6th Joint Meeting Entomological Societies of Saskatchewan and

Join us for an exciting entomological program in the beautiful !

DATE: Thursday evening to Saturday noon, 3-5 October 2019

MEETING VENUE: Elkwater Lodge, Alberta, Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park http://www.elkwaterlakelodge.com/

HOTEL RESERVATIONS (maybe sold out now!): 1-888-893-3811; or 403 893 3811 or check Medicine Hat hotels (45 min away) Camping may be an option.

DEADLINE: early registration and abstract submission, September 12

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REGISTRATION: Payments may be made online at https://ess-esab-agm.eventbrite.ca. See registration form below. Society membership fees (ESA) can be paid at the same time.

Full registration includes Thursday mixer, breaks, Friday banquet, and a drink ticket at the mixer and banquet.

Registration Type By September 12 After September 12 (non-member rate in brackets) Full: Regular member $150 ($200) $175 ($225) Student/Retired member $50 ($75) $75 ($100) Day: Friday (banquet not included) $50 ($60) Saturday $30 ($40) Extra Banquet Ticket $35

Five years Membership fee One year (20% discount)

Regular $20 $80 Student*/Retired $10 $40

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ABSTRACTS: Abstracts should not exceed 200 words. Please submit your abstract to Diana Wilches ([email protected]) in the following format:

Preferred type of presentation (oral/poster) * Presentation title Author(s), in the following format: Moe, A.1, Larry, B.2, and Curly, J.3. 1 Address 2 Address 3 Address (underline the name of the presenter if there are multiple authors) Abstract

*Students will receive a 15-minute time slot (12 to talk and 3 for questions). Others requesting to give oral presentations will be informed by 15 September if they may need to present posters.

Deadline for submission of abstracts is September 12.

AWARDS DEADLINE (Alberta Members): September 5 1) undergraduate award and student travel grant applications (email packages to [email protected]), https://entsocalberta.ca/for-members/awards/student-support/) 2) Frederick S Carr Award: https://entsocalberta.ca/for-members/awards/frederick-s-carr- award/ 3) Honorary Members (we have room for more members)

Tentative Program overview: Thursday evening: wine and cheese welcome reception Friday morning Symposium - In Memoriam of George E. Ball with David Larson as keynote speaker followed by other invited symposium talks and student oral presentations Friday pm: submitted presentations and posters Friday evening: cocktails, banquet After dinner presentation – Dr. Cam Goater (University of Lethbridge) Saturday am: more talks and AGM

For additional meeting information please contact Hector Carcamo ([email protected]) For additional programme information please contact Diana Wilches ([email protected]).

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