b r a z i l i a n j o u r n a l o f m i c r o b i o l o g y 4 7 (2 0 1 6) 271–278

ht tp://www.bjmicrobiol.com.br/

Environmental Microbiology

Sphingomonas from petroleum-contaminated soils

in Shenfu, China and their PAHs degradation abilities

a a,b,∗ a a a

Lisha Zhou , Hui Li , Ying Zhang , Siqin Han , Hui Xu


Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang, China


State Key Laboratory of Forest and Soil Ecology, Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Members of the genus are often isolated from petroleum-contaminated soils

Received 22 October 2012 due to their unique abilities to degrade polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which

Accepted 17 August 2015 are important for in situ . In this study, a combined phenotypic and geno-

Available online 2 March 2016 typic approach using streptomycin-containing medium and Sphingomonas-specific PCR was

developed to isolate and identify culturable Sphingomonas strains present in petroleum-

Associate Editor: Rodrigo Costa

contaminated soils in the Shenfu wastewater irrigation zone. Of the 15 soil samples

examined, 12 soils yielded yellow streptomycin-resistant colonies. The largest number of

Keywords: 5 −1

yellow colony-forming units (CFUs) could reach 10 CFUs g soil. The number of yellow CFUs


had a significant positive correlation (p < 0.05) with the ratio of PAHs to total petroleum

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

hydrocarbons (TPH), indicating that Sphingomonas may play a key role in degrading the PAH


fraction of the petroleum contaminants at this site. Sixty yellow colonies were selected ran-


domly and analyzed by colony PCR using Sphingomonas-specific primers, out of which 48


isolates had PCR-positive signals. The 48 positive amplicons generated 8 distinct restriction

fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) patterns, and 7 out of 8 phylotypes were identified

as Sphingomonas by 16S rRNA gene sequencing of the representative strains. Within these

7 Sphingomonas strains, 6 strains were capable of using fluorene as the sole carbon source,

while 2 strains were phenanthrene-degrading Sphingomonas. To the best of our knowledge,

this is the first report to evaluate the relationship between PAHs contamination levels and

culturable Sphingomonas in environmental samples.

© 2016 Sociedade Brasileira de Microbiologia. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. This is

an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

Corresponding author.

E-mail: [email protected] (H. Li).


1517-8382/© 2016 Sociedade Brasileira de Microbiologia. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. This is an open access article under the CC

BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

272 b r a z i l i a n j o u r n a l o f m i c r o b i o l o g y 4 7 (2 0 1 6) 271–278

the contamination level by the direct and specific detection


of culturable Sphingomonas from the soils. Additionally, the

PAH-degrading capability of the isolated Sphingomonas was

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are considered haz-

preliminarily characterized.

ardous due to their toxic, genotoxic, mutagenic and/or


carcinogenic properties. Microbial degradation is a major

process in the successful removal and elimination of PAHs Materials and methods


from contaminated soils. The use of native or indige-

nous microbiota is of great interest for bioremediation of Soil samples

petroleum-polluted sites because they are often more useful

and beneficial than commercial inocula that can be out- Soil samples were collected from the Shenfu

3 ◦   ◦  

competed by indigenous microorganisms. wastewater irrigation zone (41 50 46 –41 41 24 N,

◦   ◦  

Members of the genus Sphingomonas, which was pro- 123 44 43 –123 25 38 E), which is the biggest petroleum


posed by Yabuuchi et al., are frequently isolated from wastewater irrigation zone in China. The total length of the

PAH-contaminated soils, suggesting that the Sphingomonas are irrigation channel is approximately 70 km, and 15 sampling

probably key members of natural PAH-degrading microbial sites with different relative geographical positions, irrigation


consortia. A number of studies demonstrated that Sphin- histories and soil management types were selected from up-

gomonas was one of the dominant populations in the microbial to down-stream. The 15 sampling sites included 11 paddy


communities of PAH-contaminated soil and water samples. soils (soils A–K) and 4 upland soils (soils L, M, N and O) that

The Shenfu irrigation zone is located between Shenyang were referred to as soils A–O in the following text. The phys-

and Fushun city in Liaoning province and is the largest icochemical soil characteristics and the PAH concentrations


petroleum wastewater irrigation zone in China. The paddy in the soil were reported in our previous study. Typically,

fields in this region have been irrigated by oil-bearing waste- soil samples collected from the up- and mid-stream sites

water discharged by the petroleum and coal-refining industry accumulated more petroleum contaminants compared with

since the 1940s due to a lack of irrigation water. During the those from the down-stream sites.

1980–1990s, partial paddy fields were converted to upland in

the up- and mid-stream. Mineral oil (especially PAHs) was the Selective isolation and enumeration of putative


dominant contaminant in the Shenfu irrigation zone. Our Sphingomonas

previous study demonstrated that a large percentage of Sphin-

gomonas species was present in the petroleum-contaminated The indigenous putative culturable Sphingomonas were iso-


soils of the Shenfu irrigation area using culture-independent lated and enumerated using a previously described method.


methods, indicating a potential link between Sphingomonas The streptomycin-resistant yellow colonies that occurred on

and the biodegradation of petroleum compounds in the the plates were counted based on the formation of colony

Shenfu irrigation zone. However, due to the lack of a reliable forming units (CFUs).

system for the specific detection and isolation of culturable

Sphingomonas, the functional strains in the environmental PCR and RFLP analysis of the Sphingomonas isolates

samples were only found at random.


Vanbroekhoven et al. developed a streptomycin-based The identity of the yellow colonies grown on the streptomycin

Sphingomonas growth medium that, together with the yel- plates was confirmed by genus-specific colony PCR. The PCR

low pigmentation of Sphingomonas, facilitated the detection protocol was used with the SA429f/933r primer set developed


and isolation of culturable Sphingomonas from soils. However, in our previous study. The amplicons with the expected size

this phenotypic detection method is not efficient or accurate were further analyzed by RFLP analysis using three endonucle-


because other bacterial taxa also produce yellow pigments ases [HaeIII (GG CC), HinfI (G ANTC) and MspI (C CGG)] at 37 C

and are resistant to streptomycin. A genotypic detection for 2 h. The RFLP patterns were compared manually, and dis-

method that circumvents the major drawbacks inherent in the tinguishable RFLP patterns were considered to represent one

phenotypic detection method described above has been devel- phylotype.

oped for the detection of specific groups. The 16S rRNA gene

sequence offers ample possibilities to distinguish microorgan- Phylogenetic identification of Sphingomonas isolates

isms of various genera and minimize false-positive reactions


using genus-specific primers. PCR-based detection has Tw o representatives of each phylotype were selected for

proven to be useful for the identification of the genera nearly full-length 16S rRNA gene sequencing for phylogenetic

Clostridium, Pseudonocardia, Saccharopolyspora, Nocardiopsis and identification. PCR amplification of the 16S rRNA genes was


Saccharothrix using genus-specific primers. In our previous performed with the forward primer 27F and the reverse primer


study, a primer set targeting the Sphingomonas 16S rRNA gene 1492R. The obtained sequences were used for phylogenetic

17 11

was designed ; thus, we hypothesized that the use of genus- analysis as described previously.

specific colony PCR combined with phenotypic identification

would allow the specific detection of Sphingomonas isolates. Measurement of PAH degradation

The specific aim of this study was to investigate the rela-

tionship between indigenous culturable Sphingomonas in soils To determine the PAH-degrading capability of the iso-

from the Shenfu petroleum-wastewater irrigation zone and lated Sphingomonas strains, the pure strains were inoculated

b r a z i l i a n j o u r n a l o f m i c r o b i o l o g y 4 7 (2 0 1 6) 271–278 273

into mineral salts medium (MSM) containing a single PAH Previous real-time PCR analysis indicated that all 15

compound as the sole carbon and energy source. The MSM petroleum-contaminated soil samples gave positive signals


at pH 7.0–7.2 contained 2 g K2HPO4, 0.5 g KH2PO4, 0.5 g for Sphingomonas. However, in this study only 12 soils

NaCl, 0.5 g NH4Cl, 0.2 g MgSO4, 10 mg CaCl2, and 1 ml of yielded yellow colonies on the selective LB plates with



trace element solution per liter of water. The composi- Sm. The number of yellow CFUs ranged from 0.6 10 to

−1 5 −1


tion of the trace element solution was 2 g L FeSO4·7H2O, 1.6 10 CFUs g soil (Table 1). Provided that all of the yellow

−1 −1 −1

2 g L MnSO4·H2O, 0.5 g L Na2MoSO4·2H2O, 0.2 g L H3BO4, colonies belonged to the Sphingomonas genus, the counts of the

−1 −1 −1 5 −1

0.4 g L CuSO4·5H2O, 0.5 g L ZnSO4, 0.2 g L NH4VO3, Sphingomonas strains could only reach 10 CFUs g soil, which

−1 −1 7 8 −1

0.5 g L CoCl2·6H2O, and 0.2 g L NiCl2·6H2O. Eight PAHs, was much less than the abundance (10 –10 copies g soil)

including (NA), acenaphtene (ACY), fluorene obtained by our previous real-time PCR assay in the same


(FLO), phenanthrene (PHE), anthracene (ANT), fluoranthene tested soils. This discrepancy suggested that uncultured

(FLU), pyrene (PYR) and benzo[a]pyrene (BaP), were prepared Sphingomonas accounted for a rather large proportion in the


at a concentration of 5 g L in acetone and filtered prior to petroleum-contaminated soils, which was consistent with the

12 19

analysis with a 0.22-␮m Teflon syringe filter. results of Vanbroekhoven et al. and Leys et al. Although

The PAH degradation experiment was performed by moni- culturable Sphingomonas represent only a small percentage in

toring the disappearance of PAH in live versus killed controls. the polluted soils, it is nevertheless important to obtain pure

The experiment was conducted in triplicate in sterile dry Sphingomonas cultures for functional and mechanical charac-

250 ml Teflon-capped flasks. After all of the acetone in the terization due to their potential roles in bioremediation.

PAH stocks was allowed to evaporate, 27 ml of MSM broth and The lowest amount of yellow CFUs was detected in soil K

3 ml of inoculum (OD600 = 0.8–1.0) were added to each flask at a with light contamination, while the upland soil L with the


final concentration of 200 ␮g ml of NA, ANT, FLU, PHE, ANT, highest ratio of PAHs to total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH)

−1 −1

and FLU, 100 ␮g ml of PYR, and 50 ␮g ml of BaP. Triplicate had the highest number of yellow CFUs. A significant corre-

flasks were inoculated with live and 4% formalin- lation (P < 0.05) was observed between the number of yellow

killed controls. The cultures were incubated in the dark on CFUs and the ratio of PAHs to TPH (Table 1). It may be argued

a rotary shaker (150 rpm) at 30 C for 7 days, and then the that the heavily PAH-polluted soils are too toxic for bacteria to

flask contents were extracted for 30 min with hexane (1:1, survive, but this is certainly not the case for Sphingomonas. Sph-

vol/vol). Flasks with PAHs but without the pure bacterial cul- ingomonas are well-adapted to contaminated environments,

tures were also run as a control. The extract was analyzed especially those with high PAH to TPH ratios, indicating that

by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using a members of the genus Sphingomonas are probably key mem-

Waters 2695 apparatus (Waters Inc., USA) equipped with an bers in natural PAH degradation. Indeed, many Sphingomonas


ultraviolet detector and a 250 × 4.6 mm Inertsil ODS-P (Dikma strains have been isolated based on their ability to degrade a

Inc., USA) reverse phase C18 column. The HPLC analysis was variety of PAHs, such as Sphingomonas sp. LB126 and S. pauci-


performed using methanol:water (90:10, v/v) as the mobile mobilis EPA505.


phase at a flow rate of 0.7 ml min . PAH peaks were identified We also found that Sphingomonas seemed to preferentially

and integrated using the Masslynx software (Waters Corpora- associate with the sand fraction in the soil because the

tion, Milford, MA). number of yellow CFUs had a significant (P < 0.05) positive

correlation with the proportion of the sand fraction. In con-

Nucleotide sequence accession numbers trast, a significant (P < 0.05) negative correlation was found

between the number of yellow CFUs and the clay fraction

The nucleotide sequences have been deposited in the Gen- (Table 1). The association of the bacteria with polluted soil


Bank database under the following accession numbers: particles was shown previously. Uyttebroek et al. reported

JF716058 to JF716065. that Mycobacterium mainly accumulated in the PAH-enriched

clay fraction, indicating that Mycobacterium might experi-

Statistical analysis

ence advantages connected to substrate source attachment.

However, to the best of our knowledge no research has been

Analysis of all data was performed by ANOVA using SPSS

performed on the number of culturable Sphingomonas in dif-

version 16.0. Linear correlation coefficients were determined 20

ferent soil fractions in contaminated soils. Bastiaens et al.

between different biological and biochemical parameters. P

compared two different procedures to isolate PAH-utilizing

values below 0.05 were considered statistically significant.

bacteria from PAH-contaminated samples and revealed that

liquid enrichment mainly led to the isolation of Sphingomonas,

while the membrane method exclusively led to the selection

Results and discussion

of Mycobacterium. Sphingomonas was postulated to prefer

Enumeration of putative Sphingomonas by plating on the sand habitat, in which the Sphingomonas were loosely

streptomycin agar associated with soil particles and thus obtained more oxygen

to perform degradation.

Most Sphingomonas strains are characterized as yellow- The amounts of yellow CFUs in 4 paddy soils (B, C, D

pigmented, straight, rod-shaped bacteria. Additionally, resis- and H) with low pH values (6.4–6.8) were much higher than

tance to streptomycin (Sm) is considered a common feature the amounts in the other 5 paddy soils (A, F, I, J and K)


of Sphingomonas. Hence, yellow colonies on plates contain- with relatively high pH values (7.3–8.1). Correlation analy-

ing Sm were counted as putative culturable Sphingomonas. sis showed a significant decrease (P < 0.01) in the amounts of

274 b r a z i l i a n j o u r n a l o f m i c r o b i o l o g y 4 7 (2 0 1 6) 271–278 0.05)

(%) >

colonies PAHs/TPH P


HMW 0.28 0.09 0.12 0.15 0.07 0.07 0.19 0.18 0.43 0.08 0.11 0.74 0.25 0.13 0.17 0.541 yellow




P (



0.554 Total 0.40 0.20 0.15 0.19 0.08 0.14 0.30 0.21 0.46 0.16 0.14 0.90 0.39 0.18 0.27 the

) (%) 0.05) 1

− 78.8 31.2 75.9 31.1 78.4 77.9 31.2 62.8 31.2 46.9 15.7 15.6 26.8 72.8 31.2 >

P between kg ( ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±

TPH column.

0.259 716.2 661.4 666.2 937.1 497.0 277.2 331.4 604.4 220.8 1169.3 1266.3 1207.7 5243.6 1878.4 2489.9 − that



) (mg 0.05) 1

− >

the 417.3 237.4 154.4 151.3 334.2 241.9 210.4 201.9 188.0 68.1 31.7 25.8 79.3 35.4 102.3

PAHs P listed

kg (

± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±


Total 0.112 4.69 2.56 1.87 1.35 4.04 2.72 1.96 1.39 4.30 0.39 2.99 2.36 4.50 0.61 0.791 − zone parameter

d soil


< the

P ( pH



0.754 7.5 6.5 6.8 6.8 8.1 7.7 7.6 6.4 7.3 7.3 7.3 7.3 7.3 7.5 7.4 − down-stream.



the 0.05)

located <

P yellow (

Clay (mg of from soils


0.567 2 3 3 12 34 31 32 12 19 20 15 14 30 18 16 − soils




in 0.05)




mid-stream; P

( colonies.

the Silt

0.402 Particle colonies located

21 12 13 13 24 28 27 44 32 39 42 27 30 37 22 − yellow







P (

Sand that


67 86 84 84 42 41 41 44 49 41 43 59 40 45 52 0.598 soils



paddy the

9 streptomycin-resistant 3.6 1.1 3.9 1.1 0.7 2.3 0.7 0.4 5.4 1.9 located

5.2 1.3

± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± b 4 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 5 3 the 3 yellow

10 soils 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

10 N.D. N.D. of N.D.

× U × × × × × × × × × × × colonies

yellow with

No. 4.0 1.6 represented 6.0 7.2 3.6 2.4 8.8 0.6 1.6 2.6







numbers type

of PaddyPaddy Paddy 2.2 Paddy Paddy 9.0 Paddy Paddy Paddy Paddy Paddy Paddy

was Upland Upland Upland Upland

Management coefficient

detected. Total


a not 1

locations correlation analysis



M D D D U U D U U M U M M D D The N.D.: The The J I L B F C E K A D O H N G M c a b Correlation and Soil Table d

b r a z i l i a n j o u r n a l o f m i c r o b i o l o g y 4 7 (2 0 1 6) 271–278 275

57 Sphingopyxis granuli (AY563034) Sphingopyxis soli (AB675376) Sphingopyxis ginsengisoli (AB245343) Sphingopyxis witflariensis (AJ416410) Sphingopyxis panaciterrae (AB245353) Sphingopyxis taejonensis (AF131297) 88 Cluster I 56 4c 99 Sphingopyxis chilensis (AF367204) Sphingopyxis alaskensis (Z73631) Sphingopyxis baekryungensis (AY608604) Novosphingobium pentaromativorans (AF502400)

64 23i 72 Novosphingobium naphthalenivorans (AB177883) Novosphingobium tardaugens (AB070237) Novosphingobium stygium (AB025013) Cluster II 81 85 19e Novosphingobium aromaticivorans F199 (U20756) 59 Novosphingobium hassiacum (AJ416411) 71 Novosphingobium lentum (AJ303009) Sphingomonas desiccabilis (AJ871435) Sphingomonas mucosissima (AM229669) 92 Sphingomonas paucimobilis (AM237364) 58 Sphingomonas abaci (AJ575817) Cluster III Sphingomonas fennica (AJ009706)

98 Sphingomonas haloaromaticamans (X94101) 96 Sphingomonas wittichii (EU730907) 71 Sphingobium aromaticiconvertens (AM181012) 100 Sphingobium yanoikuyae (D13728) 64 Sphingomonas sp. B1 (X94099)

85 Sphingomonas paucimobilis EPA505 (U37341) Cluster IV Sphingobium japonicum (AF039168) 95 98 Sphingomonas sp. GY2B (DQ139343) 91 Sphingomonas sp. LB126 (AF335501) 84 9b 9e 100 18h Cluster V 100 26b


Fig. 1 – Phylogenetic tree based on the alignment of 16S rRNA sequences of seven isolates and related sequences of the

genus Sphingomonas was constructed using the neighbor-joining algorithm. The scale bar represents 0.1 substitutions per

base position. The numbers at the nodes indicate the percentages of occurrence in 500 bootstrapped trees. Species

harboring PAH-degrading isolates are indicated by “”. The accession numbers for selected species, which were suggested


by Yabuuchi et al. for genus Sphingomonas and include Sphingomonas sensu stricto, Novosphingobium, Sphingobium, and

Sphingopyxis, at this time are given in parentheses.

yellow streptomycin-resistant CFUs with the increase in soil tested with Sphingomonas specific-PCR to exclude the non-

pH (the analysis was conducted with the 9 paddy soils that Sphingomonas strains. A Sphingomonas species type strain

yielded yellow colonies) (Table 1). Thus, our data indicated Sphingomonas paucimobilis (1.3773, China General Microbiologi-

that the culturable Sphingomonas preferred an acidic pH in cal Culture Collection Center) was used as the positive control.

petroleum-contaminated soils. Previous studies showed that Simultaneously, 12 randomly chosen non-yellow pigmented

Sphingomonas could survive in PAH-polluted soils with pH val- colonies with different morphologies were tested together


ues ranging from 7.0 to 8.9, but the suitable soil pH for with the yellow colonies. No positive signals were displayed

the removal of PAHs by Sphingomonas strains ranged between when Sphingomonas specific-PCR was performed on these non-


6.0 and 7.0. This may explain to some extent why more cul- yellow pigmented colonies (data not shown). A total of 48 out

turable Sphingomonas were detected in soils with a relatively of the 60 yellow colonies produced amplicons of the expected

low pH value in this study. Nevertheless, the effect of soil pH size, indicating that the streptomycin medium together with

on culturable Sphingomonas in petroleum-contaminated soils the yellow pigment was only a semi-selective method for the

has not been previously reported. This finding raises further identification of Sphingomonas species. The combination of

interest in the relationship between soil pH and the amounts this phenotypic detection method with Sphingomonas genus-

of culturable Sphingomonas (especially the PAH-degrading iso- specific PCR allowed genotypic confirmation of the yellow

lates) in polluted soils. pigmented colonies, thereby facilitating the specific detection

and isolation of culturable Sphingomonas from soil samples.

Phylogenetic identification of isolates The 48 amplicons could be divided into 8 different phylo-

types according to the RFLP analysis (Fig. 1). Sequence analysis

Sixty streptomycin-resistant yellow colonies were randomly showed that no sequence differences existed between the two

selected from the 12 petroleum-contaminated soils and representative strains from each phylotype; thus, only one

276 b r a z i l i a n j o u r n a l o f m i c r o b i o l o g y 4 7 (2 0 1 6) 271–278


Table 2 – Degradation rate of eight PAHs by Sphingomonas strains.

PAH % Degradation

4c 23i 9b 18c 10c 19e 9e

FLO 87.2 ± 3.8 85.4 ± 4.5 74.9 ± 4.7 83.0 ± 5.4 68.7 ± 3.1 63.2 ± 1.9 N.G.

± ±

PHE 64.8 7.7 60.6 6.3 N.G. N.G. N.G. N.G. N.G.

NA N.G. N.G. N.G. N.G. N.G. N.G. N.G.

ACE N.G. N.G. N.G. N.G. N.G. N.G. N.G.

ANT N.G. N.G. N.G. N.G. N.G. N.G. N.G.

FLU N.G. N.G. N.G. N.G. N.G. N.G. N.G.

PYR N.G. N.G. N.G. N.G. N.G. N.G. N.G.

BaP N.G. N.G. N.G. N.G. N.G. N.G. N.G.

NA – naphthalene; ACE – acenaphtene; FLO – fluorene; PHE – phenanthrene; ANT – anthracene; FLU – fluoranthene; PYR – pyrene; BaP –

benzo[a]pyrene; N.G. – no growth.

a ◦

The presented degradation rate was calculated after 7 days of incubation on a rotary shaker at 30 C, and the initial concentration of the eight

−1 −1 −1

PAHs was 200 ␮g ml of NA, ANT, FLU, PHE, ANT, and FLU, 100 ␮g ml of PYR, and 50 ␮g ml of BaP.

strain was selected for further analysis. The results showed their sole carbon and energy source in liquid culture. Growth

that 7 phylotypes matched significantly (99–100% similarities) was considered positive when increases in turbidity were

with the Sphingomonas 16S rRNA gene sequences in GenBank. observed; positive growth responses were confirmed by ana-

Of these 7 Sphingomonas phylotypes, two representative strains lyzing the disappearance of the PAH with HPLC. Increases in

(9b and 9e) both shared similarities of 99% with Sphingomonas turbidity and the disappearance of fluorene were observed

aromaticivorans (currently nominated as Novosphingobium aro- in six of the seven tested strains (9b, 26b, 4c, 18h, 19e and

maticivorans); however, RFLP analyses indicated that they were 23i). Measurements of the degradation rates showed that

different strains (Fig. 1). One phylotype (2 out of the 48 total Sphingomonas 4c could degrade 87.2% of the fluorene within

streptomycin-resistant yellow colonies) was not affiliated with 7 days at 30 C when the initial concentration of fluorene


Sphingomonas, but with Erythrobacter. It is not unexpected that was 100 mg L . Significant variation (P < 0.01) in the fluorene

Erythrobacter was detected together with Sphingomonas using degradation rate was observed among the 6 strains (Table 2).

the phenotypic and genotypic methods developed in this Additionally, strain 4c and strain 23i were capable of growing

study because streptomycin resistance and yellow pigmen- on phenanthrene (Table 2). Under the same incubation con-

tation have been reported previously for Erythrobacter strains ditions, Sphingomonas 4c and Sphingomonas 23i could remove


(i.e., E. litoralis). Additionally, both Sphingomonas and Ery- 64.8% and 60.6% of phenanthrene in the liquid culture, respec-

throbacter belong to the family , and the tively. Overall, Sphingomonas strain 4c showed a capability to

sequences of primer set SA429f/933r showed 100% similar- degrade fluorene and phenanthrene with a relatively high effi-

ity to the 16S rRNA gene sequences of Erythrobacter longus ciency, indicating that it might serve as a promising functional

(data not shown). Thus, it can be inferred that the pheno- strain for field studies of in situ bioremediation.

and phylo-methods developed in the present study that aimed The selected Sphingomonas isolates all failed to grow on

to specifically isolate Sphingomonas members could inevitably the media supplemented with the other six PAH compounds

select a minor fraction of other groups from Sphingomon- as the sole carbon sources (Table 2). Although only 6 PAH-

adaceae. degrading Sphingomonas strains were obtained in the study,

The phylogenetic tree (Fig. 1) constructed by aligning the based on the fact that most of the bacteria were uncul-

isolated Sphingomonas sequences with sequences of typical tured and the limitations of the isolation method it is

species of genus Sphingomonas showed that only 3 representa- reasonable to deduce that the diversity of PAH-degrading Sph-

tive strains (23i, 4c and 19e) clustered with known cultured ingomonas strains in petroleum-contaminated soils is higher

Sphingomonas sequences. Strain 19e was closely related to than observed in the present data.

Novosphingobium aromaticivorans F199, which could utilize fluo- The 6 PAH-degrading strains originated from 8 soil sam-


rene and naphthalene as the sole carbon source ; this result ples (A, C, D, H, I, K, L and O) with different contamination

suggested that strain 19e might have the capability for PAH levels. Despite the fact that all of these soils contained

degradation. The other 4 isolated strains (9b, 9e, 18h and a relatively high ratio of high molecular weight (HMW)

26b) were not placed in groups with known Sphingomonas but PAHs to TPH (Table 1), none of the strains isolated in this

were grouped in a single cluster, indicating that they might study could utilize HMW-PAHs. The probable reason for this

represent new members of the genus Sphingomonas. Further result may be explained by three facts. First, several stud-

analyses are needed to determine their physiological and bio- ies have indicated that Sphingomonas are more adapted to

chemical characteristics. the degradation of PAHs with relatively high bioavailability,


such as phenanthrene. Second, the co-existence of bac-

teria/bacteria or bacteria/fungi known catabolic cooperation

Utilization of PAHs as a sole source of carbon and energy

is ubiquitous in soil. Thus, we may speculate that Sphin-

gomonas may be involved in HMW-PAH degradation by living

Seven Sphingomonas isolates representing 7 phylotypes were

on the metabolites of other bacteria or fungi rather than

assessed for their ability to use 8 different individual PAHs as

b r a z i l i a n j o u r n a l o f m i c r o b i o l o g y 4 7 (2 0 1 6) 271–278 277

on the HMW-PAH itself. In the present study, degradation of 4. Yabuuchi E, Yano I, Oyaizu H, Hashimoto Y, Ezaki T,

Yamamoto H. Proposals of Sphingomonas paucimobilis gen.

HMW-PAHs was performed by pure strains but not by mixed

nov. and comb. nov., Sphingomonas parapaucimobilis sp. nov.,

cultures, which may provide a reduced chance of isolating

Sphingomonas yanoikuyae sp. nov., Sphingomonas adhaesiva sp.

HMW-PAH-degrading Sphingomonas strains. Last, our previous

nov., Sphingomonas capsulata comb. nov., and two

result suggested that the uncultivable Sphingomonas strains

genospecies of the genus Sphingomonas. Microbiol Immunol.


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