1935 GO 21 : Clothing Price List
rCROWN COpy RIO HT RlI.SItRVRll. GENERAL ORDERS FOR ROYAL MARINE , 1935. ADMIRALTY, 28th February, 1936. The following General Orders and Instructions are prolllulgated to the Corps. R. F. C. FOSTER, Adjutant-G~n~,al, R.M. CONTENTS. GENERAL ORDER • 16. PROMOTIONS, ApPOINTMENTS __ 17. OBITUARY. 18. EXAlIlNATION roB PBOMOfIO '-Ohm . 19. L.R.A.M. CmaTD'lo n ( ~'''''''''''''' ' ••• 20. KING'S BADGB-A.WABD OB'. 21. LIST OF PRIOES 01' CLOTH, CLOTHI G, PPOINTKBH'N, JIITO. 22. COURSES OF INSTRUCTION-QUALIPICATIO OBTA.tNlIb. 23. KHAKI DRILL CLOTHING. 24. GENERAL ORDERS, R.M.-CANOELLATION. AMENDMENTS TO BOOKS OF REGULATIONS, ETC. 25. GENERAL STANDING ORDERS, R.M. 26. STORE INSTRUCTIONS, R.M. 27. ESTABLISHMENT OF STORES, PART I. 28. ESTABLISHMENT OF STORES, PART ] 1. 29. ESTABLISHMENT OB' STORES, PART IV. (BARRAOKMASTER). LONDON: PRINTED FOR HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONEltY OFFICE By HARRISON & SONS, LTD., ST. MAR'l'IN'S LAIIlE. W.C.2. 1935. Price Sixper/ce Net . (314/217(1) 21 21.-Llst of Prices of Cloth, ClothIng, AppOintments, etc. (2170/34.Q.) The following Price List will regulate the sums to be oharged to Royal Marinee for article" of Clothing. Appointments. etc .• issued on repayment. Artides of nn oheolote pattern. or suoh as are omitted from the !i.I, will. if 011 ('barge, Itc' "010 "' lhp ,·",(PS laid oown in the most recont. IiRt of prices in whi~h they may be '1 110(1'0. Ar(iclc""ommo~, to th~ RoY~1 Navy "'nrt Royal ~ra\'in"H will hI' issl1ed at the prices laid down en AdmlT/tI.ty J:i Icet.
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