905 Arapaho Court; Columbus, GA 31904-1242 Phone or Fax: (706) 324-7360 E-Mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.80FSHeadhunters.org

Vol. XVII, No. 67 "AUDENTES FORTUNA JUVAT" 1 August 2007

Greetings, Fellow HEADHUNTERS!

Bonnie & I hope this newsletter finds you all in the best of health & happiness!


14 July 1922 - 14 June 2007 rig Gen Robin Olds was the Wing Commander of the 8th Tactical Fighter Wing in 1967 during the height of the . This in- B dividual was a true combat leader—the man who gave our Wing the name “Wolfpack.”

He was a triple ace, having a World War II tally from the European Theater of 13 aerials plus 11.5 more during airfield strafing runs. In North Vietnam, he had four more confirmed kills destroying two MiG-17s and two MiG-21s for his total of 17 in the air—28.5 enemy aircraft total destroyed, and was the only USAF pilot to get kills in both WWII & Vietnam.

In his 30 years of Air Force service, he flew some 65 different aircraft, in- cluding the Spitfire, Typhoon and Meteor, the P-38, P-51, F-80, F-86, F-101, F-4 and many other aircraft. His combat missions include 107 in two tours during World War II and 152 more in Vietnam, of which 115 were over Col Olds as 8th TFW/CC at Ubon North Vietnam. He earned his second to the on RTAFB, 1966-1967 January 2, 1967 during his famous "MiG Sweep." His third oak leaf cluster to the Silver Star was for “exemplary airmanship, extraordinary heroism and indomitable aggressiveness” in a low-level bombing run against the Thai Ngyen steel mill blast furnaces about 20 miles north of . He was awarded the Air Force Cross for his part in the famous raid against the Paul Doumer Bridge in Hanoi.

After his tour in Vietnam, he served three years as the Commandant of Cadets at the Air Force Academy. He retired as the Chief of Safety of the Air Force in 1973.

His many awards include the Air Force Cross, Distinguished Service Medal, Silver Star with 3 Oak Leaf Clus- ters, Distinguished Flying Cross with 5 OLC, Air Medal with 39 OLC, the Distinguished Fly- ing Cross, the French Croix de Guerre, two South Vietnamese Gallantry awards, and others. The Wolf himself, Brig Gen Robin Olds, succumbed to congestive heart failure. Although no longer with us in person, he will al- ways be with us in sprit. Rest in Peace, Robin, and may you forever Soar with the Eagles.

(Thanks to Maj Melissa “SHOCK” May for these six photos of Gen Olds’ funeral. Note all the “nickels on the grass” around his beautiful urn)



t Col Al “Jethro” Wimmer passed our active Squadron guidon over to Lt Col Thomas G. “Cy” Klopotek on 1 L June. Col Wimmer held the reins for the past year, and we wish him the best of luck in the future as he and his wife, Kelli move into a Joint Staff assignment in Springs.

e would like to welcome Col Klopotek and his wife, Kris- W ten, to the Headhunters! Cy & Kristen came to us from the 555FS OpsO job at Aviano AB, Italy. We all wish you both continued success in this extremely important position!

Lt Col Tom & Kristen Klopotek


-mail received 27 May from the outgoing active Squadron Commander, Lt Col Al Wimmer: “Jaybird, I just E got back from taking 10 of our young Headhunters on a trip to Iwakuni. We were sent to provide Red Air support to a Marine F-18 unit there in pay back for their support to our [Operational Readiness Inspection] ORI. What a blast! Even though we were Red Air, we handed them their asses. A bunch of our young Lts and Capts got to fight dissimilar [Basic Flight Maneuvers] BFM with an F-18 for the first time and our results were out- standing. It was like we were fighting the [35th sister squadron] Pantons, we just couldn't lose! The boys had a fantastic time and came back as fired up as ever. Oh, the mascot of our host unit, the VMFA-212 Lancers, also came back with us. It is a 6 foot tall suit of armor on a pedestal. With some great initiative, tactical game-plans and execution, their knight is standing at our ops desk until they journey back over here to fight some more. Jaybird, the time has come to say farewell. It is both a very sad and happy day for me. Happy because I get to go back home to my lovely bride and precious children. Sad, as you know, because I have to give up the reins of the greatest fighter squadron in the world. It has been a fantastic year. The Headhunters have taken scalps at every single engagement. This past year we participated in 6 exercises, an ORI, 2 Turkey Shoots, and more. Our squadron led the establishment of the 7th Air Force Missile shoot program and led every single shoot performed since. We stood up a FAC-A program in the unit and are even more ready to provide lethal firepow- er to [US Forces Korea] USFK where and when needed. We flew a 5000+ hour flying hour program and are requesting 580 more hours from [Pacific Air Forces] PACAF, because there's no such thing as too much flying. Our ORI performance was nothing less than stellar, flying 164 out of 168 fragged missions, achieving a 98% hit rate, a 96% mission effectiveness rate and flying a record 54.7 UTE on the oldest Vipers in the active duty fleet. The Headhunters have kept the killing/winning tradition alive at every step of the way.


There are some changes on the way. In January of '08, we will swap our Block 30's with the 18th FS at Eielson. They will send their [constant computing impact point] CCIP block 40's to us, and we will again be the first on the ROK with the latest and greatest of jets (a full 2 years before anyone else on the ROK). There is an unfortunate change as well: Bruni's is nearing the time for destruction. It, along with all the buildings nearby, is being torn down to make room for a new billeting facility. I am happy that I will not have to watch the disdain- ful event, but hope that we have put a plan into play that will deliver a permanent facility which will never be taken away again. We will salvage every stick of material that we can to preserve what was Bruni's and put it back into Bruni's II. It has been the honor of my career, not only to command, but to follow in the footsteps of such incredi- ble leaders as Cragg, Robbins, Homer, Breedlove, Remington, and yourself. Thanks to all of you for the tre- mendous heritage that we hold so dear. I hope we have maintained that standard and will be looked back on in something close to the same manner. I cannot tell you how proud I am of this Squadron. I look forward to see- ing all of you at the next reunion! [signed] “Jethro” Lt Col Al Wimmer” [Ed note] On behalf of the entire Headhunter Association, I would like to take this opportunity to say thanks to Jethro for an outstanding job su- perbly done during his watch as Commander of our 80th Fighter Squadron. A “normal” fighter squadron tour is 3 years; however, in Korea as a remote assignment without families, it’s one year. That also means the same amount of exercises, deployments, inspections, etc usually encountered in a regular tour are crammed into the 1-year tour—making the pace non-stop. You, your team and the Headhunters did it, Col Wimmer, with profes- sionalism we all can be extremely proud of. Thank you! See you at the reunions!


t gives us great pleasure to welcome these 15 new members to our ranks for the first time (in the order of “signing up” since 1 May). Equally rewarding are the many members, not shown here, who have re- I joined after 1, 2, 3, up to 15 years absence! Welcome to all! At press time we have 334 Yearly, plus 653 LifeTime Members (LTMs)—987 Total!!

Here is the roll call of our new members—with their time in the 80th: Capt Aubrey M. Venable (06 – 07) Maj John W. Kinser (86 – 87) Col Wilbur A. Tapscott (CC52 – 53) Gregory A. Alston (Juvats) TSgt Dwight B. Coble (Juvats) Capt Matthew S. Chisam (06 – 07) Maj Sherrie McCandless (99 – 00) Maj Chris Sheppard (99 – 00) Col Steven J. Teske (77 – 78) Stephen V. Gustafson (90 – 91) Gregory C. Frese Jr (BTW) Col Stephen F. Farry (Juvats) Lt Col Thomas “Cy” Klopotek (CC07 – 08) Capt John M. Hale (06 – 07) Capt Frank Lusher (05 – 07)

riends of yours? You bet!! Look 'em up in your new Master Roster Change and/or Master E-mail & Fax F List Change (enclosed), give 'em a call, write 'em a letter, or beam an e-mail message over to them. Or bet- ter yet, ask them to meet you at the next reunion 2-5 October 2008 in Fort Walton Beach! Great to have you all in formation—and what a super one it is!! Do you have Headhunter friends that aren’t members? If so, please let me have their addresses, and I’ll send a “Please Join Us” letter to them. How about all of our ac- tive duty JUVATS in the 80th today? Cleared to join up, Y’all! See your SNACKO for Member In- formation Forms and mailing envelopes, or contact me directly—your first year is FREE!! Thank you!



-mail received 30 April: “JayBird: Thanks for the updates on the Headhunters. I always appreciate them. Just a quick word to let E you know that I'm off to Iraq in a few weeks until the fall. I am currently stationed as a chaplain, and I teach at the Air Force Academy. I work in the Center for Character Development. After all, after a year playing guitar with the Juvat Boys Choir at the Kun--I better have some character :-) Blessings and keep the newsletters coming. I may be way over due on my membership landing fees. Let me know if I am, and I'll make it right before I leave. Shalom---George “Saul” Youstra” [Ed note] Saul, keep you head on a swivel over there, and come back to us safely—God Bless you.

-mail received 9 May: “Sir, I’m a computer geek so I sent in my new member dues via Bank of America E bill pay. You should receive it within 5 business days. I look forward to getting to know the folks and hope to either find old friends or make new ones. Thanks for all you do!! [signed] TSgt Brad Coble, USAF (Ret) 80th AMU (88-89)” [Ed note] Brad is a new member—welcome!

ote received 12 May: “Good old 80th! Never quits pushing the envelope! Thanks for handling the controls. NHi to the Geezer Group—my cronies. [signed Col Wilbur A. Tapscott] Tap” [Ed note] Col Tapscott was Commander of our 80th Fighter Bomber Squadron from Aug 1952 to February 1953 during the and is another new member! Welcome to our Association, Tap—great to have you joined up with us!!

-mail received 11 June: “Jaybird. I was saddened to read of the loss of "Rosey" Rosencrans. As a fellow E 1/lt in the 80th FBS (Korea 1950-51), he was one of my first Flight Leaders in B Flight. A smooth pilot, he generated confidence in all within his flight. You should have been around when Rosey would recite (with great gestures) "The Shooting Of Dan McGrue". I later met him shortly after he made his first star when he became the Deputy Inspector General for Inspection (Hq USAF) at Norton AFB. Even as a General Officer, Rosey maintained an attitude of friendship and humor which made him stand out from most all others. This fine of- ficer and will be missed. [signed] Archie Caldwell, LTM”

-mail received 15 June: “Just received from Jack McEncroe. Robin [Olds] passed away peacefully in his E sleep last night. The family asked that any communication include a request for privacy at this time. I will keep you all informed as to arrangements when they are formalized. Godspeed to a GREAT LEADER.”

-mail received 18 June: “JayBird, I would be honored to be a member of such a great organization. In E 1991, I rolled directly off the Thunderbirds as Pro Super to Lead Pro Super for the Juvats. That year, was probably the best year of my military career. The Juvats.....what a group with such a great history!!! Let me know what I need to do to be a member. Thanks JayBird, Sincerely, Charlie Saunders”

-mail received 21 June: “My name is Sandra Lacy and I was recently going through my deceased father's E (John M. Ragland Jr.) military memorabilia and photos, when I came across a yellow card showing him to be a lifetime member of the HEADHUNTERS 80TH FIGHTER SQUADRON. I just wanted you to know how important all of you were to him and how honored he was to serve his country. Sincerely, Sandra” [Ed note] John Ragland Jr was an LTM of our Association from the Korean era. His wife, Willa, still receives our news- letters.


-mail received 21 June: “JayBird, I was at Nellis when I got the news [Robin Olds passed away]. Was ac- E tually at Dos Gringos [two fighter pilots who write & sing outstanding songs] last concert, tons of bros from the Fighter community there (especially with Weapons School graduation the following night). Dos Grin- gos announced the General's death at the concert, and in his honor, had everyone in attendance sing the "Jere- miah Weed" song, "Loud enough so Robin can hear us!" Needless to say, it was pretty loud! I know it's early, but any thought of an award or scholarship established in his honor? Heck of a year with Boots and Robin de- parting the fix in the same year....thanks for keeping us updated Sir, you're doing a great job! Check-six, Pepe [Maj John Soto]”

-mail received 21 June: “Jaybird, Got to thinking about Robin's career and his start in F-80's and contacted E USAFA to see if the family wanted my Tbird. POC is Huge Huguley and it appears that old pard Col Tom "Waldo" King (992 combat missions!) and I will be taking it out this weekend for Robin's interment fly-over. Thanks much for passing on the gouge, as Robin was a great American warrior-patriot and friend. Best always, [Fowler W. Cary] BIG DOG” [Ed note] BIG DOG owns and flies his beautiful vintage T-33 at airshows around the Country. It is painted in original Thunderbird demo paint scheme—beautiful!


id you know that the last to command our Squadron was Maj (later Lt Col) Frank W. Payn: 23 Jun 1969 - 5 Aug 1969. Unfortunately, he has never joined our Association and we don’t have an ad- D dress for him. Any help from anyone who may know where he is? Thanks!


If you would like to make a tax deductible contribution to one of your favorite organizations, our own 80th Fighter Squadron Headhunters Association qualifies! Now is the time for your 2007 tax year. Just mail to our address on the front cover, and you’ll receive a receipt for your tax records if required. Thank you.

FROM FOR, OR IN MEMORY OF AMOUNT Lt Col Tony Callanan Extra for the “Kitty” $15 Col Edward Houle “ $10 Maj Dave Kirby “ $10 TSgt Louis Miksits “ $15 Lt Col Clif Birchman Newsletter Postage $50

“There are pilots and there are pilots; with the good ones, it is inborn. You can't teach it. If you are a fighter pilot, you have to be willing to take risks." ---- Brig Gen Robin Olds



ur highly reliable sources in strategically placed key positions around the globe have informed us that E.T. "Gotno" Moore (Juvat Maintenance Of- O ficer, 1994 - 1995) and his family have relocated from York, PA to sunny South Florida. Gotno accepted a promotion and a transfer with Starbucks Coffee and is now the regional manager for loss prevention for the state of Florida. E.T., his wife Muffy (Juvat Chick, 1994 - 1995) and two girls now reside in beautiful Coral Springs, Florida. See updated contact information for new e-mail address, etc. on enclosed Change sheets.

ur deep undercover moles in clandestine positions in highly sensitive areas O have also reported to us that we’ll be staying in the Bayside Inn at the Sandestin Golf & Beach Resort for our next reunion 2-5 October 2008. Check our web site for a video tour, maps, directions, and further details.


ur Store is now under new management! LTM Tom & Shannon Reichert have volunteered to take over our Headhunter Store. Please send your orders to them at their address below--thanks! O tock up on some of these goodies, and wear/use them proudly—not just at the reunions, but wherever you S go! It’s a great way to find other HEADHUNTERS, too! Unless purchased at a reunion, a small fee of $4 for single items or $6 for two or more items should be added for postage to all orders (unless otherwise noted for small items)—we’ll take care of the “handling!”

Curious to see what these items look like? Check them out on our Web Site STORE Page!

Blazer Emblem (men’s or ladies) $35 Golf Shirt (specify size) $35 Squadron Unique Silk Tie $39 T Shirt (specify size) $19 Ladies Floppy Bow (matches tie) $20 Squadron F-16 Litho Print $10 Sq “Nickel” Coin or Keychain $ 7 White & Green Trim Hat $15 *Personalized Sq coffee mug $23 All White Hat $15 *Personalized Sq beer stein $26 Black Hat $15 *Mug & Stein set as above $45 Korean-era Sq Patch $ 7 Headhunter Tattoos (fun!) 4 for a $ 1 Vietnam-era Sq Patch $ 7 Lapel Pin/Tie Tack $ 4 WWII/Current Sq Patch $ 7

<<< CD of Headhunter Songs by the JBC…..$20 (postage included) >>> <<< 80th Squadron History DVD & CD set….$20 (postage included)>>> <<< Passing the Flame CD…..$20 (postage included) >>>


* Please include name and/or callsign desired on your mug/stein (up to 20 letters), aircraft desired, and right/left handed with your order. Unless otherwise stated, the current Squadron logo & your first name in Old English will be on the front (handle left for right-handed drinker), and an F-16 will be on the back.

Please send check to “The Headhunters”; 5263 Winchester Ln; Ogden, UT 84403-4329 or e-mail orders to [email protected]. Please don’t forget postage of $5 for single items or $7 for two or more items should be added on all orders (accept patches, coins, tattoos, & lapel pin—please send $1 postage.)

Fighter pilot songs (Rated PG-13) on professional CDs and/or tapes are available at $20 each from World- renowned military songwriter and balladeer, and fellow HEADHUNTER, Dick Jonas. Contact him at: Erosonic; PO Box 1226; Chino Valley, AZ 86323-1226, or his web site at www.erosonic.com

head headhunter corner

he saga of the Newsletter mailings continues! As you recall we have always sent the 950 out as a “flat” (not folded) with a First Class 63-cent stamp. We all received our newsletters within days. Good. The T last two mailings were mailed Presorted Standard—fancy name for Bulk—at 30-cents each. Great sav- ings, but up to a month to 6 weeks delay in delivery. Not good. I told a few of you, “Never again!” However, since the new Post Office rules of 14 May took effect, these mailings are now based mostly on SIZE instead of WEIGHT…. The bottom line—if we continue as is, the First Class rate is now 97-cents for the “flat” (pretty sizeable jump in price, don’t you think?) Therefore, I may have to renege on my statement, “Never again!” After a pow-wow with the Post Office people to check our options, it was decided to apply for our Non-Profit standard rate (a better rate than Presorted Standard). If we wad the newsletter up by folding in half again, which is an additional cost—and then if we run over them with a steamroller to make sure they’re less than ¼” thick— they would mail for about 25-cents. However, if we leave them as is as a flat, the Non-Profit standard rate will be about 48-cents. We’ll try that. Unfortunately, they’ll still travel at the speed of smell in the CONUS and by rowboat overseas. Stay tuned….

gain this year I want to say “Thank You” to the many many spouses that renewed the dues for their A Headhunter members…

Thank You!



Lt Col Pete "CUJO" Bilodeau, current 80 FS/DO, sent in the following: “I met Tra- cy in the 4th grade when we both moved to the one horse town of North Smithfield Check 6!! RI. She ended up be- ing my cheerleader in High School, but then one night after a basketball game, we....well, she ran home upset. Years later when I was at the Naval War College for boat school, we got back together and got married on May 26, 2007. We spent a couple kick-butt "email free" weeks in Hawaii and then I returned to the Kun and back to reality while Tracy returned to the States. I was hon- ored by the presence of some fellow Juvats and dear friends who were the saber bearers. 1st Photo: Tracy and me. 2nd Photo: Me wearing the Juvat Colors under my mess dress and Tracy "snaking" in her wedding gown—classic!!!! 3rd Photo: The saber bearers; (L to R) Lt Col "Clapper" Clapp (Juvat Lead 04- 05), Lt Col "Peewee" Madden, Capt "Vegas" Vargas (Juvat 02), Tracy the hot bride, me, LCDR Ben Moli- na (Naval War College friend), Ma- jor Steven Gaboriault (my first cousin), & Major "Drifter" Valen- tine (Juvat 94-95).

Congratulations to Pete & Tracy on their join-up! Welcome to the Headhunters, Tracy!!



Ready, ready…pickle!!

We take great pride in announcing the birth of the world's youngest HEADHUNTERS!

-mail received 9 May “JayBird, I have been trying to find a moment to update you and the Association on the latest additions to the Brandt family. My wife Lynnette gave birth to three (yes, THREE) healthy E babies on 14 March 2007; two girls (fighter pilot standard) and one boy. They are Catherine Lynnette, Isabelle Marina, and William Austin (Cat, Isa, and Austin for short). They are doing very well and 8-weeks into life are all rapidly approaching nine pounds. Mom and Dad on the other hand have taken up binge drinking in place of sleeping!! I have been very fortunate to still be on flying status and have been “adopted” by the Taco Guard here at Kirtland. They fly me more than they should and are a great group of warriors and friends! I hope this message finds you and all the Headhunter and Juvat faithful very much in great health and good spir- its! What is Good? [Signed] “Willie” William C. Brandt, Col, USAF Chief, Aviation Safety Division (AFSC/SEF) Air Force Safety Center.”

Congratulations to Willie & Lynnette -- and Cat, Isa, & Austin!

ote received 29 May: “Jaybird, Great news from the home front. Ethan Christopher Conklin was born on N11 Feb this year and is doing great (a future Headhunter). He was 7lbs 7ozs and is growing like a weed. Take care. [Signed] Tim “Spino” Conklin”

Congratulations to Tim & Emily on their new little Headhunter!

-mail received 1 June: “Jaybird, Stacie and I have recently wel- E comed two new additions to the family. Deegan Thomas Drake and Kenna Lee Drake were born the morning of 15 May 07. Mom and kids are all doing great. Everyone was home safe two days after the delivery. We are really excited to embark on this new phase of our lives and hope to share it with the Headhunters. We have been keeping family and friends current with our blog (www.thedrake16.blogspot.com). Sorry we were unable to make it to the reunion, but as you can see by their birthday, it wasn't meant to be. See ya round the pattern. [Signed Erik Drake] “Digger”

Congratulations to Erik & Stacie on their new Headhunter twins!



ast, but certainly not least, we would like to take this opportunity to pass on to all members the names of those HEADHUNTERS, who we know of, that have made their last takeoff in this lifetime since our last newsletter. L Headhunter Time in 80th Last Takeoff Col Alec Boychuck Korea (N) 11 Oct 1997 Brady A. Perry Korea (N) 13 Apr 2005 Col John A. Salyards, Jr. Korea (N) 28 Dec 2005 Maj Gen John R. (Rick) Layman Juvats 03 Jul 2006 SSgt Pat R. Cardwell 1948-50 (LTM) 30 Apr 2007 Lt Gen Evan W. Rosencrans Korea (LTM) 08 May 2007 Brig Gen Robin Olds Vietnam 8TFW/CC 14 Jun 2007

-mail received 30 April 2007: “Jay, you don't know me. I am Pat Cardwell's brother-in-law. Pat passed E away this afternoon about 3:30 pm from complications from a cardiac bypass about 6 weeks ago. Please inform those you think might have known Pat. For any questions or details, please call his wife, JoAnn Cardwell at 318-255- 4794L or my self. [Signed] Art Murphy 318-263-4225”

etter received 6 June 2007: “I am the son of Col Alec Boychuck (Ret-USAF) and I am sending this note on L his behalf. My father passed away on Oct. 11, 1997 at Montgomery, AL. I am sure he would have been proud to have been a member of the “Headhunter Association” and enjoyed talking with pilots that he flew with. He loved flying, and serving in the Air Force as a fighter pilot was the high point of his career and life. I only regret that he can’t share his experiences any longer, but I thank you on his behalf for the invitation to do so. Respectfully, Alec Boychuck Jr.; 3103 Norman Bridge Rd; Montgomery, AL 36105-1830” [Ed note] Too bad Col Boychuck never responded to the numerous invitations over the past 17 years. We would have enjoyed having him with us. We have removed him from our mailing list. RIP, Alec.

etter received 9 June 2007: “Dear Col Riedel, It is with much sadness that I must inform you of the death of L my dear husband Lt Gen Evan W. Rosencrans, on May 8th 2007, within a short time of his 81st birthday. Evan enjoyed the Headhunter Headlines and recalled his time in the 80th with pride and pleasure. Sincerely, Wilma Rosencrans. [Ed note] LTM Gen Rosencrans was my 354th TFW/CC in 1970 at Myrtle Beach. What a fine gentleman he was. Rest in Peace, Sir—you’ve earned it.

n behalf of the entire Squadron, we wish to officially pass on to these families our deepest sympathies and O sincere gratitude for the outstanding contribution each of these individuals made to the Squadron and our Country. May they rest in Peace and forever Soar with the Eagles.

May God bless and keep them in His Flight forever.



The next regular issue of the HEADHUNTER HEADLINES will be dated 1 November 2007. The Headhunter Headlines is the official newsletter of the 80th Fighter Squadron Headhunters Association, Inc., a non-profit, tax exempt, War Veterans’ Organization. Copyright 2007, all rights reserved.

Labor Day – 3 September Patriots Day – 11 September Columbus Day – 8 October Halloween – 31 October

Fort Walton Beach, here we come!! (Check our web site for reunion hotel complex details, maps & weather)

Col Jay E. "JayBird" Riedel, USAF (Ret) The “Head Headhunter”

80th Fighter Squadron “HEADHUNTERS" 905 Arapaho Ct Columbus, GA 31904