Brink's Armored Car Robbed
A X 3 ;dl V S ■ A MONDAY, MAY 22, 1967 p a g e t w e n t y -f o u r iJJanrhpatei* ^pralb Average Dally Net Press Ron The Weather - Ter The Week Ended Fair and coot tonight, hJRP the college’s new hotel-re^tBu- May 20, 1967 about 40; increasing cloudlneM \t Manchester Liodge of Masons Camp Staff Adds mnt management curriculum. tomorrow, 30% chcuice o i ^ About 'Town will meet tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. Dwyer will dlacuea Job qual- showers tn afternoon, high ia at the Masonic Temple. A lodg^e Five Counselors Vftcatlohe from the Btend|)odnt 1 5 ,2 1 0 mid-OOa. The ReiHiMtoair JrcH^ 6t»i- of Instruction will be conducted of the induMtiel employer. A Manchester— A City af ViUago Charm mittee is meeting ait^ tonigliK^y Eric S. Anderson, Hayden Kennedy Day Comp Director qu^tlon period wlU follow. J ' , ^ E)aat Hartford resident, In the Munlcipel BusHdii^ Hear- I>KGW»wold Jr. and Howard F . Harry F. Smith.Jhos announced MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1967 (ClaaaUled Advertblnf on Page 18) PRICE SEVEN C E N ti Ing Boom. The agenda Includes Waddell, all past masters. the names of five additional Dwyer Is chairman of Ute Ea^ V D L . LXXXVI, NO. 19$ (EIGHTEEN PAGES) Reports on state and local legiia- volunteer counselcm, alt from Hartford Pianndng and Petwm- 'HOUSE &. HALE Mtion and prohlems. .The exksutive convnlttee of Manchester. nel CommlsalonB and a membey the Manchesfer (Property Own They are: Kathleen Finne of the Town Council.
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