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May Be Copied and D an Sm It H Distributed for Free Only Contact information: Inside this issue: Info Officer (General Info) – [email protected] Website Administrator – [email protected] Postal Address: Fort Worth Astronomical Society Club Event Calendar 3 3812 Fenton Avenue Fort Worth, TX 76133 This Month’s Celestial Events 3 Web Site: Facebook: APOD Your Daily Dose of Aston- 4 Twitter: ishment Yahoo! eGroup (members only): 4 Officers (2012-2013): Young Astronomers President – Shawn Kirchdorfer, [email protected] Vice President – John Dowell, [email protected] Cloudy Night Library 5 Sec/Tres – Lewis Westerfield, [email protected] Board Members: Constellation of the Month 6 2010-2012 Phil Stage Bruce Cowles Rukl Lunar Index Map 6 2011-2013 Matt Reed General Information 8 Ronnie Newman March Meeting Minutes 9 Cover Photo: The Leo “Triplets”. Three galaxies (M65, M66 and NGC 3628) situated “close” to one another visually. Image taken on 1/21/2013 by FWAS member Jerry Keith using a Canon 1000D (mod) camera. Scope LUNAR 100—MAP 10 is a Stellarvue SVR90T refractor. 90mm EP at F7 prime focus. ISO 1600. 15 frames stacked and compiled with Deep Sky Stacker application, Processed in Nebulosity. 11 LUNAR 100—LIST #1 Observing Site Reminders: LUNAR 100—LIST #2 12 Be careful with fire, mind all local burn bans! Dark Site Usage Requirements (ALL MEMBERS): FWAS Foto Files 14 Maintain Dark-Sky Etiquette ( Turn out your headlights at the gate! C r edi t s Sign the logbook (in camo-painted storage shed. Inside the door on the left- hand side) E di t or s : Log club equipment problems (please contact a FWAS Trustee to inform them of the problem) Dean Crabtree Put equipment back neatly when finished Shawn Kirchdorfer Last person out: FWContributors: Check all doors – secured, but NOT locked Matt McCullar Make sure nothing is left out Keith Frost Ben Hudgens The Fort Worth Astronomical Society (FWAS) was founded in 1949 and is a non-profit scientific educational organization incorporated in the state of Texas. This publication may be copied and D an Sm it h distributed for free only. This publication cannot be uploaded or distributed into any media unless it is in its original, full, unaltered, published form. All rights reserved by FWAS. AS PAGE 2 FORT WORTH ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY MAY 2013 May 2013 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 Eta Aquarids LQ Peak 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1961 - Alan Shepard be- 1992 - US space shuttle STS- comes 1st American in space 49 launched (maiden voyage (aboard Freedom 7) of Endeavour) CINCO DE MAYO NM 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Young Astronomers 1973 - Skylab launched, 1st Meeting 8-9pm Space Station FQ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2012 - A SpaceX Dragon 1990 - Hubble Space FWAS Telescope sends 1st General becomes the first commer- Meeting 7-9pm photograph's from space cial spacecraft to dock at the International Space Station FM FWAS Annual 26 27 28 29 30 31 Membership Dues 1975 - European Space Deadline Agency (ESA) forms Born: Colm Meaney (1953) Miles O’Brien—Chief Engineer (Star Trek: TNG/DS9) LQ Deep Sky* - (C74) The Eight Burst Nebula, (C77 ) Centaurus A, (C80) Omega Centuri, M3, M5, M13 , M44, M81 Double Stars - Alberio, Cor Coroli, Mizar, Regulus Constellations- Boötes, Gemini, Hydra, Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Virgo Asterisms - The Lozenge, The Big Dipper Lunar Features** - Theophilus, Cyrillus, Catharina (R46/R57), Clavius (R72), Mare Crisium (R26/27/37/38), Aristarchus (R18) * C=Caldwell Catalog / M=Messier Catalog **R=Rükl Index Moon Map Data Sources: (Today in History), Distant Suns (max), Lunar 100 Sky & Telescope Magazine & The Astronomical A lmanac (US Navy) CELESTIAL EVENTS THIS MONTH May 02 - 06h, Last Quarter Moon May 20 - 20h, Mercury 7° N. Aldebaran May 04 - 02h, Neptune 6° S. of Moon May 22 - 06h, Spica 0.005° S. of Moon, Occn. May 06 - 19h, Uranus 4° S. of Moon May 23 - 05h, Saturn 4° N. of Moon May 09 - 19h, New Moon May 24 - 23h, Full Moon May 10 - 16h, Pallas in conjunction with Sun May 24 - 23h, Mercury 1.4° N. Venus May 11 - 16h, Mercury in superior conjunction May 25 - 21h, Moon at perigee May 12 - 08h, Jupiter 3° N. of Moon May 27 - 05h, Mercury 2° N. of Jupiter May 13 - 09h, Moon at apogee May 28 - 16h, Venus 1° N. of Jupiter May 18 - 05h, Venus 6° N. Aldebaran May 31 - 09h, Neptune 6° S. of Moon May 18 - 12h, First Quarter Moon May 31 - 14h, Last Quarter Moon MAY 2013 FORT WORTH ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY PAGE 3 APOD Your Daily Dose of Astonishment By: Diane K. Fisher (Used with permission from the JPL, California Institute of Technology in association with NASA’s Space Place) s a person vitally interested in astronomy, you probably have the Astronomy Picture of A the Day website at set as favorite link. APOD has been around since practically the beginning of the web. The first APOD appeared unannounced on June 16, 1995. It got 15 hits. The next picture appeared June 20, 1995, and the site has not taken a day off since. Now daily traffic is more like one million hits. Obviously, someone is responsible for picking, First APOD picture posted, June 16, 1995: Earth compressed to the ultra density of a neutron star. posting, and writing the detailed descriptions for these images. Is it a whole team of people? No. Surprisingly, it is only two men, the same ones who links). An archive of every APOD ever published is started it and have been doing it ever since. at Robert Nemiroff and Jerry Bonnell shared an office at Dr. Nemiroff also maintains a discussion website NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in the early-90s, at when the term “World Wide Web” was unknown, but a software program called Mosaic could connect But how does it get done? Do these guys even to and display specially coded content on other have day jobs? computers. The office mates thought “we should do Dr. Nemiroff has since moved to Michigan something with this.” Technological University in Houghton, Michigan, Thus was conceived the Astronomy Picture of the where he is professor of astrophysics, both Day. Now, in addition to the wildly popular English teaching and doing research. Dr. Bonnell is still version, over 25 mirror websites in other languages with NASA, an astrophysicist with the Compton are maintained independently by volunteers. (See Gamma Ray Observatory Science Support Center for (Continued on page 8) Young Astronomers ay’s YA! Meeting will be focusing on using the Big ked eye from any Northern Hemisphere location (i.e. so they are Dipper in Ursa Major. It’s high in the sky at night not using ground queues such as buildings or trees as a crutch M this time of the year, and it can be used as a “road in locating true North). sign” for finding lots of other constellations. The requirements to earn the Telescope Knowledge Badge are Congratulations YA! Member(s): as follows: Christian Liles– Comet Badge (Mar 2013) Find Polaris using the Big Dipper Pointers (or Cassiopeia), with- out help(!) consistently from 3 different vantage points. This Kylee Liles—Comet Badge (Mar 2013) after having been shown by an adult or a YA! leader on how to find it. Ava Backus—Comet Badge (Mar 2013) This is to demonstrate that they can locate Polaris with the na- PAGE 4 FORT WORTH ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY MAY 2013 Book/Video Reviews “Caltech is one of the best places in the world to By: Matt McCullar, FWAS be an astronomer,” Brown writes. “The university How I Killed Pluto and Why It Had owns an inordinate number of the largest and best It Coming telescopes in the world, so Caltech astronomers are always expected to be – and often are – the leaders by Mike Brown in their fields.” ne of the most enjoyable astronomy Why did Brown start looking for trans-Plutonian books I’ve read in a long while, How I objects? Because circumstances almost dictated it. O Killed Pluto and Why It Had It Coming was By the tail end of the 20th century, other astrono- written by Mike Brown, a professor of astronomy at mers had already found almost 500 small bodies be- the California Institute of Technology. He, more yond Neptune, in what was dubbed the “Kuiper than perhaps any other single belt.” It had become the hottest person, is most responsible for new field of study. Subsequent the demotion of Pluto from its discoveries were growing in size. official status as “planet” down “The largest known at the time to “dwarf planet.” He discov- was somewhere around a third ered several large objects far- the size of Pluto. By now it ther away from the Sun than seemed to me inevitable that, Pluto, and this book reveals how whether anyone realized it or he did it. I’m glad he wrote it. not, astronomers were on an This can perhaps also be de- unstoppable march that would scribed as Brown’s autobiog- eventually lead to a tenth plan- raphy, because while he was in et.” the middle of searching for Brown’s fascinating story relates trans-Plutonian objects, he also the history of previous planet married and started a family. How I Killed Pluto and Why It Had It Coming searches.
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