ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 1 of 118 for Vl to Capone reflected Pursuant t o BellSouth as Petition t'A Inc. SION 17~3 Turner of BellSouth Counsehgth 254 W. 2900 Amendment record Inc.'s 803 Interconnection 401 with an of Patrick General Fax BELLSOUTH 803 the copies Amended Of to

Oo as Carolina parties Dispute Inc. all fifteen 1934, on South of Telecommunications, Provisions Resolve and of Carolina to Act Turner Law 20 LEC response Inc. South of W. 12, BellSouth of US this original to 7jtttrml, with LEC April Change Sincerely, Patrick Carolina the matter. serving on US Communications are SC of am South Inc. I Response the Service. of of 29211 Agreement of of filing letter, Inc.'s LEC Duke 11649 Arbitration this for 252(b) US Inc. above-referenced Carolina of for of Bruce 2004-78-C Commission Certificate Record the Drawer of in South copy Section Director Interconnection Duke: 534736 Petition Telecommunications, Docket Petition an to Enclosed Agreement By Service ¹ attached 29201 Street Mr. Office Honorable Parties SC Telecommunications, Docs the WT/nml P Enclosures cc: PC Department 5200 Columbia, Post Re: The Executive Public Dear Telecommunications, Arbitration by Wilhams Suite Columbia, patrickturnertpbeilsouth.corn BellSouth Legal 1600 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 2 of 118 I! ', J~ the and state ("US uJ of a resulting +QC Inc. encourage terms petitioning D G o ("BellSouth"), co TO issues 251(c)(l) petition O Act") 2004:78-Cm Carolina Inc. 251(c)(2)-(6). to the particular No and Section ("1996 the South ARBITRATION party OF identify a of RESPONSE unresolved.'he Docket 1996 251(b) FOR LEC of must are negotiate allows (b)(4). INC.'S US ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) agreements. Act to that Sections by Act 252 Telecommunications, petition in Inc. PETITION with those COMMISSION and filed 1996 on ) as companies CAROLINA 1934, to Inc. the Resolve INC.'S described Carolina BellSouth well of BEFORE interconnection to (b)(2)(A) issues.'he Petition" as Agreement SERVICE (" Act Inc. South duties local 252 Telecommunications SOUTH Pursuant exchange process, of /II the the Interconnection 252(b)(3), Inc. reach II resolved, local CAROLINA of unresolved PUBLIC LEC the Carolina to fulfill TELECOMMUNICATIONS, Arbitration of are U.S.C. to US 252 to Interconnection THE for negotiation 47 Telecommunications, of U.S.C. South that an Communications parties 252(b)(2). and SOUTH of 47 $ the incumbent to the OF to 251 of arbitration Provisions Petition of LEC agreements BellSouth generally, between for U.S.C. the Arbitration BELLSOUTH LEC says: part US Law of Telecommunications, requires negotiations to See of for with of 252(b) US Sections Pursuant '7 As and Amendment Act the an Amended Re: 1996 Change Of Section responds LEC") as Petition Dispute Agreement Petition BellSouth In conditions negotiations commission Iiom ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 3 of 118 a the the the not any Act new Prior those of issues a in (" (1) (3) Once 2 1996 Triennial additional topics unresolved obligations negotiation and negotiation, 252(i) a or The the for The such to incorporate to negotiating unresolved issues; ("FCC") Agreement Issues of Section basis proceeding. met. concerning: Attachment party the must to petition. the those of are provide thereto) approval.'ellSouth to the Instead Act and form for parties resolve arbitration pursuant arbitration. the that Commission's 1996 respect 2003. response an Interconnection conditions receives for documentation must non-petitioning the of 31, petition an any with A and of issues, commission basis agreement into a (and scope 252 obligations relevant to party's the parties terms the commission December the and commission the a "all Communication the parties.'* entered carrier's on petition form are unresolved other a of 251 the after response. any the submitted Act outside the then each by altered of Federal the petition be on expired another to are days of in 1996 to Sections process, previously its the 25 that of the and adopt areas resolved of LEC with to guidance position respond materially within unsuccessful, and because these US agreement consideration Carolina the arbitration 252(b)(2). petition 252(b)(3). 252(b)(4). 252(a). chose along may are to $ $ $ $ (2) sections and the final the wishes requirements provided South a ("TRO") LEC in it in the discussed has those However, as submit U.S.C. U.S.C. U.S.C. related U.S.C. section ) issues; into US in forth 47 47 47 47 that Order commission's Through negotiations this set a must issues Act. if 1996 other specifically ensuring contained and limits issues under information unresolved agreement, commission party Review Agreement" resolutions ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 4 of 118 is of of for are and 4 LEC have 2 ). LEC's LEC's reduced US response response they US US of5ces expired no no of remainder have Agreement result, Paragraph Petition. Act, has Petition. a the Attachment efforts, of they Agreement" the Prior require the As require as of 1996 new faith of the I 2. New a denies I headquarters paragraphs (" in the sentence good regard Agreement and Petition Petition of Section first Section this the the negotiate of these Carolina Prior of 1 in Attachment numbered INFORMATION 20201 provision of of the agreement 4 252(b) I I to the in Law parties South new in forth its the Carolina related Section Section Section Paragraph separately matter. Paragraph Because set LEC's negotiations CONTACT to of of of that that of the Notwithstanding 2 3 South Change issues US of faith instant Act. in AND 13. the the admits the to of pursuant to each sentence good requested allegations allegations 1996 28 to all Paragraph in Paragraph Columbia, the included the on the in in resolve matter PARTIES from second be pursuant to to BellSouth BellSouth Street, this the responds admits admits engaged THE items in would relief agreement have allegations allegations for pursuant raised hereby forth necessary Petition. I. adopted, which Williams reach BellSouth The set The disputed BellSouth not be the LEC to parties of request to 1600 Petition of and US I at 1. The BellSouth 3. 2. 4. this unable BellSouth. BellSouth. agreement, number allegations said agreement irrelevant filed because alternative the been Petition: &om Section iiom located the ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 5 of 118 2 to be of on the the and and 2 about 2 of of except reflect Petition or II II to should 2 the on Petition. provisions Agreement Attachment of Petition, II Amendment Section the Section Attachment that, the Attachment Petition the Prior of of of of for of II 9 this TRO Attachment I 10 the admit Section template. unresolved to new regarding the TRO. this a redlines Section and amend Section of Petition. Petition. of agreement the regarding proposed LEC to Paragraph of Paragraph 12 except from of 11 5 the the in present in hereto. US II, FACTS of of LEC resolved exchange orders II II LEC's result will template OF with US a and and a US Paragraph as attached Paragraph Paragraph Section negotiating contained current faith contained of A from Section Section in of of of of been 6 BellSouth The 8 7 good inquiries rejected negotiate provided in necessary Exhibit request that to have STATEMENT a in allegations allegations allegations allegations allegations were notices, 2003 Petition. Paragraph the the the Paragraph Paragraph the the parties BellSouth 5, BellSouth that II. negotiated this continued received the reflected that that denies of denies denies denies admits admits admits has admits that have November admit and admit filing BellSouth accurately on correspondence, to to modifications parties the BellSouth BellSouth TRO. BellSouth BellSouth BellSouth undersigned. BellSouth BellSouth BellSouth BellSouth 2003 all are and LEC 2 2003, the the The 12, that except since except that 8, to US 10. 6. 5. 12. 11. 8. 7. 9. states TRO. changes admit October implement directed advised Petition, to the Petition, December and the template Attachment ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 6 of 118 of to no for the has any and that until three 2004) LEC's LEC's Petition, Petition, deadline Court LEC 2, speak only admit reflect require denies US US Attachment — expired the the the US to Agreement D.C. Mar. on and of of postponed Act, TRO has II that 2004 the II II be denies Prior except 4, however, the accurately and (2) 1996 regarding Circuit, the USTA not and in the Section Section themselves in 2003 March do Agreement Petition, of of BellSouth of (D.C. for on negotiations 31, BellSouth, 13 14 the BellSouth; Prior calculations that of decision to contained exhibits speak 252(b) III. 2 Agreement II session Further, the Act 000-00012 LEC's December carriers. These Paragraph Paragraph Prior Section Circuit's on requested Section US Section No. provision Commission. 1996 of of because of other to the of negotiation Attachment 16 of D.C. the the with BellSouth. Law a 15 of FCC JURISDICTION Petition. of of expired of by in above, v. BellSouth its form pursuant agrees allegations allegations to (3) effect III. Paragraph B version stated requested agreements Change the the decision Paragraph USTA and the in provisions provisions a Agreement matter and As the in the response LEC A BellSouth for 2004; denies denies this redlined denies no Prior US adopt 2, consider and its contained invoke the to (1) to decision parties'egotiations. referenced dispute. referenced to raised Exhibits require its that the March that time BellSouth. BellSouth BellSouth BellSouth The The of Petition on LEC instant and had requested request submitting allegations admit admit the attached Irom issued II") US the 14. 13. status 15. 16. 17. to to after LEC parties filing days ("USTA except US current Appeals except previously for response the themselves alternative remaining because resolve ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 7 of 118 in of is of to to 8, in A- not for the that it 24 some issues of 17a B, Section No. Petition right and issues and Exhibit allegations extent issue. each the the pursuant contained Commission with as through Issues of the Exhibit on 7 Accordingly, and such as unresolved Paragraph in 24 To irrelevant 17a. B 17. hereto Service reserves in any additional remaining is pages negotiating allegations those Consistent on AND positions any Petition, four of Exhibit through sflll parties. Public addressed 7 attached Number in Paragraph request the the contained the issues. are BellSouth as position denies as not in ISSUES remaining paragraphs, by by is presents forth the its 17 Law pages Matrix, BellSouth's any on set of issues, forth PARTIES parties also that of are decided set present BellSouth allegations Petition the resolved Parties'ositions enumerated Issues numbered THE denies to be Paragraph certain the the Change an positions the to issues OF been in on issues BellSouth right summary ARBITRATION allegation the and Because second a has the the denies issues separately to BellSouth Act, paragraphs any prepared the Commission. in and the position issues additional as issue BellSouth's presented two ) the of POSITION 1996 reserves Petition. by matter. well such pursuant BellSouth forth addressing These the issue LEC's reflected THE as the BellSouth designated of to set UNRESOLVED contains that wording any US unresolved of not III. relief instant has decided (4) LEC. Act, to BellSouth the Commission" 24 that the be for as (" Petition IV. US and neutral Petition to Matrix. addition 1996 proceeding. a Section forth the by completely Although In extent of BellSouth the resolve this set through mistaken, of request understanding issues Issues forth 17 LEC's and remains the of to in is Carolina 7 IV 252(b)(3) 17a." the US To sets Petition South understood pages Response, Section alternative necessary Paragraph as of accurately 252(b)(3) the in which Section ambiguity unresolved modify its resolution BellSouth's BellSouth ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 8 of 118 a a is in of for the No. and any and this in each even event 2004- is in A-21 on Petition. with raised each issuing itself the BellSouth denies No. request Docket on the Approval In No. impact for policy in of issues for conflict No.2004-0050-C resolution and LEC's positions VI against Issue Docket speaks for in BellSouth other positions law US dispute. Commission they pending Inc. Act Petition potentially to in the Docket LEC's 2004, the Section filed and to of Rules. extent 1996 US may 26, with object 19 LEC currently Carolina the the BellSouth's Commission currently is 252(i) reject of to US along March Agreement, PRAYER the not Petition. objection that South adopt that of to MATTERS uncertainty of no the are telecommunications Paragraph Section specifically should AND Commission's of requests resolved provision has the letter that V LEC state the with instead, does in Dismiss Complaint and in it US presented and to regulatory and, Interconnection the of Section Comply procedural in Commission BellSouth referenced and issues of Agreement to BellSouth's PROCEDURAL although herein Motion allegations national the contained the 18 CONCLUSION considered the other Existing legal the the with be that that forth Complaint that an the to V. contained Failure matter, 2004. VI. set of BellSouth. impact to will Itet practices avers denies for notes current avers Paragraph this 26, parties'ew issue In and in and from Inc. the issue issues for attached could herein. Consistent the the is Adoption the March of that forth BellSouth BellSouth BellSouth of of 2004). which Indeed, schedule A-21. letter response present set Complaint, schedule schedules about affirmatively allegations one 23, to no or , 18. 252(i) 19. 20. This See issue provisions on of proceeding. every through discovery 18 intended this 2004-50-C'o a requires procedural procedural remaining state and every BellSouth arbitration. Telecommunications, those 50-C (February Section ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 9 of 118 to the of and/or INC. right admitted BellSouth the proceeding. changes well provisions as this expressly such in not Agreement), 5200 N.E. issues any 29201 4300 JR. undisputed Suite how those Petition submitted Street, Suite on on — Carolina 30375 the and/or III Street, LACKEY TELECOMlvKKICATIONS, TURNER in agree W. South Center testimony Peachtree EDENFIELD to 2004. Georgia MEZA disputed 401-2900 335-0763 and Williams Commission West ATTORNEYS allegation the parties'nterconnection April DOUGLAS EARL unable the of 1600 BELLSOUTH PATRICK Columbia, (803) R. 675 (404) E. JAMES BellSouth Atlanta, ITS the are every day impact from statements, into and law 12th parties redress each thereof. the this the position of proof (and denies further incorporated issues, be strict submitted, seek of to to clariftcations BellSouth are Agreement right demands statement the and/or 21. and Respectfully its herein, amend changes parties'ew clarifications reserves 534643 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 10 of 118 4 2 2 Page EXHIBIT Attachment Services Other 2 and Attachment Elements Network 3Q04 Version ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 11 of 118 A 52 61 A ..48 ..58 ..58 ..67 ..69 ..68 ....57 ...13 2 3 .....40 ...... Page Exhibit SCREENING EXHIBIT (SCE/SMS) (ALVDMS)...... 67 Attachment DIGIT SYSTEM TEN SYSTEM DIALING MANAGEMENT FREE MANAGEMENT FIBER. TOLL CONTENTS SERVICE SXX . ACCESS. OF DARK AND SERVICE.. (OSS). COMBINATIONS. (SWA) (AIN) AND (LIDB) TABLE SYSTEMS IDENTIFICATION/DATA DATABASE ELEMENT ACCESS NETWORK DATABASE ENVIRONMENT ...... (CNAM) SUPPORT ...... CHANNELIZATION LOOPS LOCATION NETWORK SWITCHED NAME CREATION SWITCHING INTELLIGENT SHARING INFORMATION .. 3Q04 LINK LOCAL INTRODUCTION.. DATABASES...... UNBUNDLKD UNBUNDLED LINE SIGNALING...... TRANSPORT& BELLSOUTH SERVICE OPERATIONAL AUTOMATIC CALLING Rates I Version 10 11 5 2 13 9 12 6 7 8 SERVICE 3 4 14 ADVANCED ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 12 of 118 A to of both and 2 4 but a for section or event rates, 51, of of Services or the Page wholesale and under under this controL that that available the rates the this Network purchase this provisions by network network other Part combination EXHIBIT this providing In as to of Other the shall The combinations of Attachment of Element to forth A any Attachment, and exceed these makes Elements provision or and between facilities LEC C.F.R. to Elements Elements and sets required this obligations obligations the combinations 47 unbundled US unbundled to not access SKRVICKS its its Exhibit or other purpose referred 252(e)(3). purposes Additionally, Network Element Services). for for $ and conflict in Network Agreement, Attachment be Elements for BellSouth Elements a rates may sole For with with Network Network require otherwise of this this of of forth pursuant other the Attachment shall Attachment (Other as OTHER such U.S.C. elements LEC of of Network Additionally, particular may set FCC. for or services 251(c)(3) this 47 this a event Network conditions conditions Network US II LEC conditions 51 are the to AND of rates; each of the accordance accordance and and and purchase Elements by US Elements Act, and Network the in in Service In for Part provision to to Element provisions provide non-discriminatory. between U.S.C. combinations combinations the or terms terms to Services such Attachment. LEC LEC pursuant the rates 47 of upon terms and Other provision LEC facilities and and defined Additionally, to C.F.R. Network Network or US US this as combination services. The the 271 rates, rates, US conflict ELEMENTS 47 of Other section Network available of agree to to either II rates, of other a or a Act. control. and obligated access A and of TXT*~*] and the forth forth for the other offer offer reasonable Elements) Agreement, Elements) Element require under under makes shall of to access to Services" sets sets forth Services). event any mutually longer this LANGUAGE Elements Exhibit just, provide Element may not Additionally, no NETWORK of the combinations in 251(c)(3) sets Elements and to combinations be shall agrees is agrees $ conditions Network In or (Network (Network to Elements Elements (Other Comnission may LANGUAGE TO BellSouth 251(c)(3) forth Attachment Service and Network and Attachment Network Attachment LEC LEC Parties set State U.S.C. Network provision this obligated PROPOSED Section [*~ of Attachment. Other services. Introduction This elements BellSouth terms or This elements BelISouth US BellSouth Network is services 47 Network Elements rates each are particular other of "Non-Qualifying the Attachment Attachment US "Combinations." Agreement, ACCESS PROPOSED 3Q04 LKC Version BKI.LSOUTH 1.2 US ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 13 of 118 A no is not The 2 5 or to the and agree Party. such base LEC's and for current order, shall on will In to any or of days Page effective US feasible, rules of of this or such either then vacatur. of 1.7 Network 01-338). EXHIBIT BellSouth date services the in combinations in or by unable of services, the FCC of services judicial Attachment effective Element embedded necessary vacatur. Network Notwithstanding result technical 00-1012) No. Elements, disconnection. and calendar or arrangement, to a are AND District of an Elements, forth and any the the hereof, commercial the days as upon technically in Elements, (No. (30) 1.5 effective provision until request the of agreement, set of in identified elements BellSouth's Elements, al Docket that Network subject parties the the is for facility, 1.1 Network et Elements agreement matter rate based date Elements upon extent thirty forth Network combinations of separate the for are the Agreement. Elements or calendar transition vacatur rate Appeals a are Network event if 03-36, the as set Upon FCC to network of combinations to no this that Network upon sentence, the or rate to service, those as (30) v. subject the Appeals commercial Parties If such Network of effective long Network determination in of (FCC herein into and the any base the of Elements Network Court commercial of Elements, so or tariff any the thirty date a USTA of by services services service, pursuant combinations over Elements, separate unbundled Court in Order preceding PARAGRAPHS LEC, or or Attachment. a disconnect into from Services. order, order furnish 2. cooperatively decision Circuit contrary, within the any US requirements contained Network Services to Network or embedded this into offered States tariffed to to may effective the of DC that its appropriate the to apply a work Review Network combinations negotiated the to decision Elements, combinations entered to such the the to Elements Elements COVERS the combinations decision, jurisdiction be services its to for with attempt will — shall access not by United entered such request Attachment services or conditions elements, Irom pursuant that will with not access BellSouth pursuant the has to not Triennial LEC Non-Qualifying apply Network issued this services and Elements, Elements, Network Network or such upon incorporated rate comply Agreement will Non-Qualifying LANGUAGE has provide schedule vacated US for LEC Elements, of of LEC any of FCC 2004, shall services not to services such agreement the Elements this provided and terms are vacatur, US within authority shall, shall 2, and disconnects Circuit LEC US available or or LEC the in non-appealable or LANGUAGE to solely services If Network the rates Network have extent of be that US US Network and transition of required March the a used such Network PROPOSED services orders such longer order, combinations of commercial event BellSouth Qualifying be Agreement, BellSouth references To transitioned on of date certain BellSouth tariffed agreement, provide On Columbia appeal combinations notice. BellSouth Elements market Elements Parties anything final combinations POSED regulatory not PR 3Q04 LEC 1.5 1.3 Version 1.4 1.5 BELLSOUTH US ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 14 of 118 A to of of of the and 6 2 The will bill Until the US a the access to a LEC Where one LEC ) service to terms to such Page service, alternative period the terms, US US any conditions LEC's basis. Loops, based. before of such the EXHIBIT to transition provision the hundred service effective Combinations is Discontinued a via Agreement, and BellSouth it processes all hundred respect US applicable providing continue be a and day with Attachment of analogous rates, respect such with the the or one available. to provisioning by upon alternative this and project one an the elements, customer if transition have for the with one a rates shall Discontinued fully Combination" Notice a with to one or of providing the terms, with hundred than or convert on converts or the user such agrees as of under shall BellSouth for processes BellSouth Combinations to under affecting one at have less of order Notice ordering service, and specify rates, service tariff, end Loops accordance one or Combinations, discontinue LEC LEC to has effect Parties continue cooperate elect in Immediately embedded process, Transition the which shall converted or determination Notice Element to from in to to US ). US is hundred LEC's the without access on services access or BellSouth access the and LEC's BellSouth LEC may to each specify ASR circuits which LEC hundred by Transition under US Combinations. one intent were US to or a Combination date US Combinations, agrees agrees case, or US Element combinations one Combination follows: LEC LEC, order, its Notice" If Notice, which access of or which or than Transition the or prohibited or within as of same LSR from identify a on US US on analogous completed analogous provided applicable than Discontinued either be such to Transport of Combination is are the (" processes by or an Notice, more the In receipt LEC Element coordinated herein. date or applicable, as BellSouth decision, BellSouth Element to Combination will or to Element more element Transition Element be as following US the or ("Transition a Service: authority after Discontinued receipt and applicable forth provide benefit has together such selected to will day of herein. transition performance Dedicated CLEC BellSouth's furnished or Combinations the BellSouth set after the service, Element circuits Transition LEC will days legal notify or any to of network LEC a or be arrangements plan first Access via forth Element Agreement, and Conversion US by after Discontinued the to to which subject to (30) Discontinued US may Combination which Discontinued number the to access set of hundred Discontinued the is term seamless If Combination, notice or new on from days Combination a service of order. Transport such or cooperatively BellSouth the thirty one Elements date subject or arrangement, being unbundled availability conditions, arrangements notice required Discontinued date that of (90) or which is permitted written BellSouth work of embedded provide Conversion service, and date significant Element the order, under LEC's accomplished spreadsheet, the analogous Discontinued particular I. facility, extent conditions ensure quality, Dedicated service any benefit then specific written such not For Element arrangements effective alternative perspective. which ninety Loops period Transport will providing Network 3Q04 Version ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 15 of 118 A to at of a 2 7 upon Until as date date date of the elect such a of Parties. respect this under the the effective to resale and tariff, to be the respect Page Element which Transition a a via the effect may of or agreed Until basis. the the with the the agreement EXHIBIT to on in by arrangement will under the number as under LEC of with after of (either provide or effective effective it agrees via LEC Attachment arrangement respect based. terms Discontinued US date the order. convert and the will were Discontinued project before upon BellSouth is cease US order Element which which a to the service its separate Disconnection with the based. based. resale such a day process, on Discontinued on from converts in such will is is applicable a same significant per conditions conditions before before Combinations, BellSouth elect agreed a Notice the other to the Combination arrangement order relevant and or the ASR (e.g., to LEC BellSouth and and of day day or accomplished as Parties disconnect may or the Notice Notice Billing following as Arrangement. some be spreadsheet, US authority the providing the resale Discontinued providing Where LEC's the Combination: conditions to a a mutually order, of completed day of terms, by terms, Combination. LEC LSR via respect Element or Transition arrangement, by is to shall LEC's US effect basis. legal as as be Element or Conversion and Combination, US first Service in to the Combination arrangement with rates, US rates, the Transition continue Transition or LEC's applicable, Agreement, continue convert resale the or or of effect effect to if available. order. a the specified terms the to the the project to Element were US the applicable in if Conversion in a which Element to or, processes process service of conversion date coordinated being on Discontinued a on the BellSouth Element Combination rates, Combination Combinations, agrees under same under agree processes LEC's Discontinued which which were were agrees be Element process, the of or or or via via rates). date other Arrangement. the on on the US processes disconnect contract at will such Parties same as same converted ASR effective BellSouth otherwise), bill which Discontinued conditions other authority the is some or number mutually Discontinued or the the the BellSouth Resale the other BellSouth of on or Alternative Element of Element a Element BellSouth to which and as as to by authority authority or Discontinued Combination Combination which to legal LSR may processes Discontinued BellSouth date based. date or providing or effective on accomplished accomplished which before the is Parties, arrangement Agreemdnt, legal legal terms, the be be the of on significant date Agreement day which the the Combination the the a disconnect particular shall to spreadsheet, Conversion Discontinued on Combination shall arrangement, Element of BellSouth of date the or resale Agreement with BellSouth market-based Until Element Agreement, of the particular Agreement, applicable Discontinued coordinated effective date by to a continue rates, the Discontinued Notice Conversion Disconnection 2. 3. 4. 3Q04 Version ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 16 of 118 A a on of the in 8 2 not from at shall shall and and US first from or the to this of the has Element LEC which were of of Page by be of transition wholesale the wholesale of in conversion on US request service Combination EXHIBIT elect Network of of cycle LEC change services the will BellSouth provisioned same change commitments the analogous or of 251(c)(3) BellSouth 251(c)(3) Element Attachment and being rearrangement if US 5 (I Combination delays may payable the no price meet group group Any access term purposes preparation or billing conditions if as authority date service to or Discontinued combination party, or combination LEC rates for a the conversion Any Element undue wholesale U.S.C. herein, and or such U.S.C. that or next conversion completed, physical if legal and/or US the conversion of BellSouth such third a 47 delays. is 47 billing with the the Element in Discontinued service, the service, for terms facilities the BellSouth. a of rearrangement expedite accurate of Agreement, provide group or Party: party. under specified Element, under provided as Element, undue the from volume for conversion to and rates or requires however, a the and and all Attachment. effective date is transition Discontinued disconnect LEC any third only. of LEC LEC with Third that as adjustment wholesale LEC a physical wholesale period the the this of a period; Combination third-party efforts a a US from Discontinued US such US may of Network effective service Network resulting of or US or to to to provided, with be complete A effective available, switch changes arrangement considered such which a require Element those if conditions equitable convert the convert be of will tmnsition accordance purposes convert on change LEC's transition or resulting not tariff, applicable based; an between reasonable Element in BelISouth wholesale and for unbundled Exhibit not record unbundled available US is available service shall a shall date may the will in attributable price is before service, is to and receipt providing of Network or will access status the periods obtain a are facilities terms, day Nonrecurring that applicable that Any conversion Notice applicable to to through rates, available, access time the equivalent Until the LANGUAGE equivalent Service 51. own the is 51. BelISouth the BellSouth alternative BellSouth termination rates, BellSouth contained continue Discontinued commercially of Element right all of facilities of process a the the an BellSouth to service Conversion Part BelISouth's the as Part are Elements from for to use the to Elements LANGUAGE end OSED LEC's Transition service completed grandfathered request, request, analogous the following shall schedules. replace US relevant agrees effect be LEC under the transfer have LEC. Network Transfer C.F.R. C.F.R. considered Combination. an at PRO 5. designated Combination, If applicable day access Upon services, to month-to-month or 47 Elements following can Network resulting US be and/or wholesale the Agreement.) Upon services, Network 47 PROPOSED 3Q04 LEC 1.6 Version 1.6 BELLSOUTH US ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 17 of 118 A the set not ) of rate (16) 2 9 an day this those not a are submit after such non- to have Network or convert of or new identify Element status terms to are or Page or notice complete for convert or for disconnect to disconnect for day BellSouth last sixteen within convert a the in shall the to, fails Agreement date EXHIBIT or separate calendar could after of or ) a the LEC not tariffed Attachment and wholesale service disconnect completed this failed LEC in of a Network LEC with, day within US charged channels "Arrangements" are of (30 be or calendar of has US the rearrange, may US pursuant disconnect rearrange, receipt or signature termination days Arrangements grandfathered rate Arrangements can If another to Attachment, of BellSouth disconnect to local Date Agreement.) to, and disconnect (31") LEC Arrangetnents to last tariffs completed calendar wholesale the provide to, thirtieth such this ) rate a this offered compliance and/or the US in orders orders such convert the calendar of BellSouth the Conversion (collectively in rearrange, If shall (30 Arrangements considered from BellSouth's to or Effective pursuant to rearrange, conversion after limited date actually BellSouth. convert longer not rearrange, (30) be thirty-first event to BellSouth Agreement, the the or those rearrangement to LEC. the are BellSouth's not notice, no day convert prior are the the if otherwise fmm Arrangements on purposes thirtieth in orders change pay this shall offered Elements or or thirty BellSouth US but are BellSouth in by conunitments orders until following in completed. for the disconnect to, orders 2) If Any convert those pay shall that notice to services physical from calendar or no submit longer term a or within forth submitted disconnect cycle provided 1.7-1.7.2 or services notice. specified BellSouth's Network beginning shall no LEC example, received such actually set prior disconnect are will as of of (31") event pursuant Agreement, of are rearrangement Agreement request rearrange, US and/or conversion not are only. (for billing LEC further a services requires BellSouth. the to LEC transitioned days Agreement. terms this this are completed; date expressly that rearrange, disconnect or in wholesale US Arrangements of next that services offered US and the to 1) notice, orders submitted this of the rearrange, volume LEC arrangement physical thirty-first Arrangements changes orders I.ANGUAGE the the without of under of to extent date are the Arrangement conversion such LEC combinations US of calendar any all Agreement notice, of then actually the with, considered longer orders EELs), an such group to the or date of as Element rearrange, days US by record service are be require once had no this or (16) to orders 98% to event date arrangements Arrangements Arrangements in BellSouth's not not are accurate signature the convert convert the least PROPOSED effective and service Except Elements forth compliant signature purposes between Network will will through submit that those those last compliance orders calendar sixteen In those Arrangements BellSouth's contract services or received Agreemeng Arrangement charged to after Arrangements or applicable contract at 3004 1.7 1.7.1 BELLSOUTH Vef8IOQ ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 18 of 118 A of as the of in the to the 2 A 10 9 such be The FCC of LEC basis. shall of forth work payment is Network setting shall US established Page services with rearranged the case set of thirty-first Exhibit the charges BellSouth other EXHIBIT this costs recovered modification or the Attachment to agreement, in then or of the For provided Attachment in the rates Attachment Network has have Routine agreement A to this non-recurring provide receipt A. in to forth Modification. of the Network rearrangement and to subject such network individual accordance full Arrangement separate such A to applicable set prior (SI) Modifications upon in forth an expressly or and Exhibit the separate disconnection Exhibit disconnected recovered and Agreement, anticipated on in set rates and of or Routine Network in physical re-termination switch-as-is-charge Services are Exhibit not tariff UNE this extent inqmry operations the requested pursuant a were identifying forth a Network of anticipated such Agreement, has tariff forth the Agreement that other the project in from Other set request, standards a applicable Routine with remedies or to has set for requires date this and this Modifications service normal such as through all and the as a the of in Elements Routine rates of perform rearrangement for for non-recumng incurred Element anficipated Except comply industry a the during forth Modifications terms fiber. shall 1.7.1. to signature in submit handled Network associated BellSouth not Arrangements perform established charge. quote set Elements labor — if with the Network be Arrangement (e)(5). them Modification last and physical re-termination for has Elements(s) conditions place 1.7 of for must order Network charged a modificafions an shall or responsible will price the with to terms and in Network Routine be a and BellSouth be intervals LEC such Network the additional afier used extent consistent Network will performs require Network the (a)(8) Modifications Sections US BellSouth Attachment, request then no terms is shall comply be BellSouth Agreement applicable Routine the LANGUAGE day BellSouth perform If with, provide and at utilize that to LEC measurements use combinations this then not To the this these Tariff. Each LEC within rates, will re-termination References. Routine will 51.319 in such or US to to may LEC, performing rearrangement a LANGUAGE for Network such may US no individual calendar for reimburse US as intervals. apply. Attachment, LEC Access the extent C.F.R. compliance being PROPOSED in (31") shall charges Elements the Where for arrangements will physical applicable apply. US long required, Arrangement BellSouth otherwise pursuant pursuant Technical 47 Modifications costs this as Modifications the such Routine from performed performance Attachment, performed. BellSouth request PROPOSED 3Q04 LEC 1.7.2 1.7.4 1.7.3 Version BELLSOUTH US ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 19 of 118 A 2 upon or one a 11 shall any network of during and Network Network facilities a not a with may a Network a and Page basis. if available such with or BellSouth EXHIBIT of of through then performed. will them If routine LEC case BellSouth, Attachment Network request, more make Network the combining Routine work US or to telecommunications services linking linking the from anticipated Elements the available combination the 51, performs such Attachment, Modification one for BellSouth or facilities. not Routine more more Attachment, individual of a Routine perform Part or and have this or or made has with an obligated modifications. quote this to Network in otherwise otherwise be Element wholesale is such costs on shall one one being of of Network or it at C.F.R. (SI) to to A can as the price BellSouth, services Agreement, 47 that network but BellSouth project to perform Network otherwise this a from If combination Modifications inquiry Required BellSouth obtained Exhibit or of attaching, attaching„or as Act. in shall routine recovered the offering combinations has combination, available modification combination, the LEC, of pursuant or not charge. service provided Element such forth of Network a wholesale Element LEC other handled US provision has LEC at set or be TELRIC-compliant connecting, connecting, 271 US readily BellSouth telecommunications a network Element Element from US facilities. other submit the such, the Elements perform will rates Routine not expressly Network that additional then Network or as to is or Services a any the obtained element no order Section modifications, LEC notify such LANGUAGE provide of at of in means to means extent Network and, Network wholesale has request necessary US a a firm Network facilities will shall lln or services a the Element or or Element LANGUAGE LANGUAGE or such network BellSouth that LEC network operations, to of unique pursuant LANGUAGE anticipated US combining more PROPOSED Except request has normal Modifications Modification Modifications BellSouth Each BellSouth receipt modifications. commingle service, only Network routine requested request Notwithstanding services Commln Commingling Element, the or Commingling POSED Element, that Network wholesale PROPOSED PR 3Q04 PROPOSED LEC LEC 1.7.4 1.7.5 1.7.5 Version 1.8.1 1.8 1.8.1 US BELLSOUTH BST US ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 20 of 118 A a or by A on the 2 from tariff to 12 rates shall to, LEC (CO)) be no separate the such non- are bandwidth Exhibit a Page Date billed US Office at and will if purchases agreed in and in EXHIBIT Elements in for BellSouth; be Office the and the authorization attached 6 and Attachment lower BellSouth LEC billed forth charge forth will forth from Service Central to, service authorization inputs the be Service US set Elements circuit, set circuit, set Central or Network otherwise the will or as and If as TELRIC-compliant, of will are the status. and Other rates be obtained Attachment jurisdictional Interfaces rate. circuit tariff) rates Attachment, Unless connected or or to Network services charges circuit or is the service. BellSouth and with outside jurisdictional this same for Services service 1) commingled commingled rates of service working of in a a TELRIC-compliant, such of the Channel and combination circuit. access or approved Element same to required to the a of be Other is portion, or the from tariffed with cancellation inside conditions (Agreement Office BellSouth and shall accordance elements: rate facility remainder elsewhere bandwidth to a portion in confirm a attached attached from Network bandwidth and the billed the order a (both is is to commingled Element pay Commission of network BellSouth forth be Central a such on lower high for apply and extent reference. billed terms Elements BellSouth's the set the order Element and will shall the the testing Attachment be more Parties. is all the with authorization will this in on as as or with Network tmuble To equipment the equipment this by and will LEC a "ratchet" a tariff, of Network BellSouth's conditions one to exists Agreement a Network US tariffl tariff) not A limitations of Charges of equipment equipment approved, herein combined and or or that BellSouth the this reports services. between that the will or from part access jurisdictional Interfaces in accordance by LANGUAGE to dispatching actually to, Exhibit multiplexing Attachment. multiplexing terms in LEC apply. LANGUAGE prices in deny grounds Parties, same forth any shares service. this US Subject not the linked 2) qualifying BellSouth set agreement When (Agreement Channel (Agreement the billed the of multiplexing When multiplexing If trouble for to service(s) required Rates The Combinations rate Commission shall Rates, Advancement incorporated PROPOSED 3Q04 PROPOSED LEC 1.8.3 1.8.2 1.8.4 1.8.4 1.9 Version 1.10.1 1.10 BST US 1.10.2 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 21 of 118 A in a a of 2 the 13 will has that until LEC and Loop not grade (FOC) loops. way grade and this switch, do required US BellSouth Page the FCC's capabilities. by by basis, $ to in ensure receiving as EXHIBIT voice by local or copper incumbent subdivide voice that the in to to Attachment Elements previously provide of request forth the the Loops, Loop paid not carrier's except the using prior that received set be determine will BellSouth. Confirmation including, nondiscriminatory is of unbundled shall functions consfitute when Facilities and, by described obligated capable restore copper copper will Network will narrowband an another loops Loops as not to signals Order days all not the on to has basis loop path provide premises do request billed is to BellSouth local a 51.319(a), to features, if the (OMC) 64kbps Firm BellSouth also LEC copper Services. If unable a a 51.319(a). of BellSouth restore facilities is Part 5.3, apply calendar US cases, station, terminate sent customer Part 60 unbundled those transmitting to will Other Charge make basis. LEC. required BellSouth Parties, switched shall transmission of an base FTTH that unbundled these C.F.R. BellSouth User US and not Section the will feasible. being or on retire its In bandwidth C.F.R. the is within 47 BellSouth areas, by by to packet period to End If 47 available 64kbps to where after BellSouth loop capable over facility. Tariff, unbundled a facilifies in an LEC entire Center any under 1 Modification copper are Loops Elements to to an to, BellSouth billing access the LEC order Loops technically loop chooses home Loop, overbuild agreed results. on the No. if area an such loop US defined Order situations any requirements. include defined the a access to to limited as loop. incumbent FCC Switching an that Network as copper of by FTTH provide copper FTTH not is LANGUAGE purchase in condition, minimum a such of not in the An restoring BellSouth its otherwise (Loop). with condition modifies fiber-to-the access LEC of shall dL those does loops for of as loop but as a overbuild shall served Mobile disclosure available for over dl Loops US or to LEC BellSouth, deploys builds. time local Loop make site, LEC been FTTH one-month US serviceable PROPOSED from accordance Combination example, frequency A General The constitute cell US herein BellSouth The LEC In such Attachment access ~Ub not will network service New copper nondiscriminatory Furthermore, request BellSouth serviceable feasibility inform to channel above. -If 3Q04 1.10.4 1.10.3 2.1 Version BELLSOUTH ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 22 of 118 A are is a a that if 64 2 SI US 14 a that of days below prior cabling at the with the have complete customer more standard TR73600 Loops a Page (Si) provision notification, make the for connects by and or to BellSouth ensure to provide FTTH EXHIBIT BellSouth receiving office thus, to to the to business website to its the User's Attachment services. such described (15) will cross that and capabilities Loop for 10 industry Inquiry cross by as the establish interval Loop compliance nondiscriminatory circuits received End over prior at and to BellSouth's set condition, in Upon is loop the the have interval. an fitteen These Loop, BellSouth degree obligated with copper be LEC a of require Service with basis the BellSouth and will Access signals that: a not the applicable Loops will US hybrid LEC of request is will available space. such functions connect a request a to Coordination and orders available, US serviceable to office to to If either or part install Special require restore a to provisioning telecommunications are space For Guide determination. condifion. BellSouth unbuudled intervals accordance Order LEC will office will features, transmitting LEC. interval. access BellSouth in an central available provide Loop the collocation Loops such degraded of US convert on US wireless facilities Interval or the and LEC or Specification seeks shall applicable areas, has considered by central if however, collocation determination When copper applicable serviceable channel notify DS3, a US BellSouth the BellSouth with the not capable e supports to LEC the installation basis, to or to to the Loop Loops to provide BellSouth's multiplexing any; I Loops Services are are II to US order. that the grad Technical Loop, overbuild BellSouth DS and provided, Loop within determine in Loop and that agree such area project dispute a request restore copper that available, to used tests a from associated to provided division between voice where purchase Loop of to such the the for be the FTTH are copper on be any in a either not of services, in of order time path able including point of Products will described condition; mutually access Local loops, installation for is sepamte the shall connections restore the as date references. may may LANGUAGE components charge. for is Loops manager will to the handled loop, facilities to the narrowband results Loops provisioning be Loop cross hybrid LEC LEC condition broadband issuing Furthermore, copper serviceable facilities access request BellSouth from the LEC US such The US kbps BellSouth parties For of transmission unable premises. and demarcation separate separate hybrid BellSouth's h:// Loops, will technical Where project to pmcess The Unbundled PROPOSED 2) 3Q04 LEC US Version 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 23 of 118 A of for test 2 are 15 US next the for Exhibit for etc.) LEC Loop, once such had once Network the Network actions that trouble in LEC location. the the repair testing process Page incomplete US the UCL-ND), incomplete of applicable and LEC no that LEC of the than on situated than EXHIBIT Loops. US to same will forth and confirm the and Loop, US US and Attachment User's (e.g., the the (e.g., take name time to the UCL-ND, the set more designed/non- Loop, more standards the of bill on bill a to on as provision the the credited End tariffs. will LEC assess similarly Loop LEC the determine of order at to provisioning be will due will Interconnection the to BellSouth to and notification US in US will state results UVL-SL2, location dispatching location to the provided trouble troubles Loop. by UVL-SL1, by provision or shall repairs Tagging able the portion any circuit designed to trouble. Loops BellSouth is visit exists. number BellSouth same or during for FCC dispatched LEC BellSouth the BellSouth the Loop Wholesale BellSouth ID BellSouth prior be end-user's isolating the UCL-D, BellSouth's UVL-SLI, end-user's provided provided provide BellSouth US provided Loop, for from by LEC BellSouth to etc.), of required etc.), the to actually BellSouth required the the tagged and repair the the BellSouth (e.g. US to Circuit is to not that to the Rates provision on reports days with and next Customer is and BellSouth's request to to the provided. network, non-designed ordered. required BellSouth trouble required testing UVL-SL2, the required a Loop a information LEC charge information is dispatch frames UNE trouble Irom the for if be with on dispatch ortin on dispatch CO) Upon the a a Loop US (e.g., calendar trouble trouble, name/number, maintain Tagging. on will dispatch the name/number, BellSouth required associated time of the a Re will If, rates to must Loop to must Loop Loop (30) information BellSouth's prior Loop ensure trouble Loop require type Center. the isolate incomplete technician the the isolated a LEC same incomplete contact to on contact When the problem Users. repair responsible outside rouble status. or charges not report dispatch or the thirty tag tag BellSouth a provision, the US has and of order be repair for exist BellSouth in and End BellSouth wants may reports test will will will with to LEC unbundled Attachment. its CLEC. may will (CWINS) incorrect within Determination BellSouth trouble exists, incorrect report, working does that reporting incorrect cycle a a indicate to event incorrect LEC Testin event LEC US inside Loops must additional this to LEC to LEC the disposition of US the US address, BellSouth consistent When BellSouth ordering BellSouth If Loops US Services In due each incorrect/incomplete Loo A Trouble US LEC designed before trouble which Once issued actually (both necessary these Loops If Loop's Element its trouble billing due In address, 3Q04 2.1.5 Version 2.1.6 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 24 of 118 A in for US OC 2 all and must in 16 time by the the Local based the Loops for a End a the an require LEC's load BellSouth normal to for for Page (location apply per charges applicable used BellSouth on not US a EXHIBIT to serve other limit accordance over established OC order functionality be option applied in converted the will on to in p.m. conversion type. Attachment during to CLEC specifies and requires must be addition based must rates OC-TS effort may coordinate same User. in sk00 the tariffs. being assess LEC However, Loop and to that LEC will the ecific CLEC the The applied time charges to included another (UDL) facilities Loop, and End every provided to US S provisioned chargeable Loops will US state be discretion billed Loop be LEC with a due s is be with If the the Loops or is center, state. is a.m. specific from charges the request. US will make to to ef Loops LEC's CLEC must and allows overtime and Loo shall conversion. Loop the FCC wire circuit 9:00 each conversion and a will time US Loop the BellSouth a unbundled for the OC OC-TS the to for to service Digital BellSouth's accordance process, holidays). location hours, changes quantity (UCL) Overtime for manner at in (OC-TS) LEC serving This converted or when date. between repair same work E13.2, BellSouth Unbundled option, US and BellSouth same requesting BellSouth's Coordination-Time unbundled to conversion provided. Loops same due pursuant time process an time the being providing Attachment for a charges. requested the a Unbundled (excluding conversion with at the as Specific" from scheduled in allows place. available normal no LEC before Section this type worked Order necessary. be is Copper day specific existing required in from US selects rates take basis. OC-TS CLEC below. Time Friday Loops, with specify an and currently committed provision. OC will to information Loop — or to conversion when to Tariff, negotiate outside is same to and purchased the LEC's SL2 type forth to Conversions may overtime OC The (LSR) the Agreement provisioned dispatch be that location on OC of through described US the set work Unbundled CLEC CLEC for control outage. be on right LEC Loop window, of as to Services the to converting converted may dispatch User. CLKC User the hours conversions chart the due to Determination circuit US time Request shall this Coordination*'OC) Coordination to Coordination except OC amount same Monday End service End additional when the CLEC Loops options Access utilize the order the outside each incorrect/incomplete Trouble Order "Order installation existing working with "Order specific accommodate where User physical technicians addition on Service reserves appointment Loops charge. time) outside the an CLEC The LEC same Interconnection To same be an The and process 3Q04 2.1.7 Version 2.1.8 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 25 of 118 A 2 from No 17 which if if Office Office the Office Dispatch Found Dispatch Dispatch Dispatch Dispatch Dispatch Page CLEC for outside outside Central for for for for EXHIBIT for for Testing Office Office Central Central Central amended process, OC-TS and and This Attachment rates Trouble be same and Charge aud Charged inside Central Charged inside Central Charged outside Charged outside outside Charged The the may OC "UNE-Port/Loop in it Migration UNE-Port/Loop as as as both Migration." DLR Bulk more formation for Package, (UNE-L) Chargeable Option— ordered Information Chargeable Option— ordered Document Included Engineering Document Engineering In Included Included or the Bulk reference use billed (25) by be Points des/htmVuues.. must (UNE-L) UNE-Loop Information will Test Nct available Included Not Available herein Included (where appropriate) Included to LEC aud twenty-five CLEC US order UNE-Loop Option Option Option Specific date, Universal at customers to migrate incorporated on Coordination Channel) must to (OC-TS) due BellSouth Time Available available — located LEC the Order Chargeable Nct Chargeable Chargeable (except Digits! Nct same (UNE-P) (UNE-P) is in tti package, requests US 2 the in time, on LEC M to UCLs, (OC) Section Order US described Coordination Combination and If Office is Combination ~klk Information time www.interconnectiou Chargeable Option Chargeable Option Included Included Chargeable accordance with OC-TS. 2- Loop Loop 3Q04 Loops UVL-SLI 4-wire SL-2 (Non- SL-I (Non- Designed) Designed) UCL-ND Versicn - (including and (Designed) Unbundled Voice Digital (Designed) Copper UVL) Unbundled Unbundled (Designed) For requesting 2.1.9 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 26 of 118 A a at that (EI) has 2 time. 18 to or US by per Level be Loop to UNEs, address: facilities occur this provided new that of circuits, the facility Page migration will loop) the of time specified herein EXHIBIT facilities coordinated of the non-loaded may a pursuant A Service Information OC The start with various - Attachment generated Information newly from course any following type over Interconnection for (hybrid change done the when guarantee html for Loop LSR copper, change existing CLEC the Exhibit any levels be points. not of also at that in Request. normal per incorporated associated This amended services test will OC-TS option 2-wire will using the loaded Engineering may Processes BellSouth are as service reuse forth apply in ensure rates are combination individual website An the and set order access circuit. (IDLC) Migration of UVLs: also ides/html/uncs the which when as only include advanced also in network, Loops BellSouth different chargeable reference, and (Non-Designed) (Designed) will provisioned grade Bulk will a charge. any its remote may BellSouth, Carrier Products" Loops section by may is two be the Guidelines fiber/copper nonrecurring found SL1 SL2 OC time following in (SL2). This have (Designed) voice — — in SLI Migration, to be charges the Loop LEC may UNE services. the provide the herein not for on (UVL-SL1) OC-TS to Two be BellSouth UVL to US also facilities. Loop time Loop Loop Bulk given "Guides" OSS configuring Processes systems, Ordering grade will SL1 h:// (UVL) Digital s services. the "CLEC shall the - any offer may option and Level from and these LEC. available and to Grade Grade Grade on is: addition provided the voice continue carrier of will Loo situations, Attachment. requested. grade at US in as Loops Loop incorporated to regarding refer is process make any is provide Service by Voice Voice Voice loop this Integrated Additionally, amended to these of repairing, address able voice Voice support chargeable billed of Voice Voice information time requested and Guidelines as shall located In a account is be should which from BellSouth 2.6 digital used as will non-designed, Analog Analog Analog Migmtion and will requested being (SL1) wehsite support are be information time. LEC loops Section Orderin The Bulk type Attachment. customer of For US website, 2-wire Additional Packages, reference, h:// Unbundled BellSouth 2-wire 4-wire facility. Unbundled will copper, combination maintaining, that any facility LEC One Unbundled will offered conversion been order 3Q04 Version 2.1.10 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 27 of 118 A a start 2 for with Loop in the US 19 set in and Loops. standard to specific, DLR same that a Loop Page Loops ground so Loop SL2 the with EXHIBIT order provides 4-wire the provided in with on for service Attachment or of start, intended portability restrictions are date Testing appropriate), are below to loop Rates POTS-type feature 2-wire normally document due conversion designed and Loop hours. number UDLs be with EI be UDLs the (where installation subject non-coordinated Loops. order kbps on may The work a the activates will standard service. and/or 56 a the of (UDL). points or available various information UDLs, and as Attachment. Loops test provisioned normal kbps, the option. The activated UVL-SLI service make normally Loops to be this 64 perform coordinate scheme Loop Loop be Loop issuance points, with — of new to will provided following can during DLR. will A test will is a on Loop Digital Upon similar the Loop (UVL-SL2) LEC chargeable is BellSouth OC customer's and a circuits access US Loops SL2 Loop/DSO Exhibit s as Compatible Compatible Compatible testing transmission Digital BellSouth provisioned that OC discretion — BellSouth Digital in (DLR). which SL2 be I available SLI its allow existing Unbundled with remote at ISDN ADSL HDSL HDSL DS Digital Loop further digital signaling. forth charge an ordered frames will cases, 'talLoo will LEC. make Record offer of be set have system, time US as Voice these can standard shall battery will information request specific to In shall feature and are a Layout order Users. designed, additional Unbundled Unbundled Unbundled Unbundled Unbundled Unbundled Loop coordination may herein: Loop OC be come an disconnect End reverse document Make-Up Design service its Unbundled circuits, or service. manner For LEC Testing provided The the order UnbundledDi will will support forth BellSouth BellSouth 2-wire 2-wire 2-wire 4-wire STS-I 4-wire 4-wire DS3 3Q04 Version 2.2.5 2.2.4 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 28 of 118 a A a a test for the or 2 may with a 20 be DLR. must of a Loop is and test and a 18,000 length). the industry meets include that last LEC be with may to and Page to elements grade according each that last UDC and OC, DS1 second ISDN It long provides signatory the including that EXHIBIT US isochronous will associated Loop up will A BellSouth to OC, It the Loops provide per by of Attachment OC, last provisioned be feet such voice Loop Rate to (UDC) point, to ISDN-capable adequately is Loop standard which UDC repaired the prior speeds according Parties'nterconnection channels, DLR. to that length). may point, test to 4-wire point, a for that prior 12,000 a path and analog 4-wire come the systems. providing megabits and test technologies able Primary DS1 (inclusive to test and Loop Channel a in return-to-zero notice designed prior a or available, for particular (24) be Loop with sub-rate will disconnected of a up orders tap a if (28) product. OC, service. location. designed is with forth provisioned be 44.736 are criteria will and provisioned with DS1 designed transport Digital new other a with of written are maintained bipolar, set immediately be loop, UDC for This transmission may is no bridged standard they point, were ISDN designed transmission and User's rate optic a (inclusive provisioned (RRD) responsible days as will of standard twenty-four rates services and test These is serial, that effect standard ISDN This be Loop. a End tap BellSouth of come twenty-eight loop digital offered Universal the in of fiber feet an time were associated of connected, standards 19kbps, come supports This at the for Loops or will Design ISDN will come with UDCs Loop. Loop. was calendar at that SPID, such order 6,000 will bridged hereof, specifications, BellSouth and transmission will LEC Rate (SPID) Loop. that the to variety two-point (90) remain a of equivalent Digital by previously 56kbps, industry a and a until properly may Digital transport US UDCs at date and up standard Existing transmission is it I to feet Interface the may Resistance (CSA) technology circuit With Basic over ninety ISDN LEC grandfathered digital DS as Digital/DSO have that HDSL-Compatible offered Identifier come DLR. 64kbps, Loop circuit services signals be agreement Area provide 2,500 existing the US a TR73600 User. hereof hereof. be 2-wire as signatory 2-Wire may two-way to Revised will a Network according data DS3 will ensure and may Any provides to is 4-Wire for End up date date Profile last 4-wire and It and HDSL-based Unbundled longer or Serving provisioned ADSL-Compatible Unbundled Unbundled DS1 and or electrical OC, provides the and functionality hereof digital have Loop. be no Loop long terininated. configured BellSouth's Service signatory signatory 2-Wire standards a Loop circuit Upon to BellSouth same 2-Wire according feet point, will accepted. date Carrier be The DLR. 2-Wire may 2-wire services copper, 4-Wire provisioned may 4-Wire be with DLR. simultaneous (Mbps). 4-Wire DS3 digital which 3Q04 2.3.3 Version 2.3.5 2.3.4 2.3.6 2.3.7 2.3.8 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 29 of 118 A a per is is will 2 in will 21 range to Loop munded and an Network voice through DS3 UCL and UCL to forth is may Page with coils, to the EXHIBIT set tap megabits channels, which The The miles, metallic-based at equipment 4-wire) I order LEC as return-to-zero path analog a according Attachment load or in DS path is repeaters) available 51.84 applies US transport LightGate Service (24) (2- or airline bridged of (SI) service. (28) 51, location (UCLs). is filters, bipolar of made 1995 pair rate intervening 73501 STS-I be Part transport feet User provisioned carrier, transmission (e.g., serial modifications June Loops Inquiry TR any is transmission can of Mileage DS3 End twisted twenty-four D, loop by 6,000 C.F.R. and but of digital twenty-eight dedicated per to Copper 47 Service digital network Issue DLR. transmission for a up equipment copper to a digital BellSouth UCL-D a Non-Designed. length DS3s dedicated telecommunications at dry in and available transmission have and a (2) ned routine equivalent A. require unbundled repeaters). two-point as less transport unencumbered applies. Unbundled pursuant high-capacity CL may a to point two or signals is such extenders, or a intervening Desi readily is of particular Loop digital Specifications, is — unbundled s two-way test It mile resistance. Exhibit that feet Designed not any a to provide the any range — in of total carrier, one available by interface are Loop Loo Loo a perform STS-I electrical provisioned with Loop of may parameters, to er er 18,000 forth loop coils, types be It The and modifications, Ohms make mapping. support interface pair be provides Loops STS-I set access come Performance digital two to simultaneous load Co will Co Design 1300 in The digital shall Loop will interface. availability. and for may minimum rates VT1.5 1.7.4. to which BellSouth network (Mbps). interface. twisted a Loop. unencumbered channels. filters, DS3 of services up UCL-D is LEC intended and offered DS3/STS-I UCL-D STS-I SONET Section channels. synchronous second each Both ascertain If services. electrical provides grade optical US Element Unbundled routine request DS3 Interface copper (e.g., up Unbundled The BellSouth not be that extenders, A Resistance have 3Q04 Version 2.3.9 2.3.11 2.3.12 2.3.10 2.4 2.4.1 2.3.13 2.4.2 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 30 of 118 a A be are 2 is that the as the 22 less and are will access for last so last written will for it OC facility facility be required provide UCL-L the length, Page the they the requested Parties'nterconnection according comes Testing last (UCL-L) Loops days that not LMU EXHIBIT to services in This digital may to will as for between pretnises is in Testing the and designed the and or Attachment location For been typically Loop feet and in tap Long however, to be prior time prior Loop — repaired has request orders Loop for BellSouth's calendar transmission point, not facility forth process the network. prior such and can 18,000 wire. signaling new Loop test bridged services (90) customer's set repeaters, will UCL-D; UCL-ND using Rates a customer's a limitation. a no of until facilities LEC start metallic available to (LMU) point. provisioned copper" inside provisioned The the rates for coils, exceed with and feet ninety Copper US at telecommunications CL-ND resistance, length test the BellSouth's Loop maintained "dry assigned not particular were make of immediately a were UCL-ND load 2-wire at a (MDF) existing UCL-ND. option 6,000 or center. for Makeup connected as any (NID) that Ohms of be will that will ned The to affect the provides customer's effect specific BellSouth However, wire a up DLR such Frame on provisioned Unbundled will in Loop also 1300 the by a cases reuse connected, remain is dedicated suitable Device a wide-range support terminated. to the a apply. UCL-Ls UCL-Ls signals. was mechanically a have have Attachment. chargeable than to be as adversely most a may Non-Desi grandfathered serving testing hereof, BellSouth either be not — offered that is this in Loop remain circuit, where may be UCL-ND UCL-ND. or less not the grade equipment channel BellSouth would and must be of date Distribution Interface may with existing provide OC Existing will the and do the and A will may The further Therefore, and Loo intended with LEC to UCLs voice er Any Main charge, longer not provisioned charges designed US on and agreement UCL-L DLR. a LEC is TR73600 hereof hereof. hereof NID). facilities a Network signatory no services request Exhibit by are intervening is UCL-ND a Co provision feet resistance analog transmission systems. premises US connecting in such provisioned (DAMLs), the ND date date date last will — of the with any inay of by and be those required accepted. LEC. Loops additional that additional the grade forth lines Ohms BellSouth's as 18,000 UCL-D include be UCL User's UCL-ND not an have LEC US BellSouth's set order standard always The by These long will 1300 elements will signatory signatory signatory disconnected utilized purpose Upon from to Unbundled The (including notice not main End although The assignment than voice transport will to which For as US 3Q04 Versian 2.4.3 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 31 of 118 A be it the to or less tap 2 and as does a 23 as the be the limits are its will to are UCL- of agreed on that UCL-ND features, the Loop that within excessive purpose), 2,500 Page may taps the UCL-ND that offering feet including bridged OC-TS Attachment. the so EXHIBIT Insofar services The own restrict as modification and orders C.F.R. all Loop Attachment Sub-loop coils, purpose this process. its copper when mutually connecting beyond design not 6,000 47 LEC, a for or bridged of to between (ULM) as modification of 73600. are load A qualify sub-loops US service may facilities. ULM network. capability, copper over tap with network design &om to, TR This Loop utilized that not and the network and non-excessive has any troubles from services Process conditioning be purpose the Exhibit no Excessive and tap. and routine of bridged device, in the limited loops using network would lines, particular from may Modification BellSouth as telecommunications which Loop of report xDSL accordance BellSouth BellSouth's no for request of not any serves of any that and forth in bridged coils purpose and of the Loop total LEC are copper copper qualify, of LEC. Conditioniu set extenders. upon Construction affect defined capability reuse serves test provide on load which US but Loops do telecommunications unnecessary is location option US support feet to design the the and/or by rates Line that to range feet to removal shall only that any wide-range some Special combined the a and/or tap with Unbundled of wire. 6,000 the and a Conditioning modified, adversely include, only. at conditioned wireline coils 2,500 in of network charge ordered be taps diminish Loops of chargeable not customer's standards Line undertakes intended no a inside Conditioning and load provide filters, BellSouth bridged do will include into the removal may 0 as devices result Therefore, being not to of associated at BellSouth's length. switched Modifications tap bridged Line BellSouth's performed pass is serves that may are product. to in will maximum industry additional perform transmission loop Such LEC remove regularly be a NID use capabilities feasible, services request to low no that Loo a this between feet that customer's This provided US removal at shall network. will will bridged Loops to and voice have transformed may Parties. may tap be the taps, by excessive taps copper those Sub-loop high-speed the pursuant loop to service. be feet to the as 18,000 will include BellSouth provisioning will any LEC apply LEC according by technically rates UCL-ND long OC BellSouth could 51.319(a)(l)(iii). customers. copper utilized will Loop US bridged set is functions Unbundled BellSouth that deliver ND not remove bridged testing BellSouth xDSL loop than For combined performed require copper 6,000 (bridged at US to 3004 Version 2.5 2.5.1 2.5.3 2.5.2 2.5.4 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 32 of 118 A the the 2 the is for LEC to 24 DLR of the to be exceed a into have etc.) US suitable of Loop be charged LEC or than the lieu a not IDLC the Page then BellSouth (DACS)- be will in EXHIBIT that following not US to lieu integrated. has require spare will Therefore, meet uses Attachment in ADSL, meets by rather Attachment provisioned a the facilities provisioned. only LEC not type may order, integration If that of exists switch. will this System is facility LEC to US available, will loop to grade, longer the circuit. loop one facility Loop facility that US that Carriers BellSouth loops not the but Loop BellSouth no requested prior the previously is UCL-ND alternative new it of loop voice Connect For and spare the a DLC Attachment. and BellSouth. for Loo copper has through pursuant ULM provisioned and requested, designed that for such to DACS a (e.g., User this detail implement ital modified. for Cross facility a LSR Loop was loop of of spare way as a different order. changes grade existing Di hairpinning): End a make will type porting a A LMU qualifying specifications facility inquiry an use any an The BellSouth provisioned. the Access ULM (e.g. will charged to information to through such the voice the and/or rated is Loop facility to that alternative the be in to up Exhibit Unbundled service provide BellSouth LEC SLI provision BellSouth loop in reserved loop Inte IDLC a IDLC not routes an feasible. "side-door" "Digital a submitting Loop require inquiry Loop US the service make if that will which original and a the the modification BellSouth a facility suitable on will forth as for for a for IDLC the for submit local feasible, If set Loop above loop different event ULM from from provide provide of service Loop LEC requested condition. such the 4 a ULM Involvin requested change as a the modify will the the if to (if ULM BellSouth charges the the US with available, and has cases. are LEC. location In pair not exists, exists, request 3 of a Loops LEC premises. circuit(s) circuit(s) US ULM meets the requests order LEC arrangements provide technically will these ULM, ULM US parameters at porting change to shall facility facility for is the the to ULM. submitting in that BellSouth US to it requesting for ordered. LEC Provisionin capacity capacity equivalent, to perform LEC LEC, service customer Roll If switch). Roll If door" its US Rates BellSouth technical being If may specifications charged or 1. US prior desires When US facility available option reserved Loo systems the Where alternate available alternative provide providing 2. 3. extent 4. Arrangements non-designed ordered 3Q04 2.5.6 Version 2.5.7 2.5.5 2.5.9 2.5.8 2.6.1 2.6 2.6.2 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 33 of 118 A to or 2 of then 25 End multi- that agreed by circuit portion device User present the the if hole the will that or jumper is and customer Page points other process to NID premises of connections. that to to used End EXHIBIT and terminating electrical line customer or any LEC any time connect (SC) not Attachment of the divisions of their a at User's wiring spliced the by service BellSouth's US to or wiring LEC, chamber or on or customer Loop. single to facilities device cross form connection End "punch-out" a make US andare a NID: capable such the dual NID wiring the as remove is provide prenuses Loop the or User's each of from facilities. chambers directly to space Construction of existing enclosure place suitable and may such divisioned End a terminate connect to User termination the appropriate LEC's rearrangements premises to BellSouth the Loops request customer chamber Party and carriers Special plant, the End US rates integrity its provision terminal the connect additional its other through from disturb a the to SC independent or upon NID connection either access User's required interconnection single-line customer not have and and two connect a make contains utilize of connect through physical wiring End is to to distribution that Party's ground to network shall required permit, device one-time the will User's extending the NID cable. LEC means subscriber of features of wiring provider the terminations division LEC other LEC costs available, End premises or telecommunications US The the any pair is US the or BellSouth US NID the protective enclosures Device maintain provider's as point. length BellSouth's conditions wiring BellSouth service a paying purpose termination other enter and premises The to from of allow permit NID the shall twisted facility the additional basis. access chamber customer request line any purpose. service may NID; as defined feasible for Parties, and the shall shall or the NID means adequate enclosures; Interface is cost provides wiring premises wiring option may the may that Each which to own an customer such Party premises. to both alternate the for NID from NID NID multiple residential environmental LEC LEC a by the no sepamte cables If to determine have Network The of at US following wiring. posts The BellSouth User's technically Access premises used protection BellSouth line BellSouth and such premises. Where Party's Either enclosures wire customer premises US materials 3Q04 Version 2.6.3 2.7 2.7.1 2.7.3 2.7.2 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 34 of 118 A a as be the the been 2 the such and 26 of basis. analog device, facilities shall has may capped NIDs, forth it the maintain Page within Sub-Loop Party grounded terminals nationally establish distribution EXHIBIT hazard, set Loop Loop a LEC protector or to integrity with shall material the Attachment the to undisturbed electrical been cleared, US be applicable safety termination and and requires and environment, Party's has station Party's BellSouth's it leave no Loop the Furthermore, Unbundled shall physical procedures is time to protectors, it associated plant its disconnecting a that procedures other other from spare the which the to transferring condition. on NID. unless premises the if there no the the appropriately of is" cases, If multiple-line wires outside and facilities be liability a NID specific modules, once access interconnection disconnected "as in maintain ensure such section protector, and the of any in connections Code. must customer to the same capable to NID. Loop BellSouth protectors In NID ground to offer disconnect this for Party, be or develop the and the Loops NID point or station Loop to shall work of User's LEC's question. Party. shall provided from enclosures local Electrical in reconnect it US be listed LEC End harmless disconnect disconnect to remove herein. other to permitted responsibility own NID disconnecting protection or or enclosures, NID accessible the Loop US quantity will implementing disconnecting the of BellSouth additional its an enclosures. NID, Party the National the disconnected of to accessed, with do Party the LEC's to NIDs, connect NIDs the laboratory specified BellSouth is the remove remove to the of NID expressly between the electrical variety either as permit, US of deploys BellSouth work notice means provide not protectors. not of specify of ground. apply hold from NID cross has be NID, Party's or the testing 800 to wide shall will Requirements LEC not Elements signals shall prior will shall shall the of shall BellSouth form will BellSouth the facilities do elements and/or in It US case either BellSouth's effective existing to NID stored. Article LEC LEC LEC responsibility LEC no digital an from In Commission responsibility existing US exists and US enclosures, from provides NID. removal the disconnected recognized per US Due most herein Technical The connection BellSouth If or request When media Existing US device. Sub-loo Where (USL) 3Q04 Version 2.7.4 2.8.1 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 35 of 118 a A is a or will as 2 in the End by exist: 27 by will within or sub- facility to connect (aka the the of street of provided the bridged equipment at Page remove blocks LEC block(s). BellSouth process. collocation in function EXHIBIT copper cable equipment a cross to BellSouth facilities Cable copper located the point a a a USLD-INC US point (USLD-INC) accessible building to a public request Attachment connected length in is will a be a the set-up is be be or device transmission excessive physical where any by may install install the process Cable coils. may User's panel. facility. will panel of Network deinarcation inside media for field intervening accessing cross-connect cross-connect LEC will would of load shall End and and/or ULM of including connect the demarcation during any device US UCSL. dedicated offerings 4-Wire Grade the separated in facility Network of (USLD-VG) the place a a cable point and have LEC coils cross-box. or 25-pair cross to is BellSouth as have not to conditions the distribution US will purpose the cross-connect BellSouth is may the point Voice Intrabuilding This the cross-connect by load up Grade not copper — — cross-box and USLD-INC to If the a available, including and 2-Wire this cross-box and that facility The distribution is a LEC, from will for field pursuant for cross-connect UCSL, on User's not classified Voice Intrabuilding and sub-loop as terms including taps. User is US BellSouth — — the to be and use controlled it End facilities room. the in room BellSouth and Agreement. property facility facility (SPOI) up End premises or (UCSL) Distribution Distribution an sub-loop to its from will and to modified stand-alone the BellSouth Sub-Loop bridged the this the Distribution this a USLD LEC's field up be same permits. unbundled in from Distribution or provisioned User's owned The US Distribution Distribution the cross-box UCSL facility the equipment equipinent within be The pursuant a cable) Grade room Sub-Loop following space in Sub-Loop Sub-Loop Copper forth for End on includes (RT) the the connecting between facility USLD-INC excessive can as available, Sub-Loop set the facility the provides riser interconnection for device. If for Voice at from coils Sub-Loo that building of building Sub-Loop Sub-Loop Copper requests a to sites building. cross-box and/or technician terminal cross-box equipment buildings a carriers the removed, load pair Unbundled Unbundled increments Unbundled Sub-Loop premises. point available USLD-INC LEC of request in the I'iom as facility coils are Unbundled BellSouth access distribution remote responsible US remote Unbundled The that cross-connect a room Unbundled loop from twisted make demarcation Unbundled demarcation. such copper load If taps Unbundled the between road. building User's single Upon pairs multiple 25-pair panel be For BellSouth for BellSouth 3Q04 2.8.2 Version ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 36 of 118 A an that that 2 or an the way For box. is 28 USL only to set-up from efforts the existing Loop the OC charges the but is and will Page address: pairs. all site and/or an to through reference the block(s) perform EXHIBIT Unbundled Terminal network of Access of the to circuits terminal within Attachment leases, will an pairs the expedite wiring feasible capacity (LCSC). cross-connect website or reasonable reuse sub-loop addition on (MDUs) BellSouth USL Garden technical access the extend the in portion perform connecting pairs, which lease, entrance at to Center pairs order Units each with at sub-loop field, into existing the BellSouth controls final will requests at billed If such technically can used the whether UNTW. days. and the be of is point is cable located in sub-loop commercially BellSouth's building Service UNTW is room, USLs. LEC owns, request the a LEC to the It to for that carriers shall use box LEC panel US accordance BellSouth virtue udll US LEC's calendar from cross-box. in determine US Carrier access by LEC Package, shall technician. Multi-Dwelling or access then US (5) when to wiring LEC requested by the charge Wire BellSouth in equipment will US multiple before connected represents in Local the US five subscribers. by by control LEC be splice demarcation. provided to copper the where cross-connect provide cross-connect request, terminal to of use BellSouth US BellSouth exists be than has element to building then requested Information the a will BellSouth for the completed provisioning access less requests will this cable work complete, Coordination can Terminatin point LEC's twisted individual form by be (MTUs) permit is configurations CLEC pair BellSouth capacity inside install US to location a BellSouth pairs LSR Order to suitable process, serve the must User's provide provide Units a in BellSouth network expedite intervals the USL is set-up SI to in meet that right to the Network necessary set-up of Sub-Loops at cable cross-box for Users'remises, End will work unshielded to For site the that out the with sufficient the set-up and is site set-up used Closet. extent End the request, //www.interconnection.bellsouth.corn/products/html/uncs.html. site be rate. apply the LEC's site described multi-subscriber the the obtain Sub-Loops US BellSouth sufficient For Once submission Through whether as http: The the perform necessary will required facility, Unbundled TR73600. Unbundled pair will UNTW intra-building individual in branches BellSouth to to to Multi-Tenants R~l Upon Terminal Wiring 3Q04 Version 2.8.3 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 37 of 118 A at in a the of 2 US at using not LEC that re- any pairs. 29 for found, case will is state of existing demands using the US access is will pair change such point meeting pairs Terminals. office Page submission a for a pair longer installations LEC permission and In commercially EXHIBIT associated UNTW a each may pairs in charges LEC claiins no owner's spare The connecting testing original include beyond US Attachment single CLEC, use the pair. trouble is such BellSouth individual Access a central UNTW to US costs its any LEC when If and inside will at an its to the requested Terminal LEC. that UNTW shall for NTW User spare or US permission on Prior of completion property BellSouth. another pair(s). alternate recurring UNTW cases, visit participate has US the against of accessing to End or LEC LEC an repair. the no the of and dispatch available to site connect installed Access will such BellSouth's property pairs. the User US US is use owner's Party. to days and activating be the additional Terminal location In the to pair and Terminal. before the by responsible obtain of that behalf or End established on troubles of pair requires may call pair. and will Parties be to BellSouth activates BellSouth A on be UNTW the objects access days new User that Garden property by deliver calendar that spent Access service will LEC nonrecurring report both LEC will defective restoring Requesting available. purpose trouble failure on the of End pair the US will for where (30) used is and owner time US certification Terminal harmless install the LEC the and available or The installation the installed. Terminal. business as to LEC of for CLEC's pair, pair Terminal(s) US LEC requesting BellSouth LEC's time hold thuty billed intervals for within from (5) UNTW reported only US isolate SI with obtaining Access US a being be serve US the LEC property and to service each spare Access the access. previously five an at pairs for on of will a Access required Terminals services another UNTW within to US the will an will access if jumper a tag representatives or an be If or pair out UNTW Terminals, the to Closet. on pairs a LEC LEC, on verifying installation procedures within provide LEC an LEC provider not Terininals User UNTW must Access on charge indemnify to for arise requested US US pair the of adjacent install existing US technician service US the of exists Access efforts responsible of End a shall premises, Wiring to the progress will LEC UNTW its may to by obtained, is shall provision of service in Access of pair(s). Terminal service either that SI BellSouth to receipt US utilized to form. removing that are available been site trouble LEC LEC request local the responsible a its BellSouth Upon multi-unit the discussion By access BellSouth facilities any of being reasonable LEC's is BellSouth's NTW has that Access basis. US BellSouth removal with US accessing LSR serves prior kind permission. notify If terminate cases, dispatches Alternatively, BellSouth UNTW 3Q04 Version ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 38 of 118 A of to 2 LEC of 30 will ninety date or rates US installed or the back (ULC) reporting negotiate elements signatory If wire Page Fiber the not ULC Agreement be disconnect disconnect months EXHIBIT aerial to pair location. Within last attached elements, from for has nonrecurring (USLF) this BellSouth these BellSouth's in either record date. Attachment (6) Dark a must the without disconnect that that to or Terminal serving to back notice, six to at will LEC of have prices. Parties'nterconnection such market-based orders LEC ULC without Feeder billing Terminal. pairs utilize to prior Concentration LEC appropriate LEC, US existing use the User's prior LEC to LEC Access US terminating electronics, new within written in such US the US the and applicable according period, the US US no fiber Loop bill End TELRIC orders line facility, Access LEC by UNTW for bill that of redacted days other at any forth Sub-Loop day substantiate the and will the issued from the US or its issue to set will to Terminal immediately optical hereof, repaired of billed provisioned LEC for not notice provide of installation will using be capacity calendar Unbundled rates and date US calendar has service not effect or is BellSouth were transmission Access BellSouth copies disconnected the BellSouth Unbundled the the in will premises (30) bill by written BellSouth an will (90) aggregation strands by of at provisioning LEC that are information LEC necessary Terminal was and of be for LEC optical US days signatory then thirty US receiving elements hereof, hereof, User's provide they maintained ninety offered that ULCs US cost offered may Terminal, percent and last as that be date will Access Feeder date End BellSouth upon these this be request sufficient unused began the elements installation. electronics (10) records, an calendar pairs, time the multiplexing, actual for an grandfathered Loops of Concentration LEC at existing Access may, after with ten longer is the User connected, be longer the agreement (90) such LEC's other such USLF If, US the negotiated of rates signatory no days signatory to Any Fiber determines structure. no or Sub-Loo point Loo L least End US of order initiates will Terminal Loop last at until last will to been remain ninety the will Dark equal provide BellSouth request, LEC regeneration, the the not Fiber to calendar hereof remaining may Access activation date accepteL US BellSouth If activated installation charge fails pursuant If the the Upon installation the Unbundled Upon elements (90) charges. Unbundled market-based disconnected. have orders, any Upon element be date and TR73600 terminated. provides o~krib Dark sitptai demarcation center. underground Loops. regeneration Q04 3 2.8.4 version 2.8.5 2.8.6 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 39 of 118 A is if it by 2 in use 31 LEC of use by by for Loop because Fiber LEC forth is its US may use for Within use Page or twenty Loop. because through period. used used US EXHIBIT set or for for Fiber Dark Guide becomes becomes BellSouth's is BellSouth's is infrastructure; to none LEC as Provisioning commercially Attachment it it it it of Fiber LEC. in in if and restricted within provided availability US and cutover. Dark use is (I) Light (I) restricted determine problems US planning available of LSR. it to Dark is 51, for to Loop LEC roads provide exists if: LEC exists problems if: it shall designated designated roads it (3) it (e.g., to to year the fmm free US made US is is prior Part to (3) or fiber to Fiber Fiber SI deployment, deployment, it it to modifications performance be two a error or the a or where where points (2) efforts (2) available available transmission and can Dark changes results C.F.R. Dark confirmation Loop BellSouth connect changes of transmission 47 place Loop but for the valid, Loop to network customer; customer; test within of equipment a to to of receiving building building Fiber deemed deemed or written loss purposes; purposes; fiber LEC Fiber Fiber connection reasonable fiber be be because available, availability after routine another another Dark the documented and future US future available send ). is because the submits quality not fiber) not documented required Dark pursuant repair Dark by repair by to of of the days such to use the will will shall place not LEC aud and Loop due enable to specifications. location, readily is to due optical appropriate BellSouth, result result placed placed to US a continuity a commercially Loop of Loop the not available available testing BellSouth, Fiber perform business plans provision as as is its (e.g., Confirmation" after to order for order removal to BellSouth (" has required modifications, Fiber removal Fiber (10) make make (LGX)) Dark use LANGUAGE BellSouth including provide for maintenance maintenance Loop firm days firm performance where, for not where, media ten t regarding a including a Loop Dark elYoits shall Dark for is shall for will shall period, to to and and LANGUAGE and 1.7.4 identification Fiber BellSouth network available. responsible BellSouth carriers, within requested is Fiber time business scheduled carriers, all (4) Dark scheduled is the PROPOSED Section If routine request BellSouth available. all is or R~i network BellSouth pursuant BellSouth available. BellSouth network available. BellSouth pursuant by it infrastructure. none BellSouth solely Loop such usability BellSouth information Dark If reasonable (20) includes Interconnection transmission PROPOSED 3Q04 LEC BELLSOUTH US Version ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 40 of 118 A can of 2 pair- a the US 32 that LMU been its to liable over any on not any as require LEC purposes are or described services in be coils, for has equipment Page transaction, for not supporting controlling as The US remote provide EXHIBIT BellSouth does long of composition Service LMU services not receive data of do load modifications to LMU SIs as either ordered intended Attachment to that the the CLEC it the compatible to (owner) type other CLEC shall that so of unless provisioned not taps, CLEC. or parameters. and Loop consideration due network. Makeup exists and information capable informational preordering are responsible BellSouth provided. ISDN it advanced enable Loops, CLEC a is Loops into for associated or CLEC time as otherwise) as preordering authorized that Loop carrier install requesting services bridged fully LMU will BellSouth or requesting consisting voice to Loop location for any is electrical not with information the requesting LEC BellSouth provide BellSouth records. orders taking loop data services at the LMU is and the to Loops the another to and which the deems provided US information or LEC the UV-SL2, or HDSL, it by LMU is LEC to intends by queries for LEC interfaces, on service(s). from digital US facility CLEC change existence, functions gauge US ability LMU that reserved particular information to data US advanced only) LEC whether advanced addresses to LEC a if LMU the other copy the as (ADSL, by UV-SLI, information BellSouth the wire US (LOA) location US services Loop provided of controlled LMU as submitted over LMU LEC's about of to any network. limited is the copper hard type or section subject requesting the Further, solely US LMU either equipment The preordering is other its LEC not of (such (i.e. service of The in This used service Loop use mechanized LMUSI US but inventoried length; feeder/distribution ordering upon made equipment reliability type. the or available other of judgment to (copper/fiber); LMU Loops the disrupt or Authorization and be not BellSouth's information performance guarantee services medium Loop LEC facility the on CLEC. of Loop serve from level to not specific make are such a provide. Service provide the shall devices, not choose services the US including conditioning. the to LMU of material on provisioning and that for databases that The contingent for agent does shall will Letter match accuracy by facility (LMUSI) is independent does unique line may a ordered from tion advanced and type Agreement. Loop, upgrades way Loop an wishes devices; must and the Loop. advanced Loop(s) LEC the the this any specific Descri BellSouth L~Mk make the LEC distinct Inquiries likewise in BellSouth of on concentration gain BellSouth's BellSouth's guarantee BellSouth's facilities the requested information receives authorized US certain equipment determination said LSR in requisite only over a support Loops) information and/or 3Q04 2.9 2.9.1 version ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 41 of 118 A to this an for 2 not US 33 to of is Irom (4)- US query does are for the order A be to the does facility days. The in Page four LMU facilities. . LEC to EXHIBIT standard order LMU charges become may Manual interval from LEC the the each separate additional facilities. it an US Attachment facilities Exhibit BellSouth reservation reservation, html in Loop returned will through US for If as submitting are of in business any subject is billing Loop service within order. (10) technical separate (3) information single days facility BellSouth. a forth when LMU a (3) reserved mechanized facility billed LEC, ten following This information a set the on guidelines however, three submitted to be Loop the reference, facility from placement US service the BellSouth. as is three If, spare be initiate the up by 'des/html/uncs to not information appropriate at business Loop to Attachment. to BellSouth's LSR, that further (4) the up the LEC's may requests. will provisioned facilities LSR. charge Mechanized reference an this services reserved submitting of LMU should LMUSI herein found assign reserve from be a or including US of uiries four by subsequent incur be LEC LEC the needs such shall A Loop on to will other reserve may In according shall the placing on expedite US differ LMUs can US obtaining will up Manual time LEC to to LMUSI a may LMUSI, LEC for reservation released. service LEC may the Exhibit nonrecurring US of customers, facilities incorporated multiple After which Service facility ordering US if be the ordered information facility BellSouth LEC US per submitted that applied initial subject from UNE Manual capability, to other BellSouth. return with US be will a time, Mechanized an type facilities which separate to Loop not LMU to reserved by reserved a Package, the for Makeu process, LMUSI, LMU prior shall the are interfaces. interval for upon service for for has occasions, timeframe, facility time s ordered. service reservation obtain for and LMUSI, LSR reserve specify the LMUSI. Loo LMU associated OSS preordering the an configurations LEC Loop provided and those through not from issued data type h:// may unavailable may for LMUSIs LMUSIs Inquiry I'rom as SI interval facilities and Information US During For charges Manual Mechanized may Manual a reservation a charges LEC Loop LEC submit LSRs service a its Submittin Service CLEC service the US or BellSouth's mechanized determine Attachment. Manual amended website: Manual distinct For For US requested LEC. rendered not day invalid Charges any ~LR All number LMU reserve advanced include Where LEC LSR. 3Q04 2.9.2 Version 2.9.3 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 42 of 118 A in in or for US 2 US US 34 the Hertz, the set Loop forth and at Line placed mask may to provide Section as filters, the with Page set the allow 3400 to copper to voiceband Spectnun the Systems. be voice loop new EXHIBIT grandfathered for of PSD to to billed LEC of digital loop. discontinues Frequency date the be Attachment above uses document. will up be with the services service US of 2-wire low-pass the the request will User pursuant High portion will of to arrangements rates data range Standard providing intended provides 2004, within not standards coils, moves is of End The the Transmission I, is portion 2003, BellSouth back or potentially complying circuit-switched the I, unloaded, LEC below) may Section load Sharing (xDSL) that that frequency 2004, National Loop an and no US frequency that this I, technical above-mentioned LEC purposes arrangements xDSL Specuum October services. for Line analog Agreement. Line low loop to the frequency defined of with October date the US the Hertz, as which For the this retroactively discontinues of in requires (as voice low the LEC. for to American technology of by October Sharing as through Loop copper or 2004, carrying 3000 BellSouth the version pursuant US User Frequency I, Subscriber found and defined applied terminated. the Line by terms Management xDSL access same any as 2003, is least spectrum End provides 2006, T1.417, Spectrum process service copper be be using all 5 facilities) High facility at 2, Order. the a use 2, the for 2003, in the the Digital have to meets arrangements. is October the will 2, and shall A. ordered to as ANSI LEC, Class only over Loop to under date Spectrum that arrangements as of Spectrum Review October Loop frequency Hertz BellSouth US After 5 October BellSouth Frequency the herein provide available Sharing shall Exhibit of October of A. defined 300 to copper Loop service Access be high continue from with with facility in equipment a arrangements is High Class which forth Line a LEC Attachment the line Triennial on on type will unloaded shall Frequency Management the for set earlier (from earlier ability forth US arrangements this Exhibit new period between to service An Grandfathered service, the Sh of in set Sharing Sharing using the the User rates High the P.C.C. of General Sharing availability, BellSouth Line subscriber voice Line LEC. rates For service forth LEC As 3.1.3 Spectrum until request The the ~Li moves The voiceband transmissions. Telecommunications, BellSouth spectrum depending service. Spectrum LEC End Management Access Loop. 3904 3.1 3.1.1 Version 3.1.3 3.1.2 3.1.6 3.1.4 3.1.5 3.1.7 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 43 of 118 A to shall 2 any US User. the prior no 35 in in give this LEC If, for (30) stand- voice voice by for charges purchase may the providing and End service no to consistent on notice Page to US of shall LEC for also A Loop Loop full modification pay the EXHIBIT for LEC a thirty service is taps Loop service Frequency to Frequency voice US exist Attachment a required intent which such US shall cycle charge continue of Exhibit appropriate its voice BellSouth's existing existing BellSouth's to Attachment. within High High Attachment. Attachment. does voice charged and CO) Loop, BellSouth in will disposition of bridged LEC purchase an directly an the Loop, the the provides BellSouth this billing this this its the to on on rates to US to User's Loop of forth of of pay desires grade of compatible. trouble disconnect, a Spectrum Element 2 2 next degrades degrades A provided service set The which longer to LEC minimal LEC End will BellSouth BellSouth LEC outside Loop, the LEC such as access access voice practicable, on no required xDSL the US US a stand-alone and on modify the voice US prior for US Section for and be Section LEC Exhibit that to to status. Network Loop notify to full on in in in Frequency BellSouth Loops and portion, US time to remain significantly shall significantly Loop Loop the its inside devices analog on same such a BellSouth a credited forth law, not High purchases state. BellSouth working disconnects LEC the for commercially Loop services determine Loop set the specified specified (both shall may to the on LEC similar Modification which that Modification as BellSouth notification US purchase. as as modify modify on that that provide, reasonable rates available purchases in or opportunity voice be a terminates extent US to original to the of to of LEC able trouble. will Loop be applicable testing T1.601. in Loop Loop is its BellSouth the Loop, it the on trouble LEC US confirm or shall cases User trouble requests to event and and prior such only a To to US such DAMLs, procedures adequate procedures required notice required event BellSouth's Loop same the End exists the LANGUAGE provide provide continues LEC those tariffs that on an of (NTF) of nonrecurring shall and In degrades not the order not the the BellSouth In modification network, modification with UNE. with its T1.413 restored US reports and is is will will with in in if if and to written If LANGUAGE type days LEC be User and or dispatching actually found service event extenders, Loop to LEC Sharing the ANSI Loop. reports US LEC End any the US PROPOSED accordance range with BellSouth BellSouth spectrum service. significantly Loop BellSouth accordance BellSouth spectrum service. alone Line In pursuant xDSL give such elect providing, reason, US the recurring Attachment. acknowledges If trouble for BellSouth trouble LEC calendar trouble, Bellgouth's associated PROPOSED 3Q04 LEC 3.1.8 BELLSOUTH US 3.1.8 Version 3.1.9 3.1.10 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 44 of 118 A any as 2 End its 36 US of point error third the splitter orders in splitter relay or shall Line install Resale route the of office an South third the twenty- Page Spectrum collocation a of LEC will which will to letter, LEC EXHIBIT POTS of splitter Alabama, and Spectrum splitter or in serves LEC's, US Spectrum in in Attachment central US BellSouth designated BellSouth Complex the termination a Subscriber US a Party', office that continuity LEC, access splitter its the on in and office when to in ports Frequency BellSouth Carolina DSO or in the submission US change The third increments bill notificafion Frequency have (ii) a office Digital ports (96) central Frequency in close High a or BellSouth a central splitters will North Loop, ensure office. placed a LEC's High LEC's, Party', the the carrier area applicable is High to in splitter. central have a making ace the to US US splitter order as designated purchase the third S to the the Party„shall of ninety-six to order possible; central maintain LEC the its Loop must with to in if to or BellSouth on may splitter particular before service. shall or common on Mississippi, and a that US days third the litter or (LSOD) a charges access the Sharin circuit LEC in of on area, of (24), S ports Tennessee. days access (i) User LEC ports office. entitled the designated US in in with LEC's, install, and US collocated data contracted, where its be on End splitters calendar behalf ordering to portion US Louisiana, of or designated installed ports LEC Document has for on central calendar Spectrum in own (36) shall splitter permitted provide its collocation purchase litter-Line twenty-four data US (96) Sharin its be been change. or that purchase, LEC (30) the data. access S manual will Spectrum (DSLAM) the LEC (8), of of shall LEC's, has or US Ordering Kentucky, installed regardless shall Line Spectrum Party', LEC, LEC US test thirty-six out US thirty is provide select, Frequency install equipment LEC's of LEC provide eight LEC Loop. to US US ninety-six of whom third Provided will shall US urill least US will Loop. US BellSouth CLEC Splitter High or Frequency may DSLAM within Group. served Georgia, xDSL such electronic Multiplexer located, splitter close purposes, At for with a one Frequency the is of as Line (24) the provide LEC High order test lines possible. splitters Support Only Provisionin BellSouth follows: To Party US once free particular Access User BellSouth Once LEC on High wiring BeHSouth BellSouth and suppliers, pay increments the Party', space. informing Florida, Carolina. four BellSouth designated as for rack 3Q04 3.1.11 3.2 3.2.1 Version 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 45 of 118 A A the is 2 US line in for 37 rates test to the with (CFA) the and at splitters Existing a point. the its BellSouth area to and POTS Page Loop ANSI designated Party. digital collocation or any an EXHIBIT established. where pay office bantam using its its with is any a as access website BellSouth is ordering Attachment third office or in to LEC, future accordance shall relating install point Spectrum. via the test provide any Assignments in central BellSouth LEC US at when any to the or Agreement. service apply. LEC, may defined Party, LEC central the at or for US is from splitter and compliance this US LMU in used purposes If E, US designated shall itself Facility common third in conditions of Party, User's Frequency be area a Loop its available 4 for and to office to frame of and maintain the End splitters Annex third Office High bill specified termination customers and Guide that a Spectrum. Spectrum Preordering the common of terms format LEC A. designated access its central maintenance Connecting order to or shall access deployed a to to its T1.413, to the Attachment US the be install and LSR 4-Central a using have point distributing or in may Interval ports designated Sharin to Sharin and Exhibit the access the exits its ANSI access section, that Frequency LSOD Frequency in data repair main forth LEC BellSouth LEC, as Spectrum. or Line Line Collocation Parties for LEC this LEC — for with — purchase, the time set permits Services arrangements, US High US signal customers High of Attachment or DSO US on US air both LEC, splitter by its the procedures and defined in such litter described data point access to option splitters to US is the Re at comply BellSouth's Frequency Sharin S as and splitter, Spectrum. Party, its Agreement. which and forth provide provision deploys provide purposes use such and at have collocation in DSO installed shall Point deactivate High access Line this rules set Products third its services For will will — will owned use voice of may shall shall in services, has and Standards. demarcation Provided office with it Frequency Party', may splitters cross-connect BellSouth the LEC LEC LEC terms such use splitters LEC subscriber Collocation Collocation arrangement splitter affiliate. Orderln central Teruunation designated not will third CLEC US activate for Any that premises. US BellSouth High BellSouth the for BellSouth's h:// BellSouth Maintenance US combined which BellSouth 3Q04 Version 3.5 3.5.1 3.4.2 3.4.1 3.4 3.5.2 3.5.3 3.5.4 3.6 3.6.1 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 46 of 118 A for 2 of third LEC other a LEC 38 offer US the a line space UNE- if splitter, the LEC, a US UNE should into or unless Users Data physical be CLEC a Page shall on connection. from the a line US Loop, authorized EXHIBIT provider the is the in End will a responsible same Users its physical Point. LEC, the Attachment to through Loop, to services, cross and be or collocation another of notify the the and US it End provide terminates Party, trouble BellSouth spectrum switching be to the will to UNE will and LEC the with CLEC trouble service the loop LEC) Splitting third portion may US Attachment. from the arrangement Party Termination between the collocation that data event obtains wishes Voice by Data this Line test problems services a LEC the frequency or UNE-loop, one (a and BellSouth in Each Party's LOA User stand-alone a where isolates UNE-P which and a may data CLEC and from high Data designated arrangements voice it in and to End the LEC, voice other and its the the signed provision and services office sections port, switching If direct the or a US the services. to arrangements services. service and to premises to to splitting splitter, data deliver trouble splitter, repairing own with data CLEC impaired, LEC, Loop, of central converted UNE-port data notify to its line for a voice the own desires Users Service. be are following US the in it Splitting voice and trouble its connects shall UNE Voice a a at by End belonging the will owns equivalent. customer's CLEC) repairing provider Line BellSouth to its Loop. voice The provides its a which cross equipment. engage the services receiving to Splitting for Point. trouble purchasing or the responsible at isolated provides accordingly. receives Voice is LEC with provided of own data may be the Line (a inform Loop. stand-alone provide allows BellSouth has provide pursuant NID its a US LEC Arrangement frame LEC arrangement arrangement If and LEC will currently LEC to converted not shall collocation carriers. CLEC the shall same US btq US splitter, Party portion responsible US be BellSouth Termination event US If services a isolating a ordering splitting voice will the two be Users BellSouth. splitting bill LEC LEC UNE-P the the Voice may Once or BellSouth call Party between will maintaining US both Party's When collocation and different L~is Line voice over In using Collocation distribution jack. party, Where line US or LEC End P agent the port, activation. converted 3Q04 3.6.2 3.6.3 3.6.5 3.7 3.6.4 3.7.1 Version 3.7.2 3.7.3 3.7.5 3.7.4 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 47 of 118 A to a the to 2 and a and to owns 39 the for NID its the for Line to US billing UNE- use Loop Loop or LSR the High CFA bill line and to with Service Page agent point collocation whereby an collocation (i.e. to the MDF the to EXHIBIT When LEC cooperatively with Loop. the the activation, ordering analog BellSouth the Attachment Based meet Splitting. US center discontinue on line Splitting process work submits BellSouth CO from same continues from requires The BellSouth a when continue splitter. authorized compatible When Line will location connecting wire the will combination its designed Line the will not agent LEC from used Service. to or User. with is Service, non spectrum port over be develop Splitting it User's Spectrum a termination Data serving use connection to connection End to LEC Elements. and provide of BellSouth connection End BellSouth the splitters the Line Voice for ace Splitting the BellSouth US if authorized unless migration cross services cross S may the format of Loop point frequency its to from cross CFA at order a Line Retail serve Frequency Sharing. following: Network or Loop the splitter, Splitting, to procedures be splitting, litter LSR for high charges is NID the provide Loop the must High Line Spectrum. LEC and the the Line line BellSouth collocation collocation the LSOD LEC may applicable to to a existing cannot or andS US collocation to BellSouth splitter owns Collocation Loop LEC using responsibility analog a port; port. stand-alone requires are the Based) and port Data and compatible LEC Loop. the second methods US DSO is littin CLEC a agent use center pairs. Frequency is the voice (CO voice and the Loops copper littin scenarios S a It a converted Data BellSouth's and location; S on a associated service may and Splitting wire to to Loop High Voice are individual provide develop space; arrangement, Loop procedures all use Line and non-designed 2-wire change to the the be data deactivate Line assignments, cable Line a Users agent authorized Spectrum for splitter. User's if to The — shall CLEC LEC, migration for serving shall service. service and its port must UNE-P End CLEC connected connected End the LEC LEC*s a or LEC's CLECs Data foregoing other LEC collocauon splitter, unloaded Voice LEC but the splitter. sharing following: When US Data BellSouth determine authorized Data BellSouth Provisionin The LEC at the space a from splitter P), the space An the Data The from Frequency For with Orderin activate Splitting Voice US BellSouth 3Q04 3.8 3.7.6 3.8.1 3.8.2 Version 3.8.3 3.8.4 3.9.2 3.9 3.9.1 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 48 of 118 A for this of 2 US the rates 40 of LEC will with in loop High to rates and features, function LEC the trunks. its 2.5 US from any Page Party to capable or separate Loop US The EXHIBIT pay Unbundled below a is BellSouth's injury, switching physical Attachment is point. Each LEC Secfion trunk-side against accordance shall trunks switching the with resulting at Unbundled in in Based) existing suritch. US switch Nonrecurring and Collaborative. provider, or and circuit Sections and and LEC to an the the damages, forth (CO the LMU data on services. of US from website local the lines, termination in set that arising Modification Sharing to includin the to line-side compliance the and data services the LEC Attachment. problems service. at in forth all not demands, bill Spectrum Line Loop at: include and US and all is as access this set features trunks voice BellSouth abili it to Preordering capabilities the of as A. web suits, shall reasonably shall service to in voice equipment. Modification A direct and Ca com. available and the defined to trunks, fees the vertical premises Frequency own on except is Unbundled repairing harmless to action, switch Exhibit Loop access all Guide its Exhibit Splitting of in for BellSouth splitting Users modification the High developed hold in bellsouth lines basis, found functions, Switchin LEC attorney telecommunications of Based) for line Line provider. a abili End Iittin be and non-discriminatory customer's US capability Loop includes causes maintaining forth Interval of its S lines, (CO Unbundled Ca data described the may for set to Switchin Circuit maintaining features, responsible at as procedures Agreement. defend the as unbundled Line provide from reasonable provision provide provide be for actions, capabilities inform — the lines Services purchasing by Procedures an switching switching are NID this Local provision Local interconnection with is Spectrum agent. will will will will shall and on of plus and Switchin shall the services the service losses, taken responsible circuit circuit LEC Modification including indemnify, for //www be offering LEC terms such responsible connecting US htt for accordance distinct Attachment. Loop h:// BellSouth Products BellSouth the BellSouth Frequency US authorized shall claims, this Maintenance BellSouth between will If costs actions Unbundled BellSouth be LEC Tandem capability Unbundled Local facilities, functions, of Local 3Q04 Version 3.9.4 3.9.5 3.9.3 3.10.2 3.10 3.10.1 3.10.3 4.1 4.2 4.2.1 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 49 of 118 A to In or one this and 2 the and DSI 41 and of the (4) of of a I the LEC and Point, a of LEC, ability such local A To features, selects to place terminate necessary, to Interoffice Page related US four as originated with US if in the provided the User EXHIBIT Zone switching functions. switching, Lauderdale, and User for call prior of by be BellSouth's function in BellSouth signaling, elements: with Attachment and service combinations calls Exhibit and, Ft. User Users'ocal End a above Office to End and in remain will Salem-High disconnect for as circuit circuit any from (2) FL; tone, routing User Agreement. End End End discretion. local or presubscribe in not originate calling local switching forth its an shall UNE dial BellSouth local this End to local BellSouth signaling local and unbundled a Transport provisioned available transitioned set for may by an calls by as included local by above the assistance as or Orlando, area are switching serves circuit of are and/or listing, customized BellSouth and rates described above such User (CIC) FL; BellSouth a BellSouth's (2) LEC that serves BellSouth separate unbundle served local as a local local Common at covered or consider by and or to provision if level End directory tables (I) those US provided Code where Functionality, Greensboro-Winston three or arrangement feasible lines User area with be be the LA; by will directory Miami, duty level tariff, DSI of capabilities custom or intraLATA to I a LEC: NC; LEC's 1.7. End service. User, unbundle routing with shall capabilities GA; the or unbundled for and services, User's DS originated (LPIC) to US service Parties at US toll any Attachment Hill, Orleans, End general or number, Switching calling, the consists combined to technically End basic the terminated required any Switch Section Identification at this carrier 2004. when Atlanta, equivalents in be New Camer local to any operator User, of I, not such required purchases then serving Office functions, same agreement association Agreement is custom as switching and is User 1.7 be in telephone provides End LEC must interLATA Carrier Loop the (DSO) Switching Switching End this LEC UNE, April BellSouth's primary that MSAs: as switching well not LPIC, TN; a End for US hereof, of LEC signaling). pursuant and, US local as a separate features, to its until Section a Local such Local Ports, US including to shall include (via as Date capacity 911, Date unbundled the Interexchange that to to Switching carrier BellSouth LEC switching to that Ports. following Switching for also voice-grade particular Arrangement unbundled Nashville, the US Charlotte-Gastonia-Rock Centrex, a the a higher and addition, customers, access circuit databases switch. for of UNE Notwithstanding BellSouth more FL; or extent Effective such providing, Rates with Effective Local NC; pursuant Arrangements Attachment Unbundled Tandem pursuant Unbundled Unbundled Trunk presubscribe primary Provided uses Preferred BellSouth by terminated 3Q04 Version 4.2.2 4.2.4 4.2.3 4.2.5 4.2.6 4.2.7 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 50 of 118 A not for for the 2 than or such as 42 with with For forth local and shall in Party does specified calling number as Call set through other port Page the but between User as elements and EXHIBIT Each charges combines through (the BellSouth's ordered local for arrangements routing Local (GSSTl. common Party originating Attachment in End specified calls be requested a compensation BellSouth feasible consider UNE a as and access Process other by defined service UNE other unbundled to number access the BellSouth LEC may local utilized. will Tariffs as extended and elements an terminated the Any for US described calls A, LEC from the a URCF and bill Intercarrier as switched of technically digits UNE LEC BellSouth), switching process. services US switched facilities BFR/NBR Services telephone tmnsported be from are website. BellSouth the US BellSouth's shall (10) within than Exhibit the calls. are to in but or routing in shall switching service). to ten tandem features. charge LEC Attachment. originated service through that Party compensation other or rates. such BFR/NBR terminating area BellSouth US originate forth will LEC this local Subscriber (7) or for calls the calls available BellSouth's to (URCF the set party described retail selective available US that URCF Users'PIC, pursuant a Neither on non-switch-based as switching, individual as for calling charge terminate website. seven the those (i.e., and by End make General LEC calls be Intercarrier charges are made BellSouth through and for forth will unbundled local its local pursuant US originating from be capability currently using include shall shall Port set utilized. for to elements BellSouth's available, calls, access not basic will not calls except at utilized. BellSouth telephone LEC BellSouth's transported CIC and dialed originate Features are requested the platform BellSouth's such Flows UNE arrangements BellSouth provider purchases may on unbundled LEC Port US 11. provide be are are facilities of BellSouth Forwardin that that the of or For Forwarding Port toll switched dialed Unbundled Call LATA, US forward LEC between A3 calls, facilities can and will that forth that within access System to the for by Call calls Call may LEC BellSouth US applicable set same option, direct and Local calls local calls bill features any the US BellSouth Unbundled switch an Section the Attachment areas such in switched BellSouth). the terminating local UNE Where in BellSouth BellSouth Flows (i.e., use those terminate Unbundled For bill may appropriate. Charges exhibit, Where the Any the Operator in BellSouth requests Remote functionality As Remote transport 3Q04 4.2.8 version 4.2.9 4.2.10 4.2.11 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 51 of 118 A calls 2 fire and or non- 43 the party) US a and URCF call to for Circuit in all 911, URCF that station calls Page the URCF (MLT) mutually technical calling EXHIBIT the Signaling charge SMS/SCE a references. LEC (e.g. tandem service; radio Service by the Attachment Irom the incurred capacity its ensure on the standard Tests receive US originated restricted shall by capabilities to to by another the to to Multi-Frequency will be with to number URCF usage to, Loop technical or selected switching, (SSP) different offer caused adhere isolation dialed the sufficient LEC shall calls agrees Telcordia is customer destined safety BellSouth US local limited fault Point shall shall with Irom those standard number User connection Network traffic associated number port, not as permit and forward through in public Mechanized (service) all All a End are to service, (the Service and such equipped industry not calls) unbundled BellSouth (e.g., generated but service such telephone Signaling capabilities signaling is is triggers adjuncts number trace be for URCF (if utilized type points including number the to A Switchln SS7 call testing URCF be will Switching These 108 include, to (AIN) another applicable abnormalities. (service) (service) the not service LEC. to that Local can ordering and (service). Distributors. Exhibit the forward-to satisfied: for transport, routine manual US telephone interfaces access will congestion in provide in calls 107 (STPS). the are interconnect Network Call party) by routing URCF number number When of of to shall adjuncts forth charge forth number 105, the service service and perform control perform provide provide common manner. Switch Unbundled as set set the calling User schedule. User); network volume to These and using requested for shall shall shall conditions shall Intelligent shall Automatic the software number). such URCF End forward-to forward-to rates URCF Point if the and subscriber. End service; BellSouth upon by forward-to and the the the the the the calls addition police the dialed similar service following That forwarded service That or switching, That receive That In LEC fiom BellSouth test agreed call-ins discriminatory to Provision specifications BellSouth BellSouth signaling interfaces. trace. Transfer BellSouth Node Advanced offering. BellSouth trunking 3Q04 1.1.3 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.2 1.1.4 4.2.1 4.2.1 4.2.1 4.2.1 version 4.2.1 4.2.12 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 52 of 118 it A N 2 44 to DSI CLEC's listed signaling services Location computers (where and the Page switch. Automated the following EXHIBIT ISDN E911 the User the for (e.g. over the Attachment the correct Q.932 End on-hook with from tandem in specifications channels data Technical the Automatic 4-Wire lamp); the Centralized provide via Q.931, and E911 Nx64 BellSouth equipment E911 located resulting to waiting shall direct compatible be Telcordia the groundstart, in number via or maintaining TR-NWT-303 standards errors provided configure or address/location provisioned number appropriate message to and any interfaces BellSouth the and physically ANSI ANI location appropriate and for loopstart to telephone to A. including service to via customer shall User telephone or name liable Requirements; number data, have trunks capabilities Interfaces. associated group PBX; End PBX; Exhibit TR-NWT-08 including and adhering PBX adhering individual to to in User's who Carriers. and with calling to trunk Capability area. the PBX End Technical telephone Switchin (CAMA) LEC listed ISDN physical DS1 ports Loop Database. to systems); its Switchin interface Telcordia as (PRI) interface interface US number, responsible service to interfaces: interface Locator address/location of order invalid pass maintain actual (ALI) ISDN be Digital Local signaling; Tandem Telcordia of Interface analog DS1 the analog response provide Fractional E911 Tip/Ring shall calling Accounting shall shall will Switch Rate Interface Users as to adhering 24)„'. Rate for switching phone with Users. voice LEC to End LEC LEC LEC 1 Standard Unbundled wishes local (e.g., Coin Requirements; Two-wire Four-wire Four-wire and appropriate Switched US Basic Loops interconnect Primary = All Port Tandem US US corresponding address Identification submission Primary Message US Unbundled End 3Q04 17 version 4.2.13 4.2.14 4.2.15 4.2. 4.2.16 4.3 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 53 of 118 A a 2 as AIN 45 office switch that and limited melded and and UNE at Point to or or Tandem basic end Tandem studies, the not utilize number between Page trunk- actual 911; The time LEC the office EXHIBIT originating calls are (i) call to above, Because that Supplement, scenarios for Free Tandem functions (ii) capabilities of US supporting Attachment melded end utilize connection; call melded but as: separate Company the Answering call apply. fime by the upon calls originating Toll used measure the or card; in connection to shall is in of to to Tandem (iii) from utilized. routing shall full triggers fmm tandem when the menfioned include Safety defined based apply a equivalent trunk the the and interoffice is originating to, agreed been 2R2, applied AIN access or tandem capability; basis usage network an shall Independent the BellSouth Public has capability are the percentage when amended switch call for Issue to trunks; such establish Switching limited jointly the as Element developed, from specifically distinguished provide provide features. Switch to and recording, to rates per and as has not a has (as has capabilities BellSouth Element average BellSouth call utilized BellSouth, shall shall illustrate on are scenarios. a panel trunks Tandem to the website, the scenario switch Network Tandem scenarios. available to same but deployed of been signaling connectivity for screening Switching conversion these call Switches not the Network BellSouth are indicate BellSouth has in TR-TSY-000540 limited is connect scenarios. actual Switching reference, Switching account specific Tandem each include, have connecting call until provide not provide capability portions the provide BellSouth's Tandem this in into cross for office, of these signaling terminating Tandem but for a such on routing Element by solutions in Rate the shall shall will Switching shall requirements every Tandem Tandem Telcordia accurately which at the and and takes utilizes usage rate apply in 911 in CLEC for such forth uirements The extent Switching function herein port the that traffic, set cannot LEC Network rate including rates Tandem Re the services where Switching Switching Switch Switching Switching Switching Switching facilities, where rate 1990. to US UNE trunk applicable, applicable, the point following: termination described a I, Flows Tandem centralized the Switching Switching The connect trunk switch are switches), operator from Facility-Based melded Switching Where terminating where recordings Technical Tandem Tandem Tandem which Call incorporated Tandem those June to Where features switch, Tandem Tandem BellSouth; Where database; Tandem (PSAP)s 3Q04 Version 4.3.1 4.3.2 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 54 of 118 A is is US 2 per the and 46 to calls that direct SCR central US traffic 0- SCR SSP Line purpose needed" shall utilized. Contract Page User of per All provide this AIN from and the Charge destinations. "as performed from a EXHIBIT be switch Switching Assistance AIN BellSouth's of set assistance, BellSouth available an 0+ for End will on a Attachment A in provide Local will to LEC. on Local capability. Switching where then calls, made received shall US routinely SCR LEC's utilize the stored remit be Directe and/or directory overflowing of Exhibit underlying such pre-selected and BellSouth office US abnormalities. Establishment in to and assigned AIN the shall connectivity traffic Tandem from shall has testing of shall operator Team traffic on be LEC, request Switching forth calls LEC free SCR Office central Services LEC 555-1212 where service network regionally set the US Switch groups, US provide testing toll routing shall US routing of available End LEC's at to AIN each camera. center Account and by manner. the isolation of the office crater Tandem in

shall not US its trunk of class (LNPA), switches. charges SCR) 0 testing other Tandem for fault are repair points Service, 10 LEC, established central for originating switching database. basic provided Area and 611 Such such from features, (AIN be US reports assigned a capability through nonrecurring overflow Switching DMS pattern to a groups. each by be and local Plan and and the and of first Point in SCR Regional of

process be extent to testing Routin congestion capabilities nonrecurring will Routing trunk with non-discriminatory must the unique routing AIN Tandem a SCR information utilized results shall shall Switching. triggers Control to these provides traffic in is Order to purchase LCCs LEC assistance addition available control SCR usage perform basis. Carrier The Numbering AIN Carrier order AIN There (LCCs) US switch. the Centers not SCR when alternate same of shall may high transit AIN Tandem at Service is state


Element Service shall air Switching Local an pursuant restricted appropriate, BellSouth local AIN directory The per US due Codes ordering Selective Selective be SCR SCR Re be provide office LEC BellSouth. NPA support routing 1+411 capabilities Where of BellSouth by LEC. BellSouth Tandem LEC's In end and providing will Where 0+ Network Upon provide AIN AIN will US shall Manager. office Where Class basis. AIN AIN established. Upon Regional office Attachment. 3Q04 Version 4.3.3 44 4.4.1 4.4.3 4.4.2 444 4.4.5 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 55 of 118 A is at will US 2 shall 47 to order have utilizes AIN and when User LEC US following class normal provided BellSouth LEC Page B, payment Options and Assistance firm Order OCP/DA the US EXHIBIT order paid End E. order. line commences. US LEC route completed to Attachment. Attachment. response if Attachment of be Form switching, switches. - second US (SCR) will Form this this fully Routing Routing. BellSouth - to alternate type rates. original order provides service billed End-User must BellSouth's the BellSouth of of completed all non-refundable for an office be Call A A the SCR this available this of firm or be Request nonrecurring billed Table until Routing from Attachment. fully on end of a for unbundled will be AIN only this SCR-LCC payment will own be this following contracted is Exhibit Exhibit Order Processing/Directory platform C, of (SCR-LCC) listed its of Selective cycle LEC's will Carrier nonrecuning in in per Charge shall A to Order LEC tumed-up submission schedule switching Call charge example, US Codes BellSouth Form The or be forth — forth Codes BellSouth„BellSouth to US the Combinations billing for delivery Offices billed Charge there OCP/DA through SCRSCR charges. local SCR-LCC order. to set set not Selective Class Exhibit Service be the than with of delivery Form as Class Order. Operator in AIN will requested Query query OCP/DA respond will be Central billed needed, the its Line Routing monthly With type Establishment other nonrecumng Charge to provider Line activated, the forth be Per per the Regional unbundled etc., that and OCP/DA. Regional Service shall Office in BellSouth's up-front this have Orders set of that for Usin days will D, to User using to Order Office normal service. SCR the Query Order. as to for due provider Identification Unbranded of the charge cycle End components Per End Central LEC AIN Form or half calls percent considers transport, routed available Regional purchases cycle - for including: half Routin A, Charges charge Service calendar Routing Service is US the Office LEC SCR one Self-Branded the up (90) services User billing calls local LEC for BellSouth's Establishment (30) Form Call Call network US for for forms billing Branded AIN with US End BellSouth Central turned ninety nonrecurring Regional capacity Regional remaining nonrecurring the each thirty other normal paid operator a Said SCR Selection as least following For Establishment This LEC, The been The End-User pay be required Request-Form has Selective monthly Additionally, the Selective received Establishment capability (OCP/DA) All unbundled Where an Custom code LEC's platform 3Q04 Version 4.4.8 4.4.7 4.4.6 4.4.10 4.5 4.4.9 4.5.1 4.5.2 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 56 of 118 A if to by 2 for to 48 LEC LEC End areas. Self- and the LEC„ central the UNEs each office US US to to combined with NPA), to unbundled LEC BellSouth Page Rates rate US in the intends a References Custom by by WATS end certain EXHIBIT provided LEC's per by groups is by US Network and for port/loop LEC Network apply particular for Users Attachment for DA. group LEC switching US BellSouth each Branding. US typically the for trunk multiple ports in There US End apply shall network. services, require by trunk required requested requested are Self OCP/DA each network. that and identified combined (TOPS) programmed and is tandem in these identify available unbundled shall its Combined" for serve that Combined" are in charge in common to required and not mean and LCC areas office LCC unbundled Branding Branded is identified already System BellSouth Elements Elements use Services are ride Attachment. charges appropriate Users LCCs Hotel/Motel end rate shall its Provider ports office the not each with Self elements Typically intends to unique tariffs. specifically (DA) the this switching in "Currently calls of End for a offices LCCs are are end Custom and in usage Position to Network Network its "Not unique LEC Operator as over Service end multiple but OCP LCCs (i.e., and to to office LEC limited Elements BellSouth for forth and US unbundled such BellSouth conjunction US The not end BellSouth Combinations Assistance LEC combines set those routed recurring serves Branding each Operator Additional in NPAs and/or by particular particular with references as by but where be US establishment Operator OCP/DA Network specific rated from required DA the the services. are from References Unbranded by service, used the can switch Traffic LEC are flat Element Custom applicable monthly Directory branding. for LEC switch BellSouth multiple that that the for Section, Services A PBX platform. in requested calls US when including combined for US -branded office combinations. that this trunking BellSouth mean the groups mean network. office requested Combined" serves SCR-LCC forth Unbranded of charge end provide to BellSouth - Network certain by LEC OCP/DA supporting for already Operator set TOPS. end to service, OCP/DA or shall shall switch transport. Elements trunk OCP/DA the OCP/DA the Branding and US office Furthermore, of elements available, combinations, if are to so fact location dedicated Rates purposes end in not "Ordinarily the BellSouth's SCR-LCC Separate The office. switch order either Custom classes service, BellSouth customized the and/or are nonrecurring BellSouth necessary conunon Branded Unbundled Branding trunks Unbranding provisioned BellSouth Where Users requested provide For Elements to in in Elements are port/loop Network sQ04 version 5.1 4.5.7 4.5.6 4.5.5 4.5.4 4.5.3 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 57 of 118 A as a and is 2 DS1 the area 49 when with set each of met High- such readily obtain the that the camer not is number are and at to LEC Page the LEC criteria functions interoffice transport in not are EXHIBIT portion is that or US US local and combine perform EEL, Attachment a converted combination certifies applicable. criteria where BellSouth's to to carriers a EEL order. service if facilities requirements requesting modifications, loop DS1 51, notify to eligibility dedicated an elements such Element Element provide of with the such other the voice thereby equipment, assigned Part each may that that below, of eligibility 1.7.4. those shall access necessary be BellSouth transport network eligibility with if where local LEC for Network Network 5.2.5 unbundled C.F.R. will except circuit, ability canceling US in service even facilities, the interconnect met provided combination 47 Section BellSouth and routine request or service the a or functions User to DS1 BellSouth provide in any complies circuit; are interoffice instances is EEL, and the or to may the Combined all End Loops Elements, each EEL, manner, and that forth specified with through network, in following level with herein LEC However, as EELs". believe set modifying EEL: any each undermine over loop the and 251(c)(3) as DS3 of US perform in to Elements not EELs of $ forth not EEL. DS3 Network together certification including Ordinarily comply 51, available unbundled a all set High-Capacity shall does or service will a EEL: of and/or option BellSouth's on it state Part Links those available High-Capacity of that U.S.C. must in provided Network inade Elements requirements for and the circuit, EEL commingled Criteria DSI 47 that are criteria be "High-Capacity be new modifications circuit or to a commingled EELs to C.F.R. Attachment, the certify BellSouth have order below. can received combine order at ibili level 47 feasible an provision UNEs Extended Network this combined to eligibility combinations an but EEL, UNEs unbundled combined shall to must has High-Capacity circuit in Eli 5.2.5 the eligibility network DS3 to pursuant the are served; request, in to each High-Capacity LEC LEC LEC placing each Each a detects 1) Capacity High-Capacity it available Service transport and/or EELs, High-Capacity forth By service Upon ordinarily access Enhanced EELs defined necessary for US If pursuant routine US provisioned underlying meets unbundled technically network. US being For DSI-equivalent prior 3Q04 Version 5.2.3 5.2.2 5.2.1 5.2.5 5.2.4 5.2 5.1.1 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 58 of 118 a A as for as all and 2 50 third in in capable a material will High- LEC conduct 6.36 Certified the except voice by capability number all criteria, Page any compliance the an US LEC EXHIBIT for in switch party' party' comply reimburse collocation with basis, appropriate local an a equivalent local a Attachment E911 US with to standards performed Sections LEC's in by by true-up or the materiality must service (28) be perform BellSouth own the eligibility conducted calling calling Institute to of US annual comply reimburse failed complied to having 911 by its be must the the LEC whether to an served served must local with will for Standards LEC on LEC service terminate trunk; trunk; have be be compliance 51.318(c); US have shall circuits LEC concept DS1 audit failed Auditor US paid American US the the facilities regarding will will will will twenty-eight US transmit transmit CFR must The conclude the audit forward. the verify notice, the and that that LEC criteria, over active over 47 accordance BellSouth to other will will User User User User least by and will applicable The EEL of Attestation in US opinion or (1) at circuit, going hired require End End End End the circuit; written an criteria. LEC LEC order noncompliant ), DS3 that one report criteria, in a have below, EELs concludes concludes will US US eligibility that AICPA each each each each with criteria. exchanged exchanged days audited each issue on least established in to to to to evaluation payments must an DS1 Auditor. over at Auditor" audit. (30) and requirements calls calls report report eligibility which which which records its (" service sections. concludes for Auditor's the eligibility circuit traffic. (24) respects DS3 the convert the have eligibility with with the of correct over over thirty the it; provided service provided provided provided standards (AICPA). LEC's service with each Section established will auditor voice AICPA, to the perform of criteria be be be be cost meets and Auditor Auditor's with Auditor's service the in trunk trunk upon US material to to to to are applicable the service that engagement" the the the the the LEC of payments, local that must all make so twenty-four with audit I-equivalent by connection connection in may, for noted in US EEL assigned other qualifying respects with circuit circuit circuit associated circuit in in DS and provision audit eligibility this Accountants extent extent extent each independent to standards the and Auditor the the the costs Each switching Each Each Each Each For 3) 5) interconnection interconnection 7) of limited Capacity otherwise accordance 2) assignment arrangement 6) capacity, Public The established "examination govern complied such 6.64 number BellSouth party numbers prior 4) number difference service, with To service To material BellSouth its To respects 3Q04 Version 5,2,5.2.5 5.2.6 5, 5.2.7 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 59 of 118 A or as be 2 FL; 51 served (4) User support (2) LEC primary Section shall a LEC's or applicable to Page area End US elsewhere four access to and Miami, Greensboro- terminated presubscribe EXHIBIT switching US exchange the with switching, LEC Network 911 LA; for Unbundled this to any be premises to with Attachment for GA; NC; FCC US of for User's the service local special loop pursuant along to circuit user must in circuit combinations 1.7 contained User ability Hill, any End serving LEC Orleans, and end switching UNEs, presubscribe in is local Atlanta, the database End local provide US surcharges to to rights such port New an pursuant Section applicable Elements and 911 same LEC of Port/loop described bill Loop 911 circuit to and the as provide MSAs: the Arrangements Arrangement and/or US all not hereof, in serves services unbundle where, to to Elements local calls. TN; to that Network such will (I) such of capacity Date BellSouth pursuant Parties'udit lines service paying Attachment access duty and following the or combinations the required extent for toll locations LEC: Network this provisions in higher unbundle requirements LEC, Charlotte-Gastonia-Rock to the Nashville, in of not the place to or BellSouth US unbundled of Effective special disconnect US is I general FL; termination in To NC; of provide by basis or feature one service. DS loop liability updates to as shall when addition equivalents a section unbundled of responsible intraLATA Element. required toll and in I and 911 converts Point, remain is for User Port with be BellSouth above are (DSO) not Combinations port BellSouth's or Lauderdale, required LEC Zone combinations. LEC unbundled not Agreement. make End (2) origination calling LANGUAGE transitioned BelISouth of transport User agency. Network termination in Ft. rules, an may carrier not in US US rights or or this the interLATA is shall and shall the on End any. local FL; Salem-High by to for if for Agreement. an LEC audit Switching event Port/Loo voice-grade port/Loop particular primary same a BellSouth US unbundled the a this described PROPOSED in In subject Combinations switching service the Local carrier These tariffs, UNE for 1.7. to BellSouth Elements Commission an more Orlando, serves BellSouth by Winston covered as arrangement Notwithstanding BellSouth surcharges. by Attachment UNE governmental Rates 3Q04 5.2.8. 5.3.2 5.3.1 Version 5.3.3 5.3 5.3.4 5.4 BELLSOUTH ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 60 of 118 A in A. of US in in for 2 and or A. 52 shall shall and set forth Exhibit methods facilities C.F.R. forth forth Exhibit Exhibit in as non- extent those in Exhibit Page set in in the charges 47 set set and to not Exhibit provision EXHIBIT in the combinations. combinations. and as BFR/NBR is port/loop Combined Combined methods Elements in Elements forth Attachment forth forth with the To rates the rates such such long Elements set Elements Combined set set for to forth UNE addition recurring transmission so as and/or have specifically recurring with with specifically in specifically set Network Network Currently and LEC Ordinarily not as the of of available. rates combination accordance Network Network charge provide are herein, LEC US of cost-based pursuant Ordinarily and in is does to specifically specifically interoffice US Elements the that Elements Elements as shall where Services. sum associated associated forth to such to at not not A Elements basis set is is the access, for Combined individual individual rates rates non-recurring combination combination as developed be switch combination, Combined above, Fiber BellSouth Network Network Network rate 5 the the the be Exhibit network BellSouth those those 251(c)(3), shall Network in such be be be the 5, II Dark will for for unbundled which Service, Ordinarily A, Combinations Non-Qualifying combination combination Combined Section Combined Currently an shall shall shall forth for and an Combined rates rates Combined Combined for on provide U.S.C. set Section non-recurring this UNE Elements 6 individual BellSouth's to other nondiscriminatory Exhibit 47 in in this Where in solely combination Currently Currently Combined Combined and in those place recurring recurring Attachment Attachment Attachment Currently Ordinarily Currently Section A. provide combination provide in Network forth Non-Qualifying applicable for used such such such Combined the the specifically a forth the the the of this this this this set Channelization referenced for of of the and not for for 51.319, Combined shall shall of of of set in for t for for rates Currently Currently is LANGUAGE to Exhibit A A A ort as a a rate sum rate sum combinations. in requests rates rates rates Typically procedures the the the the forth specifically combination The Where addition The Except combinations Ordinarily Where A, be The Exhibit those Exhibit A, be A. Exhibit /I'1.311, BellSouth specifically and recurring Trans BellSouth Not LEC procedures process. described Qualifying facilities ~T* PROPOSED 3Q04 LEC Version 5.4.1 5.4.3 5.4.2 5.4.1 US 5.4.4 6.1 6.1.1 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 61 of 118 A a or is at 2 US end and 53 LEC US in and to by more the shall to, the US only BellSouth Page by in interoffice customer to in EXHIBIT non- between that ofthe will defined interoffice interoffice a Element BellSouth Attachment extent limited circuits as Switching back of in functionality shared switching connected by requirements such the not carrier carrier; the are particular switches, to point switches, connections a local or STS-1 BellSouth's or but BellSouth Network Circuit delay owned capabilities to as facilities this Transport has and connect obtain CO) the capabilities collocated" and office and tandem to to to of Local Elements Transport. from Transport customer and customer DS3, end including Transport systems. switches part (CO jitter, LEC LEC Transport 51.319(e) Agreement, or path one BellSouth Dedicated as "reverse between DS1, US US LEC, transmission functions, Network this (Shared) unbundled that on Office than as between Dedicated and particular of (Shared) C.F.R. US functions, rules, a centers optical Dedicated 47 by to provided availability, more feasible, feasible, extent cross-connect in of features, is wire Central transmission defined BellSouth by FCC's provided Common providing the switches, features, to and constitute use Common provision BellSouth, the to is the To digital of inactivated the wiring defined dedicated feasible Transport. designated by shall Where shared and is between other of is Office technically technically tandem standards. access Transport, performance, Transport such facilities; exclusive use any including LATA. premises, and center the defined extent extent (Shared) provide facilities, facilities Central network. BellSouth's LEC as equipment Transport technically LEC to wiring, Transport same wire shall: industry shared the Requirements the (Shared) meet (Shared) facility; for carrier, by to transmission US all unbundled or to to above. the collocated switches Fiber for one Common required equipment, incumbent Common than office BellSouth's intraofftce Dedicated transmission uses within BellSouth Dark carrier, not Notwithstanding is LEC. Provide transmission Provide transport facilities provide BellSouth Permit, LEC's provided Technical Common specified Permit, minimum applicable Q04 3 Version 6.1.2 6.1.3 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 62 of 118 A set as 2 or end in 54 in the new copper same such in through of new capacity of forth the which a be may Page the DS3 centers maintenance Customer EXHIBIT set fiber, one identical for charges forth ways: more Common meet shall LEC requirements for as A Attachment and or wire set issuance available equipment the through US as Additional optical one the dedicated DS3) considered of between between provide 51, as I, made following Exhibit pass applicable be all specified minimum to in be DS a path the Part the paths such require BellSouth's through they at LEC. shall provisioning, modifications of meet transport. used conditions can of forth transmission and unbundled DSO, will US pass are but shall and C.F.R. set each shall to circuit (12) regenerators. facilities whether in 47 (e.g., that network requirements may another service include circuit transmission of rates to any. terms and unbundled a a Transmission over if engineering, and available twelve as of as delay Transport shall points service dedicated Transport UNE routine the of rates, facilities traffic. Transport existing end and (2) standards. and pursuant the for the re-terminated facility. such readily DS3) and the provided at switches. switches, irrespective amplifiers, defined one to switches date. two available the of be is (Shared) or or jitter, not Dedicated or cable, is UNE DS1, maximum is route industry and Dedicated transmission designated a may perform route "route", ort responsible between pursuant to centers centers equipment DSO, A centers coaxial shared offer circuits, equipment, single modifications, LEC be installation Common apply, a transport re-terminate obtain uirements same availability, wire and wire Transport route to US on wire the (e.g., any applicable disconnection DS3 Trans shall tariff. Transport shall designated A the shall Re DS3 to may of Transport. or for 1.7.4. the A pair, purchased BellSouth and network I as are underlying in circuit minimum, be request LEC terminating entire DS a capacity a the Dedicated US BellSouth (Shared) BellSouth of At forth Dedicated switches. As Dedicated twisted line circuits, dedicated applicable As intermediate intermediate service may BellSouth's Section points Any Exhibit circuit If request Technical The dedicated routine For performance, 3Q04 6.2 Version 6.2.3 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.5 6.2.4 6.2.6 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 63 of 118 A I, D, of and 2 a forth 55 as Plus use at Issue G.704. Issue service set the an G.707 the Page accordance on (51.84 EXHIBIT Central industry capability This with in Dedicated BellSouth. Attachment via 1996. MegaLink Dedicated for are of through Objectives, channelized STS-I for network and or requirements facility. or May activation rates Specifications, rates and applicable its C, compatible the facilities Recommendation multiplexing to the points Recommendation be of discretion Mbps) Service in channel Issue ITU capacity the interface accomplished each must (ITIJ) multiplexed at per optional be requested transmission Performance according lower be (44.736 Requirements Channel request meet the the rates termination can to COCI and the Union Standard system connections DS3 may the lexin shall The or interface references. Signals Specifications, with (PDH) Transport CO) connect provides connect LEC 4. MegaLink to Interface connect Multi specify Mbps) US shall Hierarchy) (UC) (CI cross ordered Transport (COCIs). technical Channelization following cross NECA Indication shall Hierarchy Dedicated and in Performance (1.544 the References: Digital Office LEC installed, Telecommunications digital office. Alarm and BellSouth industry DSI a design offer Digital Dedicated Interfaces collocation US facility a defined or been and or Channelization Central as Channelization shall shall LightGate Service Technical MegaLink Service, central has to allow Interface basis UNE Channel applicable capacity and (Synchronous UC 1986. 1995. Equivalent; International minimum, will 73501 73525 a the available multipl'exer standards. SDH Plesiochronous BellSouth Interface BellSouth Transport: DSO DSI; DS3; with infrastructure. Transport. in TR-TSY-000191 May TR Service At BellSouth June TR Unbnndled Mbps) a Unbundled that BellSouth Once needed Office lower is 3Q04 Version 6.3.1 6.3 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 64 of 118 A D, is 2 or it I it of 56 for through (COCI) DS Issue (I) of of Super Section if frequency Page on adhere in and such request EXHIBiT in office underground to maximum voice Attachment must access. or regeneration available a deployment, designated may forth Interfaces feature Extended maximum maximum exists is for available or Transport. systems system. system. set central a a it it into adhere LEC aerial made Specifications, and as digital this this (2) into into in bank, Fiber be US also Channel elements, optional equipment where rate deemed signal (SF) building with with can an provided be Dark signal signal must sub FCC, as I Office but existing channel not STS-I purposes, future ISDN. Frame channelization for the Performance a DS DS3 LEC modifications of Transport utilize a a by terminating fiber available available will and and and BellSouth US to repair is is Super Central channelization supported line available Fiber multiplex result Data following and a with be LEC optical network defined the either COCI COCI as channelizes schemes, of the Transport Dark as I I LEC's US Interface will channelizes channelizes readily for provide following standards. Digital with DS DS for US routine not not Fiber A A operation where, The strands is System: formats available maintenance signaling is available such Is. Grade, Is. will System: System: and coding ort Dark protocol standards for DS DS proper DSOs. necessary modifications, line make make and LANGUAGE Voice uirements various framing Transport functionality, (28) (28) perform (24) Trans network Transport assure industry shall LightGate Service Re BellSouth to for shall form B8ZS available. to BellSouth Fiber network to (ESF) Channelization Fiber electronics and Fiber 1995 Channelization Channelization by 73501 available: I order Dark PROPOSED STS-I facilities. interfaces: DS twenty-four are DS3 1.7.4. AMI Frame Technical strictly applicable encoding, BellSouth twenty-eight twenty-eight TR June Dark structure. In multiplexing Dark other If routine BellSouth BellSouth BellSouth's ~st becomes used 3Q04 Version 6.3.3 6.3.2 6.4 6.4.2 6.4.1 6.4.3 BELLSOUTH ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 65 of 118 A is use (10) for 2 it LEC it Fiber 57 set for than for LGX) or LSR. optical ten (1) US because and period, Dialing if Service Dark to Transport or Page its provide year other the free regarding (e,g., prices Fiber in EXHIBIT of (e.g., restricted Network time Fiber or Free within roads use Signaling, two the is service. Attachment only restricted Fiber problems designated deployment, and error to a it Dark SS7 at Access, is such points exists is cutover. Toll available or Dark media shall quality problems it Transport it it (3) shall the to Dark roads for valid, AIN information (3) the or within of (LIDB), Attachment, 8XX (2) Transport a collection, for to changes Service Within Fiber prior where deemed specifications. SS7 building this LEC fibers and fiber Databases, transmission connection Fiber BellSouth be in testing fibers Dark BellSouth (SWA) of transmission LEC. US the submits transmission Database results changes customer, customer, not for purposes, future place Points, to the Database availability Dark of forth billing telecommunications US use place of to Transport test a documented of LEC of will herein, to set for Access to Portability available, because of to repair performance from appropriate provided another another US loss is Transport. Fiber result provide Transfer because of due and and plans a (CNAM) by by provision to Information required responsible and documented LEC after as to contrary required Transport Fiber Number has Dark to networks Switched request databases not provision US a Line performance the BellSouth, confumation Name placed is placed days not solely efforts Transport due available. the removal usability to Signaling Dark is Fiber efforts is where, Local BellSouth, and other are its for continuity best the order maintenance order identification available none Fiber signaling or connect and written BellSouth Calling Service, BellSouth Dark to its receiving name business for including in to removal are to BellSouth finn firm (4) anything available. and Dark send make use a a BellSouth Transport, including provide for or (20) after reasonable used routing LEC includes short to to determine availability Databases scheduled there network none access shall shall is will shall if to carriers, Screening are Link US available. period. days LANGUAGE equipment it BellSouth PoiutU)atabases, are all twenty carriers, or requested that by Related scheduled Digit pursuant by pursuant location, all enable the there is infrastructure. if it infrastructure, Transport BellSouth's used use use because BellSouth &&customer Transport BellSouth use by planning BellSouth becomes business BellSouth Tlailspott. If commercially Provisioning fiber) the Call OSS, Signaling within to Databases transmission, Notwithstanding Ten Control unbundled Interconnection, PROPOSED 3Q04 LEC Version US 7.1 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 66 of 118 A the for the 2 data. 58 for SCP TFD Free routing and its and tariff. (8XX database and of tandem. using at or Transport, and Page LIDB based Toll 8XX 8XX LIDB Billing provides it or Channel Calling unbundled EXHIBIT number provides of developed interface may, Dl Link Service The Service that database network Attachment 8XX SSP LEC. queries and purchase are market option, validation The Special to Ten Point1Databases, information systems. the owner to agreement dialing US CCS Common calls. that and providing must and by (SWA) Attachment. identification the numbers is BellSouth Signaling LEC's from Screening Screening cards. SMS/8XX record protocol. 8XX be Elements calls respond Control Dlalin this LEC and US Interconnection, separate delivery, through for of billed converted not a Access Digit Digit and US selected provide At (SS7) Numbers is calling queries BellSouth's Free 10 to capabilities to as administrative national Billing to Signaling, Service Ten Ten need customer Network provide to Line Attachment, number Toll Network the LIDB, Seven receive to dialed. accessible screening Switched to Section LEC. other between this to instructions pursuant SS7 LIDB, switching features User as 8XX Number Dialing Dialing from Access, Database to additional POTS of response contains US digits originator System from interfaces in End rates to access any such required Free Free AIN SCP non-proprietaty that database ten Third circuit 4.2.2 SWA is interface Service, BellSouth also complex For query or Agreement. without with the pursuant designated SS7 LEC Toll Toll to Databases, based SCP 8XX the queries or based local is a call-handling on downloaded this The is Signaling US Section switching functions the is LIDB links 8XX Access 8XX of instructions to of Collect with to optional access Points, BellSouth Database data market Screening based accepts networks. life associated at Number provide SWA SWA circuit Portability Database offer uirements utilizes include unbundled other the to accept routing Digit stores where signaling responses. calls, Database) s provide Switched Line LIDB networks. to will transaction-oriented provided pursuant Re Transfer (CCS) SCP functionality local and the records a is Ten extent to (CNAM) Specification SCP 8XX is queries Number during CCS herein Service) Information 8XX BellSouth BellSouth ability LIDB the software the Signaling Service forth access To switching discretion, Dialing Signaling The (8XX functionality IN The TFD of delivery, Local BeIISouth The ANSI Line LIDB appropriate contains ~si provides Name Telephone other appropriate LIDB the the Technical Numbers. BellSouth LIDB 3Q04 Version 8.2 8.1 7.2 9.1 9.2 9.2.1 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 67 of 118 a at If A 2 in where 59 LEC year. US per provide solely be same Time. the and support LIDB US of telephone US that that which parity to per audits. a recent be negotiate Page control to are and in the of at established to shall EXHIBIT to hours reconciled required upon have LEC provide shall most the record Central data only Administration any) Attachment backup fraud be least formats, data LIDB indicate (12) LEC minutes 0.01% data (if US records the at Once functions. shall not values. from refer Base this function deficiencies deficiencies data of would LIDB US by the (30) LEC's shall than 1:OOPM LEC required update days. twelve will of the standard will performs the LIDB LIDB audit. date Data list US those LEC notice LIDB US to in are functions thirty password-protected of of more will of contact provide the LEC of US BellSouth The show before for status the other operating operating measured no all exceed via data day and business perform US against will to as of which the hour year. since BellSouth BellSouth records exceed not shall to that LEC, which LIDB LEC which which which meaning additional and from per three one BellSouth list not to received LIDB US function. shall for for for such respect made US LIDB, business the frame resolve in network. detection), by the are items, recovery of what BellSouth shall to hours (I) LEC, customer mismatches and within with necessary exceed Rom LIDB time function and updates data direction is item, fraud US to one LEC blocked systems systems systems systems (12) changes appropriately. records item request mail records person auto-deactivation). LEC's record same a not all US blocked BellSouth deletions data received, Such LIDB from records, missing 500 data being to LEC backup required LIDB LIDB LIDB LIDB US priority within the to support the twelve deletion card are and after system customer be each the being LIDB in back to US or contact than LEC. calls identify each least LEC electronic the updates, to than of will For in to at indicate provide provide or provide provide process of provide US customer calls perform calling weeks less audit update (e.g., LEC US records the essential updates LIDB in of if update in more to list (2) received for US values support by are shall shall result shall shall shall shall will 500 contact. shall a will shall (e.g., sending records no day to (DBAS) are two copy, services. request result not than facsimile, with BellSouth fiame items additions, addition, direction order BellSouth data System BellSouth would BellSouth would year. BellSouth overload BellSouth with performed Within LEC in certain acceptable the measures BellSouth LEC's card, BellSouth BellSouth All the BellSouth mismatches customer BellSouth designated records business more time BellSouth including backup 3Q04 Version 9.2.7 9.2.8 9.2.5 9.2.6 9.2.4 9.2.3 9.2.2 9.2.10 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 68 of 118 A as of or of 2 not by 60 in records in routing obtain be 99% period does query seconds comply Page forth fraud missing by for owned LEC Screening herein. EXHIBIT release. performs shall shall Customer time this set are software and 0.50 shall available, Attachment network US Screening customer of as for references new LIDB Data is specific currently by second new in (GTT) partially I standards. a the which LEC Data within described or BellSouth BellSouth deny LIDB data process reasonable owners, US messages signaling data standards. a technical when within LIDB capability LIDB of loading with BellSouth Data. industry administrative LEC data authorized requirements with the wholly and to the interface the in Translation partially such support within US standards. the not Currently, of at LIDB industry or with BFR/NBR reports is to of prior basis; Title the specific with ANSI-TCAP the time Customer associated When with defined use at that errors, itself. standard associated established by order LIDB the industry as or requirement. of RAO-0/IXX for in the Global in weekly of time to under Party completely a or accordance this with BellSouth. LIDB be performance performed owned to in on to is BellSouth accordance processing LIDB LEC misrouted and accordance outside other information access with LEC be LEC shall herein. capabilities. in defined in data network conditions in US with any are itself LIDB as any US US any mean processing LEC a to queries backup data as shall NPA-NXX for LIDB interpretation it by LIDB a LIDB that US normal an parity to or to screening reference well signaling Screening at of accordance allows LIDB Base responses provide prevent accept provide offer provide provide offer LIDB as the the in conditions to uirements under 11. BellSouth part Data least the access in between shall shall shall Data shall shall personnel shall shall shall within. scheduled, is interface which return of Re LEC at data of technical errors, is personnel, normal LIDB. US that LIDB the interface CCS LIDB shall LEC LEC messages the function, from recovery release BellSouth contain BellSouth BellSouth control BellSouth originators Data US US have BellSouth backups negotiated writing. BellSouth and BellSouth all Attachment under BellSouth Interface BellSouth subsection. The contained The The with to maintained Q04 3 I 9.2.1 Version 9.2.13 9.2.12 9.2.15 9.2.14 9.2.16 9.3 9.3.1 9.3.2 9.3.3 9.3.4 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 69 of 118 A of to it as SCP 2 be will 61 of last first or time send two provide facilities will layers links, the shall the Page of Signaling from shall this EXHIBIT in shall kbps switch transmission link signaling signaling in after a LEC of 56 Attachment and two between Attachment percentage ending forth LEC kbps US signaling Requirements days diversity the forth this set amended functionality 56 US (e.g., Points to signaling set is between as BellSouth months October between rates. A it dedicated BellSouth's to be include mode as to rates more and calendar (4) factor. three determine local intraoffice diversity. and Signaling or networks shall Signaling the to at respectively. Exhibit access July (30) four at past (2) and duplex connection CLECs). Guide, access ways: in elements pair; connection or a (PCLU) a the and Party is full two points. two thirty physical and two April, (2) is links. applied company reporting links. of for of connectivity. for designated switch mediated be (2) other than two Usage September, (4) and signaling interoffice Reporting contained testing control of usage the will pairs LEC two January, and Point B-link consist Transport signaling consist later four following different set Transport to LIDB of rates provide appropriate of to a US no of in satisfy and local the Factors June service is shall Link shall PCLU switch Link ort first may Available in on billed calculation LIDB CLEC Transfer shall pairs and consist access that: The provide compatibility be the consist A-link Point between the received March, to to based on layer Trans shall of that offer PCLU be such Signaling Transport Transport Transport perform shall switch points both uirements Signaling Percent BellSouth to paths databases. a Jurisdictional PCLU. Signaling link usage with shall Link a layer Re month subject PCLU Link Link shall Transfer Link with on layer Point and its December, transfer "A-link" and home such LIDB "B-link" alin application of a equipment, A-link an nalln a based BellSouth B-link signaling Signaling BellSouth databases systems signal available Si Signaling The BellSouth total to each day associated BellSouth's time. transmission Interconnection Technical ~SI Attachment. be update Signaling Signaling and follows: paths As As Transfer An A and A 3Q04 10.2 10.2.1 10.1 Version 10.2.2 10.2.3 10 10.2.4 9.3.5 I ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 70 of 118 A on of 2 an I nor 62 to and the SS7 to in other switch DS digits, separate the failure (TCAP) provide all a tandem Page between SPOIs. SS7 the Services used (2) links EXHIBIT of Switching Recall, the or local on (basic switches. is that Part originate associated includes and necessary 0 Attachment BellSouth switch, two both local within translated party are cause to of capabilities This their point STPs of or Tandem Class neither local BellSouth among Integrated designated functions network provided the that the and Automatic third shall or for the be of the that the Application channel failure SS7 Interconnection party the and transfer dialed to of all minimum connected third-party LEC's network. if the on a (STPS) DSO messages to should third messages a US STPs ANSI Callback, SS7 on support Switching even equipment necessary at as messages SS7 and based signaling causes includes BellSouth message. or links end-to-end). alteration connected access Capabilities local of fully TCAP switches Local the the and no the that SCCP STPs. switch, appear provided the Telcordia convey of switch LEC paths traffic, be BellSouth shall interface STPs. (Automatic the in be to point (i.e., directly facilities Points/Databases provide When US local the of shall equipment exchange local of shall STPs function to elements Transaction routes or convey BellSouth also content Mbps) layer point and the BellSouth physical path should by or party features to defined transfer LEC Control network there the to shall end between as STPs failures switch functions Part US links (1.544 third B-link network SS7 messages). Points database a facilities I enables a access all connected separate the the Service of provided in User DS signaling service that network Editing) end-to-end); a third-party-provided messages, tandem uirements connected signaling transmission transit constitutes uirements three (i.e., Management with the a be concurrent links signaling between provide provide Transfer SS7 List Re of and elements, failure BellSouth at links a Re that by Elements paths (i.e., kbps Call (2) (4) transit Network is layer BellSouth the shall shall directly 56 shall data connectivity trunks to BellSouth of single two nalin four STP a not Si STPs all switching interface. signaling switching A-link No minimum Interface There Each SS7 network. The convey A provided Technical and No physical If Screening Network use terminate network Digital BellSouth connectivity is STPs connectionless) user provide 3Q04 10.3.1 I I 10.2.5 I 10.3.2 Version I 10.3 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 71 of 118 A be a shall 2 STPs the 63 to LEC shall Test LEC of US final network, perform as STPs US and with or Page superseded requires a US Networks. BellSouth pair become switching perform EXHIBIT destination not is be BellSouth access, network cases, to Access the the switching STPs. LEC cases, SS7 Attachment the and of standard switch network is performs shall these shall SS7 may network: to point US AIN other Verification tandem BellSouth interconnection gateway BellSouth's procedures, SS7 LEC other BellSouth form interfaces, and local a or all tandem SS7 in equipped STPs when SS7 If an all of Access connected The to US industry or LEC's SCP. In BellSouth this an in recognizing In connect BellSouth local Routing provide of to signaling to messages and US If Maintenance LEC, AIN to SRVT STPs. terms network LEC to local requirement of STPs BellSouth available network, directly in US BellSouth SS7 its switch point. SS7 manner. with Management US and messages SCCP SS7 of access applicable This a by party GTT specific SS7 the of options agrees destination. in BellSouth SCPs and where local same pair to destination system a capabilities SCP SCCP with Operations, the final third through equipped destination. MRVT is STP GTT network LEC the signaling the database. request of or an and the network switching. BellSouth's BellSouth in network. LEC the US SS7 in include, BellSouth specified of systems of point its (MRVT) gateway of LEC Access US LEC available upon BellSouth a SS7 switching perform GTT as with with Where of the BellSouth's responses then may to following US Test the US to and and AIN destination a and part shall Internetwork triggers intermediate messages in for with the is functions provide signaling Management BellSouth tandem switching its the SS7 which for 0.1 includes SRVT any (OMAP) or all BellSouth or connected to database, the T1.112.4. Management association Code result feasible on parity shall capabilities. queries local and standards interconnection of perform route offer AIN connected This Part the in provide at Verification BellSouth local LEC uirements of and shall via ANSI Point SRVT provide Subsystem destination shall with shall device must shall database, network least TCAP ANSI US in references, Access Re MRVT a party and or directly at the Subsystem specifications technically shall available Routing SS7 to switch as network, AIN SCCP the third an specified SS7 and SCCP GTT Administration (SRVT). system system Requirements. or BellSouth in Destination STPs approved SS7 technical MTP Where MRVT connected When made interconnection SS7 perform by SCP provisioning exchange local BellSouth mediation BellSouth arrangement performance Interface BellSouth LEC-designated 3Q04 10.4.1 version 10.4.2 10.4 10.4.3 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 72 of 118 A a the a SS7 2 be 64 valid in link links. point point of a has the network allow cross- industry cause to a or shall to messages Page has logic pass/send LEC SCP at messages EXHIBIT BellSouth BellSouth provides shall System signaling signaling signaling signaling US point valid and Attachment There Portability, LEC and valid system of also the applicable located any any manipulation connected interfaces Each interface. US and, STP. to to application accept pass accept be the SPOI and Identification/Data layers also the capability. rate to to signaling equipment to located. in Number where to, the is as as as or shall Management switching SPOIs. BellSouth any systems; service more so so so destined destined where Local and/or higher operational BellSouth Assistance. system STP link the or defined Location LEC a access or network from of Service as between to facilities one of, US each SS7 executes systems service DS1 systems Database. LEC network each switching provide and by for the STPs. MTP relationship. ffice parameters parameters Directory parameters switching at BellSouth the that Databases: US a SS7 Automatic storage diversity the local and Name the local by connecting where intrao of the Systems from it particular provided switching /Databases switching within of LEC BellSouth's a signaling to interface screening screening screening network LEC be where layer and following Environment Calling US Database, a SCP to US intraoffice sent databases network offer SS7 BellSouth's provide valid Interconnection CO the failure in tandem tandem shall functions channel and a a to through of to from or or all the SS7 in message message message transport from references. Management has Creation Points DSO in Number queries single set set set provide destined a relationship. through B-links Point rate local local System, access interface no Databases as application required SS7 Free accessed provide interface shall shall shall shall of system Service both relationship. deployed interface Service LEC LEC technical to that element Control hiogher is of BellSouth's Toll to so shall type messages signaling US US appear provide or Related Signaling A-link network B-link SCP STPs failure STPs standard from Each The connect DS1 shall BellSouth from BellSouth within signaling An A BellSouth Call information shall or switching BellSouth valid interconnected Service M~s LIDB, Management valid access (SCE/SMS) A response network. 3Q04 10.4.4 Version 10.5.1 10.5.2 10.5 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 73 of 118 A for the to and List for 2 FCC 65 and terms local service other SS7 support Page network. with system, or signaling systems, provider and a EXHIBIT numbers and LEC rates, effective Screening is SS7 provides Call industry requirements fully network at Attachment it LEC an local US BellSouth data and a via service systems BellSouth SS7 Network with routing US shall switches switching then with switching LEC provide the the among and local database SS7 BellSouth Recall, to US to X.25). local point between subscriber of via one databases supplies the system, switching tandem PNP and of consistent interconnection to to through or accordance the digits be from messages databases protocol. transfer in This necessary to convey Automatic connected Interconnection ISDN tandem local SCPs third-party database access SS7 aud shall are switching and or to layer ported of SS7, access LEC other translated maintenance that interconnection signaling directly (PNP) network switch. provide: local A-link Network switches. or been or Callback, US options (e.g. systems access interconnection tandem and the SS7 local is local shall SS7 with BellSouth LEC provide exchange have SCPs/Databases point application Database dialed systems to by by messages US SCPs. the for LEC the Portability that on physical physical protocols BellSouth in or switching databases, BellSouth (Automatic as a systems forth US a BellSouth transfer agrees TCAP and and third-party based set and interconnection administration the enables provided via switching the stored Portabili the provide directive. provide Number numbers as TCAP of Interconnection uirements or switches Interconnection survivability. Interconnection services other that BellSouth that data switching routed shall shall signaling Re or systems system with of and BellSouth interfaces is between point Number directly third-party involving Network Network Permanent reliability connectivity Network conditions provisioning, Commission traffic for Technical standard SS7 diversity Local The calls another. and or SS7 application BellSouth protocols BellSouth The transfer BellSouth switching If connectivity other The functions switching either network. third-party requirement Interconnection Management Editing) BellSouth SS7 3Q04 10.5.3 1 10.6.1 10.7.1 10.6 Version 10.7.2 10.7 10.7.3 10.7.4 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 74 of 118 is A of of or 2 66 or to the the There of GTT DB, specified cross- to SCCP This Points Tl.112.4. may a connecting Page or of destination. as necessary and at EXHIBIT final within switching systems Points intraoffice and the available ANSI layer Attachment T1.111.4. located. GTT include of of a SCCP T1.112. Integrated TCAP system in is are Signaling connected located in not include the the the standards tandem channel ANSI the STP be and systems; T1.113. Signaling failure switching of of of ANSI or in of Interconnection shall shall options network: in DSO directly specified the ANSI B-links T1.111.2; switching shall a intermediate local and ANSI as single each Management SS7 as tandem in link at both T1.111.3; no switching BellSouth functions functions functions specified ANSI or system Network LEC STPs of interface specified between all all in include all as the approved that each appear BellSouth US as SS7 ANSI local a a so local for tandem BellSouth procedures Subsystem specified Interconnection in shall interface is is failure shall where or as provide switching provide provide the diversity STPs, become STP, specified service LEC the functions, to link point point SCCP as destination. Part local STPs. US shall shall shall office OMAP. Network transport specified Interconnection cause and SRVT of the tandem the as User LEC LEC Management of or SS7 rate BellSouth intraoffice BellSouth LEC-designated of switches and pair Interconnection central shall signaling signaling signaling Interconnection US US of functious, of the US Management local Network the interface. SCCP connectionless) point higher or Each in Network from destination from and MRVT provide Link functions, network, or SS7 STP. Point rate and gateway Interconnection functions Interconnection Interconnection uirements Network a the LEC equipment (basic Manageinent destination destination SS7 shall Data Link Network to to DSI 0 transfer capabilities Re Digital GTT T1.114. or US SS7 element third-party a these higher the the interface interface be or Network Network Network Signaling following BellSouth Class I ANSI a Intemetwork Signaling Signaling Signaling SS7 system, Subsystem SS7 Services SS7 for includes another BellSouth available messages Where messages in Where Interface The connect signaling If shall provide B-link The connect interconnection. DS A-link BellSouth Interconnection facilities to Q04 3 10.7.5 10.7.9 10.7.8 10.7.6 10.7.7 Version,1 1 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 75 of 118 A the the 2 US to than name 67 into US US SCPs. queries The the address, accurate service less valid (NENA) by allowing in the Page Manager. a input include E911. the lrom and party's no utilize call. to EXHIBIT local conform ALI/DMS name, CNAM for for has ALI/DMS point database. CNAM Attachment the and interconnections LEC providing the the requires number, accessed shall calling database. of Contract writing US updates is stem complete Association messages E911 route Such system from in from the LEC access S to party to (including BellSouth flexibility signaling be to Local with information US Interconnection purpose BellSouth's accept view the Agreement. interfaces any SCPs. provides to reports Number ALI/DMS shall ement to in to PSAP providing to calling the to intent User switching updates routing this LEC's information of the also information its the for of error Network End US information BellSouth 3 CNAM notice which of LEC access daily names protocol Mana Services to with to destined party's SS7 US service Emergency special User Said parameters references. enhanced terminated) updating provide capability database notice for These LEC's the provides a name This End providing and the a BellSouth calling Database BellSouth US subscriber shall systems being Attachment addressed to determine for provide LEC to National is its which to technical screening Services. The TCAP. Users. LNP be LEC to sometimes to 911/E911 US the Service call contains LEC for CNAM BellSouth provide US prior and with database. store a End to associate and requirements shall the used used Identification/Data of to to switching US BellSouth after to its is to standard pursuant and message days and Database responsible to answered. which SCCP, User) set from provide CNAM LEC Database be network Database is standards load database. conform uirements submit ability tandem (to interface required to the Location End US provision database industry or database. SS7 also shall shall call information, Re CNAM service the calendar be relationship. Services to to shall or shall submission Name User established is the ISDNUP, local shall (60) will be for protocol ALI/DMS LEC LEC ALI/DMS End data 911/E911 The MTP, applicable BellSouth LEC BellSouth signaling Automatic The telephone provider ALI/DMS LEC LEC Technical database the Callin CNAM BellSouth ALI/DMS US recommended the launched US BellSouth sixty before opportunity Database BellSouth's interconnection shall 3Q04 0.7.9,5 I I 11.2 11.2.1 11.2.2 Version 12.1 12.2 12 12.3 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 76 of 118 A US is a 2 68 It shall party create shall on updates contain a SCP, the order to SS7 all establish CCS7 establish be the SCP Page consistent in third Signaling Signaling calls. SCE/SMS The and/or record (LSTPs) EXHIBIT a Generic Specification shall with Specification and and BellSouth shall with shall must party Attachment service Party CNAM via load BellSouth only and stem national Agreement the phone CNAM STPs. load capability Points to Channel Channel S Terms SSPs third query. each Delivery this Interface the a Interface reflect applications record to party signals provider provider format by involve initial interconnect via and BellSouth querying originate emeut LEC interconnect Gateway Transfer SS7 Name BellSouth third CNAM those General and week, The Common party Common party the a desires SCP of a shall CNAM can information US Network Network the the to shall Parties specified provided via Parties Mana in third Signal third of that LEC's LEC deploy once Calling be CCS CCS the sent all initial number, BellSouth the the SCP CNAM US provide of US to provider accurate be transport and for than Local agreement. BellSouth's BellSouth's reference. shall the provider storage to Service number the to to that BellSouth of shall less SCE SSP. "CLASS only, this for LEC SS7 CCS7 CNAM and addition, addition, the telephone Access provide modification Telcordia's no Telcordia's by with query mutual BellSouth service SCP. SCPs US more In in In agreement or to basis BellSouth by party party Access and and or the by with CNAM telephone according according occur the provided herein LEC regulation. BellSouth LEC name CNAM one BellSouth AIN query third third at CNAM a Network changes. mutual CNAM own used a US at associated shall US access BellSouth in or the the the by its be ent a Environment SCP of to by working either network network federal records determined to Guidelines Guidelines a to TR-N%T-001188, accordance costs SMS Further, be on in SCE/SMS all BellSouth every queries incorporated elects formulate the TR-TSV-000905. TR-TSV-000905. Intelli provide CCS7 with CCS7 SMS deletions and/or provider, provider, of CNAM to to shall Creation provided SCP. the for affecting basis. established applications interconnection LEC LEC shall be state interconnection mechanism be LEC responsibility amended available, order US US Requirements". If transport BellSouth document, SS7 In LEC compliant If transport BellSouth Interconnection document, CCS7 serving shall Interconnection will be Conditions The updates records the current Updates activity additions, payment CNAM US be with Service service Advanced BellSouth's BellSouth 3Q04 12.4 12.6 12.5 12.7 12.8 Version 12.9 13.1 13 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 77 of 118 A by not 2 69 OSS US rather other will ISDN). a from an support BellSouth training, ordered another Page therefore but which to billing means data this EXHIBIT incur canceled. incur additive restored, dial-in, and by of by Network for Attachment incur hardware, and BellSouth's A will provide administrator) will technical tables later Services and not (e.g., PON functions is use SCE manual logic and etc.) shall ordered to to will Other interfaces that system and/or Exhibit submitted identified denied in interfaces application. be be separate and LEC LSR BellSouth. service These LSR element a courier, access desk, to connection forms LSRs applications. US will BellSouth Addifive per from LEC administrative fax, electronic billed service help data data specified documentation, LSR require electronic US Elements and provide accepted enable (PON). are (e.g., interfaces. (mail, Access, customers Manual ordered an to will administer remote specific these shall of available for a access protect list previously AIN download of intervention via have and Training, list Network a of individual Number charges to support a the and support inade to Services location. one for SMS interfaces Access An interactive e on charge states of create OSS LEC. LEC per stems and Order without and e the electronically. to provided AIN creation Other SCE/SMS S US All OSS US of (NRC) Char provides technical some partition be LSR technical means to the SMS charge. SCE an ort and location in Ch LSRs interactive one and of by one OSS will for LEC and clarifications allow Access shall selects Purchase developed charge. access. each as Su incur or charges OSS use its SCE/SMS than US these AIN SCP shall has ordering LEC submit available testing by access of Elements will BellSouth support order LSR, billed other US event submitted inay via charge. one an address be Commissions LEC LEC erational the SCE/SMS SCP 0 sofbvare, include BellSouth documentation, US BellSouth BellSouth LEC BellSouth's resources will unauthorized When Supplements than Attachment. 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AN8chmortL Nle mental 1st d SOMAN Ch 0 El~ Mahuel LSR udly Om BOMAN p M Sv SubmlNsd 0 LSR El cc pw SOMEC 0 submlNed 00 00 93 03 74 74 74 77 0 0 4 4 mt 12 12 12 83.77 83 Addi Disco 04 67 67 87 75 38 3S 30 04 04 D4 I 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 400S CU 170 178 170 119.75 119 RATES Fl Nc 08 62 21 21 31 31 31 00 62 62 62 53 04 UNE (6) 0 0 0 10 19 10 10 10 10 10 24 - sf 2003 264 I d Add'I r RATEB b bgl 0 42 44 44 52 62 34 21 21 07 55 04 55 ah 0 16A2 16 10 18 10.55 47 47 47A4 24 25.40 80 h Non 109 109.21 100 452 452 f Flmt b 2004 n 0 71 61 24 47 00 00 38 49 05 02 47 9 0 3 6 D D 0.61 324 6 1236 10 1236 54 AGREEMENT 21622 306 313 dlnsod Ihtotb dan Id h ates Usoo MKLW IL5ND 1(5ND ULSDT ULSDS ULSCS ULSCC ULSCT ULSCT USBFR CCOSF CCOEF UE3PX UDLSI U UMXIP UMKMO ULSDA ULSDB UL600 ULSDG ULSDC ULSDT ULSDT ital UDL 2043throu loclrcu "UCLND" UCL SCS d USL geeonl I ULS ULS ULS ULS USL USL UE3 UE3 UOLSX UOLSX UMK ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS UEA UMK UMK mcctober02 ds INTERCONNECTION ne dfr LSCC 2 I I do 0 rl m I Cs I r- no th t ULSO ti I I I I I pEt spam 0 phi ermon n Ie colNer- or I d - d r opgon- bnndlsdco NQTE NOTE NoTE NQTE Termination t USOCO el eNOTE SHARING Nh - Mile psruomngor owned me 8 8ee so nu Spliaet)- dh woddng UCLNO Jum UCLND Fadlry whh f u r - sd LINE Fedkly ms lion ~ BST CLED Pe ULSCT fo fnr 0 Lbm Un fhn . t ~ d please please pl owned nmes c Csrogna nu - psr pw ml mte D53- STS-I mm. COCFA -STS.I-Permle - -083-P - BASED Cross F No)-pl~a p m the the 8 (OLEC ali SuputmwlFom rl flhertefor aclbathn,ssTo aubaso UIRwuv litts 96I' c ner South of of I loop Acuvgy Wl ULSDT UDLND). Ucl UcLND) UGUID). R IL - BLEMENTS Um rwmrd I ED em24Unecs gne I t W of of of d~ OFFICE 25H 5ml 7W th Lwd Lom( gWhhResemtlon,pereparefadlily r dSplitt pw 0 gUomrmfmy BA LOOP Acth d RATE Su t25N (5DH (50N Owned DSN wdh wS wS USOCS ~ MBhU8 Fmdeea m P d monhl nhmgWel p-E*panded TRopersneauhatkm, TROpergn TRO WIUNLo mien r to tsd Umncgvatke(ssyownedsptueC- sUbe Subsequent Line ted ING 8 WOTE2 buwaedLocalloa LSOD n NN2eo Ieolec NII2eo rl "NOTE2 m LOCAL loo Lm DLEC SSTounedS OFFICE tnw. Iht M d ELEMENTS psr pw pw o le U Unb Um Unbundled L Lom located Located USri8d ~,TRoperlnenmlvatbn,cLEcmmedspRt &m. -pe w - Splhs S 5 881 - - Sh tt/1774003 Sub-L DSI DBI 8 S S~ g SPLITT up-wch up-P 8 d esehncs,TRoperlineauhatbn,ssTovmedspslw- arne d wgl 5 ua UWW p~ Omce omm oNce oNce Un hlh Llnesh f 2I2003 Msk scoh LINE C capmay Sharing sh Sh shelhg Shwhg Smm Sl Isd Um VdONcelocaled(75NafUCLND)-plwaes ORDERING-CENTRAL W hc h Wmi mm UN2I2005 '10I2I2D03 'cl2I2C04 UNBUNOLED IN02I2003-10 twe2I2D04-Ie ~ NETWORK Ahoy E1$ E:lol2I2004 E'IUI2I2005 ER R LmeSharh UneShwin Llm LoopMakeup-Pr Loop mt Hl High Hlghca High LoopMak Unbundled Unburdled U R Une OBSDLSTEsee Unesh cenUCI UnaSh cenusl C Lr central Li Ce Llho Lln U LineShsdng-DLEcow d OBSOLETE* LIWSharaServhe, f~i AND Termhagcn U h 'U h SHARING Y~ U TE2:Th ED E E E NO KE-UP LI SPLITTERS-CENTRAL ENO NO No No No NOTE APACITY MA C SHAR HIGH UNEUNDLED CATEGORY LINE LOOP ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 85 of 118 t vs. e MSvc h A c Charge Order OICCAdN 35 Elealronle- M nl T Svc Exhlbht nlm vc. 1st A all m Page SOMAN Dish Charge- Drdof Beclr Mat ice 1st Sv ve. gc 2 Add'I EXHIBIT SOMAN Che Dldof Bockattlc. Mensal Increme Rm Svc 008 Vk AGaament 1st foal SOMAN Cham Oldef Eleatronle. M Ihchrfnwthtf Itad LSR hdtv Onle SOMAN per Svo Sub r LSR Onler El per SOMEC Svc Summlted 11 91 91 40 59 74 91 m 6 6 661 6 14 12 50 58.59 190 1».11 Dl 76 76 33 58 07 77 77 77 39 ID 4 16 16 16 10 60 20 20 20.07 317 317 RATES Nrst Noh~urdu 17 17 12 12 31 00 00 90 44 61 47 47 47 47 UNE 4\) 0 0 19 55 2124 2124 27 27 27 61 27 - 163 138 138 110 163 Add'I RATES urrln 37 51 51 44 09 09 N 63 03 83 N 37 59 2 595 t 47 37 40 40 40 40 40N 89.47 Nonre 120 279 Seo 640 279 Fl 14 71 61 81 30 41 76 78 8 0 0 061'7 0167 0167 0107 0167 0167 3415 10 30 24 ateo 2129 18 77 AGREEMENT 88055 0 0 0 0 0 0 IN06073 0 USOC IL5XX ILNCI IL5XX IL5XX IL5DF ILSOL ULSCT UREOS UREBP UREBV UITR2 UITV4 IL5XX UITFS UDF14 UDFL4 NBRIX UITD5 UITDS UITFI UITF3 UEPSB UEPSB UEPSB UDFCX UDFCX UOFCX UDFCX Toe ITVX ITVX ITIIX UEPSR UEPSR UEPSR UITVX U UITVX U UITVX U UITDX UI UITDX UITOX U'ITSI UDF UDF UDF UDF UITDI UITDI UITO3 UITD3 UITSI OND INTERCONNECTION Znho lntormt I- per per de- I pw 8 psr WIO Thwe Thweo SXX spmer- Gmds- Grade par mile mfa Gtade- Gh fsge dgty Rav Mes Per hmomds- NOTE per Fsdkly F Mea Voice - Femity - - Per dhly Voice V awhd Voke Voke VG ckd Per - - mer Fmalo Freak Fsdlay eee ed»e m per - wttltrm fne o or ~ NNMbhed W» kbps kbpc kbps-per kbpc Charge o 83- i Wire - - DLED 2- 4- DN 2 50 56 64 STS-I sTs-I 2-Wl No. Mfe - ed-vidual plea» os ~ - Cero! mle-P wm» at- ahm. ounce port SXX Cell outs BASED r r ro npoh-DSI.F TRANSPORT 9 a»pro- P Reswvsgon DLEC esr BST South Tmn Transpat-4.WI Trsnspott T»Opal- Trsnspat. Psr Tamp Tmnspal-2-Ww Tmnep«t- channel- T Twmpal Trarspol- Tmnmcd Tmwpat-64 Transpat- UCUIDD ~ ELEMENfg sneam Channel of tarn mn ted OFFICE nel hauincremsnL hnwf stion ATED C per csted cat» U2 co RATE tfSK actus rl Ch Brands, Saeeang, S~nmg. rmanth erin Detested Dedicated Dedkated CI Ded Dedl Damaled fhmkw& oahcsted Dedmstod oedkated DoCrmtum Dedceted Dufhsled 'crserrn 050 TRC - - - - PORT ~ ------~ ~ gar tmemmce I-IMkated mwsbsnds,perRmmhhl I Ohth rgrhscgvo rune Dlgfl Bgh - Fher na ELENIENTS Mia awl Located t~moe - - - ow Ten 7 Ten I Local Fowtd TRANS Fou Rbw - channel Ch chsrwel Channel- Channel CI Channel Channel channel n Channel CI chs Channel Chswwl cthawl. SCREENING D leFound- IOFound- on ERINGCENTRAL NANNEL te anclal Rwervcd tfo Ih Obks NO Tennlnstkm Tenninetkm Tamtlnsgon 0 ber. E I T Immmbw-Laalt Dwk NG she»sauce, 3QN'I'IN2I2003 Fiber, Accsm access ao Ih Mgs Mo n»ce ORD Ns month- Tmub Tnob Troubkr DIGIT ~lf win le»foes AN ITT onlh IwoBlce FICE Ine NETWORK N ke F Ina»Ncs Inta»men Fad I IWVBat.-Pe Inta»Nce Fad InmmNce I Fadl Inta Lna No Inta »Ncs No N P Dna O» Tcfrrtlrmocft Inl inleraface Inlendlce Intenwceohsnnel-Dediatedr Per Dak NRC 8 SXXAcahs a»der 5XX PDTS month Intwoglc T IntwoMce ntatth Int cwk NRc Terfrtlhetlcrt mana T InteroNce EOICATE D TE SPL U Vaskn ENO LINE INTERO IBER DLEO CESS BUNDLED Ac UN UNBUN CATEGORY DARK exx ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 86 of 118 I c t Ve. MS Add'I n A SOMAN Chargs- Ofduf 35 Disc Elmtronlc M of I S I ~ Enhlbht vs. A 1st Pape «steve emma Disa Charge Differ Electronic Ma I c 1st ~ va. 5 1 cele Add'I EXHIBIT SOMAN cre les Charge Order Electronic M I R ~ OS8 vs. mtm slSc AILtchmlulh 1st 8OMAN ws Chwgu Order Eleclronfc M Mlp LSR code per Nr 5 eubmhted de c LSR El per somEc Bm0 Strbrtthted 15 15 18 14 85 70 65 21 91 30 4!I 45 45 48 48 !.Ie 5 I 3 6 S em 1648 1530 1530 15 14 14 le 16 21 21 3565 35 1$ 198 509 8 Add'I Dls 14 18 15 15 04 85 70 72 77 24 48 48 48 65 65 8 I 14 16 '18 1539 16 18 36 22 21 42 35 35 2224 2224 21 ZI5.8T 409 RATES 8 First Nonrecurdn ee 34 86 30 74 61 81 08 06 08 06 00 00 4T 44 IO UNE (el I I I 081 0 I 84 35 3861 35 29 ZTAT slee 23 23 29 - 154 243.69 175 164 734 324 Add'I 101 PATES uuln 32 34 59 53 8T 8& 59 03 03 40 61 81 87 47 nro 2 3 3 2 1232 12 34 3561 35 35 89 N 175 193 177 171 177ST 324 Flmt 101 14 83 93 93 37 33 67 30 49 62 341S 0317 01 16 16 '16 15 24 42 77 AGREEMENT lto 0 79\ 0 0 0010433 D010433 D006673 0000246 0000692 00(D173 0 0 aoooeef3 0 0 0.0135158 0 0 LS USOC I Neprx NSFcx N5FMX NSFAX NSFOX NRBPX TPP+ pTasx IPP STU56 CCAPD PE SRCEC 8RCEO TPP UEPSB UEPSS OQU OHD OHD OHO OHD OHD OHD OHO OQU OQT UDB UDB UDB UDB UDB UDB UDB OQV OQV OQV OQV OQV UEPSR UEPSR SRC 3RC OQV INTERCONNECTION Zone Interim pmn ion per esty Wah Roudng s code Fa Point Sock»Per scmt R Line e cXR Pw 0 ro sf Request Termlnsgon pohl With Per nl cede kr e a& Degv I»code per Eslabl IATA Chan ls CW wah Grade Ares P (Loop) poht No de Fad s No. k Intw(ATA C Fadk mem CeroEns code I 2 G pw Per Voice Part the Hmdlng Al 8XX hwhad eds Pnwlslonlng SXXN» sr k(shdri(alsoknosnssD off»md Massa Zom zom asst Alfeded conneds Ds1 DSI M 2 'chbt Per Cu MuMpk Chs cdl BTP wf w/POTS - Ymca -Zones 55 mhhea pulslwlng - Dmgmm - South - odfpwthg co r - d 8 ELEMENTS ate sTp UDB Na Lkw Que Per Swvh Per Eslsmshmentor per p DSI 051- DSI TCAP ISUP 2- - Pe or»s ~ - Que ~ csin Per cross n Pe SXX Swdm swvko Psr Per n RATE su ted - - Per Code wlm Sweenlng, screening, scnwmmf. screenlnp, Screeni Uwque code, Code, D»sle Dwgceled Omk»md-2~vdceGradsPwMte Dwg e e e I Per ~ ~ itScnwnln w»iten,pwn ~ . ItS»eon» ~ vms Osn mmm ~ n n per Ecmwtsnment Chan ebs Dlgh Ied DI Digit Dl Digit Digit Point Dedicated Dedlc Dedicated Dedicated- Cwmwm Twminsgcn, U Connsulon,Pwenk U U polm Pot pod PwQue DB ELEMENTS n Tmns Ds amera o»nets - - - en Onnem, Tsn Ten Ton T I I Irocc II I 11/12i20(O mm ROUTING De DB Nw at Estsbp DB Non Tmns Trans Trans ne Trans SERVICE Rouung R S annal- cogocsgon.2 For For Fw fw lor cclhcsthn.2 Tmnslsdar» Si Si si S 5 glgnatng EstaMelw»nl Channel Channel Channel DATABASEACCE6S Common 3003 Number Ac»»s Access Access Acw»s onm omce bashmentor CXR »Nco Itp CNAM te 0 ennlnugon enltrrns XXAccessTenDf ID NETWORK CARIIIER Est InteroNce I Local Local Intsnmlcs CCST CC67 CC57 CCSTSI ccs76 link E6lebllshmenlor exx Psr BXXAomss BXX LIDBValmaeo LID SXX POTS 8Xcpcmw 8XX CHAM CNAMForN»tDBOwwm-Se cNAM Eslsbeshmsnt CNAM Local Lom Inleniglce CC87 ccs7 ccsr CCS7Slgnalng Suhch vttual phvshal S Ewl Code CNAM CNAM selecpve URNG CCS Version RO COLLOCAWON COLLOCATION NG RVICE ECTIVE L *L FORMATI S EI SE UNBUNDLED UNE CATEGORY Eall PHYSI SELECTIVE CALLI VIRTU AIN ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 87 of 118 I t lo Sv vo Add'I ual A SOMAN Charge Od 35 Dlw Waclm M Incmnw II: of 9 . Irtl I s. lc. ~ Sve E*hlb A I vga Page nual IL1 Dls C thief Electm M Inc I I Svc vs, 5 dof md Add'I L2 EXHIBIT SOMAN Chofga 0 Electronic. M Ihcom Roke I h ~ t ve. Atl 1st nudkm Charge Order Electronk M Inc udly LSR corda per M 8 5ubmlNad LSR Order Elec e per m Submitted anl» . 11 11 12 39 74 61 61 Cg 61 t El 9 981 0 PM 9 14.39 14 14.39 10 10.61 10 scca 10 11 40.?8 27 4073 Add'I Netwwk Discomect rkEI I 12 11 'IS 74 39 39 39 52 Q 6 11 14 14 14 1086 S3.05 40 2T 40.78 nhlmd'XTENT RATES First C Nonrecunfu mal~'H wl C 43 43 43 99 71 73 53 65 85 UNE 18l 7 7 4 t 1184 5S 68 63 61 62 39 4188 'Ordl m Add'I RATEB «I 'C unln ~ 98 98 98 53 85 98 59 53 85 68 68 84 785 7 785 785 73!5 7 6 8 8 t 8947 9184 39 41 39 nwlslw Munro 105 105 105 211 4 Fit tuned «acne ~ 13 12 46 71 87 87 il 007 S81 545 0 fmw 7121 168S 23 28 61 11 AGREEMENT- combln 107 0 0 bin 0035036 0556236 00692'I 0 0 0 UNE co r fo UNE ~ fo USOC not I UEAL2 UEAI2 UITFI MQI IDIVG CAMSE CAMDP CAMIP CAMRC SAPSC SAPTO BAPTM BAPTO BAPTC BAPMS evri wgl below TIIANSI'ORT es tchmodsch ch FFICE SRC AIN AIN AIN AIN AIN UNCVX UNCVX UNCVX UNCIX UNCIX UNCIX UNCVX UNCVX SW INTERCONNECTION Zone Ihe d a DBI Interim D 7 a ID th I f DN, ON, DN, DN, oN, DN. Inkh lk8 wpl not Usw »vice Per Per Pef p per Pe Acm»s Mte state, S Too DEDICATE Stale, and P coda, Per F»Nly fwc SO»ke gdl - below ~ per Swvke - ID AIR Toolkk Acm»s Per I 2 os Trigger, Trigger, Tdgger,Per Tdggw, Triggw, Triggw, Too WITH Session, sMs Per AIN Month Ch Usw - 100Klhb Codes Toolkit te IyallSI»md Per por per per IsDN Toopdt Per AIN Zona s - clwge, - cha per . Customer per Per nit Per Combhodon-Zone LOOP onned AIN n-Zene nt CnroRna a».P AIN Per study h - canthi»cthe. wmmnstkm Pw bags, ED arun P I 2 Per Clwgo, c CI clwge, cmnm, Charge, petMin Psr cwd EstawshmsnL charge, put chaGe. OSI s e,PwQ SL pedal Idsndfv»lion - kwkhdsd Connedhn connedhn Rs S -South I ELEMENTS Session wpmt-P eombkwlk Eomblishm Study- Axess Access Acm»s Axess Acmms Nock Qoe th Cha Port pon User in Coop»8 S~ secwky I storage d ~ - - - - Evw Monat Evwn m Pe RATE endue»wcu SERVICE VG tern pedal 6 Dwkotsd. Dmscoled per scp S Gall Cell servko Twins Tagger Tripper Trigger Tdggs Trigger Typo mcs-session GRAD ~ ~ ~ ------Qu I SERVICE u Wlw rri Servke Bervlw S«vka- Hula S sandal Swvtcs aon ZI2003 r ntcndt s 2 EELs Lee ELEMENTS dials rvke nb» mcs-Monmly of COCf P laplgl ACCESB I/I tecum wmw. 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Elan per SOMEC S Sub 01 et 61 et 61 61 40 dr 61 61 61 61 81 61 61 61 48 9 '14.61 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 '14 10 10 wet 14 14 14 14 14 1401 14 Add'I Olscaruwcl 56 35 35 Sd 35 05 05 Dn 35 35 35 00 39 56 00 35 0 0 0 16.30 10 16 10 59 59 53 53 69 5935 59.35 59 59 69.35 50.35 59 59 5935 59 RATES Flmt Nonrsounln 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 43 61 71 73 I? 73 01 03 01 99 73 UNE le) 5 5 473 4 4rs 5 4 4 89 68 SIN 62 04 N 89 89 81 0271 89 N 89 00 89 - Add'I IIA7ES nl 98 90 61 3II 30 N 06 56 66 66 66 SS 88 IZ4 5 eg.w Nonr 0 0947 9124 105 105 132.3S 132.30 126 128 132 132.30 132.30 132 12f 126 128 126 128 126 10 59 89 56 89 19 99 74 46 56 93 71 57 eh 93 Ts I I 027 0 0 23.13 26 32 43 6171 43 33 34 20 34 29 81 Ze AGREEMENT 10757 107 VG DD IVG USOC I EAL4 EAL4 ID UNCCC UEAL4 UEAL4 IL5XX IDIVG ID UEAL4 UITFI MQI U 0 UEAL4 UNCCC IDIOD UDL56 UOL55 IDI UNCCC UOL04 UDL64 UDL56 UOL50 UDL56 URFI MQI UDL56 RT TRANSPO TRANSPO BCS TRANSPORT ICE X X X FICE OFFICE ROFF UNCVX UNCVX UNCVX UNCIX UNCIIK UNCVX UNCVX UNCI UNCI UNCIX UNclrx UNCVX UNCVX UNCVX UNCDX UNCIX UNCOX UHCOX UNCOX UNCI CHOIX UNCIX UNCDX UNCDX UNCDX UNCIX UNCDX UNCDX UNCDX UNCDX INTERCONNECTION n 2 S I 2 3 I I I 2 3 2 3 I 2 3 IIRER INTE Z I I NTEROF D 00 DSI TED !nish 0 TEO Pe I 3 3 2 3 I par 2 3 p le utpfv o -As-ls utote (2rm DEOICA Dh'OICA M Mls zene Zone I DEDICATE -ymwg - -Zone -Z -Zon Ih Per Ds1 Dsl per Fecmy sulks month snlkh Bnkch - DSI OS WITH WITH gon-Zww tion-Turns mo WITH pe Tsnninstkn some sums some s swm001 LOOP in LOOP In Illy - Ih I I ph~DSI Elemonls Elements Elements combhadon- LOOP Comblnadon Combk Comblm comblnadm-zww I Comblnagon 2 CarnEna Combination 2 Fscf comNnegon combhstlon hQmbhauon-Zone2 h InComblnalh In in h h loop Le loop ktComblnslhn-Zonal - combinatmn- ~ rthmh I hComblnauon I loop rmonh loop Loopl 2 2 hmm coswnatlon DIGITAL DIGITAL Zone 061 Dsl Dst DSI Nshwm Loo Network In -Zc -Zom3 5L -Zwn1 - 2.4-lwkb - 800th too - - Grwfa I Grads - d Gmds Grads Grad - ELEMENTS Ih tnmmbinatkur 0 tk Dt EXTENDED talkt Lo GnWe Gradate Grade Grsdekoc Grade m mgital Dklkal )dew) Month bh VWos Yoke r RATE ItalGrade kalQrede ital hel hsf ItalGnule mbl COCI VG c«nblned Combln ccmblmd combinsdonPerMo EXTENDED EXTENDED Dedicated. 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Ic hl vs. OSS Altschmsnh elS n Iro 1st SOMAN Cltstgs Oldsf Be Man huc dly Om SOMAN perLSR Man Sv Submitted d LSR Euo per SOMEC SVCO Submhled 01 61 61 40 81 mn 90 61 61 81 40 01 51 01 81 Nl 01 40 81 40 00 90 m 0 9 9 0 0 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 1461 14 31 31 Olc~n 35 39 35 35 35 39 00 35 33 00 35 00 0.00 700 0 0 0 B39 loss 16 1056 te3e 18 59 59 tm35 3333 5935 59 5936 59 5935 59 33 59 5935 RATES Flmt Nonmourdn IS 12 12 71 12 12 12 71 12 12 12 09 73 81 12 99 73 03 03 99 T3 81 99 73 73 UNE (3) 4 5 4 4 5 4 4 81 01 62 04 94 04 01 89 89 89 81 02 89 Ile 89 89 09 89 - Add'I RATES arrl f s 47 59 47 24 59 59 47 60 60 IN 24 59 59 66 59 01 06 0S 66 0 5 6 0 S59 6 6 6 00 eesr 09 09 01 01 No lrltsl 126 120 125.$ 132.30 128 126 126 178.54 128 126 Flml D2 19 19 74 71 57 59 B 71 93 74 71 57 71 99 27 74 I I 027 0 027 32 81 33 34 61 43 61 29 34 61 34 AGREEMENT 1B 144 107 IVG USOC DIDD X U1TF1 MOI ID UC101 UEAL4 UEAL4 IL5XX ID1VG 1L5XX 101DD I IL5XX U1TFI UCIDI UNCCC IL5XX 01TFI UNCCC UDL56 UDL56 UITFI MOI MQ3 UC1DI UOLSS UDL66 UDL56 UOL84 UDL64 UDL64 MUX M 3lt wf SCS SPORTwlsll SPORT NOIX UNCIX UNCIX UNCVX UNC3X UNCIX UNCVX UNCIX UNCIX UNCIX Uuctrx UNC1X UNCIX UNCVX UNC1X UNCDX UNCDX UNCDX UNCIX UNCIX UNCDX UNC3X UNCIX UNCDX UNCDX UNCDX UNCDX UNCIX UNCOX UNCDX UNCDX UNCIX UNCVX TRAN TIIAN INTERCONNECTION fts CE ICE Zo EROFN Ihhtflm TEROF INT I fn .As-le DSI D01 Fadtity 3ll tk -per 4-04kbc s3/1 0 smhwSon imstm- th Oet Oat Det smlch susch 061 DS1 DSI systwn same nh Mo 24-64kbs nmmh InlwoNcs Inlwof6ca InlwoNce Twmlnasonirt Tsnnlna5on cond Combinatkm- savu sama sama e sama «me acme Ih rmonth DEDICATED DEDICATED in in FadEy Pe combmatkm m m In combs In In In combmatk - - Dst DSI DS1 o chew»l Bmmcs Elements 1- I s a 1 1 2 3 Cafotlha ptrr FadNy Loop loop month wwh month tmp Ump loop sf k in In WITH I$ TATH DS1 Ds loop Ump loop dpermifelnsa elFedNy rmonth aow - bbatlon- - - Tom tl Nethwk tocaltoopln~ local local Nwmw Loop Loop -Zone3 -Zone2 ted -Zom1 same Gmde Ghde South Grade LOOP LOOP COCI Trm salad Grads Gmde chamtd Channel Gnde ~ month neo month 1 3 2 ada r Wk lnltw Gmde Grade Dedkatcd Grade Dh!Icalhl-Ds1 Out Dedka Gmds Gradskccp tsmlncombaasonPerMonth Digbd tern dale Digital btmdk - blmtio Yoke Vole zone Zorh m nalG COcl-Inc cambhwd combined DIGITAL cwnbinatloo ps DIGITAL w S coclmco InlemNce Intwosics InteroNcsclw CDCI motoh th Incmmk Inccmbkason Co I Comblnstlan. Comblnsson-Zone Dignol Digest Dlgkd Digiml Digest COCI IICombmdkh-Tom ACambi KCo S h srmonth Armfku Scuba'Dhd Analcevoks Analog Sokhps 66Kb mnspwt- Grade Month I nm le dale Ds1 DSI 061 KSPS KSPS ELEMENTS Tmnspwl. Tmnspwt- Tmmpm I blmtkm" CDCllncomblnadon COCI m cuuen cwmhdy Channel ih 58 04 lem Wm Wcs Per 56Kbps 56Kbps 1IH2I2003 64sbps 64lmps 64Kbps IS mmlDSllnteroMcechs V 4 Tracts Twn 4.Wlm Tmns hvum 4-Wae Trans 4-wlm Cc Ctnttthtsscrt-Zorts cambbwson- channel UgchwmlS 1/0 Charnel OctnDP DS'I Ic-W S Month crowns Mo hDSI It r WSN Wm ott WIRE e 3f1 e 3f1 Addamnal mkfhonsl Ahetk 2 3 ad 3D03: IntemNce fmwmce 4.wvc 4.wk Iwemlece Inl swss 4-Wue Psr office San Uonal P ~ 4WIRE Month *a each sech Nonat idon Cham ChannelS mfgceTmns t4-v6re56KbpsD I weumlng orconnng M Iv wh mt temNcs t NETWORK lmt EO ED 3f1 Pe I I Flat Pw Pw PersachuokeGmdeCOClincombmdlo Inlemfecs Ecch Mlle F T Per Per 3/\ Per I IntsmNce Addltlond tmw Ft Zo Nml Zone Nml Zons Flmt Additlanat Add Add InteroffkeT EmhAdd ChannelS EechAddiawmlDs1 same Fmt Fi First@ octLDpcocf Channel Each swne Each comblnadon No Chs Adduond Thus T Trans F ME Ternion EN EXTEN EXf UNDUNDLEO ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 93 of 118 c nfl W ge- rvw Add'I m A SOMAN Chs Od Dl Elsalranltm Ilanual . 15of35 41 Sec Ewdblt: A 1st res. std Pag SOMAN «erne Disc Charge Onl Eloetronle Ma I 1st mra vs. m 3 tml Add'I h EXHIBIT SOIMN mwm Ch Onler Moclforttc. Nfw I Wl Svo USSR' en Afmchm» SOMAN Chwgo Ofdsr Eloctronte- Moors tm LSR Ords SOMAN pw Manuaay 8 SubmlHM LUR lkds Elec pet SOMEC am Snbmaled 48 81 61 48 '13 90 48 61 61 81 00 90 00 01 61 61 61 61 ct 981 ~ 9 0 0 10 10 10 10 1 10 10 14 1173 11 144a 14 14 14 14 3'I Wyb 31 Add'I Dlsccnn 0 39 56 35 35 00 39 $ 00 39 00 39 0 000 0 0 18 10 1036 16 33.33 69 59 10 5805 16 44 5925 53.05 53,05 RATES Flmt nrecunln N 18 12 12 71 73 73 12 73 01 89 89 61 03 03 99 71 UNE (5) 1 5 4 4 4 *73 5 62 8199 94 89 89 89 8199 Nl 50 $ SOII3 82 9418 - 15T 15729 157 Add'I RATES rrl 58 47 59 66 65 M 47 58 N! 58 5O 5II 61 47 6 0.59 sat 659 5 059 IT 17 M 9124 89 89 9124 as4r N 173.51 126 I 126 126 117 117 117 178 1 253.03 Flmt 19 19 70 57 21 76 27 Tl 87 02 93 74 71 70 57 76 I I 0 027 027 0971 37 81 90 29 34 01 25 32 37 8171 2521 32 AGREEMENT 107 144 107 1444I2 26189 Roc CA DI U6OC IDD t2X L2X IL2X L6XX U11FI MOI ID MO3 UCIOI UDL84 ID1DO I ILUXX UITF1 Uclol UNCCC UN2X Ul UII2X UITFI U1(2X UCI UITFI UCI USLXX USLXX MOI UCICA UCIDI UI U SCS X X MUX Nt UNclk UNCIX UNCOX UNC3X UNCIX UNCDX UNCOX UNCDX UNCDX UNCIX UNCIX Ukclk UNCIX UNCNX UNCNX UNCNX UNCNX UNCNX UNCI UNCIX UNCIX UMC'IX UNCIX UNCNX UNCI UNCNX UNCNX UNC1X UNCIX UNCIX UNCIX UNCIX INTERCONNECTION I 2 3 I I 1 2 3 3 2 3 2 NT UX Zoho 3N wl Interim po fn In stol* mpo vtoss (30 system Feohy Per I 2 3 3f1 month 3li -Fscflay Trsnspo ~ Trans r System DSI Dsl DSI rwtcporl snkch swack TRANSPORT tlon - month zone Zw» Tnmsmn Tnmspwl system systwn same orms tttonth dutrmel INTEROFFICE Month in lrt am bkaam p Termination bk TennlnaUon same same 10 Chmnel Wambmy Per in In n- DS1 mlle mair co combfnslkn- bkmtfo channel ~a Combkelkn C channel Etemenw Elsmsnk I binathm- scaly Dab don 2 3 Caroffna per Fsdfhy mrr F same month Loop mon Loop 3/I Loop co 3l1 061 t I - INTEROFFICE ermonth co Csnbfnason- In er srmanth DSllntwowce DsilnhuoNca Zone m InCombirwUon-Zone In In twolme twaace corn Nebwm DS Nstnwk - ted-UStw -Zorel sane same I I lntwolw orsdo South Omdo Orade RITE) DSI h Chswwl Chmml OIIBm4I Channel samaoaonhuoff sama same DEDICATED - Rl mons In ELEMENTS the L Los (8 In In I ice ermo DSI OSI I fn 0 Inlhe Dedkstsd 10 UUlttcomblrsfmrt- (date)- Dlgasl Dlghel Dlghal WITH - 2A04kbs notes (dale) roa WITH Inn N K.Dedic RATE Lco Lmml Lcoal combinwl em combhabon comblnsam Lmp Loop COD cmtolnad la OSUt Iem tern th tw COCI Into Intwukca CDCI p trtlsroalco k cool frtnrtdt N Conofnetkn In in I 2 3 COCI Sat o iml hd I mlh I LOOP n ncomblnaaon-?One ncomNSNo S COCI s Lcop Loop SDN LOOP 64Kbpa 64Kbp 64Kbps ISDN ISO rsnepmt mmtm Month D Df Dl temlncombkstkn ISDN le Dsi OSI OS at month Dsl I Ds1 DS1 ELEMENTS Transport- DP e COQ Zc Zon Zona cunantly orrt ctmenuy - - - ISON OS 1 . Psr Iorrt ISDN Wus whs ISDN 11/12I20to DSI Dsl Ds1 anal 4 4-Wee Trans 4 Tnm OCU-DP 2-ulw Zwfm ol Cfwrmu6 channel Senal 0$ Zndm 12- oaur S S month Ik stun r atkn 2 3 te otic Wse WIRE WIIIE 3H e 3II s AddNonal AdtlNowd Addhl rwt mhChs yodekmal Add Addltkmal 3003: el IntwoNcs I I ZNbe e~ 2 4wlre 4-mre 4.wire tkmal Iknal 2 eachoCLI 4 esch each dkmd Ciwaml CI me mblm ml lnlflceTmns ~ selt Zone Zona NETWORK ED Eo Fbst Flwt2Wlwi8DNLaaphaoS1 Flat CI Each Each comblnsaon N c F Flmt 64kbs 3f1 PereechDSICOcllncomblnalkn Add I Add lnlemMce fnteromce comblnstk E Tennlnaaon P Pw - ~ Mile FlrsllnteroNceTran PeretwhCha Per Pw -Zo Addlkmal Addhicnal ~ Each combb Nonwcurrtng Flml Fbsl Fast AddNonal2-ulwtSDNLoopln Combksltmt ARM Comblnatkm Aoadomd Combm Cltwlnol Each Te 3II Vemlon EXTEfl EXTEN UNNUNDLED CATEOORT ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 94 of 118 I enb ISc rcn Add'I rg ~ A SOMAN Ch Od Dl Elect Mn In I c I Enhlbll: nl 1st A p ms Ir INUe16of35 SOMAN Dls Ch Omertu El Man I I I Suc p r 5 Add'I I;2 EXHIBIT 5OMAN Ch Om Elml Mahual RW I dm t Seo OSS Atl me- 1st SOMAN Ch Mnhitnl LSR Ord p Manually S Submitted LSR Ome Elec p SOMEC S SubmlNed 61 01 9'I ei 73 73 00 48 00 73 6 6.91 0 0 14 14 14.61 14.81 14 14.61 1440 14 11 11 11 31.90 Add'I 01 01 33 00 00 00 35 35 35 35 77 39 35 0 1039 16.77 16 16 59 5925 59 59 59 33 44 44 44.00 RATES First Ul Ul 18 12 12 12 12 12 61 Gl 61 at 61 99 09 61 61 61'9 99 73 50 59 47 47 UNE (N 5 5 5 5 5 4 473 5 5 5 01 94 51 89.12 89 89 27 89 89 89 27 - 157 157 157 Add'I RATES 01 ol munl 61 61 61 61 47 54 59 59 fo 66 60 66 63 66 66 66 63 61 47 5 5 5 eel eel 5 5 6 6 W 89 40 40 N 178 126 126 12S 126 126 125 253 253.03 First I n 09 27 71 02 04 27 71 07 43 09 53 74 93 09 74 41 d 0 Il 0 e 0134 5134 1341 13 61 61 90 25 33 34 29 33 34 AGREEMENT 144 155 261 0 0 Rec Cha do ls A ch ls USOC SwRch As L5XX LUXX e UITFI MQ3 UCIOI UITFI Ucloi USLXX USLXX USLXX UNCCC UDL56 UDL50 UDL50 I UITD5 UNCCC UDL64 UDL64 UDL64 I UITD6 UNCCC UNCCC UNCCC UNCCC UNCCC UNCCC CCOEF CCOSF h bl sndth aSwhc I o d but SCS sa I h Nesto UNCIX UNCIX UNC3X UNCI UNCIX UNCVX UNCDX UNC'IX UNC3X UNCSX UITDI, ULDDIUNCIX UITDI, ULDDIUNCIX UNCIX UNCIX CHOIX UNCIX UNCIX UNCIX UNCDX UNCDX UNCDX UNCDX UNCDX UNCDX UNCOX UNCDX UNCOX UNCDX UNCDX UNCDX not TRANSPORT TRANSPORT INTERCONNECTION I I I 2 3 2 3 2 3 d Zone nea um ICE ICE e 0 ~ ROFF ROFF ch Interim h ls ls I 2 3 INTE INTE Ihe "C dlny ne m -A -As-Is utufs um-I -A -rw Mila Mls DUG OSG Per 2 Zone 3/I rmly - - -2 - uh tub.As-is tch.Asia 'td hAsl Per DSI Pe Slates F ~ on 3 2 s sw swluh swUd switch mdtdt - WITH e3 e2 WITH system same AII 061 tss I&. - In nts nu ud th "Smt nel TennlnaUon ema e Zonal sled-Fadldy mcus -Zo mbmaU -Zo -2 ~ -Z tel - LOOP LOOP dh mile co 2 II Combination Dedicated chs Cmmbrmaon Elm Elements Elements Eum Elements El tm U 0 D I tl In Incomblmdlo m CaroEna per Fwdity US dm 8' 0 bimtlon blmUo el e3f1 - mmth put-O&l hmwEI tswkEI twwk hwA nht pm-Dedi too I F nspon- e a I ILoo I bl Netwow comblmtlon-zonel c co co led-Dslcomblnadmi-F n Nehmd N Network Nelsedr N a South EXTEHUED EXTEHUED dw c Inc I Inmmb I I I calm 5 Channel Ch Tra dm WN - mourn T Tnmspoh- rFra ELEMENTII Ihe I I Uo ll bl blmd btn I bm Oed too Wd It - Bd Su mhlce mmce m ' IIATE combined bmtf' co cc Gemut~ combined combined combined t VG ~ DIGITAL DIGITAL D D'ud odL t I I mls Coa th 1 month Inlwolf tlyCo tly L tsr L~L Local Locsltoo lnterowce LocalLm spm-Dade nth «Wl am sLocalL w entry D5 DSI aeurm ComblnedNetwomElemenls M d me Del DSI hofimi month KSPS KSPS kbps ELEMENTS sleml Transport T kbps r kbp*lmemwm kbps COCI~ sr er IC cune Cu~ c cummtly U12I20m cun cwrsntly th 64 56 8! t Per I W 65 I Wot 04 64 5e 56 56 SF mica winds-Wfm 4.WW 4 Uonal ELEMENTS Cha nE r DS3 STSI 56I64 OS Mo U - -2 - - hDSI - nhe m t C WIRE e ~ 3II cwdmt e Ch AddNonal Add s 3QEN lontli IntwoSce I swme 4-wim Pe ~ 4-WIRE mcumrocurmnllyco month tl t4-wlm64 ts-m t4.wl t4-w t d rsll4 w NETWORK EO EO Flu Fl Flmtsd 3/1chanml Pwca Each Channel Each EmhAddillonalDSI Mile Termlnahon IF Tad No Ch FNI4wlm64kb F F F F NomecumnGCur Addltkmal N CI R Flmts-We50 First First sam combination Additional Addltlonal4WlrsDGID Nonr Ch Nowecwdm CI ClesrChw CI Nonrecunfnp C Nonrenmtnp Cti Nonrenmlnb Ch Tennlnaeon ETWORK N n Vemlo ec hU tl EXTEN EXTEN Wh N UNBUNDLED CATEGORY Aoomowhk ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 95 of 118 1st Add'I nuda A SOMAN Charge- Od 35 Dl Elecurrnlc M Inc cf 17 Ic Exhibit'. A snlal 1st Inu udOm Page Dieu Chwpe- om M M Inc c ~ trrl S ve. nla 3 2 In Add'I EXHIBIT SOMAN tae Chsrge Omc El M\hnd Irlcrema Ra I ~ la Svc OSS I t ~ Atlachmenh In 1 derv SOMAN Chitttetlt Cherga 0 Ele M\hn uagy Oftfef SOMAN pakse Ma Suc Suechled Ofdef Elec perlSR SobIEC Svc Submbled 90 90 33 81 I 9 ecl 31 31 Add'I TBS Dlscon 0 08 42 4Z 42 42 42 56 42 42 42 42 42 \ 'I 'I I INZ 'I I I I I I 142 10 33.33 RATES S9S N 13705 I 18 13 13 15 13 28 00 71 73 13 13 UNE 228 Z 0 228 228 228 4 4 4 4 4 413 4 225 228 228 62 94 94 - Add'I SSS 69S 23 7 38 59 54 59 59 69 59 38 2 238 228 2 S59 6S9 8 6 6 6 6 9124 17454 17S Flnrl 268 IIUSOCC t 155 21958S 19 19 02 64 65 02 I I I 8 056 AGREEMENT 10747 144 144 Rec DI DI IVG IVG ID UEPWL UEPRS USASC NRCCC NRCC3 IOIDD IDIDD UCICA UCICA ID MC3 MQ3 UCIDI UCI UCI UCIDI UEPRL UEPRC UEPRO UEPAV UEPA4 UEPAP UEPlyf UEPVF UEPBL UEPBC UEPBO swa ITDI, ULDD3, Bca D UNC3X Cl 1TD3, VLDDI, UNCIX,USL UE3 0 UOL Ulltl UDN UITUB UEA UEPSR UEPSR UEPSR UEPSR UEPSR UEPSB VEPSB tlEPSO UITUC UNC3X VNCSX USL U11UA UITOI ULDDI dmlredfeetur UEPSR UEPSR UEP6R UEPSR UEPSR UEPSR INTERCONNECTION Ihe Zcrta TN 4 IA frrtwlrh XY Per per Bus ID - - Ihs pon 6 dlanng nth month month Acthny per ln ID- ant Dialing Ante month m Ama Ims elf psr per Lacsf unbundlrd losel es Caller per pe Systsen Systs - ~ th caaer oul vdh mgm OS1 «sage Ch channel hetu ol c me he System- System- Port rDs3 r hw Residence Raeldatca eesndat ble Rss. estedDslLocsl -Subsatuwt system System Lwd Locsl Crewel Channel CaroEna Pod - L ac SouD res, vdl new RES SUS Pat- Pat Put phtwblmul DSI tbn wrh DSC DS0 chsnnstued mtredDS1Localchannele Chswsl Chheel Une 6 0 m~ C Carchw s lo lo nfl month PORT4 st chanel Channel South Ltm Line LWS Ure LIWPmuahcaawID-Res. Lkw I I rmanth to channel uth ww Dao DSO - ELEMENTS dandled ccuoa colkeaUon ca dcs DS DS I RATES RATES unbundled unbundled unkunded u S South leaps to Loo to osa DSC uent - - es m tem as m d Bus. Res. to to amies (SFIEBF) t Aw Am VG ~ eel Anat VO YG VG VG Anal - DOCI) Los I RATE OSI S ID-Res Local -OSI ~ PORT ID PORT au RITE) I S RITE) tnt SWC SWC ) Features Dsl DSI a connecaon ~onloachs Deer toachannelhed SWITCHING Wiw wm Wbs ID amlontosds - - (8 (8 (Dsl -subs R coaeagar L 2 2 2.Wiw 2-Ihtw 2.W!fe for for UNE Lm UIIE -Z.weave -2-Wlw -2 ~ - - - -2-We . E484IO UM (data) (dat as ELEMENTS Ser Caller sama cclk sane cspsblhy dash ao Ura Channel rdr Pod eccl COCI unbundtal COCI COCI 0 Vertkal ChsnnelS Channel 11/12I2003 used used Local as hfthCah 0 Ihe the t usedwah uw ID him Lowl Ports ports-2-wlm Ports Pcfts p«ns ports Pats Pats Pats-ZWin Pwts Pwts a swc tha DSI COCI CCCI fn a connec5cn 8 GRADE h GRADE DSI DSO ge planhlmaa voke to Table ISDN for IsDN EXCHANGE Grade Grade h Pod SWC channel fa 3C03 Ml to Interface Ccct a hhhout cool Ceaer Ihusedfwco 8 lb Dgl entre Aw Pots 404kbs) r hire on st ate NE1WORK oawNhcdler 4 hhon 2.4-64kbs DS1 OS3la IEXERS OCUOP ocU.DP (2 Cheeel Qsa caltps VOICE Exceeds Gaul Exchange Exchange Plan &dream cdl Ca os3 month VOICE Ex Ex Exchange vdca usaf Vdce ussdla 815-1 DSI Dslcocl[ Chanmlln 0 2 2 ma the sm iul Exchl Exch Eeet halt 2Wae OCAL A L Veake R heh IIIULTI Bl NOTE: FEATUIIE 2-WIRE Z.WI DLE0 BUNDLED UN CATEGORY VNBUN ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 96 of 118 c IS I's. Add'I SONAR Charge. 0tda Disc 35 Eleclronlo Man Incremental of 18 a. 1st A onk. udS Page SONAR Diss Clwtga Order Elecl M Incremental lke V& ntcltslx 2 ud ~ I proces& Add'I EXHIBIT SONAR Chsfga Ofdol Elacucrlht M Iftcmtttwttsl nc Rat INst «eel R Re OSS vs ream Alladunenu aa udS 1st ~ SONAR te Charge Owlet slnass Eleelronle M r lnmsnwntd U4lh B dly orle wls Order'ubmuled rLSR 1 aside SOMAN 0 sw4S $ Svc Submitted sDN SDN Re Oldal 2rtrtw Fide Ekc perLSR SOMEC totwuftII Svc wuh sons 90 90 90 90 90 47 70 90 0 0 0 0 tl mrs 2 0 10 dlscteu hen dnlhe Add'I nssoclsled auth'I Dtscorthecl l~ ral m 03 75 42 97 97 42 42 Bell I 142 I IAZ I IA2 IA2 13.97 13.97 1897 13.97 13 13 60 72 47.90 delwmlneddnlheBonaFldeRe dot at ulese RATES schsnntl» B.Chsnnslsassoelatadwlth2odr ha Flwt htecufrt tariff II wul Buos or awulb I 8 78 90 td 28 2S 2$ 28 2S $ 88 5$ 88 2S UNE Ahsr (5) 0 2 2 2 228 2 2 2 bgm bultl 18 14 'l4m t488 95 14 14 14 14 - nwmenl Add'I en Iransmlsslon ~ wuoc. RATES atc «ruh kel elslransmlsslon rata data unul 67 34 34 34 47 00 00 00 00 00 34 238 0 0 0 0 0 se 31 31 31 31 3124 3134 Nohw uw ~ 119 202 Fthm 10IZI03 lo for swkchsd wvuched ot nt as Rametorths Rates rm clwuli clfculf 82 38 lees 13 73 AGREEMENT In Rac andior nfldlof process. rovlded hase valca voice ueatprocess uest ha Re shall PRD PPC PPO PP1 PLD PLD PXA FXB PXC PXD USOC PMA awltched «Oltcltwf I UEPAZ UEPBI UEPAB UEPWM UEPBB UEPBE USASC UEPVF U UEPP2 UEPVF U U U U U U U U U UEPXE UEPXL UEPXM UEPXO UEPXS UEPXT USASC UEPVF UEPDD UI UEPVF UIUMA I! slnessRe Ihaembeddwl sualrwse Io clreu ws I ocltctf to amendment I Ibis UEPX UEPSX UEPSX BCS UEPSE BFRINaw ~ of hsFIUN exhibit freon ah rou I dale rou 9 0 UEPSB UEPSB UEPSB UEPSB UEPSB UEPSS UEPSB UEPSB UEP UEP UEP UEPSP UEPSP UEPSP UEPSP UEPSP UEPSP UEPSP UEPSP UEPEX UEPDD U U UEP I Ih Ih ral INTERCONNECTION awl Zoha onl mls ofkcu In rtm rt the po ehadusa Int vaueble muableon at eh swl swl ea ISDN A Being 0 10 plus s dlh Ports port oiatng Area awglbt pwl ID Bus circuit ctrcug 0 lie sus 4.Wire - local Fat m - DID DS1 ms Ecwwmy Ecanomy c bgul and Pats Port abhnhIwnlb pOTS POTS only wkh Tmnk SDN HoleuHrwpbnl Measwed Bust Pmwss Tres Ihulness Cwogna I runk-Bus 'tdd Port al dtmw extended Hotel cwosna wuh with Port sx pcrt Polls sv Swtch!want Res PBX ykmplm trna PBX psx I Cnrosna ckdc SC South P pert 4WI» Twmmah Incoming DSI owufns cwo Cba Trunk south Hck HCINHmptnl

ol SeeNotesbelow 0 U - IWIPBXTnmk-Bus Trunk- Twmttal only w0h T~ DDD Tenntal Twmhal POR7$ Wm South Port 2-Wa Dunvwd Incoml PBX psx Oukdm 0 pBx msoclded alaoclsted aa south south - Port pBx DDITS Pwl LO LD LD 10 d PBX Te ~ unbuwgod unbfrndled en unbundled PB Ports u G Bm. dmfh DID 8 I-Way I-wa Port-4 VG voice voice 2.way ISDNPwl ISDN PBX PBX PBX psx PBX 2-Way 2-way - incoming VG mm 2-wa Port ID-Bus nu Perl 2-Wa

Port ID chs IotDchmnelpacketea Unbundled Uroundhd Unbundsd Fawwes Festwes Features DID COI Tmnk Di eche ~ SWITCHING ID I e I trna.wl» oNw rwlorDChennelP ndfad III swke &Vvm DDITS 2-Wue Cclrl I Tg CSIer -2Wve -2-Was ~ - - Sld 3 sid ELEMENTS C m Caller -2-Wlw nbundled nbundied I Port wk ts Unmmkd Unbunded Unb Unbundled Udxmmd Unbundled Unbwxsed fn7720td Unblmdled unhandled nines Caller Vmtal Vwtknl 4/H2004 vwttal Aca Ogwwf Actvl mls I Unburdkd RATES RATFS RATES RATES I Unbundlad Line Line Line wkh Bue Pwls-2.VOe porta- pwn. P P Poda Pwls Puts-2-Wv sb ce Ports nt Ports Featuws Rol - Pon crtdmodCetertg lssloniusa ue Port r Port Voice Yoke vote VG VG VG VG 7 wce Voice Voice vo toke Voice voice voice Cegl EXCHANGE Port mlssta Ne e 3O03: PORT wlhout PORT PORT FORT r4uuwDDI rtrat ebs Avaaabls Avdabls Feetuws Avalhble E rt chang hangs NETWORK .Wre -Wire -Wlw AMre IMw ewre -W -wire -Wre -Wlw mn -Ww Es E Ddl Exchwoe Plw Exchang C Exchange E CdlerlD C 2-Wire 2wtre Room Dhcclmt 2-wl subaa lul Ax Ex Exchange ca E E As Exchsn AdmlnhtradvsCogn 2-Vrtre 2-vnre 2-Nw Ce0in Suboe All 7 Accesstosci Tr AccesslosCh Swltchln LOCAL mwt Venkn EXCHANG FEATUIIES NOTE: NOTE: EXCHANGE FEATU EXCHANGE Local NOTEC NCTEC EXCHANGE R TheDSIP UNBUNDLED UNBUNOLED ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 97 of 118 I C ~ t d1 5 Ad A BOMAN Charge Disc 35 Moctfohlc. lmhusl of . 19 ld Svc Exhibit: Im A rvs. Page helps SOMAN Disc C Ord Elaclwhlw MeflUCI . td Svc vc 5 2 rfffal Addt EXHIBIT SONAR Churge Om Electronic. M Rates hmenh td Svc 058 AN 1st SOMAN Chergo- Onfw Medronk. MWIUOI Uy ISR Om SOMAN pe Imnu Sv Submhled thd rLSR Else p SOMEC S Submhlad 10 10 33 80 I 5 20 20 Add'I Dlswnned 35 35 42 43 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 I 142 I I I I I 6 6 79 79 156 RATES First Nwvecunl 10 76 98 54 07 25 25 25 25 28 49 CO 00 UNE fsf 2 2.2S 2 2 0 0.10 225 2 2 049 0 0 0 15 'll 23 - 101 10178 Add'I RATES 10 38 38 38 38 27 00 53 49 41I 07 to 56 08 56 56 00 38 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 0 0.10 2 228 0 1194 14 14 2108 23 14 14 175 80S 204 I First 12 12 00 75 05 65 00 I I I I I 0 0 AGREEMENT X 8 E A V BD USDC UEPEX UEPDX PEIPI UERAC CNCI UEPI UEPI UEPIC UEPID UEPI PR7ZT PR71V PR71D PRTIE PR7 PRT PR PR78S PRI PRTCI PRTCO PRTCC UERLC UERTE UERTR USAC2 USACC UERAC UERLC UERTE UEPDX UEPDX UEPDX UEPDX Scs PDX PEX EPVR UEPD UEPEX UEPEX UEPEX UEPEX UEPEX UEPIIR UEPVFI U UEPIIR UEPEX UEPOX UEPEX UEPEX UEPEX UEPEX UEPDX UEPEX U UEPEX U UEPEX UEPEX UEP UEPVR UEPIIB UEPVB INTERCONNECTION he 2 Imerlnf DSI 7 Rsc d n* pnmle wuh Locuto Locslo Lm toca I Res - -Bw -8 I Rse Rw U fiddlsone - 6911 I E9 E911 in u E911 E911 Inwed rStats Ch D Chshhd CAPABIUTY - - RESIDENCE emfw~ Celll I cauin Cdl - e rt-E911 r '8" UEPEX Pwl- Poh P Pmt ConveTAm- cmvwmm MG fhrtaUed number \ Locd InlerlATA- IntraLATA Local ImerLATA-Bus Arwt - - A I Sl Ik ClEC Data with ~ numb DBI DSI D5 F-'4/II2wrt Addhlmu Cl Per Chrutfnh Bus wlth 0 UERVICE . 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Pmfn eltf2004 Cmk and cm IUTY Cm aal Csu Cm c kphone wnlpnthle Tdml S Volwfc E ~D REMOTE - Uses PRI - 4-wmf 4-Wl 7 I Wc CALL ~e - - CALL e m bem-ImtwdDCICO ELEMENTS Tde Ald TAB nd chwoepots ~udlp~ motecmFonvsrdn Ml with U Uonel 11/tgl2003 U Loeatarca IUonal-Dl Emu~ Exd Exchange PRI Exchfegs R thwd Remote R Remote Channel N Nfenb pats Pm* dIUoffsi duowtuse parts-4-wtmlsDNDslthm-sub*m POR -InhlalProS -subs ZWW -Outdhl uoudl d AddNon Ce H Ad Addi Add Ad g Du TCI Data with PORT REMOTE REMOTE dt&R P or I hdedE 3OCS icalCoaocathm-DSICw»co or of of of shul abut itm I bumled I bundl&R bu e aw aw uw aw mo NETYYORK Eall ftwerd Enhange Ph Virtua U C U ca umumtted Loculor Exdf Inward Umxmdled Unbfvdl& Vdwmala Dl lnwurd Unbundled CasaÃhy Unbundled T Exche NUMBER LccslNumberPmtaba Cepsbllity Unbundled unbundled slkwed UnbundlsdRemoteC U Outwam UnbundlwlRemd Unbundled Addhl U d TYPES Venlon orAddlUonul II Recunln BUNDLED BUNDLED t n 0 INTERFACE N LOCAL N UN UNBUNDLED N C UN UNBUNOLEO CATEGORY ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 98 of 118 tl Add'I rtl m A SObIAN c Ch om 35 Dls Electronic. 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SOMAN Wi Ch ihd Becbcnlc IN I bl mbl ET ited 0 C LSR SOMAN p Manu SCO« Sub rmng rtlLo d I -C LSR fhd I Elec p SOMEC m S Sub&it UNEC 65 8 f Exhibit H I Add'I d x Dlsconnem leR te fib 98 98 98 98 42 add 142 I t 2498 24 Zesa 24 24 241ls 24 24.M I RATES Id Fl k Nonrscunl rtwedon D Po 90 10 10 ID go 90 72 90 28 90 UNE (8) rtnetw sb 2 2za 0.10 0 0 0 18 19 IOOO 19 16 1890 ta 19 died W Add'I bu RATES rrl rl h neu ID 10 10 93 30 30 30 38 hP 30 30 30 0 0 010 0 2 1 37 40 40 40 403O 40 40 40.30 40 Nn asonaotloo um sud Fl bl o Stand.AI c Srs h 13 13 13 17 13 13 76 13 13 13 13 to 634 the I I I I loco I»2 I I I I 'I 13 2 27 2038 20JI4 AGREEMENT- I Oed lmrtt 0002136 0000045 0004095 0001 00004951 0001D519 0 0 0 0 ~ 000086749 s 0 0 L Combos so te s dlhd b USOC exhlbk Combined U EPAP e ~ UERTR UERVJ USAC2 U UEPWL UEPRS UEPRT UEpirF USAC2 USACC UEPIX UEPLX UEPRL UEPRC UEPRO UEPAU UEPAJ USACC re m vld this of to rCU F scs mle eden th ~ I lesion UEPVB UEPVB UEPRX UEPRX UEPRX UEPRX UEPRX UEPRX UEPRX UEPRX UEP UEPRX UEPRX UEPRX UEPRX UEPRX UEPRX UEPRX S Pwl Corrtbos INTERCONNECTION thr 0 2 W I 1 d Sle Pe»hired ~ or !ewllmte Inl CmrtB ID plan ID ush ~ ortUe tC -s FCCandl wtbom woh local s and N as pml cdlw pcrt a «alon oialklp RES Tn I lmd bl »sh o MOU RATES COMBINED extended Co d Inl«IATA-8 - 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Combo-Zone Combo-Zone Combfnathn Cuhm Gmde Loopi Loopl rtccmbo-Zsmt rt NSION I' PorlR&tes «va emo «vsChan chnois ACMy llama»a Pmt Port LOOP LOOP pod- died ELEMENTS uk Vok» Voke Yoke Yoke VolceGndo Porlabgi Gmde Gndle Gr«h S Qmh blnsllon EXT U A«M mfanO03 - Idle Mlsce Mlle t Unbundled L L CHARGES PORTABI Tm Tramporl- coondo Tmwp«t-Odkshd Transport- Direct Din»i mr«C ice Unbu Unbundl«l Cs lan C ~ Comblnagon GRADE GRADE rmber ca VG VQ VQ VG Vofce Anal Velce vote V VG UG TRANSP re NR Chwrnol Cham 0«NSUno Gmd erskh-SwhchwhhCha Iss 3CCS: eVO Subsouuent Wire Side Side eaturecCfferod ILrtc lhtes we n-VN bu«fled FracOon I Wm wuo WusuotceG«dsl Wb twofgce Wite DICE NETWORK -Wfw -Vtlw -Wue SMreVofceowde -Wus .Wlw -Who -Nln nmwVolceorads amreuofcsGrade MAL PREMISES E5 nl«off nlelotfks olc FFICETRANSPORT I'ennhmtlon Into«Bc orF«th VOICE Nl 2 2WCS I FFICE 2 NUMBER Loca 2 Hon N Hon.wtm Tennlnagon or Cc 2 Babes PBX Gruu U Ptaft linet LONI Ae Ca 2.wbo Lk» Line rVLCC CURRIHG V Pc L Vs«ha Lo to WIRE WIRE UNE UHE INTEND 2.WINY LOC FEATUR NONRE 2 IMERO UNE ADDITIO OFFION UNE 2 Z.WIN UNEUNDLED CATEGORY ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 101 of 118 Add'I clfohlte A Cbwg om Disc El hcrementd 23d35 Io'isc Eublbfh 1st A 18uc g d P COll rm Cbwo 0 El N IhwsmMIM I t Io. Su ruh o 4me ~ Add'I mz EXHIBIT Cbmf Om Elect Nermel Irto Re'I hhl Suc Oss able. Atbdm W 1st ot Ch Od Et Merhml Irtwer Ih NIN LSR U Older pw M Suc Sub LSR Order El b p SOMEC 8 91 5 10 10 10 Add'ec Discohrwct 53 53 53 53 53 77 hlrr 16 37 37 37 2485 37 37 RATES Fl Nohfec 91 gf CC 90 90 50 47 UNE (6) I I 0 0lo 19 '10 32 27 - Add'I RATE5 00 00 00 93 00 33 63 0 0 0 7 0 5 6926 6926 5089 6926 6985 4030 40 Fl 17 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 16 13 30 89 I I I I I I I I 3 0167 14 1376 2182 27 7684 24 AGREEMENT 0 Re PP PL PXA PXB PXC PX Usoc DD2X U U U U U U UEPXE UEPXL UEPXM UEPXO UEPXS UEPXT LNPCP UEPVF USAC2 USACC USAS2 URETL P21HX SDD2X UITV2 UITVM UEPLX UEPLX UEPLX UEPSD UEPSA P2JHX SDD2X NCS UEPPX UEPPX UEPPX UEPPX UEPPX UEPPX UEPPX UEPPX UEPPX UEPPX UEPPX UEPPX UEPPX UEPPX UEPPX UEPPX UEPPX UEPPX UEPPX UEPPX UEPPX UEPPX UEPPX UEPPX UEPPX UEPIXI UEPCO UEPCD UEPCO UEPPX INTERCONNECTION PON Mds I obty User Pius Port Ikrt IDD e pw H en COIN -F - End A Economy scommy hthout d st U ede tPBXI- tpsIG. (psx)- Pats Purl UNE I G G and Ptd HotalrHospfhf Measured Multillne Loop PBX th andsloctStsgtt, nels Cwolkw Hol Pads ~ I PBX PBX vok Vous Tag CsroEnn 2 I Teml elh Bade I ANALOG runkPorl-Bm HotegHo South D HoteTHoepbal blnedon soaenbrp DNI Ww mt m3 — Temhal rt I Screemg DO Temhal Zone -2 CURRENTLYCOMSINED PBX Co PBX termlnalon I Outgoing Oui PBX Voke -2 -2 e WIRE - ElemenL PoncmNmfm FNNNmdk PBX -South r EIEISENIS LOT Tot LD LD 2 mt No-Zom3 hd-ZN wt net Ll Ll X m ~ cperslor Way Cbangelllmeange CHANNELS C C su U BXLDTemhalmrtkb~Port Rsh I I-Way I-W COIN 2-Way 2 PBX PBX P8 PBX 2.way d d Op RATE Port NRC WITH d d Cha Shirr rene port Degcsled Umd LooplU NSION Port S yuid Aclhlty. rt Sew LOOP t 5 Ces ELEEIEHTS Vdc Vokw tern P Unbundhd U~l Unbundled U~d Unbundled Unbundled Unbundl Udl~ Unbundled Udwdhdh Unbundled Grade mmstoopfUneponcmbl NN lrlmtlmt U Offered Adm IO'12i2003 -SMIMMGCtm fwdS Mhcellawous t nel Mls rr s Iwr hecasn PORTABIUIY Tmupwl- I hs I 'waymmoul Of~ Diect keGradaLoo Sc d Room I+DDD C GRADE Port w voice V vdmfNN Voice V Voice V Vdce Voke Voice V Yoke V Yoke c TRANSPORT Vd V VGCd Gal wk hu NRcs Channel Nu Ctw Grade lse MISESEXTE s Nepon e 3C03. Suteenue W Nre w i Naceywwpwt-DN Feel Rates ~m Fmclk AL Ice lmeVGcolnP Wl WleCoin2W t umlnm lockln DICE -N -lyb» -Wr -Ww NETWORK -W .Trkevdmcrtsdetoo .Ts .YN PR Call NUMBER Loca) 2-Wlw Ca 2-Wl Rccm Discount LineSkeunbundfedfmu 2wlw Sobs PBX Gmh Unbundl Pre Loca L~ 2-W Conrsmbm-Sdfchrthh 2N Co 2-Vd Ad 2-Wlw 2Wlw 2-Ww mi NNI976 N I T I or V Non Non CURRINGCHARCES V Lo LOCAL FEATURE UNE INTEROFFICE UHEI'L OFFID NONRE ADONION 2.WME UNBUHDLED CATEGORY ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 102 of 118 c vs. wm 0 7 Arid'I ual6 d ff A SONAR Ch 0 3$ DI Electronic Mw ol 24 Exhibit: vs. Id A ql ttd0 Page SONAR Disc Ch Order Msctronlc M Svc ootd I 0 3 2 mfvs. Add'I mr u EXHIBIT SOMAN Ch 0 Electronic M Rates nl Svc OSS vn nw- Atbwhm tsl urd SOMAN Ch (kdor Eloclrotdc M lw Onl rlSfl p Mswnuy mm Snbmlned Onb rlsR Emo p SOMEC 0 Sulmlttsd 1.33 1,33 Dlsconned 42 42 42 42 42 42 90 00 90 N 00 00 9S 09 90 90 00 IAZ I I I I I I 0 24 24 24 Ne0 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 RATES Flmt Nonrecunl I 3 ID 10 'll Tl Tl 71 Tl 71 00 00 90 90 7 UNE (13 D D ON 0$ 10 19 10 10 70 TD 70 70 70 70 70 - RATES 10 ID 30 30 30 30 30 30 00 D 0 0 I 4020 40 40.30 40 4080 4tl 4tl30 40.30 40 40 40 100.36 Fl 13 13 13 13 13 46 32 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 00 ra 45 ISZ I I 122 I 122 122 ts? 122 I I I I I I I I I I ld ISSS 23 28 24 79 AGREEMENT Roc USOC UECF2 UECF2 UEPRL UEPRC UEPRO UEPAU UEPAI UEPAP UEPWL UEPSH UEPSC UEPCC UEPCE UEPCF UEPSG UEPSF UEPSJ UEPCM UEPCP UEPCK UEPCR URECU LNPCX USAC2 USACC USAS2 URETL UECF2 R UEPCO UEPCO UEPCO UEPCO UEPCO UEPCO UEPCO UEPCO UEPCO UEPCO UEPFR UEPFR UEPFR UEPFR UEPFR UEPFR UEPF UEPFR UEPCO UEPCO UEPCO UEPCO UEPCO UEPCO UEPCO UEPCO UEPFR UEPFR RES INTERCONNECTION I 2 3 RT PO brt INE I L IA 011 WIRE plan ID 2 B wslon- with I local I+DDD, I+DDD. Sioddnf ILA Blocking onverskn- Bkckmg Bkdaw port I+ODD Cager co 76, 70, Diesng Bkmfng'00I976 011 Blockl Ops - ~ subsequent lalesexce 000 d d 011 011 3 exes fns dlh el snd lnfrmdml w w 000$ 000$ aa son celkg es 0 and and awk port I wlthod 000I976, TRANSPORTI bm -Zo states Carol Residence D. Bkdc Bode lo ares I Bc 2 3 Sw and d CohlBINEO snug b bo-Zone2 Cnolkrc FhlRSIO OMToglwpatEndUser Comlwwsm 0 3YW Block snwdmf Screening 6nw combfnaoon- SC 90D fkal Comb-Zone 6 S Screadng sdswlng ~ I 076 3YII Zona Zone Zorto Apt Idenca Cell ras South otrth Port Ibm - I candna OPT - port GRADE carolna ELEMENTS h wtCo oen: Slocklog teEte 90$ ID U Local k OPT opT Line LI mPOOCC rtlPort Susen: sc R opemtor Operator oporsfw Susan I South snd sndloc dth Op OWwlo opwalor south nn, CURRENTLY CSBn RATE Csa call mr u lth mwNnedthgog978 VOICE Rates TrLOOI' TY . d Cafbr tburx9sd whhoul wth wah C 0 looprUne Loop laopl d Tn Tn wkh vdlh dm cd SC Pon 011+ 011 PO with 0 Open operator Opnetar IOT IO IO Imdt 2I2003 W0 ELEMENTS hanced 2WIRE Portabl Smedlha Way muwted ~hd ID RTABI I/I Gnda Gmds Grade UmlauDsd G Etowmod Grodo unbundles Enhanced Une BARGE ovum Out Otmvsrd 2-ww 2.W 2.w Outwwd outs Olrlwwd 2 2.Way I Pa DDO chen SC COIN L ber rea n I I+DDD 'I+DDD - Ith ComblnaUannate Caser LOOPI Cdn com Cain cdn Corn cofn Cabt Cdn Coin 2.W volm vdce voice voice TRANSPORT VO VG Vates Voim yoke voice ID Loml' Local; local NRCS UN Num 76 Grade e 3OOR sec o Coin ~, mh Bales NreVGLco Ic N el'l DICE NETWORK "Nm -Wlw -Wlw -Wire -N SC SC LUM 2 Swlch-ss-lv Ddch UnbundledMisc P 2-Nfo 2-Wrm 011m 2-Wl UNE NUMBERPO Lacai 2-w 900$ 2-Wmt 011+ 2-vNre 011 2-Wv S~nln 2Nre 2WSS 900I970, Zxnrm 2-Wire Wmulasn d 2-wrm Cager 2-Wus 2-wtm 2wlm 2-wlw A rtlkoo without CURRING Vwslan Lo NONRE UNEP LOCAL INTEROFFICE UNE ADDITIONAL 2.WIRE ADDITIONAL BUNDLED UN CATEGORY ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 103 of 118 tl Svc lao Add'I A SOMAN Chir Inde 35 Dice ElwdlohlO Mmlual le ol 25 ~ nmf Svc Etwlbtb A 1st UOI Page em do harge- SOIuAN C 0 Bocuuhlc'l Msr SVC em 3 Addv Icfrohlc. EXHIBIT SOMAN tee Chmge- Ofdor eh2 B MfthUCI Incremental h Sv OSSR v4. Au rae- usl Mt SOMAN Ch Ordw Bwhuntm M Incremental der dly LSR 0 SONAR per Ma Sec Submihed Rtwl LSR Ofder Bee per SONEC Sec Sub 33 91 I 8 0ai Otccohrwct 42 42 42 42 42 42 77 I I I 1 I 1 1077 16 RATES First Nohmctfrdh 10 10 07 47 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 UNE I I I 1AT Ta 27 70 70 70 70 70 70 zydr - Add'I Urrlfr 30 3S 36 30 24 63 00 30 63 his 080 050 0 d50 11 1124 40 40 N 100 100 100 100 100 10IL3S First 13 13 00 45 78 60 45 70 60 40 32 32 44 46 I 035 1 0134 D134 16 10 1S la 24 28 23 2ll 24 20 23 28 AGREEMENT 0 0 UBDC ILDXX USAC2 USACC URElN UITV2 UEPVF LNPCX USACC UECF2 UECF2 UECF2 UEPSL UEPBC UEPBD UEPAZ UEPBI UEPAB UEPWM UITVZ UEPVF UECF2 UECF2 UECF2 EPFB UEPFR UEPFR UEPFR UEPFR UEPFR UEPFR UEPFR UEPFB UEPFB UEPFB UEPFS UEPFB UEPFB UEPFB UEPFB UEPFB UEPFB UEPFS UEPFB UEPFB UEPFB UEPFB UEPFB UEPFP UEPFP UEPFP PS INTERCONNECTION Zona RT I PO PO Ihtwf UNE UNE with st at Mile Mile WIRE Pkh 2 2.WIRE port local Facility Loop Per Loca g ~ - Io-au buc pmt Ptul Pad - Dlagna cent \ 2 3 ID Grado-Per Grade Grade cabined COMBNEO COMBINED C3 Uno ovfoNINI Une s Designed D Ama ID-Ims ~Cellw Zone Zomr oke Zone TIIANSPORTI TRANSPORTI E404 - - Voice Voice wire Tag Chroans Wire Tea Such»Os rh guc 8 2 IO 2 10 I 3 1 M-Z bo- I as CcfhllAO Wire Wlm ment, o Coml» Combo- CNrtf» Zone ZN Cager+ Zone 2one2 buc South -2 -2 CURRENTLY CURAENILY - ~ ~ .zor»3 - B~ Be - Cwoln mp&fgwi»UAOFAA ~ SNrih ~ GRADE cworms GRADE r CAC NtCc ranepon/2WraUne ID wsfnnrtcslbrr wuh Gdkh.WlthCha Tronepnt Tnuwpohf OIPcn SL2 Sl2 - - ai2 5 alz -Gdkt RN Rute I I I South lo 10 Neo sauth S NRCO NRCO VOICE VOICE lo Rome btNdlod Cogor Dedcalod Dedlcaled ted mn cove - nR Loo loo Loo Lc» U Tnm Tn Tran 0 wm banemv DTAN I ID IOT ID zfzaay OPwl ELEMENTS bn&thd ZWIRE 2WIRE convenlon Convenlon ID Dsdlu Dwscoled k U~kd Grado Grade Anode blnad - - bl ur GArdo unbundled unbundled INbvNgsd Imbunged U I I IDedcstedlO Offered Ogofod 101 M MB Mlle M Mscelkn u» CHARGES CHARGES PORTABIUTY PORTABILITY Trsmpwt-Oadmtad-ZWIAVoka Trancpwt-Dedkslwl-2 Trsncpon TmnepoA- Premise PAtfrrlco GLoo Co Co Cager LOOPI LOOPI Lwp loop vole voice voice voice Vdc TRANspoRT VG VG VG Vok Voice voice voice VGL VOL Voice vofmG»nato ngNt ID swee NumbwPonaDO dlo I 30tt3r o e ul 8 e evolmGr& 14nstlon User User undled mmce ICE Featume F Rates F Fmdtm on INDE Imre Wl t teroglcs she .Mm .Wbe Amre -W -Win .wl .Wire NElWORK -Win -Wm I Intemaice Interoflke dlagn Z.wi Caller 2-Wre NUMBER LocalkumberPN!ahl FmcE I Nl NUMBER local 2wvetccpfDedmmdtoy c 2 Combkstlon Unbundled 5& VOICE Tr EAd Te~atk or comdnsuon-omw Comblnaaon-Cchvcdon-avmchwlu 2-vrlm w AILOC rtrt Ag 2-Wm 2.WVO VNcl Loo P Loo Wire WIRE UHEP ONE FEATURES LOCAL NONRECURRING 2.WIIIE FFATURES LOCAL INTER 2 Z UHE UNE NONRECURRING UNSUNDLED CATECORY ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 104 of 118 e I c Ic. Ya. p r Add'I uals ct A SONAR cmmwt Ch Onl 35 Oleo El Ma I ol 20 tkh Enhlblti YA A eh41 1st m I Ualmm Page SONAN Disc Ch Order El BI4 thaw I . . t Ic. ~ Ssc 5 2 Add'I EXHIBIT SOMAN Charge thdar Elmdr Matual Inc 14t . 41 ~ Ssc OSS w I ~ Auachnwnb 1st SOMAN ChaqW. Ome Elmlnmlc lamin rLSR coma SONAR 0 Miiiicn!IY 3 Oubmuled Om rLSR Else p mio Submmad 3$ 5'I 51 51 51 ~ 6.91 I 11 1121 11.51 11 11 11 Dl 0$ 02 02 02 02 02 7 unl 87 6T 67 0722 07 8722 113 RATES 4 Flat N ST 10 00 31 31 Sl 31 31 31 tm 47 UNE Nl 127 127 I I 0 0 0721 83 27 03 03 03 03 83 - Adil'I RATE5 alii 2 32 32 32 $ 32 32 32 50 50 722 7 7 8 8 000 000 1124 1124 Noh 1$ 1ST 137 13T 137 137 Flat 4 15 75 80 00 32 20 52 0 I 3 0134 16 23 2046 23 30 35 AGREEMENT 0 Rso IC PPC PPI PLD PXS PXC USOC UECOI UECDI UECDI UEPDI USACI USA USABI URETN NDT U UEPPO U U UEPXA U 0 UEPXE UEPXL UEPXM UEPXO UEPXS UEPXT LNPCP UITV2 USACC URETN BCS PFP PFP PFP PFP PFP PFP PFP PFP UEPPX VEPPX UEPPX UEPPX UEPFP UEPFP UEPPX UEPPX UEPPX UEPPX UEPPX V V U U U U U V UEPFP UEPFP UEPFP UEPFP UEPFP UEPFP VEPFP UEPFP UEPFP UEPFP UEPFP ie INTERCONNECTION Zc lnlaitiii PO t mlh a! I Mile 3 RUNE km Plus Port pwl 7 IDD Loop Loop per s - Zone Zone Hospital Port-Bus DID Ass Economy Econo~ 0 Purl FM Uss Tnmk causa Pwts Pml ada RE UNE UNE Bus es Gmds-FadET G dim - - Is Hots Measwwl Trwa RATES COMBINED Uno Une Per Designed Deekpum psx pwt X 24M Ca Hotel Snhchboard Pons ag Port. P0 PBX PSX IsmtchbmmPml -VHEZawt voke vcke Wue Tag wlw CaroEna combo Combo 2 2 Tma Tnmk COMBINED BASED I I Tiunks I 12-UNEZanea IMHI PBX HotedHospltel HcteTHospilat South ~ SLZ SL2-UNEZons2 $ ww ~ wue Tnmk part Port DID Te XTnnkPwl-8 amblnadon DDD - - - Twmlnal T I -2 South CURRENTLY PBX pBx Cutolm PBX -Add Dement Element COST nspcn P - - BUS PBX MRMEIRS LD T L ONLY Port Tnmk Tmnk XL X Swftchasdr XLDTm Transport Tn 2vma es Way EslebasmenlCh Rate Rsu I DID I-Way I-Wa PBX P 2-ws PBX IO 2 2.way 2-Way lo BUS Aeon OnePerPort DID DID CURRENTLY IIATE Pa\ NRCs I Rates Port Defeated Comblnadon2W Outward Incomb IwtP Iwt - loop died died Wue -Wra wmlod «ndled undledP 2-Wire 2-WeDIOTmnkPortcomtm-UNEZom2 LOOP- -2 bi pwl-Dedicated-2 nkGn C pun ELEMENTS Ise nb Vacesrsdebm VolcsGmlelm VckeGmde Ces Comwelon- Oeihmled Dedlcshul Port mwlsloop/2-wtwDIDTnmkpoitcomblnatkm- mila Unbun Ummdled Unbimmsd Unhandled U Unbundled Grade . DE Olfenm I I \U12I2M3 COMBINATIONS. nbundled nbwm Sob flltceoaneom Wls Miscellaneous Lco L CHARGES CHARGES be Pab PORTABIIJIY Trwn U Unlmndlsd Pre P RA Retch Pat ote R combination e erne-Comewbn-Shamhtm 0 Pat ast DID Loop Vo V Vota Vote Vote Yoke vdc Yoke VO VG Loop Vote Vote TIIANSPORT Yoke NRCs e e hie BE eVGLoo e e e Side Side S re re re User Usa TnnkTennlnatbn na'n Numbedf Featums Fmctbn toroffms Wlw Wl Wire Vme I DICE .W -W -Vare .W -Wee NETWORK clceGradeUnePorlRstes Line L 2-wu BeaSouthAllonableohs End DID ALoo or Aa 2 Comblnadon 2 Comm Unbundl«1 End 2 Olccwmt 2.VAe 2.Wire Cssn HUIS Lamluu Tennhiaatm In Ca Zwse AAMnhbsda 2.was RaeriCs Ltm Srmch 2wae 2 Unbundted CURRING PORTILOOP hone Vambn3Q03 0 Um I'tRala WIRE LOCAL INTEROFFICE 24Vlm UNE UNE ONE NONRECURRING FEATURES NONR ADDITIONAL Tele DLED 2 UNBUNDLED UNBVN CAIEOOAY ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 105 of 118 Svc vo Add'I A SOMAN Chame. Dntw OI 35 Bocmnhlc Hatchel Incremental It: of I 27 Svc Exhlb vn A 11 go Page DI Chu Order Beclronlc. Hurtful IltCmhfoht Svc vn 5 rp Addi t:2 EXHIBIT Ch Order Elrmllcrtlw Mwttml Ihwerrtehtal ch nial Svc OSSRates vu AN m 1st Churg OrCor Elsclronlo. Marmot Inm Ordw bmlNW SONAR pn'LSR Mahudf7 Svc 0 r Sled LSR retie dl4crml Else per SOMEC ~ Smora Sub th 37 01 d 6 OS 21 n rmacom ts Dl rtff 77 10 RATES Irat wcuWO ~ tarn!ra(oppress No rmmontorl rllo 14 10 00 08 47 00 UNE fsl OM 0 OM 1 0 27 - 27 amia 133 Orev Add'I PATES sh ~ 00 51 50 33 00 00 03 00 00 00 IS4 0 OM II 0 0 0 0 0 OM mml I 38 40 Nonreeunln 100 meuarrlloam First d Ifoelh Id rm 15 10 00 88 60 23 27 So 02 30 00 00 0 0 CM 3 0 035 0 OM 0107 30 38 44 35 24 Att AGREEMENT 178 0 141 347A4 Ob tcn Wllnl w untg ohd ~ 18/ZIM NDZ ND4 ND5 ND6 NDV LNPCP USL2X USL2X USL2X UEPPE USACB UEPVF MIGNC MIGNM UIIETH URETL LNPCX UIUCA UIUCB UIUCC VIVCO UIUCE UIUCF UIUMA lo th of PR UEPPR EPPR UEPPR UEPPR UEPPR date Iomasc UEPPR UEPPR UEPPR UEPPR UEPPR UEPPR UEPPR UEPPR UEPPR UEPPR UEPPR UEPPR UEPPR UEPPR UE UEPPR SCS seln etfecgve EPPB EP e UEPPX UEPPX UEPPX UEPPX VEPPX UEPPB UEPPB UEPPB UEPPB UEPPB UEPPB UEPPB UEPPB UEPPB UEPPB UEPPB UEPPB UEPPB UEPF6 UEPPB UEPPB UEPPB UEPPB UEPPP UEPPP UEPPB VEPPP I INTERCONNECTION I I 2 I 3 2 3 2 3 fte Zoho PORT ATN Pmt SIDE Irdollrtr PDRT lolheernboddwlb I Trunk of VNS at I!al MSSCMS User poh TRUNK faclooee Port port Pwt- UNE UNE loop Gnwp Dl - -UNE - I ed Number ond mdblte Dforrrtl side Sids Bds 5hle Fiml Numwm OS Pott Port slg Per ALKY mfa OIGITAL pronto Um ON IJne Dna One MDN OID 0 LoopalEnd IS mlle fwl el Tnadt 20 Trunk Dsl Pmvldo bem User Ihlando ISON Trw Tag Corofina ol Port 8 Ixgltol Ixgoal Ggltal Wire COMBINED and BYARS Nw 4 ISDN Dldw Olgad o WI 6lde Indudhg uddftkwsl 2 ament G ISDN 15DN ISDN DID South -UNEZ -UNEZonu2 -UNEzonea I Element, with nhrrlbwe WNH DSI lcwl'orl DSI - Gmup p ELEIIENTS channel Une an WIRE wA, NDBIDighdTnwkpon 4 eadt pi2W I DID I Rale 1 o I Lou ISDN ISDN fcreach Tmnk Loop CURRENTLY ISDN RATE laopl2W Loopl2w Lo Rates TY EWSO Rm olw liat WNN nreleeb - cwuscutlve Gmde bll mteege moe MILEAGE Ol If rmbul mowdw Grade Grade Gmde umbem Wl halGmdeLoo aalGndeLoo hslGnmaLCC I ~ ELEMENTS GRADS Loopf4W LoopfcW TASIUTY -2-Wlm wnbere Esteblhh N N PNOle Cowemlch LOOP N rPC I/IZOCM bl Dogal OS MSNESS bars I Miscellaneous I DMSISESS 2 3 Fentwee CHARGES- DID PM PROFIlE PORTASIU chohnel chnwwl Dlgkal Digital Dlgoal Premise bwn DID N Oo Bghsl DigtelLoopf4Wls Dlglld Comblnaoen Cumbl WSD WSD ISDN uc CHANNEL DN oN dledMiscellanaousRale MODAL 4.Wlm Zone Zone 2 3 Iw Tenninal SGCR o DIGITAL Nmcmm, Num User Ibl IS Is ISDN DSI DS1 FEATURES lmtoo vemcal bu Rates ml Rate I Wm UMBERI'0 URRING ocaINum NETWORK .WlrelSOND -wlmlsDND sou NALNRCI .PDSI HELUSERPROFILSACCESlk nlenwlce NELAREAPLUSUSERPROFILEACCESS: DID ~ Rsswve UNE?Cne 20DIONC OIO 2mwrelSDND Exch rtff 1W 2w UNE 2W UNE Go Ussr FFICE Dsl Vntwndled End U Prs NUMBER lacalNumberP«l CVSICSD CVS CSD CVWCSO 2 Ch ERMINAL Ag Inlerulfice Iohuh 0 4W Z 4wD81 Zemi 4W mm T Lu P Port Ternion Poruloo lao UN «es WIRE CHRE LOCAL UHE 2 UHE LOCAL B.CHAN UNE NONRE USER ADDITI Th Re UHE UNE VERTICAL INTERO ~ UNSUNDLED CATEGORY ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 106 of 118 'atual s. Svc Add'I A BOMAN cr Charge Order 35 Disc Elmtronlo s of 20 tsl 6vc Exhlblb A tel I'Vs. e Page race SOMAN Di Chnfps Onl Medmnlc. Mart/rat IA 'II Svc res. 3 Add'I Anal EXHIBIT SOMAN Chufgs Ofd Mommta Irmwmhlst Rema mat:2 d Sv 000 t Alt I SOMAN Clmrgv. Order Eleclmnla Manual Inaanonld AT LSR Ctder menL 0&Bad SOMAN pw M Svc S re d ~ frl c L5A Order El pw SOMEC Sve Submlu 40 83 14 1420 31 neet amtscommard A/I/I'I tl aso Disco o dl 15 55 39 rrl 16 124 117 Ih' RATES First writ/rates Ncmec lo IBegSC 17 17 51 51 51 51 67 73 49 54 07 Cg UNE 45/ gm 0 0 14 tl 57M 87 14 14 14 70 8199 87 23 AN - revert 259 Add'I o/I RATES shag ~ r 78 70 56 4T 50 78 51 51 51 31 49 54 56 0 reemsnt 14 14 11 14 1456 1451 14 23.07 14 89 Nu st 129 129 119 120 n 455 Fl anna 75 87 43 80 05 00 00 00 00 78 43 89 ~ I 0 0 0 0 3415 4815 90 65 Altsr4IH4lhsserul to 9087 AGREEMENT HS7/ 155 155 261 0 21433 320 281 77 Reo trs 4/t/os. t rovlded OTTA to/2lmu USL40 ILNIA ILNIS USAOI USAWA USL40 USL4P UEPPP USACP PR7TF PRTIO PR7ZT LNPCN PRTIV PRTID PR71E PRTBV PRTBF PRTBD PRTC1 PRTCD PRTCC USLDC UDOIT USAWB U UOTTB UOTTC UDTTD USLDC USLDC be shall ecosoc BCS Amendment UEPDC UEPDC UEPDC UEPPP UEPPP UEPPP UEPPP UEPPP UEPPP UEPPP UEPPP UEPPP UEPPP UEPPP UEPPP UEPPP UEPPP UEPPP UEPPP UEPPP UEPPP UEPPP UEPPP UEPDC UEPDC UEPOC UEPDC UEPDC UEPOC UEPDC UEPDC 4 INTERCONNECTION ddalbaseln 1 2 3 I I 2 3 2 3 ~ orth ~ urrrb tie Inlwlm A ~ nctlon. I Pon I 3 bonnet C2 Chan rt-odmm Su!sequent Comblneson. exhibit Actvf. qnt Zone Tmnk orlComdretlon- Port pon rde Su UNE?one UNE NEO rkPat- I k - - -UNEZ . Dhlhl 8 41/2004 Subsqt 41/2004 - Ihl M nak E Cnfotlns Tnak Tm DID Pml Port-Sutoqnt port-mlbseq Dst Pwt Pwl CONS/NED CD Port k kPwl DID nk Pwi 4/IO034 fort DITS I TO Trunlr TnakPcrt-NRC- Tank Tnak OulvnntTnak Isle Trunk E E:4/U2004 DOITS chomd 13DN DDITs Channel Tn Tn South INC wlth4NCDDITSansfthaeffcctl E:4U2004 SChsmel a NC 8 ~ OS 8 nkwi ELEMEHtS t TS I below Dig wire Pm ve s donar DITS DITST DITS SON mbae exes 15DNDstoigkslTmnkp N Dot DOITS ~ Trunk DDITB DDITs Loo I 4-Wae Data I D - t .UNEZone1 .UNEZane2 -UNEZone3 /4 .UNEZonel -UNEZcm2 -UNEZom3 I /4 elSDNOSIOigkaf e mce Tnak CURRENTLY CURRENTLY I N RATE IAID Add - IS Rat ~ ital I FiwtMge 4WO 4WD 4WD Ch Wlm WI W wm I Nos Tel Whs W yoke/Data e L Lmp 4 4 Lmp Dl Imvsrd - tlw 'nak / I States alL Inwanl 2/2003 -4 Tel p/4- pl4WI talLco lslLCC p/4 Lo L L ELEMENTS Charnel kdL Ssltoo nation Sl INWCIN-I.Wa In Chsh-InuadTnmkugh Ag E4/I/2m4 Fractional lnuad Mg Dlglhl 0 D D gal lal LmP/4 11/I Lo Looplet OOlsl DlolalLaop Loop Loop de I "8" ALLOOPWITH4.WIREDDOSTRUNKPORT CHARGES CHARGES Pats I PORTABILITY Pe omb D 0 D «I ent Acti chludmi cs SI IAdhedon/Chan-2-Wa Addsonel AddHonel Debt Dst DS DSI DDITS OSI Dsf DSI Dsl Ds1 Data DSI NRCC 1 44ero Alrtlns. 3C03: e e or w DSI DSI DSI rre 081 Numbws ~w Ital ce/Oats Charm lo Role Rota wl Wire Nrs Vms wlru W ew eworAddlthnel- ow URRINO ~ NETWORK NAL NALHRCs truant ~ DS1DIG LocalNumlerPwl Ol 4 Comblsodcn-Convwshn-Ddhivmd In 4-Mls 4-Wreosl FlrwlE Emu V 4 4wlroDstl Tel 4NreOSILo Sub NUMBER Comwalon 4 Chan 4 Channel 4 4. 4-Wa/DSIOI 4.WIHDS1DI 4.WxeOSI rt C.Wxe 4NrsOslolglalLcop/4Wa Ssltchash 4-W ConwushnvehDSI 4 4W 4W 4W Adlvalka/Ch Acd Addhlo CURBING E-P I'W Vemlon Po Po Lo UN NRE WIRE NO LOCAL UNE Inleroee Never ADOITIO UNE NDNRE 4 7he ONE UNE ADOITIO UNBUNDLED CATEGORY ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 107 of 118 c vs, IS Add'I A SOMAN Chahl Ordsf 35 Disc Eleclmnlc Man Ihcferfrehtal or 20 ~ Svc Evhlbnr va. A 1st Po0e SOMAN Disc nt Chahle Ondar Wectronm. Manual Incremental . lrrl nem Svc vh 6 2 A44'I EXHIBIT SOMAN Charge Orrl4 cretan siss Wmlmnlm Marttral Irrwshr R s ~ o Ore 080 v4. chef *r Aftachmenh 1st der tes SOMAN Chwgs 0 Eleclnmlc Mrmrrof lane LSR uely Omr pw LM Sv Suhrmued ra LSR slrs0 Ord Elec pw SOIIIEC Sv Submlhed ates 40 these 14 Add'I drtN4 dlscmtlon. olscomracl Sflw 10.39 cm RATES Ffmt SellBotrlh Nn 4I n514IIISL 30 00 00 51 UNE twlff (6) II 0 0 14 0199 - or toiyltm Add'I 00s of RATES heht e eo 605 00500a s 00 01 51 00 00 00 47 00 Do al lose 0 0 0 0 0 COO 0 14 ho Nonrecent 150 In wms First ool ooi ~ base 0 0 ~ Io 14 15 7 Nl 00 00 Nl CD I 89 3 0 0 0 0lkl 0 0 3415 558 77 bwlded AGREEMENT Imd 15543 HM 02415 0 02415 201 ~ cast I I e tho Elrlrrla sd a&on urrlaL to 7 Ac5vstlone eS meld ~ I ~ C USOC ok ri IbM UDTTE CCOSF MCOSF UDTGX UDTGY UOTGZ NOZ ILNO1 1(NOA 1(NOC US(DC VUM VU USAC4 NO4 ND5 ND6 NOV CTG USLDC USLDC VUM Fesur k trratloh etio lese vdd wmonCS cohh Corrrblb pon used Ihip atortr C Port OIIo 000 Port-Con PDC PDC PMG PMG PMG PhlG PMG PMG PDC FMG SunraOWTSTm EPDC ot with U U U UEPOC UEPDC UEPDC UEPDC UEPDC UEPDC UEPDC UEPDC U U UEPDC 0 UEPDC UEPDC UEPDC UEPOC UEPDC UEPOC UEP IthlscmondmentahaEbe UEPMG UEPMG UEPMG U U UEPMG UEPMG U U UEPMG I IhPokl To ofr wl INTERCONNECTION teo U trtltltrrttrrtr ch d Zone ~ d Iixatl numbe 'th v ~ ILS o IMI It h4f sand ~ ha I treed Ihtrhlhr Charm efo 0 c lh on oah outh with 001 Acd 1 Whc DID wlthChennoutatl «ration oupof mdAdd as aflef 25 Bess I G Lo endln 4Wlm -9 D4ChannelBan Pok (FadEaes Confl Wthout DSI Fks! 1 it 001 (Foul for weald p«numb mile-88 mae-25rmiles vahen 001Loo Ike Id wltir to24Featur PORT or ~ Bank One kGro mh» 4.Wire Pm sl 4-wire ls ls ts ls 11 Cnrui(nn FXIFCO hkh s ls Sf on Mumbenr 00 905 Tm ~ WITH ~ Sts Trar» andu r4WI 1 D 0 D D acd S Sts Trunk i stele ~ whh e I DID ate r Wham ON Cha 1 1 so 200 80 OSI 2D Tl hm Use an ahheStatloh 4D r240 South avf Inadonsotratesd Na Group - ELEMENf0 w 1 3 Outward Inward Famal TnekGn otlo Ch MEea DSOAcdvalod Fbwd Fhm Fohrtsl combmedj her Point e2 I - -AddNonalm!e -Addalmolrsle .Fixmrats25+miles(Fie0mls -I -1 -1 -1 -I DID Estab5amenlch -I -I DID S.Addklo hiss Tnmk with Zone Zo Zone Assocl Locations andy RATE 1-Wa 1-Wa 2-Wa G mtoe ad odmne arche NE conaeculheDIDNumbee Channol for for for to24comb «raUonlsone Mfeage Mfea0S- F~ UNE C (cun Uso CHANHELIZA IMtwm IMIIS C NRc - -ONE - 6 Formal each IC aden 2I2003 ID4Channel0 Su bw umtlonlunctlonln ELEMENTS s nfl es IEce EstabSsh No I Tennlninac far rankGnu End I/1 Nen umber «mbor Loo L I WITH chan-2w N erhoma at ler lhmlrm Choreel channe ChwmelMIS mc wkane bws Charms Chemi Cbeeece Chamet conS fm~ DID Sl eambl C berff C ne m ne Invemlon cha Oftice Extended Numbee 0 ~ D81LwmfcWVSDDITsTnekpck-SubhlntChon DSI sl elan conveelon - -8 Edended 4WlreDS1Loo 3G03: - LOOP Gu ~ Numbws, N Numows h Na DSO DID DS1 \DSILoo 020ROSUBSHTUDON SD f Hodr W Loo twonceChsewlMle oflhl NETWORK D d ~ .PDSI ~ atemeanhavetr I InmratmChw Intoroncecl LomlnumbsrPmtaht DSI Raceme Iheetve InteroNca I Intomnce Inlorohke 0szs Tef Tsf DIO DID DID 4w Acdvauonf 0SZS Additions Twm Cenval Temmacon Tsmvnatkn AMI AMI NRD ASowul 4.ilaeDSI 4-IM ~ lo les 0 h Venrlon 0 0 em UN m ath NE Iro Alh BIPOLAR UNE Tele Narwlecunfn AMlnlmum Multi 5 UNBUNDLED ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 108 of 118 ~ lm Svc Add'I y A SOMAN Charge om 35 Dlw Electro app hlahual ol . 30 «I ma Svc Exhlblt: 1st A Iv Page d SOINAN w Glee Chaigo- 0 Electron«. Mahuxl I t n«l Svc Adifl EXHIBIT SOMAN w Charg Onlw'. nn Doclrohlm Manual I hmmt:2 td h eo AN I 1st SONAR cr Chmg Onhr blnstions Elocborilo Manualgvc I oih Co 7 LSR Onle hmnm iinuh SOMAN p Mah Sw 5 hp c Lsf! Orde. 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I Svc nit« Add'I A Charge om Disa 35 Efwt Manual Incrsms cf c 31 8 Exhibit: vk nlw 1st A b rral Pago SOMAN Dieu Charge Older El Ela Inwemental c ~ Vh f 2 Add'I EXHIBIT BOMAH t Charge Ohf Et~out IdahualS Inarwnantsl R Svc 088 v Atlachmenb let SOhlAN Chwgs" Orrlol Medronl MahU41 IrrcmrrrNrtal LSR Ordet SONAR Fof MarrUalhf Svc Submitted LSR Order Elec per SOMEC Svc Submhled 94 00 47 94 94 0 2 agi 11 11 11 Add'I Dlaannnscl 00 D3 75 77 98 98 98 47 47 98 98 99 M 47 98 98 0 16 24 24 24 64 54 24 54 60 72 24 24 24 24 24 RATES lml F Hnnraeurrln 78 M 71 71 90 71 71 90 00 47 UNE (3) 0 tgM 18 19 1990 19 19 27 70 70 70 70 - Add'I RATES 30 30 M 36 M 57 30 30 30 30 00 63 nrecurrln 030 0 000 IL51 40 ~ 40 4030 40 40 4D 4030 4020 40 40 N 108 IQEN 108 ICS 119 202.47 4tul42 Flral 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 00 62 30 35 00 I I I I I I I I 113 tia I I I I 0 0 0 0167 7996 73 24 AGREEMENT 0 0 ROC IX CS2 USOC HDI HDO GEM U UEPYA UEPYB UEPYH UEPYM UEPYZ UEpYa UEPY2 UEPQA UEPQH VAR UAROX CEHD8 MI MIGBC IPQWS IPQW8 UEPQS UEPQM UEPOZ UEPQ2 UEPVF UEPVS UEPVC UARCX MI MI BC5 P95 Plm P95 UEP95 U U UPQ U UEP65 UEP85 UEP95 UEP95 UEP95 UEP95 UEP95 UEP95 UEP95 UEP95 UEP95 UEP95 UEP95 UEP95 UEP95 UEP95 UEP95 UEP95 UEP95 UEP95 UEP95 UEP95 UEP95 INTERCONNECTION I I 3 2 3 2 3 Interim slot ulvalanl 9~ Combo- bowl 800 slot leo Tenn-Bash Tenn Wire Wue 23. -MQ mba I side mes of I agnkor ID)18ask ID lw* Swdce swvtcs ane 0 Swvtng Cwt Swvlng (Canlmx)Port Loca Caro)inn Fx 800 ago I 3 2 aecaon ddl cater Caller t«mnauon twmwdrh an Indlaf OUbael wvs W Pet o - - on h 8 f Nw Bankc Bant 800 ullh Immdlf 8M wiN from Zone ZNro Inalkn aonChannaumdDSISerdce t ofl South ~ - x htar-Qwblrmlk uter I Nil sled ~ a ELEMEIHS hated Grade na Te R R An TS I sad Cenirsx cenln canoe channsl channel e Dmsendng Cehxw Cwwax Cenbuc D0IS«vhg «dr mdr tCenbex Tend 7 tarn)naiad« Uea Yoke RATE tmxlnn a 24Mre Ogsred wt oo tlowl D-4 . Pmt part mm porl pmt Port Pmt pch Port P Port, P«l hecate rlccaaa bar Pod(Cenlrex Offohxf ~ C On Fscll Adlvm Wlm ab«m on onD4 ablm Fu 'ac 2I2003 ada ELEN)EN TH BealnLaod pr2 Actlvaftm eeluwa - Grwie Daa Grade Gmdeporltenntwmdhonmegalinkmmdvdsnt- Grado 8 Grade Grade Grads G Grade Grade Grade Grade Glade Dress Grwle Mgsa 11/I Aws Lac Nemmk Nein«k TN lhalkm Featu ca ce Channel channelm9e Ic Fmt«45 Intercom Tam Ace«alon A 3 238ashlocalArsa Vok» VG Vk Tarrrrlhrdlnrra 1.544M voice Vake Vok Vol Vol voice voice voice voke Vous Voice Voks Yoke Parlabaf voice V Vdce Local NumberPom 2 e 3QM; Sank Nr kSlde hln Chant«I gamic Sta Select N«2,3 Iml Rale on Wim Wh R6re W vuw el Wire Vdra t«CNca rrbUndlad -Vhm .Wire -Wrm .wtre NEIWQRK It -imw -Rtre .wue -Wl I hmrUa n 2 De A Ce 2 Smvke 2. 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Onhrvm B Manual R I I ~ Ic- Svc OSS ~ Atlachm» 1st c Charge Ihd Bmao Mshnlll I umlp Ihd rtSR owned p Mo Sv S LSR Omw Eke p Sm Submmed 63 65 e 6 685 065 Add'I Dlscohnsm Od 8$ 00 9S 00 2&93 24.0$ 24 24 Npc 24 24 24 RATES First Nsrrmcurrtn 10 90 90 oo 90 90 00 00 72 UNE (5) I 10 10 10 19 19 19 19 10 - Arid'I RATES mn r 30 30 30 30 30 30 93 To 7D 33 24 . 8 11 37 6$ 7290 40 C630 40 40 40 40 40 $ 6M Flat 17 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 ao 13 01 26 I I I I I I I I 14 17 2152 27 24 AGREEMENT Reo USOC CSI C62 PQWI PQWA I IPQWQ I USAC2 MIACB MIACC URECA URETL URETN UEPYA UEPYB UEPYC UEPYD UEPYE UEPYF UEPYG U U 05 $ D D D D D D UEPSS UEP05 UEP05 UEP05 UEP05 UEPCS UEP95 UEP95 UEP95 UEP95 UEPOD UEP90 UEP9D UEP9D UEP90 UEP00 UEPSD UP UP UP UP UP UP UEP9D UEP9D UEP0D UEP9D INTERCONNECTION I I 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 Znho lerlm I slot stot Area gmt Uss Local Local t. 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Mshual In~ Ral . ul Svc OSS rv Atmchmm m 1st d soNMN Charge 0 Electmnlc. Manual In r LSR lhd pm QDMAN Manually Sv Submnled LSR O&m Else pm SOMEC S Submnled Add'I el»hem ~ Ol I RATES Fl Nohfecuhlrl 10 UNE (53 I CA3 - Add'I RATES nlh o 112S Nc Ffbm n AGREEMENT ndltl Roc USOC rlhlnGensralyennsandc SCS tf ass UEPQD UEPQD e INTERCONNECTION Zo lelruo» n trit andport clio b End ~ at d Use rsLQLCC Gul Loop I n m nl 5ESS4EWSD m h L~ Design ul g Tro T CoroNna mnarelnt col ~ lrmlnlAESS South lnstsnso ElemenL Element, - ELEMENTS NRC rPmmlstsE lo C Rats R ee donut Inlntml t r n RATE »ms ~ Ch n'R II fflceChannelMII QIX03 ELEMENTS I m ~ n odncC tf t I Mlscena Mi tn ~ mcl ~m dl 3OO3. ulredPortforC «Irmg flea Premise bu&hd I NETTYORK Re Instaganonlseombln Re Us\ Unbundled P U ~ ~ ~ R 2.R Vemlon r I les Motet N N Melee Nol Addio»MR UNSUNDLED CATEGORY ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 114 of 118 in or of As B and state New these under which to authority wholesale wholesale applicable the rights contract. nonrecurring of elements charges to transitioned the any arbitrating conversions 251 contract independent EXHIBIT in delegated pay or being any For its network conversion disconnect include Section are tariff elements Consequently, a SIMON" "switch-as-is" from the should is not the under to commission, to ~P'0 251. arise thereof. LEC elements applicable 58f48OS(fit'818 unbundled ordered network apply acting cement. state should that the US to is Agreement A the to pursuant Section network should New New MATRIX result, services, charges such addition the authority. Commission rates services combinations unbundled a disputes, under obligations The Agreement to to of ss and or elements services ISSUES Law, unbundled Applicable obligated rules, pursuant to is by network 271(c)(2)(B)(ii) wholesale non-recurring FCC's access a Element. of Applicable and the Be!ISouth prescribed limit Commission Le., of charge as unbundled or that Network to 51 not 251(c)(3) the conversion ARBITRATION the restrict may by Part believes elements 252(e)(3), access for Sections equivalent only Act, LEC the US under Section provide the required may network Law. BellSouth charge to the rules under for Network wholesale obligation BELLSOUTH laws, to / to charge elements 'hat other 'RS' or LEC services lI BellSouth's Elements network BellSouth US JQS,L78 govern may regulations wholesale 1.7.2) Network of unbundled or 1.6, 1.1) charges statutes, regulations Agreement? provide and (Section What conversion services)? (Sections to this Elements A-3 A-1 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 115 of 118 or of its for the US not but US B The fails with base LEC shall Each apply If extent should should parties project period, offered request network calendar from LEC have US give orders quote transition requested LEC to rearrange, LEC receipt the the If 30 LEC LEC US notice. day rate the to combinations US transition should and US price Such to embedded to orders If routine US US associated submit BellSouth a services upon to b 30 individual and EXHIBIT days. rate within inquiries operations. the to Agreement. a vacatur, orders vacatur. such 30 perform contract days, which costs on this of tariff additional services New the provide orders, 30 refuses for notice will new service to all elements normal services of agreement. contract date submit within the days agreement. transition or transitioned or will perform noncompliance disconnected. modifications days or within of handled modifications date 30 be within the be submit of submit 16 not services must disconnect to be tariff during convert of network separate services BellSouth to tariff will base a effective or BellSouth any giving does completed orders may BellSouth LEC cooperate date to should network effective notice and network execution should be coopemtively fails to and additional ent. of after the US submitted Upon project. applicable LEC services unbundled submit a (a) should of should fails embedded only from LEC the to effective reimburse identifying routine modifications request such routine thereof pursuant BellSouth appropriate (b) disconnect, days LEC provide pay been US BellSouth basis to to an no the the the is be period In of Section network Network notice BellSouth under day of with addition should service terms 90 that routine a or provision. provides in non-discriminatory the for available elimination consistent seeks services notice the Act, Element a under BellSouth disconnection, establish LEC to longer or those pricing, the that Conversion, US no must of of without and well. objects Network date available a as the LEC LEC event longer Agreement, from US considers agreement. option US Elements rearrangement BellSouth 252(d)(2) modifications. processes in to no for this and Rules should are network longer FCC that under impose BellSouth no the or conditions of modifications unbundled thereof to asking Agreement? of and BellSouth for vacatur implemented New network terms, the the may modifications? pursuant be transition process combinations with such rates, the or should routine the 1.5) 1.7.4) offered charges for is Orders What How (a) and agreement. (b) apply elements longer compliance (Section What perform what performing (Section A-5 A-6 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 116 of 118 to be be no B The with from based TRO, during higher period, not defined has including determine and the a should limited use loop. billed the year multiplexing to a in is to be for should services. g'::i!"'o. as loop the two ': parties or EXHIBIT commingle a days loop. services, ta a errata and fiber the should 60 Commission to tariff the restoring for such obligation available other of of or the elements have FCC's to attached be services between allocated project the not period. equipment obligation which to should condition has network applied services feasibility time provisioning agreement commingling no of should over negotiated planning for year hysical is The Pursuant broadly fiber same BellSouth multiplexing two technical No. BellSouth the services (a) (b) the interval mutually on If network said this there 271unbundled telecommunications more The the equipment. No. bandwidth jurisdiction. is to to or by the such track same billed lower of Office cannot, without loops extended it the be access decline the 252 Agreement if narrowband an should to or an provide of BellSouth required Central the Loop to and, (either should 251 such provide and LEC 64kbps on to under permitted US fiber authority available, elements service, the required LEC. to be Sections Act to is is based interfaces equivalent it dark to "commingling" US equipment not rules. continue the ta of an loop provide of longer channel network restore must service. rules'efinition. should FCC's costs available as no Channel jurisdictional pursuant period. to 271 must it the unbundled grade the capper it if definition multiplexing or FCC's a even elements Section Act The the interface from If voice interval additional BeliSouth unbundled The bandwidth required then BellSouth make transport) planning of the the not has and with other Dark make it of copper so? to are if to or planning do unbundled the 271 thereof commingled multiplexing to that combinations year available apply commingling feasibility to or to restore network Transport obligated Section two- to make feasible is commingle to a permit facilities to should to apply Fiber to attached combinations elements or services? technical service, loop? or is within obligated Dark of the decline pursuant technically any it BellSouth 1.7.5 should or required interval of obligated +Q that network services not $ 1.8.4 only 1.1 use, that 1.8.1 is elements with rate it 4 to Loops BellSeuth What if BelISouth Is BellSautb BellSouth irclllts? Section Sections Section Sections Sections Is unbundled thereof offering available wholesale telecommunications What equipment c (a) loop Act? Is network Can (b) determination Fiber plans period? provisioning A-7 A-8 A-9 A-12 A-17 ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 117 of 118 the B costs to all state. individual apply. Commission nonrecurring pay the to addition the original EXHIBIT should in of its for to approved required (e)(5) sum rates be loop and elements the a be should charges. Commission network recurring restoring should LEC in 51.319(a)(8) US rate CFR incurred Thc approved applicable "switch-as-is" No. No. unbundled 47 to as loop parties. the degraded service charges the service. modify xDSL same to xDSL between the significantly LEC apply. was providing US apply providing of i8SITÃSqr that negotiated should of be 51 .-, should loop "''K!EC8"", charged Part purpose the purpose should the the CFR ",„;c,;,"0 BellSouth restore for BellSouth for Rates 47 Yes. 4 is its the US not that to voice apply cunent there has that network '; when combined degraded? that Agreement that '..',, should requests restored which LEC's TRO amount New be such for rules US the unbundled currently to LEC the the of in to for agreement significantly loop loop US FCC's an a a are elements triggered? forth limit modifications the combined apply ',IS'SOB',,r incorporate for a provision set to when loop to adopt been be pay modify the rate network Lsw has should network 'ITHS('.RG''F105 state 1.7.4) LEC 5.4.1) 3.1.8) on currently in there rate reference should amended US such specifi routine '„, Should LEC original services (Section for elements? (Section What BellSouth What unbundled no to (Section Can Change agreement been '';:4,"- K6! A-18 A-20 A-19 A-21 SSIfS; :-. ," ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING - 2019 September 27 10:14 AM - SCPSC - 2004-78-C - Page 118 of 118 ~ the by seas rn C'. CO — (glowing@is Soj&Carqhpa angtgt SERVICE employed the of is on OF LEC she LLP served US that ("BellSouth") be to Mail) Mail) 29211 29211 29201 Mail) to Inc. 1450 Bernstein US CERTIFICATE certifies Commission Commission & Esquire Suite and Response Carolina Carolina Esquire Carolina 11649 11649 Electronic Esquire Electronic ) ) ) 2004-78-C hereby Service Service Adams Mail and and Belser, Box Box Street, Inc.'s South South South No. Butler, P. Counsel Flowers, Poe, Mail Mail Laney, Sta6) Staff) DeltaCom) Public Public Main A. Office Office S. S. Telecommunications, C. Docket C. David M. 1201 S. General S. Columbia, (PSC (Electronic in Post Columbia, (PSC (U. F. Post (U. Faye Columbia, (ITC Florence Parker, Nyla BellSouth CAROLINA Telecommunications, for Arbinntion RICHLAND for undersigned, SOUTH OF 2004 OF BellSouth The 534731 Petition Department 12, s Docs STATE Inc.'s Legal caused COUNTY April pc