modified_Dehling_on the identities of two enigmatic taxa from South Sudan_HerPeToZoA.qxd 28.07.2015 14:59 Seite 1

HerPeToZoA 28 (1/2): 39 - 47 39 Wien, 30. Juli 2015

on the identities of two enigmatic reed frog taxa from South Sudan, Rappia papyri Werner , 1908 and Rappia pachyderma Werner , 1908 (Anura: )

über die Identitäten zweier rätselhafter riedfroschtaxa aus dem Südsudan, Rappia papyri Werner , 1908 und Rappia pachyderma Werner , 1908 (Anura: Hyperoliidae)

J. m AxImIlIAn DeHlInG


Die Identitäten zweier riedfroschtaxa werden neubewertet. es wird gezeigt, daß Rappia papyri Werner , 1908 eine eigenständige und valide Art in der H.-nasutus -Gruppe der Gattung ist. Rappia pachyderma Werner , 1908 wird aus der Synonymie mit Hyperolius viridiflavus (DUmérIl & B IBron , 1841) herausgenommen und in die Synonymie von H. papyri gestellt. ABSTrACT

The identities of two reed frog taxa are re-assessed. Rappia papyri Werner , 1908 is shown to represent a distinct and valid species in the H. nasutus group of the genus Hyperolius . Rappia pachyderma Werner , 1908 is removed from the synonymy of Hyperolius viridiflavus (DUmérIl & B IBron , 1841) and referred to the synonymy of H. papyri . KeY WorDS Amphibia: Anura: Hyperoliidae; Rappia papyri , Rappia pachyderma , Hyperolius nasutus , Hyperolius viridi - flavus , synonymy, systematics, , Anglo-egyptian Sudan, South Sudan, Uganda, ethiopia


In 1905, Franz Werner conducted a had “not been able to find among the more zoological expedition to the Anglo-egypt - than fifty described species of this large and ian Sudan (“Ägyptischen Sudan”) and the difficult genus the three Sudanese represen - north of the British Protectorate of Uganda tatives” and he had “to assume that they (“nord-Uganda”). He collected mostly be - were still unknown”. However, currently tween Khor Attar (09° 20’ 11” n, 031° 25’ only one of the three species is considered 08” e) and Gondokoro (04° 54’ 09” n, 031° valid ( H. balfouri ), whereas H. pachyder - 39’ 46” e) along the White nile, a region mus is considered a junior synonym of H. which nowadays lies within the political viridiflavus (DUmérIl & B IBron , 1841) boundaries of South Sudan. The results of (lAUrenT 1951) and H. papyri , which for a the expedition were published in a series of long time had been regarded a junior syn - papers, including one about the onym of H. nasutus GünTHer , 1865 ( noBle and reptiles ( Werner 1908). Werner 1924), is placed “ incertae sedis ” in the (1908) assigned the he had collected genus Hyperolius (CHAnnInG et al. 2002, to 22 species, of which he regarded six as 2013; FroST 2014). new; among them three of the genus Rappia In the course of a study of the taxono - GünTHer , 1865 (= Hyperolius rAPP , 1842): my and systematics of east and Central Af- Rappia papyri Werner , 1908, Rappia pa - rican Hyperolius , the author of the present chyderma Werner , 1908, and Rappia bal - paper examined Werner ’s material depos - fouri Werner , 1908. Werner stated that he ited in the collection of the naturhi stori - modified_Dehling_on the identities of two enigmatic frog taxa from South Sudan_HerPeToZoA.qxd 28.07.2015 14:59 Seite 2

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sches museum Wien, Austria (nHmW). The the current taxonomic status of H. pachyder - examination of the Hyperolius types revealed mus as a junior synonym of H. viridiflavus is that H. papyri should be regarded a valid unwarranted; instead, it is herein referred to species within the H. nasutus group and that the synonymy of H. papyri .


Specimens are deposited in the herpe - of web on the preaxial side is given left of tological collection of the nHmW. locality the numeral, that on the postaxial side right and collecting data are presented in the tax - of the numeral, except for the first and last onomic account. digits for which only the number of free The following measurements were phalanges on the postaxial and the preaxial taken with a digital calliper (to the nearest side, respectively, is given. If the webbing 0.1 mm) under a dissecting microscope, extends to the proximal or distal edge of a mostly following DeHlInG (2012): Snout- subarticular tubercle, this is indicated by vent length (SVl, from tip of snout to vent); adding a plus (“+“) or a minus sign (“-”), tibiofibula length (TFl, measured by both respectively, to the number of free pha - knee and tibio-tarsal articulation flexed); langes. If the number of free phalanges thigh length (THl, from vent to knee with varies between individuals, the different thigh being held laterally at right angle to states are listed, from the smallest to the the body and knee flexed); foot length largest number, separated by commas (“,”); (FoT, from proximal end of inner meta - and the percentage x, rounded to a natural tarsal tubercle to tip of fourth toe); head number, of individuals in which the particu - width (HW, measured at corners of the lar state was observed is given in subscript - mouth); head length (Hl, from posterior ed square brackets (“ [x] ”). The webbing of end of mandible to tip of snout); horizontal the holotype of H. papyri is also illustrated eye diameter (eD); eye-to-nostril distance using a diagram, following CHAnnInG et al. (en, from anterior edge of orbit to centre of (2013). Sex was determined by examina - nostril); nostril-snout distance (nS, from tion of the vocal sac and throat region and centre of nostril to tip of snout); internarial comparing them to states observed in distance (nn, distance between centres of series of subadult and adult males of other nostrils); snout length (Sl, from anterior species of Hyperolius (Hyperolius rwandae edge of orbit to tip of snout); interorbital DeHlInG , S InSCH , r ö Del & C HAnnInG in distance (Io, shortest distance between CHAnnInG , H IllerS , l öTTerS , r öDel , upper eyelids); upper eyelid width (eW, SCHICK , C onrADIe , r öD Der , m erCUrIo , maximal width of upper eyelid). To WAGner , D eHlInG , DU PreeZ , K IelGAST & describe the extent of the webbing between BUrGer , 2013, H. viridi flavus , and H. casta - fingers and toes, formulae are given as fol - neus AHl , 1931; specimens from the lows: Digits are indicated by bold roman author’s working collection, University of numerals ( I-IV [fingers] and I-V [toes], Koblenz). Because of the brittleness of the starting from the pollex and the hallux, specimens, the author refrained from an respectively). The digits are separated by examination of the gonads. slashes (“/”). The number of phalanges free


The examined material of Hyperolius in HÄUPl et al. (1994) [ GrIllITSCH in litt. papyri consists of the holotype (nHmW 2015. 06.26] and a third individual (nHmW 14847, Figs. 1A, 1B, 1D), specimen nHmW 3704) collected by Werner (1919) during 33144 (Fig. 1C), erroneously referred to as his second Sudan expedition to Kurdufan paratype of Rappia papyri Werner , 1908, (“Kordofan”). The three specimens are very modified_Dehling_on the identities of two enigmatic frog taxa from South Sudan_HerPeToZoA.qxd 28.07.2015 14:59 Seite 3

Identities of Rappia papyri and Rappia pachyderma 41

Fig. 1: A - Dorsal view of the holotype of Hyperolius papyri (Werner , 1908) (nHmW 14847), B - lateral view of the holotype of H. papyri , C - dorsolateral view of the specimen erroneously referred to as paratype of H. papyri (nHmW 33144), D - ventral view of the holotype of H. papyri , e - holotype of Hyperolius pachydermus (Werner , 1908) (left, nHmW 22900, subadult male, SVl 16.3 mm) and syntype of Hyperolius viridiflavus (DUmérIl & B IBron , 1841) (right, nHmW 22896, female, SVl 30.3 mm), F - dorsolateral view of the holotype of H. pachydermus , G - ventral view of the holotype of H. pachydermus , H - head profile of the holotype of H. pachydermus . Abb. 1: A - Dorsalansicht des Holotypus von Hyperolius papyri (Werner , 1908) (nHmW 14847), B - lateralansicht des Holotypus von H. papyri , C - Dorsolateralansicht des irrtümlich als Paratypus von H. papyri bezeichneten exemplars (nHmW 33144), D - Ventralansicht des Holotypus von H. papyri , e - Holotypus von Hyperolius pachydermus (Werner , 1908) (links, nHmW 22900, subadultes männchen, Krl 16,3 mm) und Syntypus von Hyperolius viridiflavus (DUmérIl & B IBron , 1841) (rechts, nHmW 22896, Weibchen, Krl 30,3 mm), F - Dorsolateralansicht des Holotypus von H. pachydermus , G - Ventralansicht des Holotypus von H. pachydermus , H - Profilansicht des Kopfes von H. pachydermus . modified_Dehling_on the identities of two enigmatic frog taxa from South Sudan_HerPeToZoA.qxd 28.07.2015 14:59 Seite 4

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similar in their external morphology and 1988). The skin thickens and the increased there is no doubt that they belong to the amount of iridophores causes a light skin same species. The combination of several coloration up to “a brilliant white” at air diagnostic characters (see below) places them temperatures above 37 °C ( KoBelT & l In- in the H. nasutus group of the genus Hyper - SenmAIr 1986) which is the most likely ex - olius and distinguishes them from all other planation for the skin color of the holotype species in the group, as recently defined by of H. pachydermus . Although the dorsal CHAnnInG et al. (2013). Therefore, H. skin of the specimen is generally light, two papyri is regarded here as a distinct, valid silvery-white dorsolateral bands are trace - species. The species is re-described below. able which run from the snout along the Hyperolius pachydermus had been upper eyelids to the groin and are common described by Werner based on a single in species of the H. nasutus group specimen from Gondokoro (holotype, (CHAnnInG et al. 2013), including the nHmW 22900, see also HÄUPl et al. 1994; nHmW specimens of H. papyri . The body Figs. 1e, 1F, 1G, 1H). Werner (1908) stat - except the largely unpigmented parts on the ed that it was female, but it is a subadult thigh and the vocal sac is speckled with male with a still developing gular disc and minute rounded dots which is also the case vocal sac (Fig. 1G). Werner (1908) con - in the specimens of H. papyri . The size sidered H. pachydermus different from H. (SVl 16.3 mm) is somewhat larger than that papyri based on its supposedly shorter and of the vouchers of H. papyri (holotype: 13.6 more truncate snout, more extensive foot mm; second Gondokoro specimen: 14.1 webbing, thick skin, and the “chalk-white” mm; renk specimen: 15.5 mm). However, (“kreideweiß”) coloration. The examina - the Gondokoro individuals of H. papyri are tion of the holotype showed that its snout is subadult males which show an initial forma - a little damaged and slightly compressed, tion of the vocal sac whereas the vocal sacs explaining the observed differences in are further developed in the renk specimen shape. Still, the sharp snout of H. pachy - and the holotype of H. pachydermus , indi - dermus is pointed in dorsal view and shark- cating a higher age which accounts for the like in profile like the snout of H. papyri size differences. The legs of the holotype of (Figs. 1B, 1H). Contrary to Werner ’s orig - H. pachydermus are moderately long, with inal description stating that the foot web - the tibio-tarsal articulation reaching the ante - bing differed between the two species rior margin of the eye which matches the (“two-third webbed” vs. “three-fourth state observed in the specimens of H. papyri . webbed”), the only difference is that the Hyperolius pachydermus is currently webbing of the holotype of H. pachydermus considered a synonym of H. viridiflavus . extends slightly beyond the distal subarticu - The author compared the holotype of H. lar tubercle on the fifth toe (1.75 V) whereas pachydermus to a syntype of H. viridiflavus in the holotype of H. papyri it reaches only (nHmW 22896, female from “Abyssinien” the distal edge of the distal tubercle (2- V); [= ethiopia]; Fig. 1e) and a large series of otherwise, the extent of the foot and hand H. viridiflavus from rwanda (JmD working webbing does not differ between the speci - collection, University of Koblenz). The two mens. The thick, chalk-white skin is expli - species are easily distinguished by snout cable by the circumstances in which the shape (long, sharp, pointed in dorsal view, specimen was collected, i.e., on an excep - and acute in profile in H. pachydermus vs. tionally hot day at noon, perching in bright short, rounded in dorsal view, and truncate sunlight at a temperature of mor e than 40 °C in profile in H. viridiflavus ; Fig. 1e), size (in the shade) ( Werner 1908). Several (16.3 mm in subadult male vs. > 25 mm in savanna species of reed frogs increase the adult males; 30.3 mm in syntype, Fig. 1e), number of purine (guanine and hypoxan - visibility of tympanum (invisible vs. dis - thine)-crystal-containing iridophores in the cernible), dorsal pattern (silvery-white dor - skin which play an important role in temper - solateral bands present, speckled with ature regulation and probably also osmoreg - minute dots vs. bands absent, not speckled) ulation in dry conditions (e.g., KoBelT & and extent of pedal webbing ( I2-/2+ II 1.5/ lInSenmAIr 1986; SCHmUCK & l InSenmAIr 2.5 III 1.5/3- IV 2/1.75 V vs. I1.5 [60] ,1.75 [20] , modified_Dehling_on the identities of two enigmatic frog taxa from South Sudan_HerPeToZoA.qxd 28.07.2015 14:59 Seite 5

Identities of Rappia papyri and Rappia pachyderma 43

2- [20] /2 [30] ,2+ [70] II 1+ [50] ,1.25 [50] /2 [40] , unwarranted. Instead, for matching closely 2+ [60] III 1+/2+ IV 2/1+ V in males from the diagnostic characters of H. pa pyri and rwanda ( n = 10), I2-/2 II 1+/2 III 1+/2+ IV 2/ considering the sympatric occurrence of the 1+ V in the syntype). The synonymy of H. two forms, H. pachydermus is herewith pachydermus and H. viridiflavus is therefore referred to the synonymy of H. papyri .

Taxonomic account

Hyperolius papyri (Werner , 1908)

Synonyms.- Rappia papyri : Wer - ly rounded snout profiles as in Hyperolius ner (1908); Rappia pachyderma : Werner acuticeps AHl , 1931; H. adspersus PeTerS , (1908) – new synonymy; Hyperolius nasu - 1877; H. dartevellei lAUrenT , 1943; H. tus : noBle (1924; partim); Hyperolius friedemanni merCUrIo & r öDel in CHAn- pachydermus : noBle (1924) – new synony- nInG , H IllerS , l öTTerS , r öDel , S CHICK , my; Hyperolius papyri : AHl (1931); Hyper- ConrADIe , r öDDer , m erCUrIo , W AGner , olius pachyderma : AHl (1931) – new syn - DeHlInG , DU PreeZ , K IelGAST & B UrGer , onymy; Hyperolius viridiflavus pachyder - 2013 ; H. igbettensis SCHIøTZ , 1963; H. mus : lAUrenT (1951; partim) – new syn - jacobseni CHAnnInG in CHAnnInG , H IllerS , onymy; Hyperolius viridiflavus (nec DUmé- löTTerS , r öDel , S CHICK , C onrADIe , rIl & B IBron ): SCHIøTZ (1971; partim) – röDDer , m erCUrIo , W AGner , D eHlInG , DU new synonymy. PreeZ , K IelGAST & B UrGer , 2013; H. Holotype.- nHmW 14847, sub - lupiroensis CHAnnInG in CHAnnInG , H Il - adult male, collected by Franz Werner in lerS , l öTTerS , r öDel , S CHICK , C onrADIe , “Gondokoro, Uganda” (= Gondokoro, South röDDer , m erCUrIo , W AGner , D eHlInG , DU Sudan; 04° 54’ 09” n, 031° 39’ 46” e) in PreeZ , K IelGAST & B UrGer , 2013; H. nasu - march 1905. tus ; H. poweri loVerIDGe , 1938; H. rwan - referred specimens.- nHmW dae ; and H. viridis SCHIøTZ , 1975. The legs 3704, subadult male, collected by Franz are comparatively short, the tibio-tarsal Werner in “renk am Weißen nil, Anglo- articulation reaching to the anterior margin ägyptischer Sudan” (= renk, South Sudan; of the eye. Thereby, the species can be dis - 11° 44’ 35” n, 032° 48’ 18” e), 20 April tinguished from those species in which the 1914; nHmW 22900, subadult male, col - tibio-tarsal articulation reaches almost to, lected by Franz Werner in “Gondokoro, all the way to, or beyond the level of the tip Uganda” (= Gondokoro, South Sudan; 04° of the snout, i.e., H. acuticeps ; H. benguel - 54’ 09” n, 031° 39’ 46” e) in 1905 [holotype lensis (BoCAGe , 1893); H. dartevellei ; H. of Rappia pachyderma Werner , 1908]; howelli DU PreeZ & C HAnnInG in CHAn- nHmW 33144 (erroneously referred to as nInG , H IllerS , l öTTerS , r öDel , S CHICK , paratype of Rappia papyri Werner , 1908, ConrADIe , r öDDer , m erCUrIo , W AGner , in HÄUPl et al. (1994) [ GrIllITSCH in litt. DeHlInG , DU PreeZ , K IelGAST & B UrGer , 2015.06.26]), subadult male, same collec - 2013; H. igbettensis ; H. jacobseni ; H. lupi - tion details as holotype nHmW 14847. roensis ; H. nasutus ; H. poweri ; H. rwandae ; Diagnosis.- The horizontal pupil, and H. viridis . The webbing extends to the elongated body, comparatively small and median subarticular tubercle on the preaxial long head, sharp snout, invisible tympanum, side of the fourth toe and does not reach the light green dorsal live coloration with dor - disk of the fifth toe; this distinguishes H. solateral silvery-white band put the species papyri from those species, in which the in the H. nasutus group of the genus webbing extends beyond this tubercle on the Hyperolius (SCHIøTZ 1999; A mIeT 2005). fourth toe and/or reaches the disk of the fifth The snout of H. papyri is shark-like in toe, i.e., H. acuticeps ; H. adspersus ; H. ben- profile, protruding forward of the mouth in guellensis ; H. dartevellei ; H. friedemanni ; a straight line, before forming a sharp tip. It H. igbettensis ; H. jacobseni ; H. lupiroensis ; differs from the truncated, sharply or blunt - H. rwandae ; and H. viridis . The webbing modified_Dehling_on the identities of two enigmatic frog taxa from South Sudan_HerPeToZoA.qxd 28.07.2015 14:59 Seite 6

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vertical, slightly concave; nostril directed anterolaterally, oval; situated closer to tip of snout than to eye (en/nS 1.21), separated from each other by distance greater than dis - tance between eye and nostril (nn/en 1.16); eyes directed anterolaterally, moder - ately protruding, relatively small (eD/Hl 0.31); eye diameter much shorter than snout (eD/Sl 0.67); interorbital space almost twice as wide as upper eyelid (Io/eW 1.94), and almost equalling internarial distance (Io/nn 1.04); tympanum not visible exter - nally; upper jaw with dentition; teeth on premaxilla larger than those on maxilla; choanae small, oval, located far anterolater - ally at margins of roof of the mouth, con - cealed by palatine ridge along maxilla in ventral view; vomer processes and teeth absent; tongue long and narrow, free for about three-fourths of length, bifurcated dis - tally for about one-fourth of length; vocal Fig. 2: Diagram showing the extent of pedal webbing in the holotype of Hyperolius papyri sac single, median, subgular, not fully de- (Werner , 1908) (nHmW 14847). veloped. Abb. 2: Diagramm zur Veranschaulichung der Dorsal surface of head, trunk and Ausdehnung der Spannhäute des Fußes limbs smooth; ventral surface of limbs and beim Holotypus von Hyperolius papyri chin smooth; chest and abdomen slightly (Werner , 1908) (nHmW 14847). more areolate; supratympanic fold absent. Vocal sac not fully developed, partly cov - ered by dermal flap at throat. Forelimbs slender; hand moderately extends to between the distal subarticular large; tips of fingers enlarged into broad tubercle and the disk on the postaxial side of oval disks, each with circummarginal the third toe, which distinguishes H. papyri groove; relative length of fingers: I

Identities of Rappia papyri and Rappia pachyderma 45

two on Toes III and V, and three on Toe IV; 1.18. Pedal webbing variation is I2-/2+ II pedal webbing formula I2-/2+ II 1.5/ 1.5/2.5 III 1.5/3- IV 2/1.75 [33] ,2- [67] V. 2.5 III 1.5/3- IV 2/2- V (Fig. 2); inner meta - Distribution.- nHmW 14847, tarsal tubercle small (less than half length of 33144, and 22900 were collected at Gondo- metatarsus), oval, prominent; outer one in - koro (04° 54’ 09” n, 031° 39’ 46” e). Wer - distinct. ner (1908) also reported the species from Coloration in life.- Accord- Khor Attar (09° 20’ 11” n, 031° 25’ 08” e) ing to Werner (1908), brownish green dor - and mongalla (05° 11’ 58” n, 031° 46’ 08” sally with white dorsolateral bands purled e). An additional specimen (nHmW 3704) with rows of brown dots; fine middorsal was collected at renk (11° 44’ 35” n, 032° longitudinal line formed by dots from tip of 48’ 18”e). All locations are situated along snout to vent; small brown dots speckled on the White nile in South Sudan. It is possi - head, back and limbs. ble that the ethiopian populations referred Variation.- The three other speci - to as “ Hyperolius nasutus ”, which appear to mens agree largely in body proportions. have a similar dorsal coloration and pattern, TFl/SVl ratio is 0.47-0.51, TFl/THl 1.04- snout shape, and foot webbing ( lArGen 1.16, HW/SVl 0.28-0.34, HW/Hl 1.10- 1998), belong to H. papyri .

Taxonomic implications

Hyperolius pachydermus was referred Berlin, that “cette synonymie déjà établie to the synonymy of H. viridiflavus by par loVerIDGe en 1936 est continuée” lAUrenT (1951) who had not examined the (l AUrenT 1961) . loVerIDGe (1936), how - holotype of that taxon but merely stated that ever, had not discussed H. pachydermus but “the description of Rappia pachyderma had referred H. oculatus and Hyperolius matches obviously a juvenile of H. mar - phrynoderma AHl , 1931 to the synonymy moratus or H. viridiflavus ”. Based on geog - of H. rossii . lAUrenT obviously had con - raphy he considered it a subspecies of H. fused H. phrynoderma with H. pachyder - viridiflavus and referred Hyperolius bur - mus (thereby citing the name wrongly as H. geoni (De WITTe , 1921), Hyperolius rossii v. pachyderma ) and mistakenly referred H. (CAlABreSI , 1925), and the specimens oculatus to the synonymy of the latter. AnGel (1925) had assigned to H. guttulatus Hyperolius oculatus should continue to be GünTHer , 1858, which were all collected in treated as a synonym of H. viridiflavus . roughly the same region (northeastern Until recently, the name pachydermus Democratic republic of the Congo [DrC] has been used to designate a subspecies or a to western Kenya), to its synonymy. As variety of H. viridiflavus from northern DrC lAUrenT (1951) was not aware of the true and South Sudan with brown dorsum with identity of H. pachydermus , he clearly small rounded yellow spots and red ventral intended to refer H. burgeoni , H. rossii , and spots ( InGer 1968; S CHIøTZ 1971, 1975). AnGel ’s H. guttulatus to the synonymy of Based on this description, also specimens H. viridiflavus . These taxa should therefore from western ethiopia were assigned to the continue to be regarded as synonyms of H. variety “ pachydermus ” or “PAC” ( lArGen viridiflavus , not H. papyri , although H. 1998; S CHIøTZ 1999; l ArGen & S PAWlS pachydermus is herein referred to the syn - 2010). As H. pachydermus is a synonym of onymy of the latter. H. papyri , the name is no longer applicable In another paper, lAUrenT (1952) to populations of H. viridiflavus . Until it is referred Hyperolius oculatus AHl , 1931 demonstrated that the populations from (type locality: Balaibo, Duki river, north - northeastern DrC, South Sudan, and south - eastern DrC) to the synonymy of H. viridi - western ethiopia differ from H. viridiflavus flavus pachydermus , probably based on (type locality: Adoua, northern ethiopia, 14° geography; stating later, after he had exam - 10’ n, 038° 54’ e, lArGen 2001) they ined the type material of H. oculatus in should be referred to by this name. modified_Dehling_on the identities of two enigmatic frog taxa from South Sudan_HerPeToZoA.qxd 28.07.2015 14:59 Seite 8

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I would like to thank Heinz GrIllITSCH , Silke > which is financed by european SCHWeIGer , and richard Gemel for access to the her - Community research Infrastructure Action under the petological collection and library of the nHmW and FP6 “Structuring the european research Area” pro - the hospitality during my stay. The visit to the nHmW gramme (AT-TAF-4170). was funded by the Synthesys Project < http://www.


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DATe oF SUBmISSIon: march 05, 2014 Corresponding editor: Heinz Grillitsch

AUTHor: J. maximilian DeHlInG (Corresponding author < [email protected] >) - Universität Koblenz, Institut für Integrierte naturwissenschaften, Abteilung Biologie, Universitätsstraße 1, 56070 Koblenz, Germany