REG. NO. 160705001




MEDAN 2020


Universitas Sumatera Utara







Dr. Eddy Setia, M.Ed., TESP. Dr. Nurlela, M.Hum.

NIP. 195411171980031002 NIP. 197502092008121002

Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Sciences University of Sumatera Utara in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from Department of English.




MEDAN 2020


Universitas Sumatera Utara

Approved by the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Sciences University of Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan as thesis for The Sarjana Sastra Examination.

Head, Secretary,

Prof. T. Silvana Sinar, M.A., Ph.D. Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A., Ph.D.

NIP. 195409161980032002 NIP. 197502092008121002


Universitas Sumatera Utara

Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Sciences University of Sumatera Utara, Medan.

The examination is held in Department of English Faculty of Cultural Sciences University of Sumatera Utara on October 28, 2020

Dean of Faculty of Cultural Sciences

University of Sumatera Utara

Dr. Budi Agustono, MS

NIP. 19600805 198703 1 001

Board of Examiners

Prof. T. Silvana Sinar, M.A., Ph. D.

Dr. Nurlela, M.Hum.

Dr. Drs. Umar Mono, Dipl.Trans., M.Hum.


Universitas Sumatera Utara AUTHOR’S DECLARATION











Signed :

Date : November 20th, 2020


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Date : November 20th, 2020


Universitas Sumatera Utara


My greatest gratitude is to God for His grace, love and blessings in every step of my life especially in this thesis writing. I may reach up this point because Lord has blessed and kept me in every page of my life. “The blessing of the Lord brings wealth, and he adds no trouble to it.” (Proverbs 10:22)

In the process of completing this thesis, a lot of advices, suggestions, comments and supports have been contributed by many people. It is not possible to mention all of them, but some deserve to be written.

My very special gratitude is for my beloved parents, Masaadil Nduru and

Yuniar Waruwu and also my brothers and my sisters, Tuti Mega Sartika Nduru, Riki

Mega Pratama Nduru, Sindi Mega Pertiwi Nduru, and Marvel Mega Azarya Nduru and not forget my beloved partner Suki Mariana Waruwu for their never ending prayer, support, care and love to encourage me to learn and work hard in order to finish my study in Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of North Sumatera. I love you all.

I would like to thank my supervisor, Dr. Eddy Setia, M.Ed., TESP., for his kindness, patience and advices to help me to write and finish this thesis. Wishing you always stay healthy and happy. God bless you.


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I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my thesis co-supervisor, Dr. Nurlela M.Hum., for her great care, patience, advices and also his precious time in guiding me in the process of preparing this thesis until it is finished. May God give you long life in your right hand and in your left hand are riches and honor. God bless you

My gratitude also goes to the Head of English Department, Prof. T. Silvana Sinar, M.A., Ph.D. and all of the lecturers and the staff of English Department for the knowledge, experiences, facilities and opportunities given during my study in this faculty. I would also like to give much appreciation to Mr. Sukirno (Bang Kibot) as the administrator of English Department who has helped me much.

I dedicate my deepest gratitude to my family in Christ, Atriminithea Alvaro : Agnesia Putri Sihombing, S.S, Putri Pridani Malau, S.S, Theresia Fransiska Zai, S.S, Edi Renaldo Surbakti, S.S, and Theresia Ningsih Saragih, S.S,. Thanks for your pray, support and love.

My greatest gratitude to all of English Literature students especially for the students of class A who always support me during the process of writing this thesis. Thank you for all the support you have shown me, especially during the college process. Finally, I would like to thank everybody who is important to the successful of this research. This research is far from perfect, but it is expected that will be useful for all the readers. Therefore, the constructive thought full suggestions and criticism are very welcome.

Medan, November 20th 2020

Rahmat Mega Putra Nduru

Reg. No. 160705001


Universitas Sumatera Utara ABSTRACT

This thesis is entitled An Analysis On The Use Of Register In Indonesian Army. This research is included in qualitative descriptive research that‟s the research produces analytical procedures that do not use statistical analysis procedure. The source of data in this study is from the Indonesian Army in Medan, while the data in the forms, functions, and meanings are from Register of Indonesian Army. The data in this study was collected by interview and recording method. Register of Indonesian Army in the form of codes specially made to disguise it‟s true meanings and true functions with a purpose so that the enemy does not knew what the members are talking about. Based on the ananlysis of the research, it is found that there are 110 registers used by Indonesian Army which is based in Medan.

Keywords : Register, Forms, Meanings, Functions, Indonesian Army


Universitas Sumatera Utara ABSTRAK

Penelitian ini berjudul An Analysis On The Use Of Register In Indonesian Army. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam penelitian deskriptif kualitatif yang memberikan prosedur-prosedur analitikal yang tidak menggunakan prosedur statistic. Sumber data dari penelitian ini adalah dari TNI-AD di Medan, dimana data dari bentuk-bentuk, makna-makna, dan tujuan-tujuannya adalah bersumber dari Register TNI-AD. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan wawancara dan metode pencatatan. Register dari TNI-AD bentuk didalamnya adalah kode-kode special yang dibuat untuk menyamarkan makna-makna aslinya dan fungsi-fungsi aslinya dengan tujuan agar musuh tidak tahu apa yang sedang dibicarakan oleh anggota. Berdasarkan dari hasil penelitian, maka didapati bahwa ada 110 Register yang digunakan oleh TNI-AD di Medan.

Kata Kunci : Register, Bentuk, Makna, Fungsi, TNI-AD


Universitas Sumatera Utara TABLE OF CONTENTS

AUTHOR’S DECLARATION……………………………………………………iv

COPYRIGHT DECLARATION…………………………………………………....v


ABSTRACT...... viii


TABLE OF CONTENT……………………………………………………………..x


1.1 Background of the Study……………………...…………………..1

1.2 Problems of the Study……………………………………………..4

1.3 Objectives of the Study……………………………………………4

1.4 Scope of the Study………………………………………………...5

1.5 Significances of the Study…………………………..…………….5


2.1 The field of Sociolinguistic…………………………………...... 7

2.2 Language…………………………………………………………..8

2.3 Language Variation……………………………………………….9

2.4 Register…………………………………………………………..11

2.5 Related Previous Study…………………………………………..12



3.1 Research Method………………………………………………22

3.2 Data and Data Source………………………………………….23

3.3 Data Collecting Method………………………………………..24

3.4 Data Analysis Method…………………………………………26


4.1 Analysis………………………………………………………..27

4.1.1 The Register Forms of Indonesian Army……………………27

4.1.2 The Register Meanings of Indonesian Army………………..33

4.1.3 The Register Functions of Indonesian Army………………..41

4.2 Findings………………………………………………………..42


5.1 Conclusions………………………………………………….....43

5.2 Suggestions…………………………………………………….44




Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER I


1.1 Background of the Study

Language is an elaborate and unique thing that is used by its users through voice. People at least speak one language to convey and express their ideas, desire and feelings through communication process with others. As Chaer and Leony states that by language one can talk with others, express his desire, his feelings, and his ideas (Chaer and Leony, 1995: 22). Language is also a social phenomenon. It is means of communication between individuals and brings them into relationship with invironment. So language and society are two things, which are inseparable. They have close relationship since each other support. Those variables create varieties of language such as language used by teachers, student, farmers, and many societies.

We live in a world of language. We talk to our friends, our associates, our families, our lovers, our teachers, our parents, our rivals, and even our enemies.

(Martin 1993; Rothery in Hasan 1996). We talk to bus drivers and total strangers. We talk face-to-face and over the telephone, and everyone responds with more talk. For many people there can be no confusion at all about what language they speak. Most speakers can give a name to whatever it is they speak. On occasion, some of these names may appear to be strange to those who take a scientific interest in languages, but we should remember that human naming practices often have a large


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„unscientific‟ component to them. Some varieties of language are also caused by age, sex, occupation, and function (Wardaugh, 1997: 19-20).

Sociolinguists have classified further the societal varieties according to several points of view, including for example the region where the language is used and the period when its used (Halliday, 1978: 270). However, if we are to gain a sound understanding of the various procedures used in studies of social variation, we should look at least briefly at previous work in regional dialectology. That work points the way to understanding how recent investigations have proceeded as they have. Studies of social variation in language grew out of studies of regional variation. It was largely in order to widen the limits and repair the flaws that were perceived to exist in the latter that investigators turned their attention to social variation in language.

Indonesian army register is made intentionally to disguise real meaning from the enemy side. Forming Indonesia army is different than forming the other word.

The characters of that is different, rely on forming pattern, signification pattern, and the function of using army register. The language used by members of the military is different from the language which is often used by the society community. In the form of a password language only can be understood by members of the military. But over time the writer get the chance to be able to learn the language now with this research. In the wars, members of the army usually use a secret language (code) or variations. Because it might not be used Indonesian language in war while the army have enemy, so that the language of the military is unknown to opponents of war or


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his enemy. This register language was developed to be simplified to the speaker so that the contents and meaning can be quickly understood by the other speaker.

The vocabulary or meaning of registers in the Army that is conducting a war can be in the form of a code agreed upon by other military members. For example, when stating the name of each member, it is not allowed to mention the full names of military members, but by using alphabetical code of the name of the city or other language that has become a mutual agreement. For example if a member named

„sabar‟ can be disguised as „solo - ambon - - ambon - rembang '. There is also a numeric password which is also often used for defense situations security or war situation. An example is, "Situation 00 (kosong-kosong) "the sentence is in the form of a notification about the situation that is happening. An empty situation means the situation is being safely controlled, there are no disturbances from the enemy.

The reason of the writer to choose this title because of the interest to analyze and discuss the language and code used by the Army in Indonesia, especially in

Medan. The writer analyzes forms, meanings, and also the functions of register in

Indonesian Army. The language produces a technical terms in spesific language among the Indonesian Army. The phenomenon of this language makes writer amazed when he sees and hears directly what they say. The writer thinks the register of

Indonesian Army is very useful to know by the other studies for teaching –learning process and to be a reference for the researches to looking for the new research.


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1.2 Problems of the Study

1. What are register forms are used by the Indonesian Army in Medan?

2. What are the meanings realized in the register of Indonesian Army in


3. How the register functions are used by the Indonesian Army in Medan?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

In some studies where the problems are very simple it appears that the goal seems to be a repetition of the formulation of problems, only the formul ation of the problems are expressed by the questions, while the goal is poured in the form of a statement that usually begins with a word want to know. Related to the question on the problems of the study, this research tries to find the answer of those questions, they are:

1. To find out the register forms used by the Indonesian Army in Medan.

2. To explain the register meanings used by the Indonesian Army in


3. To know the register functions used by the Indonesian Army in Medan.


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1.4 Scopes of the Study

In this study, the writer makes scope and limitation to keep the focus of the research. The scopes in this study are form and meaning on the use register of

Indonesian army in Medan. Based on the background of the study, the writer expect that the study will give a meaningful contribution to the sociolinguistic study and enlarge the view of the student of English Departm ent, in particular, and for the sociolinguistic observe in general.

1.5 Significances of the Study

Significances of this research is the impact of the achievement of objectives and answer the problem formulation accurately. The significances of the research should be able to distinguish between theoretical significance and practical significance.

Theoretical significance

1. The study aims to give information and knowledge for readers about the

forms, meanings, and functions of register in Indonesian Army.

2. This research can enrich the literature of teachers and academic

institutions especially in the teaching-learning process.


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Practical significance

1. The study aims to be a reference for other studies such as: nurse, lawyer,

and etc about an analysis on the use of forms, meanings, and functions of

the register in Indonesian Army.

2. The study aims to be a reference for other researchers about an analysis

on the use of forms, meanings, and functions of the regist er in

Indonesian Army.


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2.1 The field of Sociolinguistic

Hudson, R.A. 1980 “Sociolinguistic is the study of te relationship between language and society; it focuses on how language is used by the individual speaker and groups of speakers in its social context”.

While Hymes (1972) in Chaer and Leony describes the components of the social context in communication taken from the acronym of SPEAKING as follows:

S (Setting and Scene). Setting is related to the time and place in which the

utterance appears and related to the situation of the time or place and the

psycological situation of communication.

P (Participants ). It refers to person involved in communication such as

speaker, listener, and addressee in conveying (the message).

E (Ends: purpose and goal). It refers to the objective and the purpose of the


A (Act Sequence). It refers to the form and content of the utterance.

K (Key: tone or spirit of act). It refers to how intention and the way the

utterance are applied, such as happily, proudly, and so on.


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I (Instrumetality‟s). It refers to code of utterance used such as language,

dialect, and register. It also refers to the form of language used both as spoken

and written through telegraph or telephone.

N (Norm of interaction and interpretation). It refers to the norm of the role if

interaction, such as the norm that related with asking, or interruption.

G (Genre). It is related to the form of utterance as poem, argument, prayer,

and so on.

2.2 Language

Holmes (1992:1) states that language and society are interest in explaining why we speak differently in different social, context, and it concern with identifying the social functions of language and the ways it is used to convey social meaning.

The languages of people in society are different from each other. For example, the language that is used by the teacher and the doctor are different. Each of them has its characteristics, in Sociolinguistics it is called Register. Holmes (1992:246) statest hat the term register here describes the language of groups of people with common interest or jobs, or the language used in situational associated with such groups. The differences of each language are related with the context of situation, which consist of field, mode, and tenor. Language is a means of establishing and maintainingrelationship with other people. It is a purely human and noninstinctive


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method of communicating ideas, emotions, and desires, by means of a system of voluntarily produces symbols (Alwasilah 1989:7). By language one can talk with other, express the desires, his feelings, and his ideas (Chaer and Leony 1995:22). As a social structure and value system of society, different dialects and accents are evaluated in diferrent way (Trudgil 1974: 19).

2.3 Language Variation

Furthermore, (Wardaugh 1977:219) an introduction to sociolinguistic, indicates some varieties of language:

1. By Age

The language varies according the age of the person using it. In this ways, it varies because language must be learned and there appear to be stages through which individual process of language acquisition. Old people speak differently from young people and that linguistic generations gap exixt. Likewise, accepeted patterns exist for communicating between and within the generations: old people to young, young to old people, adolescents to their peers, and so on.


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2. By Sex and Occupation

The language of man differs subtly from those women. Men do not usually use expressions such as darling , and woman tend not to use profanity as man. Likewise, the language used in addressing man and women varies subtly: we compliment a man on a new necktie with the words what a pretty tie that is, but not with how pretty you like today an expression reserved for compimenting a woman. The occupation of person causes his language vary, particulary in the use he makes of technical terms, that is in the use he makes the jargon in his vocation such as dentist, soldiers, mecahanics, and so on. Sometimes the consequense is that such person‟s experience difficulty in communicating with people outside the vacation on profesional matters because all doesn‟t share the technical vocabulary.

3. By Function

The variation of language in this way is related to the function. There are both formal and informal styles of speaking and writing. Writing also tends to be more formal than speaking in the sense that more conscious manipulations of vocabulary and its place.


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2.4 Register

Register is another complicating factor in any study of language varieties.

Registers are sets of language items associated with discrete occupational or social groups. Surgeons, airline pilots, bank managers, sales clerks, jazz fans, and pimps employ different registers. As Ferguson (1994,20) says, „People participating in recurrent communication situations tend to develop similar vocabularies, similar features of intonation, and characteristic bits of syntax and phonology that they use in these situations. This kind of variety is a register. Ferguson adds that ;its „special terms for recurrent objects and events or “routines,” seem to facilitate speedy communication; other features apparently serve to mark the register, establish feelings of rapport, and serve other purposes similar to the accommodation that influences dialect formation. There is no mistaking the strong tendency for individuals and co-communicators to develop register variation along many dimensions. Of course, one person may control a variety of registers: you can be a stockbroker and an archeologist, or a mountain climber and an economist. Each register helps you to express your identity at a specific time or place, i.e., how you seek to present your self to others.

Generally speaking, registers are sets of language items associated with discrete occupational or social groups. Agha (2006,24) describes a register as „a linguistic repertoire that is associated, culture-internally, with particular social practices and with persons who engage in such practices (italics in original). Biber


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and Conrad (2003, 175) distinguish work on registers from other analyses of discourse, saying that they focus on the situational parameters defining the coomunicative situation. Speakers learn different registers through socialization in different cultural groups within their society. What we refer to as „legalese‟ or

„personal ads‟ are identifiable registers for most people. Use of such registers thus either conforms to the norms for a particular, socially situated way of using language, or is a way of invoking the context usually associated with that register. Of course, one person may control a variety of registers: you can be a stockbroker and an archeologist, or a mountain climber and an economist. A register helps you to construct an identity at a specific time or place. Register includes not only the spoken varieties associated with situational “formality” and “informality” and often designated “styles” but other spoken and written varieties as well.

2.5 Related Previous Study

Gunawan (2017) in his thesis, that English language teaching had become very important because of the global status of English. English for Specific Purposes

(ESP) as a subdivision of English Language Teaching (ELT) was study that addresses the immediate and very specific needs of learners for a target language which is required for academic or professional purposes. The problems of this study are the business register founded on e- Globe and the morphological process and syntactic processing of registers on e-Jakarta Globe. According to Ary, et al


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(2010:431) stated that document analysis can be written or text-based artifact

(textbook, novels, journals, meeting minute, logs, announcements, policy statements, newspaper, transcripts, birth certificates, marriage records, budgets, letters, e-mail messages, etc.) or of non-written records (photographs, audiotapes, videotapes, computer images, websites, musical performances, televised political speeches,

YouTube videos, virtual world settings, etc.) The researcher collected page of business news on Jakarta Globe online news and find out the register related with

Business English (BE) on the news text. This research was a qualitative research and used document analysis. The data of this research taken from business news page on e-Jakarta Globe. The researcher chose ten news articles on the e-Jakarta Globe page published at December 2016 edition. Based on the analyzed data the researcher discovered single word registers and phrase registers. In single word register

Common Noun was the highest percentage and the fewest was Past Participle

Adjective. In phrase consist of Noun Phrase and Adjective Phrase. The seventh text news was the highest frequency of register and the fewest wasfourth text. From the

Morphological analysis in register business English that the researcher founded, Root

Word had the greatest number, followed with Derivational Affix, Inflectional Affix,

Compound Word and the fewest number was Acronym. Suffix was the most affixation that formed word to be derivational and inflectional than Prefix. Word that added by prefix and suffix only two, there are Non-subsidized and Under writers.

While syntactical analysis Noun Phrase was most commonly found with Adjective

Phrase. The result was ESP became important for student to faced globalization such


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as English for Science and Technology, English in the Work Place, English for

Business , etc. It was needed to understood the language, because register described for the situational context, the linguistic features, and the functional relationships between the first two components. Contribution that can be taken from this study was expected to be beneficial for the students and this thesis can be other role for further research with similar analysis about register. The differemt from the first previous study was conducted by Gunawan are the morphological process and syntactic processing of registers.

Febrayadi (2017) in his thesis, the problems of this study are social identities that revealed from the characters, the function of register used by addressor and addressee, and the situation types of register found in “In the Heart of the Sea”.

Researcher uses descriptive qualitative research methodology to analyze the outcome data from the object or data source that researcher had chose. This method is also delivers any of all results that happen inside the research. Descriptive Qualitative also gives about comprehend data gathering, data analysis, data interpretation and conclusion that point to researcher‟s problem. Data source is where the data of research can be obtained. In this research, the data gathered from the data source are utterances, words and phrases. Theutterancesconsidered as data which means it is raw and has not processed into data that are needed within a research. Data source can be analyzed into many forms depended the problem formulation which a researcher


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conducts. It tends to be fixed and cannot be changed as it is a beginning of data comes from. Researcher chose a movie entitled “In the Heartof the Sea” as data source and used the data from the movie dialogue that performed inside this art itself which researcher considered that the movie provide substantial data for the purpose of this research. Apparently this movie serves considerable datathat researcher required in order to finish this thesis. According to Xu andStorr (2012, 3), “In qualitative research the researcher as instrument is an accepted and acceptable stance.

This means that it is imperative that the qualitative researcher be fully aware of how his/her ontological and epistemological position underpins the research”. The research results that there are 13 characters that categorized into 4 groups of social identities, whalers, board members, Chase‟s family and story source, from 5 functions of register utterances of formal, consultative, casual, intimate and frozen, there are only 41 formal functions, 20 consultative functions and 8 casual data. There was field, mode and tenor on situation types where 1 type of field found, 1 type of mode found and 45 formal tenor found along 24 informal tenor found. Crucial characters social identities that revealed from the movie. There was whalers, which categorized into a few positions as captains, first mate, second mate and harpooners.

Then there was board members of the company and the patron of the company. The last, the most essential identities in the movie, was the novel writer and the landlord as the subject. Formal function was the most performed function for most conversations was orders and instruction by superiors to inferiors. Consultative functions occurred in discussion conversation which speakers expect feedback from


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listener and in discussion conversation. It was considered as two ways of communication. Then casual functions are occurred within non formal situations among fellow whalers. Contribution of this study that researcher consider as role research, this research tend to gave additional results of register study and knowledge about sociolinguistics approach in register. By gave new results of research, this thesis can be other role for further research with similar analysis about register. The different from the second previous study was conducted by Febrayadi is the situation types of register.

Ginanjar (2013) in his thesis, the study aims to describe the register in Steven

Spielberg‟s movies advertisement. In this study, the problem that the writer will discuss are how diction, style and figure of speech are employed in the register of

Steven Spielberg‟s movies advertisement. The qualitative method will be used to analyze the data in this study. This study is a qualitative study, which means that the study is to gather an in-depth understanding of a problem or phenomena. Sutopo

(2002) said that the collected data which resulted in the form of words, sentences, and pictures, are more meaningful than in the number or frequency/quantity. Thus, this research applies a qualitative research using descriptive method. The purpose of this research is describing the language in the written movie advertisement accurately. As this study is aiming to describe the facts, which is the style of Steven Spielberg‟s movie advertisement, therefore the data collected will be in the form of words and


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sentences. The result of this research shows that the use of noun, pronoun, or things which reflects the male gender as the diction, formal and simple sentence structures as the style and literal language play an important role in creating and characterizing the register of Steven Spielberg‟s movies advertisement. The contribution that can be taken is the diction in advertisement is to attract the consumers using the inviting choice of words. In the written texts of movie advertisement, the sentence structures of the taglines are determined whether they are simple, compound, complex, or compound-complex sentence structure. Moreover, formal style used by the advertiser aims at building a best impression of movie story for the target consumers.

Meanwhile, the informal style tends to give an intimate and casual impression for the consumers. The figures of speech factor applied in the register of movie advertisement, it aims to expressing a figure, picture, or image. The differemt from the first previous study was conducted by Ginanjar are for the form of speech are employed in the register of Steven Spielberg‟s movies advertisement.

Alfi (2013) in her thesis, the writer problems focuses on sociolinguistic analysis studying about the linguistic forms of the register used in online shop‟s language and what is the meaning of the register used in online shop‟s language . The writer uses the online shop in facebook because today a lot of people use this social media and they think that it makes more efficient in shopping activity. And also, the author finds a lot of registers used by the buyer and customer in trading transaction.


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In doing this research, the writer uses descriptive qualitatives research. According to

Meleong (1990:2) “A qualitative research is a research without any calculating and numbering”. The researcher takes qualitative research because this research is to identify the linguistic form of register word that is used in Online shop‟s language and to describe the meaning of register word that is used in Online shop at social media. The data source was dialogue between the buyer and seller in online shop. In collecting the data, the writer looked for the dialogue in online shop, read the dialogue repeatedly, gave a sign to the register words, and wrote down the dialogue, register words, and phrases. In analyzed the data, the writer classified the data, analyzed the linguistics form and meaning, analyzed the context of situation, identified the differences between lexical and contextual meaning and draws conclusion. The result of the research shows that on the linguistics form, the writer will differentiate two kinds of data, they are words and phrases. The writer finds 26 data containing of 24 data of words and 2 data of phrase. The data of word is classified based on the content and the formation of word. Based on the content of word, the data contains noun (sist, supplier, and stock), verb (keep, transfer, boking, cancel, order, confirm, and retail), and adjective (ready). Based on the formation of word, the data contains compound (restock, allsize, blacklist, on model, no inner, sold out, reseller, and dropship) and abbreviation (OL, PO, DP, PM, and COD). The data of phrases contains noun phrase (ready stock and full payment). Based on the meaning of register, the writer will differentiate two kinds of meaning, they are lexical and contextual meaning.The writer finds the high frequency data of register


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meaning are in contextual meaning. The writer finds 16 data in contextual meaning and 10 data in lexical meaning. Besides that, the writer also finds the meaning based on the context of situation. It consists of field, mode, and tenor. Field is the social setting and purpose of the interaction. The social setting of the register happen in online shop. It happen when the buyer ask about the availability of goods, purchasing system, and trading system. It also happen when the seller give more information about the purchasing system, trading system, and more information about the mercahndise and its specification. Tenor is the relationship between participants in the event. The register in online shop is used by the buyer and the seller. Mode refers to the medium of communication. All the registers used in online shop are in the written form. Contribution that can be taken from this study is how the register uses in the online shop especially social media in shopping activity between buyer and seller. The writer finds diffrences from the fourth previous study that she analyzed the meaning for the linguistics form of register used in online shop by contextual and lexical meaning.

Ulfah (2010) in her thesis, the problems research was intended to find out first, characterize linguistics actors, such as diction, variety and figures of speech; second, characterize non-linguistic factors (types of movies); and third, how both language variety and figure of speech characterize the register of English movie advertisement. According to Subroto (1992), the data of a research might be in the


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form of discourse, sentence, clause, word or morpheme. Source of data could be newspaper, magazine, literary work, column, even lineThis research used sociolinguistics approach. The descriptive research and a purposive sampling technique were employed in the research. The data of this research were the use of diction, the language variety and the figures of speech in register of written English movie advertisements promoted by www.21-cineplex.compublished in Jakarta Postin

December 2008 until April 2009. The results of the analysis was as follows. First, linguistic factors have special characteristics in the register of English movie advertisement that can be differentiated from other types of register. It was due to the varieties according to use. Second, non-linguistics factors have characteristics too, among others are shown bythetypes of films. Those was movies based on story themes, story substances, consumers and performances. The results also gave evidences that language varieties consist of formal and informal styles. In terms of sentence structure, the findings reveal that most of movie advertisement text employed the simplex sentence structure. In addition, there were 9 kinds of figuresof speech. Those was hyperbole, synecdoche, metonymy, personification, simile, climax, paradox, repetition, and parallelism. The most dominant was hyperbole.

Contribution of this research was expected to be beneficial for the students, the advertisers and the other researchers. It shows a specific example of register namelythe register on English movie advertisement. This can be used as an additional reference for studying language and creating advertisements text that was considered to be efficient and effective for attracting and encouragingreaders to make use of the


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company with its products and services. Moreover, the results of this research also can be hopefully used as a reference for those who are interested in analyzing language variety, especially the one in movie advertisement. The writer finds differences from the previous study. The different from the last previous study was conducted by Ulfa about the register analysis in English movie advertisements. She analyzed the meaning of register used the general meaning from dictionary.

Based on the previous study above, the writer found that a lot of research about register. In this research, the writer interested to analysis on the use of register in Indonesian Army. So the writer in directly do it the analysis at Indonesian Army institution.


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3.1 Resarch Method

The method of this thesis is qualitative researchfor the reason that the observation and analysis are done diretly on the subjet of study. Qualitative researh is concerned with developing explantion of social phenomena. Sudaryanto (1993:62) states that, „istilah deskriptif itu menyarankan bahwa penelitian yang dilakukan semata-mata hanya berdasarkan pada fakta yang ada atau feneomena yang memang secara empiris hidup pada penutur-penuturnya, sehingga dicatat atau dihasilkan berupa varian bahasa yang biasa dikatakan sifatnya seperti potret paparan seperti apa adanya‟. („Descriptive means that the research is basically only based on facts or phenomena which empirically exist with in the speakers and it has been written or produced in the form of language tools which is commonly referred as transparent display‟). The method then, is applied in a sociolinguistic analysis on the use of register in Indonesian Army for it is very suitable to the objectives of the study to describe the phenomenon found during the process of the study.


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3.2 Data and Data Source

According to Neuman (1991:369), informants are member with whom a field research develops a realtionship and who tells about, or informs on, the field. Good informants, he adds must meet some criteria such as live and engages within the groep routines, currently, involved, able to spend time with researcher, and come from non-analytic members. Meleong (2020:90) comment it in his book and says that, “Informan adalah orang yang dimanfaatkan untuk memberi informasi tentang situasi dan kondisi latar penelitian dimana dia harus mempunyai berbagai pengalaman tentang dasar dari latar penelitian” („An informant is a person who gives information on a situation and condition of the study that he/she must have the many experiences about the basic of the study‟).

The data that used in this study are utterances colleted from Indonesian Army in KODAM 1 BUKIT BARISAN MEDAN. The data are in the form or words which are register that are used by Indonesian Army in KODAM 1 BUKIT BARISAN

MEDAN in their conversation. The words are obtained from the utterances of the informants are arranged and analyzed in Chapter IV.

The informants (Indonesian Army) observed, are those who are in this conditions:

1. Live in Medan.

2. Phyiscally and Mentally Healty.

3. Thrustworthy and Responsible.


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4. Understand about the Register by Indonesian Army.

5. Indonesian Army actually.

Table 3.2: Information on informants of the study

No. Name NRP Position Gender Address

1. Soni Imam 11960013721169 Letkol Male Medan

Suyatno S.H

2. Khairul Imam 217001106071094 Serda Male Medan


3. Zanna F. 31150068650596 Pratu Male Medan


3.3 Data Collecting Method

As it said before, the data are colected through interview and observation.

When interviewing the event will be conducted under a recorded situation of when the informants answer the questions being asked in addition, field note will be created. Interview notes with informantion such as date, place, characteristic, and moment of the ineterview, which give when re-reading and making of the notes.

Muhammad (2011:133) says, “mengungkapkan bahwa teknik catat merupakan teknik pencatatan data pada kartu data oleh peneliti yang kemudian dikelompokkan maupun


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diklarifikasikan” („Revealed that the technique of recodrs of recording data on the data card by researches who tehn grouped and classified‟).

The other method besides the interview one is observation, it is applied to anyone as far as he belongs to Indonesian Army in Medan. Here, the observer pays attention, watches, and listens carefully to their language and their activities. In an observation, the researcher becoems an instrument that absorbs all sources of information (Neuman,1991:355).

Arikunto (1990:205) argues that, “mengamati adalah menatap kejadian, gerak atau proses. Mengamati bukanlah pekerjaan yang muda karena manusia banyak dipengaruhi oleh minat dan kecenderungan-kecenderungan yang ada padanya” („Watching is look at the phenomenon, movement, and process. Watching is not easy because someoe influnced by interents and other leans‟). The observer observe Indonesiann Army reaction and also the frequency of the instrument happen.

Beside that, interview and observation as the main instrument in collecting data, written material such as books on sociolinguistics and other related sources will be treated as secondary data.


Universitas Sumatera Utara 3.4 Data Analysis Method

Meleong (2002:190) in his book comments that, „proses analisis data dimulai dengan menelaah seluruh data yang tersedia dari berbagai sumber, yaitu dari wawancara, pengamatan yang sudah dilakukan dalam catatan lapangan, dokumen pribadi, dokumen resmi, gambar, foto, dan sebagainya‟. („The process of data analaysis starts by evaluating all the data available from various of sources, such as interview, observation which has been written down in the field note, private documents, official documents, pictures, photographs and others‟).

The process of anlyzing data is basicallly performed step by step in the correct order to obtain satisfying and precise results. The collected data are analyzed by conducting the folllowing steps:

1. Collecting the data sources which are Indonesian Army register in utterances uttered by the informants.

2. Identifying all Indonesian Army register found in utterancces with the limitation from the institution.

3. Analyzing and interpreting the data and answer the questions adressed in the problems of the study. The data are easier to be interpreted and analyzed when the results have been explored.

4. Drawing conclusion and giving suggestion.


Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER IV


4.1 Analysis

This chapter describes the analysis and findings of forms, meanings, and functions of the register use in Indonesian Army which is based in KODAM 1

BUKIT BARISAN MEDAN. The analysis is carried out by listing the register use by

Indonesian Army, translatig each word into formal Indonesian and English languages.

4.1.1 The Register Forms of Indonesian Army a. Alphabet Code

Alphabet Code use to when spell words that difficult to understand and to avoid fatal mistakes in case of mispronunciation. This is the alpahabet code that experience language mixing by foreign language, due to the alphabet code taken in training situations with the Malaysia Army. Thus, the language used appropriated to the language that can be understood by both parties and can be agreed together. In the formation of the alphabet code according to the agreement of group on duty. These codes are formed only for the purpose to clarify the word that will be conveyed and has no pattern detailed formation because that`s prioritized in forming it is agreement in the group.


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b. Numeric Code

Numeric Code is a message disguised as a number. Usually numeric code is used in war situations and when maintaining security. The forming of a numeric code is carried out based on mutual agreement with the objectives to harmonize the communication of members of the Indonesian Army. In forming numeric codes cannot be explained in detail because of their it can changes every day.



1 → SATU

2 → DUA

3 → TIGA


5 → LIMA

6 → ENAM




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Numeric code is usually used in a security situations, for example when maintaining post security. The security post members get a call from the commander asking about the conditions the situation that happened at that time if it was safe or not then they have would form dialog as below:

Member : Yes, sir!

Commander : How the condition?

Member : Yes, sir! 00 sir!

The dialogue explained that the Commander had asked about the conditions security at the time and the Member answers with a „00‟ numeric code which means the situation is safe. The other example of numeric code have the different for each number:

8-1 : is a numeric code that the command has got unclear.

8-2 : is a numeric code that command has got clear.


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c. Weapon Code

Weapon code is a code that was created by members of the Indonesian Army in order to communicate over long distances where it is not possible to communicate through air or radio. It is non-verbal because it is not verbal, namely by using tools or weapons. It named the weapon code because its use is adjusted to the media to be used, namely weapon. Sometimes in a war situation the code is often used when the conditions are precarious or unsafe. How to use it, that‟s if the member is fired two bullets so the other members must answer by fired bullets three times, of course with the member mutual agreement . And if the member forgets the code, for example, if member fired two bullets but were answered with fired four bullets by other members, the negligent member must bear everything the risk he will face, for example, he will be shot by his own members because of he own carelessness.

d. Battery Code

Battery code is a code created by member mutual agreement through media of flashlight with battery power. These code is used frequently in war situations and in the night conditions that made the communication code can be seen clearly in dark situations. It way is with mutual agreement, for example if a member signals a battery code by blinking the flashlight for three times with the order of “short short long” which means that the other members must answer with a flashlight with the order of


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“short short long” which is means that the news has been conveyed by fellow members. However, if the answer of news not in accordance with the agreement that has been agreed by the member, so the signer is not member but enemies.

4.1.2 The Register Meanings of Indonesian Army

Table 4.1 Analysis of Meaning in Indonesian Army Register

Vocabulary of

Indonesian Army Meaning in Indonesian Meaning in English


Abu Kendaraan Transportation

Akar Tujuan akhir Final destination

Ambon Demak Angkatan Darat Army

Ambon Lombok Angkatan Laut Navy

Ambon Pati Anggota Polri Indonesian Police fficer

Ambon Pati Medan Anggota PM Military Police


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Ambon Ungaran Angkatan Udara Air Force officer

Awan Cuaca Weather

Badai Perampokan Robbery

Badut Mahasiswa College student

Bah Banjir Flood

Bandung-bandung padat Minum Drink

Bandung-bandung Barang bukti Proof

Bangau Petugas Officer

Bima Wakil Presiden Vice President

Buntut tikus Antena pendek Handie Talkie

Cangkulan Kantor Office

Cokelat Anggota Polisi Police officer

Cubit Siaran Channel

Demak-demak Orkes dangdut Dangdut orchestra


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Di sungai Dalam perjalanan On the way

Disko Rapat gelap Dark meeting

Gajah Derek Crane

Gunung Kediaman Residence

Guruk 1 Gedung DPR MPR building

Guruk 2 Gedung MPR DPR building

Hijau Aman Save

Hinggap Kedatangan Arrival

Irian Berita News

Jagung Amunisi Ammunition

Jarum Jam Clock

Jaya 65 Kebakaran Fire

Kaleng Radio HT Handie talkie radio

Kampung Lurah/Camat Village chief


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Karpet Lapangan sepak bola Football field

Kawal Telepon Telephone

Kedai Pasar Traditional market

Kekuatan Radio cek Check Radio

Kelabu Mendung Cloudy

Kelana Mengawal Escort

Kendal cepu Kelurahan/kecamatan Sub-district

Kenduri Sekumpulan Horde

Kereta Mobil Car

Kereta merah Pemadam kebaran Firefighters

Kereta putih Ambulans Ambulance


Klampis 21 KODIM 21 KOIM 21

Kolong Universitas University


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Kontes Unjuk rasa Demo

Kresna Presiden President

Kristal Pom bensin Gas station

Kuda Sepeda motor Motorcycle

Kupang Ambon Kereta api Train

Ladang Landasan udara Airport

Laka Kecelakaan Accident

Lalat Pengemis Bedgar

Lampiran Istri Wife

Lemah Sakit Sick

Loncat Lepas landas Take off

Loreng Anggota TNI Indonesian Army officer

Medan opak Monitor Monitor

Mencangkul Laporan Report


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Menghadap Melapor Reprting

Menyanyi Mimbar Pulpit

Merah Tidak aman Unsave

Merumput Makan Eat

Metro 1 Kapolda Kapolda

Nila Hotel Hotel

Ombak Perkelahian Fight

Ombak besar Keributan Coomotion

Opak Pati Solo Derek Crane

Panah Perintah Command

Pasien Tersangka Suspect

Pasir Posisi Position

Pasrah Berdoa Pray

Pati Ambon Medan Pengamanan Security


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Pati Medan Polisi militer Military Police

Permadani Lapangan golf Golf field

Petir Bahaya Dangerous

Rasi Koordinasi Coordination

Rayap Kelompok Group

Rembang Pati Rupiah Rupiah

Rembang Solo Rumah sakit Hospital

Rembang Timur RT RT

Rembang Wilis RW RW

Rembulan Ngantuk Sleepy

Rimba Tempat hiburan Entertainment area

Rontok Hujan Rain

Roti keras Berita jelas Clear news

Roti kukus Berita tidak jelas Unclear news


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Sabit Target Target

Sarang capung IPDN IPDN

Sarang lebah PT. Pindad P.T Pindad

Selokan Stasiun KA Rallway staion

Semi Reda Subside

Semut Pelajar Student

Semut-semut Anak sekolah Students

Setra Patroli Patrol

Sinar Situasi Situation

Sumbu Baterai Battery

Sungai Jalan Street

Tempayan Terminal Terminal

Tiarap Mendarat Landed

Tikar Lapangan tenis Tennis Court


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Timur Bandung 1 Kapolri Kapolri

Tarik Tembak Shoot

Tongkat panjang Senapan Gun

Tongkat pendek Pistol Revolver

Wangsa Kepala Staf Staff officer

4.1.3 The Register Functions of Indonesian Army

Indonesian Army or TNI AD was an Army that prepared to save the security and defend for all aspect in Repulic od Indonesia. The majority of all members of the

Indonesian Army have followed wars and defended Republic of Indonesia. In the wars the register of Indonesian Army has it‟s own function.

Register of Indonesian Army in the form of codes specially made to disguise it‟s true meaning, with a purpose so that the enemy does not knew what the members are talking about. The majority of the Indonesian Army register are abbreviations or words figuratively. What is meant by figurative words are words that deliberately formed but not similar in meaning, or very different. An example figurative meaning

„steel train` it`s register meaning just understood by members because they wanted to kept the true meaning that‟s `enemy trasportation`.


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The formation of the register to kept the secret word for every word which comes out of the mouth so that the enemy cannot read the contents of the news that to be be delivered. For example, the letters of the alphabet from A to Z should only be pronounced A, B, C, D, and so on, but different from the Indonesian Army register that disguises the letters of the alphabet by adding supporting letters so that the formation of a word. For example the alphabet A is disguised as Ambon, alphabet B is disguised as Bandung, alphabet C is disguised as Cepu, andso. Words can also be disguised as numbers, with the aim that more efficient and not easy to understood unless the members themselves, so it`s can difficicult to understood by the enemy.

For example, the word 'safe' is disguised as a number '00'.

4.2 Findings

The anaysis in this research concentrates on the Register of Indonesian Army in Medan. The analysis in this research also finds the meaning register of form, meaning, and function of Indonesian Army in Medan.

Based on the ananlysis of the resrach, it is found that there are 110 registers used by Indonesian Army which is based in Medan. The registers that are used by

Indonesian Army in Medan are basically based on the Indonesian language and the figurative meanings made by them to kept the true meanings from the register of

Indonesian Army in Medan which is the register just understood by themselves.


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5.1 Conclusions

1. The communication of Indonesian Army in Medan uses Register in their

institution. It is found in the study that are 110 registers used by Indonesian

Army in Medan. In this study the writer directly done the research to got the

Indonesian Army Register in Medan for this thesis.

2. There are 3 problems of this study that are got by Indonesian Army in Medan,

namely; form, meaning, and function. For the Register Indonesian Army in

Medan the institution used figurative meaning to kept the secret of the real

meaning of Register Army in Medan from their enemies.


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5.2 Suggestions

1. The writer hopes all people that appreciate and respond wisely to the register

used by Indonesian Army in Medan, because the register enriches the kind of

variety of languages in Indonesia.

2. The writer hopes that many people know there are many kinds of register in

Indonesian Army.

3. The writer hopes that many people love to Indonesian Army by learn this


4. This research can be used as a reference for the next researcher about the

register of Indonesian Army.


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