•••• • •* -"^ , '^,*»»*~ '^ •*"5^1- •*t-.«M'««t«»*T*rt|^ •tsfcv" , »** " ' .„ 1.

The ••1 Daily . , Vol. 23, No. 11 Friday, September 22,1978 Sunaial California State University, Northridge "Passes offered to AS senators by Barbara Penhal larger part of the ethktk programs, sccording to Judy However, s job-rdstsd event shouU be ( * Brame, women's sthktk dirsctor. venioit for senstors to sttend, Coyk esid. " Thei^wof hee qwrting event passes to sll AS Sensto "Trsditi(mslly, AS wss shrsys given permit csrds to "Aftar an, we don't get peid s whok beO of s kt. members by the sthktic depertment met with mixed BQ eventa funded by them," Brsme esid. "BssicaOy it k sskl. jesponses for AS senstors. 8 pubhc rdations endesvor, ssking them to support "I'll pey my own wsy," Todd Dsvk, lower divisimi athktics in return for soosee snd sdmittsnce," "The sbihty of AS to evshuite ths suoosss of e aenstor asid. "The sthktk department needa the money "If the sthktk depsrtment ofkrs us the psssss, we'll progrsm k bsaed on questicms such ss if ths pragrsm k and I pereonally think that the aenatms csn pay for it" use th«n," Alton, s cheerkeder, esid. well sttended, wdl run and weO menegad," Coyk askL However, Brisn Coyk, senaUx' from the School of "Hsving the paaaee givee the eenators psrsmial ex­ "It k importsnt therefore thst ths ssBStocs heve reedy Educati penheuner. . Oppenheimer eeid the dste on ths dsngsra of amolring k irrefitiMs. Thedate indude ssbeetos, industrial pollution and ak poihition ae carcinogens, or csnoer-csusing sgents. LimgCancerk on the riss sad thk k atUibutabk to dgarstts- r »] smoking, Oppenheimw esid. "It's thst by iqipnaukistely 60 percent hu^ csnoer k rssponsibk, m men, for cenoer dssths," Oppenheimer eskL "By ons aiai^ step you conU w^ out all thsss dssths." i Oppsnhsimer eeid s psrstm could coooeivsbly smoke two pecks of dgarettss s dsy snd live to be 90 yesn old. But hs saU s psrson who smokss has a significantly higher dianoa of gettii^ hmg caaoar thaa h Using a dgaratte with leas tsr k safer than ons with men tsr. hot Oppenhsimar predkts there wiD never bs s "seis" f^psietts Ex- perimente hsve rsportsdly bsan mede with a substitnto sodi ae csbbege kevse for tobecco. It u eetimsted that it takss 10 yesrs fromth s tims its tekae s tumor todevekp to the tims it k dstsctsbk for osrtain types of hmg csnoer, sccording to Oppenheimer. "Thk k one ofths mak probkms with hmg enear." hs sskL "By Canoor-«ausing oigarstte SfTKXiklara skiwlv in smoking causae GO percent of cancer deaths. ashtray fuH of butts. Rei laarch says dgaratte (photo by Skip Portor) Please turn to page 2 )

EPC recommends writing test I ! by Rkhard Skchte The next step. Dr. Ra%>h D. Thenew requirement could go Depsrtmsnt of English, esid. Studenta sre convincsd to tska Vkero, chairman of the com­ into effect for studento altering Ilie university hss been remedkl courses in writtsn The EducstionsI Policiee mittee, eaid is for him to prapsrs CSUN next fsU if Uw final "inmective k forming remedisl cooqiodtion k by "moral per- Committee Wedneedsy a veraitm of the requiremmt for version k snnoved. coursee (in written conqiosition) auaaioB," Dr. Gale Larson, recommended, in prindpk, s adoption by the committee. The In the CSUC eystem, CSUN k bspsuse there k o requirement" sssockto dean of the Schod of university requirement for sll requirunent woukl then hsve to "the only osn^Mis that doee not for the student to tske such a Humanitiee. eaid. stadents to compkte one couree bs spproved by the Acsdenuc hsve thk requirement," Dr. John courae, Ckndenning eeid. in written Englkh cranpoeition. Senste. Ckndenning, chairman of ths As it standa now, the only way If it goee kto effect coureee iTiitf^^"g the requirement wtmld be Enfl^iah 166. Chkano Stadiaa 130 snd Psn-African Studiss 180. AS approves gay rights resolution Most nwsahars of ths eon- mittes fdt it was uigsat fee by Richard Holguin procedures. sapsreto tha two beeenee the OM Ths rssdution rscommends thst ths Educatkmal PoUdss Com- pecksge srfll taks saael When AS Upper Division Sen. Oragg Alton began hk drive for a mittss study the feesibility of induding gay studks k the cross- create. A daky eouU gay righte reedution thk aummer, it wss s gusrsntes ai bssk kimsn cultursl sducstion progrsm. the writtmi cempoeitiea I \ righto hs sought Tlw gsy tights rMohltioo sross tram ths stmoqihsrs surrounding requiranBaBt eastfaar ftaB Ths "Reedution on Osy Righta" was approvsd by ths AS Senete ths Brags' Ini^tive (Propodtkn 6), sccording to AHoa, suthor of VinroaakL 1 IHieedsy. Ths rok csll vote rasoltsd in ll ays votss, ons nay vole and ths rssdution. The commitee "I don't Udnk ths resohition wiU stop ths Briggs' Initkth^" Alton sk sbstentions. k •4 sskl, "but hopehdiy EPC will faiduds gsy studiss k ths cross-cultural The sok vote sgskst wss Ssn. Brian Coyk of ths Schod of education coureea whaa it Educstion. componsnt Thk would broeden ths cultural understanding aad raiss dedded to dad with ths writtaai Ths rssduUon ressserte U.S. constitutionsl gusrsatess toths right the conedoueneee of studsnts." compositioB rsquirssseat Alton sko sskl hs hopss thk univardty will give sqoal oon- to lik, liberty and the purauit of happii>sss. sapsmfesly. It statae Uw rights to anqikymsnt snd ths frssdom to pursos s skkratkn to gsy hwtructors dsnisd jobs, or fhed. bsoauss of ths csren- ahouU bs sn bwUsnsbk right Briggs' Initktive snd snti-gsy smthnoit In recommending thie The reedution recugnisee exkting discrhninstion sgainst ths gsy "If s tsscher from sn ekmntsry or sscondsry schod k firsd sad requlrsawaA. several maridwra of ocmimunity and the hnportancs of sducstion in devdopfaig un­ apfdke hers, he ehouki not be denied Uw job beceuss he's gsy." Ahpn Uw conunitfeae a^plrssssd ths derstanding snd sccsptsnos of gsy culture. sskl. hope thstk thsftitursgrsdnstss The AS Sensto oppossd sny sttsmpto to bsr homossxusk fhm Alton ssid hs hopss othsr AS bodiss aad ths Studsat Piasidant s will posssss s higlwr kvd of punning s csresr sko raoommsnds thst ths personnd offikSS give due Assocktion wiU fdkw CSUN's exsm|ds bsceuss the Issus sthcto I iiiHiiiiMse k besk srrithig coBskkcstkn to gay smpkyss prospecta thnaigh noma! hiriag studsBta now woridnc for thsk tearhlnj t rfflttitl^lt skOk. The Daily Sundial Se0t. 22,1978 Professor cites smoking danger Continued from page 1 the thne it k detectabk, it often has spresd snd k much mors difficult to stop." Give a If smoking snd othar cUmstk snd mvironmental agenta were diminatsd, Oiqwnheimer quoted from ths Amsrkan Cancel Society, it k eethnsted 80 or poesibb 90 toWpfivant of csncar dssths oouki bs frint- prevsntsd. *""^'"" '""^ -•'... —Oppsnhsimer gave He sskl bensfaw k unksdsd gasoibw k s csrdnogen. but edded ^ie^ thet lead k regukr gss k not Asbsstos whkh k stiD ussd k hidustiy k s known causs of csnoer. Oppsnhaimer ssid. And hs sskl sutomobik brsks Unkgs SFith sdwstos ssnd ths fibers gut. kto ths shr. As reported m ths Aug. 28 Sundkd. ths Nstiood Csncsr Sodsty hss swardsd s $307,623 grsnt to Oppsnhaimer for reaeerch oo cancer Give cdl adhedon. -_-.^-.-:...,.:'...^...,:^-.--,i^^-. .-^--_:.,^.^...-^..™ « %i< Israeli folk dancing tiw to be offered in October laraaU fdk dandng will be ofkred every Thursdsy st 7:9 IM^glUKSC , beginning Oct 6 st ths Univerdty Tower spsrtnwnte. + Ths hour d instruction by Israd Yskoves k sp

HEAWUITV LUBE •(ML PrtdtiM (rlKNDA JACKSON nLTER WINM K BKS! A( TKI SS •3.0DMch iniiiiiiiiii. Haewy l

Al voii smokei^s who pbm to quit somedaii:

I NOW PLAYING na23 SMflA MONICA BM) lt»M: riS • •:!• • ta:IO SOT LA 477-5SSI • 10 • 1:10 • W:W [^^ A uoaar TMBwat


TMI VARirry OF SKILLfD JOBS , THffHANDICAPPffD ARiDOINOri S& FUPPIO WHEN IHCAftOASOUTy rr^SAMf/ The Daily Sundial Sept. 22,1978 1 Campus Briefs

The aaSing ^hb is holding sn s.m. Sstnnbqr on ths KCI^ (88.S introductflry mssting st 7:80 FM) progrsm "Options ia .» * p.m. todsy k Uw USU Bslbos EdocsUon." Room. ^_.^^^^M^_ Ths Studiss k ths New The IntemsUonsl Studento Teetsmsntckss win hokl s Bibk Assocktion k ctfferkg kee drinks study from noon to 1 pjn. st ito meeting st 6 p.in. Mondsy Tueedsy k ths USU . st ths PUB^- room.

The Chrktkn Studento wiU U KDBSMRTR hold Uwir weekly meeUng st 12:30 p.m. Tussdsy k Uw USU ZN U R \ Ssn Andrees. room 112. You cduld be The Upper Dkiskn CouncO will msst st noon todsy k ths SMARTER USU Ressds room. tlian you are. The first meeting of Phrsteree U KD B RIDM^^ IntemstkosI will bs hekl st noon ON A STR Wednesdsy in ths USU Sepulvsds room. You could be riding on a star. nwrs win bs s mssting st 11 sjn. Setnrdey k ths USU for sU thoss ktsrastsd k being go ths Homecoming Committss. FRS can make you '\ i Serenade smarterl Jtfronbno Aoevedo, right, pkys the guktarron on a staircase in Sierra North near the Depart­ Hflkl CouncO win ketnrs s frss and Mokes Ceia pkys tha guHar for paseeriby ment of Chkano Studies, (photo by Cheri showhut of "Doonssbuiy." s WaMcar) ksture-kogth csrtooo, followed Fastest by Ssikhot servkes st 8:80 pjn. System of Ssturdsy st 17729 PfaunoMr St. Baipid wrMM^ tai the worid .^ consistent irMi Class on nutrition slated Fsds k sducstion, such ss Pkklity by Agnee Seyer tlik ssmester. King ssid she feds thst if Mrformsnoe contrscto snd opsn Skqdkity snd "The klee of the ckss k to h^ teechers sre skrted to oUwr wsjrs dsssrooms, win be reviewed st 11 Respoosibflity _./^Siten^oa^.dass to h^ teechers incorporsto nutriUon k of tesching nutriUtm mvolving tlwir teechlngs," ssid course osmee snd ouzsks. kkk would You csn douUs your writii^ orknt skmsotsty whpol tsachsrs Aide to speak spssd k s fSw weeks. k the fandamentok of nutritian instructor AniU King. bscome more kvolved k lesming wfll be offered on two Sstqrdsys Kkg k CSUN's nutritionkt proper teaching habito. snd sko teachee home economics. "BspedsIIy m the dementsry Msyor Tom Brsdky's sd- [f I can't prove thet k ths first Event set — ~ "The trend todsy k thst kkk kvd, whne ths tssdwr ~is^ miiiklrstive xoordinstor fer ths es,

Supply oflkers are the professional business managers by Bkk Davk of the Navy. Even at a junior level, the Supply Officer Ssetloa, Ckss B, srss sulmdtted CStTN, snd\ for handonta for by Robert Provk and Davkl instuictk responsible for a single ship runs an operation equiva­ Fhst placB has besn swsrdsd FuUer. Ckee B refers to the lent to a million-dollar-a-year business. "Ths prsss k not dssigned to . to two staff cartographsrs k ths number of persons k s shop. do good qpiaUty color worii,"^ For more about the Navy Supply Corps, contact your 16th Anmul Creativs in-pknt Ths compeUUcm k sponsored Provk sskl. But hs saki ths press local recruiter or send your resume to: Printing Compstition for Uwir by the In-pknt Prkter, s grqihk hss bssn sbk to compkte ({usUty • - • - J' entry of s Sen Frsndsco Bsy siea arts kdustry orgsn snd sc­ work k qrfts of this. Space For Recruiter Name tk Address A PhOlie #. map depicting "census tracts," cording to ths msgazins, entriee FuUer seki the pniject "wss whkh ths U.S. Census were judged on design, kyout, generstsd more or lees by peopk ases its findings OB.^^^ typs sekcUoO'Snd comlnnatkns, sround hars"'^aad «ae aot^~a— Ths winning entry k the halftooB worii, regktar, cokr specific topk. Special Occasion MstsrisI fideUty, nestnsss, rkanUnsss snd "It wss whettsd ma' we went oversn i»kting qusUty. skng," FuUsr sakL FuUer ssid the map, which k FuUer aaid tha nu^w were one of a seriee of 26 the pair bsssd on thoss dons by ths U.S. crestsd, wss generated for in­ Geological Survey. structions! purposss in the Depsrtment (rf Geography. "Two hundred to 300 houre "Theee mape give the etudente would generate the artwork thst the potential of combining we'd get most of thsss (msps) ovsrkys to crests diffsrsnt from," FuOer eekl. Ths projsct mapa," FuUer eakL took s psriod of thrss months to Differeat colors srs ussd to compkte, he sddsd. J.^__ show types of terrsk k ths By showkg ths abiUty of ths sres. Some of ths maps inchids cartography unit at CSUN, the sarthquaks kult Unss, epkeotars eeriee he^wd esU ths governor on of recorded earthquakss, tran- dekgsting to them s job to do s sportstion systeme snd srterid 132-psgs wster stks of rosds k ths Ssn Frsndsco srss, CsUfomk, FnUsr said. hsaakl. Provk said he wffl not be The pair aakl they choae San directly involved with the Frandaco for theh seriee becauae prefect, but sddsd thst five it k a major metropoUtsn srss CSUN staff peraona woukl be with loto of informsUon svsikbk working on Uw $600,000 project sbout the srss. k varioua cspadtiss. Provk aaid there waa a dual FuUsr sski CSUN has ons of purpose k ueing mulU-cokr for only three or four geography the seriee — to experiment departmente k Uw country that becsuss ito uss k not common st k equifqwd to publkh maps.

WISE UP!! 9245 Reseda BI. Phone:886-6676 iHambiirger French Fries^ & Salad $1.99

Vlilt our new talad bar SkisiliiunchadGsM kookeAdoms SoniShspoRl UndoMore Bwcul»w l^iduceTjgfaob kadenon Pwduoecj by »•< q"d Howak Schnefckf FOUR *N TWENTY RESTAURANT WMMsnandDksckdbyksenoeMatok AtaramounlPlclun ^^ H>CMM edd. 11:00 p.m. - Selichot Service— pre Ths rektivdy recent schod district Community Network %llosh Hashanah meditations. office hsB provided entree to outeide educstors, sccording to Dr. Dsvid Bklns, profeeeor of educstion. FREE REFRESHMENTS "We hsve to be mvited. Thk k J the first time the dktriet has offickUy recognized our input "The univerdty hss ezpertiBe snd we wsnt to topthst, " Bklns sdd. Serving ss s "ckering htiuss" for informstion wss suggeeted by Dr. Donsld Lshr, ass(Kkte professor (rf educsti(m. "Things sre m fhix now," Lshr said. 'The dktriet k preoccupied ~ with technksl detaik." "One of the beet ways to fadUtete chsnge k to change cxxTfracT uens cerrrers , bdwvior first snd then give thst change moral kgitimsey to cement it," Lshr eakL Task force membere eeemed to agree that good kformation was Facelift the key, snd srs kddng to sd up s c(mfereoos on ktegrstion for Wori(men put finkNng touches on fscalift for Matador Book Stors. the conununity. (photo by Rkk Holkker) "I'm interested in expert StiP£(£QM: evshiati(m on the merite of home tutoriak," Labb said. 30 resident units Individud fsculty membara aerving aa troubk ahootars for s apsdfic eehod's problama wss required for degree suggestadby Ausr. byAlksMuUsr evaluation cannot bs ussd, hs "I'm ssking you to join s kind added to fulfiU tha new reekknoe of talent asareh on csmpus," A PAIR WITH THIS AD (OFFER EXPIRES OCT. 31. 1978) Studsnto sotariag ths CSUC requireawnte. Auer ssid. systsm for ths first tims k ths Theee changee wffl ako affsct Ksthken Kies, sxecutive fsU semester snd thsrssftsr wffl studente who ekct to gradkste sssktsnt to Prsshknt Cksry, SOFT CONTACT LENSES hsve to fulfiU changsd rssidence under providoos of ths 1978-79 esid use has 1,000 studsnte by American Optical reqjuiremento bafore esming s snd subssqusnt cstakgs, hs sski. vohmteerkg throu^ the Jokt dsgrse, sccording to Ned Educationd PruJect, earvkg aa PLUS Rsynokk, CSUN's dksctor of Additknd informstkn sbout big broUwra and aktara to achod Professional exam by qualified optometrist ^'t admissitms snd rscords. reskknos rsqukemente may be specializing in contact lenses Ths new rsqpiirsmsnto dictate (Attained at the Office of Ad­ fa could get studsnte from mission snd Rscords Ad- kvdvsd to hsd up ths PLUS that 80 unite shaU be sensd k All follow-up visits for one year rssklencs st the cempus grsnting ndnktrstion 100. quslity of schook," Kiss Uw dagrss snd thst, of thsss, M PLUS unite must bs semed k uppsr Complete lens care kit diviskn coursss and 12 unite k "...A dcilghtfal dkcovcry PLUS ths major, hs said. ...a movk so fall of Hfe aad Same day service on most soft contact prescriptions Extendon crsdite or crsdite by love asd feeHag, you're PLUS boaad to take SOBM. of it " A 100% money back guarantee home with yoa." Used Books — DavidSImhan, CBS-TV OUR NORMAL PRICE OF $169 IS $50 LESS NBC-TV C/y out of print THAN THE LOWEST PRICE OFFERED IN V* •New Books LOS A^IGELES *"^ Ordered CENTER OPENS SEPT. 18 FOR APPOINTMENT PLEASE *Papad9acks 'Magannas CALU 475-7002 8 *B«ek tosuas .vvvtu. Master Charge AVISA accepted. 'Encyckpadks gM No Textbooks Bought '.i^^J^ HOURS: friends Mon.-Thurs. 1-6 fsight Fri. 1-7 PG Set 11-6 tXnVSIVt tHOAOKHtl/T NOW 1516 Wsstwood Blvd . Suite 202. L A.M024(BslweenWikhire Ckwed Sunday snd Ssnte Monies Blvd. across from the Wsstwsrd Ho Market) 1lM6 Ventura BKd. bM:ino (NaM Undky) OMlV»*t • 4)» • «

Indh/fckial syhiboltem and peiforwt meanings Man's fundamental thoughk and feelings through spontaneous art 'experknces, both derived from the unconscious surface as artktic indivklual and group are revealed through a sikk expressions and capture tho imai^tion of the presentation showing at F.A. GaNery II today. audknce. • Holistic Studies Institute mbs students right way by Richard Skchte houra of baak Swedkh maaasge. the holktk spinosch, hs ssid, Other inatiiictors will come tskes "s stsp towsrd recognising The theory of holktk msdidns from Uw Institute for Holktk heslth rsthsr thaa disease. i^tHrs Ua hamin ^>d^ "ir s StuKfiea ID Venton toteaehiRieh Cohsisntfy' dwid&ig cm dkeaiirk whds unit ratlwr than a seriss of subjecte ss aoipreeaure, ahktxu parte," sn instructor k Swedish and aelf hypnosk to midn up ths remainder (rf ths 228-hour course. Thk method goee beyond Osiy Mayer said Swedkh maasaging acre musciss, hs said. masssgs is thsmpeuUc, but "Thk k s certificste courss," The atudy of holism k st thrss holktk treetment gete swsy Meyer ssid. In such dtiss ss Los kvek, Meyer ssid: Uw physicsi, from concama with Idnka and Angeles with sn ordinsnce the emotionsl/mental and the particulsr compkinte which taod requking 200 hours of trainkg, apirituaL to disqipsar by thsmsdvss snd hs ssid, s person nssds s mssssga One of the special topks gsto kto "flows of Mwrgy." tschnickn certificste to kgally covered k Uw couree k eelf- Thk k ths bask for s ckss praetiea maassgs. hypnosk, which tunss ons kto Meyer wiD teach k January at Ths hdktk method differa ths forces thst set on peopk, Nature Cara k Sfani VaUsy- from Uw tradiUonal way of health Mesrersaid. Meyer wffl teach the firat 90 care, Meyer ssid. Ths student of "Peo|de that don't have any contact with theee forces srs I I I 11 fit it til il-li It I it It •• til •III til it • It • I constsntly sHected physically )f snd msntsOy," Msyar said. Acuinessurs, whkh k ekiikr to scupuncturs, k sko taught Ths theory bshind scupraasurs, /^)^D(^ Meyer aakl, k that there k sn "energy system" running throu^ the orgsns. With ths eorrset prassurs appHsd to cartak areaa of ths i«!0^?^D©ia wMiii $mm€^ body, bkckagas k thk systsm ON THE MALL ^ ' •: ^ - can bs overcooM, hs ssid. Ths diffsrsnos bstwsen thk UNIVERSITY STUDENT CENTER ' "^ method snd scupuncturs k thst (213) 885-2925 ths thumbs snd fingsrs srs ussd • YOUR ON dAMPUS PROFESSIONAL TRAVEL SERVICE • ntlp- thsn nssdks, Msysr ssid. Tlwrs k s "spsdsl qaaHty AIRLINE RESERVATIONS & TICKETS<:HARTERS-T0URS-CRUISES-VACATI0NS kvolvsd k the humsn toodi," he Meyer, who Isemed Swedish mssssge k Australk, sskl ths Institute for Holktk Studiss k trykg to get s ckss started at SKI PACKAGES to COLORADO I UTAH I NEW MEXICO I SKI PACKAGES Mooriwrk'Colkge. "We sre sn»ovsd by ths State CHARTER FLIGHTS to EUROPE I HAWAII I THE ORIENT ! book now!! Bosrd of Education," hs sakL Meyer also ssid thst 80 hours «*SPECIAL SEMESTER BREAK GROUP TOURS TO HAWAII and MEXICO!!! of trsining in ths holktk sp- • • II .... I ^ II • ll. I I ... II ^ III.,,. proech k scceptabk for the snnusl requirement k conUnuing CHRISTMAS TRAVEL TPACE IS STILL AVAILABLE^^DON'T DELAY-BOOK TODAY! educsUon for rsgktsrsd nursss. The kstituto sko hopss to opsns brsnch k Woodknd Hilk nszt yser, hs sddsd. Msysr sskl hs had hopsd to start the courss k Sfani Vallsy thk fsll, but thoss ckssss kstsad RETI-MATADOR TRAVEL SERVICE •18111 NORDHOFF ST., NORTHRIDGE, CALIFORNIA 91330 , wffl be hsU k Veoturs stertkg "NO CHARGE FOR OUR SERVICE" Uik wssk. Ths cost for books snd • • • • I • if II III ill 11 III • til ••fit ft I 11 I I 911 a I I kstructors k 1456. hs ssid. •'ill t' 'th*:. .:.s.T

••••I • • ' ^. I^LJ''•• .;/..:^7'^";^-^i;ljr,'3i.:i.:.: -:;:,- I ne . _ -•- EntertainmeiTf

—California StatiillJniyerelty, Nortliridge Sapt 22, t978

Life in a small Weet Texas town k depktsd In tho AHan as ftufe chaMengee R.W. Moss as OHn in Red Obedander. The pky wiN open Sept 29 in the Uttk Department of Theatar's production of "Lu Ann Grover'a bar. At right. Pamek GHbreath as Lu Ann Theater. Hampton Lavwty Obariandar." In photo at kft. Mice Hampton toastt Art RkkUa, who pkys Coricy 'Lu Ann prehiiere W Tstiana Butko •Uid&s Chsddiov, however, Junes shows Uw^ potential kr bsnaUty k human esiatanre withk ths The Depertmrat of Theater's upcomkg production of •'A Jooee waa born m Albuquerque and kter aettkd k strstnm of sodsty tkat we csfl bhw coQer woakars," hs< "Lu Ann Hsmpton Lsverty Oberisnder" wffl be s Los DaOas k Uw early '60e, Levy askL "^——^^ sakL '. Angeles sree premiere for tlw Preston Jones pky, ths There Jonee beouna kvolved with ths DaBas Theater . "Thsss psoftkik ths pky) do not xsOsc^ on tkahr riiow's director ssid. Center wlwre he worlied aa everything from s ticket- Uyas," Gunkk Bsk. - The comedy-drams k pert of Jones' "The Texas taker to director. Levy aaid. 'They just exkt snd thair ^pparsnt hiA ef Trilogy" snd ths aaiy one thst has not bssn done k the Jonee trilogy was firstproducs d st ths DaUas Theater significance k what k gradually posed to ths sudiancs se^ grester Los Angeke srss. Dr. Oeorgs Gunkk sekL Center k 1974, Levy aakL s queetion for each person to raiss about hk or her own Set k Uw enwO West TSzas town of Bmdkyvilk, ths After being performed k regional thaeters, the trilogy Ufa," Gunkk Mid. pky trscee 20 years k Uw Uk of Lu Ann Hampton, was stsged st the Kennedy Center k Wsshingtoo, D.C.. The |day k {nesented k s umqusly Anwriesn contsat Gunkk sski, from ths sarly '60s to ths ssriy '70s. k 1976, Levy eskl. he sakL BradkyviUe k Uke tnuMlreds of smeB towns There k s flsvor sfanHar totha t of ths movk "Ths Last The trilogy received ezcslknt reviews. Levy ssid, end scross Uw United States, hs sddsd. Pkturs Show," the profeeeor "Ths underlying queetion raiaed comae upon the Uk. vironmentsnd thn •"•'-p^^ sttnctivsness of ths aaak audience very akwly," ha addad. "There k no big drsmstk thsatrkal actkn," he ssid. eharsetar. Thsater msnsger Jeffrey Levy eakl Jones' work hss Like Anton ChSdUmvkhk pkys, Jonss shows Uw In order to aeUsve ^k ssnee of rsaUty, Oudkk most often baan prsissd for ite haaoor, hk fssi for ths shw deteriorating efbcte of tinw on human sspkstions, sskl the prodnctko oonqMny has besn rshaanriag tlw chsrsctars snd hk ssr for Ouakksaid. |day shnost exdusive^ throo^ isaprovisstieii Laboratory Theater offers stage experience

by Jsck Wolf sahl. "Miaa JuUe" charaetsriass ths studsnt aad wiwt Ukd of sa- propoeek far ipring productkae "Ths kborstoty k hsrs to mors traditknal typa of pky, perienee it wii provkk for ths throu^ Oct 81. In tlw seven yesrs sines ita develop the studsnt's teknt," hs Lkch sski. but Uw kb k always partk^jwnts, Coee ssid. koeptkn, Uw CSUN Lsborstory ssid. "Thsy hsve s chsnes to gsk kterestsd k frssh snd nsw Ths kb thsetsr produetka cea "We're ehniys anskus to gst llwstsr hss been giving stodsnta kvshisbk euwrisncs k sny sres things Jo daior itaimdttctions. provkk a ssnkr project for a new kkee," Lkch sakL "Uw s rsrs opportunity to gak ex- whkdi Uwyrs ktsrssted k." Ths pkys srs chossn by ths kb •studsnt ss k Cass' cess, who more iapnt we gsC from ths psrienoe in nearly every aqwet of Ths kb, whkh opsnsd ito boerd whieb i* mads up of wss responsible for the students, the better e«ur stags production, aoeordkg to ita sssson kst wssk with "In studsnto snd fsculty snd gets production of Devkl Stomy'a "la pradnctkne ere golag to be." dksctor, MkhaslLkch. Cskbrstion," hss six mors sketsd by Uwetar majors. Cskbrstkn." A new preesdurs thk saasaetar From ths sztsnsive work k productiMw schsdttkd for ita Any studsnt mi^ subodt s As s thsetsr major with a k that ths partkipeato of ths kb seting, stsgs dssign, make-up eurrsnt aesson. proposel for s production, bosrd dksctkg smphask. Cess said ths tbsatar can utrn get one nait of snd production k genersl, ths Auguat Strindberg'a ekask member Ceaay Coas said. projsct was aa hapcrtaat part of activitiss cndlt, Gosa SakL khorstory has givsa budding "Mks JuUs" wffl be praeented m The board then raviswa the the dirscUng book hs nmst AU tieksta to ths pl«ys sie tl thsster spscisUsto s chancs to do five coneecutive nighta beginning ideas, judging how ths conqikte upon grsdustkm. or sssson tieksta can bs bought just sbout everything, Llaeh Nov. 16. production will bsnsfit ths Lkch sskl hs k stffl sceaptkg for t6.60, Lkch saU. Sapt 22,1978 Martin: "A wild and crazy guy" Comedian shows his raunchy side by Steve Bergmsn Fkshkg ths fismllkr lod^sw grin, comedkn Steve Msrtita recently entertsinsd his Univerasr AmphiUwster ^ffirong with jugl^kg, banjo pkying snd sssorted "funny ctsnedy gsgs." The outdoor Uwstsr wss fiUsd with 46,000 fins during Uw jokeator'e nine sold out engagonento. Sca^pere unkadad ak^ tiekete tar $42.60 and up. Une show found the humorist k trsdonsric 8700 white suit juxtaposing routines from hk earUer Johnny Csrson/Saturday Night Livs sppesrsnoss. Hs virtoslly ignored msterkl from hk Grammy winnkg "Let'a Get SmaU" album. Many fsns ysDsd Uwk dissstiskction ovor ths sbsenoe of fsmiliar routinss. Beefy bouncers silenced aeveral ^~. noiay heddara. of Martk's set The gray - haired omik dkL Aftor Vistnsm turbulsncs however, kckde hk "fun with dissppesrsd, sudkncee bscsms balloon animsk" routine. Martin more recqitive to humor for "ite twkted the balloons mto unususl own ssks." Comedisns liks shspee he named "dogs" snd Chevy Chase could etumbk over "vensreal disssses." tehke once s week gsmsring "If you sss thk (m your toikt enormous sppseL sest don't sit down," he est^ An EngUsh ensembk, Monty csatksOy wsrned. Python's Flykg Circus, bscsms Msrtin's concsrt routines very kfluentiaL Their weekly ususUy sre peppered with ahow featured among other rsunchy one-liners, thst srs knedae, Vikkga dngkg about eiUwr toned down or bleeped on Spam and ikqns parodiss af~ tekvieion. Hk commenta on homoeeniak, gsms shows snd Teatro sets bestiaUty, for essmpk, havs wreetUng prieate. performance never surfsosd k prime time. Withk thk cUmate, Msrtin STOP The Theator/Tsstro will Sonw of the newer msterisl smerged st the Dorothy Chsndler getting ripped off on your auto 'preeent "Le Ceketins," or "Ths dsslt with Msrtin's high achotrf PsviUon. RoUing StoM editor Spsnish Bawd," by Femsndo de memorke. Ths 32 yssrK>hl comk Dsvid Feltim wrote him up for .^ insurance. If you 're so concerned Rojss from Oct 6 tlmiugh Nov. rsveskd hk original chesrieeder the Dec. 1 cover story, eompoaitions: "Dk you dirty "Bsnsnsknd's Top Bsnsns." about the bucks, why haven't you 12. The pky, written by de Rojss gravy sucking piga" and "Try to Seemingly, the comedisn's called before now? k 1499 sndsdaptsd by Alvsro acore a touchdown, you acum- asucy humor todc hoU. Lste bega." • BEST STUDENT RA TES OF COURSE Custodk, wffl be preeented k night unpressrio Jcrfinny Csrstm £^[»snkh st 8 p.m. Fridays snd One of Martin'a mora famiUar kvited Msrtin to gusst on hk 3:30 p.m. Sundsys snd in bite k Uw swaggering Latk show. Euphe^ems tte "wild i Mike Payne INSURANCE Lothario. In a feigned accent BROKERS EngUsh st 8 p.m. Sstunkjrs snd snd crszy guy" snd "excuuuuss 7:80 p.m. Sundays. with swaykg hipe, a confident ma" becsnw common campus & Associates Ph 996*400 Custodk wffl dksct Uw pky, amkk, and outatretehed kdax utterancee. ghrsn k Uw Inner City Cultursl fingara, he dkeloeed, 'Peopk Msrtin k now kunching s 1 7835 VfcNT URA BLVD SUITE 211 Center, 1808 S. New Hsnqwhfae ahraye aak me: Steve, how dkl movk csrssr. Hs waS featured ss , ENCINO. CALIFORNIA 01316 Ave., Los Angdss. you get to be a aex god?" s hammer - ewinging dentkt k v>>^ Martk'a AmphiUweter shows "Sgt PenMr's Lmwiy Hsart's ikgly have mded hk 10 Ckb Bsnd," snd UniverssI wffl years of frustrstion. Hs wrote for bs rskaskg ths qu^ter'a firat •TERRfS DISCOUNT AUTO PARIS • tekvision's Glen CampbsU, ths acrampky, "Essy Monsy." Smothers Brothws, Dkk Vsn He wffl receive 8100,000 for the OWpWfi mm Vf Wlf fm%% VM Mviffifiii Dyke and Sonny and Cher. script 6600,000 ss Uw stiff snd The preeeuree of hk 81,600 a 60 percent of the groes. Msrtin RfCONMnOND MTTRIES PRESTDNE ANT1HKEZE walk job kduoed a nervous sko hss twospedak pknnsd thk 6«tll I2" 2* breskdown. Msrtin bouncsd ysar for NBC. i 12 VtH 14" **"' everyday kw prioee beck, howevsr, determined to bs Msrtin encored his Am- phithsstor show in purpis OIL Spontansous sanksss did not Egyptian hssddrsss snd crooned go over well with poUticaI|y Uw novelty efai|^ "Kkg IXit" MliO rackg_ 59* oriented '60e sudimess. Lenny Two men stood bshkd "Uw boy Bruce snd Mort Sahl kysUsta 55* Hi 40lMili|_ 59* kkg" with s csrdboerd cutout of shunnsd Uw hrevsrsnt aillinass Uw Nik River. 55* «ll SO raekg- 600 Ml 20/50 A/(L /tfnyr«*^AFA. .SS* .59* pMMiOin 59* nes Fies mvw VsUsy Towkg Open ft«Mon-Pri 64 Set 9« Sun MV. I>i>sch Plugs e Poinis Peiin/0|)lil Cyls Mailer ( v* tt f-" $39«' MTNSrurair OR FACULTY ID SvKleni FROM LUBE AND OIL TO OVERHAUL TERRY'S "QUALITY AT LOWEST PRICES" 17743 Saticoy St Prices Oa Most VWe 7976 Van Nuya Blvd. - Two and one-helf bkeks 8e. of Reecos PHONE (218)848-1968 894-7076 - 7864112 SHkk...

Sept. 22,1978 1 Concert set by brass quintet Children theater by MsrosUs Hslsdon / schedules play- Ths Fine Arts Brsss Quktet wffl preeent a free The Thester for Chikhen wffl be produckg "TMes from Hans concert at 8 p.m. Sunday m Chrktkn Andersen" ss ito smmsl pfaqr, accordkg to Mary Jane Musk 168. Evana, the theater'a director. Ths quintet will feature The pky, whkh wffl coiwkt of four Anderaen kvoritias. wffl be Anthony Plog snd Russel showcsssd st the Studk Thester k Speech Drama from Oct 14 Kidd, trumpet; Robert throu^ Nov. 6. Henderson, horn; Doug Evans said that the pky wffl feature 12 stadoito k sn Lowry, trombone; snd Ed muricsl, for whkh rehosrssk hsvs been t^Mi^g pU^ , JVdter, taibs. Iwibnkg of tiw eemestar. ^ Ths quktet - wffl perform "Our children's department k known throughout the country as both bsroqUe snd con- one of Uw beet" Evens aakl. "And we're happy to be abk to provkk tonporsry music, Pkg said. thk kind of entertainment to the pubUc" Uw progrsm wffl include The showthnee for Uw pky wffl be Fridsye st 7:30 p.m., st 3 ad works of Adson, Schmidt 7:30 p.m. Sstunkys snd st 2 p.m. Sundays, acconlkg to Evaik." Peed, Bsch snd Lebow, ss weU ss those of two CSUN profeeeors, Dr. Frsnk Csmpo and Dr. Dsnisl Keesner. SELF HYPNOSIS Plog sskl thk wffl be the group's Isst privsto per- BETTER GRADES—LESS STUDYING: formsnce since profeesionsl Photograplik Maawry - Speed RamWag commitments hsve msde Total RecaD and More contkustion ss s group im- Also Leee Weight sad QoH SmoUaa possibk. IMPROVED ATHLETIC ABILITY: "The group has one record Bowaag, Temris, Haeanali, , out currently, entitled 'A Brass ._ Soccer ead More. Potpourri' on WIM Records Psydde Awsreaeae: Metaphyaka to Meatal Tekpathy aa Astfri and s eecond record soon to be Proiectka. Stadent Disoeaat • Prhrate or Gronp - Yoar -lekssed," Plog saki. ' Cdl Terri Hopwood 966-2828 "The deeire to pky chambsr musk led to the formstion of the group in 1968," Pkg eskl. Thk group kter dkbsnded, but wss rsorgsniaed k 1974, with lUdd snd Pkg ths only members rMnsining from the OTiginsl group, he eakL The members of the quktet are sU profossionak. Pkg said. Kidd k s free-knee trumpet pkyer who pkye first trumpst Anthony Pkg with Uw Paaadena Sjrmpbony, aa weU ss with Uw Americsn trombons with ths Senta Plog, who was bom snd BsOst Compeay when it k k Monies Symphony snd was rsarsd io Los Angsks. phqrsd recently appokted conductor IH^ndpal trumpet with ths Sen HsndarsoB pkys prindpel at Mount St Msry's Or- Antonk Syxaphony from 11070- horn with the Psssdens cheetra. 73. He wss sssockta prine^ Synqihony snd sko woriu Writer k^prindpal tobkt tnunpet for the Utsh Sym­ with some of Uw major movk with the Santa. Barbara phony from 1974-76and k stodios. Sjmiphony and teaches tuba preeently pursuing a career aa Lowry pkys principsl at UCLA. a compossr snd s sokkt ^lass spotlights LA art Stodente wffl get s chance to sss whst k going Stodente wffl tour gaUeriss, studios snd aa m the art world todsy k s Contemporary Art k muaeums, and altemative art apsces to aee what Los Angeks ckee offered st noon Sstuitisys. the art scene k todsy. Mkhael Cheekr, art 3-D katructor, aakl, "It'a "It wffl give Btadente s chancs to sss whst k the kind of ckss I slwsys wsnted to tsks when I going on outside ai eUtkt gslleries which srs was hsrs, but thsy only o^red Leonsrdo da sometimes very difficult for Uw srtkt to brei^ < Vkd." kto," Cheekr saki.

mmi FOI: 1^ AMMf MCAT • MT • LSAT fillAT*OCAT*VAT*SAT ha IIIIII.I.M. Son Fronciscos hottest haircut place is happortng hefe. ECFIIS*FLEX*Vtf Bight here in Noftti Hollywcxxj. NATL DgNTAL gOAROg Irs realV a neat place lo get your hair cut Its for guys. NURgWOgOAMM Gals And tt\e cutters are super They cut hair the way you iSNaera like it. All precision cuts. ^ Aipefpiitt Evefy hai«ut->short. loix}. easy haia-ls the Kmrte kniflc price. (61 SooorneoninMxrteoolrxjtoleeiiupeil TM rupwMiow tipicuwi am ina (2t3)«lMWr Om0 County (714) MM7M For LocaUoM I* OMr (Mm. C* Tsumitase-in-iTn emntniHMiMCiiMi S«B2 lOuMM Convori E« tubarli ••« 763 8a«6 or 763 (867 iHVila taitM *«• mi U

ii£ouidBeYou Think Not half as About 54 milhon Americans now living are expected to get safety belts confining as some form of cancer during their lifethne. Give to the are confining? wheelchairs. American Cancer Society to support its programs ot re- excuse? searai, education and service What'8 your to the cancer patient. 1 10 Sept. 22> 1978 The Daily Sundial Graduate excels in cello, piano «> by fiktty PoweU ^ Her probism now?-ShaU she focus on cooqiosing, Isngusgs Janice Foy, 22-year-old musk and eUmomusicology studiss, I; student, bsgsn studying pisno at sok celk or piano perfbrmaneee, age 8 k Ssattk, csOo st sge 10 or becMning a member of an snd at ags 12 wtm her firstswar d orcfasstrs or chamhsr musk kr a piano con^jMsitioo entitled groiq^T "Egyptkn Story." If bar previoua records srs sny I&it/asrard wae the first of indicstor, Foy won't chooss, she msnjr she sccuBiuleted jfor won't focus. She'll continne comporitians, pamrmanoss in prscticing all tteae inuslcar sok celk and pkno redtak, and scthritiee snd probably sdd mors. k chamber musk snd orchsstra "My teeeliers hsve shrsys told con^wtitions during school dasrs me to dow down, not qMsed out k Ssattk,- and kter k CaUfdmk k so many dirsctions," ths l! at Hobnss Junior High snd fragile-looking, brown-eyed Monroe High SchooL muskian sak. "But I always do In 1977, with etffl more first ths appoAtia. prisss to her credit, aha waa "As soon ss I finkh uk thing, gradaatad cum laude with a BA I'm koldng for something rise to k musk She beknga to Phi do." Kappa y.MtwtMi^. Uw mnsif honor Foy rekxsd during 1 break m Janke Foy (photo by Betty PowaN) sockty, snd to Alphs Mn rshesrsak for bsr graduate rseitsl Gsmms. )hs^fsnign kngusge ss her ec^ompenist, Anito on ths ons k the othar recital 'James, practioel' But they see 'Why k she sittkg thsrs whsn I Swesrmgin, looksd over the hsUl," Swasiwigk saki. nw woiidng ao hsrd snd thsy *sy, shoukl be sitting there?" Sb» wrote s graduate rsssarch musk and grumbled sbout the Foy said she deckled to ssm 'Jsnies, you could hsve idcked Daapita Uw- numy swsrds shs paper on "Vocal Aqwete of piano. bar MA k ceUo psrformsnes sonwthing essier. Wouldn't you has won, howsvsr, Foy is ArsUc Musk," and rsoMiUy "Thsy don't tune ths pfakos rsthsr thsn compositkn or musk Hka to be s nke nurse7"'eiw sak. disenchsntsd with sonw musicsl earned her MA k musk par- sround hers, but st ksst tlw hktory becsuss she thinks thsrs Foy said she praetioee every cqnqwtitions. formenes with a sok osik rsdtaL setkn of thk ons k bettsr (thsn wffl bs mors opportunity far dsy, sithar preparing for her "You don't know whst you're work. lessons with csllist Ronald going to run kto, and I'm just "It's Uke sn kaUrsncs poUcy," Lsoosrd or for orchsstra at too honest," shs sskL shs SSML "I'D nssd ths MA if I rhamhsr musk sppssrsness. "I pkysd k Uw Caimel n( /( S/Vf PRlMlfRt /.4, L\CACt\n\T evar want to tssch k s eoOsgs or For bsr MA rsdtal, shs sskl Chsmber FesUvsl whsn ths university. she wss apending a coiqda ci judgss gsve ths priss to s trk "Sonw of my frisnds iHio houra k the morning, sftemoon thst fsU apart on ths ssme piece droppsd out to pky k orehsstras ("sfter I ewim") snd evening to we pkysd. or groaps sskl.'Why do you stay perfact snd nwowrias ths five "It's poUtiesL You havs to BAWtlJ' Uwrs (CSUNK Jaake. You're compositions shs would pky. have ths right pisoss. ths right \S ITAI V ASDFRASCF good snoogh (ss s musidaa) Shs pushsd s strand of dark cosch, everything has to be now.' And somstimss I fssI Uka hak sway from bsr foretwad. right," shs saki. I'm putting sd nnich sffort kto it "But I do not Uke to stay k s So now with bar MA frsmsd snd what am I getting k rstomT prsctios room for hours on snd snd hanging on ths wsll, what But yon rsally have to like what Uke most muskisns," shs sak. "I doee Foy do for an encore? ,SC/\\'U,-U.' you're doing, and I do," aha aaid. think going over and over a pkos OF THE 1978 N.V. FILM FfSTIVAl Foy Uvea with her pannte, Mr. you dutt. and Mra. Albert Foy, snd bsr If I'm memorising sonwthing, sak. What das? brother, Gary, 21, a junkr it's 20 minutee. Then I go out snd But to do thk shs'U have to computor aciencs msjor, in do somsthing eke. And confine hsrsdf to s specialty, if Sepolvsda. sonwtimss I gst insight k Uw only to decide what univsrsity REJECTED! "I'm Uw only tausidan k my I^eoee by getting swsy hum it shs'U sttand. fsmily so thsrs's no ens to say, Her chokes srs USC for s PhD FOR SHOWING AT SAN FRANCISCO Shs sskl shs hss fslt com- k cslk performsnos. Or UCLA if FILM FESTIVAL AS TOO STRONG petitive snd wsntsd to succeed ss she electa composition or FOR MOST AUDIENCES TO TAKE s musickn ever eince she wss k eUmomusicology — farrasssre h Los Angeles SsetUe grsmmsr school orchestrs k Arabk and Indian muak. and eaw s 6th grader occupying Aftar that, aha aak, aha may County Fair the first chsh (prkdpsl osUkt). teach, secompsny, psrform, "I couUn't wsit to get thst i •-•OMONA C.ALI' compass, or even sst up s muric NOW! first chsir," shs said. "I Uuwght, school k ths MUdk East PREPARE YOURSELF FOR Now Music Center to feature through U W I • 1 Latino performing group QRANDSTANO The Lstino-Americsn Performing Arte Enssmbk wffl bs appearing SHOWS every Wedneedsy fixsnnoo n to 2 p.m. st ths Musk Csnter's Plass k Los Angeke. SALO Ttw performencee given by the li-paraoD compeny era free to the puUk snd wffl contkue through July 27, 1979. Both traditknal snd contsmporary Latk musk wffl bs psrfoiuwd RcQfal Canadian by muskisns snd vocaUste, Isd by George Lknee snd Frank Gon- salae. The group ako kcludae two Latk danoars, Martha Absytk and '^^j 120 DAYS OF SODOM Daakl Omalaa. Mounted Police The aaeeoobk wffl appssr under the auqdcss of ths CETA pngiam. i Musical Ride with the $ PART TIME HELP $ National Band PHONE ft FOOT CANVASERS • of New Zealand GENEROUS PAY SCALE CALL JOHN ULLEN '•!SALO & Maori 0ancer$ 346-9300 plus. . . $ $ • INTERIOR DESIGN SHOWCASE • FLOWER & GARDEN ,OV0 MINE SHOW ^^^oD/ V • LIVESTOCK 17802 CHATSWORTH • ART IN ACTION GRANADA HILLS CA • HOMEARTS 363-9925 ' • GIANT FUN ZONE • MUCH, MUCH MOREI DRAFT BEER: $1.50 PITCHER PICFAIR 933-5609 your bctt DARTS. SHUFFLEBOARD, POOL, PINBALL entertainment buy! LADIES FIRST DRINK FREE ^-—-^r

The Daily Sundiiir 11 Grad plays up Beatles by ChrkteUs Kyrkcou It ssems shnost impossibk thst snything new couM be written sbout the Beetles. However, every impoeaibfflty haa ite exception and Maik Shipper, a former CSUN atodoit, k thst exception. Super's book, "Psperbsck Writer," snslyses esch hktork event of the Beatk'a career from jthnr be|^|nningin Liverpod toa ptejseted rsunion k 1979. Some of the eventa rekted k the bo(A sre fsctosl but ths msjority waa mads up in Shiiqia-'a creative mindand ssrvs ss sn excriknt exsmpk ai ths suthor's sbfflty to dktort even the most innocent hsppenings. In "Psperbeek Writer," Uw long-swsited reunkn of the kb foursome tome out to be s compkte dissstw. 1%eir reunion slbum whkh cmitsins such hite ss "Disco Jesus" snd "Gffligan,8 lsknd" k s bomb. To sttrset peopk to thdr concert, they srs sscmid-bffled to Peter Frsmpton. Personslly, Shinpsr would not Uke to see s reunion of the Beetles, hs ssid. "I thkk ths Bestlee were s Mari( Shipper product of ths '00s snd thoss timee wffl never ctww bsek. I Aecording to Sh^iper, the think thst peoplee' expectetions msgszines claim to knw wss not would be ao high thst ths Beatke k ite drcuktion, but that it wodd never be sbk to msst influenced s kt of msgsr.ines thst thsm," he ssid. srs sround today. Aa individusk, Sh^per esid hs Shipper's method of in- fssk thsy srs sll musksUy jtroduction to Uw rock writihg useless, but sdds thst it k unfair world worked. He waa offered a to judge them by their

When Pamda QUbreath playa the lead in the Department of Theater'a production of "Lu Ann Hampton Laverty Oberiander," —riie wiU be bringing 10 jreara of 4> profeeaional acting experience to 4- bar role. 4- Tbe part-time faculty member 4- 4- aaid, however, that ahe waa not 4- hired aa a gueat artiat, but 4- auditioned for the play becauae 4- ahe ie alao a graduate atudent. » "The play ia part of my 4- graduate work toward a maater'a I^^Has Moved To 5ylmar^?S 4> degree." Gilbreath aakl. 4- Aa an inatructor, OUbreath • 4- teadiee acting and voice. She 4- 4- joined the faculty laat aemeeter 4'- TO A GREAT NEW COUNTRY 4- after teaching for a couple of Pamela Gilbreath » 4- yeara at the Amwican Academy 4> 4- of Dramatic Arte in Paaadena, New Yoik until mkl-1974. She did 4> SITE FREEWAY CLOSE 4- ahe aaki. an off-Broadway pky in 1968 4> 4- Gilbreath haa worked aa an called "How to Steal an 4- 4* OPENING WEEKEND •ctraaa in New York City and Election," whkh f(^ed after the • 4- preeklential election, ahe eaid. 4- Chicago, ahe aaid, and haa L 4- traveled with theater companiea She continued to work in etock, SAT. CPII1* 97 94 ^^^'"'' 4- thrott^iout the country. dinner theatere, repertory, 4- Growing up in Clinton, Tenn., reaident theatere and childrnli^ SUN.siBir •• «•«!, ••" -6p'"- » new KnozvUle, Gilbreath aaid theater. -4- ahe became involved in the Moat of her jobe involvad Sept.30.Oct.1-7,8-14,15-21.22 and 28. 29 • theater becauae it waa a form of traveling out of New YoriK City, 4- expreeaion that waa readily and ahe aaid ahe felt a aenae of 4- available in the atrkt Southern accompliahmMit becauae aha waa 4- B^>ti8t town. actually working. 4- SYLMAR ^fter attending Agnee Scott For the few numbera of actora » who make it big, there are 4- College in Decatur, Ga., ahe (Fwy. Pasadena)i tranaforred to Northweatern hundreda of actora who are ac­ 4- Univaraity in Evanaton, IIL tually making a living at it, Hwy 210 4- 4- During all her yeara at achool, GQbraath aakl, and thouaanda Gilbreath aaid ahe waa involvad more who are not working at> aUi Foothill Blvd 4^ in acting and achool Jjdaya aa "Moet ectore aubaiat on 4 much aa ahe could. unempk)yment betwean joba," 4" Gilbreath aakl Northweatern ia aba aaid, adding that ahe waa out 4- one of thoee traditionally famoua of worit only for 11 weeka whila 4- theater achooia. producing a working out of New York. 4- number of well-known One of her aocompHahmenta 4- profeeeionala auch aa Chaiittm 4 wae playing the role of the girl. 4- Heeton, Paula Prentiaa and Jill, in a touring company of 4- Rkhard Benjamin. "ByttarfUee are Free," ahe aakl. 4- "Several of our faculty GQbraath waa a member of 4- membere here ara from Nor- three different touring nompaniae 4- tliweatam," ahe added. with four different etara, Calaate 4- After graduating, Gilbreath Hohn. Jan Sterling, Ann Sothem 4- waked in Chicago for a jraar, and Joan Bennett, in 1971-72. Ventura 4- doing voke-overa, oammerdala, After coming to the Weet 4 induatrial filma and working at Coaat, Gilbreath became in­ 4- oonvantiona aa a apokaawoman. volved in teaching and atudying. 4" Her hicky braak came whra "I came to LA on vacatioB I Sunset Farms • 16301 Foothill Blvd. • SYLMAR 4- aba waa eaat aa a joumqrwoman with two auitoaaaa, and I atiQ 4" at the American Shakeapaara haven't left." aha aakl. 4> To Reach Site: NORTHBOUND ON SAN DIEGO OR GOLDEN STATE FWYS 4- Faatival in Stratford, Conn., ahe 4- She Btartad at CSUN aa a J TAKE HWY 210 (FWY PASASENA). OFF AT YARNELL-FOLLOW SIGNS » atudent in the Communicative 4- TUa meant that aha waa given Diaordare department etudying 4- amaO apeaking rolaa with the voke adence, ahe eaid. but fbund 4- repertory company and ehe aha waa really more at hooM 4- 4- 4> became one of the principal among theater people. 4- Great ENTERTAINMENT idayere during tha aaaaon, aha 4> 4- "Acting ia hard work." 4- • aakL Gilbraatii aakl, "but it 4- 4- GHbreath went on to work in feelgood." 4- 100 Selected CRAFTSMEN 4- 4- 4- >t 4- 4- Thisyear 4- DelMtableFOOb & DRINK stands 4- 4- . why not invHe Order CAVF 75lt ^'e r 4- 4^ Adults $4.25 By Mail ^'^Vt I 31^ Tickeji t 4- your overseas friends 4- t Senior Citizens $2.50 $3.50 ADULTS 4- 0¥erhere? 4- it Children 612 $2.50 $1.T5 SENIOR CITIZENS 4> 4- BEErAyS DRUG EMPORIUM I Under 6 FREE and CHILDREN • » 4- 4- ANNOUNCES ITS CSUN STUDENT DISCOUNT PUMPKIN PASS $15.00 Please send self-addressed stamped 4" envelope; check or money order to 4- Good every Festival Day • Present your valM student I.D. and Purchase by mail or at gate. PUMPKIN FESTIVAL 4- Receive a 10 discount on aN: Non-tranaferabte Box 857. Topanga. CA 90290 4- 4- Revton, Max Factor b Bonnie Bell Coametka FOf» GENERAL INFORMATION CALL (213) 362 1551 Sunglasses Greeting Cards FOR GROUP RATES CAU EO LEWIS • 465-4126 Cakulators House Plants tlCiCETS AT MUTUAL AGENCIES & CHARGE LINE 851-8080. Pottery Produeed by Jack R. Farley plus 10 off on an statkMieryGr school suppHesI BofA •pondered by the Sytmar Chamber of Commerce 9038 BALBOA (Comer Balboa & Npfdhoff) ' L ^^_^___^^____^__^ 894-0487 Sports See Page 14 See Page 16 See Page 15 ;Vf- ziui= Pages^ California Statii Unlvefelty, Northrldqe Sept 22.1f78 Mats face Chico in home debut

by Erk Strndhajimv -P?!-. Dominated by a paaehig attack laat week, the CSUN football team may face the aame challenge again at 7:30 p.m. Saturday whan the Mate maka their 1978 home ddnit againat Cal State Chko at Devonahire Downa. ^ "We feel we have to paaa the ball to beat than," Chko coach Dkk Trimmer eaid. Trimmer muat have received reporta about laat week'a CSUN aecondary performance againat Cal SUte Hayward when the Pioneera threw for 276 yarda in a 24-17 win. Trinuner'a oasainic attack k led by returning qiiartcrbadi Teny Stokee, a 6-foot-S. 190-pound aenkr who completed 84 of 184 paaaee for 1.403 yarda laat aeaaon in leading Chko to a 6-2-1 overall record, inchidfaig a secraid pkoe finiah in die Far Weetem Conference behind uidMaten UC Davk (10-1). "He'a got a good attitude and performa well," Trinuner eakl of Stokee. "He'a a good athlete and very versatile." Chko. whkh opened 1978 laat weak by beating Cal Lutheran. 16-12. returns aevan atartara on offense and eight atartera on defanaa. ^~ OOlDHvail^. biiHdaa SlokH. the WOdcata ri^y on msmgWesa Clav Lindaev (478 varda) and Brian Anderson, tiaht end Curtk Parks and guard Walt Wallace (6-fMt-2.216). ' The Chico defeiMe k anchored by two-time All-Confarenoe eafety Charlee Carter, who had five inteneptione laat year. Trimmer had aeveral poaitive thoughta to aay about CSUN. "Thqr esaeute very weU," he eakl. "They try to creaU dtuatkma where yoa beat youraelf. "Defiansivdy, they pose a probiam becauee they're atnmg and vary ^nkk. "Wa have to improve our execution and we have to take advantage of eome of the weakneesee that thay may have oCfeuivaly and dafenaivaly." _„ Trimmer eaid he k partkula^y concerned with tumovars aa hk team kat tha ball four timee againat Lutheran. Matador head coach Jade Elway aaid he'e very much aware of Stokaa throwing ability. , "He'a a hdl (rf a quarterbadi." Ehray eakl. "He'a tibiagu y we have to concentrate on." The CSUN linebacking corp of Mike Benaon, Brian Wood. Lee Proctor and Paul Rodriquea appear to be the k^ performers if tha Matadora expect to stop Chico'a rushing attack. Ehray aakl he'a hoping to get improved pky out of hk dafanaive iMckfidd. including Dave Vierra, Drank Clemona. Raymond Walker and Corky Hahk. Ehray muat be wondering whkh Paul Feuerborn will ahow up for Saturday's game. Will it be the quartarback who ran for 110 yarda and paased for 138 yards againat San Francisco State, «- the quarterback who ran for minua 11 yarda and paaeed for 86 yarda against Hayward? Tha anawer will likdy dedde how effective CSUN'a veer attadt k againat a Chko defanae that recorded two ahutouta laat year and heU a total of four teama to leee thanone touchdown. Senior Mike Maglione k CSUN'e ruahing leader with 126 yarda in 24 caniaa (6.2 average), foUowed by Bill Footer (98 yarda), Jeff Waahington (97 yarda) and Feuerborn (86 yarda). Kkkar Frank Friedman haa bssn an effective Mat dhadva weapon, rec<»ding 14 pointe eo far on tkU goak of 47, 46 and 26 yards, phu five PAT'a. In fact, the entire CSUN kkking game haa bean imprsssiva, with puntar T(my Femandee averaging 40.8 yarda par punt Uda year. Tha Chko^SUN meeting k a firat ever confrontation in football and the Wikkate will be the third atraight Far Weetem Uonfaranoa on>onant for the Matadora.

CSUN's Brian Wood wffl be In action Saturday 14 Sept. 22,1978 The Daily Sundial

CSUN running back Jeff Waahington triee to break a tackle agalnet Cal State Hayward.

"*-•* I Sandial Classifieds AUTOMOBILES HELP WANTED HELP WANTED FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ^mmama^mi^mmmmammm^i II PINTO; eiaan;ffood tn» FAMILY HELPER Ught HELP WANTED:Part time, STEREO EQUIPMENT: CSUN WANTED TO buy: uaed por­ aportatkn. Low mileaga, pak household dutiss an child care-2 McDonalda comer Parthenk & student can aave you 88 on car table typewriter-manual or paan widi bkck vki^ top. CaO boye- aftamoona plua one Balboa. Need workes svail- and home eound eyatema. TV ekctik. CaU 786-1828 morning or hinch or evenings or 886-69098960 evening a week. Approa. 20 tool Moat makeaD aO new; no houra. 870 a week. Own car any combo. Ph 894-9998 or apply overhead; no kkkUng. Check 1978 BARETTA 22 1900 mi rear neceeeary 11/2 milee from Mon 11 am Wed 4 pm (104). PROFESSIONAL WORD your favorite deakr'e prioee, than proceaeing choke of type styks; baakato chrooM muffler good canqma 886-8601 (9-29) can BiU 993-6806 (9-22) conditkn. lOOiilw nqig $860 bkdud nuugina; camera-ready copy; fr«e pkdt up and delif;fBat sftar 6. 8«-1696 (9-22) HELP WANTED Cottn- FOR SALE & accurate. The Syatem 764-6222 teiparaon aO ahifte avaOabla. TYPING (12-16). Part or fall tims. Tommk's "76 MG MIDGET. New Engfaie. Hamburgsrs. 16649 Sherman TWO PIECE ahaip brightly New Brakea. New Chitch. Xknt MEN WITHOUT Steady Way. 994-0976 (9-26) ookred couch 8200 or beat offer PROFESSIONAL TYPING - Conditkn. S2800. Uuee Tonneau weakdaya 788-1830 after 6:30 TSrm papers, maatars thesk, Partnara Who Are Experiencing Covara. Maroon with Bkck Int 8864019 aak for AsOy etcIBM Sekctik II 786-8648 or Problems With Premature CaU Rkk 396-2022 evee. (10-16) WANTED 20 psopk to stsrt part 969-1946 Ejacuktion Or Erectik Dif- time or fofl will train. Tai 476- ficultiee Are Offered Brkf.Low- 9168 add 1200 (9-27). DAY PACKS top quaUiy good Coat Treatment la A Reeearch TOYOTA '77 CeUea OT Uftback aakction 9646 Rsssda Blvd. IBM TYPEWRITERS for rant Program Conductedv By The 81 mpg eat 6 yr warranty, 6 UGHT HOUSEKEEPING with Northridge 886-9000. Lit- from 17.60 wk. (3 mo.) Free del, Human Sexuality spaed, po^-^ooat, xlnt am/f- frkndfy scrsansd famiUss in ths deetonee Wikkmaae Shoppe eve, nu. ribbon. Saka^Ser- Program,UCLA.CaU 8264243 aa/eess starso. 86800 (9-27) VsOsy. Chooss ths days and vka^uppUee - Call 706-2766 Between 2:30 And 4:30 Ikily for houra moat convanknt far yoa. (104) More Info. (9-22) 1966 F(HtD CORTINA QT white Ae many or aa faw hours aa yoa TIRED OF flirting the traffic 4 spssd rUI.Looini good-ran wall and paying 26c a day parking? 6476 8924686 (9-22). want 9&M par hour. CaO TYPING TERM PAPERS, TUTORING IN math thru mominga 461-0622 (9-28). Save monay and tims with thk theaee, reporte ind. tech. — engr. "76 bonds 76068. Afanost aew eakuhia by BSEE provkled at tiqwthmecription neat IBM Sd. $4/hr or aa abk Subatantial exp. 76 HONDA 400F cyds k mi STUDY WHILE you work! drss. custom ssst, badoest and Thompeon'e SeC. 349-9274 Babysitting with VaOsy famiUss. faring. 81460 (806) 261-6880^ private aaetor. Have asvsrsl asesl cond 6976 or bsst olhr caO pstsste. Dsys 9994000 Stolsy (9- 869-8966 svss/wkds Compktoly flaxibls hours. evsninge (9-22) 22) 12.66/hoar. CaO mornings 461- MISCELLANEOUS 0622 (9-28). DONT RENT whan you can buy HELP WANTED thk 12x60 2^ mobk hams in AUTO INSURANCE Is your HELP WANTED-Invsntory cyn. Country only 80 min from currant premium too high? CaU taking. Join oar parttime CSUN 816.600 991-1626 6-10 |Mn t>UT DOWN your own hooka hal for a frss quote. ARROW IN­ PART-TIME PAINTERS * orgsnisstion snd ssm 88 and up SURANCE SERVICE 7817 CANVASSERS aosdsd for (9-22). and grab a toga bacauae bhie (with frsqosBt rslsss) woridng fakoQ k having a dyno party. Rsssds BL, Rassds 346-4666 or stodsBt ownsd buainsss. Easy night hoars faistorss . No sdUng. 4764461 (l^i^ work * coBvenieat hours. Good math, stamina, and STEREO EQUIPMENT: CSUN Paiatsrs Exp. hslpfdl; own bnsinossliks attltads must. studsnt can saifjs yaa.68 on car FREE PREGNANCY tests, tnas. rsquksd. Earn 67-610/hr. and homa aoond sj'steais. TV's SELF HYPNOSIS 2 Better Csfl Bob at 784-1660 (10-18) gradae. leaa atudying problem prsgnSncy and bkth Caavassers: Trans, provided. tool Most mskas;aa ns»;no control counseling. Complete Earn 6»47/hr. CsB Jim Hart 888- ovariisad:no kkidlng. dwek Photographk memory, apae MATTRE88E8-MARKETINQ d reading & mora. CaU Tari msdicsl sad counsdfaig ssrv for 6177 your favoritedsakr' s pricss, thsn womsn. Consio Msdksl Otp. for giad caa save yoa vp to 60« oa caO Bffl 9864806 (9-27). Hopwood R.H. 969-2928 (9-27). sO brsads, say sks. Don't pay Women 2966 N. Oloorperk. rstaO. 8ss Richard Pratt 18769 Thousand Osks 8894X00; 492- ftead the daeaMede WANT TO Form A Babyaitting 2479 (114). ; Napa WarsiMmss assr CSUN aoOp2. CaU After 6pm 844-2176 84MU8 (»-18). (9-22) The Daily SundiiH Sept. 22,1978 16

J^^w^m mm

A CSUN player drivee the ball downfiekl in a recent game at Loyola-Marymount. Photo by Scott Garrity Jooicing for a win After losing first three games, Matssee/c win over LA Baptist by Rkhsrd Mscaks sn 04 msik ia the sgsinst ths Univsrsity of Nevada nons of thoss gamss count st Las Vegas srs expsetsd to be Ths soccer team wiO pky ite towards vying for the NCAA resdy to pky. It k not known first home game of the eeason. Division II championship. Ths however, who Friedman wiU stsrt Saturday, whsn ths Matadors Bsptkt game marks the opening in gooL Mari^ Langton, a pert-, take on Loe Angeks Baptiat of the regular sssson for both tinw stsrtsr on last yeoi's tssm. Collsge Bt 1 p.m. It wQl mark the tssms so Friedman ssid ths tesm has not idaysd so fisr thk sssson, first gams tob e pkysd on s nsw wiU pky with mors intsnaity.' but k sxpsctsd to gst s stsrt fidd at CSUN. Ibcatad bstwssn Both compete in the CCAA. tiw PE buikling snd Uw bassbaO "It's rsaUy s shams that so diamond. In sn effort to improve the msny of ths |dsyers got iajursd tesm. Frisdmsn k luring that becsuss the tesm ahowed signs of On Sept 7, Baptiat beat the two new playere (veterana ttam good tesm pky," Frisdmsn sskL Matadora, but CSUN coach Zvi tha Greater Loe Angeke Soccer Friedman aaki that he feek hk League) wiU join the team in time In ths thrss prsvious gaaws. team wiU be better prepared (hk for the game with the Mustangs. C^UN hss msnaged to scors only time. "For one thing," he eaid, Friedman added that he wiU two gsmss. Lsst sssson the "we have better taknt than implement some different gome Mstsdors hsd s aimUar offendve Baptist and I tUnk we can bsat strategy tomorrow from ths styk problem in the esify going snd that was ussd in tiw fint match. were not sbk to hsve sn effective AU fivs stsrtsrs that ecoring machine untU the eecond half of tiw Although the Matsdors have injured in ths gsow last **..M \s as rousing, carefree and spectacular a piece of Women splkers facing entertainment as Tve seen big test at San Jose allyear.^ OMRLES CHAMnjN.LA.TB4ES / BURT REYNOLDS is by Jack Wolf dkatkn of ths MstiKlors' sbUity, Burhsnn coming off .strong thsy ahoukl do at kaat aa weU aa mstches. The women'a vdleybaU team, they dkl laat yesr when thsy Wilson, the tesm'a only four coming off ite aeaeon opening finkhed eecond. year pksw, turned in raw of her vktory over Fresno Stete last The Freeno match eaw the fineet aU-around mstohes sgainst week. wiU facs ite first important Matadora looking impreadve aa, Fresno, serving eeversl key teat of tha aesson thk wedimd at after loeing the match's fint pointe whik eetting extremely the Sen Joee Stete Tournament game, the team came back to wdl. IHf (•Ulilfll tll^lMi^ ill\»' The evmt which atarte today, take tiuee atraight gamee towi n and continuee through Saturday, the match gdng away. But the suoosss of Burhsnn mnammmmmamn»mtmm\^^ wiU featura aome of Califomk'e About the only thinga that snd Rssetto was even mora NOW AT SELECT THEATRES AND DRIVE INS Hoffafun aaid ahe regretted about oicouraging as they'n both top teama and Matedor coach 713-2133 the Fresno match wwe a faw frashman pkying in thdr fint UA QMnii CMM 4n-M4i Dbuh Hoffman expecte a good MH.TMI«I:a**:ll>l;M rCtaiiiiW3-0lll toumsy. "miatakea" auch aa playera colkgs matdws. and coming l:1l«M4tM WIMCW CHeaiH 7«t-i704 skng vsry quickly. twmwm Fai 4CJ-»I4 Ml avoanMi (Mw-in an-mi "Thk wiU be a tough tour­ aerving out of order and aub- IMirit:a*I:lt>4:a«(:lt rwniMushiMiiHMit Ms-sisr Ako expected to sss con- t:atM:Mra nament" Hotfinan aakl. "I think atitution problema. SWIIIIMCMM3I7147I4/|3I)-IM/ 0 Chko State snd the Univweity of Ons of ths tosm's strongsst Matador womsn wiU take a four- niMCM I 7I4/U»4401 San Frsndsco. aaeste in ths toumamsnt should day brssk bsfors rssaadag action 714/|44m7W But if kst Friday's four-gsms bs ite setting sbiUty, with Oris Wsdassdsy sgainst USC and ths win over Frssao was sny in- Wilson. Sue Rasssto and. JOI Univsrrity of Msaioo. » **a»»k »»•* • t *•*** 16 The Daily Sundiaf Water polo team feces big game at "*

by Agnee Seyer excdknt team. "I am not concerned with the "We uaually have our score because it k ao eariy in the . CSUN's water pdo team wiU probkma with them, but I'm a aeaaon." nwst ons of ths toughsst tssms in Uttk bit optimktk thk yesr "I am more intereeted in seeing ths nstkm whw thay fsce becsuss of the group we have and how weU our guye aet up the I Univerdty in Mslibu Jhe stridee we're making." pkys. Far aU we know, Pq>- onSsturdsy at 10 a.m. Aocardy said^ ~ .. * p«dine could lave the best team "Pepperdine typkaUy beate ua "I think we juat might surinke in the nati(ni again thk season, so laetty Ead," aakl coach Pete than, we're going to give them a I am looldng to thk game to give Acc^dy. much better game than thqr ua an indication of how far we "They were tUrd in the nation think." have to go in our practice," aaid in Dividon I kat year and thsy Aceardy aakl that tha pattaro Aceardy. do pky s kt more pok thsn our haa been for Northridge to pky "Water pok, when it'a good, k pkyera during the off-eeae taam's 10-9 University becsuss of the week's heavy echeduk with a competition betwewi the swim match againat Ocddental CoUege victory over Cal Stats Hayward kst week. The Mats will face an- teams. Both schods have ex- on Wedneeday at 4 p.m. at important test at Pepperdine-Maiibu Saturday, (photo by Skip cellmt equada. Occidental. Porter) ATTRACTIVE MEN AND WOMEN, SINGLE OR COUPLES, SPECIAL Will You Be Next? There are about 53 million WANTED TO JOIN IN THE FUN OF... Americans living right now who STTDEM IINSUKANCE RATRS are expected to develop cancer SM during their lifetimes. Your THE LOVE EXPERTS" contribution to the American RM THOMAS SERVICE Cancer Society during this 7:30 PM WEEKNIGHTS - CH. 9 year's Crusade will help re­ 990-9444 searchers find cancer cures and BOOKING IMMEDIATLY- |44S4 Vm Nuys BN. Sditt tl6 SJMmiii Oaks I help support educational pro­ grams that teach ways to spot SaCALL TODAY MonthU I'aMiu'iiih Imimdiatf < oviTafje cancer in its early, treatable stages. 467-4162 SmH»*nl DiHi'oiinl'* Preferred or High Kink rs^ ,- • <

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