(Is!!I%Losalamos Scientific Laboratory
LA-8689-MS Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Computer Benchmark Performance 1979 Y I I i PERMANENT RETENTION i i I REQUIRED BY CONTRACT ~- i _...._. -.. .— - .. ———--J (IS!!I%LOS ALAMOS SCIENTIFIC LABORATORY Post Office Box 1663 Los Alamos. New Mexico 87545 An AffKmtitive Action/I!qual Opportunity Employer t- Editedby MargeryMcCormick GroupC-2 I)lSCLAIM1.R Thh rqwtl was prtpued as an ‘mount or work sponwrcd by m aguncy or !he UnllcdSIws Gown. mcnt. Nclthcr the Unltcd Stales Govw,lmcnt nor any agency thcr.wf, nor any of lheif cmpluyws, mtkci my warranty, cipre!> or Impllcd, or assumes any Iqd USIWY or rc$ponslbdlty for the Iccur. ncv, mmplclcness, or u~cfulnc$s of any information, appm’’luq product, or process disclosed, oc r+ re$enh thit Its use would not Infrlngc privntcly owned r~hts. Rcfcrcncc hercln 10 my $I!CCUSCcorn. mercltl product, PIOCC$S,or SCNICCby trtdc name, Imdcmtrk, manufaL!urer, or o!hmwisc, does not necenarily mmtitute or imply its cndorscmcnt, retommcndation, or favoring by lhc United Stttcs Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not ncc. c:mrily ttmtc or reflect those of the Unltcd Statct Government 01 my s;ency thcceof. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY CONTRACT W-7405 -ENG. 36 LA-8689-MS UC-32 Issued: February 1981 Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Computer Benchmark Performance 1979 Ann H. Hayes Ingrid Y. Bucher — ----- . J E- -“ ““- ”’”-” .- ------- r- ------ . ..- . .. — ,.. LOS ALAMOS SCIENTIFIC LABORATORY COMPUTER BENCHMARK PERFOWCE 1979 by Ann H. Hayes and Ingrid Y. Bucher ABSTRACT Benchmarking of computers for performance evalua- tion and procurement purposes is an ongoing activity of the Research and Applications Group (Group C-3) at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (LASL).
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