Peroxy Compounds Human Health and Ecological Draft Risk Assessment DP 455445, 455446
Peroxy Compounds Human Health and Ecological Draft Risk Assessment DP 455445, 455446 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20460 OFFICE OF CHEMICAL SAFETY AND POLLUTION PREVENTION MEMORANDUM Date: March 11, 2020 SUBJECT: Registration Review Draft Risk Assessment for the Peroxy Compounds PC Code: 000595, 063201, 063604, 063607, DP Barcode: 455445, 455446 063209, 128860 Decision No: 558073, 558074 Docket No: EPA-HQ-OPP-2009-0546 Regulatory Action: Registration Review Case No: 6059, 4072, 5081 Risk Assessment Type: DRA CAS No: 7722-84-1, 79-21-0, 33734-57-5, 15630-89-4, 10058-23-8, 70693-62-8 TO: Kendall Ziner, Chemical Review Manager Rick Fehir, Ph.D., Team Lead Rose Kyprianou, Branch Chief Regulatory Management Branch (RMB) II Antimicrobials Division (7510P) Office of Pesticide Programs FROM: Andrew Byro, Ph.D., Chemist Kathryn Korthauer, Biologist Timothy Dole, Industrial Hygienist Deborah Burgin, Ph.D., DABT, Toxicologist Risk Assessment and Science Support Branch Antimicrobials Division (7510P) Office of Pesticide Programs THROUGH: Judy Facey, Ph.D., Human Health Risk Assessment Process Leader MP for JF Diana Hsieh, Ecological Risk Assessment Process Leader MP for DH Timothy Leighton, Senior Science Advisor MP for TL Laura Parsons, Associate Branch Chief Melissa Panger, Ph.D., Branch Chief Risk Assessment and Science Support Branch Antimicrobials Division (7510P) This document provides the draft human health and ecological risk assessment conducted in support of the antimicrobial use sites of the following peroxy compounds: hydrogen peroxide, peracetic acid, peroxyoctanoic acid, and sodium percarbonate. Page 1 of 74 Peroxy Compounds Human Health and Ecological Draft Risk Assessment DP 455445, 455446 Although the peroxymonosulfate compounds were included in the peroxy compounds Final Work Plan (FWP), they will not be included in this risk assessment.
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