n Vermont Gipe; AWEA i Bergey rsyth; Paul o 10 kW & Trudy F im Green J

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl Slide Credits: NREL- Small Small Wind Power

A A Research Amherst Amherst Staff Engineer Staff Engineer sity of Massachusetts, sity of Massachusetts, Co-op Power Co-op Power Renewable Energy Renewable Energy Presentation to Presentation to Research Laboratory Research Laboratory for your home, business, or farm for your home, business, or farm Sally Wright, PE Sally Wright, PE Univer Univer 1 Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl zoning & Today’s Agenda Today’s Agenda Small Wind Power: Small Wind Power: vailable turbines rid interconnection oise & other impacts osts, pay-back iting ncentives A G S C N I • • • • • • Why renewable energy? wind? Technology overview Economics How do I get one? Examples ….. & Your Questions

Renewable Energy Research 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ™™ ™™ ™™ ™™ ™™ 2 Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl Why Renewable Energy? Why Renewable Energy? idely available 1. 1. nergy independence E W

Renewable Energy Research ustainable – – Clean Produced locally Reduced price volatility World & national policy S • • • • • ™™ ™™ 3 out threats in January out threats in January - - Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl Why Renewable Energy? Why Renewable Energy? 1. 1.

Renewable Energy Research Emissions / asthma … Mountain top removal, nuclear waste…. Oil imports / trade deficit … Declining oil production/ Peak Oil… Fuel price volatility / brown International security … Emissions / asthma … Mountain top removal, nuclear waste…. Oil imports / trade deficit … Declining oil production/ Peak Oil… Fuel price volatility / brown International security … • • • • • • • • • • • • Environmental Economic Political Environmental Economic Political ™™ ™™ – – – – – – All energy use has impacts All energy use has impacts • 4 • 7 ouse Gas Emissions, Oct 199 duce U.S. Greenh e es to R uniti

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass ogy Opport

www.ceere.org/rerl Slide Source: Technol photovoltaics

Renewable Energy Research Wind energy Solar Solar thermal Biomass electric Biomass fuels Geothermal energy Hydropower Advanced Solar • • • • • • • • Many Renewable Energy Resources Many Renewable Energy Resources 5 Hull’s 660 kW turbine next to high school (Hull, MA)

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl Why Wind Power? Why Wind Power? political… political… - - impact forms impact forms - - Renewable Energy Research And economic, and socio available today And economic, and socio available today – – – – All energy has environmental impacts Wind power is one of the lowest All energy has environmental impacts Wind power is one of the lowest • • • • 6 Small wind Small wind

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass …speed & level of conversion Wind Power? Wind Power?

www.ceere.org/rerl Small Small Big wind Big wind vs. public policies… Why Why

Renewable Energy Research Personal decisions • 7 Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl Small Wind Technology Small Wind Technology 2. 2. omponents c

Renewable Energy Research – Small turbines today What they look like How they work How much power they make ™™ ™™ • • • • 8 1,500 kW 10 kW

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass peed s

www.ceere.org/rerl Are Different Are Different low-maintenance Small Wind Turbines Small Wind Turbines off the utility grid ,800 kW wind turbines or 0 kW wind turbines

1 Renewable Energy Research 5 • Professional maintenance crews 15+ mph (7+ m/s) average wind Installed at individual homes, farms, businesses, schools, etc. On the “customer side” of meter High reliability, 9+ mph (4+ m/s) average wind speed – – – – – – Utility-Scale Wind Power, 600 - Small, “Distributed” Wind Power 0.3 - • • 9 Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl onnected c r battery charging p out of turbulence urbine & tower installation Simple, rugged design only 2–4 moving parts little regular maintenance required O T U to 120-foot towers Renewable Energy Research – – – – – – Grid – 80- 3 blades $20,000 to $60,000 Most common models: • • • • • Small Technology Small Wind Turbine Technology 10 a brief but, first, Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass diversion …

www.ceere.org/rerl r r a e e t s What size turbine? What size turbine? e y d / m h n i a i urbine W W T

Renewable Energy Research –k –D –k –W – How big a system do I need? How big a system do I need? Electric Loads Power produced depends on: Measuring size: • • • 11 Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass kW kW

www.ceere.org/rerl Electricity 101: Electricity 101:

Renewable Energy Research kWh kWh Aren’t Energy and Power the same thing? Aren’t Energy and Power the same thing? 12 Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl r e.g. 10 x 100 W light bulbs e Power vs. Energy Power vs. Energy Electricity 101: Electricity 101: w o p e s r atts egawatts = 1000 kW ilowatts, o

Renewable Energy Research K W M – – – –H Measured in: Power = rate • • 13 Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl Power vs. Energy Power vs. Energy Electricity 101: Electricity 101:

Renewable Energy Research Energy … is the quantity • 14 !

X Amherst Laboratory, UMass Rate Gallons/min kW kW per hour

www.ceere.org/rerl rate Æ Æ Æ Power vs. Energy Power vs. Energy Electricity 101: Electricity 101: , or gallons per minute

Renewable Energy Research hat sounds like a T like miles per hour – “Kilowatt-hours”? Quantity Gallons Kilowatt * hour • • 15 Power Rate kW, MW Gal / Min Engine HP $5,000/kW Installed capacity Rate kW, MW Gal / Min Engine HP $5,000/kW Installed capacity Power

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl ow far? allon of gas ow far? allon of gas H G H G Energy Quantity kWh Gallons - - 14 ¢/kWh Consumption & production Quantity kWh Gallons - - 14 ¢/kWh Consumption & production Energy Electricity 101: Electricity 101:

Renewable Energy Research Aren’t Power and Energy the same thing? Aren’t Power and Energy the same thing? Unit Water analogy Car analogy - Cost example Grid Unit Water analogy Car analogy - Cost example Grid 16 60’ 40’ 80’ 80’ 80’ 164’ 197’ 115’ 110’ 120’ Tower (ft) (e.g.) (ft) 8’ 63’ 89’ 43’ 12’ 22’ 15’ 3.8’ 154’ 253’ Diam kW), Diameter kW), Diameter

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass (kW) 3 30 0.4 1.0 1.8 7.5 100 225 660 1,500 www.ceere.org/rerl “Rating” XL 1 Excel What size turbine? What size turbine?

Renewable Energy Research Technically: Power ( Technically: Power ( SWWP AIR-X Bergey SWWP Storm SWWP Wh. 500 Bergey FL 30 V27 (225 kW) V47 (e.g. Hull’s) GE 1.5SL Turbine NW100/19 17 * 0 0 5 , 7,200 16,440 1,500,000 Example of Annual Energy Production (kWh/yr) 15 in Hull’s case), typical tower height.

ulence, maintenance, etc. Based on Mfr Amherst Laboratory, UMass 36 7.5 660 (kW) Rating 0.8 avg.

www.ceere.org/rerl Useful: Energy (kWh/year) Useful: Energy (kWh/year) What size turbine? Excel What size turbine?

Renewable Energy Research Average Mass. Household epends on hub-height wind speed, turb our mileage can and will vary! SWWP Wh.. 500 Bergey Hull’s V47 Turbine information, 12 mph annual mean winds ( D Y • • 18 The “grid” & Home utility meter Circuit breaker box

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl inverter Controller, Basic Wind System Basic Wind System AC DC Home Energy Systems Home Energy Systems

Renewable Energy Research Wind Turbine 19 The “grid” & Home Isolation switch utility meter Circuit breaker box

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass AC

www.ceere.org/rerl inverter Controller, Batteries, DC controller, & other components more sophisticated up power for utility outages DC up power for utility outages - - Home Energy Systems Home Energy Systems

Renewable Energy Research Back Back Wind Turbine 20 …

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl harging c is unloaded and allowed to ower is diverted to another load, or reewheel” he rotor f o prevent over- “ T P t hen the battery is fully charged: C for battery-charging egulates the battery voltage • • • Inverter,” converts the power to constant frequency 60 Hz AC D R “ W

Renewable Energy Research – – – – The Wind Turbine Controller The Wind Turbine Controller Grid-Tied Battery-Charging • • 21 – –

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass out of your house out of your house or or

www.ceere.org/rerl Directional Meter Directional Meter - - A Bi A Bi power goes in power goes in

Renewable Energy Research 22 25 55 24 23 50 23 1 02 45 92 1 8 1 40 7 h 1 p 6 m 35 51 ) 1 s d, 4 e e d (m/ 31 30 1 e p

e Amherst Laboratory, UMass p 2 11 nd S i 25 nd S i W 01 1 W www.ceere.org/rerl 9 20 8 7 1500 (Manufacturer’s Data) 1500 (Manufacturer’s Data) 15 6 5 4 10 3 Bergey Bergey 2 5 1 Wind Turbine Power Curve Wind Turbine Power Curve 0 0 Renewable Energy Research 1 0

1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2

) W k ( r e w Po 23 5 2 4 32 2 2 12 02 2 9 81 1 7 61 51 ) 1 s / 4 m ( d 31 5 m/s (11 mph) 5 m/s (11 mph) e 1 e p 2 Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass 11 nd S i W 01 1 9

www.ceere.org/rerl 8 7 Wind Speed Wind Speed 6 5 4 23 Average Wind Speed: Average Wind Speed: Frequency of Occurrence Frequency of Occurrence 01 0

800 600 400 200

1600 1400 1200 1000

) s r ou (H e m

Ti Renewable Energy Research 24 5 42 32 2 2 2 1 2 0 92 81 1 7 1 ) s 6 / 1 m 5 1 d ( e 4 1 e p 3 Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass S 21 1 nd 1 Wi 01 1

www.ceere.org/rerl 9 8 7 6 2643 kWh/year 2643 kWh/year 5 4 3 2 1500 @ 5 m/s (11 mph) average wind speed 1500 @ 5 m/s (11 mph) average wind speed 1 0

Annual Energy Production: Annual Energy Production: 50

450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100

) h W (k y g r e En Renewable Energy Research Bergey Bergey 25 5 42 32 2 2 12 2 0 92 81 1 7 1 ) s 6 / 51 d (m e 41 1 e p 3 S 21 1 nd i 1 W 01 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 5 1 2

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1. 1. 1. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0.

) W k ( er w Po Power Curve Estimation of Annual Energy Production Estimation of Annual Energy Production 26 24 703 027 ec D Nov ct O Hours of sunshine/month Sep ug A Jul

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass un J Average wind power/month May www.ceere.org/rerl pr A Mar eb are Complimentary are Complimentary F Data from SE Iowa Jan Solar and Wind Resources Solar and Wind Resources

400 350

300 250 200 150 100 Renewable Energy Research wind power (Watts/m power wind )

2 Hours of sunshine or average or sunshine of Hours 27 tall: s Blades bend out of wind Rotor moves out of high winds • •

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass Aeroelastic Furling: • •

www.ceere.org/rerl speed Protection speed Protection - - During High Winds During High Winds Over Over

Renewable Energy Research 28 Tower Self-Supporting

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl Tilt-Up Tower

Renewable Energy Research Small Wind Turbine Towers Small Wind Turbine Towers Tower Guyed 29 Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl Available Today Available Today Small Wind Turbines Small Wind Turbines

Renewable Energy Research US manufacturers Imported • • 30 ? Try – info www.bergey.com Want more 1 kW

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl Norman, OK Norman, OK Bergey Windpower Bergey Windpower

Renewable Energy Research BWC Excel 10 kW 31 y.com/ ? Try – rg e info Want more AIR-X 300 W http://www.winden

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass 1.8 kW Storm

www.ceere.org/rerl (Beta testing) Flagstaff, AZ Flagstaff, AZ 3 kW Southwest Windpower

Renewable Energy Research Whisper 500 32 ? Try – info Want more ind%20Power%20Wind%20Turbines.htm

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl http://www.thesolar.biz/African%20W African Wind Power African Wind Power

Renewable Energy Research arwich, MA .739 kW nstalled in 2005 i 1 H – – – Various models Cape Cod Regional Technical High School • • 33 ? Try – info ARE442 Want more ARE_Wind_Turbines.htm / m http://www.abundantre.co

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl eta testing .2 m diam .5 kW .5 kW .6 m diam 7 2 8 3 B

Renewable Energy Research – – – – – Abundant Renewable Energy Abundant Renewable Energy ARE110 ARE442 • • 34 ? Try – 6 kW info energy.co.uk/ en v WT6000 Want more http://www.pro

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl Scotland, UK Scotland, UK WT2500 2.5 kW

Renewable Energy Research d by: Lake Michigan Wind & in the U.S. (2003) e Proven Engineering Products, Ltd. Proven Engineering Products, Ltd. WT600 600 W 35 •Dozen •Import Sun, 920.743.0456 Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl Prior Lake, MN Prior Lake, MN 20 kW Renewable Energy Research 29/20 Wind Turbine Industries, Inc. Wind Turbine Industries, Inc. Jacobs Lots of moving parts 36 ng room, onversation awn mower still park l c perception Sound Levels: 30 dBA: whisper 40 dBA: livi 50 dBA: windy park 55-65: 85-95: Level Change: + 3 dB: limit of +10 dB: legal rise

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass Noise Noise www.ceere.org/rerl 0 dBA 5 Impacts: Impacts: Ambient 30 –

Renewable Energy Research – Measured in dBA Background noise Sound level change • • • 37 6 2 4 2 2 2 Turbine Noise Background Noise 0 2 8 1 /s) m 6 1 4 1 nd speed ( i

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass 2 1

www.ceere.org/rerl 0 1 Whisper H40 Whisper H40 standardized w NWTC Noise Test Data: NWTC Noise Test Data:

Renewable Energy Research Still park Still park Conversation Lawn mower 2468

85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40

BA) d ( level pressure sound 38 Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

Birds? www.ceere.org/rerl r a liding glass door S

Renewable Energy Research than a small, unlighted wind turbine, e.g. – –C Impacts of Small Wind Turbines: Reports of residential-scale wind turbines killing birds are very rare Other threats are greater Historic turbines left an impression • • • 39 Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl Economics of Small Wind Economics of Small Wind assachusetts osts of small wind system ederal 3. 3. M F C

Renewable Energy Research – – – Incentives Pay-back time • • ™™ ™™ 40 ? Try – info tPageID=1 rren Want more es es (latter) es es es es Y Y Y Y No =MA08R&state=MA&Cu Y Y e ------tive_Cod Or www.nationalwind.Org/pubs/strategies/default.htm

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl udes/incentive2.cfm?Incen Policy Options: Policy Options: sa.org/library/incl et metering niform zoning requirements ebates, buy-downs, grants ow interest loans ine extension / interconnect policies ax credits

ales tax reductions/exemptions roperty tax reductions/exemptions Renewable Energy Research R S P L N L U T – – – – – – – – http://www.dsireu Encourage Investment Make it easier • • How can Government support Small Wind? How can Government support Small Wind? 41 ? Try – info Want more gov/rbs/farmbill/2005NOFA/nofa05wind_sm.html

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl http://www.rurdev.usda.

Federal Incentives Federal Incentives s t n a r ow interest loans oan guarantees L L

Renewable Energy Research – – –G USDA & Farm bill: support for renewables • 42 sa.org/ ? Try – info Want more http://www.dsireu

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl Residential Small Wind Residential Small Wind lso commercial or principle residence A 15% up to $1000 F

Renewable Energy Research Mass. Financial Incentives for Mass. Financial Incentives for – – – Renewable energy state income tax credit RE equipment sales tax exemption Property tax exemption • • • • 43 ? Try – info wables.htm e Want more rgy/small_ren e een 8.8 ¢ to the Mass. Renewable Energy Trust ewabl sstech.org/ren

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass http://www.ma

www.ceere.org/rerl MTC: R.E. Trust’s MTC: R.E. Trust’s

Renewable Energy Research Small Renewables Initiative Small Renewables Initiative Rebates up to $50,000 for Installations in Mass. • 44 Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl MRET Small Renewables Initiative MRET Small Renewables Initiative Renewable Energy Research - - MTC MTC 45 Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl Income Tax Credit Income Tax Credit Personal tax credit 15% tax credit for state income Maximum of $1,000 Credit can be carried over if the credit is greater than one’s income tax liability Personal tax credit 15% tax credit for state income Maximum of $1,000 Credit can be carried over if the credit is greater than one’s income tax liability

Renewable Energy Research – – – – – – – – Mass. Incentives for Small Wind: Mass. Incentives for Small Wind: Renewable energy state income tax credit Renewable energy state income tax credit • • 46 Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl Sales Tax Credit Sales Tax Credit MA sales tax rate is 5% Only applicable for an individual’s principal residence Exempts wind from state sales tax MA sales tax rate is 5% Only applicable for an individual’s principal residence Exempts wind from state sales tax

Renewable Energy Research – – – – – – Mass. Incentives for Small Wind: Renewable energy equipment sales tax exemption Mass. Incentives for Small Wind: Renewable energy equipment sales tax exemption • • 47 - -

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass residential, commercial residential, commercial as and Electric Light as and Electric Light - - G G www.ceere.org/rerl Net Metering Net Metering

Renewable Energy Research Mass Incentives for Small Wind: Mass Incentives for Small Wind: 60 kW maximum cap industrial, utilities Net excess generation credited at average monthly market rate Law applies to distribution companies Massachusetts Electric Company, Boston Edison company, Fitchburg Company and Western Mass For more information www.state.ma.us/doer 60 kW maximum cap industrial, utilities Net excess generation credited at average monthly market rate Law applies to distribution companies Massachusetts Electric Company, Boston Edison company, Fitchburg Company and Western Mass For more information www.state.ma.us/doer • • • • • • • • 48 ? Try – info tPageID=1 rren Want more =MA08R&state=MA&Cu e tive_Cod

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl udes/incentive2.cfm?Incen Net Metering Net Metering of Renewable Energy sa.org/library/incl of Renewable Energy redited to C

Renewable Energy Research – next month’s bill Meter sometimes turns backward Bill for “net” consumption/generation Net generation http://www.dsireu • • • 49 ) n) i.e. your 00 kWh (pay) 00 Watts (i electric bill The “grid” – 1 3 - + 200 kWh (credit = = - = + 500 Watts (out) =

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass 00 kWh 00 kWh 6 500 watts 300 watts 6 - - - -

www.ceere.org/rerl How it works How it works Net Metering: Net Metering: + 500 kWh + 200 watts + 800 kWh + 800 watts

Renewable Energy Research

: 50 9am : 10pm : April January : longevity 0 years

3 Amherst Laboratory, UMass Î 40 gross savings per month

www.ceere.org/rerl more energy Economics Economics years Î 5 0 years 3 Small Wind Turbine Small Wind Turbine ugged/durable design aller tower xample: $10 – t r e • • –$2,000 and $6,000 / kW –turbine, controller, and tower –Cost trade-offs: – Renewable Energy Research Installed costs Benefits Pay-backs: 6 – Equipment life-times :10 – Warranties : 2 – • • • • • 51 Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl Economics of Small Wind Economics of Small Wind assachusetts ederal 3. 3. F M

Renewable Energy Research – – Incentives Costs of small wind system Pay-back time • • • ™™ ™™ 52 longevity 0 years

3 Amherst Laboratory, UMass Î 40 gross savings per month

www.ceere.org/rerl more energy Economics Economics years Î 5 0 years 3 Small Wind Turbine Small Wind Turbine ugged/durable design aller tower xample: $10 – t r e • • –$2,000 and $6,000 / kW –turbine, controller, and tower –Cost trade-offs: – Renewable Energy Research Installed costs Benefits Pay-backs: 6 – Equipment life-times :10 – Warranties : 2 – • • • • • 53 - $0 st 400 000 300 o $800 C $5, $2, 30, $ Low st 00 6% o 100 000 981 5 $990 C $3, $15, $10, $53, gh i H d 200 000 900 000 460 ude l $500 $860 c n $1, $6, $4, i $20, Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass not (7m) www.ceere.org/rerl ) Example 1 Example 1 r e t ver 10 kW n ( i S - guyed) e & s t n e i i xcel x b on Fees i 80 f r a t s/ ng ( u a t r l

i Renewable Energy Research $33, ey E pi l e Wind Turbine Installed Cost Wind Turbine Installed Cost al g m a p es T t w r nd t st i e o o ccessor n B W T A Shi I Per Sal T 54 d e 950 430 620 920 ud $400 $340 $200 l c $8, $2, $1, n i t no ent er (15 foot, 4.26m) er t ) nm Amherst Laboratory, UMass ver ai n kW i 3 ont ndpow

i www.ceere.org/rerl guyed) e & t Example 2 Example 2 W n i x b on Fees 175 ( i est 80 f r a and C t s/ ng ( u y a t r T l i r $14, per hw l e s e al s m a t ppi i e t w t l r nd t st i h a o o e n Sout W W T B Shi I P Sa T

Renewable Energy Research Wind Turbine Installed Cost Wind Turbine Installed Cost 55 15 tering e 13 buy-down and net m

11¢/kWh 19 years t metering only % 11 e Wh) N 50 /k (¢ 7 years te

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass a r c i r r r e e t c w w example o o 9 p p Ele

www.ceere.org/rerl nd nd i i 7 12 mph 12 mph Simple Payback: Simple Payback: 5.4 m/s is class 3 w 2.3 m/s is class 5 w 14 mph 14 mph 12 mph, 14 mph, 5

0 Renewable Energy Research

40 30 20 10

) ) ) rs rs ea ea (y (y k k ac ac b b pay pay Simple Simple Incentives, Wind, & Price/kWh matter Incentives, Wind, & Price/kWh matter 56 Slide courtesy of AWEA

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl For More Information on For More Information on Small Wind Economics... Small Wind Economics...

Renewable Energy Research Bergey Payback Calculator www.bergey.com/Channels/1F2.htm Wind Resource Atlas of the United States http://rredc.nrel.gov/wind/pubs/atlas/ Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy www.dsireusa.org • • • 57 …. ….

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl What now? What now? So you want a small wind system So you want a small wind system ind speed Renewable Energy Research 4. w 4. – Consider options Resource Siting Zoning Interconnection • • • • • ™™ ™™ 58 Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl 10 mph (4.5 m/s) wind speed average our utility cost: >= 10 cents/kWh eed Batteries Minimum Y N ack up power lean electricity • • • ndependence B I C

Renewable Energy Research Is small wind right for you? Is small wind right for you? – – – Your motive If your motive is Economics: • • 59

k r o w e stment m Slide courtesy of AWEA o h r u o r major purchase y o Evaluate energy efficiency options first! Approach inve as you would any othe –d

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass sts, and how you use your wind

www.ceere.org/rerl Before You Buy Before You Buy

Renewable Energy Research Average Home Energy Use Economics will depend on system chosen, local wind resource, electricity co system 60 09 703 027

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl Wind for your home Wind for your home Steps to deciding on Steps to deciding on onservation, Energy efficiency atural gas, propane oth energy & power C N B

Renewable Energy Research – – – Consider other options also Determine electricity needs Determine resource Estimate system size, performance, and cost Choose machine… • • • • • 61 Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass Siting Siting www.ceere.org/rerl eed >= acre peed S Depends on zoning N obstacles

Renewable Energy Research – – – – Resource Space ~1000’ from neighbors • • • 62 : e 9 m/s t: 7- s Outer Cap 8 m/s Coa 6.5- lley: a V 8? m/s

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass 6.5- oneer i s: P e

www.ceere.org/rerl Siting: Siting: Predicted Mean Speeds Predicted Mean Speeds rkshir e B 6.5-8.5? m/s 3 3 33% 33% Renewable Energy Research Does Wind Speed Really Matter? Does Wind Speed Really Matter? Yes! Power ~ Speed 10% higher speed - more power Yes! Power ~ Speed 10% higher speed - more power • • • • • • 63 ? Try – and.htm info Want more inner/windmaps/NewEngl

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass http://www.awstruewind.com/

www.ceere.org/rerl Siting: Siting: Do I have enough wind? Do I have enough wind?

Renewable Energy Research Ridges Coast Islands Offshore Or micro turbine? • • • • • Where is Massachusetts’ Wind Resource? Anemometer Tower? • • 64 – –

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass siting” siting” - -

www.ceere.org/rerl “Micro “Micro Obstacles Matter Obstacles Matter

Renewable Energy Research 65 Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl No. No. – – What about …. ? What about …. ? rebuilders rebuilders my neighbor the inventor…. my neighbor the inventor…. Piggot Piggot - -

Renewable Energy Research Or Or Survivability Hugh Vibration, noise, turbulence Survivability Reputable Survivability Hugh Vibration, noise, turbulence Survivability Reputable – – – – – – – – – – On the roof? Used or rebuilt machines? Making my own? On the roof? Used or rebuilt machines? Making my own? • • • • • • 66 ? Try – info Want more n_nt.html, www. Dsireuse.org intco http://www.awea.org/faq/ Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl The good news The good news Grid Interconnection: Grid Interconnection: .g. standby or backup charges E igh liability insurance requirements ne-sided indemnity provisions igh customer charges • Renewable Energy Research H O H – – – The most common problems in utility contracts: Mass. law prohibits them! • • 67 ? Try – info tPageID=1 rren Want more =MA08R&state=MA&Cu e tive_Cod

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl udes/incentive2.cfm?Incen sa.org/library/incl

Renewable Energy Research Utility acts as “battery” Technical & Safety Contractual http://www.dsireu – – – Offset kWh purchase Issues: Contact your utility before hooking up Grid Interconnection Grid Interconnection • • • 68 Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass voltage, frequency and quality

www.ceere.org/rerl Grid Interconnection Grid Interconnection Technical Requirements Technical Requirements

Renewable Energy Research power to grid during power outages Must synchronize with grid Must match utility power’s Must meet electrical codes Must stop supplying Power Quality Issues • • Safety Issues • • 69 Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl Be Safety Conscious! Be Safety Conscious!

Renewable Energy Research Batteries & power electronic devices store energy Comply with the NEC (National Electric Code) Use good practices for climbing wind turbine towers • • • 70 Slide courtesy of AWEA

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl e Grid” Interconnection... Interconnection... U.S. Department of Energy For More Information on For More Information on

Renewable Energy Research Interstate Renewable Energy Council www.irecusa.org .html Energy System to an Electric System” Reference Brief (bibliography) 800-DOE- EREC www.eren.doe.gov/consumerinfo/refbriefs/ja7 “Connecting to th “Connecting a Small-Scale Renewable 71 Slide courtesy of AWEA Issues Siting

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl essing permit requirements, Addr Small Wind 103: Overcoming Barriers Overcoming Barriers height restrictions, & environmental concerns

Renewable Energy Research 72 minimum Slide courtesy of AWEA

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass tricting height or requiring

www.ceere.org/rerl Potential Obstacles Potential Obstacles

Renewable Energy Research City, town, or county ordinances res setbacks Building codes and covenants Neighbors’ concerns (visual impact, noise) Potential physical obstacles (growing trees, planned construction) Issues Legal issues • • Environmental • • 73 Slide courtesy of AWEA

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl Tower Height Matters Tower Height Matters

Renewable Energy Research Wind speed increases with height Small increases in wind speed result in large increases in power Tall towers often needed for clearance above obstacles (turbulence) May require a variance or a special use permit Š Š Š Š 74 Slide courtesy of AWEA

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass


Renewable Energy Research Height or Distance Needed 75 Slide courtesy of AWEA ctions are less e Obj Talk to neighbors Spinning blades perceived as useful before seeking permit likely in a rural setting • •

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl Noise & Visual Impact Noise & Visual Impact

Renewable Energy Research whole house 1 acre is a good property size for a Comparable to central Noise levels fall AC unit sharply with distance Improved designs have made machines much quieter • • small wind installation rule-of-thumb minimum capable of powering the 76 Slide courtesy of AWEA

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl to 120-foot towers – ce of energy Raising Awareness r Raising Awareness Increases Acceptance Increases Acceptance g sou s of the equipment in t

Renewable Energy Research Ask your city/county planners to designate small turbines a “permitted” use to allow 80- 35-foot limits often date back to early 1900s quiet, safe, renewable, non-pollu expected decibel level, photograph Emphasize the positive – Supply objective data – • • • 77 Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl Zoning: Zoning: Primarily local code Primarily local code pecial hearing? pecial use ite plan ermitted use e S S S P s i ay require variance – – – – o rawings of tower and foundations/footings eight ertification to national/international standards ngineering analysis, wet or dry stamp? vidence of reliable one-year operation etbacks S E C D E H M Renewable Energy Research – – –N – – – – – Zoning Building code “Approved” wind turbines (design safety) • • • 78 Circular AC 70/7460-2K) (

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl Federal, etc. Federal, etc. Zoning & permitting: Zoning & permitting: ne-line electrical drawings ot a problem for wood or fiberglass blades AA Advisory Circular AC 70/7460-2K nvestigate if within ~2.5 miles of runway nvestigate if within ~2.5 miles of runway O N F I I Renewable Energy Research – – – – – National Electric Code FAA Notice to the utility, and/or interconnection agreement Notice to neighbors TV/radio interference • • • • • 79 Slide courtesy of AWEA

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl .S. DOE Small Wind System U Zoning Issues... Zoning Issues... For More Information on For More Information on eeping Hearings Under Control erceptions/Local Concerns oning Obstacles rials and Tribulations ea.org/faq/sagrillo P K Z T Renewable Energy Research w - - - - w.a www.eren.doe.gov/consumerinfo/refbriefs/ja2.html ww Legal and Safety Issues – Installation Reference Brief AWEA Advice from an Expert • • 80 Slide courtesy of AWEA

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass Issues ions, and environmental concerns

www.ceere.org/rerl Making the numbers work Addressing permit requirements, height restrict Reaching an agreement with your utility Small Wind 102: Economics Small Wind 103: Siting Small Wind 104: Grid Interconnection • • • Expanding the Market for Expanding the Market for Small Wind Energy Systems Small Wind Energy Systems Overcoming Barriers Overcoming Barriers

Renewable Energy Research 81 Slide courtesy of AWEA

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl Making the numbers work Small Wind 102: Economics Overcoming Barriers Overcoming Barriers

Renewable Energy Research 82 Slide courtesy of AWEA

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl watt for typical system smaller initial outlay, but cost more per watt but usually reduce the payback period Estimate $2-4/installed Smaller systems require Taller towers cost more, • • • Installation Costs Installation Costs

Renewable Energy Research can expect a payback period of 8-16 years with average wind speeds of 10 mph or more Customers paying 12 cents/kWh or more for electricity A 4-10 kW system can meet the needs of a typical home 83 Slide courtesy of AWEA about 6 years

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl have net metering and average annual winds of at least 15 mph (6.7 m/s), your system can pay for itself in If you can participate in a California-type 50% buy-down program, Factors Affecting Payback Factors Affecting Payback Renewable Energy Research Type, size and configuration of system Wind resource Local cost of electricity How wind system is used Rebates available, if any • • • • • 84 Slide courtesy of AWEA

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl Handbook for

Energy Renewable Energy Research gov/ordering.gov . Indirect Estimates of Wind Resource Indirect Estimates of Wind Resource Siting sion Systems,” er 553-6847 or Review wind maps Obtain airport data Visually observe site vegetation v “A • • • See Small Wind Con 800- www.ntis 85 / kW Slide courtesy of AWEA

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass 10 kW Units by 2010

www.ceere.org/rerl Bringing Down Costs Bringing Down Costs

Renewable Energy Research Production & Technology Improvements Production & Technology Improvements Costs for small wind turbines are projected to decrease $1.50 86 Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass Examples Examples

www.ceere.org/rerl 5. 5. ™™ ™™

Renewable Energy Research 87 Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl XL installation XL installation Bergey Bergey

Renewable Energy Research 1 kW XL Bergey at James Madison University, Virginia Wind Energy Collaborative 88 Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl XL installation XL installation Bergey Bergey

Renewable Energy Research 89 Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl XL installation XL installation Bergey Bergey

Renewable Energy Research 90 Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl XL installation XL installation Bergey Bergey

Renewable Energy Research 91 Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl XL installation XL installation Bergey Bergey

Renewable Energy Research 92 Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl neighbor is thinking of putting one in. neighbor is thinking of putting one in. – –

Renewable Energy Research Quiet Quiet AWT 3.6 meter, installed July ‘05 AWT 3.6 meter, installed July ‘05 Cape Cod Regional Technical High School Cape Cod Regional Technical High School 93 up tower up tower - -

Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass


Renewable Energy Research Installation, with tilt Installation, with tilt 94 act sheets & links

f Amherst Laboratory, UMass - & &

www.ceere.org/rerl Thanks Thanks For more information For more information

Renewable Energy Research ee also: links on slides for specific topics or more information: S F www.ceere.org/rerl/ clean energy! www.awea.org/smallwind/toolbox/default.asp Co-op Power for organizing this & supporting – – – – – Thanks to - • 95 m

www.awea.org Amherst Laboratory, UMass n

www.ceere.org/rerl o ndandhydro/windpoweringamerica/ www.homepower.co on Small Wind on Small Wind www.chelseagreen.com ideos and articles (see links above) V For More Information For More Information magazine books

Renewable Energy Research ind Energy Basics, Wind Power for Home and writes for Home Power magazine, etc.) Gipe’s W ( Business – – AWEA, small wind turbine secti Home Power Paul Equipment Mfrs http://www.windustry.com/resources/small-scale.htm Interstate Renewable Energy Council & their The Small Wind Web Site http://irecusa.org/smallwindenergy/index.html Wind Powering America http://www.eere.energy.gov/wi Mick Sagrillo’s 96 • • • • • • • • Laboratory, UMass Amherst Laboratory, UMass

www.ceere.org/rerl Sally Wright, PE [email protected] 413-545-4359 Your Questions Your Questions 5. 5.

Renewable Energy Research ™™ ™™ 97