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SHROPSHIRE. LUDLOW. SLATER'S day. The fairs for the sale of the geueral produce of the John Lechmere, Esq. Population in 1861, 319; in 1871, district are held monthly, as follow:-7th January, 4th 3()0. February, 4th :March, 1st April, 29th April, 27th May, ONrm:RY is a township, village and railway station, with 24th June, 22nd July, 11th August, lOth September, 14th the township of WALTON, 5 miles N.E. from LuJ1ow railway Ootober-, 11th November, and 9th December. The annual station. The ehurch of Saint Peter .is an ancient stone pleasure and hiring fair is held on the 1st May. The building; the living is a rectmy, in the gift of John D. municipal borough of Ludlow (which consists of the Alcroft, Esq. Population in 1861, 375; in 1D71, 361. parish of St. Lawrence) contained in 1861,5,178 inhabi- HICrrARn's CASTLE is a parish and village, partly in tants, and in 1871, 5,087; but the parliamentary borough Salop and partly in Herefordshire, containing the tmn {which COJJsists of the parish of St. Lawrence, part of the ships of WooFFERTON, OvER TON, BATCHCOT'l' and l'llooR, 4 parish of Bromfield, of Stanton Lacy and of Ludford, part miles s.w. from Ludlow, and 2 from 'Voofferton railway in the CQUnty of Salop, and part in the county of Hereford) station. The church, dedicated to Saint Bartholomew, ib contained in 1861, 6,033, and in 1871, 6,203 inhabitants. a fine building; the living is a rectory, in the gift of the BrTTERLEY is an extensive parish 4 miles E. from Lud- Bishop of Worcester. Population in 18()1, 710; in 1871, low railway station, situated to the north oi Ludlow and 755. Kidderminster turnpike road. Tho church is dedicated to 1 SrA:-;rroN LACY is an extensive parish, containing the Saint Mary. The living is a rectory, in the gift of the townships of Dow::>TON and Horro:-;r, H.nroN LowER, Rev. Charles Walcot, who is the incumbent. Population HAYTON UPPER, RocK and HENLEY, \VooTTON, and J1jAsT in 1871, 965. and \VEST HAMLETS, 3 miles N.w. from Ludlow, !fftd 1 B&oMFIELD is a parish, township and railway station, 3 from Bromfield station. The church of Saint Peter is a miles !i".w. of Ludlow. The church of Saint Mary is an fine old edifice; tho living is a vicarage, in the gift of the ancient stone building. The living is a vicarage, in the trustees of the Olive family. Population in 1861, 1,598; in gift of the trustees of the Clive family. Population {with 1 1871, 1,894_ the township of Halford) in 1861, 762; in 1871, 824. f STOKE Sr. MILTIOROL'GH is a township, parish ancl village, CAYNHAM is a parish and township 31 miles s.E. from containing the townships of CLEE DowNTON, CLEE SrAN Ludlow iltation; the rivGr Ledwich runs through the lower TON, and the chapelry of HEATH, 6,! miles N .E. from Lud part of the township. The church, dedicated to Saint low, its market town. The church of Saint Milburg is an Ma.ry, is an old stone building. The living is a vicarage, ancient strudure; the living is a vicarage, with the in the gift of the trustees of the late C. K. ::\iainwaring, rectory of the Heath chapclry annexed. Population in Esq. Population in 1861, 755; in 1871, 801i. 1861, 573; in 1871, 581. CULMINGTON is a parish, containing the townships of SroKESAY is a parish containing the townships of ALDOlll', CuLMINOTON, SEFTON, BACHE, NonTON and BunLEY, 5 BRooM and RowToN, NEWTON and \VETTLETON, 22 miles 1 miles N. from Ludlow, and on the turnpike road to Wen-· s. from Shrewsbury, and 7 N.w. from Ludlow, and a lock_ The church, dedicated to All Saints, is a plain station (known hy the name of Craven Arms) on the 11tructure of great antiquity. The living is a rectory, in, Shrewsbury and Hereford line of railway. The church of the gift of W. J. Clement, Esq. M.P. Population in 1861, · Saint Peter is an old stone building; the living is a vicar- 617; in 1871, 528. 1 age. Population in 1861, 559; in 1871, 689. DmDLEBURY is a parish containing the townships of 1 The following other parishes and villages are all in tbe DmnLEBUBY, WEsTHOPE, GREAT and LITTLE SuTTON, LAW-: neighbourhood of Ludlow, the inhabitants being mostly 'l"ON, PEATON, LowER PARK, UPPER PARK, PosToN, MIDDLE- 1 engaged in agricultural pursuits; the distances given are IIOPE, ConFTON, EPARCHFORD, Bunwoon and EARNSTREY. from Lucllow, and the populations are from the returns of P.lnx:, 7 miles N. from Ludlow. The church is dedicated! 1871 :-ABnoN, 10 miles N. population, 139; AsHFORD to St. Peter. The living is an endowed vicarage, in the 1 BowDLER, 2 mile!! s. population, \:!3 ; AsrrFoRn-CARBO~ELL, gift of the Dean and Chapter of Hereford; the Rev. i 2 miles s.E. population, 341; BEDSTONE, 11 miles w. Charles Underwood is the vicar. Population in 1861, 829; i population, 108 ; CLEE ST. MARGARET (with the hamlet of in 1871, 824. i Cocrr:muTFORD), 8 miles N.E. population, 297; C(JLD LuDFORD is a parish and suburb of Ludlow, forming i WESTON, 8 miles N.E. population, 37; GREET, 6 miles part of the parliamentary borough, and only separated s.E., population, 116; HoPE-BAGGoT, 6 miles s.E. popula from the town by the river Teme. The parish is partly in tion, 70 ; HoPTON-CANGEFORD, or HoPTON-IN-TBE-HOLE, 4~ Salop and partly in Herefordshire. The church is an! miles N. population, 41 ..... ~- structure; the living is a vicarage, in the (lift of [ POST OFFICE, fJ Broad Street, LuDLow, John Valentine, Post Master.-Letters from all parts arrive at &hirty-seven minutes past four morning; from London (day mail), a-. fifty-eight minutes past two afternoon; and from Gloucester and Hereford at thirty-seviln minutes past four evening. Lette1·s are despatched to all parts at eight evening; to IIereford, Leominster and 'l'enbury at nine evening; and to London, Shrewsbury, Wellington and Newport (Salop) at forty-five minutes past nine night. Letters for, Ashford-Carbonell, Bitterley, Burrington, Caynham, Clee Hill, Hope-Baggot, Hope Court, Hopton-Oangeford, Leinthall-Starkea, Ludford, Orleton, Richard's Castle, and Stoke St. Milborough are received through Ludlow. Lettera for Greet are received through Tenbury. Leite!s for Bedston6, Bucknell, Culmington, Diddlebury, Haliord, Onibury and Stokesay ara received through Shrewsbury. Money Order and Telegraph O.ifice and Savi1Z1Js Bank. Post Office, BnoMFI::U:LD, Charles F. Minton, Post .Master.-Letters arrive from all parts (via Shr~wsbury and Tamworth} at six morning, and are daspatched at thirty minutes past eight evening. The nearest Money Order Office is at Lunr,ow. Post Office, Cru.vEM AnMs, Thomas Groves, Post Master.-Leiters arrive from all parts at thirty minutei past five morning, and are despatched at thirty minutes past eight night. Money Order and Telegraph O{!j,ce and Savings lJank. ln .