Type of professionals which have been contacted and approximate number

Professionals from the following sectors :

1. Health & medical care 1. Centers of Psychological Health of public sector ( approximately 8 professionals ) 1. Mental Health Centre (K.PS.Y.) in 2. Mental Health Centre (K.PS.Y.) in 3. Mental Health Centre (K.PS.Y.) in 4. Mental Health Centre (K.PS.Y.) in

2. General University Hospital of Larisa ( approxi mately 5 professionals )

3. Professionals of private sector ( approximately 20 persons ) 1. Psychologist s 2. Social Workers 3. Speech Therapists 4. Psychiatrist - Neurologists

2. Social care P sychologists, social workers, nurses in Special Schools in Primary and Secondary Education of public and private sector ( a pproximately 20 professionals )

3. Education – Schools

Α . Special Schools in Secondary Education of public sector (9 schools - approximately 20 special educators )

1. T.E.E of special Education (Technical Vocational Institutions) 1. 1 st TEE of Sp. Ed. in Larissa 2. 1 st TEE of Sp. Ed. in Volos - N. Ionias 3. 1 st TEE of Sp. Ed. In Karditsa -

2. E.E.E.E.K (Workshops of Special Vocational Education and Training)


1. Larissa 2. Volos 3. 4. Trikala 5. Karditsa - Sofades

3. Special Vocational Education School in

Β . Special Schools in Primary Education of public sector ( 33 public schools - approximately 20 special educators )

4. Education - Higher / Research

University of (approximately 10 professors and researchers in special education ) 1. Department of Primary Education 2. Department of Special Education 3. Department of Early Childhood Education 4. School of Medicine

5. Families & Young people ( 6 groups - approximately 10 family members and researchers in special education ) 1. Family Association of Autistic People in Larissa 2. Family Association of Autistic People in Karditsa 3. Family Association of Autistic People in 4. Family Association of Autistic People in Trikala 5. Guest House of 10 people - Fa mily Association of Autistic People in Larissa - DYPE Thessalias. 6. Autistic People Unit 'ELPIDA'

6. Public bodies (approximately 20 policy makers, professionals and researchers in special education ) 1. Ministry of Education , Research and Religious Affairs 2. Regional Authority of Thessaly 3. Municipality of Larisa 4. KEDY - Diagnostic Center of Autistic People a. In Larisa b. In Volos c. In Karditsa d. In Trikala