Cross-Shelf Habitat Suitability Modeling: Characterizing Potential Distributions of Deep-Sea Corals, Sponges, and Macrofauna Offshore of the US West Coast
SCCWRP #1171 OCS Study BOEM 2020-021 Cross-Shelf Habitat Suitability Modeling: Characterizing Potential Distributions of Deep-Sea Corals, Sponges, and Macrofauna Offshore of the US West Coast US Department of the Interior Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Pacific OCS Region OCS Study BOEM 2020-021 Cross-Shelf Habitat Suitability Modeling: Characterizing Potential Distributions of Deep-Sea Corals, Sponges, and Macrofauna Offshore of the US West Coast October 2020 Authors: Matthew Poti1,2, Sarah K. Henkel3, Joseph J. Bizzarro4, Thomas F. Hourigan5, M. Elizabeth Clarke6, Curt E. Whitmire7, Abigail Powell8, Mary M. Yoklavich4, Laurie Bauer1,2, Arliss J. Winship1,2, Michael Coyne1,2, David J. Gillett9, Lisa Gilbane10, John Christensen2, and Christopher F.G. Jeffrey1,2 1. CSS, Inc., 10301 Democracy Ln, Suite 300, Fairfax, VA 22030 2. National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Ocean Service, 1305 East West Hwy SSMC4, Silver Spring, MD 20910 3. Oregon State University, Hatfield Marine Science Center, 2030 Marine Science Drive, Newport, OR 97365 4. Institute of Marine Sciences, University of California, Santa Cruz & Fisheries Ecology Division, Southwest Fisheries Science Center (SWFSC), NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), Santa Cruz, CA 95060 5. Deep Sea Coral Research & Technology Program, NOAA NMFS, 1315 East West Hwy, Silver Spring, MD 20910 6. Northwest Fisheries Science Center (NWFSC), NOAA NMFS, 2725 Montlake Blvd East, Seattle, WA 98112 7. Fishery Resource Analysis and Monitoring Division, NWFSC, NOAA NMFS, 99 Pacific St, Bldg 255-A, Monterey, CA 93940 8. Lynker Technologies under contract to the NWFSC, NOAA NMFS, 2725 Montlake Blvd East, Seattle, WA 98112 9.
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