New Jersey Biographical and Genealogical Notes from The
COLLECTIONS OF THE NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY VOLUME IX NEWARK, N. J. PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY 1916 F/3/ hIC \/A OFFICERS NEW .JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY 1915-' 16 President— Francis Joseph Swayze, of Newark. Vice-Presidents—Charles Mandred Lum, of Chatham; George Rowland Howe, of East Orange ; Charles Bradley, of Newark. Corresponding Secretary—A. Van Doren Honeyman, of Plainfield. Recording Secretary and Librarian—Joseph Fulford Folsom, of Newark. Treasurer—William Connet Morton, of Newark. of Elizabeth Bergen, of Trustees—Frank Bergen, ; James J. Somer- ville ; J. Lawrence Boggs, of Newark; Frederick A. Canheld, of DoYer ; Hiram E. Deats, of Flemington ; William S. Disbrow, of Newark ; Edwin S. Lines, of Newark ; William J. Magie, of Elizabeth; Charles W. Parker, of Jersey City; Joseph M. Riker, of Newark ; Austin Scott, of New Bruns- wick ; Wallace M. Scudder, of Newark; Edwin R. Walker, of Trenton. — 1916-' Woman's Branch Officers, i 7 President—Miss Altha E. Hatch, of Morris Plains. First Vice-President—Mrs. George Batten, of Montclair. Second Vice-President—Mrs. Charles W. Parker, of Jersey City. Third Vice-President—Mrs. Henry S. White, of Red Bank. Recording Secretary—Mrs. Washington Wilson, of Metuchen. Treasurer—Mrs. Arthur H. MacKie, of Newark. Historian—Miss Gincvra Freeman, of Orange. Corresponding Secretary— Mrs. Harrie Pennington Whitehead, of Elizabeth. Auditor — Mrs. Ruth E. Fairchild, of Parsippany. Call Printing and PUBLISHING Co., Paterson, N. J. NEW JERSEY From the Volumes of the NEW JERSEY ARCHIVES With Additions and Supplements BY THE LATE WILLIAM NELSON Corresponding Secretary New Jersey Historical Society NEWARK, N . J . 1916 Prefatory Note The Collection of "New Jersey Biographical and Genealogi- cal Notes" embraced in this volume consists of the more important biographical footnotes appearing in the various volumes of the "New Jersey Archives," with the corrections and extensive addi- tions made by the late Mr.
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