University of Sheffield Library. Special Collections and Archives Ref: Special Collection Title: Collection

Scope: Books published by the firm of on behalf of the Left Book Club 1936-1948

Dates: 1936-1948 Extent: 200 vols. plus, together with a part-set of “Left News” Name of creator: .

Administrative / biographical history: This collection represents a set of the books published by Victor Gollancz on behalf of the Left Book Club during the years 1936 to 1948. We hold a complete set – we were very happy to receive the final addition to our collection from the library of journalist and writer, Paul Foot, in December 2016: “The adventures of the little pig and other stories” by F. Le Gros Clark and Ida Clark. In all, taking into account both the selected “Book of the Month” and the additional choices offered to members, some 252 titles were published (though five of these were announced separately as Parts 1 and 2). The Collection consists of either Left Book Club editions or the considerably more expensive general editions published simultaneously by Gollancz; in just a few cases titles are represented by non-Gollancz editions. There is available also a part-set on microfilm of “Left News”, the journal edited by Gollancz and circulated to members of the Club. The period immediately preceding the Second World War, and the War years and their immediate aftermath, was of great significance in the struggle between competing political ideologies - (Capitalist) Democracy, Fascism and Communism. As its name suggests the Left Book Club was founded to disseminate and advance left- wing political and social ideas, though these embraced both Democratic and Marxist viewpoints. Up to the outbreak of the Second World War largely uncritical approval of Soviet Russia was a prominent feature of its outlook (cf. Dudley Collard’s “Soviet justice and the trial of Radek and others” (1937)). The Club played a major role in the co-ordination of -wing opinion, especially in the years before the outbreak of war. The Left Book Club was founded in May 1936, at a time when the worst of the economic Depression of the 1929-1932 period had receded and Keynesian and New Deal economics offered hope for future economic stability through planning. The three founders were Victor Gollancz, a publisher of left-wing political sympathies, who had encountered resistance in the book trade to the distribution of left-wing titles and whose financial and organisational resources supported the Club; John Strachey, a poltical campaigner of Marxist views, though not a Communist Party member, who had been for a time an ally of Sir Oswald Mosley in the Labour Party


and then the New Party before breaking with Mosley: his book “The Theory and Practice of ” was the Club choice for November 1936 and made a considerable impact on the membership; and , Professor of Political Science at the School of Economics, member and then Chairman of the Labour Party Executive. Strachey was the intellectual force behind the Club and with Gollancz made the book selections offered to Club members. Strachey contributed seven titles to the Club list in all, Gollancz three, and Laski one. The principal aims of the Club were to promote the progressive values of the Left, a definition embracing both Socialism and Liberalism, to oppose the spread of Fascism, and to prevent the outbreak of war which the growing strength of Fascism seemed to presage, by encouraging both the development of a Popular Front at home (akin to the Front populaire led by Léon Blum in France), and collective security in Europe. ‘Collective security’ implied an alliance between the democratic nations and the . The rise of Nazism in Germany under Hitler, who had taken power in 1933, of Fascism in Spain under Franco, leading in 1936 to the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, and the invasion of Abyssinia by Mussolini in 1935, all threatened to destabilise peace. The Spanish conflict was of great concern, reflected by the appearance of several Club titles, including ’s first-hand account “Spanish testament” in December 1937. In line with its extensive political campaign in support of the Republican Government the Club notably organised a food ship for Spain, sent to Barcelona in February 1939. Beyond Europe, attention turned to the war in China of 1937 which followed the initial Japanese invasion of Manchuria in 1932. But the intention was also to address issues of social concern: unemployment, poverty and the need for economic and social justice: ’s “The Road to Wigan Pier” appeared in March 1937, and ’s account of the Jarrow hunger march and its causes, “The Town that was murdered”, in September 1939. At the same time a wide range of informative works on many other topics appeared - sociology, economics, philosophy, science, psychology and other subjects, as a means of promoting enlightenment. A typical leaflet sent out with a Club edition in 1938 summarised its objectives thus: “The aim of the Club is a simple one: it is to help in the terribly urgent struggle for World Peace & a better social & economic order & against Fascism, by giving (to all who are determined to play their part in this struggle) such knowledge as will immediately increase their efficiency”. The rationale of the Club contrasted with that of the influential Pacifist movement led by , Aldous Huxley, C.E.M. Joad, and the Peace Pledge Union of Canon Dick Sheppard. The Club operated on a subscription basis, thereby guaranteeing a level of sales which would enable books to be offered at a low price. Although one title each month would be the selected “Book of the Month”, as the membership grew rapidly before the War several other choices could be offered; by contrast, during the austerity of the War years and post-War period only one book per month was available. All titles, as well as being offered to Left Book Club members in a special edition costing only half a crown (one eighth of a pound), would also be published in hard covers for sale to the general public at several times the cost. Club editions appeared for the first few years in distinctive orange limp covers bearing the legend ‘LEFT BOOK CLUB EDITION. NOT FOR SALE TO THE PUBLIC’ - replaced in 1938 by a red stiff binding. The


rate of growth of the Club was impressive: the first book to be offered, in May 1936, was “France today and the People’s Front” by Maurice Thorez (General Secretary of the French Communist Party), to which 5000 members subscribed, but by the end of that year the Club had grown to 20,000 members. By April 1939 the membership had reached to its highest point of 57,000, with 1,500 organised “Left Book Club Discussion Groups” in existence. Each book came with a news sheet of announcements, initially called Left Book News but soon renamed Left News, containing reviews of forthcoming books and articles on a “Topic of the Month”, such as articles on Soviet Russia or the conflict in Spain. Although many Labour Party members and supporters joined the Club the Labour Party officially showed hostility to it and tried to dissuade its members from taking part. The large Albert Hall Rally on February 7th 1937 demonstrated the broad appeal of the Club, with speakers as diverse as the Liberal M.P. and the Communist Harry Pollitt, as well as the three founders of the Club, and attracted messages of support from around the world. An unexpected development was the way in which local clubs organised political activities such as rallies, which represented various different shades of opinion in a way that single party rallies could not, cultural and intellectual activities within the Arts and professions, and educational Summer and Week-end Schools which drew together members from different parts of the country. The Club’s Theatre Guild set up some 250 amateur companies, performing plays of the left such as Clifford Odets’ “Waiting for Lefty” (a Supplementary choice for June 1937). The Christian Book Club issued “The Struggle for religious freedom in Germany by the Dean of Chichester in July 1938; , the Dean of Canterbury, was a prominent member of the Club and himself contributed three Club titles. Beyond Britain the Club’s example led from 1937 onwards to overseas Left Book Clubs being founded in many other countries throughout the world As war approached the Club intensified its programme, in many towns and cities, of rallies in favour of a united front with Russia against Nazi Germany, including a mass meeting in the Queen’s Hall shortly after Eden’s resignation from the Government in February 1938. But with the signing of the Russo-German Pact of non-aggression, followed rapidly by the attack on Poland and the declaration of War of September 1939, the Club was faced with the failure of its major aim of preventing war. The subsequent opposition of Communist members and others, including temporarily John Strachey, to the War against Germany demonstrated its lost unity of purpose. Gollancz determined on a change of attitude towards Soviet Communism from the largely sympathetic stance taken by Club publications up to this point. The membership was sharply divided on both this issue and that of support for the War. In November 1939 the Club choice, Leonard Woolf’s “Barbarians at the gate”, contained strong criticism of Soviet government, which resulted in a critical notice in Left News by Strachey, itself criticised by Laski. Henceforth the Club, both through the books chosen for publication and Left News, inevitably became a forum for widely divergent views. With the outbreak of the War confidence and membership declined, though many groups continued to flourish despite the difficult conditions of wartime. Following the end of the War, in July 1946, Gollancz’s own book, “Our threatened values”, reaffirmed his faith in Socialist ideals but also his rejection of totalitarianism,


referring to the possibility that the Russian Revolution might turn out “to have been of disastrous evil”. Following the outbreak of the War Club membership declined sharply, from 57,000 in 1939 to 15,000 in 1942, and in the post-war period this decline continued. In November 1948 Gollancz announced that the Left Book Club and Left News would cease. [A detailed account of the Left Book Club is given in “The Left Book Club: an historical record”, by (Gollancz, 1970), on which these notes are partly based, and which lists the titles issued].

Related collections: Klugmann Collection, Mendelson Collection, Zaidman Collection Source: By purchase and donation System of arrangement: Classified

Subjects: Anti-fascism – Great Britain; Great Britain – Politics and government – 1936- Names: Gollancz, Victor, 1893-1967; Laski, Harold Joseph, 1893-1950; Strachey, John, 1901-1963

Conditions of access: Available to all researchers by appointment Restrictions: None

Finding aids: Listed and catalogued.


Special Collections and Archives

Left Book Club Collection



Gollancz, Victor, 1893-1967 Our threatened values ; by Victor Gollancz. - London : Gollancz, 1946. - [z0758599] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 177 (G) ; 133235901

Towards the Christian revolution ; by John Line, ... [et al] ; edited by R. B. Y. Scott and Gregory Vlastos. - Left Book Club edition. - London : Victor Gollancz, 1937. - [x2939678] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 261.6 (T) ; 200691227

Christianity and the social revolution ; edited by John Lewis, Karl Polanyi, Donald K. Kitchin. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1937. - First published 1935. [w3156470] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 261.85 (C) ; 138491701

Levy, H. (Hyman), 1889- A philosophy for a modern man ; by H. Levy. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1938. - [x0700507] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 300.1 (L) ; 113216801

Bartlett, Francis H. Sigmund Freud : a Marxian essay ; by Francis H. Bartlett. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1938. - [v2331304] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 301.15 (B) ; 200397820

Osborn, Reuben Freud and Marx : a dialectical study ; by R. Osborn. - Left Book Club edition. - London : Gollancz, 1937. - [z0104610] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 301.15 (O) ; 145718940

Blanco White, Amber Reeves, 1887-1981 The new propaganda ; by Amber Blanco White. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1939. - [M0005526SH] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 301.1523 (W) ; 200659444


Pearlman, Maurice, 1911- Adventure in the sun : an informal account of the communal settlements of Palestine ; by Maurice Pearlman. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1947. - [x8190365] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 301.34 (P) ; 200659285

Serebrennikov, G. N. (Georgii Nikolaevich) The position of women in the U.S.S.R. ; by G. N. Serebrennikov. - London : Gollancz, 1937. - [w3934714] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 301.41 (S) ; 141879601

Newitt, Hilary Women must choose : the position of women in Europe to-day ; by Hilary Newitt. - London : Victor Gollancz, 1937. - Cover title: Women must choose: being an examination of the position of women in the fascist countries, the U.S.S.R. and western democracy respectively. [x8190371] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 301.4194 (N) ; 200659275

Stone, Hannah Mayer A marriage manual : a practical guide-book to sex and marriage ; by Hannah M. Stone and Abraham Stone ; English edition edited, and with an introduction by, Michael Fielding. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz in association with John Lane The Bodley Head, 1936. - [v2331267] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 301.426 (S) ; 200613015

Hirschfeld, Magnus, 1868-1935 Racism ; by Magnus Hirschfeld ; translated and edited by Edan and Cedar Paul. - London : Gollancz, 1938. - [y8835135] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 301.45 (H) ; 141879101

Cole, G. D. H. (George Douglas Howard), 1889-1959 The condition of Britain ; by G. D. H. and M. I. Cole. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1937. - [z0088638] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 309.142 (C) ; 126059901

Laski, Harold Joseph, 1893-1950 Faith, reason and civilisation : an essay in historical analysis ; by Harold J. Laski. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1944. - [x3397021] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 320.1 (L) ; 126708401

Strachey, John, 1901-1963 Federalism or Socialism? ; by John Strachey. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1940. - [x339708x] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 321.021 (S) ; 138437001


Horrabin, J. F. (James Francis), 1884-1962 An atlas of empire ; by J. F. Horrabin. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1937. - [t3898645] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 321.03 (H) ; 200657867

Brady, Robert A. (Robert Alexander) The spirit and structure of German fascism ; by Robert A. Brady. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1937. - [z0048774] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 321.644 (B) ; 119622301

Josephs, Ray Argentine diary : the inside story of the coming of fascism ; by Ray Josephs. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1945. - [x2913265] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 321.644 (J) ; 200659389

The Nazi conspiracy in Spain ; by the editor of The brown book of the Hitler terror ; translated from the German manuscript by Emile Burns. - London : Victor Gollancz, 1937. - The authorship is attributed to Otto Katz. [ 37030362] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 321.644 (K) ; 128628201

Osborn, R. The psychology of reaction ; by R. Osborn. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1938. - [x8190856] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 321.644 (O) ; 200619008

Rader, Melvin, 1903-1981 No compromise : the conflict between two worlds ; by Melvin Rader. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1939. - [x8107051] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 321.644 (R) ; 2 copies: 200397819, 200657704

Blum, Léon, 1872-1950 For all mankind (A l'échelle humaine) ; translated by W. Pickles. - London : Gollancz, 1946. - [ 46006920] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 321.8 (B) ; 119953501

Simon, E. D. (Ernest Darwin), 1879-1960 The smaller democracies ; by Sir E. D. Simon. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1939. - [x3396961] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 321.8 (S) ; 124823301

Russell, A. G. Colour, race and empire ; by A. G. Russell. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1944. - [x2913621] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 323.1 (R) ; 119791201


Burger, John The black man's burden ; by John Burger. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1943. - [x8189652] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 323.168 (B) ; 120812901

Keppel-Jones, Arthur When Smuts goes : a history of South Africa from 1952 to 2010 first published in 2015 ; by Arthur Keppel-Jones. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1947. - [x8191324] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 323.168 (K) ; 125459901

Walker, Oliver Kaffirs are lively : being some backstage impressions of the South African democracy ; by Oliver Walker. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1948. - [x5532291] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 323.168 (W) ; 133016801

Campbell, Alexander, 1912- It's your empire ; by Alexander Campbell. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1945. - [ 45010099] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 325.3 (C) ; 200659288

Barnes, Leonard, 1895- Empire or democracy? : a study of the colonial question ; by Leonard Barnes. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1939. - [x3395766] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 325.342 (B) ; 140869901

Campbell, Alexander, 1912- Empire in Africa ; by Alexander Campbell. - London : Gollancz, 1944. - Second impression before publication. - [ 44006902] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 325.342 (C) ; 200613326

Brockway, Fenner, 1888-1988 Death pays a dividend ; by and Frederic Mullally. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1944. - [x4408809] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 327 (B) ; 123354401

Cripps, Sir , 1889-1952 The struggle for peace ; by . - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Victor Gollancz, 1936. - [x0677694] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 327 (C) ; 120460101

Dutt, R. Palme (Rajani Palme), 1896-1974 World politics : 1918-1936 ; by R. Palme Dutt. - London : Gollancz, 1936. - [z0066542] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 327 (D) ; 128625301


Werner, Max, b. 1901 The military strength of the powers ; by Max Werner ; translated by Edward Fitzgerald. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1939. - [x2733988] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 327 (W) ; 200656641

The road to war : being an analysis of the National Government's foreign policy. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz for the New Fabian Research Bureau, 1937. - (Left Book Club topical book). - Prepared by a small group of experts as a continuation of "Inquest on peace" by "Vigilantes". [x3558211] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 327.42 (R) ; 200657899

Vigilantes, 1894-1967 Why we are losing the peace : the National Government's foreign policy: its causes, consequences and cure ; by 'Vigilantes' (K. Zilliacus). - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1939. - [x3086522] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 327.42 (V) ; 200659409

National Congress of Peace and Friendship with the U.S.S.R. (2nd : 1937 : London) For peace and friendship : proceedings of the Second National Congress of Peace and Friendship with the U.S.S.R., London, March 13 and 14, 1937. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1937. - [x3557826] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 327.42047 (F) ; 200657705

Smith, Aubrey Douglas Guilty Germans? ; by Aubrey Douglas Smith. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1942. - [x2732954] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 327.43 (S) ; 125460401

Davies, Joseph E. (Joseph Edward), 1876-1958 Mission to Moscow : a record of confidential dispatches to the State Department, official and personal correspondence, current diary and journal entries, including notes and comment up to October 1941 ; by Joseph E. Davies. - London : Gollancz, 1942. - [z0095199] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 327.47 (D) ; 140860201

Haxey, Simon Tory M.P. ; by Simon Haxey. - London : Gollancz, 1939. - [z0051291] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 329.25 (H) ; 120997040

Acland, Sir Richard, 1906-1990 Only one battle ; by Richard Acland. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1937. - [v2330196] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 329.35 (A) ; 200659388


Attlee, C. R. (Clement Richard), 1883-1967 The Labour Party in perspective ; by C.R. Attlee. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Victor Gollancz, 1937. - [x3023668] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 329.4 (A) ; 119627501

Young, Michael Dunlop, 1915-2002 Labour's plan for plenty ; by Michael Young. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1947. - [x9499308] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 329.4 (Y) ; 144484401

The betrayal of the left : an examination and refutation of communist policy from October 1939 to January 1941, with suggestions for an alternative and an epilogue on political morality ; edited by Victor Gollancz. - London : Gollancz, 1941. - [x2761453] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 329.5 (B) ; 135101901

Frölich, Paul, 1884-1953 Rosa Luxemburg : her life and work ; by Paul Frolich ; translated from the German by Edward Fitzgerald. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1940. - Translation of: Rosa Luxemburg, Gedanke und Tat. [x5809284] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 329.943 (F) ; 200657652

Fraser, Geoffrey Leon Blum : Man and statesman : the only authorised biography ; by Geoffrey Fraser and Thadée Natanson. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1937. - [x8107418] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 329.944 (F) ; 133300601

Sloan, Pat (Patrick Alan), 1908-1978 Soviet democracy ; by Pat Sloan. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1937. - [x5218643] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 329.947 (S) ; 200656640

McNeill, William Hardy, 1917- The Greek dilemma : war and aftermath ; by William Hardy McNeil. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1947. - [x2913408] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 329.9495 (M) ; 125460101

Coldwell, M. J. Left turn, Canada ; by M. J. Coldwell. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1945. - [x3395884] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 329.971 (C) ; 200658681

Schaffer, Gordon, 1905- Riches and poverty ; by Gordon Schaffer. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1939. - (New people's library ; vol.22). - [t4237466] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 330.1 (S) ; 200657708


Tawney, R. H. (Richard Henry), 1880-1962 The acquisitive society ; by R. H. Tawney. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1937. - First published: London : Bell, 1921. [x819061x] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 330.1 (T) ; 200397910

Huberman, Leo, 1903-1968 Man's worldly goods : the story of the wealth of nations ; by Leo Huberman. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1937. - [x0701872] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 330.109 (H) ; 153062201

Strachey, John, 1901-1963 The coming struggle for power ; by John Strachey. - 4th ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1934. - First published 1932. [v9356572] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 330.15 (S) ; 125672401

Allen, Frederick Can capitalism last? ; by Frederick Allen. - London : Gollancz, 1938. - [x8107890] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 330.9 (A) ; 200659443

Brailsford, H. N. (Henry Noel), 1873-1958 Why capitalism means war ; by Henry Noel Brailsford. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1938. - (The new people's library ; vol.14). - [x355833x] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 330.9 (B) ; 200612990

Moore, W. G. (Wilfred George), 1907- The geography of capitalism ; by W. G. Moore. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1938. - (The new people's library ; vol.18). - [v2330664] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 330.9 (M) ; 200657902

Mallalieu, J. P. W. (Joseph Percival William), 1908-1980 Rats! ; by the Pied Piper [i.e. J. P. W. Mallalieu]. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Victor Gollancz, 1941. - [x0632906] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 330.942 (M) ; 200376852

Wilkinson, Ellen Cicely, 1891-1947 The town that was murdered : the life story of Jarrow ; by Ellen Wilkinson. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollanz, 1939. - [z007022x] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 330.94281 (W) ; 129833440

Maynard, Sir John, 1865-1943 The Russian peasant : and other studies ; by John Maynard. - London : Gollancz, 1942. - [x1224397] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 330.947 (M) ; 115271601


Dutt, R. Palme (Rajani Palme), 1896-1974 India to-day ; by R. Palme Dutt. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1940. - [x2913271] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 330.954 (D) ; 138014801

Kuczynski, Jürgen The condition of the workers in Great Britain, Germany and the Soviet Union, 1932- 1938 ; by Jürgen Kuczynski. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1939. - [x4607012] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 331.094 (K) ; 133430101

Hammond, J. L. (John Lawrence), 1872-1949 The town labourer 1760-1832 : the new civilisation ; by J. L. Hammond and Barbara Hammond. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1937. - [x8107536] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 331.0942 (H) ; 200659276

Hutt, Allen, 1901-1973 The post-war history of the British working class ; by Allen Hutt. - Left Book Club ed.. - [z0052876] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 331.0942 (H) ; 122024541

Orwell, George, 1903-1950 The road to Wigan pier ; by George Orwell. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Victor Gollancz, 1937. - [x4494097] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 331.0942 (O) ; 121415501

Cole, G. D. H. (George Douglas Howard), 1889-1959 The means to full employment ; by G. D. H. Cole. - London : Gollancz, 1943. - [44001060] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 331.11 (C) ; 131017701

Cohen, Max I was one of the unemployed ; by Max Cohen. - Wakefield : EP Publishing, 1978. - (Studies in British labour history). - Originally published: London : Gollancz, 1945. [0715813463] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 331.13 (C) ; 155884601

Hannington, Wal, 1895- The problem of the distressed areas ; by Wal Hannington. - Left Book Club edition. - London : Gollancz, 1937. - [z0053982] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 331.137 (H) ; 122382040

Hannington, Wal, 1895- Ten lean years : an examination of the record of the national government in the field of unemployment ; by Wal Hannington. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Victor Gollancz, 1940. - [z0112420] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 331.137 (H) ; 150744901


Hannington, Wal, 1895- A short history of the unemployed ; by Wal Hannington. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1938. - (The new people's library ; Vol.15). - [x3519748] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 331.137942 (H) ; 200656700

Jewkes, John The juvenile labour market ; by John and Sylvia Jewkes. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1938. - [x3397541] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 331.3 (J) ; 113681601

Zweig, Ferdynand, 1896-1988 Men in the pits ; by F. Zweig. - London : Gollancz, 1948. - [x5562694] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 331.7622 (Z) ; 502218101

Barou, Noah, 1889-1955 British trade unions ; by N. Barou. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1947. - [z0043564] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 331.88 (B) ; 116297701

Belfrage, Cedric, 1904- Let my people go ; by Cedric Belfrage. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1940. - [x2913383] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 331.880973 (W) ; 142080201

Huberman, Leo, 1903-1968 The labour spy racket ; by Leo Huberman. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1938. - [x8190603] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 331.894 (H) ; 128490201

Burns, Emile, 1889-1972 Money ; by Emile Burns. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1937. - (New people's library ; vol.1). - [x6266242] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 332 (B) ; 200657653

Hunter, Neil Peasantry and crisis in France ; by Neil Hunter. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1938. - [w8112922] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 333.0944 (H) ; 200659452

The co-operative movement in Labour Britain ; edited for the by N. Barou ; essays by J. Bailey...[et al.]. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1948. - [x3897143] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 334 (C) ; 200399024


Cole, G. D. H. (George Douglas Howard), 1889-1959 Europe, Russia, and the future ; by G. D. H. Cole. - London : Gollancz, 1941. - [x2050433] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 335 (C) ; 126903601

Moulin, Léo Socialism of the west : an attempt to lay the foundations of a new socialist humanism ; by Leo Moulin. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1948. - Abridged from "Socialisme d'Occident" by the author, and translated by Alfred Heron. [x8190000] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 335 (M) ; 125460201

Sturmthal, Adolf Fox The tragedy of European labour, 1918-1939 ; by Adolf Sturmthal. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1944. - [x0632846] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 335 (S) ; 129212501

Cole, G. D. H. (George Douglas Howard), 1889-1959 The people's front ; by G.D.H. Cole. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1937. - [x2361558] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 335.1 (C) ; 134737901

Left Book Club anthology ; edited by Paul Laity. - London : Gollancz, 2001. - [0575072210] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 335.1 (L) ; 200618381

Lewis, John, 1889- The Left Book Club : an historical record ; by John Lewis. - London : Gollancz, 1970. - [0575005866] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 335.1 (L) ; 137671701

Strachey, John, 1901-1963 A faith to fight for ; by John Strachey. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1941. - [x3396122] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 335.1 (S) ; 136856702

Allan, Seema Rynin Comrades and citizens : [Soviet people] ; by Seema Rynin Allan. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1938. - [ 39001406] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 335.4 (A) ; 200659077

Burns, Emile, 1889-1972 What is Marxism? ; by Emile Burns. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1939. - (The new people's library ; vol.24). - [x4001054] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 335.4 (B) ; 200657896


A handbook of Marxism : being a collection of extracts from the writings of Marx, Engels and the greatest of their followers ; selected... by Emile Burns. - London : Gollancz, 1935. - [x2685083] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 335.4 (B) ; 136688101

Campbell, J. R. (John Ross), 1894-1969 Soviet policy and its critics ; by J. R. Campbell. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1939. - [x4434310] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 335.4 (C) ; 200613016

Cole, G. D. H. (George Douglas Howard), 1889-1959 The meaning of Marxism ; by G. D. H. Cole. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Victor Gollancz, 1948. - [x8182242] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 335.4 (M) ; 143107801

Leningradskii gosudarstvennyi institut istorii, filosofii, literatury i lingvi.. A textbook of Marxist philosophy ; prepared by the Leningrad Institute of Philosophy under the direction of M. Shirokov ... ; translated by A. C. Moseley ; ... revised and edited by John Lewis. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, (1937). - [ 38015270] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 335.4 (S) ; 131896901

Spender, Stephen, 1909-1995 Forward from liberalism ; by . - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1937. - [x339992x] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 335.4 (S) ; 112456701

Strachey, John, 1901-1963 The theory and practice of socialism ; by John Strachey. - London : Gollancz, 1936. - [z0097123] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 335.4 (S) ; 142151540

Webb, Sidney, 1859-1947 Soviet Communism : a new civilisation? ; by Sidney and . Vol.1. - [s.l.] : Printed by the authors for the members and students of the Workers’ Educational Association and the Workers’ Education Trade Union Committee, 1935. - [x4654052] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 335.4 (W) ; 140711101

Webb, Sidney, 1859-1947 Soviet Communism : a new civilisation? ; by Sidney and Beatrice Webb. Vol.2. - [s.l.] : Printed by the authors for the members and students of the Workers’ Educational Association and the Workers’ Education Trade Union Committee, 1935. - [q3224757] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 335.4 (W) ; 140711701

Freeman, Joseph, 1897-1965 An American testament : a narrative of rebels and romantics ; by Joseph Freeman. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1938. - [x3396487] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 335.42 (F) ; 126040601


Laurat, Lucien Marxism and democracy ; by Lucien Laurat ; translated by Edward Fitzgerald. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1940. - Translation of: Le marxisme en faillite?. [t3962165] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 335.43 (L) ; 200659410

Anderson, Evelyn Hammer or anvil : the story of the German working-class movement ; by Evelyn Anderson. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1945. - [x5800248] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 335.5 (A) ; 130173001

Strachey, John, 1901-1963 What are we to do? ; by John Strachey. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1938. - [x3407156] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 335.5 (S) ; 126040701

Neumann, Franz L. (Franz Leopold), 1900-1954 Behemoth : the structure and practice of national socialism ; by Franz Neumann. - London : Gollancz, 1942. - [ 43001108] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 335.64 (N) ; 115367401

Plummer, Alfred, 1896- Raw materials or war materials? ; by Alfred Plummer. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1937. - [x5180449] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 337.9 (P) ; 200659280

Monte, Hilda The unity of Europe ; by Hilda Monte. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1943. - [x291374x] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 337.914 (M) ; 200659284

Edelman, Maurice, 1911- Production for victory, not profit! ; by Maurice Edelman. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1941. - [ 42000544] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 338.016 (E) ; 200659286

Addison, Christopher, Viscount Addison A policy for British agriculture ; by Lord Addison of Stallingborough. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1939. - [x3407647] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 338.1942 (A) ; 159825801

Towards a socialist agriculture : studies by a group of Fabians ; edited by F.W. Bateson. - London : Gollancz, 1946. - [x0196724] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 338.1942 (T) ; 137169701


Coombes, Bert Lewis These poor hands : the autobiography of a miner working in South Wales ; by B. L. Coombes. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1939. - [z0057661] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 338.272 (C) ; 124419301

Heinemann, Margot, 1913- Britain's coal : a study of the mining crisis ; prepared by Margot Heinemann for the Labour Research Department. - London : Gollancz, 1944. - [x9089579] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 338.272 (H) ; 200659076

Noel-Baker, Philip Noel-Baker, Baron The private manufacture of armaments ; by Philip Noel-Baker. Vol.1. - Left book club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1936. - [z100478x] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 338.47234 (N) ; 130956201

Davies, Ernest "National" capitalism : the government's record as protector of private monopoly ; by Ernest Davies. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1939. - [x3558062] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 338.821 (D) ; 200659086

Sternberg, Fritz The coming crisis ; by Fritz Sternberg. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1947. - [x2733178] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 338.91 (S) ; 125460501

Strachey, John, 1901-1963 A programme for progress ; by John Strachey. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1940. - [x0672047] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 338.91 (S) ; 119768801

Padley, Walter The economic problem of the peace : a plea for world socialist union ; by Walter Padley. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1944. - [x339552x] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 338.94 (P) ; 126673601

Acland, Sir Richard, 1906-1990 What it will be like in the new Britain ; by Richard Acland. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1942. - [ 42008199] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 338.942 (A) ; 200659080

Cole, G. D. H. (George Douglas Howard), 1889-1959 Great Britain in the post-war world ; by G.D.H. Cole. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Victor Gollancz, 1942. - [x8189770] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 338.942 (C) ; 128625501


Populus My dear Churchill, and other open letters to persons in authority ; by Populus. - London : Gollancz, 1941. - [x5465465] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 338.942 (P) ; 200659279

Verulam, Frank Production for the people ; by Frank Verulam. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1940. - [x3556011] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 339.42 (V) ; 200659384

Vigilantes, 1894-1967 Why the League has failed ; by "Vigilantes" (K. Zilliacus). - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1938. - (The new people's library ; vol.11). - [x8191206] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 341.12 (V) ; 2 copies: 200397826, 200657709

Thompson, W. H. (William Henry), 1885- Civil liberties ; by W. H. Thompson. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1938. - (The new people's library ; vol.10). - [y694935x] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 342.42 (T) ; 200659455

Baker, Joseph The law of political uniforms, public meetings, and private armies : together with a treatise on the law relating to public order, breach of the peace, unlawful assembly, and riot ; by Joseph Baker. - London : H. A. Just, 1937. - [M0032527SH] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 343.4 (B) ; 200657711

Barrister Justice in ; by a barrister. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1938. - [x2942893] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 347.9942 (B) ; 200364802

Mallalieu, J. P. W. (Joseph Percival William), 1908-1980 "Passed to you, please" : Britain's red-tape machine at war ; by J. P. W. Mallalieu. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1942. - [x519285x] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 351.1 (M) ; 119824901

Davies, Ernest National enterprise : the development of the public corporation ; by Ernest Davies. - London : Gollancz, 1946. - [x4470501] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 351.7 (D) ; 123113101


Cambridge Scientists' Anti-War Group The protection of the public from aerial attack : being a critical examination of the recommendations put forward by the Air Raid Precautions Department of the ; by the Cambridge Scientists' Anti-War Group. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1937. - [q9135701] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 355.2322 (C) ; 200657715

Haldane, J. B. S. (John Burdon Sanderson), 1892-1964 A.R.P. ; by J.B.S. Haldane. - London : Gollancz, 1938. - [t4198996] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 355.45 (H) ; 114325201

Macartney, Wilfred Francis Remington, 1899- Walls have mouths : a record of ten years' penal servitude ; by Wilfred Macartney ; with prologue, epilogue and comments ... by Compton Mackenzie. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1936. - [ 36033938] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 365.64 (M) ; 200659104

King, Beatrice Changing man : the education system of the U.S.S.R ; by Beatrice King. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1936. - [x1471569] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 370.947 (K) ; 112256601

Morris, Max, 1913- The people's schools ; by M. Morris. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1939. - (The new people's library ; vol.20). - [v2336738] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 371 (M) ; 2 copies: 200397822, 200657710

Crowther, J. G. (James Gerald), 1899- Science and life ; by J. G. Crowther. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1938. - (The new people's library ; vol.12). - [x351962x] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 509 (C) ; 200659450

Rowland, John, 1907- Understanding the atom ; by John Rowland. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1938. - (New people's library ; Vol.17). - [v2330546] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 539.14 (R) ; 200659453

Beck, Alan Chemistry : a survey ; by Alan Beck. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1939. - (The new people's library ; vol.23). - [M0032458SH] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 540.9 (B) ; 200397825

Harrisson, Tom, 1911-1976 Savage civilisation ; by Tom Harrisson. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1937. - [x5700334] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 572.9934 (H) ; 122265501


Bibby, Cyril The evolution of man and his culture ; by H. C. Bibby. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1938. - (The new people's library ; vol.16). - [x355781x] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 573.3 (B) ; 2 copies: 200397821, 200657703

Bibby, Cyril Heredity, eugenics and social progress ; by H. C. Bibby. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Victor Gollancz, 1939. - (The new people's library ; 25). - [x3019342] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 575.1 (B) ; 114961301

Gillespie, James, 1909- An introduction to economic botany ; by James Gillespie. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1937. - (The new people's library ; vol.3). - [M0032495SH] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 581.6 (G) ; 200397823

Griffith, Edward Fyfe Modern marriage ; Edward F. Griffith. - 26th ed., entirely revised and reset. - London : Methuen, 1963. - First published by Methuen: 1946. Originally published: London : Gollancz, January 1935. [b6318321] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 613.94 (G) ; 138745101

Muller, H. J. (Hermann Joseph), 1890-1967 Out of the night : a biologist's view of the future ; by H. J. Muller. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Victor Gollancz, 1936. - [x8190721] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 613.94 (M) ; 200717524

M'Gonigle, G. C. M. Poverty and public health ; by G. C. M. M'Gonigle and J. Kirby. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1936. - [z2446504] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 614.0942 (M) ; 122386102

Sigerist, Henry E. (Henry Ernest), 1891-1957 Socialised medicine in the Soviet Union ; by Henry E. Sigerist. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1937. - [v2331422] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 614.2 (S) ; 200657707

Segal, Charles S. Penn'orth of chips : backward children in the making ; by Charles S. Segal. - London : Gollancz, 1939. - [z1781778] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 649.3 (S) ; 200659411

Simon, E. D. (Ernest Darwin), 1879-1960 Rebuilding Britain - a twenty year plan ; by E. D. Simon. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Victor Gollancz, 1945. - [x5517860] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 715 (S) ; 115607401


The left song book ; editors, Alan Bush & Randall Swingler, assisted by members of the Workers' Music Association and the Left Book Club Musicians' Group. - London : Victor Gollancz LTD, 1938. - [M0692285ZZ] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 784.71 (L) ; 200881896

Acland, Sir Richard, 1906-1990 Public speaking ; by Richard Acland. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1946. - [x3357926] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 808.5 (A) ; 200657713

Bernstein, Hillel Choose a bright morning ; by Hillel Bernstein. - London : Gollancz, 1936. - [v1619629] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 812.52 (B) ; 200659071

Belfrage, Cedric, 1904- Promised land : notes for a history ; by Cedric Belfrage. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1938. - [x3034181] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 813.5 (B) ; 142080301

Bhattacharya, Bhabani So many hungers! ; by Bhabani Bhattacharya. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1947. - [x2733273] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 819.954 (B) ; 125459501

Daiches, David, 1912- Literature and society ; by David Daiches. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1938. - [z2425117] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 820.9 (D) ; 133834301

Poems of freedom ; edited by John Mulgan. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1938. - [x3047120] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 821.08 (P) ; 200659273

Constantine, Murray, 1896-1963 Swastika night ; by Murray Constantine. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Victor Gollancz, 1940. - [M0032498SH] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 822.91 (C) ; 200691933

Malleson, Miles Six men of Dorset : a play in two acts and an epilogue ; Miles Malleson and H. Brooks. - London : Gollancz : Trades Union Congress General Council, 1934. - Cover title: Six men of Dorset: the Tolpuddle play. [q8848385] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 822.91 (M) ; 200659282


Clark, F. Le Gros (Frederick Le Gros), 1892-1977 The adventures of the little pig, and other stories ; by F. Le Gros and Ida Clark. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Victor Gollancz, 1937. Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 823.9282 (C) ; 200678927

Petersen, Jan Our street : a chronicle written in the heart of Fascist Germany ; by Jan Petersen. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1938. - Translation of: Unsere Strasse. [z0079651] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 833.91 (P) ; 131140601

Malraux, André, 1901-1976 Days of contempt ; by Andre Malraux. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1936. - [x8191330] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 843.91 (MALR) ; 200659103

Woolf, Leonard, 1880-1969 Barbarians at the gate ; by Leonard Woolf. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1939. - [x5559628] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 901 (W) ; 131175501

Wolfendale, Wilfrid History has tongues : a study of the comparative development of ancient and modern civilizations ; by Wilfrid Wolfendale. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1946. - [x3396725] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 901.9 (W) ; 200659408

Browne, Lewis, 1897-1949 Something went wrong : a summation of modern history ; by Lewis Browne ; with maps by Myna and Lewis Browne. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1942. - [ 43007050] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 909 (B) ; 200659075

Young, Edgar P. (Edgar Philip) Czechoslovakia : keystone of peace and democracy ; by Edgar P. Young. - Left Book Club topical book edition. - London : Gollancz, 1938. - [x3518281] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 914.37 (Y) ; 141781001

Johnson, Hewlett, 1874-1966 The socialist sixth of the world ; by Hewlett Johnson. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1939. - [z0097040] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 914.7 (J) ; 142080601

Rama Rau, Santha Home to India ; by Santha Rama Rau. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1945. - [x5747620] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 915.4 (R) ; 200660330


Brontman, L. (Lazar' Konstantinovich) On the top of the world : the Soviet expedition to the North Pole 1937 ; L. Brontman ; edited and with a foreword by O. J Schmidt. - London : Gollancz, 1938. - [x3692671] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 919.8 (B) ; 200659074

Gruber, Ruth, 1911- I went to the Soviet Arctic ; by Ruth Gruber. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1939. – Includes map on lining papers. [v2330948] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 919.8 (G) ; 200659449

Donington, Robert The citizen faces war ; by Robert & Barbara Donington. - London : Victor Gollancz Ltd, 1936. - An account of the war resistance movement with a history of conscientious objection in England during the world war. [w4079323] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 940.913 (D) ; 200783399

Zilliacus, K. (Konni), 1894-1967 The mirror of the past, lest it reflect the future ; by K. Zilliacus (Vigilantes). - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1944. - [ 44006234] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 940.913 (Z) ; 200659451

Gedye, George Eric Rowe, 1890- Fallen bastions : the Central European tragedy ; by G. E. R. Gedye. - London : Gollancz, 1939. - American edition (New York and London, Harper and Brothers) has title: Betrayal in Central Europe; Austria and Czechoslovakia: The fallen bastions. [39008231] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 940.914 (G) ; 114456301

Jones, F. Elwyn (Frederick Elwyn), 1909- The battle for peace ; by F. Elwyn Jones. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1938. - [x2879657] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 940.914 (J) ; 200659283

Gant, Roland How like a wilderness ; by Roland Gant. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1946. - [ 46018253] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 940.92 (G) ; 2 copies: 200615828, 200398718

Reiner, Ella Prisoners of fear ; by Ella Lingens-Reiner. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1948. - [x521205x] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 940.92 (L) ; 125460001


Paul, Oscar Underground Europe calling ; by Oscar Paul. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1942. - [x2733184] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 940.92 (P) ; 200659271

Werner, Max, b. 1901 Battle for the world : the strategy and diplomacy of the second world war ; by Max Werner; translated by Heinz and Ruth Norden. - London : V. Gollancz Ltd, 1941. - The manuscript of the present book, which was published in the United States late in April 1941, was concluded late in March 1941. An "Afterword" has been added to this edition to bring the narrative as nearly up to date as possible for publication in June. cf. Foot-note, p. [272]. [x2939974] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 940.92 (W) ; 200659277

Macardle, Dorothy, 1889-1958 The Irish Republic : a documented chronicle of the Anglo-Irish conflict and the partitioning of Ireland, with a detailed account of the period 1916-1923 ; by Dorothy Macardle. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1938. - [x8190974] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 941.59 (M) ; 133302301

Morton, A. L. (Arthur Leslie), 1903-1987 A people's history of England ; by A. L. Morton. - London : Lawrence & Wishart, 1945. - First published by Victor Gollancz, 1938. [0853151377] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 942 (M) ; 148309801

Fagan, Hyman, 1903- Nine days that shook England : an account of the English people's uprising in 1381 ; by H. Fagan. - London : Gollancz, 1938. - [x6096024] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 942.038 (F) ; 122022801

Needham, Joseph, 1900-1995 The Levellers and the English Revolution ; by Henry Holorenshaw [i.e. Joseph Needham]. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1939. - (The new people's library ; vol.21). - [z0136136] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 942.062 (N) ; 156743901

Petegorsky, David W. Left-wing democracy in the English Civil War : a study of the social philosophy of Gerrard Winstanley ; by David W. Petegorsky. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1940. - [x5456199] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 942.062 (P) ; 200657898

Gollancz, Victor, 1893-1967 Is Mr. Chamberlain saving peace? ; by Victor Gollancz. - London : Victor Gollancz, 1939. - [x7103648] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 942.085 (G) ; 200797967


Ramos Oliveira, A. (Antonio), 1907- A people's history of Germany ; by A. Ramos Oliveira. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1942. - [ 42018127] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 943.085 (R) ; 200659281

Dodd, William Edward, 1869-1940 Ambassador Dodd's diary 1933-1938 ; edited by William E. Dodd, Jr. and Martha Dodd. - London : Gollancz, 1941. - [x2753442] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 943.086 (D) ; 119919901

Erckner, S. Hitler's conspiracy against peace ; by S. Erckner. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1937. - [x3518789] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 943.086 (E) ; 200657714

Haag, Lina How long the night ; by Lina Haag. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1948. - First published in Germany as 'Eine Handvoll Staub', Nest Verlag, 1947. [x8190129] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 943.086 (H) ; 200612993

Hagen, Paul, 1893-1969 Will Germany crack? : a factual report on Germany from within ; by Paul Hagen ; translated by Anna Caples. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1943. - [x416762x] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 943.086 (H) ; 200659079

Heiden, Konrad, 1901-1966 Der Fuehrer : Hitler's rise to power ; by Konrad Heiden ; translated by Ralph Manheim. Book 1. (Chapters I-XV). - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1944. - The last chapter and part of the chapter before the last have been translated by Norbert Guterman. Translated from German. [q3204252] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 943.086 (H) ; 200266609

Heiden, Konrad, 1901-1966 Der Fuehrer : Hitler's rise to power ; by Konrad Heiden ; translated by Ralph Manheim. Book 2. Chapters XVI-XXVIII and index. - Left Book Club edition. - London : Gollancz, 1944. - Translated from German. [q3204370] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 943.086 (H) ; 200266610

Kolnai, Aurel The war against the West ; by Aurel Kolnai. - Left Book Club edition. - London : Victor Gollancz, 1938. - On Nazism. [v2332864] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 943.086 (K) ; 200691226

Olden, Rudolf Hitler the pawn ; by Rudolf Olden. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1936. - [x8190968] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 943.086 (O) ; 129228601


Brockway, Fenner, 1888-1988 German diary ; by Fenner Brockway. - London : Gollancz, 1946. - [ 47017288] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 943.087 (B) ; 200657712

Hill, Russell, 1918- Struggle for Germany ; by Russell Hill. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1947. - [ 47025635] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 943.087 (H) ; 200659287

Mosley, Leonard Oswald, 1911- Report from Germany ; by Leonard O. Mosley. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1945. - [x2880011] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 943.087 (M) ; 200612991

Braunthal, Julius, 1891- In search of the millennium ; by Julius Braunthal. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1945. - [ 45010211] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 943.605 (B) ; 200659078

Schuschnigg, Kurt von, 1897-1977 Austrian requiem ; by Kurt von Schuschnigg. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1947. - Translation of: Ein Requiem in Rot-Weiss-Rot. [v2330463] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 943.605 (S) ; 125460301

Evans, Jon The Nazi new order in Poland ; by Jon Evans. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1941. - [q9137723] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 943.805 (E) ; 144612801

Paloczi-Horvath, George In darkest Hungary ; by G. Paloczy-Horvath ; with an introduction by Michael Karolyn. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1944. - [x2732664] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 943.91 (P) ; 125862301

Stewart, Neil, fl.1937 Blanqui ; by Neil Stewart. - London : Gollancz, 1939. - [q9133369] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 944 (S) ; 200659454

Lévy, Louis France is a democracy ; by Louis Levy. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1943. - [ 43017512] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 944.08 (L) ; 200658680


Thorez, Maurice, 1900-1964 France to-day and the People's front ; by Maurice Thorez ; translated from the French manuscript by Emile Burns. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1936. - [ 36017621] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 944.08 (T) ; 200657901

Jellinek, Frank The Paris Commune of 1871 ; by Frank Jellinek. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1937. - [x6176036] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 944.082 (J) ; 134248101

Koestler, Arthur, 1905-1983 Scum of the earth ; by Arthur Koestler. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1941. - [x6633491] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 944.0891 (K) ; 143800901

Paul, Oscar Farewell, France! : An eye-witness account of her tragedy ; by Oscar Paul. - Left Book Club edition. - London : Victor Gollancz, 1941. - [x5231684] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 944.0891 (P) ; 200691228

Schlotterbeck, Friedrich The darker the night, the brighter the stars : a German worker remembers (1933- 1945) ; by Friedrich Schlotterbeck. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1947. - [x2920733] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 944.0891 (S) ; 200659278

Torrès, Henry, 1891-1966 Pierre Laval ; Henry Torrès. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1941. - [ 42012756] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 944.0891 (T) ; 200657651

Salvemini, Gaetano, 1873-1957 Italian fascism ; by Gaetano Salvemini. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1938. - (The New People's Library ; vol.13). - [x5212528] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 945.091 (S) ; 200397824

Salvemini, Gaetano, 1873-1957 Under the axe of fascism ; by Gaetano Salvemini. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1936. - [z0079668] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 945.091 (S) ; 132687301

Salvemini, Gaetano, 1873-1957 What to do with Italy ; by Gaetano Salvemini and George La Piana. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1943. - [ 44001215] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 945.091 (S) ; 200612992


Schmidt, Carl T. (Carl Theodore), 1906- The corporate state in action : Italy under fascism ; by Carl T. Schmidt. - New York : , 1939. - [M0051896SH] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 945.091 (S) ; 200660328

Carter, Barbara Barclay Italy speaks ; by Barbara Barclay Carter. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1947. - [x949906x] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 945.092 (C) ; 200659073

Aguirre y Lecube, José Antonio de, 1904-1960 Freedom was flesh and blood ; by Jose Antonio de Aguirre. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1945. - [x8189764] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 946.081 (A) ; 200659272

Cox, Geoffrey, 1910- Defence of Madrid ; by Geoffrey Cox. - London : Gollancz, 1937. - [ 37011122] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 946.081 (C) ; 200659412

Gannes, Harry Spain in revolt : a history of the civil war in Spain in 1936 and a study of its social, political andeconomic causes ; by Harry Gannes and Theodore Repard. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1936. - [x3396369] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 946.081 (G) ; 120803901

Jellinek, Frank The civil war in Spain ; by Frank Jellinek. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1938. - [x8191726] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 946.081 (J) ; 134267001

Koestler, Arthur, 1905-1983 Spanish testament ; by Arthur Koestler. - London : Gollancz, 1937. - [x3024627] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 946.081 (K) ; 127007801

Lowenstein, Prinz zu Hubertus, 1906-1984 A Catholic in republican Spain ; by Prince Hubertus Friedrich of Loewenstein. - London : Gollancz, 1937. - [x3557708] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 946.081 (L) ; 200659224

Oyarza´bal, Isabel de, b. 1878 Smouldering freedom : the story of the Spanish republicans in exile ; by Isabel de Palencia. - London : Gollancz, 1946. - [x1593870] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 946.081 (P) ; 200615053


Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson Appeasement's child : the Franco regime in Spain ; by Thomas J. Hamilton. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1943. - [x1370733] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 946.082 (H) ; 200150891

Maynard, Sir John, 1865-1943 Russia in flux, before October ; by John Maynard. - London : Gollancz, 1939. - [M0032055SH] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 947.08 (M) ; 136679101

Arnot, R. Page (Robert Page), 1890-1986 A short history of the Russian revolution from 1905 to the present day ; by R. Page Arnot. Vol.1. From 1905 to February 1917. - London : Gollancz, 1937. - (New People's Library ; 4). - [w8435051] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 947.084 (A) ; 128490301

Arnot, R. Page (Robert Page), 1890-1986 A short history of the Russian revolution from 1905 to the present day ; by R. Page Arnot. Vol.2. From February 1917 to the present day. - London : Gollancz, 1937. - (New People's Library ; 6). - [w8435068] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 947.084 (A) ; 128490601

Joesten, Joachim, 1907- Denmark's day of doom ; by Joachim Joesten. - London : Gollancz, 1939. - [z244295x] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 948.905 (J) ; 200657706

Birtles, Bert Exiles in the Aegean : a personal narrative of Greek politics and travel ; by Bert Birtles. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1938. - [x3557944] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 949.5 (B) ; 200690256

Hogg, George I see a new China ; by George Hogg. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1945. - [x339720x] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 951.042 (H) ; 2 copies: 200398719, 200691526

Smedley, Agnes, 1892-1950 China fights back : an American woman with the Eighth Route Army ; by Agnes Smedley ; with a map by J. F. Horrabin. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1938. - [x273328x] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 951.042 (S) ; 200657654

Snow, Edgar, 1905-1972 Red Star over China ; by Edgar Snow. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1937. - [z0062923] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 951.042 (S) ; 200397827


Snow, Edgar, 1905-1972 Scorched earth ; by Edgar Snow. - London : Gollancz, 1941. - [x5221651] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 951.042 (S) ; 136811501

Timperley, H. J. What war means : the Japanese terror in China, a documentary record ; compiled and edited by H. J. Timperley. - London : Gollancz, 1938. - [w8439971] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 951.042 (T) ; 2 copies: 200612554, 200398723

Vespa, Amleto Secret agent of Japan : a handbook to Japanese imperialism ; by Ameleto Vespa ; with an introductory note by H. J. Timperley, China correspondent of the Manchester Guardian. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1938. - [x2920147] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 951.8 (V) ; 142080501

Deva, Jaya Japan's Kampf ; by Jaya Deva. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1942. - [ 42011517] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 952.033 (D) ; 200157844

Roth, Andrew, 1919- Dilemma in Japan ; by Andrew Roth. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1946. - [x8280909] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 952.04 (R) ; 132619401

Brailsford, H. N. (Henry Noel), 1873-1958 Subject India ; by Henry Noel Brailsford. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1943. - [x3662799] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 954.04 (B) ; 200657649

Janowsky, Oscar Isaiah, 1900- People at bay : the Jewish problem in East-Central Europe ; by Oscar I. Janowsky. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1938. - [q9136422] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 956.934 (J) ; 133545901

Crum, Bartley C. Behind the silken curtain : a personal account of Anglo-American diplomacy in Palestine and the Middle East ; by Bartley C. Crum. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1947. - [z0797530] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 956.94 (C) ; 125459601

Korngold, Ralph Citizen Toussaint ; by Ralph Korngold. – London : Gollancz, 1945. – [z0060545] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 972.9303 (K) ; 125860941


Huberman, Leo, 1903-1968 "We, the people" ; by Leo Huberman. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1940. - [x4251880] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL 973 (H) ; 143800701


Johnson, Hewlett, 1874-1966 Act now : an appeal to the mind and heart of Britain ; by the Dean of Canterbury. - London : Gollancz, 1939. - [x8892587] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL PAM 327.42 (J) ; 200659274

Strachey, John, 1901-1963 Why you should be a socialist ; by John Strachey. - London : Gollancz, 1938. - [t4082532] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL PAM 335.4 (S) ; 200657900

Swingler, Stephen An outline of political thought since the French Revolution ; by Stephen Swingler. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1939. - (New people's library ; 19). - [y8694077] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL PAM 335.411 (S) ; 302727301

Haldane, J. B. S. (John Burdon Sanderson), 1892-1964 How to be safe from air raids ; by Professor J. B. S. Haldane, F.R.S.. - London : Victor Gollancz, 1938. - [x5367923] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL PAM 355.45 (H) ; 200833276

Odets, Clifford Waiting for Lefty : a play in six episodes ; by Clifford Odets. – London : Gollancz, 1937. – [z0611465] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL PAM 812.51 (ODE) ; 141259301

Cole, G. D. H. (George Douglas Howard), 1889-1959 War aims ; by G. D. H. Cole. - London : New Statesman and Nation, November 1939. - (New Statesman pamphlet). - [M0032481SH] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL PAM 940.92 (C) ; 200657897

Greaves, Harold Richard Goring The truth about Spain ; by H. R. G. Greaves and David Thomson. - Left Book Club ed.. - London : Gollancz, 1938. - [y9078765] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL PAM 946.081 (G) ; 128623301

Report of a religious delegation to Spain, April 1937 ; by the Dean of Canterbury... [et al.]. - London : Gollancz, 1937. - [x3514975] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL PAM 946.081 (R) ; 200612553



Left news. - [024613] Western Bank Library LEFT BOOK CLUB COLL ; 15,21-128/1937,1938-1947