BPNP PRE-SUBMISSION CONSULTATION PUBLIC AND STATUTORY BODY RESPONSES AND OUTCOMES This document summarises the responses received from the public and from statutory consultees to the pre-submission consultation of the BP Neighbourhood Plan. While every effort has been made to reflect the representations in a full, fair and balanced manner, this document is only intended to provide a summary (the representations are also available in their entirety, referenced by number). This document also sets out the BPNP Steering Group's comments to the responses received and any outcomes resulting. SOME RELEVANT DATE POLICY / No. METHOD POST CODE ADDRESS NAME E-MAIL SUMMARY OF RESPONSE RECEIVED CONSIDERATIONS & OTHER BPNP SG COMMENTS & OUTCOMES RECEIVED SECTION FACTORS RESIDENTS CONSULTATION RESPONSES On-Line 26 Court Close, Agree. Give thought to any possible future fracking. If sited sympathetically 19-May-15 SL6 2DL P.J.N. Harvey
[email protected] BE15 R01 Survey Maidenhead it may provide healthy income for the Parish without negative consequences. Agree. There should be a footpath from Holyport village all the way to TI4 Holyport College. Cycle routes should not have frequent give way stops. The whole point of easy cycling is to get going and keep going. Agree. However I am concerned that from time to time some of our lovely village pubs put up marquees and close for private functions. My view is that these premises have insufficient facilities for these type of events (parking On-Line Glen Eyre, Holyport 20-May-15 SL6 2EY Mr R.T. Gibson
[email protected] E3 and WC in particularly) and should not prohibit their usual customers.