J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-07-06-22 on 1 December 1906. Downloaded from ,';... JOURN,A.t ') OF THE ,ROY.A:L'ARMY 'l\1'EDICAL C.ORPS . • .1'. (torpg 1Rews . • J • • DECEMBER, 1906. ,- .; ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS.-GAZETTE NOTIFICATIONS. Captain John T. Clapham, from temporary half-pay, is placed on retired pay, dated October 21, 1906. He entered the Service January 31. 1891, ,and was .pla.ced o.n temporary half7pay October 21, _1901. War Service,~Nile Expedition, ~ 1898. Egyptian medal. ·Medal. ' .,' '" " , , ""', Protected by copyright. Captain Francis S.Irvine,.M.B., is seconded for service under ,the Colonial 'Office, dated October '13, 1906. ' ," 'Lieutenant William E. C. Lunn, M.B., from the Seconded List, to 'be Lieutenant; dated November 1, 1906. ' ' , , Lieu.tenant Dumaresq Le Bas resigns his 'Commission, dated November 14, 1906. He, entered the Service January 30, 1904; and embarked for SDuth 4frica, December 24, 1904." , ' , ' ", " ( ROYAL ARMY MEDIOAL CORPS SOHOOL OF INST~UO~JON. To be Commandant and Officer Commanding Depot Royal Ariny Medical Corps: Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas J.- ,R. Lucas, C.B., M.B., _Royal Army Medical Corps, dated JanuarY 29, 1906. , ' " To be Instructors: -Lieutenant-Colonel Robert H.Firth, Royal Army iYfedic/11- Corps, dated February 28, 1906. Major JohnD. Ferguson, D.S.O.. , 'Royal Anny' Medical Corps, dated June 13, 1905. j'" To be Assistant-Instructor :-Oapta,in Henry O. R., Hime, ~.B.', Royal Army· Medical:Oorps, dated Februa'rY 5, 1906. ' , ARRIYALS HOME.-From India: Lieutenant-Colonel C. E. Nichol,D.8;O.; CaptainsR.
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