Harry Markopolos

It took five minutes for to figure out that Bernard Madoff was a . But it took him nearly ten years to get the SEC – and the world – to accept the difficult truth...that the man regarded as the foremost of our time was actually behind the largest case of investor fraud in history. Thanks to Harry’s persistent flag waving and years of covert communications with the SEC, the veil covering Madoff’s “financial magic” was eventually lifted, revealing an intricate $65 Billion built on equal parts deception and SEC ineptitude, and making Harry Markopolos a true hero for the ages. A story you must hear to believe, Harry and his amazing journey have been featured on , in The Journal and in the documentary .

Markopolos candidly explains his long fight to “gift wrap and deliver to the SEC the biggest Ponzi scheme in history” and reveals a captivating cloak-and-dagger story of one man and his tightly knit, highly-trained team of trusted allies that never gave up. By relying on his unique combination of skills as a 22-year veteran of the finance industry, he pieced together the facts and numbers and blew the whistle on Madoff.

With modesty, steely integrity and self-deprecating humor, Markopolos offers not only an insider account of his actions, but a vivid examination of our financial system. He articulates what mistakes and holes in our system lead to Madoff’s “success” and how we can prevent similar crimes in the future. It was a broken system that allowed Madoff to slip through unnoticed, and Markopolos is using his voice to help protect the public from financial predators. One man making a big difference, Markopolos continues to fight the good fight against the many forces that have ripped apart our nation’s financial practices and compromised the U.S. economy. A crusader for the truth and justice, he forges ahead, working to ensure that a crime of this magnitude never happens again

313 Washington Street, Suite 225 | Newton, MA 02458 | Phone: 617.614.1600 | Fax: 617.965.6610 | apbspeakers.com

Resume:  2010: Published : A True Financial Thriller  2005 – Present: Chapter of the Institute of Internal Auditors  2004- Present: Self-Employed Fraud Investigator  1995- Present: Member of Chartered Financial Analysts Institute  2002-2004 Chief Investment Officer Rampart Investment Management Company, Inc.  2002-2003: President & CEO of Boston Analysts Society  1991-2001: Portfolio Manager at Rampart Investment Management Company, Inc.  1981, 1997: B.A. from Loyola College and M.A. from

Topics:  Your Industry & Fraud: What to Look For & How to Prevent It  How Did One Man Lose $50 Billion? The Signs, the Red Flags & How to Make Sure It Never Happens Again  Developing & Acting Upon Healthy Professional Skepticism  Chasing : Gift-Wrapping & Delivering the Truth About the Largest Ponzi Scheme Ever  You Think Financial Fraud Is Bad? Taking a Hard Look at the $500 Billion Medicare Program

313 Washington Street, Suite 225 | Newton, MA 02458 | Phone: 617.614.1600 | Fax: 617.965.6610 | apbspeakers.com