the Technical University in Ostrava, Faculty of Economics. Passed CIMA A (marketing audit). Executive Director of the Regional Association of Territorial Cooperation of Tesinske Slezsko and Secretary of the Euroregion Tesinske Slezsko, Managing Director of Respond & Co, s.r.o. List of Speakers 85

Balinski Rafal Poland Director of Territorial Cooperation Department Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy

Responsible for implementation of international Interreg programmes, which sup- port projects implemented jointly by Polish & their foreign partners. He coordinates cooperation within Poland-Czech Republic programme. Except that manages the programmes: Poland-Slovakia, Poland-Sachsen, South Baltic.

Banaszek Jakub Poland President City of Chelm

Graduate of law at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of War- saw. He graduated from the Bachelor’s degree in public health at the Medical Univer- sity of Warsaw. He was a councillor of the Warsaw district of Ochota. He worked as an advisor to the Minister of Health, also as an advisor to the Prime Minister and Head of Political Cabinet, Minister of Entrepreneurship and Technology Jadwiga Emilewicz.

Barbara Peter Paul Malta Director Transport Malta

Peter has been working for the National Transport Authority in Malta for the last 16 yrs. He was instrumental in the set up of the Malta National Electromobility Platform, of which he is National Coordinator. He is also the Director for the Sustainable Mobil- ity Unit within the Authority. 86 List of Speakers

Barisic Darko Croatia Member of the Board Croatian Railways Infrastructure

He’s got degrees in mechanical engineering and economy, represents HŽI before CER and UIC. He held managerial positions in rail infra. maint. and property man- agement, led several business improvement projects, like station heating systems replacement.

Barszczewski Szczepan Poland Office Director, Legal Counsel Office of the Ombudsman for the Small and Medium-size Entrepreneurships

Legal Counsel. Many years of experience in providing legal services to business enti- ties. Specializes in business law, company law and tax law. Many years of experience as a member of Supervisory Boards of companies.

Bartczak Bartlomiej Poland Mayor City of Gubin

He’s the mayor of Gubin City for the fourth term. He proved to be effective in at- tracting investors, thanks to which the number of the unemployed was reduced to a minimum. The second extremely important aspect of his work is the effective acquisition of external funds and exemplary cross-border cooperation with the Ger- man city of Guben. List of Speakers 87

Bartniczak Bartosz Poland Director European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation NOVUM

Bartnikowski Ireneusz Poland President of the Board SOLGAZ sp. z o.o.

Extended experience in managing enterprises; currently leads an innovative com- pany from the household appliances sector. Repeatedly awarded by various bodies, including „Gryf” for introducing to the market product of the year or “Business Ga- zelles” for the most dynamic and profitable companies.

Beim Michal Poland Lecturer Poznan University of Life Sciences

Assistant professor at the Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Spatial Man- agement at the Poznań University of Life Sciences. In 2016-2017 a member of the Board of PKP S.A. In 2009-2011, he conducted research on German railways at the Institute of Mobility and Transport of the Technical University of Kaiserslautern. 88 List of Speakers

Beridze Rostom Georgia Dean of Tourism Faculty Batumi State University

His research interests include Strategic management in Tourism, strategies of tour- ism and hospitality development. He has published more than 70 scientific articles. He is Chairman of Organizing committee of International Scientific-Practical Confer- ence “Tourism: Economics and Business”.

Biegluk Marcin Poland General Director of the Press Portfolio Ringier Axel Springer Polska Sp. z o.o.

General Director of the Press Portfolio of Ringier Axel Springer Polska, which pub- lishes Fakt, Newsweek Polska, Forbes, Przegląd Sportowy, Auto Świat, Onet and Busi- ness Insider Polska. He’s been working for the Group for 18 years. For 10 years the President of the Fakt Heart for Children Foundation

Bielecki Jan Krzysztof Poland Chairman to the Advisory Board EY

Former Prime Minister of Poland, Chairman of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister D. Tusk and President of the Bank Pekao S.A. List of Speakers 89

Bielinski Miroslaw Poland CEO Stilo Energy SA

Mirosław Bieliński – CEO Stilo Energy SA, former CEO ENERGA SA

Bieniecki Miroslaw Poland President The Butcher’s Race Foundation

President of the Butcher’s Race Foundation. The organizer of the most popular mountain running events in Poland. Sociologist. Director of the Migration Studies Institute.

Bienkowski Wladyslaw Poland Director of the Legal Department Polsteam 90 List of Speakers

Bilyavskiy Maksym Ukraine Expert, Energy Programmes Razumkov Centre for Economic & Political Studies

Leading expert of Razumkov Center. Worked as a HR and PR Director in the Ukrainian gas transmission system operartor. PhD in Technical Science, Author of 17 patents and 100 scientific works in energy sector.

Bobowiec Michal Poland Member of the Board Marshal’s Office of the Lower Silesia Region

Economist with many years of experience. He was, among others, vice president of the management board of Stadion Wrocław Ltd. and the president of the football management board of WKS Śląsk Wrocław S.A. Currently a member of the board of the Lower Silesian Voivodship.

Bogdanov Sergei Russia Head of Public Relations Center, Faculty of Public Administration Lomonosov Moscow State University

Associate Professor at the Department of Strategic Communications, School of Public Administration, Lomonosov Moscow State University Research areas: politi- cal and international communication”, “International terrorism and radical Islamism”, “Business communication”. List of Speakers 91

Bocheński Andrzej Poland Advisor PM Doradztwo Gospodarcze

Borowski Marek Poland President of the Board Polish Federation of Food Banks

From 2002, President of the Federation of Polish Food Banks. For his many activities he received the Civic Award from the President of Poland Bronisław Komorowski in 2015. In 2000, he initiated the creation of the Food Bank in Olsztyn and bedame President. Passionate about food waste prevention.

Bosak Marek Poland CEO Modus Consulting

Entrepreneur, expert in strategic communications. He believes that it is the foun- dation of every groundbreaking product, service and idea. That’s why he’s in the Comms. industry for 17 years. Fan of fintech and life-changing tech. Co-author of three patents. Member of the Think Tank Expert Council. 92 List of Speakers

Bryjka Filip Poland PhD Akademia Wojsk Lądowych im. gen. Tadeusza Kościuszki we Wrocławiu

PhD – political scientist specializing in international security issues, particularly in contemporary armed conflicts and hybrid threats. Research-and-teaching fellow at the Faculty of Security Affairs in Military University of Land Forces in Wroclaw.

Budych Iwona Poland President Polish-German Passenger Railway Association

Expert in cross-border connections. From March 2017 President of the Polish-Ger- man Passenger Railway Association. She also undertakes actions to develop regional connections and eliminate white communication spots. Moderator of various indus- try debates.

Buller Leszek Poland Director Center of European Projects

PhD Managing Director of the Centre of European Projects in Warsaw, acts also as a lecturer for the Institute of Sociology at the Cardinal Wyszynski University in War- saw, where he developed the faculty of economy. Author and co-author of many scientific and popular science publications. List of Speakers 93

Bułat Radosław Poland Chairman of the Board Applover Sp. z o.o.

Wroclaw-based entrepreneur, technology enthusiast, and amateur triathlete. I help companies build & scale their digital products.

Buompane Raffaele Belgium Senior Advisor European Business & Innovation Centre Network EBN

Economist, Senior Manager at EBN responsible for EU projects, Intellectual Property Pilot and the Space Special Interest Group, he represents the organisation in several events all over Europe and beyond.Previously he worked in the Italian Patent Office and in the European Patent Office in Munich.

Cherkashyn Maksym Ukraine Organizer Faine Misto

Co-founder and co-organizer of the International Music Festival “Faine Misto.” Head of NGO “Educationally – Analytical Center of Community Development.” 94 List of Speakers

Chojna Janusz Poland Expert, Head of Foreign Trade Team Polish Economic Institute

Head of Foreign Trade Team, Polish Economic Institute. An analyst with experience both in research establishments and in public administration. Author of numerous publications on global markets, export policy and foreign direct investment.

Chrabota Boguslaw Poland Editor-in-Chief Rzeczpospolita Daily

A graduate and PhD student at the Law Faculty of the Jagiellonian University in Kra- kow.Blogger,author of books, screenplays,press publicist and columnist.Academic lecturer. Debunk in the independent press in 1986.He worked at TVP.From 1993 in TV Polsat,where he was the program director.

Cieplak Jacek Poland Deputy of the Ombudsman Office of the Ombudsman for the Small and Medium-size Entrepreneurships

Graduated of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the . He completed his attorney apprenticeship at the District Bar Council in Warsaw. A mem- ber of the Bar Association in Warsaw since 2010. List of Speakers 95

Czepczyński Artur Poland President of the Board ABC-Czepczyński Sp. z o.o. Sp. K

Owner of ABC-CZEPCZYŃSKI forwarding company, providing services in the road transportation. Creator of the unique carrier’s verification system SafeCarGo which is very active in preventing mass cargo thefts.Co-owner of luxury travel agency SON- RISO, MUFU creative house, Carelius Insurance,

Czerniak Adam Poland Chief Economist, Director for Research Polityka Insight

Doctor of economic sciences and Head of the Institute of Institutional and Political Economy at SGH. Author of scientific publications in the field of economic sociol- ogy, institutional economics and the functioning of the real estate market. He was a scholarship holder of the Ronald Coase Institute.

Czudowska Dorota Poland Senator Senate of the Republic of Poland

Oncologist, social worker, politician. Founder and president of the board of the Pol- ish Forum of the European Coalition for Combating Breast Cancer EUROPA DONNA; cond. Oncological Diagnostics Center in Legnica, councilor of the Lower Silesian Par- liament 2006-11. Senator IV, VIII, IX and X term. 96 List of Speakers

Czurylo Pawel Poland Deputy Editor-in-Chief Interia Group

Deputy editor-in-chief of Interia, responsible for business department and special projects. Earlier, among others, head of the economic department of “Rzeczpospoli- ta”, journalist of “Gazeta Prawna” and the Editorial Office of Economics of PAP (Polish Press Agancy).

drozd Bartłomiej Poland B2C Services Development Director

Bartlomiej Drozd – B2C Services Development Director, Kaczmarski Group, owner of He is responsible in the group for the area that produces products and services offered to consumers.

dubish Oleg Ukraine First Vice-President Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce

Since 2007 First Vice-President of Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce. Since 2017 member of Polish-Ukrainian Partnership Forum. After the Revolution of Dignity (2014-2015) Head of the Public Council of The State Angency for Investments of UA, Counselor to the Minister of Finance. List of Speakers 97 duda Antoni Poland Former MP

Graduate of AGH. He was the director of the Opole branch of the Social Insurance Institution, then the Poviat Labor Office in Opole. He works in three parliamentary commissions: Economy and Development, Social Policy and Family, National and Ethnic Minorities.

dudkowski Lukasz Poland President Nowy Szpital Wojewódzki Sp. z o. o.

In 2016-2018, the President of the Management Board of Jelcz sp. Zoological garden. Long-term local government and manager, awarded, among others an award for merits for the development of Polish Business.

dyduch Marek Poland Deputy Sejm

Member of Parliament (Sejm), Vice-President of the Committee on the Environment, Natural Resources and Forestry, social adviser to the President of Wrocław, in the years 1993–2005 Member of the Parliament, Councilor of the Lower Silesian Parlia- ment. 98 List of Speakers

dziadzio Piotr Poland Secretary of State, Chief National Geologist, Government Plenipotentiary for the State’s Raw Materials Policy Ministry of Climate

Graduated from UJ. He received a PhD from PIG. He started his career at PAN-ING. he worked at PGNiG S.A. He was Managing Director of Narzędzia i Urządzenia Wiert- nicze sp. z o.o. in Gorlice. He has been working at the Oil and Gas Institute – PIB. He has the Honorary Distinction of Merit for Mining.

dziekonski Pawel Poland Vice President of the Board Kazar Group Sp. z o.o.

Experienced manager in capital markets, banking and consulting. At Kazar in charge of finance, HR and legal. Ex Management Board at Warsaw Stock Exchange, Execu- tive Director at Deutsche Bank and Kredyt Bank and Director at Deloitte.

Eisert Mathias Poland Managing Director Polish Agro

I am currently MBA candidate at INSEAD – one of the most elite Business Schools in the world. I am expert in Risk Management related to agricultural bulk commodities, foreign currency etc. Since 13 years in highest managerial positions of international companies in Poland. List of Speakers 99

Emilewicz Jadwiga Poland Minister Ministry of Economic Development

Minister of Economic Development. A graduate of the Institute of Political Science of the Jagiellonian University. She was a scholarship holder at the University of Oxford and the American Council on Germany Programme. She speaks English, German and French.

fal Andrzej Poland Professor, Head Dept. of Allergy, Lung Diseases and Internal Medicine, CSK Ministry of Interior

Director, Institute of Medical Sciences, UKSW, Warsaw; Dept. of Public Health, Wro- claw MedUniv; former Fulbright Scholar. President-Polish Society of Public Health, member: Committee of the Polish Academy of Science; Board of Fulbright Commis- sion, Europe and CIS Committee of the AAAAI.

fossland Heidi Norway Managing Director Mid-Norway European Office

Director Mid-Norway European office. She has been head of Rector’s office of in- novation at NTNU and Director of strategy at Trøndelag county authority. She holds several board positions. She holds two masters degrees in Social sciences from NTNU and knowledge management from Nord university. 100 List of Speakers

franke Alfred Poland President of the Board Stowarzyszenie Dystrybutorów i Producentów Części Motoryzacyjnych

The graduate of the Warsaw University of Technology. Since 28 years strictly con- nected with the automotive sector. Independent expert, co-owner of a market research company specialising in spare parts market research. Since 2005 the President of SDCM, CLEPA Board Member since 2018.

Gabrowski Roman Poland Management Board Proxy for Technical Affairs TAURON Ekoenergia sp. z o.o.

From 2016 to 2019 he was President of the Management Board of Tauron Ekoener- gia, Member of the Supervisory Board of PGNiG S.A. Graduate of the Wroclaw Uni- versity of Technology. He completed post-graduate studies at the Warsaw University of Technology and the Wrocław University of Economics.

Gawkowski Krzysztof Poland Deputy Sejm

Left-wing politician. Academic lecturer and doctor of humanities, specializing in the areas of state security and local government. Cyber security expert and author of many scientific publications. A detective writer. List of Speakers 101

Ghioldi Mario Italy

Trinita dei Monti

He cooperates with Think Tank Trinità dei Monti as Young Think Tanker. In the previ- ous year he joined the Italian diplomatic team at the Permanent Mission of Italy to the UN during the Italian presidential month of the UNSC.

Ginzburg Solomon Russia President The Foundation for Socio-Economic and Political Studies „Regional Strategy”

President of the Fund for socio – economic and political research „Regional strat- egy”. Member of the public Chamber of the Kaliningrad region, head of the working group on lawmaking, curator of „ Public diplomacy».

Godlewska Malgorzata Poland Assistant Professor SGH -Warsaw School of Economics

Doctor of economic sciences, adjunct at the Department of Administrative and Fi- nancial Law of Enterprises, at the College of Enterprises at the Warsaw School of Economics. Worldwide Interdisciplinary Network for Institutional Research. 102 List of Speakers

Gogitidze Leila Georgia Director Black Sea International College „Golden Sea”

Me Leila Gigitidze, was born on September 12, 1976 I finished BSU Faculty of Human- ities. In 2005 I graduated from Batumi Sh. Rustaveli Master’s Theory and History of Translation and Literary Relations. In 2014 I graduated from Batumi State University with the Doctorate of Humanities in Philology.

Gorski Grzegorz Poland Manager General Affairs Toyota Motor Manufacturing Poland

Gowin Jaroslaw Poland Minister, Deputy Prime Minister Ministry of Science and Higher Education

In the 1980s, he was a member of the Independent Students’ Association and the ‘Solidarity’ trade union. He was a holder of the University of Cambridge scholarship. List of Speakers 103

Grabowski OP Tomasz Poland President of the Publishing House „On the way” Monthly

Dominican, former president of Dominican Liturgical Center Foundation in Cracow, university lecturer, retreat-giver, author of many scholar and popular articles.

Grala Łukasz Poland CEO TIDK

CEO at TIDK, MVP in Data Platforms and Artificial Intelligence. Over 25 years of ex- perience in data analysis, business analysis and advanced analytics. Member of the board of Polish Information Processing Society, member of Polish Association of Ar- tificial Intelligence.

Granatowska Agata Poland Vice-President of the Board Wroclaw Airport S.A.

Lawyer, certfied in project management. She worked in municipal corporations, i.a. as a Board Plenipotentiary in Wrocław Organizing Committee for The World Games 2017, Operations Director in WKS Śląsk Wrocław or Deputy Director for Commerciali- zation and Events Organization at Stadium Wrocław. 104 List of Speakers

Grzegorczyk Filip Poland President of the Management Board TAURON Polska Energia S.A.

A graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration and the Faculty of International and Political Studies at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Graduate of Executive Master of Business Administration studies (AESE Business School, EM Normandie, Cracow School of Business CUE).

Grewiński Mirosław Poland Rector Janusz Korczak Pedagogical University in Warsaw

Social policy expert; Associate Professor. Author, co-author 300 scientific publica- tions. His scientific interests: welfare state transformations, social services and inno- vations, social assistance and integration system, labour market and employment, multisector social policy and EU cohesion policy

Grimston Malcolm United Kingdom Honorary Senior Research Fellow Imperial College London

(Honorary) Senior Research Fellow at Imperial College London Centre for Energy Pol- icy and Technology since 1995, specialising in nuclear power and electricity markets. Regular media contributor and author, including recent book Paralysis in Energy Decision-Making. Formerly research fellow at Chatham House. List of Speakers 105

Gryglas Zbigniew Poland Former MP

Former Member of Polish Parliament. Member of Energy and Treasury Commission. President of the Three Seas Parliamentary Group. Chairman of the Offshore Wind Energy Commitee. President of the Bilateral Group Poland – Great Britain, Deputy Chairman of Poland-USA Group.

Grzyb Andrzej Poland Deputy Sejm

Member of the Polish Sejm 1989-1991,1993-1997,2001-2009 and now. Member of the European Parliament 2009-2019. Defended his PhD thesis at the University of Economics in Poznan-a doctoral dissertation on contemporary problems of the bio- economy in the light of the experience of selected European Union.

Gujski Mariusz Poland Chairman of the Board of Directors Healthcare Institute

MD, PhD, MPH, Associated Professor, Warsaw Medical University, focuses his main interest on the areas of health care systems and public health. He participates in building awareness of the health of both: society and political circles. An author of over 50 publications in the international papers. 106 List of Speakers

Gumulak Grzegorz Poland President iPolska Grzegorz Gumulak

Gut-Mostowy Andrzej Poland Deputy Sejm

I am a graduate of the Cracow University of Economics. I have been active in public and political life since 1995 as a councilor of the city of Zakopane, a councilor of the Seym of the Lesser Poland Voivodship and a Member of the Parliament. I am also an entrepreneur who specializes in tourism.

Gwiazdowski Robert Poland Lawyer Gwiazdowski Tax & Legal

President of the Warsaw Enterprise Institute and Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers Supervisory Board. Doctor of legal sciences.Professor of law at Łazarski University specialising in political and legal thought as well as economical law analy- sis.Lawyer and tax advisor. List of Speakers 107 halaczkiewicz Patryk Poland Marketing and Promotion Director Lower Silesian Railways

A graduate of political science at the University of Wrocław, he worked as a national coordinator of the movement of Independent Local Government Officials in Poland. A longtime activist of the Movement for the benefit of JOW. Author of the idea of reactivation of railway line No. 341 from Dzierżoniów to Bielawa. Responsible for marketing in Koleje Dolnośląskie.

hecko Pavel Czech Republic Member Of The Hradec Králové Region Council Hradec Kralove Region

Long-time member of the Czech Social Democratic Party. Is responsible for regional development, grants, subsidies and tourism. Since 2002 he was working in the town council of Mezimesti and in 2018 he was elected a mayor of the city. Is experienced in the issue of territorial self-governing units.

horbatiuk Diana Ukraine Expert Promin Ukraine

Student of Lazarski/Coventry University-International Relations.Coordinator on youth work in European Youth League,Junior Ambassador of political platform Euro- pean Hundred.Alumni of Ukrainian Leadership Academy, Computer Science Acad- emy „STEP”,Open University of the Reforms,ILAC(Toronto). 108 List of Speakers

hudecz Attila Hungary Founder and CEO Growberry

Founder/CEO of Growberry. After a career of 15 years in a multinational companies and three start-ups he is building a game-changing indoor farming company.

hunek Sławomir Poland President of the Board The Lower Silesian Regional Development Agency

Author of restructuring programmes for several large enterprises, initiator of many regional infrastructure investments and development projects for SMEs. Co-founder of the Lower Silesian Technology Park, initiator of several dozen economic undertak- ings based on innovative business ideas.

Ignor Marek Poland President of the Management Board Lower Silesia Development Fund Ltd.

Economist, graduate of Wroclaw University of Economics. Experienced manager and consultant. Originator of entrepreneurship development programs. Currently as the President of DFR implements a program of supporting the economic development of the region by providing financial instruments to SME sector. List of Speakers 109

Ilik Jan Czech Republic Director Czech Railways

Iskierka Karolina Poland

Polish Vodka Museum

Since May 2018 in the Museum (opened in June 2018). She is in charge of the event offer and relations with key partners. Previously worked for the Institute for Eastern Studies being responsible for relations with Italy and program issues. She was also Product Manager in Trade & Travel Company.

Ivanics Aniko Hungary Head of Mentoring Program Design Terminal

Anikó is a passionate and motivated professional on a mission to help startups to grow and unlock their true potential. After her international exposure to the US and Canada, she is currently managing one of the leading startup accelerator programs in the CEE region at Design Terminal. 110 List of Speakers

Jachimowicz Mariusz Poland Director of the Financial Division Polsteam

Jachym Andrzej Poland Assistant General Manager Toyota Motor Manufacturing Poland

Jackiewicz Dawid Poland Vice President of the Board The Lower Silesian Institute for Energy Studies

Politician, local government official, entrepreneur. Minister of Treasury (2015-2016). Member of the European Parliament (2014-2015). Member of the Polish Sejm (2005- 2014). Vice-President of Wroclaw (2003-2005). Member of the Programme Council of the Economic Forum in Krynica. List of Speakers 111

Jajuga Krzysztof Poland President of the Management Board CFA Society Poland

Professor (titular) of finance at Wroclaw University of Economics and Business. Hon- orary doctorate at Cracow University of Economics. Researcher in the area of finan- cial markets, risk management, household finance. President of CFA Society Poland. Member of Supervisory Board of Warsaw Stock Exchange

Jaksa Renata Anna Hungary Director ICEG European Center

Her fields of interest include socio-economic and SME development, R&D&I and Industry 4.0. She managed projects for various DGs of the European Commission and worked on projects for the UN, other international organisations and domestic clients.

Janicki Lech Poland District Governor District Council in Ostrzeszow

Graduate of the Academy of Physical Education in Poznań. From 83 to 98 – treasurer of the district of Kobyl Góra, for nine years he held the position of deputy director. In the years 1999-2001 he was Deputy Starost of Ostrzeszów, since 2001 he has been the Starost of Ostrzeszów. 112 List of Speakers

Jankowski Leszek Poland Director of the Carpathian Branch Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute

Leszek Jankowski is a Professor of the Polish Geological Institute. He is a Director of the Carpathian Branch of the PGI. He specializes in geological cartography and regional geology with the particular interest with area of the Carpathians.

Jecek Radoslaw Poland Mayor City of Karpacz

Graduate of the Academy of Physical Education in Poznan, Wroclaw University of Economics and the University of Wroclaw. Paramedic, guide and rescuer Sudeten Mountain Rescue. Social worker, athlete, vitally involved in the organization of sports events in the city.

Jeżewski Andrzej Poland President of the Board Promet-Plast S.C. List of Speakers 113

Jijie Dumitru-Tudor Romania General Manager Eastern Marketing Insights

PhD in econometrics, lecturer at University „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iasi, Romania. Founder of Eastern Marketing Insights LTD. Member of the Regional Consortium for Innovation in the North-East Region of Romania.

Juszczyk Grzegorz Poland Director National Institute of Public Health – National Institute of Hygiene

Public Health specialist. His main research interest concerns health of the working population and interventions that may increase healthy life years. In 2013-2016 on behalf of Polish employers he had been a member of the Advisory Committee on safety and health at work by the European Commission.

Kachniewska Magdalena Poland Professor SGH -Warsaw School of Economics

Habilitated doctor, SGH professor, business trainer, leading consultant at the early stage of 32 hotels. Propagator of the concept of applying new technology in tour- ism, managing director of the jury of the New.Tech.New competition. Chairwoman of the Scientific Council of the Elblag Channel. 114 List of Speakers

Kaczerowski Michał Poland President of the Board Ambiens Sp. z o.o.

Founder and CEO at Ambiens Ltd. – leading environmental consulting company in Poland. For over 11 years, he has been advising and managing environmental pro- jects for wind farms (3.4 GW onshore / offshore) and photovoltaic plants (550 MW).

Kaczmarczyk Krzysztof Poland Member of the Supervisory Board TIM S.A.

A graduate of the Warsaw School of Economics with a specialization in finance and accounting, and a former student of the University of Warsaw in the field of Interna- tional Relations. Since 2015, an independent member of the Supervisory Boards of companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange.

Kajmowicz Jakub Poland Editor-in-Chief / Grupa Defence24

Chief editor of Energetyka24. Expert in the field of energy security. Radio and televi- sion commentator. List of Speakers 115

Kaleta Andrzej Poland Rector Wroclaw University of Economics and Business

Absolvent of the Academy of Economics (1979). He obtained his doctorate (1988), habilitation (2000). Professor of economic sciences (2014). Main areas of scientific interests: small and medium enterprises, industrial policy, strategic management. Scientific achievements: 180 publications.

Kalina Anatoly Russia Director Curonian Spit National Park

Ecologist. Lawyer. The manager on development of the person of the protected natural territories of Russia.

Kaminski Jan Poland Co-Founder Applover Software House

The founder of Applover – a Wroclaw-based Software House that specialises in the introduction of software for companies working in the MedTech, FinTech and Ed- Tech sectors. It has successfully digitalised large consulting companies in cities such as London and Paris. 116 List of Speakers

Karyagin Vladimir Belarus Chairman of the Presidium Republican Confederation of Entrepreneurship Development

Chairman of the Presidium “Republican Confederation of Entrepreneurship” Leader of the movement of Belarus entrepreneurs. Since 1986 he has dealt with develop- ment of private business, Belarussian-European partnership and improvement of business climate.

Kasztelewicz Krzysztof Poland Member of the Management Board Sadecki Bartnik Sp. z o.o

A graduate of Management at Cracow University of Economics. Has been operating in a family business for over 10 years. He is responsible for the development of new business directions of the family enterprise, creates its strategy and international expansion.

Kasztelowicz Lukasz Poland President of the Management Board Regional Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Wroclaw

He is graduated of the University of Wroclaw. He acted as the legal advisor of the Lower Silesian Voivode. Professionally, he is a legal advisor. He is the Vice-Chairman of the national convention of presidents of Regional Funds for Environmental Pro- tection and Water Management. List of Speakers 117

Kinastowski Krystian Poland Mayor City of Kalisz

Born in Kalisz, architect, authorof many projects of houses and public facilities. Non- party president. In the elections he applied for office on behalf of the joint local assoociations: “Self-governing Kalisz” and “Everything for Kalisz”. He holds the office of the President for the first term.

Klima Roman Czech Republic Regional Expert for Czech-Polish Cooperation Hradec Kralove Region

He graduated in Information Management, regional expert for Czech-Polish cross- border programs, where subjects from the Hradec Králové Region achieving excel- lent results. He has been dealing with cross-border issues for over 26 years. He is involved in other international programs.

Koci Mirela Albania Executive Director AULEDA Local Economic Development Agency

She’s a Balkans Coordinator of ILSLEDA’s international network of development agencies. She is a PHD in the field of advanced materials for the manufacture of marine vessels and author of many scientific papers. 118 List of Speakers

Kocon Pawel Poland President of the Management Board AGREEHUB

15 years of experience in marketing and sales support on the business and govern- mental side. For 4 years associated with the food industry. He is interested in new technologies and cultural processes that translate into changing the relationship of brands and companies with consumers and communities

Kolek Roman Poland Deputy Marshal Opolskie Region’s Marshal’s Office

In the years 2003 – 2004 and later since 2014 the councilor of the Opolskie Voivode- ship.In the Voivodship’s Board, he held the position of Deputy Marshal, he dealt with health and social policy issues as well as in education and the labor market.

Koles Sandor Hungary President Carpathian Foundation

Former positions: Senior Vice President, International Center for Democratic Tran- sition; Executive Director, Carpathian Foundation. Field of expertise and regional focus: democratic transition in Central and East Europe, cross-border cooperation. List of Speakers 119

Komurkiewicz Janusz Poland Member of the Board for Marketing FAKRO

Konjalic Armin Bosnia and Herzegovina Founder

Startup ecosystem building in CEE. Author of “Startup Investments and Innovation Ecosystem in Emerging Europe” and “How can Policy Makers Support Startup Eco- system in the Western Balkans”

Kopacz Jacek Poland Vice-President Supra Brokers Inc

Represents the Insurance Broker Supra Brokers S.A. in relation to the largest pub- lic sector institutions in Poland as well as the largest companies in the commercial segment. A medical doctor by profession, a graduate of the Medical University in Wroclaw. 120 List of Speakers

Korkin Alexander Russia Deputy Chairman of the Public Advisory Council Kaliningrad Regional Duma

Deputy Chairman of the Public Expert Council. Kaliningrad Regional Duma. Coordi- nator of Еxpert council of the regional parliament on legislation, international and interregional relations. Ph.D., Professor. Honorary Figure of Russian Higher Educa- tion.

Kostanetskiy Kyrylo Ukraine Director SmartEAM

Expert in enterprise asset management software and equipment predictive mainte- nance technologies. More than 10 years of experience in big enterprises automation.

Kotecki Bartosz Poland Acting Director Lower Silesian Regional Labour Office

He has many years of experience in the area of implementation and control of the correct implementation of the three perspectives of European Union funds in Lower Silesia. Mr. Kotecki specializes in topics related to the implementation of EU projects, promotion of entrepreneurship and social economy. List of Speakers 121

Kotlinski Jaroslaw Poland Deputy District Governor Jelenia Gora District

Resident of Kowary. A graduate of Philology at the University of Wroclaw. He com- pleted numerous post-graduate studies related to work with disabled people. Teacher, director, self-government official. District councilor of five terms. In his -cur rent position since 2018.

Kozlakiewicz Miroslaw Poland Chairman of the Supervisory Board Cedrob S.A.

Politician and entrepreneur, member of the 3rd,5th,6th and 7th term of the Sejm. He graduated from Faculty of Economics and Production at the Cracow Academy of Economics. He was the Chairman of the Management Board at CEDROB S.A from 1991-1997.Since 1997 he has been a Chairman of the Supervisory Board in Cedrob S.A.

Kozłowski Andrzej Poland Editor-in-Chief Defence24

Andrzej Kozłowski, editor-in-chief of portal, which is a part of De- fence24 group. He obtained his PhD at the University of Lodz He teaches classes and lectures about security, cybersecurity and terrorism at the University of Lodz and Collegium Civitas in Warsaw 122 List of Speakers

Krajewski Piotr Poland CEO

Co-founder of the, a company that improves the diagnosis of can- cer, based on ML techniques. He also promotes naprotechnology in Wroclaw, imple- menting AI projects supporting infertility diagnosis and treatment. He also founded – AI/Software dev.

Krasznay Csaba Hungary Program Director of Cybersecurity Academy National University of Public Service

Assistant professor of the National University of Public Service, Hungary with cyber- security being his field of research. Currently, he is also the Director of the univer- sity’s Cybersecurity Research Institute.

Krawcewicz Lukasz Poland Vice-President of the Board Polish Photovoltaics Association

ŁUKASZ PIOTR KRAWCEWICZ, Entrepreneur and Investor with 14 years of experience, investment manager in the Renewable Energy Sources sector for 8 years, owner and co-founder of Zielona Strona Mocy, V-President of the Management Board of the Polish Photovoltaic Association responsible for industry. List of Speakers 123

Kretowicz Leslaw Poland CEO ISBnews Informacyjny Serwis Biznesowy sp. z o.o.

Ceo ISBnews

Kruczkowski Konrad Poland Blog Owner

Blogger. Winner of the Blog of the Year Award, Blog Forum Gdańsk Award, Teresa Torańska Newsweek Award, Social Campaign of the Year and Golden Clip. Commu- nication Director at SPRING Association. Previously head of communication depart- ment at „Against The Odds” Anna Dymna’s Foundation.

Krzakowski Tadeusz Poland Mayor City of Legnica

Educator, local government official,longtime president of Legnica. He has been as- sociated with Legnica since the 1980s. Legnica is his home. – „I’m proud of him. Being a legnica inhabitant means cooperation and dialogue with the inhabitants...” 124 List of Speakers

Krzyzanowski Marcin Poland Deputy Marshal Marshal’s Office of the Lower Silesia Region

Deputy Marshal of the Lower Silesian Voivodship, Councillor of the Lower Silesian Voivodship (2018 – ), Councillor of City Council of Wrocław (2014-2018), Advisor to the Lower Silesian Voivodship Governor, Plenipotentiary of the Lower Silesian Voivodship for Civil Society.

Krzyzewski Piotr Poland Member of the Investment Board Lower Silesia Development Fund Ltd.

A degree in Finance and Banking and International Economic Relations at SGH. He also completed doctoral studies at economy. Experienced manager at production and investment sectors. He managed companies and finance in capital groups. At present the President of Private Equity Luma Fund.

Ksiezopolski Krzysztof Poland Assistant Professor SGH Warsaw School of Economics

Expert specializing in energy security and energy policy. Assistant Professor at the Warsaw School of Economics and a Lecturer at the National School of Public Admin- istration. List of Speakers 125

Kucharski Tomasz Poland Partner BDO Legal Łatała i Wspólnicy sp.k.

He graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian Univer- sity in Krakow. He has been providing legal services since 1995. Since 2006, he has been a partner at BDO Legal Łatała i Wspólnicy sp.k. A specialist in the field of Polish tax law and structures of foreign companies.

Kuchciński Marek Poland Deputy Sejm

Former Vice-Chairman of the Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of Poland and Ukraine, Chairman of the Parliamentary Carpathian Team, Chairman of the Sejm Environmental Protection, Human Resources and Forestry Committee and the Ad- ministration and Internal Affairs Committee.

Kulik Zbigniew Poland Deputy President Association of European Border Regions

Deputy of ERN Nysa in Association of European Border Regions (AEBR), Vice-pres- ident of AEBR 1996 – 98, since 2010 Expert in Operation Program of Crossborder Cooperation Poland – Sachsen, Director of Sport and Tourism Museum in Karpacz. 126 List of Speakers

Kulin Igor Russia Director of the Digital Development Department Kaliningrad Regional Consumer Union

Head of „Digital development” Department. We implement the development and implementation of digitalization projects in the „Kaliningrad regional consumer Un- ion”. I am an expert in blockchain technologies. Public expert in the field of economic and social projects.

Kunaszyk Rafal Poland Chairman Eurokreator

Expert on education, labor market, deals with competence development, qualifica- tions, trainer and management advisor trained over 5 thousand people in Poland and abroad, co-owner of family businesses Eurokreator sc and Eurocreator T & C, member of the board of the Association of Fam.

Kus Dariusz Poland President of the Management Board Wroclaw Airport S.A.

Graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration (University of Wroclaw) and from the Graduate School of Banking in Colorado. He worked also as the director of Corporate Banking Department in Kredyt Bank and as the director of Treasury Divi- sion in Bank Zachodni WBK. List of Speakers 127

Kvergelidze Irakli Georgia General Director Orbi Group Batumi LTD

Irakli Kvergelidze was born on May 19, 1980 in Batumi. In 2002, he graduated with honors from the magistracy of Tbilisi State University. Ivana Javakhishvili, having re- ceived a law degree. Irakli Kvergelidze devoted his whole life to his chosen profes- sion, having reached the highest level of profess

Lacki Adam Poland President of the Board KRD Economic Information Bureau

Since 2005, the President of the National Debt Register, which under his leadership has become a permanent element of the economy, creating a nationwide system of exchange of business information. Vice-Chairman of the Union of Financial Enter- prises. Awarded for his activity by the financial press.

Lasek Dawid

Poland Secretary General Association of the Carpathian Euroregion Poland

Since 2001, Director of the ACEP Office.In 2006–2007 Director of the Territorial Co- operation Department at the Ministry of Regional Development. In 2016-2017 Un- dersecretary of State in the Ministry of Sport and Tourism.Currently responsible for implementing the development strategy of the Euroregion 128 List of Speakers

Lawrywjaniec Krzysztof Poland Head of PPA & C&I Business Development Sun Investment Group

He gained professional experience in specialist and managerial positions in the en- ergy industry in reputable companies operating on the Polish and foreign market. He is specializing primarily in advanced formulas for projects implementation such as PPA and ESCO.

Levchuk Victoriia Ukraine Founder Innovation Today

Ph.D. in Economics, Founder of „Innovation Today”,interested in promoting innova- tions into the market and their effective management.

Lipkowski Slawomir Poland President of the Managment Board Grupa Azoty ZAK S.A. List of Speakers 129

Lisowski Józef Poland Chancellor of the Legnica Bishop Curia Legnica Bishop’s Curia

Lawyer, canonist, Chancellor of the Legnica Bishop’s Curia, episcopal vicar for eco- nomic and business matters, responsible for the renovation of the Cistercian com- plex of the abbey in Krzeszów – „European Baroque Pearl”

Lopalewski Zygmunt Poland Corporate Communications Director Whirlpool

Work in the household appliances industry since 2006. He started in Indesit Com- pany Polska as a spokesperson and took this function after the merge with Whirlpool Corporation. Currently responsible for relations with public administration, institu- tions and media in Central-Eastern Europe.

Luczak Krzysztof Poland Board Member Sp. z o.o.

Entrepreneur, mobile enthusiast, and Ph.D. specialising in start-up valuation with 7 years of experience and 3 successful mobile applications with more than 2 million users. Specialist in proximity technologies, development, and improvement of mo- bile applications, mobile marketing as well as the IoT. 130 List of Speakers

Lupo Marco Italy President of Leonardo Poland Leonardo S.p.A.

President of Leonardo Poland sp. z o.o. Graduate of Aeronautical Engineering at the University of Naples. Working for Leonardo Company since 2006. Responsible for number of areas in his career, including strategic marketing, commercial activities, development of new products and business development.

Macko Grzegorz Poland Deputy Marshal Marshal’s Office of the Lower Silesia Region

Local Government Official, from 2019 Deputy Marshal of the Lower Silesian Region.

Machalek Marzena Poland Secretary of State Ministry of National Education

Secretary of State in the Ministry of National Education, Member of the Sejm contin- uously since 2006. In the past she was deputy mayor of Kamienna Góra and Educa- tion Superintendent of Lower Silesia. From the beginning of her work she has been involved in the work of the committees for education. List of Speakers 131

Malinowski Waldemar Poland President of the Board Nationwide Association of Employers of Poviat Hospitals

The President of the Consortium of Lower Silesia District Hospitals, associating the 21 largest district hospitals in the region. The initiator of the creation of the „National Agreement of District Hospitals”, which includes approx. 300 hospitals in 11 prov- inces.

Malinowski Grzegorz Poland Assistant Professor Leon Kozminski Academy

PhD in economics, MA in philosophy and management.

Mamala Jarosław Poland Chairman of the Board Park of Science and Technology in Opole

Polish scientist, inventor, academic teacher, entrepreneur and mechanic by profes- sion. Professor of Opole University of Technology of technical sciences in discipline: Construction and Operation of Machinery. The author and co-author of five mono- graphs and about 180 scientific publications. 132 List of Speakers

Manukova Nika Armenia Regional Director to Europe, CIS, Turkey and Iran World Free Zones Organization

Designed to empower free zones in achieving their strategic objectives and enhanc- ing operational performance, the World FZO provides a number of dedicated ser- vices to help develop your zone, staff and community to be world-class.

Marchel Piotr Poland Head of Corporate Club, Ecosystem & Partnerships The Heart

Marek Rafał Poland Director TVP Krakow

Rafał Marek – journalist, graduated of the Jagiellonian University and the Pontifical Academy of Theology in Cracow. Related with television (with breaks) since 2005. From 2018 – Director and Editor in Chief of TVP Kraków. Author of numerous news materials, reportages and documentaries. List of Speakers 133

Margulis Sergei Russia Lecturer Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

My professional interests are concentrated in the field of economic cooperation in Central and Eastern Europe, as well as economic integration in the post-Soviet space. I also work as a political observer for integration within the Union State. I speak Ukrainian and English.

Martyniec Lukasz Poland CEO, Succession Advisor Succesion Office

Succession advisor, lawyer, publicist and lecturer, CEO and owner of Kancelaria Suk- cesyjna sp. z o.o. Specializes in succession consulting since 2004. Expert of the Family Business Institute and consultant at the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technol- ogy. He runs the blog

Mazurkiewicz Artur Poland Board Advisor, Proxy Styl i Uroda Sp. z o.o.

CEO in heapmail Internet Solutions sp. z o.o. from Walbrzych, Lower Silesia Region. Proxy in Style and Beauty family business, President of regional employers organi- sation Dolnoslascy Pracodawcy (Lower Silesia Employers). Member in Employers of Manufacturing Sector of Polish Confederation Lewiatan. 134 List of Speakers

Matys Roman Ukraine Head of the Investment Office Lviv Regional State Administration

Maurer Krzysztof Poland Owner Maurer Juice Extraction Plant

Krzysztof Maurer – owner in PPUH Tłocznia Maurer. Producer of pressed juices, ci- ders, fruit wines, fruit and cereal spirits.

Meysztowicz Jerzy Poland Former Deputy

Entrepreneur, politician and social worker. Former deputy voivode of Kraków (1998) and deputy voivode of Lesser Poland (1999-2001). MP of the 8th term of office of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland. List of Speakers 135

Miedzinski Piotr Poland President of the Board Karkonosze Agency for Regional Development S.A.

Councilor of the Jelenia Góra City Council Member of the Board of Business and Administration Managers in Jelenia Góra Chairman of the University Council KPSW Jelenia Góra

Mihailescu Gratian Romania Founder UrbanizeHub

He studied and worked in Germany, Belgium, Italy, Hungary, Serbia and the USA be- ing a fellow of the European Commission, working with World Bank, Government of Romania or Assembly of European Regions. Grațian is the founder of UrbanizeHub a community of people who shape the future cities.

Mikhnenko Anton Ukraine Editor-in-Chief Defence Express

Ukrainian security and defense expert, the regular author of Defense Express jour- nals: «Export weapons and defense industry of Ukraine» and «Ukrainian Defense Review». The author of researches and articles on security sectors, military-technical cooperation, defense reforms, etc. 136 List of Speakers

Mladek Jan Czech Republic Former Minister of Industry and Trade, Director Czech Institute of Applied Economics

Czech economist and politician, member of the Chamber of Deputies, activist of the Czech Social Democratic Party (CSSD), minister of agriculture in 2005–2006, minister of industry and trade from 2014 to 2017. He is the director of the Czech Institute of Applied Economics.

Mocik Marek Slovakia President Blockchain Slovakia

President of NGO helping to develop & educate about blockchain technologies in Slovakia. He is a enterpreneur and founder of various companies like Creanet, a.s.(software house) or (media start-up) which won the award “Entrerpre- neurial idea of the 2015”.

Morawski Ignacy Poland Director SpotData

Ignacy Morawski is the founder and director of SpotData, an analytical centre owned by Bonnier Business Polska. He specializes in macroeconomic and industry analyses. He is a laureate of many awards, among others from the NBP or the Financial Times. He graduated economics at the Bocconi University. List of Speakers 137

Morawski Mieczyslaw Poland Professor Warsaw University of Technology

A full professor of Management Science at the Warsaw University of Technology, Poland. His research focuses on the personal aspect of KM, HCM/HRM and the intel- ligent organisations. He has published more than 140 papers and 14 books.

Mroz Krzysztof Poland Senator Senate of the Republic of Poland

Member of Polish Senate in Ninth and Tenth Term. Member of the Budget and Public Finance Committee and the National Economy and Innovativeness Committee in Polish Senate. In the years 2006 to 2015 member of Jelenia Góra city council. Econo- mist.

Mucha Pawel Poland Deputy Head of the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland

Barrister, graduate of the Law and Administration Faculty at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. Member of the West Pomerania Regional Council since 2006. Academic teacher at WSAP (Higher School of Public Administration). 138 List of Speakers

Muszynski Janislaw Poland President of the Board Dolnośląska Fundacja Rynku Regionalnego

1960 – Wrocław University of Technology; 1966-1981 software house; 1982 – private entrepreneur; 1990-1991 Voivode of Wrocław; 1992 – BCC Lodge of Founders; 1999 – Lower Silesian Forum; 2001 – Lower Silesian Economic Certificate; 2007 – Stem Cells Spin SA; 2018 – Europa Christi Movement; 2019 – EWTN

Mutor Marek Poland Director Zajezdnia History Center, Remembrance and Future Institute

Polish philologist and historian.Founder and director of the Depot History Center in Wrocław.Organizer of exhibitions and historical projects.Specializes in the biogra- phy of Cardinal Boleslaw Kominek.He sits on the authorities of the Platform of Euro- pean Remembrance and Conscience.

Myrda Tymoteusz Poland Member of the Board Marshal’s Office of the Lower Silesia Region

Self – and local government politician, lawyer, economist. Now Member of the Board of Lower Silesian Voivodeship responsible for Infrastructure Department. Graduated in legal studies as well as extended studies in banking and investment law. Council- lor of Lower Silesian Voivodeship (2010-14, 2014-18). List of Speakers 139

Myszakowski Przemyslaw Poland Vice-President of the Board Wroclaw Airport S.A.

Graduated from the Faculty of Law, Administration and Economy (University of Wrocław). An attorney-at-law, member of Bar Association of Attorneys-at-Law in Wrocław. He worked in Nowakowski i Wspólnicy Sp. k. law office. He was also a Dep- uty Director of Law Department in Chancellary of Prime Minister.

nadberezny Lucjusz Poland Mayor City of Stalowa Wola

Councillor of Stalowa Wola City 2006/2014. Secretary of local Sub-Carpathian self- government association, president of Association of Cities in Central Industrial Dis- trict. Since October 2015, advisor for President of Poland in Department of National Development Council.

nagel Ogorek Aleksandra Poland Editor-in-Chief SO Magazine and Health and Parenting Editorial Board/ Wirtualna Polska

Editor-in-Chief of So Magazyn. An art historian by profession, a journalist and influ- encer by choice. Author of the blog Ola 140 List of Speakers

Nagy Adam Hungary Deputy State Secretary Ministry of Innovation and Technology

Deputy State Secretary of Industry Strategies and Regulatory Affairs from March 2019. Scope of responsibilities: Strategic planning in the field of industry: Construc- tion sector; Automotive industry; Food industry; Health industry; Creative industry Logistics sector; Legal regulation

napieralski Grzegorz Poland Member Sejm

In 2011 in parliamentary elections from the SLD in Szczecin and obtained a parlia- mentary seat. In the elections in 2015, he ran for the Senate on behalf of the party and was elected senator. In the 2019 elections, he was elected a dep- uty from the KO list.

nasilowski Tomasz Poland CEO InPhoTech

DSc, founder of InPhoTech Group, involved in the commercialization of photonic solutions for the industry. He was awarded the title of “Innovative Personality 2016”. He is often invited to appear as an expert at various congresses, conferences and television broadcasts. List of Speakers 141 nesterenko Petr Russia Consultant The Foundation for Socio-Economic and Political Studies „Regional Strategy”

Since 2018, he has been an Advisor for the support and development of small and medium-sized businesses at the Public chamber of Kaliningrad.

nève de Mévergnies Nicolas Belgium Economic & Trade Representative Hub Brussels

Since September 2000, Economic & Trade Representative of the Brussels Region in Poland at the Embassy of Belgium, Previously, Phare Task Manager at the EU Del- egation in Lithuania, Academic Assistant at the College of Europe-Natolin, Electoral Officer at the OSCE/ODIHR

niziol Artur Poland Chairman of the Supervisory Board Uniserv S.A.

Founder of Uniserv S.A. which is a leading company in the Capital Group of compa- nies providing engineering services for industry. Beyond the professional sphere, he is involved in the activities of industry organizations and foundations. Honorary Consul of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Katowice. 142 List of Speakers

nowak Peter Germany Senior Account Manager BKK VBU

Expert in state health insurance systems. Senior Account Manager at the German health insurance company BKK VBU. Member of the Management Board of Polish- German Business Club Berpol e.V. Member of the Senate Council for Migration and Integration in Berlin.

nowakowski Remigiusz Poland President of the Board The Lower Silesian Institute for Energy Studies

CEO at PILE ELBUD S.A., Vice President Employers of Poland, Member of the Board of Directors EURELECTRIC – Union of European Energy Industry. In 2015-2016 the President of the Management Board of TAURON Polska Energia S.A.

nyga – Lukaszewska Honorata Poland Assistant Professor SGH -Warsaw School of Economics

Assistant professor at the Institute of International Economics, Collegium of World Economy, SGH. Specializes in energy security analysis. Author or co-author of many international publications energy markets. List of Speakers 143 obaz Robert Poland Member Sejm

The Master of Telecomunication Engineering. The member of the local government. Former councillor of Jelenia Góra. The operative community-minded activist, School of Community Leaders graduate. The co-author of: „The third sector for Poland” study. Member of Polish Parliament.

obrebalski Marek Poland Vice-Chairman of Regional Council Regional Council of Lower Silesia

Doctor of economics. Author of over 200 publications on the multifaceted problems of territorial development and regional statistics (co-creator of Local Data Bank). Au- thor of many development strategies of communes and counties. Chairman of the Committee of Experts for Strategy Lower Silesia 2030.

oglaza Szymon Poland Member of the Board Opolskie Region’s Marshal’s Office

Councilor of Opole in two terms and former chairman of the City Council. Since 2015 in the Board – he deals with infrastructure, economy, regional and spatial policy and preparation of a new strategy of development of the region. 144 List of Speakers

ogorek Sebastian Poland Editor-in-Chief of, WP Finanse / Wirtualna Polska

Editor in chief and Finanse WP

olbrich Thomas Germany Senior Partner Excubate Corporate Startups

Leading expert on process management and digital business creation. Named as one of the top industry experts in the US and recipient of the german innovation award. Advises companies around the globe on freeing their innovation potential.

olszewski Krzysztof Poland Deputy Editor-in-Chief Wirtualna Polska S.A.

Krzysztof Olszewski, deputy editor-in-chief of Associated with media since 1998. In Wirtualna Polska, he is responsible for preparing custom content marketing campaigns as part of the group’s key business and news services. Author of thou- sands of economic and social articles. List of Speakers 145 olszyk Paula Poland Coordinator The Jagiellonian Club

Market research analyst, London School of Economics and Political Science gradu- ate (MSc in Political Science and Political Economy). Since 2016 Jagiellonian Club’s member, since 2018 Jagiellonian Club’s Wroclaw unit coordinator.

opanashchuk Yuriy Ukraine President Association of Hotels Union and Hotels

The President of Association of hotels union and hotels of Ukraine.PhD in Econom- ics, docent at the Kyiv National Economics University.

orlov Sergey Russia General Director Institute of Medical Informatics

Director of the Institute of Medical Informatics. MD, specialist in healthcare, neu- rosurgery and spinal surgery. In 1984, he graduated from St. Petersburg Medical Pediatric University. He worked in the field of practical healthcare and management. 146 List of Speakers

orlova Elena Russia Deputy Chairman Kaliningrad Regional Association of Trade Unions

Specialty is a doctor, lawyer, manager.Worked as a doctor.She works as deputy head of Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Kaliningrad region.Scientific and pub- lic interests-labor contracts,labor disputes,interaction of trade unions and gover- ment

orlova Oksana Russia Director OOO LUO

She graduated from the Immanuel Kant BFU Master’s program. Lawyer. Economist. Programmer. Director of the Medical Innovation Research Organization M-Health and E-Health.

osuchowski Marek Poland Owner Almonte List of Speakers 147

Patterson Tim United Kingdom CEO Fuel Economy Solution Limited

Fuel Economy Solution manufactures liquid and powdered fuel-saving and emis- sions-reducing combustion catalyst technology. Key FES lines of business include marine (ships and port side), power generation & WtE, mining & construction, OEM private label aftermarket, diesel rail loco, and road transport.

Pawlowski Robert Poland Mayor Zlotoryja City

Mayor Zlotoryja from 2014. In the years 1991 to 2014 led the company in the paper industry and advertising In the years 2006–2015 he was the editor-in-chief of the monthly “Echo Złotoryi”. He graduated from Poznan University of Economics in the Faculty of Planning and Management.

Perechuda Igor Poland PhD Jagiellonian University

Specialist in financial controlling. Academic employee cooperating with universities in Poland and Europe. PhD in finance discipline dealing with value based manage- ment and perfomance management in enterprises, sport organizationa and social organization. 148 List of Speakers

Perenyi Zsigmond Hungary Minister of State Ministry of Innovation and Technology

State Secretary, State Secretariat for EU Development, Ministry for Innovation and Technology of Hungary.

Piekarski Jacek Poland Director Technitel Polska S.A.

In the years 1998–2010 he worked in Telekomunikacja Polska (now Orange). Around 01.05.2010 associated with the Technitel company. Since August 2014, he has also been the President of the Management Board at ZOE sp.z o.o.

Piętka Andrzej Poland Vice President of the Management Board for Operations PGE Baltica List of Speakers 149

Pioro Wieslaw Poland President of the Board Health Resort Krynica-Żegiestów S.A.

A graduate of WSB-NLU in Nowym Sączu. A social activist, involved in work in the economic self-government (SIG, PFB). Co-chairman of the Joint Committee of Local Self-governement and Economic Governments for the Nowy Sącz region and the city.

Piszczek Marzena Poland Assisant Professor Cracow University of Economics

Ph.D. in economics, working at the Cracow University of Economics, Department of Local Government Finance. Interests: new public management, public governance, debt management, efficiency of the public sector, budget reforms, budgeting meth- ods, and corporate governance.

Pokrywka Tadeusz Poland President Polish Chamber of Food Industry and Packaking

Chairman of the National Coordinating Committee of NSZZ „Solidarność”; President of the City of Legnica; Member of Parliament; President of the Polish Chamber of Food Industry and Packaging; decorated by the President of the Republic of Poland B.Komorowski with the Knight’s Cross. 150 List of Speakers

Polulich Piotr Poland Chairman of the Management Board Stawy Milickie Inc.

He managing companies in the processes of optimisation, transformation, acquisi- tions and changes sincw over 10 years. The Chairman of Managing Board of: ZPB FROTEX SA, DOM KSIĄŻKI SA, DOLNOŚLĄSKIE CENTRUM ZDROWIA PSYCHICZNEGO Sp. z o.o. Currently the Chairman of the Managing Board of Stawy Milickie SA.

Poncyljusz Pawel Poland Member of Parliament Sejm

MP IV,V,VI and IX term 2012-2016 Member of the Board Avio Polska Sp. z o.o. 2016 – 2019 Advisor of the Board WB Electronics S.A.

Poplavskaia Ludmila Russia Deputy Director Curonian Spit National Park

2016-2018 held a position of the Director of the Department of forestry of the Kalin- ingrad regon. Ecologist. Specialist in forestry. List of Speakers 151

Prishchepova Oksana Russia President The Kaliningrad Regional Public Organization „Woman’s World”

President of the Kaliningrad Regional Public Organization for the Development of the Women’s Community „World of Women”.

Protasiewicz Jacek Poland Deputy Sejm

Leader of anticommunistic Independent Students’ Union in Wrocław.Councilor of Lower Silesian Voivodeship assembly in 1998-2001. MP in 2001-2004.Member of the European Parliament in 2004-2014(Vice President in 2012-2014).MP since 2015.First Vice Chairman of the Union of European Democrats Party.

Przybylski Cezary Poland Marshal Marshal’s Office of the Lower Silesia Region

Marshal of Lower Silesia since 2014. Twice, he was elected to the position of Head of Boleslawiec County. Member of Monitoring Committee for Regional Operational Programme of Lower Silesia. Engaged in the activities in favour of education, eco- nomic development and culture. 152 List of Speakers

Przywara Karol Poland Director of the International Cooperation Department Marshal’s Office of the Lower Silesia Region

Responsible for international cooperation of Lower Silesian Voivodeship ( regional self-government) - including economic cooperation, cultural exchange and tourism promotion.

Puszczewicz Agnieszka Croatia Director Croatian National Tourist Board Representative in Poland

She obtained Master Degree of Management at Jagiellonian University (Faculty of Management and Social Communication) and also Ph.D. of International Relations at University of Warsaw (Faculty of Journalism and Political Science). She also has post-graduate diplomas in Foreign Trade.

Puta Martin Czech Republic President The Liberec Region

He is a Czech politician, since November 2012 he is the President of the Liberec Re- gion. Since October to November 2017 he was a member of the Chamber of Depu- ties of the Parliament of the Czech Republic. List of Speakers 153

Raczynski Robert Poland Mayor Lubin City Council

An activist of underground Solidarity and NZS. After 89, he formed Civic Commit- tees. The first non-communist president of Lubin. From the year 98, he was a coun- cilor of the Lower Silesian Regional Assembly. From 2002, he was elected the first round for the president of Lubin.

Rapacz Andrzej Poland Head of the Department of Marketing and Tourism Management Wroclaw University of Economics and Business

Prof. of Wroclaw University of Economics.He is the author of many research studies published in national and foreign scientific journals. For many years he has been conducting research in the field tourism economy and marketing in tourism. He co- operates with the tourist industry.

Rataj Pawel Poland Legal Counsellor Law Firm Paweł Rataj & Partners

Paweł Rataj – legal advisor, succession adviser. Co-author of numerous publication on legal issues in succession, including the „Guide to succession in a family business”. Organizer and participant of conferences and trainings for the environment of legal advisers and family entrepreneurs. 154 List of Speakers

Ratajczak Mateusz Poland Journalist

Journalist. He represents Wirtualna Polska and In 2016 was nominated for the Grand Press award for the reportage „Sucker Hunters”. Finalist of the D. Fikus prize for „Journalism of the highest quality”. Nominated for the A. Woyciechowski prize, winner of the T. Torańska prize in 2018.

Raubo Jacek Poland Military and Security Expert Defence24

Security expert closely collaborating with Warsaw “Defence24 Group”, a provider of professional websites about the military and geopolitics ( and De-, internal security and counterterrorism (, cybersecu- rity (, space technology (

Regulski Piotr Poland Member of the Management Board RUCH S.A.

At RUCH S.A. acts as a Member of the Board. He is directly involved in the restruc- turing process of the Company, he is responsible for the development of the sales model in the retail segment, management of press distribution and strategic defini- tion of the Company’s development plan. List of Speakers 155

Rocki Marek Poland Rector SGH Warsaw School of Economics

Since 1981 a faculty member at SGH: 1990-1996 Vice Rector, 1996-1999 Dean of Graduate Programmes, 1999-2005 Rector, 2005-2011 Dean of the Collegium of Eco- nomic Analyses. 2005-2006 Head of the Civil Service Council, 2008-2015 Head of the Polish Accreditation Commission. 2005-2019 Senator of Poland.

Rogachikova Elena Russia Chairwoman Social Organization „Polish National-Cultural Autonomy of Kaliningrad”

Business woman. Director of the Polish National Cultural Autonomy „Polonia”, organ- izing projects in the field of culture, education, business, international relations of Poland and the Russian Federation.

Rokita Andrzej Poland Rector University School of Physical Education in Wroclaw

Prof., Rector of the USPE in Wroclaw, has put into effect the sale of licenses to an American company for production and distribution of educational balls Eduball, now called Brainball - in the US, Canada and the EU (as a part of the commercialisa- tion of research results). 156 List of Speakers

Roman Piotr Poland Mayor City of Boleslawiec

Graduate of Political Sciences Department of the University of Wrocław Scholar of the US Government Program within the framework of International Visitor Leader- ship Program Vice-President of The European Federation of Napoleonic Cities Presi- dent of Neisse Euroregion.

Romek Konrad Poland CEO EcoTech System

Konrad Romek founder CEO of EcoTech System. Promoter of activities for environ- mental protection author of process innovation named Motivational Waste Manage- ment System. Supporter of the ICT for effective implementation of Circular Econo- my. Winner of EKOFIRMA2018 and nominated for EKOSTRATEG2019

Rosinczuk Joanna Poland Dean Faculty of Health Sciences Wroclaw Medical University

Professor of health sciences, nurse, specialist of preventive and neurological nursing. Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Wroclaw Medical University. Specializes in the organization of nursing health care for elderly patients and nurse education system. List of Speakers 157

Roszkowski Radoslaw Poland Chairman of Board The Association of Communes of the Pradziad Euroregion

Since 2007 Radosław Roszkowski is the chairman of the Association of Polish Com- munes of the Pradziad Euroregionte risk.

Rybicki Piotr Poland Vice-President Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Katowice

Statutory auditor, CFO, member of supervisory boards and audit committees, initia- tor of the „Supervisory Board Conference” and distinctions of „Corporate Governance Man”, portal

Ryński Jacek Poland President of the Board Rynski Capital Sp. z o.o. 158 List of Speakers

Rzayev Tofig Russia Chairman of the Kaliningrad Regional Branch All-Russian Azerbaijan Congress

The “AgroAkva” enterprise is a member of the Kaliningrad Chamber of Commerce and Industry and a representative of the National Confederation of Entrepreneurs Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Kaliningrad and the Republic of Po- land.

Sadowski Krzysztof Poland President of the Board Legnica Special Economic Zone

Experienced manager and local government. He graduated from the Master of Busi- ness Administration and Public Relations at the Banking College in Wroclaw and Franklin University. Since 1999 associated with local government.

Sanchez Draksler Patricija Slovenia Sekretarz ds. działalności gospodarczej Regional Development Agency Zasavje

BA in linguistics, finalizing MA in heritage tourism on the topic of opinion and ideas of local community about the potentials of industrial tourism in the Zasavje region. Special interest in creating ideas for tourism related content in abandoned industrial infrastructure. List of Speakers 159

Scigaj Agnieszka Poland Deputy Sejm

Polish sociologist, social entrepreneur, university teacher. For many years a local gov- ernment employee, an activist of non-governmental organizations and an adviser to the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy in the social integration program for the Małopolska province.

Sedziak Aleksandra Poland Chief Doctor of Lower Silesian Health Resorts Lower Silesian Governor’s Office

Doctor specialist in rehabilitation and balneology, medical director in Uzdrowisko Lądek-Długopole S.A., member of the Board of the Association of Polish Health Re- sorts, Voivodeship Consultant in balneology, co-author of the Report on the concept of changes in the health resorts system

Sedzik Piotr Poland Chairman of the Board Smart Citizen

An entrepreneur from Wrocław, passionate about new technologies. Co-founder of Applover – a software house specializing in building mobile and web applications, working with clients from various countries; and Smart Citizen – a company focusing on gathering and using data from public transport. 160 List of Speakers

Sidlo Andrzej Poland

Ministry of State Assets

Andrzej SIDŁO Chief Expert, Ministry of Energy Republic of Poland, Nuclear Energy Department, supply chain and localization, technical regulations. Andrzej graduated from Cracow University of Economics Poland, master in banking-corporate finance and French Lille University I,DESS in company managem

Siemoniak Tomasz Poland Deputy Sejm

Economist, graduated at the Warsaw School of Economics. In 2011-2015 the Minister of National Defense. In 2014-2015, Deputy Prime Minister in the government of Ewa Kopacz. Currently, the vice chairman of the Civic Platform and the deputy head of the PO Shadow Cabinet.

Siess Andrzej Poland Advisor to the Board Grupa Raben

Graduated from Wrocław University.He has cooperated with Raben Group for more than 25 years.Raben operates in 12 Central and Eastern Europe Countries. List of Speakers 161

Sikora Andrzej Poland CEO Insititute Of Energy Studies

A graduate of AGH in Kraków. In 2002–2005 director of the Production Asset Optimi- zation Office at PKN ORLEN. He was the head of the project regarding the purchase of UNIPETROL by PKN ORLEN. In 2005–2007 adviser to AKJ Capital on projects re- lated to the extraction and processing of crude oil and natural gas.

Sipa Barbara Poland PR Team Manager Targi Kielce

Skotniczny Ryszard Poland Owner Kombornia Manor Hotel&SPA****

Co-owner of a RSF, runs a Kombornia Manor Hotel&SPA****, Carpathian Wine Salon, chocolate brand ChocoWine. President of the Slow Beskid Foundation, Member of the Social Tourism Board in the Ministry of Tourism. Implemented the largest ICT infrastructure in Poland as a co-owner of Solidex until 2006. 162 List of Speakers

Skrzek Katarzyna Poland Legal Counsellor Ministry of Development

Legal counsel in the Department of Economic Regulation Improvement at the Min- istry of Economic Development. Her experience covers reforming the regulatory business environment. She specializes in civil law and company law, with particular emphasis on succession planning.

criminal trials regarding events from the headlines.

Slezak Marcin Poland General Director Motor Transport Institute

Assoc. Prof. PhD, Eng. General Director A specialist in the field of internal combustion engines, vehicle diagnostics and environmental protection against automotive pol- lutions. Expert in the field of autonomous driving and electromobility.

Slobodian Natalia Ukraine Head of Strategic Planning and Analysis Division National Power Company „Ukrenergo”

Dr Slobodian is working for Ukrenergo, company that is one of the main stakehold- ers and decision-makers on electricity energy market reforms in Ukraine. Previously she worked for Pulaski Foundation, National Center for Strategic Studies in Poland and ICPS in Ukraine. She has more 90 publications. List of Speakers 163

Slomkowski Grzegorz Poland Member of the Management Board Polish Investment and Trade Agency

Slowik Witold Poland President of the Board Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa SA

Slowinski Piotr Poland Journalist Radio Wroclaw

Journalist of Radio Wrocław of 1993, dealing with social and economic issues on the Polish-Czech-German border. Collaborator of the program I and III of Polish Ra- dio. Graduate of Wrocław University of Economics, awarded the medal „Deserved for culture”. 164 List of Speakers

Sniadecka Elżbieta Poland Marketing Manager Targi Kielce

Snihova Olena Ukraine Senior Researcher, Associate Professor National Academy of Science

Expert on regional economic policy, specializes in industrial restructuring. Author of more than 150 scientific papers in that field.

Sobol Ruslan Ukraine Head Association of Small and Medium Enterprises

From 2012 – Head of Association of Small and Medium Enterprises. From 2017 – president of Commerce and Trade Employers Association. List of Speakers 165

Sobolewski Bartosz Poland Regional Manager – CEE CJR Renewables

He has more than 10 years experience in the energy sector. Working as Regional Manager, CEE in CJR Renewables, since 2012, being responsible for operations in CEE region. CJR Renewables is a global EPC provider on the wind and solar PV business.

Soczewka Jan Poland President of the Board Mar-Bud Sp. z o.o.

Sokolowska Katarzyna Poland Head of Representative Office NRW.INVEST GmbH

Graduated from German filology (Univ. of Wroclaw), foreign trade (Economic Acad- emy of Wroclaw), human rights (Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights), MBA (ESCP Europe-Berlin) Languages: German, English, Russian; professional experience: 2003- 2015 in Polish diplomatic service as a (vice-)director at the Polish Institute 166 List of Speakers

Solecki Rafal Poland Managing Director Malopolskie Centre of Entrepreneurship

Expert in the field of the European Union Funds and project management. Ph.D. in economics at the Cracow University of Economics – Faculty of Finance and Law.

Solozobov Jury Russia Director of International Projects Institute of National Strategy of Russia

Political scientist, Director of international projects (Institute of national strategy, Russia), Professor; author of many articles and books on topical issues in the former Soviet Union, political elites, energy policy

Sosinski Piotr Poland President of the Board Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone “INVEST-PARK” Ltd.

Doctor of law, long-term local government activist and legal adviser. In 2016-2019, President of the Management Board of INTERFERIE, a company listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. He has been associated with the capital market for many years. List of Speakers 167

Spelda Jan Czech Republic Specialist in Tourism Promotion Department Hradec Kralove Region

He works for the tourism department of the Hradec Kralove region. He is responsible for promoting tourism in the region through the publication of brochures, maps and other materials. He is responsible for cooperation with Polish partners.

Stachowiak-Rozecka Miroslawa Poland Deputy Sejm

Politician, local government official, pedagogue. Associated with Law & Justice Party since 2002. Councilor in the city of Wroclaw in years 2006 to 2015. Candidate for the mayor of Wrocław in the 2014 and 2018 elections. Representative for the VIII and IX term of Polish Sejm.

Staniewicz Marek Poland Marketing and Communication Director Lower Silesia Development Fund Ltd.

Academic teacher, experienced manager, marketing and communications expert. Scope of activity: media relations, branding, marketing research, creating market- ing and promotional strategies. Previously journalist and publishing adviser dealing with media and economics. 168 List of Speakers

Starikovich Vitaly Russia Professor of the Department „Information Security” Kaliningrad State Technical University

Kaliningrad state technical University. Member of the state attestation Commission Professor of the Department „Information security». Expert in the field of digital development and practice of digital methods of information and communication technologies in the regional economy.

Stawikowski Damian Poland Chairman of The Board Lower Silesian Railways

Legal advisor, local government official. A graduate of the University of Wrocław and WSB in Wrocław. Councilor of the Lubin poviat since 2006. From 2007 to 2017, president of RTBS in Lubin. In 2018, secretary of the City Hall in Lubin. From 2019, president of Koleje Dolnośląskie S.A.

Stawnicki Krzysztof Jan Poland OZEON Magazine Editor in Chief Foundation Center of Ecology Support

Proxy of the Podlasie Voivodship Board for renewable energy sources. Editor-in- Chief of OZEON magazine – Ecology / Economy / Business. Publisher, animator and manager, initiator and the implementer of many business projects. The originator of the award for propagating Renewable Energy Sources. List of Speakers 169

Stradomski Maciej Poland Chairman of the Program Council Institute of Family Business

Head of the Department of Investment and Capital Markets at PUEB. Board Member at CMT Advisory. Specialist in Merger & Acquisition transactions, financial strategies and corporate governance. Leader of a vast number of projects related to financing acquisition and enterprise restructuring

Strazds Andris Latvia Adviser Bank of Latvia

Andris has been Adviser at Latvijas Banka since 2014. He is also a member of the European Council on Foreign Relations and a part-time faculty member at the Stock- holm School of Economics in Riga.

Strojny Mariusz Poland Rectors Proxy for Technology Transfer SGH Warsaw School of Economics

Assistant Professor in the Institute of Value Management and a Representative of the Rector for Transfer of Technologies at SGH Warsaw School of Economics. He is also a Partner in the Patent Office Kluczewska-Strojny. Earlier, Mariusz was the Head of KM & Research at KPMG. 170 List of Speakers

Szabo Eszter Hungary President Women Business Angels

Economist. Since 2016 member of Krynica Economic Forum’s Program Council. Since 2017 president of Women/Business/Angels. Has more than 15 years of experience in corporate communications on the regional executive level of a Fortune 50 company in Central and Eastern Europe. A businesswoman w/ a heart.

Szanto Alexander Germany Research Fellow (Cybersecurity) Brandenburg Institute for Society and Security (BIGS)

He conducts research projects dealing with the economic, societal & political im- pacts & the resulting consequences. He studied European Studies in Maastricht & spent a semester at the Sciences Po in Paris. He earned a Master’s degree at King’s College in Intel.

Szarzec Katarzyna Poland Associate Professor Poznań University of Economics and Business

PhD, Department of Macroeconomics and Development Studies. Research: the role of state in economy, economic policy, state-owned enterprises. List of Speakers 171

Szczech-Pietkiewicz Ewelina Poland Assistant Professor SGH -Warsaw School of Economics

Assistant professor at the European Union Works, Institute of International Economic Policy at the Collegium of World Economy SGH. Her research interests focus on the- matic frameworks such as city competitiveness, city links, urban development, and EU cohesion policy.

Szelemej Roman Poland Mayor City of Walbrzych

He has held an office of the President since 2011. PhD in Medical science. Director (2002-2005), then deputy treatment director at Dr. A. Sokolowski Hospital in Walbr- zych (2005-2011), head of the cardiac ward (since 2005).

Sznyk Agnieszka Poland President of the Board Institute of Innovation and Responsible Development

Expert in the field of sustainable production and consumption, circular economy and economic aspects of Polish healthcare system. Initiator and coordinator of Pol- ish Circular Hotspot nationwide programme for transition into circular economy. Expert in Pan European projects e.g. Horizon 2020 172 List of Speakers

Szymanska Ewa Poland Deputy Sejm

Statutory auditor, politician, local government official, social activist. Councilor of Legnica City Council 2006-15, Chairwoman of the Council 2009-10, vice-president of the management board of the Legnica branch of Accountants, Member of the eighth and ninth term.

Talarek Piotr Poland Managing Partner StrategyWise

Experienced business advisor. His professional experience covers high-profile com- munication functions: corporate communication, public affairs, lobbing, issue man- agement and crisis management.

Terek Zbigniew Poland Director Lower Silesian Provincial Branch of the National Health Fund

Manager. He started working at the Office of the Government Plenipotentiary for the Introduction of Universal Health Insurance. He was the director of the Lubuska Health Fund, as well as the economic and financial director at the Health Fund in Szczecin and director. Department of Health at the Marshal’s Office in Poznań. List of Speakers 173

Tordai Balazs Hungary Industrial Digital Transformation Lead IT Association (IVSZ)

Balazs Tordai has a strong background of managing IT companies and consulting firms. His is the Industrial Digital Transformation Lead, coordinating of the IOT/In- dustry 4.0 Workgroup, working as Senior Expert at the EDIOP 1.1.3-16.

Twardowska Nina Poland CEO Impel Business Solutions

uscinska Gertruda Poland President Social Insurance Institution (ZUS)

Professor, President of Social Insurance Institution (ZUS), member of Department of Social Policy and Insurance at Warsaw University, member of Institute of Labour and Social Studies, and Polish Academy of Sciences, expert in Polish and international research projects (trESS, FreSsco, MoveS) 174 List of Speakers

Vasiljevic Lucija Slovenia Technical Assistant Regional Development Agency Zasavje

She graduated from history. She is mostly active in the international field and of- fers support to companies within the Program for Problem area Hrastnik, Radeče, Trbovlje.

Vinklatova Kveta Czech Republic Member Of the City Council City of Liberec

She is a member of the regional council department for culture, monument care and tourism of Liberec Region.

Vlasak Miroslav Czech Republic Deputy Director EGTC NOVUM

Member of the Civic Democratic Party (ODS) since 2000. He has been active in local politics since 1992; then he became vice-mayor of the city of Zacler, and two years later he became its mayor; he performs this function to this day. He is the deputy director of the NOVUM EGTC. List of Speakers 175

Volom Andras Hungary President and Co-Founder V4SDG – Visegrad for Sustainability

President of V4SDG – Visegrad for Sustainability, a non-profit strengthening part- nership for the SDGs in the V4. Board Member of the European Partners for the Environment. Curator of the Global Shapers Hub in Budapest, started by the World Economic Forum. Former Youth Delegate to the UN, G7 and CoE.

Voytiv Mykola Ukraine Head of Energy Projects NGO New Generation Management

Founder of NGO „New Generation Management”, energy analyst, implements en- ergy programs.

Warmuz Zbigniew Poland President of the Board Synthos S.A.

Zbigniew Warmuz is graduate of Technical School of Chemistry in Gliwice and Uni- versity of Economics in Katowice. Since 2007 he has been working in Synthos Group. Among others he has managed Production companies in Poland and the Czech Re- public, and he has supervised the largest investment processes. 176 List of Speakers

Weber Justyna Germany Consul for Migration City Hall Munich

Ambassador of Women Entrepreneurship in Germany, Representative for Migrants at the City of Munich, Independent Policy Advisor and Networker at the Interna- tional Forum of Women in Security. She actively supports migrant entrepreneurs in Munich and speaks eight languages fluently.

Weber Robert Poland CEO

MSc in Business and Management, specialising in Management Psychology. Robert has extensive experience in working for the healthcare sector – both private and public with a particular focus on promotion and sales. He is the Founder and CEO of a website that allows patients to find out information about medical and insurance offers.

Wendt Roman Poland Member of the Board of Directors Stowarzyszenie Interim Managers List of Speakers 177

Weissenfeld Cornelius Germany Manager Metroplan Eastern Europe GmbH

Metroplan is a leading technical consultancy and planning company. Cornelius Weissenfeld leads interdisciplinary planning teams designing comprehensive solu- tions for production and logistics locations. From site selection for new facilities to planning to realization controlling he covers a hugh range of phases.

Wekiera Michal Poland Executive Director Polish Automotive Industry Association

From 2008 he is working for the Polish Automotive Industry Association. Respon- sible for topics: type approval, CO2, e-mobility, conectivity. Expert in building rela- tions with the government and external communication. A graduate of the Faculty of Law at the UJ. Member of the ACEA and CLCCR.

Wiech Jakub Poland Deputy Editor-in-Chief / Grupa Defence24

Jakub Wiech (born in 1992) – lawyer, journalist and publicist, deputy editor-in-chief of the Energetyka24 platform. In his work, he deals with issues in the field of energy and information security. He was a laureate of the Student Nobel Prize in the Jour- nalism and Literature category. 178 List of Speakers

Wild Patryk Poland Councilor Lower Silesian Regional Council

Architect, town planner, self-government activist and public manager. Former may- or and member of the Lower Silesia Voivodship Board. Member of the Lower Silesian Voivodship Assembly. Creator of the Lower Silesian Railways and transport plan for the Lower Silesian Voivodeship. A member of the of Advisory Commitee for the Cen- tral Transport Hub for Poland, responsible for the railway component.

Wirth Herbert Poland Professor Wroclaw University of Science and Technology

Wisniewski Anna Hungary Head of Representative Office in Cracow Central European Economic Development Ltd.

PhDr in economics; Currently Head of Representative Office of CED Hungarian -Ex port Development Agency and external expert of Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade (IFAT). She was commercial attaché at the General Consulate in Cracow and commercial counsellor at the Hungarian Embassy in Warsaw. List of Speakers 179

Wisniewski Krzysztof Poland District Governor Jelenia Gora District

In 2014, he became Vice Chairman of the Jelenia Góra District Council. In his current position since 2018.

Wlodarczyk Witold Poland President of the Board Association of Employers Polish Spirits Industry (ZP PPS)

From October 2018 President of the Board of Association of Employers Polish Spir- its Industry. In 2008 – 2018 as the General Director, he managed POLMED Polish Chamber of Commerce for Medical Devices. At the same time, as the director of the MedKompas project

Wloszek Radoslaw Poland President of the Management Board Krakow Airport

Vice president of the Union of Regional Airports. A graduate of the Jagiellonian Uni- versity. He completed the Executive MBA at the Cracow School of Business at the UEK. Executive with over 10 years of experience, including general management of mid to large size companies, such as: PUHiT „Kraków” sp. z o.o. and CZH S.A. in Ka- towice. 180 List of Speakers

Wojciechowska Hanna Poland Country Manager Jasmine International Dental Poland Ltd.

Alumnus of the Jagiellonian University, majoring in Hungarian Language and Inter- national Relations. Specializes in building trade relations between Poland and Hun- gary. Has been involved in the medical industry since 2009. Introduced an innova- tive Hungarian product, SGS Dental Implants, to the Polish market in 2010.

Wojciechowski Tomasz Poland Head of Geohazards Center Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute

Head of Geohazards Center in PIG-PIB, coordinator for vulnerability and landslide forecasts in the Landslide Counteracting System. Author of numerous scientific pub- lications in the field of geohazards. A member of the Małopolska team supervising the operation and removal of landslide effects.

Wolfmeyer Peter Germany Partner N3 Nachhaltigkeitsberatung Dr. Friege & Partner

Economist. More than 40 years of professional experience in economic research, banking and consultancy in innovation and internationalization of small and me- dium-sized companies.Expert in sustainability matters and lecturer at universities. List of Speakers 181

Wons E. Longin Poland President of the Management Board, CEO Rafamet S.A.

A graduate of the Warsaw School of Economics. Co-founder of the Association of Polish Machine Tool Manufacturers. Long-time President of the Management Board of RAFAMET S.A. he is the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Rafamet Foundry and the President of the Board of Poręba Machine Tools.

Wosik Jakub Poland Manager Leo Express Polska Sp. z o.o.

Professionally associated with Leo Express for 3 years, where he was personally re- sponsible for the first procedure in Poland granting Open Access in international relations for LE and approval of 480’ series vehicles. A graduate of the Silesian Uni- versity of Technology, Faculty of Transport.

Wroblewski Wojciech Poland CEO Focus Consulting Group

Sociologist, diplomat, social and local government activist with experience in the state administration and working for the largest Polish corporations. Specialist in corporate issues and crisis management. He conducts his own activity in the field of strategic consulting. 182 List of Speakers

Wrzecioniarz Piotr Poland President of the Management Board, Professor Instytut Inwentyki

Prof. at the Wrocław University of Technology and the University of Life Sciences. President: TUVPOL, Intergeo Polska, Inventics Institute. BCC member. Over 2,400 publications, including 11 books, in 4 languages. Stayed at the top 20 Universities, including the American and Indian Silicon Valley.

Wylon Marek Poland President of the Board One More Game

Marek Wylon is an entrepreneur who specializes in gaming industry. In 1998 he founded the company Ganymede – today GameDesire, which is currently one of the largest Polish companies creating free to play games. The company has released so far over 150 games available worldwide.

Zablovskyi Andrii Ukraine Head of the Secretariat of Entrepreneurs Council Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

Head of the Secretariat of the Council of Entrepreneurs under the Cabinet Minis- ters of Ukraine. He is also co-founder of non-governmental organization «European Choice of Ukraine». Studied in USA and Japan, has PHD in history, expert of Industry 4.0 and innovations in Ukraine. List of Speakers 183

Zaczynski Artur Poland Medical Affairs Deputy Director Central Clinical Hospital Ministry of the Interior and Administration in Warsaw

Doctor, Neurosurgeon. GCP Cert. 2014-18 Work Department Vascular Radiol in the Bródno Hospital. Vice President of the Association of Polish Neurosurgery. Health Care Management Manager. Coordinator of Poltransplant, WSPRiT, and U.M.St. and the National Stadium in Warsaw. AOTMiT expert.

Zagata Robert Poland Consultant Employee Benefits

Zapotoczny Robert Poland President of the Managment Board PFR Portal PPK Sp z o.o.

CEO of PFR Portal. Has many years of experience as director of sales in the insurance industry. From 2016 onwards he was member of the inter-ministerial team that put in the framework and created the Act on Employee Saving Plans (PPK). 184 List of Speakers

Zawila-Niedzwiecki Janusz Poland Professor, Faculty of Management Warsaw University of Technology

IT and business manager (including the Warsaw Stock Exchange, Universal Insur- ance Company, Office of Electronic Communications); scientist and didactic (Faculty of Management, Warsaw University of Technology); expert in operational risk man- agement and public crisis management

Zawisza Artur Poland Vice-President Union of Producers and Employers of Biogas Industry

Vice Chairman of the Union of Producers and Employers of Biogas Industry from 2015, MP and the Chairman of parliamentary Economy Commitee (2001-07), nowa- days co-owner of biogaz plants in Polbiogaz group

Zdanowski Wojciech Poland Vice-President of the Board Lower Silesian Railways

Clerk, manager, social activist. A graduate of the University of Warsaw. Director of the Faculty of Transport at the Medical University of Warsaw (2007-2009); Head of the MPK Wrocław Development Department (2009-2013); Director of the Department of Infrastructure at the UMWD (2014-2019). From 2019, the Vice-president of Koleje Dolnośląskie S.A. List of Speakers 185

Zegzda Leszek Poland Coordinator for the Development of the Tourism Strategy of the Małopolska Region Malopolska Tourist Organisation

For many years the President of the Malopolska Tourist Organization, councilor of the Marshal’s Office of the Małopolska Region, and then in 2014-2018 his Member of the Board responsible, among others for culture, sport, tourism and road transport.

Zhalilo Yaroslav Ukraine First Vice-Director National Institute for Strategic Studies

PhD in economy, a leading researcher in economic and regional policy with more than 20 year experience of policy advisory to the Government and Office of the Pres- ident of Ukraine. Research priorities: institutional economy and reforms; structural policy; regional policy and regional development.

Zietara Piotr Poland President of the Menagement Board Municipal Water and Sewage Service

Graduated from the Faculty of Management at the Cracow University of Economics. Holds an MBA in Public Management. Associate of Kraków Waterworks since 2001. Served as President of the Management Board since 1 April 2017. In July 2017, he assumed the post of Deputy Chair of the IGWP Council. 186 List of Speakers

Zjawiony Tomasz Poland President Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Katowice

Tomasz Zjawiony – entrepreneur, President of the Chamber of Commerce and In- dustry in Katowice. Executive Master of Business Administration. Experienced in developing companies at Polish market, he managed a foreign department of the companies from Germany, Italy, Spain and Portugal.

Zuchowski Tomasz Poland General Director General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways

Engineer, academic teacher and a government official, undersecretary of state in 2015–17, secretary of state in the Ministry of Infrastructure and Construction in 2017–18 and the Ministry of Infrastructure in 2018. From 08.2018 he has been the General Director of National Roads and Motorways.

Zukowski Michal Poland Managing Partner Innteo Legal Żukowski i Szukowska

Expert on issues related to commercialization and technology transfer. In recent years has been associated with the NCBR. He is an expert on issues related the fi- nancing of scientific research and development works. He gained professional expe- rience working for the Ministry of Science and Education. List of Speakers 187

Zukrowska Katarzyna Poland Professor, Institute of International Studies SGH Warsaw School of Economics

Katarzyna Żukrowska, specialization: intern economics. Work: Institute of Interna- tional Studies, Col.of Socio-Economics, Warsaw School of Economics. Author of 550 public., of which 42 on Philadelphia list. Interests: EU budget, EMU, systemic trans- formation, FDI, foreign trade, rev. 4.0

Zwolinski Tomasz Poland Project Manager The Commonwealth of Generations Foundation

Graduate at both University of Economics in Wroclaw and University of Opole. Edu- cational and social project specialist at domestic and global level. Coauthor and ad- ministrator of Digital Multimedia Library.

Zydok Radoslaw Poland Director BOS Bank

List of Participants 190 List of Participants

andrzejewski Krzysztof Poland Member of the Board Autostrada Wielkopolska S.A.

antkowiak Konrad Poland Mayor City of Wschowa

asayonak Aliaksei Belarus Deputy Sales Director, Minsk Division Entrepreneurship Supporting Centre “4D”

Bak Ryszard Poland Owner BAK Tłocznia Dysków Optycznych List of Participants 191

Bakalarz Wladyslaw Poland President of the Management Board Municipal Services Office in Boleslawiec

Bartniczak Bartosz Poland Director European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation NOVUM

Bednarski Zbigniew Poland Director Sunningwell International Polska Sp. z o.o.

Berdychowski Zygmunt Poland Chairman of the Economic Forum Programme Council Institute for Eastern Studies 192 List of Participants

Bialkowski Marcin Poland Chairman of the Board DIS Sp. z o.o.

Bienkowski Wladyslaw Poland Director of the Legal Department Polska Zegluga Morska

Biernat Janusz Poland Ph.D. Lecturer Wroclaw University

Bilski Jacek Poland Board Representative Supra Brokers Inc List of Participants 193

Bilyk Tymoteusz Poland President of the Board KORBANK S.A.

Bochenski Andrzej Poland Advisor PM Doradztwo Gospodarcze

Bodzenta Sebastian Poland Director of the Ecological Projects Financing Office BOS BANK

Brezden Zdzislaw Poland District Governor Olawa District 194 List of Participants

Budny Jakub Poland Consultant StrategyWise

Bukowska Beata Poland Partner Inwenta Sp. z o.o.

Chabasiewicz Michał Poland Director Warsaw Office ACCIO - Catalonia Trade & Investment Agency

Chaikouski Viktar Belarus Deputy Director for development, CEO, Founder, Minsk Depart- ment Entrepreneurship Supporting Centre “4D” List of Participants 195

Chernolutsky Sergey Uzbekistan Main Designer Budmex-Asia Co.Ltd

Chibizova Anastasia Russia Assistant Professor Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

Chmura Dariusz Poland Mayor Wolow City Council

Chojnacki Piotr Poland President of the Board Municipal Heat Supply Company “TERMAL” INC. 196 List of Participants

Cichorski Tomasz Poland Managing Director Bank Ochrony Srodowiska S.A.

Cieślicki Paweł Poland Chairman Budmex-Asia Co.Ltd Uzbekistan

Ciosek Artur Poland Mayor Dobroszyce Commune

Czajkowski Marcin Poland Marketing Specialist Lower Silesian Railways List of Participants 197

Czarnecki Walery Poland District Governor Luban District Council

Czerwinski Marek Poland District Governor Strzelin District Council

Czubak Miroslaw Poland Councillor City Council of Karpacz

Czurylo Pawel Poland Deputy Editor-in-Chief 198 List of Participants

dela Anna Poland Research and Development Director National Institute of Public Health – National Institute of Hygiene

domanski Bartosz Poland Customer Advisor iPolska Grzegorz Gumulak

dominiak Bozena Poland Mayor Grzegorzew Commune

dorski Przemyslaw Poland Communications Specialist Lower Silesian Railways List of Participants 199

drynda Krzysztof Poland Vice President of the Board Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone “INVEST-PARK” Ltd.

dudzik Jerzy Poland President of the Board Regional Development Agency “AGROREG” S.A.

dzugaj Jan Poland District Governor Olesnica District

Esquerra Ewa Poland Chairwoman Esquerra Consulting 200 List of Participants

Etel Roman Poland President of the Board Zakład Usług Energetycznych epeKoks Sp. z o.o.

faltheim Marc United Kingdom Senior Adviser Lan-bridge

fedarenka Siarhei Belarus Director TAKTIL LLC

fedorczuk-Elias Agnieszka Poland Director of the Organizational Department Marshal’s Office of the Lower Silesia Region List of Participants 201 forster Krystian Poland Deputy Chairman of the City Council Krosno Odrzanskie City Council

frackowiak Janusz Poland Mayor Przemet Commune

frytz Tobiasz Poland Councillor City Council of Karpacz

fudel Agnieszka Poland Customer Advisor iPolska Grzegorz Gumulak 202 List of Participants

fura Zygmunt Poland Chairman of the Scientific Board Polish Ecologic Club

fura Krzysztof Poland Director Bravo

Gabrysiak Tomasz Poland District Governor Boleslawiec District

Garczynski Piotr Poland City Councillor Krosno Odrzanskie City Council List of Participants 203

Geborys Dagmara Poland Vice-President of the Board Special Economic Zone For Small Entrepreneurship

Gelecinska Sandra Hungary Assistant General Consulate of Hungary in Cracow

Gibek Anna Poland Senior PR manager INTERREG Poland - Saxony 2014-2020

Glod Piotr Poland Director Zarząd Zasobów Mieszkaniowych MSWiA 204 List of Participants

Golba Leslaw Poland Mayor Jerzmanowa Commune

Goranin Agnieszka Poland Chief Specialist Marshal’s Office of the Lower Silesia Region

Grabowski Przemysław Poland Corporate Security Manager Lower Silesian Railways

Grabska Agnieszka Poland Councillor City Council of Karpacz List of Participants 205

Gralik-Zmudzinska Ewa Poland Secretary of the Jelenia Gora District Jelenia Gora District

Grechko Sergey Belarus Director, CEO RecomBel CJS Co

Grot Ryszard Poland President of the Board Simet

Grzegorczyn Jan Marian Poland Mayor Miekinia Commune 206 List of Participants

hajndrych Malgorzata Poland Councillor City Council of Karpacz

hazuchova Katarina Slovakia Independent Environmental Analyst GPoT, SIOV

hoffmann Zbigniew Poland Partner

horbatowski Lukasz Poland Mayor Kotla Commune List of Participants 207

hurynovich Dzmitry Belarus Director, CEO, Founder Entrepreneurship Supporting Centre “4D”

Idczak Witold Lech Poland Vice-President of the Board Lower Silesian Railways

Idzikowski Piotr Poland Director PFR Portal PPK

Ilyashchuk Halina Belarus Vice-President Minsk Capital Association of Employers and Entrepreneurs 208 List of Participants

Jablonski Pawel Poland Editor Forbes Ringier Axel Springer Polska Sp. z o.o.

Jarmuzkiewicz Sabina Poland Head Of Business Development TIDK

Jarosz Miroslaw Poland Mayor Sobotka City Council

Jarosz Pawel Poland Director of Strategic Clients Supra Brokers Inc List of Participants 209

Jedlecka Elzbieta Poland Mayor Wadroze Wielkie Commune Council

Jednoral Marcin Poland CEO Regional Development Agency ARLEG INC.

Jijie Alina Romania Executive Manager Eastern Marketing Insights

Jungiewicz Bartosz Poland Director of Trade Lower Silesian Railways 210 List of Participants

Kaczmarczyk Roman Poland Mayor City of Ladek Zdroj

Kaglik Joanna Poland Member of the Board RKB Ltd

Kałuzniak Maciej Poland Business Trainer KRD Economic Information Bureau

Kampa Jozef Poland Deputy Mayor Municipality of Strzelce Opolskie List of Participants 211

Kasina Marcin Poland Mayor Olesnica Comunne

Kedzierski Pawel Poland Manager Kolejkowo

Kielb Jacek Poland Member of the Board Regional Development Agency ARLEG INC.

Kleszcz Pawel Poland HR and Organization Director Lower Silesian Railways 212 List of Participants

Klimkowski Wieslaw Poland President of the Management Board PCC Rokita

Koci Harilla Albania Journalist Albanian National News Agency

Koko Daniel Poland District Governor Lwowek Slaski District

Kolanowski Krzysztof Poland Head of Joint Secretariat INTERREG Poland - Saxony 2014-2020 List of Participants 213

Kolesinski Jacek Poland Mayor Siedlec Commune

Kolodziejczak Mikolaj Poland CEO

Komorowski Hubert Poland Senior Specialist for European Funds Information Center of European Projects

Konarska-Jóźwiak Ewa Poland Secretary Kotla Commune 214 List of Participants

Kopec-Huniak Honorata Poland Director RKB Sp. z o.o.

Kostarski Piotr Poland Member of the Board Provema Sp. z o.o.

Kowalewski Mateusz Poland Research Specialist InPhoTech

Kozlakiewicz Mirosław Poland Chairman of the Supervisory Board CEDROB S.A. List of Participants 215

Krecichwost Czeslaw Kazimierz Poland Chairman Stowarzyszenie Gmin Polskich Euroregionu Glacensis

Kriegel Marzena Poland Administration Manager Lower Silesian Railways

Krochmalna Małgorzata Poland Director Poviat Sanitary and Epidemiological Station in Strzelin

Krochmalny Jerzy Poland Mayor Wiazow City Council 216 List of Participants

Krysowata-Zielnica Jolanta Poland Mayor Winsko Commune

Kubiak Jacek Poland Owner MC Posnania consulting and promotion

Kubik Grzegorz Poland Vice-President City Council of Karpacz

Kucab Grzegorz Poland Mayor City of Bolkow List of Participants 217

Kulczycki Roman Poland President of the Board Uzdrowisko Cieplice

Kulig Pawel Poland Deputy Mayor Zlotoryja City

Kunaj Tadeusz Poland Chairman of the Commune Council Olesnica Comunne

Kupczyk Damian Poland President Czepczynski Family Foundation 218 List of Participants

Kuriata Henryk Poland Mayor Olawa Commune

Kwiatkowski Dariusz Poland Chairman of the Board Bruk - Polbruk

Lenart Tomasz Poland Passenger Services Manager Wroclaw Airport S.A.

Lengyel Attila Hungary Export Manager Central European Economic Development Ltd. List of Participants 219

Lochno Magdalena Poland Owner LOCHNO Architecture & Interior Designs

Magda Elzbieta Poland Director SPZOZ Winsk

Majerowski Marek Poland Director for Technical Affairs Facility of Municipal Services Ltd. in Miekinia

Malinowski Jakub Poland Legal Affairs Manager PFR Portal PPK 220 List of Participants

Maniara Wioleta Poland Controlling Director Wroclaw Airport S.A.

Marcinkowski Przemysław Poland Director for Infrastructure Wroclaw Airport S.A.

Markiewicz Marian Poland President PPUH Maxer Sp. z o.o.

Matuszczyk Joanna Poland Director Bank Ochrony Srodowiska S.A. List of Participants 221

Mazurek Teresa Poland Mayor Swidnica Comunne

Michalkiewicz Anna Poland Director Culture Center in Gryfow Slaski

Morawski Mieczyslaw Poland Professor Warsaw University of Technology

Motylski Janusz Poland Chairman of the Committee on Education, Culture and Health City Council of Karpacz 222 List of Participants

nedeczky Sandor Peter Hungary Vice-Consul Vice-Consulate of Hungary

niedźwiedz Pawel Poland Mayor Wasosz City Council

nyitrai Zoltán Hungary Commercial and Economic Attaché General Consulate of Hungary in Cracow

orman Michal Poland Mayor City of Myslakowice List of Participants 223

Pacholski Marcin Poland Project Manager Central European Economic Development Ltd.

Paczynski Jakub Poland Chairman of the Board Kolejkowo

Papaj Hubert Poland General Director Karkonosze Agency for Regional Development S.A.

Patterson Karen United Kingdom Director Fuel Economy Solution Limited 224 List of Participants

Pavlova Svetlana Russia Professor at the Institute of Public Administration and Management Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

Pawnuk Dorota Poland Mayor City of Strzelin

Pedziwol Aureliusz Marek Austria Correspondent Deutsche Welle

Piotrowska Ewa Poland Sales Manager Impel Business Solutions Sp. z o.o. List of Participants 225

Piwko Pawel Poland Mayor Radwanice Commune Council

Plaziuk Wojciech Poland Mayor Udanin Commune Council

Plezia Rafal Poland Mayor Legnickie Pole Commune

Ploch Andrzej Poland Editor-in-Chief Przeglad Lubanski 226 List of Participants

Polaczek Bartosz Poland Manager of The Loan Fund Karkonosze Agency for Regional Development S.A.

Poleshczuk Diana Belarus Marketing Director RecomBel CJS Co

Popova Tatiana Uzbekistan Chief Architect Budmex-Asia Co.Ltd

Prokopczak Emilia Poland Secretary Zukowice Commune List of Participants 227

Prokorym-Bogdan Sylwia Poland Director PFR Portal PPK

Pyrzyk Michal Poland Mayor City of Slupca

Rajchert Bartlomiej Poland CEO GDS Grupa Doradztwa Strategicznego

Razik-Trziszka Magdalena Poland Director of the Control and Complaints Department Marshal’s Office of the Lower Silesia Region 228 List of Participants

Razniewski Stanislaw Poland President of the Board Polish Georgian Chamber of Industry and Commerce

Rocki Marek Poland Rector SGH Warsaw School of Economics

Rodak Bartlomiej Poland Press Officer Lower Silesian Railways

Ryk Andrzej Poland Director List of Participants 229

Rzenno Natalia Poland Manager of the Deputy Office Parliamentary Office

Samoraj-Charitonow Beata Poland Deputy Director of the Head’s Office Social Insurance Institution (ZUS)

Saternus Jurand Poland Customer Relations Specialist Airly Sp. z o.o.

Selak Dariusz Poland Director PFR Portal PPK 230 List of Participants

Senderek Paweł Poland Vice-President of the Board Municipal Water and Sewage Service

Seweryn Irena Poland Councillor City Council of Karpacz

Słomianny Krzysztof Poland Treseuer Kotla Commune

Smolarek Artur Poland Member of the Management Board Jelenia Gora District List of Participants 231

Staniewicz Marek Poland Marketing and Communication Director Lower Silesia Development Fund Ltd.

Staniszewska Joanna Poland Councillor City Council of Karpacz

Strozik Bartlomiej Poland Deputy Mayor Swidnica Comunne

Strzelichowska Agata Poland Event Specialist PFR Portal PPK 232 List of Participants

Sujak Radosław Poland Member of the Board Krosno Odrzanskie District Council

Surma Tomasz Poland Deputy Director CEZ Polska

Sushchevich Igor Belarus Director JV Plant Nodvig

Sznel Maciej Poland Secretary of the Lower Silesian Region Marshal’s Office of the Lower Silesia Region List of Participants 233

Szrama Tomasz Poland Mayor City of Oborniki

Szorc Aleksandra Poland Communication Specialist PFR Portal PPK

Szukala Michal Poland President of the Board Wałbrzyskie Zakłady Koksownicze „Victoria” S.A.

Szymanska-Antosiak Monika Poland Spokesperson The Lower Silesian Institute for Energy Studies 234 List of Participants

Taras Miroslaw Poland Vice-President of the Board Prairie Mining Ltd.

Twardowska Nina Poland President of the Board Impel Business Solutions Sp. z o.o.

Voronov Dmytro Ukraine CEO Innovation Basalt Technology

Waksmundzki Lukasz Poland Managing Director EcoTech System List of Participants 235

Wechta Paweł Poland Management Representative Regional Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Manage- ment in Wroclaw

Weglowski Jaroslaw Poland Mayor City of Niemcza

Wendt Roman Poland Director Board Member Stowarzyszenie Interim Managers

Wiankowska Elzbieta France Director Ikaris Consulting 236 List of Participants

Wiązowski Bartłomiej Poland Vice-President of the Board Regional Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Wroclaw

Winniczuk Mario Netherlands Owner Co.IEE

Woloszyn Krzysztof Poland Mayor Zukowice Commune

Wolski Brunon Poland Mayor Kaczory Commune List of Participants 237

Wroblewski Jarosław Poland Airport General Director, COO Wroclaw Airport S.A.

Wróbel Wojciech Poland Honorary Consul Honorary Consulate of Georgia

Wyrzykowski Przemyslaw Poland Business Development Manager DHV Hydroprojekt Sp. z o.o.

yakubionak Hanna Belarus Manager JV Plant Nodvig 238 List of Participants

Zakrzewska Elzbieta Poland Mayor City of Kowary

Zhyrnou Siarhei Belarus Deputy Director ProLed JSC

Zielinski Kamil Poland Vice President of the Board Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone “INVEST-PARK” Ltd.

Złotnik Karolina Poland Chief Specialist for European Funds Information Center of European Projects List of Participants 239

Zmudzinski Zbigniew Poland Owner Advisor

Zydok Radoslaw Poland Director of the Department of Regulatory and Strategic Analysis KGHM Polska Miedz S.A.

Partners 241

Lower Silesia is a region that plays an important role not only in the socio- economic development of Poland, but also in the central-eastern part of Europe. This is the result of a consistently implemented strategy: investment in innovation, research and science, development of road and rail infrastructure, opening and supporting entrepreneurs and business, development of communication, tourism, including spa tourism, opening to people and ideas, to innovative visions and bold ventures. In recent years, the region has made a huge step forward, becoming one of the most dynamically developing regions in Europe, open to global cooperation, a region of great opportunities. Regin has an exceptionally rich history, associated with the intermingling influences of different cultures and nationalities for centuries. It is a land of magnificent castles and palaces, numerous routes leading through the most charming parts of the region and beautiful and mysterious mountains. It is simply a perfect place for recreation for everyone who values ​​active leisure for mountain biking, cycling, rock climbing and winter sports enthusiasts. Lower Silesia is constantly using somehow the innate dynamics and creativity of its inhabitants in the pursuit of raising standards, further dynamic development and building a strong position of our region in the country and Europe. At the same time, it is perceived by many of them as the best place to live. 242 Partners

Karpacz is a charming town at the foot of the Karkonosze Mountains with their highest peak – Śnieżka. Amazing landscapes, unique attractions and excellent tourist infrastructure attract over milion visitors each year. From the tourist resorts located in the Sudety Mountains, Karpacz has the most developed accommodation infrastructure. With nearly 5,000 permanent residents, the town can accommodate nearly 18,000 guests.

Wrocław airport – perfectly located in the south-west part of Wrocław, about 10 km away from the city centre, handles about 3.5 mln passengers per year. With a modern terminal, extensive network of connections to the major hubs of Europe (i.e. Frankfurt, Munich, Zurich, Paris CDG, Copenhagen, Amsterdam) and attractive low-cost destinations, the airport is willingly chosen by the passengers as a starting point of their journey. The highest standards of the services are constantly appreciated by its passengers. For four times in a row, they have recognised the airport as the Best Regional Airport in Poland in the Business Traveller Awards survey. Partners 243

KGHM is among the top world’s largest producers of copper and silver with more than 55 years of experience in mining, smelting and refining. Beyond copper and silver, KGHM extracts molybdenum, nickel, gold, palladium and platinum and produces rhenium. The company’s production assets and projects are located on three continents. KGHM’s core operations are situated in Poland. The most significant foreign operation – Sierra Gorda mine – is situated in Chile. KGHM Group employs over 34 000 people.

Koleje Dolnośląskie S.A. (KD) is a rail operator established by the resolution of December 28th, 2017, and owned by the Local Government of Dolnośląskie Voivodeship. First trains went on the routes on December 14th, 2018. Currently, rolling stock fleet consists 57 trains, including 25 Diesel – and 32 Electric Multiple Units. In 2018, KD carried record number of 11.7 mil. passengers and may reach 13 million the current year. The company's share capital is over 117 million pln (2019). Since January 2019, Damian Stawikowski has been the President of the Board. 244 Partners

Kraków Airport is the biggest regional airport in Poland, serving over 7 million passengers per year. 24 carriers offer more than 130 regular direct connections #PROSTOzKRAKOWA to 4 continents. Kraków Airport sees sustainable development as an integral part of strategic management. It aims to become a leader of European regional airports concerned about the high standard of service, combining business success with a positive impact on the environment.

BOŚ is Polish bank present on the financial market since 1991. We specialize in financing projects in the field of environment protection. We also offer retail, corporate and investment banking as well as other financial services. We are the parent company in the Capital Group BOŚ S.A., which includes the following subsidiaries: Dom Maklerski BOŚ S.A. and BOŚ Leasing Eko Profit S.A. BOŚ shares are listed on the main market of the Warsaw Stock Exchange since 1997. Partners 245

Toyota is one of the largest automakers and a global leader of hybrid technology. In Poland Toyota is the second most popular car brand. The concern has two factories located in Lower Silesia: in Wałbrzych and Jelcz-Laskowice, which are the first production centers of modern hybrid powertrains outside Asia. Together with six new hybrid projects, the total value of Toyota’s investments in Poland by 2022 will increase to over PLN 5.5 billion and employment to nearly 3,000 people.

ANWIL is the sole manufacturer of polyvinyl chloride in Poland and a major competitor in the European nitrogenous fertilizer market. An extensive portfolio of high-quality products allows the Włocławek-based ORLEN Group company to export its products to more than 30 countries worldwide. While striving to achieve operational perfection, in our efforts we are concerned with the social responsibility of our business, always bearing in mind our employees, the local community and the natural environment. 246 Partners

TauRon Polska Energia Sa is the holding company in capital group that deals with coal mining, as well as generation, distribution and supply of power and heat. TAURON Group operates on 18 percent of Poland’s territory and is one of the largest business entities in Poland. TAURON Group includes, among others, such subsidiaries as TAURON Wytwarzanie (Generation), TAURON Dystrybucja (Distribution), TAURON Sprzedaż (Supply), TAURON Obsługa Klienta (Customer Service), TAURON Wydobycie (Mining), TAURON Ekoenergia (RES) and TAURON Ciepło (Heat).

Polish Copper Employers’ association (ZPPM) was established in 1996 by KGHM Polska Miedź capital group, a leading producer of copper and silver. In the beginning it was an industry association but currently their members (110) come from all kind of industry sectors, employing over 35 000 people in total. ZPPM’s goal is to represent and protect employers’ interests. Legal positions prepared on behalf of the member companies relate to employment law, tax law or environmental regulations contributed to many positive changes impacting business in Poland. ZPPM is complementing KGHM’s CSR and regional development activities. Education is also one of ZPPM’s key activities. Partners 247

Polsteam, the largest Polish shipowner and one of the largest in Europe, operates 62 ships of total capacity 2,2 million dwt. The company main activity profile is transporting bulk cargo, such as coal, grain, etc. on the global shipping market. Apart from bulk cargo transport, the company is successfully involved in ferry transport on the Baltic Sea through Unity Line, a ferry subsidiary. Additionally, the company is the owner of Pazim, class A office and hotel complex in Szczecin, and a part of showpiece quays at Wały Chrobrego, which service passenger river transport.

Dolnośląski Fundusz Rozwoju sp. z o. o. (Lower Silesian Development Fund Ltd.) is a company, whose sole partner is the Lower Silesia Voivodship. Dolnośląski Fundusz Rozwoju is a specialized regional financial institution, whose aim is to create a sustainable, long-term financing system for micro, small and medium enterprises using repayable financial instruments i.e. loans, guarantees, sureties, quasi-equity and equity instruments. 248 Partners

Targi Kielce is one of Poland’s exhibition market leaders – with 90,000 m2 of exhibitions space including 36,000 of indoor space in the 7 fully equipped exhibition halls. Targi Kielce – 276,000 visitors from 60 countries, 7,000 exhibitors and 223,000 m2 of the exhibition space leased. The Targi Kielce calendar comprises 70 exhibitions and 700 conferences a year, including PLASTPOL – Poland’s biggest fair for plastics processing and MSPO – the third largest defence industry expo in Europe.

Hotel Gołębiewski in Karpacz. It is situated at approximately 800 metres above sea level, at the base of the highest summit in Karkonosze – Śnieżka. Due to its location and the beautiful view at the mountains, it is the perfect place to relax both in summer and winter. A wide selection of hotel attractions, such as: “Tropikana” Water Park (a set of pools, saunas, hot tubs, spa baths and slides), Bowling Alley, Arcade room, Nightclub, Children’s Club, Theatre Stage will help you enjoy your time. It is also the perfect place to relax and rest for individual guests with families, as well as for conference and business visitors. Partners 249

The Industrial development agency Joint Stock Company (IDA) is a state- owned company. It has played an important role in the transformation of the Polish economy by responding to the most vital needs of industry, saving thousands of jobs and modernizing large and medium-size enterprises. Today, within the Group of Polish Development Fund, IDA cooperates with key Polish institutions supporting entrepreneurs and provides solutions for current needs and business challenges.

The PfR Portal PPK company is responsible for informing about the Employee Capital Plans program and acts as the statutory operator of the 250 Partners

The Polish development fund (PFR) is a group of financial and advisory institutions supporting companies, local governments and individuals and investing in sustainable social and economic development of Poland. We work together to create practical solutions for a shared success and a safe future. It is our aspiration to create a complete market of raising capital and growth instruments at every stage of project development.

naftoserwis (PERN Group) - is a professional partner providing specialized services in the area of maintaining technical safety of strategic infrastructure. Naftoserwis performs service tasks at fuel terminals, as well as realizes investment and modernization goals. Naftoserwis also provides diagnostic services using innovative devices - intelligent tool. The company also offers oil tank cleaning services with a „non man entry” system. Notes 251 252 Notes Notes 253 254 Notes Notes 255 256 Notes Notes 257

Our activities

The Eastern Institute (full name: Foundation In 2019 approximately 5000 delegates from Institute for Eastern Studies) is an indepen- 60 countries were our guests. dent non-governmental organization com- mitted to improving cooperation between The institute organizes a range of high pro- the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. file conferences:

European Congress The major project of the Institute is Econo- of Local Governments mic Forum in Krynica. Through the 90-s the Institute developed an impartial and trust- Innovation Forum ful platform for debate on the whole scope of political, economic and social issues. The Europe-Ukraine Forum Economic Forum in Krynica has become one of the largest and most comprehensive conferences in Central and Eastern Europe.

Eastern Institute, ul. Solec 85, 00-382 Warsaw, Poland tel.: +48 22 583 11 00, fax: + 48 22 583 11 50 e-mail: [email protected],