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[email protected] Web: prmotors.biz Tel: 0118 984 4889 EDITORIAl Welcome to the Autumn issue of the magazine. I am delighted that this issue is one of the biggest ever and huge thanks to everyone who has sent in contribuVions. Sadly, in this issue, we oSfer our condolences to Julia Sheppard on the sudden loss of her husband Michael. Michael was always part of the team at the village fetes and worked Virelessly behind the scenes and was a huge support to her. A real family man, Michael leaves his parents, children and new born grandson who he was able to meet just a couple of weeks before his death. SomeVimes, life is simply not fair. StarVing in this issue, we are serialising Jean Harland’s World War Two memories – they make fascinaVing reading. I have only recently got to know Jean and I just love listening to her stories. Our favoured meeVing place is The Greyhound over a glass of wine. She is amazing company and we are so lucky to have her (and her husband John) in the heart of the village – they both have a wealth of knowledge of the local history and we will be conVinuing with her WW2 memories, the history of The Greyhound pub and other interesVing features in future issues.