International Journal of Academic Research ISSN: 2348-7666; Vol.3, Issue-9(3), September, 2016 Impact Factor: 3.656; Email:
[email protected] Dr A. Madhusudhana Rao, HOD, History Department, Sri Arts , so that common man was made to suffer, : Only as early as on February 14, 1891, when through “Salt satyagraha”, Indians came he was a young man of twenty-two years to know that salt was taxed by the British of age, in . He described and hence Gandhi opposed it 1930, but, the utter poverty of his fellow country- Gandhi wrote his first article on Salt, men who lived on bread and salt, a pointing out, how salt was taxed heavily, 'heavily taxed article' 1 . When Walter Francis Hely- income. At first, this tax was imposed in Hutchinson, Governor of the colony of the form of 'land rent' and 'transit Natal expressed his views against the salt charges', and in 1762, this was tax and regarded its continuance as a consolidated into duty. Thus India, in 'great shame' for the British government, particular Bengal and the surrounding Gandhi paid a tribute to him in provinces were in turn, rendered the The Salt tax was dependent upon imported salt from criticized by many, including Dr. Liverpool, Spain, Romania, Aden and Hutchinson who pointed out that 'it is a Mussawah. Oppressed with the burden of great shame for the British Government extravagant charges, the indigenous in India to continue it, while a similar tax industry soon found itself unable to previously in force in Japan has been compete with its English rival which was abolished’, therefore, in India also it making determined efforts to capture the should be abolished2.