APRIL 2011 QNT83 Q u a r t e r l y from the Association of Former WHO Staff Tel :+4122 791 3103 and 31 92 Office 4141, WHO, CH- 1211 Geneva, Switzerland E-mail:
[email protected] Website: http://who.int/formerstaff/en/ Informed opinion and active co-operation on the part of the public are of the utmost impor tance in the improvement of the health of the people (WHO, Basic Documents, 47th Edition, 2009) INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF FORESTS●2011 Forests for people Association des Anciens de l’OMS Page 1 APRIL 2011 QNT83 The year 2011 has been declared by the UN as the International Year of Forests. The goal is to raise awareness of the importance of forests for life. Logo of the International Year of forests on UNO ← building in New York The forest, a precious and diversified environment. In view of the importance of deforestation in the world, the UN has declared 2011 as the International Year of Forests. On this occasion, awareness- raising campaigns will be organized around this theme for the general public. Forests provide us with wood, work, areas of nature, protection against natu- ral dangers, drinking water and places for relaxation. The forest is linked to CO2 and attenuates global warming. In addition, forests provide shelter for many animal and plant species, some of which are rare. 300 million people live in forests. ( www.un.org/forests/ ) Association des Anciens de l’OMS Page 2 APRIL 2011 QNT83 CONTENTS EDITORIAL Pages Following the elections, responsibilities have been Photos Forests 2 distributed within the new Executive Committee Editorial opposite Message from President; (see page 4).