Ontology-Driven Services for Interoperable Multi-Stakeholders Operational Disaster Response
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En vue de l'obtention du DOCTORAT DE L'UNIVERSITÉ DE TOULOUSE Délivré par : Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse (Toulouse INP) Discipline ou spécialité : Systèmes Informatiques Présentée et soutenue par : Mme LINDA ELMHADHBI le jeudi 12 mars 2020 Titre : Ontology-driven services for interoperable multi-stakeholders operational disaster response Ecole doctorale : Systèmes (EDSYS) Unité de recherche : Laboratoire de Génie de Productions de l'ENIT (E.N.I.T-L.G.P.) Directeur(s) de Thèse : M. BERNARD ARCHIMEDE M. MOHAMED HEDI KARRAY Rapporteurs : M. CHRISTOPHE MERLO, ESTIA BIDART Mme MOUNIRA HARZALLAH, UNIVERSITE DE NANTES Membre(s) du jury : M. FRÉDÉRICK BENABEN, ECOLE NLE SUP DES MINES ALBI CARMAUX, Président M. ANTONIO DE NICOLA, ENEA, Membre M. BERNARD ARCHIMEDE, ECOLE NATIONALE D'INGENIEUR DE TARBES, Membre M. MOHAMED HEDI KARRAY, ECOLE NATIONALE D'INGENIEUR DE TARBES, Membre Acknowledgments First of all, I wish to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisors, Mr. Bernard Archim`ede and Mr. Mohamed Hedi Karray. Thank you Bernard for your support and guidance during my thesis. Your wisdom and experience have inspired me a lot. Thank you Hedi for your availability and your continuous support. Your passion for work was, is, and will be my long- lasted motivation. You taught me how to surpass myself and to take things one step further. It has been a pleasure working with both of you. I would like to thank Pr. Barry Smith and Dr. Neil Otte for their cooperation, careful reading, and constructive comments that helped me a lot. I would like to thank Pr. Frederick Benaben for honoring my jury by presiding it. I am grateful to Pr. Christophe Merlo and Dr. Mounira Harzallah for accepting to review my manuscript. I also appreciate the participation of Mr. Antonio De Nicola. I am also deeply thankful to all my colleagues and friends for their support during my thesis through very fruitful discussions and continuous moral support. Last but not least, I would like to thank my family for their endless love and support. Thank you all! Linda Elmhadhbi i Abstract | Disaster response is a highly collaborative and critical process that requires the involvement of multiple emergency responders (ERs) ideally working together under a uni- fied command to enable a rapid and effective operational response. It is a challenging task mainly because of the heterogeneity of the involved stakeholders and the critical nature of such event. Various ERs from different organizations must work together toward a successful resolution of the disaster. According to ERs reports and feedback, it is apparent that in- adequate communication and a lack of information sharing among the ERs engaged on-site can adversely affect disaster response efforts. Within this context, we propose POLARISC, an interoperable inter-services software solution for reliable and timely information sharing for the operational management of large-scale disasters. The focus is on offering to all ERs a real-time operation picture of the situation in order to ensure effective collaboration and coordination among stakeholders. Accordingly, the first objective of this work is to capture the semantics of ERs knowledge. To do so, we propose an ontology that defines the knowledge of French emergency response doctrine, providing a shared vocabulary that covers a variety of interoperability concerns including data, services, processes, and business of each stake- holder. Because the diversity of ERs' vocabularies was bound, naturally, to complicate the design of the ontology, we adopted the principle of modularization. The idea is to develop separate ontological modules, one for each stakeholder. Furthermore, we used the upper-level ontology Basic Formal Ontology, as well as the suite of Common Core Ontologies, which serve as a suite of mid-level ontologies for our ontology modules. The use of upper-level ontologies facilitates the alignment among the different ontological modules and promotes data inter- operability. Once the modular ontology POLARISCO is developed, we defined the mapping between the different modules. One strong point of the adopted ontological approach is that POLARISCO is tested by means of real data and validated by stakeholders and emergency ex- perts. The second objective is to exploit the proposed ontology in order to guarantee a shared and semantically unambiguous information exchange across ERs. To do so, we propose an ontology-based messaging service, namely PROMES, performing the semantic translation of the information to be exchanged. Each stakeholder will receive the message according to his own vocabulary and with his own semantics. The semantic transformation of the message is based on the mapping that exists among stakeholders modules as defined in POLARISCO. PROMES is based on two algorithms; a textual transformation algorithm and then a se- mantic transformation algorithm. Using PROMES, it becomes possible for two ERs from different organizations to communicate meaningfully and with less ambiguity. To evaluate the proposed approach, POLARISCO is instantiated using real data of the 11/13 Paris ter- rorist attacks. The third and final objective is to propose a multi-criteria decision support service that supports ERs during victims' evacuation. The aim is to find the most appropriate healthcare institution according to the victims' states. The selection of the hospital depends, on the transport time, and on the availability of the needed resources including materials and staff. To do so, we propose, first, an ontological module that associates to each pathology the needed resources. Then, we propose an algorithm to check the availability of those resources, calculate the wait time to receive medical care in each hospital, and then select the most appropriate hospital. Keywords: Ontology, semantic interoperability, multi-criteria decision support, disaster response. iii R´esum´e| La gestion op´erationnelle de situations de crise n´ecessite, selon l'importance et l'´etendue de la crise, la mobilisation rapide et la coordination des diff´erents services de secours. Malheureusement, cette coordination interservices est un exercice tr`esd´elicat du fait de la diversit´edes acteurs intervenant sur le terrain et de l'h´et´erog´en´eit´edes diff´erentes organisations. Aujourd'hui, il y a un manque de coordination, l'information n'est que tr`es peu partag´ee entre les acteurs op´erationnels et la communication n'est pas formalis´ee. Ces incon- v´enients conduisent au dysfonctionnement des r´eponses aux situations de crise. Afin de mieux r´epondre aux situations de crise, nous proposons POLARISC, une plateforme interop´erable de coordination interservices pour la gestion op´erationnelle de catastrophes visualisant en temps r´eel le th´e^atre des op´erations. L'objectif de POLARISC est d'aider `ala d´ecision quel que soit le niveau de commandement. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, le premier enjeu de cette th`eseest de garantir une interop´erabilit´es´emantique entre les diff´erents acteurs m´etiers pour assurer l'´echange et le partage des informations. A` cet ´egard, l'id´ee est de formaliser s´emantiquement les connaissances des acteurs m´etiers de la gestion op´erationnelle `al'aide des ontologies. En ef- fet, nous proposons une approche f´ed´er´eequi repr´esente les donn´ees, les services, les processus et les m´etiers de chaque acteur. Nous avons mod´elis´eles connaissances des acteurs de secours en d´eveloppant une ontologie modulaire (POLARISCO) comportant un module ontologique pour chaque acteur de secours et int´egr´eces derniers pour proposer un vocabulaire partag´e. L'utilisation des ontologies de haut niveaux et des ontologies interm´ediaires, respectivement < Basic Formel Ontology > et < Common Core Ontologies >, facilitent l'int´egration de ces modules et de leurs mappings. Le deuxi`eme enjeu est d'exploiter ces ontologies afin de dimin- uer l'ambiguit´eet¨ d'´eviter la mal interpr´etation des informations ´echang´ees. Par cons´equent, nous proposons un service de messagerie appel´ePROMES transformant s´emantiquement le message envoy´epar un acteur ´emetteur selon le module ontologique de l'acteur destinataire. En effet, PROMES se base sur l'ontologie POLARISCO et sert `aenrichir s´emantiquement le message pour ´eviter tout type d'ambigu¨ıt´e.Le fonctionnement de PROMES est bas´eprinci- palement sur deux algorithmes ; un algorithme de transformation textuelle, et par la suite, un algorithme de transformation s´emantique. Ainsi, nous avons instanci´el'ontologie POLAR- ISCO avec des donn´ees r´eelles de la r´eponse aux attaques terroristes de Paris en 2015 afin d'´evaluer l'ontologie et le service de messagerie. Le troisi`eme et dernier enjeu est de proposer un service d'aide `ala d´ecision multicrit`ere qui permet de proposer des strat´egies d'´evacuation des victimes apr`es le lancement du plan blanc. L'objectif est de trouver les structures hos- pitali`eres les plus adapt´ees`al'´etat de la victime. Le choix de l'h^opital le plus appropri´e d´epend de la dur´eedu transport, et surtout de la disponibilit´edes ressources mat´erielles et humaines, de fa¸con`aprendre en charge les victimes le plus rapide que possible. Notre ´etude comprend deux ´etapes : la premi`ere ´etape consiste `ad´evelopper un module ontologique qui associe `achaque pathologie les ressources indispensables pour une meilleure prise en charge des victimes selon leurs ´etats. La deuxi`eme ´etape consiste `ad´evelopper un algorithme qui permet de v´erifier la disponibilit´edes ressources n´ecessaires, calculer