Glossary Terms used in EHL G Exploring Humanitarian Law EHL EDUCATION MODULES FOR YOUNG PEOPLE International Committee of the Red Cross 19, avenue de la Paix 1202 Geneva, Switzerland T +41 22 734 60 01 F +41 22 733 20 57 E-mail:
[email protected] © ICRC, January 2009 G Exploring Humanitarian Law Glossary Exploring Humanitarian Law EHL Glossary 3 Glossary G anti-personnel landmine Most of the terms in the glossary retain their usual meaning. However, some terms have a particular A mine designed to be set off by the presence, meaning, depending on their specific usage ‘in the proximity or contact of a person and that is capable of EHL programme,’ ‘in IHL’ , ‘with respect to the work of incapacitating, injuring or killing one or more persons. the ICRC,’ or ‘in humanitarian work.’ (Mines designed to be detonated by the presence, proximity or contact of a vehicle instead of a person, and Terms used in definitions are bold if they appear as that are equipped with anti-handling devices, are not separate glossary entries. considered to be anti-personnel mines.) Additional Protocol I apartheid A treaty adopted in 1977 that supplements the An Afrikaans word that means ‘apartness’; it is the name protection provided by the four Geneva Conventions given to the system of racial discrimination which and is applicable in international armed conflicts. enabled a white minority in South Africa to rule over It imposes additional constraints on the way in which the non-white majority. military operations may be conducted and further strengthens the protection for civilians.