!["Passes Offered to AS Senators EPC Recommends Writing Test](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
•••• • •* -"^ , '^,*»»*~ '^ •*"5^1- •*t-.«M'««t«»*T*rt|^ •tsfcv" , »** " ' .„ 1. The ••1 Daily . , Vol. 23, No. 11 Friday, September 22,1978 Sunaial California State University, Northridge "Passes offered to AS senators by Barbara Penhal larger part of the ethktk programs, sccording to Judy However, s job-rdstsd event shouU be ( * Brame, women's sthktk dirsctor. venioit for senstors to sttend, Coyk esid. " Thei^wof hee qwrting event passes to sll AS Sensto "Trsditi(mslly, AS wss shrsys given permit csrds to "Aftar an, we don't get peid s whok beO of s kt. members by the sthktic depertment met with mixed BQ eventa funded by them," Brsme esid. "BssicaOy it k sskl. jesponses for AS senstors. 8 pubhc rdations endesvor, ssking them to support "I'll pey my own wsy," Todd Dsvk, lower divisimi athktics in return for soosee snd sdmittsnce," "The sbihty of AS to evshuite ths suoosss of e aenstor asid. "The sthktk department needa the money "If the sthktk depsrtment ofkrs us the psssss, we'll progrsm k bsaed on questicms such ss if ths pragrsm k and I pereonally think that the aenatms csn pay for it" use th«n," Alton, s cheerkeder, esid. well sttended, wdl run and weO menegad," Coyk askL However, Brisn Coyk, senaUx' from the School of "Hsving the paaaee givee the eenators psrsmial ex­ "It k importsnt therefore thst ths ssBStocs heve reedy Educati<m and Gr^ Alton, upper divkion aenator, aaid perience with the progrsms fundsd by AS," he eakL sooeee to the program," Coyk esid. they viewed the offer of UM paaeee as neceesary for "job "The more a senator experiences ths better the eenstots "But I don't thkk the eenstors shoukl bs sHowed to rekted" rsviews of Uie effectiveneee of progrsms funded csn do their jobs." ™^,——^.l-.-^.- bring a gueet akmg with th«n," Coyk addsd. by AS. On the contrary, Dsvkf Mgoss thst the aoistors The geeturee of the paeees being offered by the sthktk Currently, AS pro%ridee funding for sthktic grsnts snd should not use the psesee "just to mske sure thst no one department k bssed on the concept of "mutual eupport" sids, slthough in prior yesrs they finsneklly supported a would ksn a certain wsy on sn issue." Brfcme said. Professor cites smoking danger i by Bhur Davk . s..--'. , : ,^'-. "If you eliminato cigarette smoking, csnoer dssths could bs reduced by 50 percent" sskl biology fMoiassor Dr. Steven B. Op> penheuner. Oppenheimer eeid the dste on ths dsngsra of amolring k irrefitiMs. Thedate indude ssbeetos, industrial pollution and ak poihition ae carcinogens, or csnoer-csusing sgents. LimgCancerk on the riss sad thk k atUibutabk to dgarstts- r »] smoking, Oppenheimw esid. "It's thst by iqipnaukistely 60 percent hu^ csnoer k rssponsibk, m men, for cenoer dssths," Oppenheimer eskL "By ons aiai^ step you conU w^ out all thsss dssths." i Oppsnhsimer eeid s psrstm could coooeivsbly smoke two pecks of dgarettss s dsy snd live to be 90 yesn old. But hs saU s psrson who smokss has a significantly higher dianoa of gettii^ hmg caaoar thaa h Using a dgaratte with leas tsr k safer than ons with men tsr. hot Oppenhsimar predkts there wiD never bs s "seis" f^psietts Ex- perimente hsve rsportsdly bsan mede with a substitnto sodi ae csbbege kevse for tobecco. It u eetimsted that it takss 10 yesrs from ths tims its tekae s tumor todevekp to the tims it k dstsctsbk for osrtain types of hmg csnoer, sccording to Oppenheimer. "Thk k one ofths mak probkms with hmg enear." hs sskL "By Canoor-«ausing oigarstte SfTKXiklara skiwlv in smoking causae GO percent of cancer deaths. ashtray fuH of butts. Rei laarch says dgaratte (photo by Skip Portor) Please turn to page 2 ) EPC recommends writing test I ! by Rkhard Skchte The next step. Dr. Ra%>h D. Thenew requirement could go Depsrtmsnt of English, esid. Studenta sre convincsd to tska Vkero, chairman of the com­ into effect for studento altering Ilie university hss been remedkl courses in writtsn The EducstionsI Policiee mittee, eaid is for him to prapsrs CSUN next fsU if Uw final "inmective k forming remedisl cooqiodtion k by "moral per- Committee Wedneedsy a veraitm of the requiremmt for version k snnoved. coursee (in written conqiosition) auaaioB," Dr. Gale Larson, recommended, in prindpk, s adoption by the committee. The In the CSUC eystem, CSUN k bspsuse there k o requirement" sssockto dean of the Schod of university requirement for sll requirunent woukl then hsve to "the only osn^Mis that doee not for the student to tske such a Humanitiee. eaid. stadents to compkte one couree bs spproved by the Acsdenuc hsve thk requirement," Dr. John courae, Ckndenning eeid. in written Englkh cranpoeition. Senste. Ckndenning, chairman of ths As it standa now, the only way If it goee kto effect coureee iTiitf^^"g the requirement wtmld be Enfl^iah 166. Chkano Stadiaa 130 snd Psn-African Studiss 180. AS approves gay rights resolution Most nwsahars of ths eon- mittes fdt it was uigsat fee by Richard Holguin procedures. sapsreto tha two beeenee the OM Ths rssdution rscommends thst ths Educatkmal PoUdss Com- pecksge srfll taks saael When AS Upper Division Sen. Oragg Alton began hk drive for a mittss study the feesibility of induding gay studks k the cross- create. A daky eouU gay righte reedution thk aummer, it wss s gusrsntes ai bssk kimsn cultursl sducstion progrsm. the writtmi cempoeitiea I \ righto hs sought Tlw gsy tights rMohltioo sross tram ths stmoqihsrs surrounding requiranBaBt eastfaar ftaB Ths "Reedution on Osy Righta" was approvsd by ths AS Senete ths Brags' Ini^tive (Propodtkn 6), sccording to AHoa, suthor of VinroaakL 1 IHieedsy. Ths rok csll vote rasoltsd in ll ays votss, ons nay vole and ths rssdution. The commitee "I don't Udnk ths resohition wiU stop ths Briggs' Initkth^" Alton sk sbstentions. k •4 sskl, "but hopehdiy EPC will faiduds gsy studiss k ths cross-cultural The sok vote sgskst wss Ssn. Brian Coyk of ths Schod of education coureea whaa it Educstion. componsnt Thk would broeden ths cultural understanding aad raiss dedded to dad with ths writtaai Ths rssduUon ressserte U.S. constitutionsl gusrsatess toths right the conedoueneee of studsnts." compositioB rsquirssseat Alton sko sskl hs hopss thk univardty will give sqoal oon- to lik, liberty and the purauit of happii>sss. sapsmfesly. It statae Uw rights to anqikymsnt snd ths frssdom to pursos s skkratkn to gsy hwtructors dsnisd jobs, or fhed. bsoauss of ths csren- ahouU bs sn bwUsnsbk right Briggs' Initktive snd snti-gsy smthnoit In recommending thie The reedution recugnisee exkting discrhninstion sgainst ths gsy "If s tsscher from sn ekmntsry or sscondsry schod k firsd sad requlrsawaA. several maridwra of ocmimunity and the hnportancs of sducstion in devdopfaig un­ apfdke hers, he ehouki not be denied Uw job beceuss he's gsy." Ahpn Uw conunitfeae a^plrssssd ths derstanding snd sccsptsnos of gsy culture. sskl. hope thstk thsftitursgrsdnstss The AS Sensto oppossd sny sttsmpto to bsr homossxusk fhm Alton ssid hs hopss othsr AS bodiss aad ths Studsat Piasidant s will posssss s higlwr kvd of punning s csresr sko raoommsnds thst ths personnd offikSS give due Assocktion wiU fdkw CSUN's exsm|ds bsceuss the Issus sthcto I iiiHiiiiMse k besk srrithig coBskkcstkn to gay smpkyss prospecta thnaigh noma! hiriag studsBta now woridnc for thsk tearhlnj t rfflttitl^lt skOk. The Daily Sundial Se0t. 22,1978 Professor cites smoking danger Continued from page 1 the thne it k detectabk, it often has spresd snd k much mors difficult to stop." Give a If smoking snd othar cUmstk snd mvironmental agenta were diminatsd, Oiqwnheimer quoted from ths Amsrkan Cancel Society, it k eethnsted 80 or poesibb 90 toWpfivant of csncar dssths oouki bs frint- prevsntsd. *""^'"" '""^ -•'... —Oppsnhsimer gave He sskl bensfaw k unksdsd gasoibw k s csrdnogen. but edded ^ie^ thet lead k regukr gss k not Asbsstos whkh k stiD ussd k hidustiy k s known causs of csnoer. Oppsnhaimer ssid. And hs sskl sutomobik brsks Unkgs SFith sdwstos ssnd ths fibers gut. kto ths shr. As reported m ths Aug. 28 Sundkd. ths Nstiood Csncsr Sodsty hss swardsd s $307,623 grsnt to Oppsnhaimer for reaeerch oo cancer Give cdl adhedon. -_-.^-.-:...,.:'...^...,:^-.--,i^^-. .-^--_:.,^.^...-^..™ « %i< Israeli folk dancing tiw to be offered in October laraaU fdk dandng will be ofkred every Thursdsy st 7:9 IM^glUKSC , beginning Oct 6 st ths Univerdty Tower spsrtnwnte. + Ths hour d instruction by Israd Yskoves k sp<msorsd by Uw HOld CouncO snd will be foilowd by opsn dsndng untfl 11 p.m. AMDUCANREDCNOM Yskovee hss teught st major folk dsncs calee. DshUs festivsk snd NnrSPAm AO NO. AIIC-7M7 st Uw Univerdty of Judsinn. Thk wiO bs Yskovss'e firet thne nuNegdeoLiSK') tesdungYemndte dance and fdkkrek the North VsOey- ' Adndsskn will be 60 centa for thoes hokUng Hflid sctivity csrs snd SI for thoss without Sessions on comedy set Concentration A comody workshop k being The couree ofiared 7-10 pjn. Fkitkt Ron Johnson from the country rock group 'Cooper and offered by the Extension Thursdsys. k dssigned for thoss Dodge' perfomw s sok during Wednesday Nits Live at the PUB. Progrsm beginning Sept 28. toterewted k comedy. (photo by Mary Anne Gui^eras) HEAWUITV LUBE •(ML PrtdtiM (rlKNDA JACKSON nLTER WINM K BKS! A( TKI SS •3.0DMch iniiiiiiiiii. Haewy l<n8 \1()N I Rl VI I 11 M [ KslIN M Duly ittocfc «rie« bk M/W" \ warm h* autifiii 1 filfilmm . i.l( lula Jaiksiin ha- ruvrrr hebeee n hctttr ..a profiiundlv movine rxptr $12«- — Charles C^arripiin L A Timps • A U.S.
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