Telephone number: (088) (271)3203;3479;3763;3455;3227 Telefax Number: (088) 271) - 3221 Email Address:
[email protected] Page 2 Maps Map of the Republic of the Philippines 3 Map of Region X 4 Map of the Province of Misamis Occidental 5 Map of the Municipality of Calamba 6 Location and Climate 7 Brief History 8 Land Area and Distribution per Barangay 9 Calamba on Focus 10 Political and Development 11 Events to Remember 12 Demography 13 Economy 14 Financial Accounts 15 Revenue Generation 16 Banks and Pawnshops 17 Agriculture 18-19 Education 20 Medical and Health Services 21 Transportation 22 Communication 23-24 Infrastructure 25-27 PALS Project 28 Local Civil Administration 29-36 List of Department Heads 37 Positional Chart 38 A month in Calamba 39 Vision and Mission 40 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION The municipality of Calamba is geographically located in the Northern part of the Province of Misamis Occidental, with the grid approximately 8° 31’58” North latitude and 123°39’03”East longitude along the National Highway leading from Ozamis City to Oroquieta City and to Dipolog City of Zambo- anga del Norte. It is the center of the five munici- palities considering that it is bounded by the Munic- ipality of Baliangao on the North;Municipality of Concepcion on the South; Municipality of Plaridel on the North East; Municipality of Lopez Jaena on the South East and Municipality of Sapang - Dalaga on the West. CLIMATE Climatological elements that have a direct im- pact on agriculture production are rainfall and ty- phoon.