Surgeon-Generals wear uniform as laid down for the Army Medical Service, except as regards pattern of buttons, some minor details in the mess jacket and mess waistcoat. The full dress of Colonels may be taken as the I.M.S. standard, points of difference for other ranks being specially noted :? No. 1. Full D ress. Colonel. Review Order. Boots, mounted ... Blucher. Boots, dismounted... Wellington. Gloves ... White doe, or buck ; at levees and balls, white kid. Great coat ... Drab universal (new). Helmet ... White Wolseley. Plumes ... Black, swan (not worn br- other ranks). Pouch, regulation (slightly different pattern for other ranks). Pouch belt, regulation (slightly different pat- tern for other ranks). Spurs ... with Blucher boots ... jack spurs. ? with Wellingtons ... box spurs. Sword and scabbard, regulation. Sword belt, with 3 stripes of embroidery (other ranks 2 stripes). Sword knot, regulation. Tunic, regulation, with 2 bars on cuff, and braiding oil collars and cuffs. (Other ranks only have one bar on cuff, and no braided eyes on collar and cuffs.) Trousers,when dismounted, red stripe, If inches. Pantaloons when mounted, red stripe, If inches. No. 2. Hot Weather Full Dress, White. Full d ress, head dress. Belt, sword and pouch. White frock ; with white collar (optional). Trousers, white, dismounted. Pantaloons, cloth, white mounted. Gloves are not worn. No. 3. Hot Weather Full Dress, Khaki. Helmet, khaki Wolseley pattern, with plain khaki pagri. Plumes, spikes, chains and badges are not worn. Jacket, regulation, khaki, drill or drab serge, universal with step collar, open fronted 4 pockets and a ticket pocket outside and an inside watch pocket. With this jacket a white double collar and black silk tie, tied in a sailor knot will be worn ; on manoeuvres and field service a turn down tie worn SPECIAL ARTICLE. khaki collar and khaki neck will be with khaki shirt. Gorget patches?Surgeon-Generals have black THE DRESS REGULATIONS, I.M.S. velvet with a gold line and button, Colonels black velvet with a scarlet line, all other ranks AVe are indebted to Colonel Bruce Seton, dark blue with black line and a corps button. for the notes on the v.h.s., I.M.S., following dress These patches are worn on the khaki jacket. regulations for the service, taken from the newly Sword ... withbrown scabbard revised I. A. Vol. VII :? Regulation,but Regulations, and brown leather sword knot. The new A. R. Vol. VII, I., just published, Belt "Sam Browne," with contains the latest orders Dress of the ...Regulation regarding 2 braces. Service. Sept 1913.1 DRESS REGULATIONS, I.M.8. 360 or Bedford and with Staff Distinctions. Breeches khaki drill ankle boots and or are worn with tunic Blucher boots, or with putties Aiguillettes and frock mounted or dismounted ; coat the and Assistant of crniters are worn when by Deputy Directors with or ankle boots Medical and or khaki trousers Wellington Services, Army Headquarters, by I. M. S. officers of the ie.. when dismounted. Army Department, and Gloves are not worn. D.G., D.D.G. A.D.G., I.M.Si These also wear the staff gorget patch. Order. Marching Deputy or Assistant Directors of medical or divisions wear the No. 4. Service Dress. services in brigades may frock coat instead of the tunic when the order of or Boots, ankle, with putties plain gaiters. dress is " Review order?staff in blue." as hot Breeches, helmet, jacket, belts for weather khaki. Miniature Medals. Gloves (if ordered). Worn with mess dress, and in certain specific Great coat (if ordered). circumstances in plain evening dress. Havresack. Ribands of Medals. Water bottle. field Riband not to exceed one inch unless On field service a first dressing, identity clasps are to be disc, revolver and ammunition pouch also render it necessary ; uppermost clasp 1 riband. carried. inch below top of In undress are worn, sown on to the frock Drill Order. they or frock coat?with white or khaki they are No. 5. Service Dress. worn on a bar. As for marching order, except that trousers and havresack may be worn when dismounted, and water bottle are not carried unless ordered. No. 0. Mess Dress. Mess jacket, regulation, ^ inch lace, with white linen collar if an open waistcoat is worn. Mess waistcoat, regulation, as an alternative an without open white washing waistcoat, lapels, and with 4 small gilt buttons of departmental pattern may be worn. Gloves ... At balls, white kid. f?r Trousers ... As full dress. No. 7. Hot Weather Mess Dress. White mess jacket, regulation. Kamarband, scarlet. White overalls, black foot straps. Wellington boots. No. 8. Undress. Forage cap. Universal pattern with black velvet band. A white cap cover will be worn. Frock, serge. Universal pattern ?with white linen collar. Frock coat. Universal pattern?white collar optional. Other articles as in lull dress, pouch belt not worn. In this order of dress either the white is helmet or the forage cap worn ; normally the frock coat is worn, with white gloves ; with the frock the gloves are brown. The full dress sword belt and slings are worn outside the frock coat, but with the serge frock the slings are worn, the on a web waist belt, under frock. Hork Furniture. Universal pattern. Water Proofs. Atholl grey, universal pattern. .
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