1 D 2 015724
DOE/ER/61150--1 D_2 015724 CONFERENCE COMMITTEE D.J. Hnatowich, Ph.D., Conference Chairperson A.B. Brill, M.D., Ph.D. R.J. Callahan, Ph.D. F.P. Castronovo, Jr., Ph.D. M.A. Davis, M_D., D.Sc. D. Elmaleh, Ph.D. K. Ramberg, Ph.D. M. Rusckowski, Ph.D. <...._,___-_"t,_Tl<._rl,..........Ot_,i., C.1_!:ii-_tiil [DOC.'i iltlEN'l. i_:'t __l_vtll'7_O SPONSORS The United States Department of Energy The International Atomic Energy Agency Biomira, Inc. E.I. Dupont de Nemours and Co., Inc. Mallinckrodt Medical, Inc. McNeil Pharmaceuticals,_ Inc. Nihon Mediphysics Co., Inc. Sorin Biomedica Squibb Diagnostics Syncor International Corp. Canberra/Packard Cytogen Corpo Abbott Laboratories SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON P_DIOPHARMACOLOGY BOSTON, MA, 3-6 JUNE, 1991 MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1991 8:30 a.m. Opening Remarks D.J. Hnatowich, Ph.D., Conference Chairperson 9:00 a.m. Invited Presentation L.C. Colombetti, D.Sc. "What is radiopharmacology?" Introduced by D.J. Hnatowich, Dh.D. 10:00 a.m. Coffee and Poster Viewing 10:20 a.m. Session I: Pharmacokinetics of Tc-99m Labeled Agents. M.W. Billinghurst, Ph.D., Session Chairperson i. Billinghurst MW, Abrams DN, Sl_yka C, Vaziri F, Coutts A, Perez J. The preparation and biodistribution of secondary Tc-_PAO. 2. Dewanjee MK, Ghafouripour AK, Kapadvanjwala M, Ganz WI, Serafini AN, Sfakianakis GN. Effect of stereoisomers (D, L and MESO) of Tc-99m HMPAO on platelet kinetics in beagle dogs: comparison with In-lll labeled platelets. 3. Hiltunen JV, Nikula TK, Pentti]a PI Bergstrom K, Mussalo H, Kuikka JT, Lansimies E.
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