Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate 超. 邁

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Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate 超. 邁 Ð ð ² î ² ð ² Î à ô Â Æ ô Ü Ð Æ ô ê Æ ê ² Ú Æ Ü ² Ø º ð Æ Î ² Ú Æ ² ð º ô Ø î º ² Ü Â º Ø Æ A PUBLICATION OF THE WESTERN PRELACY OF THE ARMENIAN APOSTOLIC CHURCH OF AMERICA ARCHBISHOP MOUSHEGH MARDIROSSIAN, PRELATE Co-Editors: VERY REV FR. MURON AZNIKIAN VERY REV. FR. BARTHEV GULUMIAN 6252 Honolulu Ave., La Crescenta, CA 91214 Tel: (818) 248-7737/8 Fax: (818) 248-7745 E-mail: [email protected] WWW.WESTERNPRELACY.ORG Ķ. î²ðÆ Ø²ÚÆê-ú¶àêîàê 2010, ÂÆô 3 13th Year, MAY-AUGUST 2010 No 3 ¦²Ûëûñ ëáõñμ»ñÁ ÙdzëÇÝ ÅáÕáíáõ³Í, »ñ³Ý»ÉÇ ³é³ù»³É- Ý»ñÁ »õ ëáõñμ ÏáÛë»ñÁ å³ÛÍ³é ½·»ëïÝ»ñ ѳ·³Í »õ Çñ»Ýó ɳåï»ñÝ»ñÁ í³é³Í ÙdzӳÛÝáõóÙμ Ï°Áë¿ÇÝ, “ûñÑÝáõ³Í »ë ¹áõݪ ³Ù¿ÝûñÑÝ»³ÉÁ ÏÇÝ»ñáõÝ Ù¿ç”§£ (Þ³ñ³Ï³Ý) “Today the saints blessed apostles and holy virgins, gathered to- gether, adorned in the radiant light of their trimmed lamps, they all agreed and said: ‘Blessed are you, the most blessed of all women’”. (Book of Hymns) Ðයôàð äðÆêزΠвܶÆêî IN MEMORIAM î© êØ´²î ²ðø© Ȳö²Öº²ÜÆ ARCHBISHOP SUMBAT LAPAJIAN »ÙÇë μ³ñ»Ëݳ٠²é³çÝáñ¹ ´³ñÓñ© î© It is with deep sorrow that H.E. Archbishop Øáõß»Õ ²ñù© سñïÇñá뻳ݫ Ðá·»õáñ³Ï³Ý³ó Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, Prelacy Clergy, Reli- ¸³ëÁ« ÎñûÝ³Ï³Ý ÄáÕáíÁ« ²½·³ÛÇÝ ì³ñãáõ- gious and Executive Councils, and the parish commu- ÃÇõÝÁ »õ ê© Ê³ã سÛñ î³×³ñÇ ÍË³Ï³Ý nity of Holy Cross Cathedral mourn the loss of H.E. ѳٳÛÝùÁ ëñïÇ ¹³éÝ ÏëÏÇÍáí ÏÁ ·áõÅ»Ý Archbishop Sumbat Lapajian, one of the longest serv- í³Ë׳ÝáõÙÁ Ø»ÍÇ î³ÝÝ ÎÇÉÇÏÇáÛ ê© ²ÃáéÇ ing members of the Catholicosate Brotherhood and the »ñÇó³·áÛÝ Ùdzμ³ÝÝ»ñ¿Ý »õ »ÙÇë first Prelate of the Western Prelacy, who ³é³çÇÝ Ã»Ù³Ï³É ²é³çÝáñ¹ î© entered eternal rest on the morning of êÙμ³ï ²ñù© ȳ÷³×»³ÝÇ« áñ Saturday, July 17th, 2010, at Ararat ßÇç»ó³õ Þ³μ³Ã« 17 ÚáõÉÇëÇ Home in Mission Hills. ³é³õûïáõÝ« ¦²ñ³ñ³ï§ î³Ý Ù¿ç« Archbishop Lapajian served ØÇßÁÝ ÐÇɽ£ within the Prelacy for over four decades Èáõë³Ñá·Ç êñμ³½³ÝÁ as pastor of Holy Cross Church in Los ³õ»ÉÇ ù³Ý 40 ï³ñÇÝ»ñáõ í³ëï³Ï Angeles and Holy Cross Cathedral in áõÝÇ Ù»ñ »ÙÇÝ Ù¿ç£ ºÕ³Í ¿ Montebello. »ñϳñ³Ù»³Û ÐáíÇõ Èáë ²Ý×»ÉÁëÇ By the ordinance of H.H. Ca- ê© Ê³ã »Ï»Õ»óõáÛ »õ Ðá·»õáñ tholicos Aram I, on Sunday, July 18th, î»ëáõã ê© Ê³ã سÛñ î³×³ñÇÝ£ requiem was offered for the soul of the Èáõë³Ñá·Ç êñμ³½³Ý Ðûñ late Archbishop at St. Gregory the Illu- Ñá·õáÛ Ë³Õ³Õáõû³Ý ѳٳñ« minator Mother Cathedral in Antelias, ÎÇñ³ÏÇ« 18 ÚáõÉÇëÇÝ« Ü©ê©ú©î©î© and at St. Mary Chapel in Bikfaya. On ²ñ³Ù ²© γÃáÕÇÏáëÇ ïÝûñÇÝáõ- the same day and by the ordinance of Ùáí« Ñ᷻ѳݷëï»³Ý å³ßïûÝ ï»ÕÇ áõÝ»ó³Í the Prelate, requiem was also offered in all Prelacy ¿ ²ÝÃÇÉdzëÇ ê© ¶ñÇ·áñ Èáõë³õáñÇã سÛñ Churches. The Prelate presided over the service at î³×³ñÇÝ »õ äÇùý³Û³ÛÇ ê© ²ëïáõ³Í³ÍÇÝ Forty Martyrs Church in Orange County. Ù³ïñ³Ý Ù¿ç£ May his memory remain ever blessed. »ÙÇë μ³ñ»Ëݳ٠²é³çÝáñ¹ êñμ³½³ÝÇÝ Ï³ñ·³¹ñáõû³Ùμ« ÝáÛÝ ûñÁ« Ù»ñ »ÙÇ μáÉáñ WESTERN PRELACY SECRETARIAT »Ï»Õ»óÇÝ»ñáõÝ Ù¿ç ï»ÕÇ áõÝ»ó³õ Ñ᷻ѳÝ- ·Çëï« ³ÕûÃù μ³ñÓñ³óÝ»Éáí ³é ²ëïáõ³Í« áñ ³Ýáñ μ³ñÇ Ñá·ÇÇÝ Û³õÇï»Ý³Ï³Ý ѳݷÇëï å³ñ·»õ¿ »ñÏÝùÇ ³ñù³Ûáõû³Ý Ù¿ç£ ²é³çÝáñ¹ êñμ³½³ÝÁ úñ¿Ý× øáõÝÃÇÇ ê© ø³é³ëÝÇó سÝϳÝó »Ï»Õ»óõáÛ Ù¿ç ݳ˳·³Ñ»ó Ñá·»- ѳݷëï»³Ý ³ñ³ñáÕáõû³Ý£ ÈáÛë Ùßï»Ýç»ÝÇ Ûá·Ý³μ»Ï ³×ÇõÝÝ»ñáõÝ£ ÚÇß³ï³Ï ³ñ¹³ñáÛÝ ûñÑÝáõû³Ùμ »ÕÇóÇ£ ¸Æô²Ü ²¼¶²ÚÆÜ ²è²æÜàð¸²ð²ÜÆ 2 Ðයôàð äðÆêزΠ²Ô²â²Üø ²è ê. ²êîàô²Ì²ÌÆÜ ¦²Ûëûñ ëáõñμ»ñÁ ÙdzëÇÝ ÅáÕáíáõ³Í, »ñ³Ý»ÉÇ ³é³ù»³ÉÝ»ñÁ »õ ëáõñμ ÏáÛë»ñÁ å³ÛÍ³é ½·»ëïÝ»ñ ѳ·³Í »õ Çñ»Ýó ɳåï»ñÝ»ñÁ í³é³Í ÙdzӳÛÝáõóÙμ Ï°Áë¿ÇÝ, ‘ûñÑÝáõ³Í »ë ¹áõݪ ³Ù¿ÝûñÑÝ»³ÉÁ ÏÇÝ»ñáõÝ Ù¿ç’§£ (Þ³ñ³Ï³Ý) à¯í ëáõñμ ²ëïáõ³Í³Ù³Ûñ« áñ Ù³ñ¹Ïáõû³Ý Û³õÇï»Ý³Ï³Ý ÉáÛë ²ëïáõ³ÍÁ ùáõ Ù¿ç¹ Ïñ»óÇñ »õ ÍÝáõݹ ïáõÇñ ³ß˳ñÑÇ öñÏãÇÝ ÚÇëáõëÇ, Ï°³Õ³ã»Ýù ù»½Ç áñ Ù³ñÙݳó»³É ²ëïáõÍáÛ Ù»½Ç ѳٳñ μ³ñ»Ëûë»ë, áñå¿ë½Ç Éé»Ý å³ï»ñ³½ÙÝ»ñÁ, ¹³¹ñÇÝ ÃßÝ³Ù³Ï³Ý Û³ñÓ³ÏáõÙÝ»ñÁ, »ñÏñÇ íñ³Û ë¿ñÁ »õ ³ñ¹³ñáõÃÇõÝÁ ѳëï³ïáõÇÝ »õ ³Ùñ³åݹáõÇÝ£ ²ñ¹³ñ»õ« ˳ճÕáõû³Ý ϳñûï á»õ¿ ÅáÕáíáõñ¹ áõ ³½·« »ñμ å³ñï³¹ñ³μ³ñ ÏÁ Ù³ïÝáõÇ ¹Åáõ³ñÇÝ, ûñѳë³Ï³Ý ׷ݳųÙǪ Çñ ѳۻ³óùÁ ÏÁ ë»õ»é¿ ²ëïáõÍáÛ, »õ ·áñÍÇ ÏÁ ÉÍ¿ Çñ ïñ³Ù³¹ñáõû³Ý Ý»ñù»õ ·ïÝáõáÕ Ñݳñ³õáñ ë»åÑ³Ï³Ý μáÉáñ ϳñ»ÉÇáõÃÇõÝÝ»ñÝ áõ ϳñáÕáõÃÇõÝÝ»ñÁ£ ²ëïáõ³Í³ÍÇÝÇ í»ñ³÷áËÙ³Ý ïûÝÁ ÁÉɳÉáí ѳݹ»ñÓ »Ï»Õ»- ó³Ï³Ý ïûÝ, ¿° ݳ»õ ٳݳõ³Ý¹ ³½·³ÛÇÝ ïûÝ£ ºÏ»Õ»ó³Ï³Ý ÏñûÝ³Ï³Ý å³ñáõݳÏÇÝ Ù¿ç ê. 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