Mechanisms of Self-Incompatibility and Unilateral Incompatibility in Diploid Potato (Solanum Tuberosum L.)
Mechanisms ofself-incompatibilit y and unilateral incompatibility in diploid potato {Solanum tuberosum L.) Promotor: dri rE . Jacobsen Hoogleraar ind e plantenveredeling, inhe tbijzonde r in degenetisch e variatie enreproducti e Co-promotor: drM.S . Ramanna Universitair docent, Departement Plantenveredeling en Gewasbescherming Ronald Eijlande r Mechanisms of self-incompatibility and unilateral incompatibility in diploid potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Proefschrift ter verkrijging van degraa d van doctor op gezagva n derecto r magnificus van deLandbouwuniversitei t Wageningen dr C.M. Karssen, inhe topenbaa rt everdedige no pmaanda g 14septembe r desnamiddag s te 13.30uu r ind eAul a 'VA/ 3S'V'T Thisthesi s encompasses apar to fth e scientific researchcarrie dou t ondiploi d potato, at the former department ofPlan t Breeding, Wageningen Agricultural University. An international cooperation onself-incompatibilit y (SI)i npotat obetwee npartner si nItal y(Universit yo fSiena) ,German y(Ma x Planck Institute, Cologne) and TheNetherland s (KUN,Nijmege n and WAU, Wageningen) was focused on various aspects of SI. Thisjoin t project was supported by the European Community 'BridgeProgramme ' (BIOT-CT-900172). CIP-DATAKONINKLIJK E BIBLIOTHEEK, DENHAA G Eijlander ,R Mechanisms ofself-incompatibilit y andunilatera l incompatibilityi n diploidpotat o {Solanum tuberosum L.) Thesis Wageningen Agricultural University- with references- with summaries in English and Dutch. Department of Plant Breeding, P.O. Box 386, 6700 AJ, Wageningen,N L ISBN 90-5485-893-1 Cover: seeals oFig.5 ,pag e 66 Key words: Solanum tuberosum, Solanum verrucosum,self-incompatibility , self-compatibility, unilateral incompatibility, unilateral incongruity, 5-glycoprotein, S-RNase, sense, antisense, overexpression. BibliographicAbstract :Thi sthesi sdescribe sth ecreatio nan dselectio no fdiploi d potato genotypes withwel ldefine d self-incompatibility (SI)reactions .
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