Helping Indy Families Adapt to Educational Changes Amid The Covid-19 Crisis A VIRTUAL TOWN HALL MEETING JOIN US 12PM SatURday Marshawn wOllEy, Earl Martin PhalEn, tOMMy rEddiCks, shawnta s. BarnEs, recorder Columnist, Founder & CEO, Phalen aPRIl 11, 2020 CEO, Paramount M.s. Ed, indy Middle school Moderator leadership academies schools of Excellence academic dean, Enlace acadamy thanks to for making this town Hall meeting possible.

Indiana’s Greatest Weekly Newspaper Preparing a conscious community today and beyond Friday, April 10, 2020 Since 1895 75 cents Organizations work to help domestic violence victims during stay-at-home order

Aleesia Johnson ASK THE EXPERTS: Indianapolis Public Schools As part of our continued effort to bring you accurate information, the Recorder sent unanswered questions asked during our virtual town hall to the Aleesia Johnson, superintendent of Indianapolis Public Schools (IPS).

How is this going to affect grades By BREANNA COOPER [email protected] and summer school? TYLER FENWICK Johnson: This week (April 3) ends [email protected] the IPS spring break, and we will

See IPS, A2 ® The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence estimates that one in three women and one in four men are victims of domestic violence. Steward Speakers to Due to a stay-at-home order in response to COVID-19, many victims host virtual town hall are trapped inside with their abuser.

By STAFF At Coburn Place, which offers support services and cause however diffi cult it is right now to get help, it housing options to victims of intimate partner violence, could get worse over the coming weeks as social distanc- Steward Speakers will host a virtual mobile advocacy has been part of the organization’s ing guidelines become even stricter. town hall 7:30-8:30 p.m. April 13 outreach, but that is now the full-time method. Majors’ staff continues to inform victims about what about staying mentally healthy during “We knew that when the stay-at-home order came, it resources are available, but she said it’s especially im- the COVID-19 pandemic. would be really detrimental to folks living in an abusive portant now for individuals to keep tabs on one another. Journalist Roland Martin will situation because they are already isolated,” said Lara “Please keep an eye on your neighbors,” she said, “and Chandler, chief operating offi cer at Coburn Place, “and check in on your people on a regular basis just to make See TOWN HALL A2 ® this would even further isolate them and make it an sure people are doing OK.” unsafe situation for survivors.” Since states began implementing stay-at-home orders Coburn Place staff would usually help survivors make in March, liquor sales around the country have risen. In a safety plan in person, but that now has to be done an extension of the stay-at-home order, Gov. Eric Hol- virtually. Plus, some details of safety plans need to be comb on April 6 switched liquor store sales to curbside updated to account for the fact that opportunities to get pickup only. help are changing. Kelly McBride, executive director of the Domestic Vio- A safety plan before may have included checking in lence Network, is concerned that increased liquor sales with a boss or co-workers, for example, but many places — along with economic insecurity and anxiety surround- of business are closed. Instead, maybe a safety plan ing the pandemic — could put domestic abuse victims at includes keeping as much distance as possible from an an increased risk. abuser while in the home. “One of these things alone doesn’t cause domestic “You have to think outside the box,” Chandler said. violence,” McBride said. “But together, it could increase Shonna Majors, the city’s director of commu- nity violence reduction, said victims of domes- See ABUSE A2 ® Roland Martin tic violence should have an eye to the future be-

INDIANAPOLIS RECORDER USPS (262-660) Volume 125 Follow Us! Published weekly by: The George P. Stewart Subscription price by mail or carrier: $39 SUBSCRIBERS BY MAIL: Printing Co., Inc., P.O. Box 18499, 2901 N. per year; $19.50 for 6 mos.,75 cents per We are not responsible for replacing issues Tacoma Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46218. Periodicals copy. National advertising representative: missed due to change of address or late Number 15 postage paid at Indianapolis, IN. Amalgamated Publishers Inc., 45 W. 45th renewals. Please allow two weeks when placing POSTMASTER: St., New York, NY 10036. Member: National a new subscription or change of address order. Send address changes to: The Indianapolis Newspaper Publishers Association, Central Call (317) 924-5143. Two Sections Recorder, P.O. Box 18499, 2901 N. Tacoma Ave., Publishers Association, Hoosier State Indianapolis, IN 46218. Press Association. @indyrecorder A2 FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 2020 INDIANAPOLIS RECORDER IPS ® Continued from A1 COVID-19 race data coming soon to Indiana begin implementing our home learning plan with students next week. That plan will high- light how we are approaching grades. It will look different for K-8 students who are not in credit-bearing courses than it does for high schoolers who have to be able to demonstrate evidence that they’ve passed the courses needed to graduate.

What happens to the Class of 2020? Johnson: Our goal is to make sure every single member of the Class of 2020 is best positioned to graduate on time, which is exactly the work our teachers, counselors, and principals were doing before schools closed. We are awaiting a fi nal decision from the state on how those graduation require- ments might now be adjusted in this new context. Once we have that information, we will continue to track every student’s course completion and where they are in terms of meeting the requirements to graduate and provide supports however possible to ensure they can complete all requirements success- fully. In terms of graduation ceremonies, we don’t yet know what the status of that will be yet; though, we are beginning to consider SAVI, a program part of The Polis Center at IUPUI, has a model to show where around Indianapolis what alternatives might look like if we aren’t COVID-19 might have the biggest impact. The map shows socioeconomic factors and ranges from able to host a traditional graduation cer- below average (purple) to above average (yellow). (Photo/screenshot from SAVI website) emony. By TYLER FENWICK Adams said he has high blood pressure, asthma, What resources are available for stu- [email protected] heart disease and is prediabetic. dents who don’t have internet access/ “So I represent that legacy of growing up poor and access to a device? In places across America where the data is avail- Black in America,” he said. “And I and many Black Johnson: We are not a 1:1 (student-to- able, an alarming number of are Americans are at higher risk for COVID, which is why device) district, so we’ve made the decision to contracting and dying from COVID-19. we need everyone to do their part to slow the spread.” prioritize distribution of our devices to high Is this happening in Indiana? In Indianapolis? Dr. William Gill, local board president for the school students who need to remain on track We don’t know yet. American Heart Association, said it’s too early to to earn all credits. That device distribution Dr. Kristina Box, the state’s top health offi cial, said say exactly why African Americans — at least in the will begin next week and we are also work- she expects the health department to release data limited data available — make up a disproportionate ing to secure hotspots for students who may about race April 9 or 10. number of deaths. have a need. We surveyed all IPS families in In Chicago, African Americans make up 70% of It’s still “a little speculative,” Gill said, to say for sure the last week, so that we could get a clearer those who have died because of the virus and more that it’s because of preexisting conditions, though he pulse on the needs that exist for both devices than half of those who have tested positive, despite added that fi nding would be consistent with world- and internet access in the district. On top only making up about a third of the population. wide data. of having hotspots available for high school- In Louisiana, where African Americans also make It could also be the case that preexisting conditions ers, we also have resources on our website up about a third of the population, about 70% of are only part of the answer. African Americans could, regarding some of the plans being offered by those who have died from the virus were African for example, have a genetic predisposition that causes telecom companies currently (i.e. Comcast, American. the virus to bond more strongly in their airways. AT&T, etc.). Additionally, we will continue to Numbers from Chicago and Louisiana were re- There just isn’t enough research related to advocate for there to be a more comprehen- leased April 6. COVID-19 to make a defi nitive assessment about sive solution to the digital divide and inequity U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams said on a re- higher mortality rates. of access we have seen play out so explicitly cent appearance on “CBS This Morning” that African Once more data comes in, if it turns out that Afri- in this crisis. Americans are at a higher risk for COVID-19 because can Americans are something like twice as likely to they are more likely to have preexisting conditions such as high blood pressure and heart disease, and TOWN HALL are less likely to have access to health care. See DATA A3 ® ® Continued from A1 moderate the discussion. Panelists include Susan Taylor, founder of the National Cares Mentoring Movement; André Carson, ABUSE Indiana’s congressman from the seventh ® Continued from A1 district; and Michael Eric Dyson, a sociol- domestic violence rates, and we’re expecting a spike.” ogy professor at Georgetown University. Majors said her offi ce was concerned about in- NATIONAL DOMESTIC Carson will discuss the economic stimu- creased alcohol sales early on, but she’s hopeful hav- VIOLENCE HOTLINE lus package and stimulus checks as well ing some mental health resources available online Advocates are available 24/7 at 1-800- as the importance of fi lling out the census. can reduce that urge to self-medicate. 799-7233 or online at Dyson will focus on the social implications To ensure the safety of individuals stuck inside of COVID-19 and how to keep yourself with an abuser, McBride urged family and friends Many shelters, including the Julian Center, are busy. Taylor will discuss ways to remain to reach out to them regularly and at the same time positive, caring for others as well as re- only taking new clients if they are at a high risk of each day. being murdered by their abuser. McBride recom- membering to take time for self-care. “Loved ones and family members are really impor- The town hall will be on the Steward mends that victims work with an advocate from a tant right now,” she said. “Call and check in with a shelter for assistance in being put in a hotel to get Speakers pages on Facebook, Instagram victim, the same time every day would be ideal so and Twitter. away from their abuser and get a safety plan put in you’ll know there’s a problem if they don’t answer. place. “Given the state of all communities across Have a code word, something that wouldn’t set off the country we fi nd it is of particular the abuser, but the person can let you know they’re Contact staff writer Breanna Cooper at 317-762- importance to encourage positive dialogue in danger.” within our own communities across the na- 7848. Follow her on Twitter @BreannaNCooper. For women who have to fl ee a dangerous situation, Contact staff writer Tyler Fenwick at 317-762-7853. tion,” said Matthew Steward, president of however, COVID-19 is making things more diffi cult. Steward Speakers. “We must stay mentally Follow him on Twitter @Ty_Fenwick. fi t and healthy in the midst of Coronavirus.”

ALSO VIEW ON INDIANAPOLIS RECORDER FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 2020 A3 DATA ® Continued from A2 Organizers step up as the city shuts down die as a result of COVID-19 — or ties and a hospital in Bloomington. even more likely to contract the Talib, 61, has also commissioned two of her sisters to help virus, which isn’t conclusive make masks. She sends them fabric and instructions for the right now because of a lack of pattern. testing — Gill suggested it would “It touched my heart,” said Linda Lewis-Everett, one of be appropriate to make sure Talib’s sisters who has cut material for about 90 masks. “It African Americans get priority seemed like that’s a gap in our community. Nobody was when a vaccine is available. thinking about doing it. Then when I started looking online, Breanca Merritt, director of the it was so many other people doing it.” Center for Research on Inclusion Individual people, along with smaller organizations, have and Social Policy, said there are found ways to help their community during the COVID-19 potential structural factors that pandemic. overlap. That includes access to Shane Shepherd, who founded B4U Fall, has been can- health insurance and, increas- vassing Indianapolis with his staff and a team of volunteers ingly important during a pan- to learn what people’s needs and concerns are right now. demic, still having to work like Surveys started going out March 23. At the time of the normal as classifi ed essential interview, Shepherd said he had been to 19 zip codes and employees. gotten about 1,800 responses. “Black workers are more likely Those who have internet can respond to the survey virtu- to have positions where they’re ally, or volunteers can go back to houses to collect paper not able to work from home or surveys. social distance,” she said, “and People think all impoverished communities are the same, that defi nitely puts them at risk.” Shepherd said, but needs can vary from street from street. Though specifi c numbers aren’t He and his team are still in the process of organizing all of yet available for Indianapolis or the data, but some of the common themes they’ve seen so Indiana, researchers at SAVI, a far include food insecurity and lack of transportation to get program part of The Polis Center to medical appointments. at IUPUI, put together a model Shepherd said there are also “information insecurities,” to show where around Indianap- where people hear different things from different sources olis the novel coronavirus might and don’t know who to believe. In turn, that can lead to a have the biggest impact. lack of trust in media, government and unfamiliar groups The model uses two variables — trying to do good work. socioeconomics and age — to de- Lana Talib makes masks for friends and family, as That’s why it’s important for people like Shepherd, who termine if a neighborhood is at a well as health care workers, to help slow the spread are part of the communities they serve, to do this work. below average, average or above of COVID-19. (Photo provided) “I’m thrilled to see that more of them are ready to roll they average risk of getting severe or sleeves up and do some work,” he said. deadly cases of COVID-19. By TYLER FENWICK On the east side, Derris Ross has a team of 75 volun- The conclusion: “Neighbor- [email protected] teers, all trained in community emergency response by the hoods just outside of downtown Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), who are Indianapolis have the highest Lana Talib isn’t directly involved in the medical fi eld any- ready to assemble kits with household items and hand them estimated risk when it comes more, but she knows what health professionals are dealing out to the community. to factors that are related to with right now as they work on the frontlines to ward off That will start in about two weeks at satellite locations. income.” COVID-19. For those who don’t have reliable transportation, Ross, The immediate area surround- She has friends and family in the medical fi eld, including who founded The Ross Foundation, said he’s working with ing North Sherman Drive and a niece who works at American Senior Communities. Talib Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department offi cers to East New York Street, for exam- was a medical instrument technician with the U.S. Depart- deliver those items to homes. ple, is at the highest risk because ment of Veterans Affairs and retired seven years ago. He’s also working on a partnership with Spectrum to set more than a third of the popula- Combined with her skills as a seamstress, Talib decided up Wi-Fi hotspots that people can connect to for free for 60 tion doesn’t have health insur- to make masks for medical facilities that are dealing with days. ance, and the asthma rates and a shortage of personal protective equipment, or PPEs, and Ross, who has applied for grants from Central Indiana smoking prevalence are high. people who are fl ocking to YouTube to learn how to make Community Foundation and United Way of Central Indiana, When only considering age, masks for when they have to go out in public. said larger organizations struggle with the type of “grass- most of Indianapolis ranges “Having worked in the medial fi eld myself and knowing roots” outreach he can do. from below average to average there is very little that can be done for this particular pan- “We know the residents, and they reach out to us person- risk. demic, I’m just trying to be part of the solution,” she said. ally,” he said. “We’re able to connect them to those resources Talib made the fi rst mask for herself in March so she could and services in a timely manner and effi cient manner.” Contact staff writer Tyler go to the grocery store. At the time of the interview, she Fenwick at 317-762-7853. Follow guessed she had made 50 to 60 masks, which have gone to Contact staff writer Tyler Fenwick at 317-762-7853. Follow him on Twitter @Ty_Fenwick. family and friends, as well as American Senior Communi- him on Twitter @Ty_Fenwick. COVID-19 COVID-19 COVID-19 COVID-19 COVID-19 COVID-19 th COVID-19 COVID-19 DUE TO THE CURRENT SITUATION REGARDING A COVID-19 (CORONAVIRUS), RICH HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS EXCELLENCE

The Indianapolis Recorder Newspaper is the fourth oldest surviving African-American newspaper in the country. What began in RECORDER NEWSPAPER 1895 as a two-page church bulletin created by co-founders George P. Stewart and Will Porter now hails as one of the top African-American publications in the United States. In 1897, the newspaper’s co-founders expanded their successful news- IS NOT ACCEPTING ANY sheet into a weekly newspaper. The earliest existing issues of the Recorder date back to 1899 – the same year that Porter sold his share of the paper to Stewart.

William G. Mays, an astute entrepreneur purchased the UNSCHEDULED VISITS. Indianapolis Recorder Newspaper in 1990. As publisher, Mays entrusted his niece, Carolene Mays-Medley to serve as president and general manager of the newspaper. Mays-Medley gave the paper new direction and a blueprint for success for PLEASE REFRAIN FROM more than 13 years before returning to community service in local government.

Experienced journalist and longtime Recorder employee, Shannon Williams succeeded Mays- ENTERING THE BUILDING Medley as president and general manager in 2010. One of the initial things Williams did in her role as president was form the Recorder Media Group which houses the Recorder, its sister publication the Indiana IF YOU DO NOT HAVE AN Minority Business Magazine and serves as an in-house marketing/communications firm.

After 18 years at the Recorder, including the last eight at the helm, Williams left the historic paper to serve in non-profit APPOINTMENT. leadership where she specifically advocates for education equity.

Robert Shegog is the current president and COO of the Recorder Media Group. Shegog has been instrumental in building continuity across all of the company’s products and amplifying community engagement strategies. He THANK YOU FOR and his team continue to usher a new era of leadership with the charge to extend the rich legacies of the newspaper and magazine for generations to come. UNDERSTANDING. indianapolis i #iR125 A4 FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 2020 INDIANAPOLIS RECORDER

A Section Friday, April 10, 2020

‘Netfl ix and engage’: viewing guide to Madam Walker series

By BREANNA COOPER ries, he said, is a highly fi ctionalized The series was based on Bundles’ [email protected] adaptation of Walker’s life. 2002 biography of Walker, “On Her “It deviates signifi cantly from the Own Ground: The Life and Times historical record,” he said. “They of Madam C.J. Walker.” While she Madam C.J. Walker is a legend. Born made some decisions to add and de- concedes that some of the storylines velop new types of drama that aren’t in “Self Made” were historically inac- Sarah Breedlove, Walker worked necessarily a part of her story. I was curate, one of the biggest disagree- surprised, because Madam Walker’s ments she has with the series is its as a laundress before becoming an life was already dramatic and had a title. lot of highs and lows.” “Empowering other women was entrepreneur and, according to the Among the fi ctionalizations, Free- very much a part of her story,” man cited a dramatized argument Bundles said. “When she was Sarah Guinness Book of World Records, the between Walker and Booker T. Breedlove, she was mentored by Washington. Further, the character women who were close to her, they fi rst female self-made millionaire in the of Sweetness, whose questionable gave her a vision of herself as some- money helps Walker boost her busi- thing other than a laundress.” country. ness, was created for the series. Both Freeman and Bundles rec- Despite some inconsistencies ommend fans of the Netfl ix series with reality, A’Leilia Bundles — a research Walker to understand her researcher and Walker’s great-great- full story. granddaughter — is happy her “Follow up,” Freeman said. “If ancestor’s name and story is being you enjoy the series, I encourage shared. [you] to read about Madam Walker “One of the things that’s so good through electronic archives. ..I call for me about the series is that more it ‘Netfl ix and engage.’ Learn about people around the world know Mad- what actually happened. Build upon am Walker’s name,” Bundles said. entertainment to fi nd out about “Even now, people can see their own what was really going on and how struggles in Madam Walker’s life. … that can apply to your life today.” She had little formal education, she was a laundress who was able to Contact staff writer Breanna Coo- transform herself and empowered per at 317-762-7848. Follow her on other women.” Twitter @BreannaNCooper.

ow, thanks to the Netfl ix shows about Walker is true? original series “Self Made,” Tyrone Freeman, professor of phil- Walker’s story is being anthropic studies at IUPUI, studied shared around the world. Walker’s life and philanthropy as NBut how much of what the series part of his doctoral project. The se-

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Posting Date April 6, 2020

Posting Date April 6, 2020



Answers to Weekly Sudoku

Answers to Super Crossword A6 FRIDAY, april 10, 2020 INDIANAPOLIS RECORDER EDITORIAL The time is now to fix health disparities By OSEYE BOYD recently made this statement when make him immune to the health ail- vulnerable. What is our medical com- discussing the effect of COVID-19 ments from which many Black people munity doing to remove bias? It often “So I represent that on Black people. The first part of the suffer. feels like not much. Health officials in legacy of growing up statement gave me pause. I had to read It makes you wonder how and why. Indiana didn’t even think to include poor and Black in it several times because it’s just that Why are Black people disproportion- race in the demographic data it collect- America, and I and profound. The legacy he’s referencing ately affected by poor health? The ed about COVID-19 initially. Officials many Black Ameri- is a legacy of health ailments for Black answer is complicated but not really. will say it was just an oversight, but cans are at higher risk people. The U.S. surgeon general is a Often the message Black people get that kind of oversight is why dispari- for COVID, which is Black man who has asthma, a heart is the health disparities that exist are ties continue. It’s why Black people feel why we need everyone condition that caused him to be hos- our fault. Yes, we have a role to play. I as if we don’t matter. to do their part to slow pitalized in intensive care for a week, believe we have to do our part to avoid Adams also mentioned growing up the spread.” high blood pressure and prediabetes. poor health outcomes. Some of us are poor. This is important because poor Most weeks my mind is racing Adams is representative of so many hard-headed and refuse to make the people tend to forgo medical care with several potential topics I could Black people dealing with one or all of necessary lifestyle changes that pro- because it’s too expensive. Too often write about in this space. This week I these conditions right now. There’s so mote good health, but we’re not alone. money plays a role in poor health wanted to write about something other much to unpack in those 13 words. This is an America problem. It’s like outcomes. As I stated last week 28% of than COVID-19. Not because it’s not The U.S. surgeon general is known as when we say we have to work twice as Black people in Marion County live in important or top of mind, but because the nation’s doctor and is in charge of hard in school or at work to achieve poverty and are even more vulnerable the world keeps spinning, life keeps the U.S. Public Health Service Com- parity with white people, maybe we to COVID-19. happening, and there are other issues missioned Corps. I assume as a doctor have to work twice as hard when it This disease has put health — and of concern in our world and communi- and one of the top doctors in the coun- comes to our health too. socioeconomic — disparities for Black ty. COVID-19 just added an additional try, Adams would be in good health Our health disparities aren’t just on people under a giant microscope. challenge to our daily lives. With that and have the best health care at his us. The stressful lives we lead being While I wish it didn’t take a pandemic said, COVID-19 is definitely part of disposal. My assumption is wrong. He’s Black in America leave us susceptible to get us here, let’s hope this is a call to this column, but it’s not the focal point. probably in a better position than oth- to health issues. Unconscious bias in action to change health outcomes for That brings me to the quote above. ers who have those same conditions, the medical field and lack of health us. U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams but he made it clear his status doesn’t care or affordable health care leave us opinions Black like me

By LARRY SMITH enjoy getting to know them, wouldn’t hood” (i.e., 34th Street and Emerson other Blacks. The one who proudly hire them or wouldn’t want them in Avenue). In any case, I remember volunteers that “I majored in Afro- All three were wear- my family. (Do I protest too much?) being at the camp and joking with American history.” The one who tries ing medical masks. Whatever else it may or may not mean, some of the other attendees. I was to outdo everyone else with displays of By all appearances, it does mean that I judged them based being goofy. Unexpectedly, one of the ebonic virtuosity. The one who quotes they were what some on superficial criteria. Black girls upbraided me for “acting esoteric historical figures — and then Black folks refer to I immediately thought about this ghetto,” which caught me off guard. acts superior because others aren’t as “hood rats.” Their seemingly innocuous incident after Oddly, though, I wasn’t offended; I “down like that.” The one who proudly attire. Their speech health experts reversed their earlier was merely amused. So, to her ut- proclaims “I’m more Du Bois than patterns. Their walk guidance and began to recommend ter disgust, I proceeded to “Blacken Booker” — purposely depriving Mr. and mannerisms. that everyone wear masks to avoid things up” a bit more. She just glared Washington of the respect of using his Their overall “look.” contracting the coronavirus. This at me and stormed off. Every so often last name. (I’m reminded that Jay-Z Subconsciously, I made every assump- introspection forced me to confront it occurs to me that, at various points once admitted to Terri Gross of NPR tion associated with that phrase. In an my arrogance. (“Don’t they know that in my life, I have been a “victim” of the that rappers hold their groins and instant, I decided that I knew pretty wearing a mask is useless? They need very stereotyping about Black folks in boast about their sexual prowess in an much everything about them. In other to listen to NPR!”) Of course, I don’t which I too frequently engage. attempt to cover up their self-doubt.) words, I profiled them. know how they get their news. All I Ironically, I have often been “that” The psycho-social schizophrenia As is the case with the so-called know is that they were right — which Black person. The “good Negro.” The of being Black in America is a direct “N-word,” the phrase “hood rat” is inherently means that I was wrong — one who spoke with perfect diction result of the trauma that is endemic sometimes used as a term of endear- in more ways than one. and elocution. The one who was afraid to us. All of us. One effect is that we ment — depending on the context in In thinking about this column, my that, in mixed-raced gatherings, some insist that white folks (especially police which it is used. And who is using it. (I mind drifted back to 30 years ago. I uncouth “N-word” would ruin things officers) undergo implicit bias training. won’t get into the politics of “reclaim- had been invited to a summer camp for the rest of “us.” Would embarrass We do so because we understand bet- ing” certain pejorative words.) Black for “gifted” high school students. It “us.” Would remind “us” that we were ter than anyone else what it means to people — including me — will always will come as no surprise that there Black. Being a Black person in Amer- fear and even to hate Black people. If use certain words and phrases that we were only a handful of Black kids in ica so often means being performa- we can admit that, white people should probably shouldn’t. And while white attendance. Black kids are dispropor- tive and inauthentic. It means code- as well. people would use those same words tionately tracked into remedial classes, switching. It means self-abnegation. It Every now and then I need a little and phrases irrespective of what we do, even “special education,” often without means shame. In our zeal to separate reminder that those “hood rats” are they take comfort in the fact that they regard to their abilities. Not so for me. ourselves from “those Blacks,” we in- guilty of nothing more than being have a built-in excuse: “They use those I was “special,” but in the “good” way. advertently — but inevitably — affirm Black. Like me. words, so we should be able to.” (Or so I thought at the time.) how much we are them. I should note that my ingrained In high school I was often kidded (or At other times, I have been the Larry Smith is a community leader. stereotypes about those young strang- “clowned”) for “acting like a white boy,” “Blacker-than-thou” brother. The one Contact him at [email protected]. ers does not mean that I wouldn’t despite the fact that I grew up in “the who questions the “authenticity” of

The doors are closed, but libraries remain open — virtually

By NICHELLE HAYES is on a stay-at-home order. Only essential busi- those with a library card. Marion County residents nesses are allowed to remain open, such as grocery 18 and older can apply for a library card online. Since my last piece, the world stores, gas stations, etc. Quarantine, social distanc- The library has enhanced its offerings of electronic has turned on its head. The first ing and proper hand washing have become words materials and parents can find book suggestions time I heard about the novel (new) that are used on an hourly basis. Most businesses and recommended activities for children, home- coronavirus, or COVID-19, I was have closed due to the quarantine. All schools work help and other tools for students.” watching a news report and it in the state of Indiana are closed. Everything is It’s important to understand how vital the work of mentioned people had become in- subject to change. Right now, we are attempting to libraries and library staff is to our communities. fected in China. I didn’t listen very flatten the curve. “When our doors were closed across the nation, carefully because China was literal- For the first time in U.S. history public librar- library administrations have had to reevaluate on- ly half a world away. The problems ies are closed to patrons for an extended amount line and digital service as well as design new ways there had no impact on me and my of time. Many library systems have laid off work- to continue to serve our customers of all ages with life, or so I thought. A few weeks later my daughter, ers, and some librarians and library assistants are online programs and services. Yet, no media cover- Alea, placed an order for some items and received working from home by conducting phone or online age on how libraries continue to serve. I always an update indicating delivery would be delayed due reference work. What does this impact have on remember that ALA slogan, ‘Libraries will get you to a combination of new year celebrations and the the communities that are served by these institu- through times of no money better than money will coronavirus restrictions in China. Again, it didn’t tions? If you haven’t visited your local library lately, get you through times of no libraries,’” said Andrew seem like anything would have a major impact on you might not be familiar with all the services that “Sekou” Jackson, past president of Black Caucus me or my daily life. are provided. The modern library has always been American Library Association (BCALA). Fast forward to March 24 and the state of Indiana more than books. At its core, libraries are about During these challenging times we can find op- information and education. In times past, the hard portunities for growth. Richard E. Ashby Jr., presi- copy book was the main method of conveyance dent of BCALA, remarked, “This pandemic is the for information. In the present day, information is catalyst that will propel libraries into the virtual conveyed via digital platforms and websites, online digital age, as they examine and explore new and George P. Stewart Marcus C. Stewart Sr. Eunice Trotter William G. Mays exciting platforms to be utilized for the delivery of Founder-Editor- Editor-Publisher Editor-in-Chief Owner/ catalogs and databases (which are still available). Publisher 1925-1988 Publisher Publisher all library services.” 1895-1924 1988-1990 1990-present In addition to story times, musical performances, author discussions, book talks, book clubs, game When our society returns to a new normal, let’s President/Chief Operating Officer...... ADVERTISING/marketing remember this critical work and fund libraries and ...... Robert Shegog Senior Strategic Media Consultant...... Rita J. Wise nights, job fairs, classes and cooking demonstra- Sales Representative...... Michael Falker library staff accordingly. EDITORIAL tions, etc., citizens also use the library for comput- Editor...... Oseye Boyd BUSINESS I would like to offer my thoughts and prayers to Staff Writers ...... Breanna Cooper Business Office Coordinator...... TaLette Jones ers, web access, to apply for jobs and meetings...... Tyler Fenwick Business Office/Legals...... Crystal Dalton Many people who are experiencing homelessness everyone who has been affected by the coronavirus. PRODUCTION I am dedicating this column to my brother, Lucky Production Manager...... Jeffery Sellers visit libraries to have a safe, dry and warm place to Art Director...... John L. Hurst Jr. H. Hall, who passed away recently. May he rest in Designer...... Jeana M. L. Ouattara stay during the day. Home-school students utilize power and peace. Indianapolis Recorder Newspaper encourages short, concise letters to the editor and opinion the library for tours, programs and access to books. articles from the public. Letters and opinion articles will be used at the editor’s discretion and are subject to editing. We will not guarantee publication of material received. We cannot Currently all Indiana K-12 students are learn- guarantee dates of publication. Letters containing libelous or untrue statements will not be Nichelle M. Hayes is a native of Indianapolis. She published. All letters and opinion articles must include a verifiable full name, address and ing from home. Fortunately, Indianapolis Public telephone number. This information will not be published at the request of the writer. Letters is an information professional, a genealogist, civic and articles should be typed but will be accepted if handwriting is legible. Library is still providing services to the community. leader and a life longlearner. (317) 924-5143 According to a press release by the library, “Online P.O. Box 18499, Indianapolis, IN 46218-0499 services remain available at for free to [email protected] INDIANAPOLIS RECORDER FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 2020 A7 CORRECTION Shane Shepherd sets out to understand In an article in last week’s edition, “Battling COVID-19: ‘Is this my death march?’” Esther Wood- son’s husband, Kevin, was misidentifi ed as Keith. Indy’s needs one house at a time In an article in last week’s edition, “Neighborhood centers coalition working to provide necessities, By TYLER FENWICK Shepherd started B4U Fall after serving a 12-year ease fears,” Edna Martin Christian Center Director [email protected] federal prison sentence for possession of a weapon. Barato Britt’s name was misspelled. We apologize for the errors. The Recorder makes He authored an after-school curriculum, Truth and every attempt to correct its mistakes. It’s simple enough to go online and fi nd data Change, which teaches African American students about how Indianapolis is struggling with food how to make positive life choices. insecurity, wealth inequality, transportation and B4U Fall recently helped organize a pop-up food FREE MEALS | Mon-Wed- Fri any number of issues. distribution drive. A lot of that data is reliable, certainly not faulty, It’s the kind of credibility that makes such a **Only Mobile Sites will be available on 4/10 but most of it is an aggregate view of what’s going sweeping effort — documenting community needs on. and concerns — possible in the fi rst place. **Last Thursday meal service occurs on 4/9 Needs and concerns in the 46218 zip code can “We don’t come from volunteer pools,” Shepherd differ from those in 46222, just as they can differ said. “We actually come from the communities that (317) 327-PARK from one street to the next, one house to the next. we serve.” Shane Shepherd, founder of B4U Fall, wants Once B4U Fall has the data organized, other or- to get a clear picture of how communities are ganizations can follow up and address those needs. handling the COVID-19 pandemic on a house-by- Kevin Berkopes, founder and CEO of Crossroads Christian Park (4200 E English Ave.) -- Dinner: 3 p.m. - 4 p.m. house basis. He and a team of volunteers began Education, has known Shepherd for about a year Second Helpings: 3 p.m. - 4 p.m. surveying households across Indianapolis on and a half and said his staff — which normally March 23, and they’ve since been to at least 19 zip works in schools — has been repurposed to help Frederick Douglass Park (1616 E 25th St.) -- Dinner: 3 p.m. - 4 p.m. codes. Shepherd. Second Helpings: 3 p.m. - 4 p.m. At the time of the interview, Shepherd said they Berkopes trusts Shepherd because he knows the had received about 1,800 responses. Surveys integrity has already been established. Krannert Park (605 S. High School Rd.) -- Lunch: 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. include questions about food access, food allergies “This isn’t somebody coming into the neighbor- and access to transportation, as well as voter regis- hood and trying to save anyone,” he said. “This is Municipal Gardens 1831 Lafayette Rd. -- Dinner: 3 p.m. - 4 p.m. tration and the 2020 census. him helping his neighbors.” “We want to ask the little guy, ‘What do you need?’ Other groups can’t get the same access to those Pride Park (1129 Vandeman St.) -- Dinner: 3 p.m. - 4 p.m. so the big guy doesn’t just assume to know,” he said. residents, Berkopes said, or mobilize quickly Second Helpings: 3 p.m. - 4 p.m. Shepherd, 41, said he isn’t fond of the “bigger enough when they do get information. B Y E L E A N O R F I T Z G E R A L D outfi ts” — though his organization did recently “Shane is extremely intelligent,” he said. “He has Riverside Park (2420 E Riverside Dr.) -- Lunch: 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. receive $75,000 from United Way of Central the ear of the community. What he’s trying to ac- Indiana’s Social Innovation Fund to create school complish is a huge, lofty goal, but it’s needed.” Watkins Park (2360 Martin Luther King St.) -- Dinner: 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. curriculum for students on the near west side. But that’s still an example of an organization with Contact staff writer Tyler Fenwick at 317-762- Windsor Village Park - 6510 E 25th St. -- Lunch: 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. more resources giving Shepherd the tools he needs 7853. Follow him on Twitter @Ty_Fenwick. — money, in that case — to actually do the work.

Shane Shepherd, founder of B4U Mobile Meal Sites (Monday-Wednesday-Friday) Fall, a nonprofi t mentoring pro- Bethel Park (2850 Bethel Ave.) -- 3 p.m.-3:30 p.m. gram, held his Second Helpings: 3 p.m. - 4 p.m. son Messiyah, 19 months, as he Broad Ripple Park (1550 Broad Ripple Ave.) -- 12 p.m.-12:30 p.m. welcomed visi- tors to a commu- Brookside Park (3500 Brookside Pkwy South Dr.)-- 3:30 p.m.- 4 p.m. Second Helpings: 3:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. nity violence reduction event at Municipal Carriage House East Apts. (10174 Tinton Court) -- 1 p.m.-1:30 p.m. Gardens. (Photo/ Curtis Guynn) Garfield Park (2425 Pagoda Dr.) -- 4 p.m.-4:30 p.m.

Georgetown Apts. (3239 Bunker Hill Ave.) -- 12 p.m.-12:30 p.m.

Hawthorne Place (5244 E. 32nd St.) -- 2 p.m.-2:30 p.m.

Rowney Terrace Apts (1353 S. Riley Ave )-- 2:30 p.m.-3 p.m.

Twin Hills (2210 East 36th St.) -- 1 p.m.-1:30 p.m. A Section Friday, April 10, 2020 Food insecurity during a pandemic: grow a garden By BREANNA COOPER [email protected]

African Americans are more likely to struggle with poverty and food inse- curity than any other demographic. A pandemic exacerbates the threat of hunger and the lack of access to healthy foods, widening the food ac- cessibility gap. Local experts suggest growing your own food may help reduce food in- security. Tyler Gough, farm manager for Indy Urban Acres, said the farm sells plants to help people start their own gardens. To combat hunger, for 20 years, Indy Urban Acres has been donating 100% of its produce to local food pantries and offers “veggie boxes” so Indianapolis residents in need get access to fresh produce. “This is something that we’ve been working on, because the need is there,” Gough said. “It’s not getting any better. A lot of people in Indianapolis don’t have access to healthy food, so we encourage people to grow their own. Especially right now.” By growing produce at home, indi- viduals can drastically decrease the number of trips to grocery stores. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) urges people to stay inside as much as possible to help pre- vent the spread of COVID-19. Tyler Gough (right) and children at Public Greens’ microfarm learn about growing food. (Photo/Stacy New- “When the farm is going full steam gent, courtesy of Patachou Foundation) ahead, the stuff that’s supplemented at the grocery store is very limited,” Gough said. “You can grow a full meal vegetables come with obvious health raise money for the farm — has gotten at home. Also, the mental health ben- benefits. Start your garden! huge support in the past few weeks, efits of being outside in a garden is an According to Dr. Palmer MacKie, an Indy Urban Acres is selling in part because Gough believes people added plus.” internist at Eskenazi Health, substi- plants online through May 12. are more interested in starting their Beyond helping you stay indoors tuting meat with plant-based prod- The first date for pickup is April own garden. during a pandemic, growing your own ucts can significantly enhance your 14. For more information, visit. “I haven’t seen a need like this garden can have economic benefits in lifespan. through all my years working in food the long run. “For every five or 10% animal protein access,” he said. “People are out of “You can buy a tomato plant for $5, that you get rid of and substitute plant, can prevent and even reverse diseases work, can’t get to the store, and maybe and that’s expensive,” Gough said. there’s a mortality benefit,” MacKie such as Type 2 diabetes, heart disease things that are affordable aren’t in “Let’s just say that’s the high end. That said. “Even getting rid of one plateful and obesity. stock. We’re looking for ways to help as plant will give you 20 to 30 pounds of meat offers a benefit.” There are many benefits to starting many people as we can.” of tomatoes, and you’d pay $4 for a MacKie recommends a vegetarian your own garden, and according to pound of tomatoes at the store. So or vegan lifestyle for his patients and Gough, Hoosiers are starting to get the Contact staff writer Breanna Cooper that’s $5 for $80 worth of tomatoes.” touts the medical benefits. According message. Indy Urban Acres’ plant sale at 317-762-7848. Follow her on Twitter And meals incorporating fruits and to MacKie, adopting a vegetarian diet — their biggest annual fundraiser to @BreannaNCooper.

Caring for Those Experiencing Homelessness during COVID-19 Pandemic On April 6, Mayor Joe Hog- provision of personal protective sett announced ongoing efforts equipment (PPE), disinfectants, to serve Indianapolis residents thermometers, and other needed experiencing homelessness during supplies, and the placement of the COVID-19 pandemic. These portable hand washing stations at efforts are the result of collabora- key downtown locations. tion among City, State, and County Screening tools for outreach and agencies, along with community shelter providers have also been partners. provided, and a flyer with public “As a city, our number one prior- health information has been posted ity is the health and safety of our at known locations where groups residents. Just like anyone else in may sleep outdoors. our community, our most vulner- The City’s Office of Public Health able neighbors are safer at home,” and Safety, led by Paul Babcock, said Mayor Hogsett. “That’s why we has fostered a partnership between are committed to a community re- the City, Second Helpings, Pac- sponse that provides shelter, food, ers Sports and Entertainment, healthcare, and other resources to and Professional Blended Street our residents experiencing home- Outreach to safely provide more lessness, and helps them follow than 1,600 fresh meals per week to social distancing and other public individuals sleeping outside and in health guidelines to the greatest encampments through the pan- extent possible.” demic. Those in shelters or on the street For those homeless neighbors have a need for additional resourc- who may contract the virus, local es and proactive measures to slow agencies are collaborating with the the spread of the COVID-19. State-led effort to isolate and safely The City has partnered with quarantine non-critical COVID-19 the Marion County Public Health medical referrals. The Marion Department, Wheeler Mission, County Public Health Depart- and local faith groups to establish ment is also working to establish temporary overflow shelter space protocols and resources to address that allows for homeless neighbors individuals who experience an ill- to seek shelter while still maintain- ness during this time that does not ing a safe distance. require isolation or quarantine. These temporary shelters have Over the past three years, the been established at Garfield Park and City has taken significant steps to Washington Park. The city’s Winter provide additional housing and Contingency has also been extended resources for individuals experi- to better serve this population. encing homelessness that makes “Preventing the spread of self-sufficiency more attainable. COVID-19 among all residents is Residents and affected workers critical to flattening the curve of impacted by COVID-19 restric- spread in our community,” said Vir- tions should visit the city’s resource ginia A. Caine, Director and Chief guide, which can be viewed at indy. Medical Officer of the Marion gov/covid. Spanish speaking resi- County Public Health Department. dents can view the Resource Guide “My thanks to the Lilly Endow- at ment, the United Way of Central Individuals who are unable to Indiana, and the many community navigate the city’s website can call partners who have stepped up by 317-327-4MAC between 8 a.m. and providing funding, services, or 5 p.m. to talk to a customer service other resources to care for those representative. experiencing homelessness.” The Marion County Public The City has worked closely Health Department also has a with members of the Indianapo- COVID-19 community hotline, 317- lis Continuum of Care on crisis 221-5500, open Monday-Friday 8 response measures, including the a.m-5 p.m. "Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come." 2 Corinthians 5:17 Order of Service ■ Business ■ Classifi eds ■ Sports

B Section Friday, April 10, 2020 Church is closed for Easter, or is it? ‘The church is the people’ By TYLER FENWICK [email protected]

In a small Ohio town about 30 min- utes north of Cincinnati, a TV reporter approached a woman who was driving away from Palm Sunday service. “Aren’t you concerned you can infect other people if you get sick inside?” CNN’s Gary Tuchman asked. “No,” the unidentifi ed woman said. “I’m covered in Jesus’ blood.” Ohio has a stay-at-home order, but churches are exempt. It is still against the recommendation of health offi cials to gather in crowds. In Indiana, church offi ces can re- main open as a designated essential business, but they are required to abide by guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which prohibit more than 10 people gathering together. This would throw tradition off kilter for anyone who goes to church, but now is an especially inconvenient time for churches to close because of Easter. For Stanley Hubbard, pastor at King- sley Terrace Church of Christ, there’s Stanley and Laura Hubbard a silver lining to not being able to get together at churches like what would In fact, Hubbard said, “We’ve never Howard feels. Howard pointed out that the Greek normally happen on Easter Sunday. been in control.” Howard, at Hovey Street Church of word for church — ecclesia — refers to Big hats and extravagant clothes For those who are concerned that Christ, detests Easter as a pagan holi- a group of faithful people. It’s a com- aren’t important at all to Easter, Hub- Easter just won’t mean as much this day that’s “phenomenal for capitalist pound word that means “to call out.” It bard said. The same thing applies to year without the church service and Christianity” because people spend big wasn’t until later that the word came bunnies and eggs. It’s all irrelevant to family gatherings, no one can tell you money on suits and dresses. It’s one to signify an actual assembly. Jesus rising from the dead. If no one you’re wrong. Those are personal feel- of three days of the year that draws Howard’s prayer for people during can get together at church, the think- ings, and they’re probably tied strongly what’s referred to as the CME crowd: this time: ing goes, maybe the focus will return to tradition. those who only go to church on Christ- “Consider the God of heaven,” he to where it should have been all along. Hubbard and others are trying to mas, Mother’s Day and Easter. said. “Consider what Easter is really “There’s something about crisis in remind their congregations that the But even if you’re someone who about. Consider the sacrifi ce. Consider life that makes you get rid of all the physical church just serves as a conve- wants an extravagant show of faith, what sacrifi ces are they willing to fl uff and makes you focus on what’s nient meeting space. The real church Howard said it’s not that big of a deal make for family and friends.” real,” Hubbard said. — the one that makes a difference — is that you can’t be at a physical church People tend to think they’re in con- the people. on Easter Sunday. Contact staff writer Tyler Fenwick at trol of their lives, he added, and it’s “Are we closing the church?” Hub- “We have a pandemic right now,” he 317-762-7853. Follow him on Twitter times like these that serve as a stark bard asked. “No. The church is the said, “so whether people can go to a @Ty_Fenwick. reminder that, no, people have no people; therefore it never closes.” house of worship on Easter is not a control at all. That’s the same way Pastor Denell concern.” Funeral homes adjust to pandemic

By BREANNA COOPER celebrate their life.” ing, and we’re seeing that in our daily lives. Families, [email protected] Both Bluitt and Son and Lavenia & Summers have though, have been very understanding and making amped up their cleaning processes to keep mourners the best of the situation to honor their loved ones.” Many funeral homes throughout Indianapolis have and their staff healthy. To protect funeral home workers from the spread had to drastically change the way services are held in Jan Smith, vice president and director of opera- of the virus, new guidelines and protocols have been the wake of COVID-19. From how many guests are tions at Lavenia & Summers, said the chapel is put in place when handling bodies. allowed into the service, to how morticians prepare disinfected several times a day and between services, “We have to use a special disinfectant applied to the body, both funeral home workers and families and the funeral home has chairs instead of pews, the nasal and oral cavities and sprayed all over the who have lost a loved one are adapting to a nontra- making it easier for mourners to practice social remains,” Bluitt said. “Then, we have to wait 24 to ditional way of saying goodbye. distancing. 48 hours before we actually embalm to give the virus Following guidelines from the Centers for Disease Funeral home workers are also changing the way time to not be alive in the body. We’re very careful in Control and Prevention (CDC), many funeral homes, they help families plan services. that respect.” including Lavenia & Summers Home for Funer- “If someone passed away from COVID-19,” Smith Experts aren't sure when the COVID-19 pandemic als and Bluitt and Son Funeral Home, are limiting said, “their family members were also likely exposed will end, and some believe it could be cyclical. De- the number that can attend a funeral service to 10 and in quarantine. We now can plan services over spite the uncertainty, funeral homes are working to people. For services at Bluitt and Son, that number the phone and electronically to get things set up so ensure families can honor their loved ones without includes the funeral director and ministerial staff. we can practice distancing.” putting themselves and others at risk. Nathan Bluitt, the director of the funeral home, said Both funeral homes offer to livestream services “I wish I had a crystal ball,” Smith said regarding families can still opt to have visitation services, but on social media pages or the website for loved ones when things will get back to normal. “We just don’t there is a limit on how many people can be in the who can’t attend. While Smith said it isn’t ideal, it’s know. We see the importance of distancing and chapel at once, and visitors and family members helping say goodbye to the deceased without putting people staying home. … So we’ll continue to comply cannot shake hands or embrace one another. others at risk. until the CDC changes their guidelines.” “The formal process as far as the visitation and the “The one thing that’s missing for everyone is the funeral, that has defi nitely changed,” Bluitt said. “… physical touch, the hugs, the handshakes,” Smith Contact staff writer Breanna Cooper at 317-762- The service has been changed, but they are still hurt- said. “I think that aspect of things is defi nitely miss- 7848. Follow her on Twitter @BreannaNCooper. ing and mourning their loved ones, and they want to

Indianapolis Links chapters celebrated International Women’s Day Indianapolis Chapter of The Links and Circle City Chapter of The Links Inc. held a Sisterhood Empowerment Luncheon to celebrate International Women’s Day. Featured speakers were Una Osili, associate dean for research and international programs, professor of economics philanthropic studies and dean’s fellow at Mays Family Institute on Philanthropy; Rima Shahid, executive director of Women4Change; Carolene Mays-Medley, president of the Indianapolis Chapter of The Links; and Joyce Rogers, president of the Circle City Chapter of The Links. (Photo/Curtis Guynn) B2 FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 2020 INDIANAPOLIS RECORDER SPIRITUAL OUTLOOK COVID-19, separation and the Pan-African community By ANGELIQUE WALKER-SMITH vulnerable Americans to try to work The gathering at churches and places when they are ill, contributing to fur- for education became centers of Black “Who shall separate us ther spread of the disease within their life after enslavement. Churches have from the love of Christ? communities." Dr. Stephanie Miles- and still do serve as safe, inspirational Shall tribulation, or dis- Richardson at Morehouse School of and educational places for Pan-African tress, or persecution, or Medicine says considerations like these communities. But social distancing has famine, or nakedness, or "make Black people bigger targets for restricted this lifeline of survival and peril, or sword?” Romans contracting and succumbing to the thriving. 8:35 coronavirus.Ð" There are, however, innovative Separating ourselves from each There are also other practical, cultur- models of gathering emerging, just like other is hard. Yet social distancing is al and spiritual considerations. While in this earlier history of Pan-African precisely what medical experts have the practice of social distancing can be communities. Churches are moving to told us to do during this season of the lifesaving, this practice may be coun- online platforms and reorganizing their BIBLE TRIVIA COVID-19 global pandemic — a season tercultural and impractical for many leadership. Joint advocacy — through in which more than 1 million people in the Pan-African community. Work- targeted group phone calls and writing By WILSON CASEY are experiencing the disease and tens ing from home is not a viable option to our congressional leaders — is mak- of thousands have died from it. The for many in Africa or in the African ing a difference. Is the book of Micah in the Old disease is strengthened by our lack of diaspora, given their jobs or the lack Thanks to those who have joined 1or New Testament or neither? medical supplies or a cure. Fear is an of an adequate safety net that would in our advocacy agenda to make understandable human response. allow them to survive without working COVID-19 legislation better address From Luke 15, the woman who In the Pan-African community, this for a period. The choice is to stay home the needs of people struggling with 2searched her house with a lan- fear is heightened. We are dispropor- and not feed your family or to continue hunger and poverty. Romans 8:37- tern was looking for a lost ...? Soul, tionately affected by COVID-19 when working with the risks. 39 reminds us that through faith, we Child, Bird, Coin compared to whites. A main factor has Historically, Pan-African communi- can still make a difference together been mistrust of the medical system, ties have survived great moments of in times like these. May this scripture In Judges 16, how many locks which has practiced racial bias against trial, in part, because they were able to be a source of encouragement in this 3of hair did Delilah have cut African Americans, historically. In ad- gather. One of the greatest testimonies COVID-19 season during Lent and from the mighty Samson’s head? 1, dition, many people in this community to this was immediately following the Easter. 3, 5, 7 hold hourly, low-wage jobs. Dr. Lisa enslavement period when formerly en- Cooper at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg slaved African persons sought to gather Rev. Dr. Angelique Walker-Smith is Where were Peter, Andrew and School of Public Health says “fear of their separated families. This led to a senior associate for Pan-African and 4Philip, the fi rst of Jesus’ dis- lost wages or loss of employment may renewed model of the extended family Orthodox church engagement at Bread ciples, from? Zion, Bethel, Hebron, lead African Americans and other over the smaller nuclear family. for the World in Washington, D.C. Bethsaida

From Genesis 26, who planted 5crops that were reaped a hun- dredfold? Adam, Isaac, Abraham, Cain

How many psalms in the book 6of Psalms are attributed to Mo- ses? 1, 5, 34, 74 ANSWERS: 1) Old; 2) Coin; 3) 7; 4) Beth- saida; 5) Isaac; 6) 1 (Psalm 90)

Sharpen your understanding of scripture with Wilson’s Casey’s latest book, “Test Your Bible Knowl- edge,” available in bookstores and online.

(c) 2020 King Features Synd., Inc.

A health worker checks the temperature of a traveler as part of the coronavirus screening procedure at the Kotoka International Airport in Accra, Ghana on Jan. 30. (Francis Kokoroko/Reuters) ORDER OF SERVICE Friendship Missionary Baptist Church 1302 North Goodlet Indianapolis, Indiana 46222

Pastor, Rev. Ronald Covington Sr. Sunday Morning Service St. Luke Missionary Fulfillment Hour (Sunday School) Pastor Nello Baptist Church 9:30a-10:30are A. Holman Morning Worship 10:45 and First Lady 5325 E. 30th Street Kay Holman 543-9505 Wednesdays Morning Prayer Meeting & Bible Study, 9:30 a.m. Prayer & Praise on Sunday School 8:30 a.m. Purpose/Bible Study, Morning Worship 10:00 a.m 6:30p.m. Mid-Week Service/ Pleasant Union Bible Class Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Missionary Baptist Church 1202 Eugene St. Indpls, Indiana 46208 phone 925-4382 ONE CHURCH THREE LOCATIONS fax 283-5615 Sunday Worship Fishers Campus Cooper Road Campus 10:50 am 8850 E. 106th St. 5805 Cooper Rd. Sunday School 9:15 am Fishers, IN Indpls, IN Monday Morning Prayer 6:00am Main Campus Wed. Bible Study 12:00 noon & 7:00pm 5750 E. 30th St. Indpls, IN Thurs. Family Living 7:00pm Rev. Curtis L. Vance, Pastor, and Fishers Campus: ...... 9:15 AM To give, click the GIVE button on our website. Fri. Victory Over Addictions Sis. Charlye Jean Vance 7:00pm CooperONE Road CHURCH Campus: ...... 10:45 AM Download via Google Play, Windows Phone, Main Campus: ...... 12:15 PM and Apple App Store. VisitTHREE our website LOCATIONS or ESC App and click Watch Live. TUNE IN Life-changing broadcasts available via: WTLC-AM 1310/92.7 FM (Radio) Sermons • Live stream Sunday services at 9:15 AM, 10:45 AM & 12:15 PM Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday at 9:15 AM • Sermons on demand anytime APPLE TV, ROKU, AMAZON • Sermon Rebroadcasts: Thursdays at 7 PM and Saturdays at 11 AM Connect for live stream or on demand

Senior Pastor Jeffrey A. Johnson, Sr. & Lady Sharon A. Johnson JOIN US FOR

ROCK CITY MONDAYS NOONDAY BIBLE STUDY FAMILY WORD NIGHT Ages 12-18 | Main Campus Main Campus Main Campus | Wednesdays 5-8 PM | Registration required Wednesdays | Noon 7 PM | Classes for everyone

ROCK FRESH MARKET HOURS: CONTACT US: Monday - Friday 8 AM - 6 PM Monday-Friday 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM Saturday and Sunday 11 AM - 4 PM Office: (317) 591-5050 | B Section Friday, APRIL 10, 2020 Changing the business model to adapt to pandemic By BREANNA COOPER [email protected] Tierra Winters has owned Vibe Hair Studio for 20 years. Two weeks ago, she closed down the shop temporarily for the fi rst time in two decades in response to COVID-19.

ight now, she’s doing OK. She’s ily, and I’m used to seeing them.” always been a planner; stay- Social distancing and a ban on large Ring on top of her bills and not gatherings are changing the way spending money unless she absolutely many companies and venues operate, has to. including independent record stores “It’s not bad right now, not for me,” throughout the country. she said. “If this [stay-in-place order] Since 2008, Record Store Day has goes much longer, it might be a prob- brought large crowds and a signifi cant lem. … I could probably last another amount of income to independent re- couple of weeks.” cord shops with limited releases from Before the pandemic forced Winters artists of all genres. Many shops host Tierra Winters to close her shop, she saw about 30 cli- concerts and hire food trucks to feed ents a week. To make due until she can the crowd. as you can and be on top of your craft.” Skinner said the shop — a member of reopen her shop — which she plans to This year, Record Store Day is post- Broad Ripple’s Indy CD and Vinyl the Coalition of Independent Record do as soon as Gov. Eric Holcomb’s stay- poned until at least June, but its fate is makes a whole weekend of the Record Stores — has applied for emergency in-place order is lifted — she is selling dependent on the course of the virus. Store Day and co-owner Andy Skin- loans and paycheck protection to en- hair bundles online to help make up Local musician Oreo Jones was ner said the shop makes double what sure workers can be paid for the dura- for lost income. scheduled to help host Record Store it normally would in a typical month tion of the stay-in-place order. “It will be a supplement,” she said of Day events this year at Luna Music. As over the two-day span. While many questions remain about the online sales, “but I’ll continue it a performer and the original organizer Customers can currently buy albums the fi nancial impact of COVID-19, after the store reopens.” for Chreece Hip Hop Festival, Jones and other products from Indy CD and many business owners, including Win- As a business owner, the last two knows fi rsthand the importance of Vinyl online. While the shop has lost ters, remain optimistic. weeks have been stressful for Winters community support, which is made revenue since its temporary closing on “I feel like I’ll bounce back pretty because of lost income. But more than diffi cult by people not being able to March 16, Skinner said online sales good,” she said. “I’m banking on that.” that, it’s been social distancing that has gather. For those who make their living are “going great,” and the health of his taken a toll. through art, making money means be- workers and customers comes fi rst. Contact staff writer Breanna Cooper at “My income will take a hit,” Winters ing innovative. “We’re happy to not be open for the 317-762-7848. Follow her on Twitter @ said. “But, I’ve been doing hair for “I feel like just getting creative and safety of customers and employees,” he BreannaNCooper. over 25 years. This is the fi rst time I’ve reaching out and using social media said. “I’m thrilled with how our team had to just shut down completely, and is the best tool an artist can use right has proven that they’re nimble.” these [clients] are my friends and fam- now,” Jones said. “… Get as innovative

Vibe Hair Studio has been shut down for weeks to prevent the spread of COVID-19. (Photo provided)

Items to donate: Non-perishable food RECEIVE A items, canned food, CANNED & ready-to-eat food $3,000 GRANT NON - PERISHABLE items, ramen noodles, Toward down payment and/or closing nuts and granola. costs with purchase of a home.* The purpose of the community food box project is to temporarily provide FOOD immediate relief to a larger issue within urban communities: food deserts. Community food boxes will provide those in need with free food DRIVE until the city and other stakeholders invest in the urgent needs of people living with food insecurity. We need your help! We are asking for food Community items to keep our box stocked for Food Box Project those in need. Please drop your donations off at The Indianapolis Recorder Newspaper UNION SAVINGS BANK (317) 908-6410 | CALL TODAY TO GET PREQUALIFIED 2901 N. Tacoma Ave. 46218

*Available in qualifi ed lending areas only. © 2020 Union Savings Bank. All rights reserved. Friday, April 10, 2020 Classifieds (317) 924–5143 L E G A L S n L E G A L S n L E G A L S

ADOPTION ADOPTION DISSOLUTION GUARDIANSHIP NOTICE OF NOTICENOTICE OF OF NOTICENOTICE OF OF NOTICEPATERNITY OF ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATIONADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATIONADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION New STATE OF INDIANA STATE OF INDIANA STATE OF INDIANA STATE OF fNDIANA SUMMONS - SERVICE BY COUNTY OF MARION SS: COUNTY OF MARION SS: COUNTY OF MARION COUNTY OF MARION SS: GORDON SHUMWAY GORDONState of Indiana SHUMWAY GORDONPUBLICATION SHUMWAY NOTICE OF STATE OF INDIANA STATE OF INDIANA IN THE MARION SUPERIOR MARION COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT OF MARlON SUPERIOR ADMINISTRATION MARION COUNTY County of Marion Rates COURT SUPERIOR COURT MARION COUNTY COURT In the Marion County In the Marion Superior Court COUNTY OF MARION SS: SUPERIOR COURT— IN THE MARION COUNTY PROBATE DIVISION PROBATE DIVISION, CIVIL DIVISION JUVENILE DIVISION Superior Court MylaPROBATE A. Eldridge, DIVISION Clerk MylaProbate A. Eldridge,Division Clerk Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk CAUSE NO. ROOM NO. 8 IN RE THE MARRIAGE OF: CAUSE NUMBER: In the Matter of the Estate IN THE MATTER OF COURT CASE NO.: PATERNITY DIVISION - As an historic 49D08-2001-AD-002501 CAUSE NO. AYLA L. HINZ, 49D09-1804-GU-000038 0f Charlotte Marie Forth, 49D08-2003-EU-011611 ESTATE OF IN RE: THE MATTER OF 49D08-1804-AD-014668 Petitioner, DATE: Monday, March 16, Deceased. VIRGINIA B. EMSHWILLER, TITLE IV-D publication that IN THE MATTER OF THE CAUSE NO: THE ADOPTION OF: IN RE THE ADOPTION OF: Vs 2020 Cause Number UNSUPERVISED Deceased. INFANT CHIRINOS CHRISTIAN MINYARI DUSTIN HINZ, IN THE MATTER OF THE 49D08-2003-EU-012370 Cause No: 49COI-0406-JP-1578 has served the ADMINISTRATION OF THE IN THE MATTER OF ROMERO, ALPHONSO LONG, Respondent. GUARDIANSHIP OF: Notice is hereby given that ESTATE OF 49D08-1905-EU-022224 Indianapolis A MINOR CHILD A Minor. 49D01-2003-DC-010885 Guinevere Rugerntein Kevin Michael Forth was on NOTICE OF SUSAN WHITLOCK CONSTANCE JOAN ALYEA, Petitioner, community for NOTICE TO UNNAMED NOTICE OF ADOPTION SUMMONS BY (171791 ) March 27, 2020, appointed DECEASED ADMINISTRATION FATHER Albert Joseph Long, III is PUBLICATION MINOR CHILD Personal Representative of Notice is hereby given that v. NOTICE OF EMANUEL HARDMAN nearly 124 years, The unnamed putative father notifi ed that a Petition for The State of Indiana to the ORDER RESETTING the Estate of Charlotte Marie ADMINISTRATION MICHAEL B. EMSHWILLER of the child born to Jessica Adoption of the child named defendants above named, HEARING Forth, Deceased, Who died was on the 18th day of Respondent, it’s with regret NOTICE is hereby given that And Chirinos Romero on January Christian Minyari Alphonso and any other person who I. NARRATIVE. The Court, on on February 8, 2020. on March 18, 2020, Michelle June 2019, appointed that the Recorder 11, 2020 or the person who Long, born to Albert Joseph may be concerned. You its own Imtion, taking notice All persons having claims Personal Representative of MANDEE WHITLOCK, A. Alyea was appointed Intervenor. claims to be the father of Long, III, was fi led in the are notifi ed that you have of both the Marion Superior against this estate, whether Personal Representative the Estate of VIRGINIA B. must raise its the child born to Jessica offi ce of the Probate Court been sued in the Court Court Executive Corrmittees or not now due, must fi le EMSHWILLER, deceased. NOTICE OF SUIT of the Estate of Constance The State of Indiana to the rates for legal Chirinos Romero on January of Marion County, Indiana, above named. The nature declaration of an emergency the claim in the offi ce of the Joan Alyea, who died on All persons who have claims 11, 2020, is notifi ed that a City County building, 200 of the suit against you is through April 3, 2020, and Clerk of this Court Within against this estate, whether respondent above named, December 11, 2019. and any other person who notices. petition for adoption of the E. Washington Street, Dissolution of Marriage. And the Indiana Supreme Courts three (3) months from the All persons Who have claims or not now due, must fi le child was fi led in the offi ce Room T1721, Indianapolis, to the following defendant Order granting the Marion date of the fi rst publication of claim in the offi ce of the may be concerned. against this estate, whether You are notifi ed that you of the clerk of the Marion IN 46204. The Petition whose whereabouts are Superior Courts petition for this notice, or within nine (9) or not now due, must fi le clerk of this court within Over the past few County Probate Division, for Adoption alleges that unknown: DUSTIN HINZ. In emergency relief pursuant months after the decedent’s three (3) months from the have been sued in the Court the claim in the Offi ce of the above named. 200 East Washington Street, consent to the adoption of addition to the above named to Indiana Administrative death, whichever is earlier, Clerk of this Court Within date of the fi rst publication years there have Suite T-1221, Indianapolis, Christian Minyari Alphonso defendant being served by Rule 17, fi nds that good or the claims will be forever of this notice, or within nine The nature of the suit against three (3) months from the you is: been undeniable Indiana 46204. Long is not required this summons there may be cause exists to continue this barred. date of the fi rst publication of (9) months after decedent’s If the unnamed putative because “he has abandoned other defendants who have matter. The Court, thererore, Dated at Indianapolis, death, whichever is earlier, Intervenor and maternal this notice, or within nine (9) aunt, Mandee Whitlock, by increases in the father seeks to contest the said child”. If Albert Joseph an interest in this law suit. If now sets this matter ror a Indiana, this March 27, months after the decedent’s or the claims will be forever adoption of the child, the Long, III seeks to contest you have a claim for relief guardianship hearing. 2020 barred. Counsel, Marcia J. Cossell, cost of the paper, death, whichever is earlier, respectfully petitions this unnamed putative father the adoption of the child, against the plaintiff arising II. NEXT HEARING. The Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk or the claims will be forever Dated at Indianapolis, yet our company must fi le a motion to contest Albert Joseph Long, III must from the same transaction or Court now sets a(n) 04/10/20 Indiana, March 25, 2020. Court to substitute guardian barred. ofthe parties’ minor child. the adoption in accordance fi le a Motion to contest the occurrence, you must assert Guardianship Hearing on 04/17/20 Dated at Indianapolis, Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk has absorbed the with IC 31-19-10-1 in the adoption in accordance with it in your written answer, You 5/11/2020 at 9:30 AM in 04/10/20 This summons by publication Indiana, March 18, 2020 is specifi cally directed to costs without above named court within IC 31-19-10-1 in the above must answer the Complaint Court #8. Parents/guardian Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk 04/17/20 thirty (30) days after the named Court no later than in writing, by you or your and assigned Counsel the following respondent(s) 04/03/20 whose whereabouts are increasing rates. date of service of this notice. thirty (30) days after the date attorney, on or before the _ are ordered to appear at NOTICE OF NOTICE OF 04/10/20 This notice may be served of service of this Notice. day of _, _, (the same being the hearing without further ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION unknown: Unfortunately, by publication. If Albert Joseph Long, III within thirty (30) days after notice. PATERNITY Emmanuel Hardman a/k/a that is no longer If the unnamed putative does not fi le a Motion to the Third Notice of Suit. STATE OF INDIANA GORDON SHUMWAY SUMMONS - SERVICE BY Manuel Hardman father does not fi le a motion contest the adoption within and if you fail to do so a STATE OF fNDIANA COUNTY OF MARION SS: NOTICE OF NOTICE OF In addition to the above- ADMINISTRATIONPUBLICATION feasible as costs to contest the adoption within thirty (30) days after service judgment will be entered COUNTY OF MARION SS: IN THE MARION SUPERIOR ADMINISTRATION STATE OF INDIANA named respondent being thirty (30) days after service of this Notice, the above against you for what the MARlON SUPERIOR COURT Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk served by this summons continue to GORDONCOUNTY OFSHUMWAY MARION SS: of this notice, the above named Court will hear and plaintiff was demanded. COURT PROBATE DIVISION STATE OF INDIANA IN THE MARlON COUNTY there may be other skyrocket. While named court shall hear determine the Petition for Dated: March 11, 2020 JUVENILE DIVISION ESTATE DOCKET COUNTY OF MARION SS: COURT defendants who have an and determine the petition Adoption. Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk CAUSE NUMBER: 49DO8-2003-EU-012464 IN THE MARION SUPERIOR interest in this law suit. our rates will MylaCAUSE A. Eldridge,NO. Clerk for adoption. The unnamed The consent to adoption of 04/03/20 49D09-1804-GU-000038 IN THE MATTER OF COURT 49C0l-2003-JP-009334 If you have a claim for relief increase effective putative father’s consent is Christian Minyari Alphonso 04/10/20 IN THE MATTER OF THE THE UNSUPERVISED PROBATE DIVISION IN THE MATTER OF: against the petitioner arising irrevocably implied and the Long will be irrevocably 04/17/20 GUARDIANSHIP OF: ESTATE 49D08-2003-EU-011481 Jacqueline Delizza from the same transaction or Jan. 1, 2019, the unnamed putative father implied and Albert Joseph Guinevere Rugerntein OF MARY K. (HUNLEY) IN TI-E MATTER OF THE Vasquez, occurrence, you must assert rates are still loses the right to contest Long, III will lose the right to 171791 HOLDEMAN UNSUPERVISED TRINIDAD DE LEON it in your written answer. You the adoption or the validity contest either the adoption, DISSOLUTION MINOR CHILD NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION OF THE LOPEZ, must answer the petition lower than other of the unnamed putative or the validity of Albert LIN LEHMKUHL, ADMINISTRATION ESTATE OF Petitioner, in writing, by you our your attorney, on or before the media outlets. father’s implied consent to Joseph Long, III’s implied STATE OF INDIANA Successor Petitioner. Notice is given that Brett WARREN R. ENGEL, and, the adoption. The unnamed consent to the adoption. COUNTY OF MARION PETITIONER’S E. Holdeman was, on DECEASED. IVAN A. VASQUEZ, day of , (the same being putative father loses the No oral statement made SUPERIOR COURT OF VERIFIED PETITION the 26th day of March NOTICE OF Respondent. within thirty (30) days after right to establish paternity of to Albert Joseph Long, MARION COUNTY FOR SUCCESSOR 2020, appointed personal ADMINISTRATION NOTICE OF SUIT the Third Notice of Suit), We want to the child under IC 31-14. III relieves Albert Joseph CIVIL DIVISION APPOINTMENT OF representative of the Notice is hereby given The State of Indiana to the and if you fail to do so a thank you for Nothing, Jessica Chirinos Long, III of his obligation IN RE THE MARRIAGE OF: GUARDIAN OF THE Estate of Mary K. (Hunley) that Susan Engel Lampert Respondents above named, judgement will be entered Romero or anyone else says under this Notice. LANOR WILLIAMS, PERSON OF GUINEVERE Holdeman, deceased, who was, on March 16, 2020, and any other person who against you for what the all the support to the unnamed putative This Notice complies with Petitioner, RUGENSTEIN, MINOR died on November 23, appointed Personal may be concerned. You are plaintiff has demanded. Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk you have shown father of the child relieves IC 31-19-4.5-3, but does Vs CHILD 2019. Representative of the notifi ed that you have been the unnamed putative father not exhaustively set forth KEITH GASKINE, Comes now Petitioner Lin All persons who have claims Estate of Warren R. Engel, sued in the Marion County 04/10/20 us and ask for of his obligations under this a person’s legal obligation Respondent. Lehmkuhl (Lin), in person against this estate, whether deceased, who died on the Circuit Court under Cause 04/17/20 notice. in the Indiana Adoption 49D03-2002-DN-005832 and by counsel Merryn or not now due, must fi le 28th day of January, 2020. Number 49COl-2003- 04/24/20 your continued Under Indiana law, a Statutes. A person being SUMMONS BY Gluys, and, pursuant to I.C. the claim in the offi ce of All persons having claims JP-009334. support. putative father is a person served with this notice PUBLICATION 29-3-5-1, in support of her the clerk of this court within against said estate, whether TIle nature of the suit against who is named as or claims should consult the Indiana The State of Indiana to the Verifi ed Petition would show three (3) months from the or not now due, must fi le you is: that he may be the father of Adoption Statutes. defendants above named, this court as follows: date of the fi rst publication the claim in the offi ce of the A paternity matter alleging If you have any a child born out of wedlock Respectfully submitted, and any other person who 1. Guinevere Rugenstein of this notice, or within Cierk of this Court Within Respondent is the biological PUBLIC NOTICE but who has not yet been /s/Randall R. Shouse may be concerned. You (Guin) is 14 years old and nine (9) months after the three months fi om the date father of Minor. Jacqueline questions, please legally proven to be the SHOUSE & are notifi ed that you have was born on 4-14-2005. decedent’s of the fi rst publication of this Delizza Vasauez. PUBLIC NOTICE: Cellco child’s father. LANGLOIS/1593-19 been sued in the Court Guin at this time lives with do not hesitate death, whichever is earlier, notice, or within nine months This summons by publication Partnership and its con- This notice complies with 9510 East Washington above named. The nature Petitioner at 3112 East Troy or the claims will be forever after the decedent’s death, is specifi cally directed trolled affi liates doing busi- to call Rapheal IC 31-19-4-4 but does not Street of the suit against you is Avenue, Beech Grove, barred. whichever is earlier, or to the following named ness as Verizon Wireless exhaustively set forth the Indianapolis IN 46229 Dissolution of Marriage. And Indiana 46107, county of Dated: March 26, 2020 the claims will be forever Respondent(s) whose (Verizon Wireless) proposes Matthew at (317) unnamed putative father’s Telephone: (317) 899-3500 to the following respondent Marion, state of Indiana. Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk barred. addresses are: to build a 39-foot Utility Pole 924-5143 or legal obligations under the Facsimile: (317) 899-3526 whose whereabouts are 2. Guin is incapacitated by 04/10/20 Dated at Indianapolis, And to the follm.ving Communications Tower. An- Indiana adoption statues. A e-mail: rshouse@ unknown: KEITH GASKIN. In reason of minority. 04/17/20 Indiana, this March 16, Respondent(s) whose ticipated lighting application email legals@ person being served with addition to the above named 3. Guin has no substantial 2020 whereabouts are unknown: is medium intensity dual red/ this notice should consult the Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk respondent being served by property. Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk Respondent. Ivan A. white strobes. The Site loca- Indiana adoption statutes. 03/27/20 this summons there may be 4. Lin is not legally or 04/03/20 Vasquez. DOB 06/04/1979. tion is 9403 Colony Pointe DATED: 3/18/2020 04/03/20 other parties who have an biologically related to Guin. NOTICE OF NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION04/10/20 whereabouts unknown. WDR, Indianapolis, Marion Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk 04/10/20 interest in this law suit. If Lin has one teen-aged ADMINISTRATION In addition to the above County, IN 46250, Lat: 39- New Rates 04/03/20 you have a claim for relief daughter who lives with Lin. GORDON SHUMWAY named Respondent(s) 55-28.38, Long: -86-03-1.83. Adoptions 04/10/20 against the petitioner arising Lin’s connection to Guin is State of Indiana NOTICE OF beingNOTICE served OF by this The Federal Communica- 04/17/20 DISSOLUTION from the same transaction or through Lin’s daughter. County of Marion summonsADMINISTRATION there may be tions Commission (FCC) An- occurrence, you must assert 5. At present Gwen’s In the Marion Superior Court ADMINISTRATION $118.00*** Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk other Respondent(s) who tenna Structure Registration STATE OF INDIANA it in your written answer, You guardian of her person Probate Division GORDONhave an interestSHUMWAY in this law COUNTY OF MARION CAUSE NUMBER; (ASR, Form 854) fi ling num- must answer the Complaint is Carra Miller (Carra). IN THE MATTER OF THE suit. ber is A1161816. IN THE marion COURT in writing, by you or your Carra was appointed as ESTATE OF 49D08-2003-EU-012211 Determine ADOPTION NOTICE OF If you have a claim for relief ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS CAUSE NO. attorney, on or before the _ Guin’s guardian on 5-14- MELBA A. DILK, Mylaagainst A. Eldridge,the Petitioner Clerk arising 49D14-2002-DC-007642 ADMINISTRATION – Interested persons may re- Heirship STATE OF INDIANA day of _, _, (the same being 2018; a Child in Need Deceased. from the same transaction or view the application (www. COUNTY OF MARION SS: IN RE THE MARRIAGE OF: within thirty (30) days after of Services cause gave Cause No: In the MARION Superior $118.00*** Court occurrence, you must assert by MARION COUNTY abimbola babatunde the Third Notice of Suit. and rise to the granting of the 49D08-2003-EU-012210 it in your “vritten answer. You Petitioner, In the matter of the Estate entering the fi ling number. SUPERIOR COURT if you fail to do so a judgment guardianship. NOTICE OF must answer the Complaint Environmental concerns CAUSE NO. v. will be entered against you 6. Guin’s legal father, Paul ADMINISTRATION of WILLIAM M. SNYDER, Dissolution deceased. in writing, by you or your may be raised by fi ling a 49D08-1912-AD-053292 modupeola babatunde for what the petitioner was Rugenstein, is deceased Notice is hereby given attorney, on or before the Respondent. Notice is hereby given that Request for Environmental of Marriage IN THE MATTER OF THE demanded. and was deceased at the that MICHAEL DILK, was day of . 2020, (the same Review ( ADOPTION OF SUMMONS Dated: February 7, 2020 time that this guardianship on the 24th day of March ANTHONY T. SNYDER was on the 23 day of MAR, being within thirty (30) days environmentalrequest) and $118.00*** TROY REED, [For Dissolution of Marriage Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk was initially granted. 2020, appointed Personal after the Third Notice of Cases Only] 2020, appointed personal online fi lings are strongly Minor child, 04/10/20 7. The names and Representative of the Suit), and if you fail to do so encouraged. The mail- RICO REED, The State of Indiana to 04/17/20 addresses of the persons Estate of MELBA A. DILK, representative of the estate of WILLIAM M. SNYDER, ajudgment will be entered ing address to fi le a paper Guardianship Petitioner, Respondent: modupeola 04/24/20 most closely related to Guin, deceased, who died on the will be entered against you babatunde deceased. copy is: FCC Requests for SUMMONS other than Petitioner, as far 14tht day of March 2020. for what the Petitioner has Environmental Review, Attn: Notice TO DEFENDANT: Vincente 5929 Parkwood Ct #7 as Petitioner can reasonably All persons who have claims All persons who have claims against this estate, whether demanded. Ramon Williams, 445 12th Allen Indianapolis IN NAME CHANGE obtain them are: against this estate, whether Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk $118.00*** 46224 or not now due, must fi le the Street SW, Washington, DC 3101 E. 10th St. NAME or not now due, must fi le 03/27/20 20554. Indianapolis, IN 46201 You have been sued by STATE OF INDIANA ADDRESS claim in the offi ce of the claim in the offi ce of the clerk of this court within 04/03/20 hspaxlp 04/10/20 You are hereby notifi ed that your spouse for dissolution COUNTY OF MARION, ss: RELATIONSHIP clerk of this court within 04/10/20 Name Change you have been sued by the of marriage. The case is IN THE MARION CIRCUIT TO CHILD three (3) months from the three (3) months from the $118.00*** person named as plaintiff in pending in the Court named COURT Michelle Hughey date of the fi rst publication date of the fi rst publication of the Court indicated above. above. IN THE MATTER OF THE unknown-California of this notice, or within nine this notice, or within fi ve (5) (Court date must months after the decedent’s be 30 days from The Court is located at If this Summons is NAME CHANGE OF: Birth Mother (9) months after decedent’s 200 E. Washington St., accompanied by an Order Carra Miller death, whichever is earlier, death, whichever is earlier, last publication JAMES CURTIS KEY, PUBLIC NOTICE Indianapolis, IN 46204; its Setting Hearing, you must CAUSE NO. 2508 Fox Harbor Drive or the claims will be forever or the claims will be forever date) phone number is (317) 327- appear in Court on the 49C01-2003-MI-010142 Indianapolis, IN 46227 barred. barred. Dated at Indianapolis, UPDATED - NOTICE TO BIDDERS 4200. date and time stated on ORDER SETTING Present Guardian Dated at Indianapolis, the Order Setting Hearing. 8. Lin fi rst began to have Indiana, March 24, 2020. Indiana, 3/23/2020. Sealed bids for construction of Sidewalk ADA ramps and The attached complaint HEARING AND adjacent panels in the: Summons states the nature of the suit IF YOU DO NOT APPEAR, a relationship with Guin Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk NOTICE OF PETITION 04/03/20 Sandstone Lakes, Sandstone Woods, Sandstone Meadows, $118.00*** against you and the relief EVIDENCE MAY BE HEARD FOR CHANGE OF NAME three years ago. Lin’s 04/10/20 AND A DECISION MAY BE daughter, who is Guin’s 04/17/20 04/10/20 and Spyglass Hills sought or the demand made James Curtis Key, whose Subdivisions of the City of Fishers, Indiana will be received against you. MADE BY THE COURT. If mailing and residence age, is a part of Guin’ s peer a Temporary Restraining group. As time progressed by the: You or your attorney must address is: 4529 Park Forest Department of Engineering Notice of fi le an answer or other Order is issued, it is Ct., Apt. B, Indianapolis, IN Guin moved in with Lin; NOTICE OF NOTICE OF effective immediately upon Guin’s present guardian, NOTICE OF NOTICE OF AtADMINISTRATION City Hall Real Estate appropriate response in 46226, in the Marion County, ADMINISTRATION One Municipal Drive writing to the complaint your receipt or knowledge of Indiana, hereby gives notice Carra Miller, was aware of ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION $118.00*** the Order. the move and posed no GORDONFishers, Indiana SHUMWAY 46038 within twenty (20) days, that he has fi led a Verifi ed State of Indiana until 11:00 AM local time on the 15th day of April 2020 commencing the day after If you wish to retain an Petition in the Marion Circuit resistance to it. Guin moved STATE OF INDIANA GORDONCounty of SHUMWAYMarion attorney to represent you in in on or about 9-15-19; from at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened you receive this Summons, Court on March 5, 2020 COUNTY OF MARION SS: In the Marion Superior Court and read aloud. Notice of or twenty-three (23) days if the matter, it is advisable to requesting that his name be that date forward Lin has IN THE MARION COUNTY Probate Division Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk do so before the date stated been entirely responsible for Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk Any bids received after the above specifi ed time and date Administration this Summons was received formally changed to JAMES SUPERIOR COURT IN THE MATTER OF THE will be returned to bidders unopened. by mail. Failure to respond on the Notice of Provisional CURTIS KEY. all ofGuin’s care and needs. PROBATE DIVISION UNSUPERVISED ESTATE Hearing. 9. Mother lives out of state This project will be funded wholly with Federal money under $87.00** timely could result in a A hearing will be held on ESTATE NO.: OF the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). judgment by default being If you take no action in his Petition on August 25, in California and has since 49D08-2003-EU-012217 BRUCE A. BIDDLE II, this case after receipt of approximately May 2019. Bidding and Contract Documents including Drawings rendered against you for the 2020, 9:00 a.m. 200 East IN RE THE ESTATE OF: Deceased. and Specifi cations may be examined in the offi ce of the Dissolution relief demanded by plaintiff. this Summons, the Court Washington Street Room 10. Gwen is now 14 years ROBIN ANN BROWN, BRUCE A. BIDDLE, can grant a Dissolution old. As such Lin will tender Department of Engineering, Fishers City Hall, One Municipal If you have a claim for relief W506, City County Building, DECEASED Petitioner. Drive, Fishers, Indiana 46038. of Corporation against the plaintiff arising of Marriage and/or make at Indianapolis, IN 46204. a proposed consent to the NOTICE OF Cause No: determinations that may granting of this Verifi ed Copies of all Contract Documents, including Drawings and $76.00* from the same transaction or So Ordered: March 10, ADMINISTRATION 49D08-2003-EU-011336 Specifi cations may be obtained on or after March 11th, occurrence, you must assert include but not limited 2020 Petition to Gwen after Notice is given that Erica NOTICE OF to any of the following: this Verifi ed Petition is 2020 from the Department of Engineering at the above it with your written answer. Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk Kelly was, on March 23, ADMINISTRATION stated address between the hours of 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM Dated: 12/26/2019 paternity, child custody, 03/27/20 fi lestamped. 2020 appointed personal Notice is hereby given Notice of child support, maintenance, 11. Lin anticipates fi ling Monday through Friday, except holidays. There will be a Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk 04/03/20 representative of Robin Ann that Bruce A. Biddle, was charge of $35.00 for each set of plans with specifi cations. Final Account parenting time, property 04/10/20 a consent in favor of the Brown, deceased, who died on the 16th day of March (real or personal), and other granting of this guardianship Partial sets will not be sold. All checks are to be made STATE OF INDIANA on January 27, 2020, and is 2020, appointed Personal payable to the City of Fishers. The $35.00 charge is Not $76.00* COUNTY OF MARION SS: distribution of assets and NAME CHANGE signed by Carra. Lin, through authorized to administer Representative of the debts, attorney fees and counsel, will make every Refundable. MARION COUNTY the estate Without court Estate of Bruce A. Biddle A mandatory Pre-Bid Conference for discussion of the SUPERIOR COURT costs. STATE OF INDIANA effort to determine Mother’s supervision. II, deceased, who died on Dated: FEB. 20, 2020 mailing address. Guin and Project, the bidding requirements and other important *** = CAUSE NO. COUNTY OF MARION, ss: All persons Who have claims the 21st day of February matters will be held on April 8th, 2020 at 10:00am. Please 49D08-1912-AD-053292 Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk IN THE MARION CIRCUIT Lin’s most recent information against this estate, Whether 2020. The estate will be Three run dates 03/27/20 about Mother is that she is note that due to ongoing COVID-19 health concerns this IN THE MATTER OF THE COURT or not now due, must fi le the administered without court will be an online meeting. Please contact the Department of ** = ADOPTION OF 04/03/20 IN RE THE PETITION homeless and that there claim in the offi ce 0f the clerk supervision. 04/10/20 is an active warrant for her Engineering at 317-595-3160 for information on accessing TROY REED. OF THE NAME CHANGE of the MARION COUNTY All persons who have claims this online meeting. All prospective bidders are required to Two run Dates Minor child. OF: arrest for domestic violence SUPERIOR COURT, Probate against this estate, whether and resisting arrest. attend the Pre-Bid Conference. For special accommodations * = RICO REED. NOAH FRANCIS MISHKIN, Division within three (3) or not now due, must fi le required for handicapped individuals planning to attend the Petitioner. Petitioner. 12. For the aforementioned months from the date of claim in the offi ce of the DISSOLUTION and other reasons the Pre-Bid Conference or public bid opening meeting, please One run date CONSENT TO CUTODY BY CAUSE NO. publication of this notice, or clerk of this court within call or notify the City of Fishers at (317) 595-3160 at least CAITLIN REED, MOTHER 49C01-2003-MI-009859 granting of this guardianship within nine (9) months from three (3) months from the STATE OF INDIANA action is necessary. forty-eight (48) hours prior thereto. Conies now. Caitlin Reed, COUNTY OF MARION NOTICE OF PETITION the date of death, whichever date of the fi rst publication No bids shall be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) the biological Mother of Troy FOR CHANGE OF NAME 13. Lin is not serving as is earlier, or the claims Will of this notice, or within nine All legal SUPERIOR COURT OF guardian for any other calendar days after the bid opening without written consent Reed (“Troy”), and executes MARION COUNTY BY INDIVIDUAL be forever barred. (9) months after decedent’s of the Fishers Board of Public Works. this Consent to Custody and Comes now Petitioner, Noah person. Dated at Marion County, death, whichever is earlier, advertisements CIVIL DIVISION: 14. Lin does not seek any A certifi ed check or bank draft, payable to the order of the states the following: VICTOR FITZGERALD Francis Mishkin, in person Indiana, this March 23, or the claims will be forever City of Fishers, negotiable U.S. Government Bonds (at par 1. I am the natural Mother limitations on the Guardian’s must be prepaid. MCMILLIAN II, and by counsel, Rebecca 2020 barred. value) or a satisfactory Bid Bond executed by the Bidder of Troy. W. Geyer, and hereby power. Lin is not a convicted Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk Dated at Indianapolis, Plaintiff, felon and there exist no DeS and acceptable surety, in an amount equal to fi ve percent 2. My husband. Rico Reed Vs gives notice that I have in 04/10/20 Indiana, March 18, 2020. (5%) or the total amount of the bid shall be submitted with has fi led a petition to adopt the offi ce of the Clerk of substantiations of abuse or 04/17/20 Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk CHELSEA ALEXANDRA neglect with respect to Lin. each bid. Troy. JOHNSON, the Circuit Court of Marion 04/03/20 Bid Guaranty will be returned to unsuccessful bidders 3. I am the spouse of Rico County for the change of my No present Child in Need 04/10/20 Defendant. of Services (CHINS) cause upon selection of the successful bidder. Bid Guaranty of Reed. 49D06-1409-DR-031060 name from NOAH FRANCIS NOTICE OF NOTICE OF the successful bidder will be returned upon the signing of Charge 4. I have no objection to MISHKIN to RAY KELLEY of action has been initiated ADMINISTRATION NOTICE OF NOTICE OF SUIT with respect to Guin. ADMINISTRATION NOTICE OF contracts and submission of performance and payment Rico Reed being named The State of Indiana to the MISHKIN, and that said bondsADMINISTRATION to the City of Fishers. the third-party custodian of Petition will be heard by 15. Lin cannot explore GORDONADMINISTRATION SHUMWAY defendants above named, any less restrictive STATEOF INDIANA Bids may be held for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days my child, Troy, and sharing and any other person who the Court on the 18 day of GORDONfrom the date SHUMWAY of Bid Opening for the purpose of reviewing your ad physical and legal custody alternatives to the granting COUNTY OF MARION SS: STATE OF INDIANA may be concerned. You are August, 2020 at 9:00 am. At IN THE MARION SUPERIOR COUNTY OF MARION SS: the Bids and investigating the qualifi cations of the Bidders of Troy with me. 200 East Washington Street of this guardianship. This Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk notifi ed that you have been is because Mother is out of COURT IN THE MARION SUPERIOR prior to the award of a Contract. 5. Rico Reed is a fi t a proper sued in the Court above Room W506, City County MylaAttention A. Eldridge, is called Clerk to the fact that no less than minimum person to have joint legal state, Father is deceased PROBATE DIVISION COURT named. The nature of the suit Building, at Indianapolis, IN CAUSE NO. PROBATE DIVISION salaries and wages as set forth in the Contract Documents and physical custody of 46204. and Carra is not able to against you is Divorce. And provide care and control for 49D08-2003-EU-012552 DOCKET NO. must be paid on this Project and that the Contractor must v Troy. to the following defendant Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk insure that all employees and applicants for employment 6. I have reviewed this Guin. IN THE MA TIER OF THE 49D08-2003-EU-012115 whose whereabouts are 03/27/20 UNSUPERVISED ESTATE IN THE MATTER OF THE are not discriminated against because of their race, creed, Consent, sought such legal 04/03/20 16. A less restrictive unknown: CHELSEA alternative is insuffi cient OF UNSUPERVISED color, sex or national origin. advice as I have deemed ALEXANDRA JOHNSON. In 04/10/20 Contractor/bidders shall be aware that this project is necessary and proper, to meet the needs of SHIRLEY CAROL J. ADMINISTRATION OF THE addition to the above named Guin because any legal LANDERS, DECEASED) ESTATE OF covered under the provisions of the Davis-Bacon Prevailing and I freely and voluntarily defendant being served by Wage Act. All laborers, mechanics, and personnel working execute this consent by NAME CHANGE mechanism that lacks NOTICE OF JASON ERIC SMITH, m this summons there may be ADMINISTRATION Deceased. on this project shall be paid at a minimum according to the signing below. this court’s authority is not other defendants who have STATE OF INDIANA enforceable or binding. Notice is hereby given that NOTICE OF prevailing wages indicated in the Wage Decision contained 7. I am not and have not an interest in this law suit. If in the project manual. been infl uenced unduly, COUNTY OF MARION, ss: 17. Lin now seeks a Jeffrey Landers was on ADMINISTRATION you have a claim for relief IN THE CIRCUIT COURT guardianship hearing at March 30, 2020, appointed Notice is hereby given The work to be performed under this Contract is on a nor am I under the threat of against the plaintiff arising Project assisted under a program providing direct Federal coercion or duress. IN RE THE NAME CHANGE which time Lin can be personal representative of that on March 23, 2020, from the same transaction or OF: given the opportunity to be the Estate of Shirley Carol Rebecca Brianne Smith fi nancial assistance from the Department of Housing and I affi rm under the penalties occurrence, you must assert Urban Development and is subject to the Affi rmative Action D of peijury that the foregoing AL DONG, heard and present herself J. Landers, deceased, who was appointed personal it in your written answer, You Requirements contained in Section 3 of the Housing and representations are true and Petitioner. to this court, DCS and any died on the 12th day of representative of the must answer the Complaint CAUSE NO. Guardian ad Litem that the October 2019. estate of Jason Eric Smith, Urban Development Act of 1968, as amended, 12 U.S.C. accurate. in writing, by you or your 1701u and Executive Order 11246, as amended. Women Date 12/23/2019 49C01-2002-MI-004955 Court may reappoint. All persons having claims deceased, Who died on the attorney, on or before the _ NOTICE OF PETITION 18. Lin’s knowledge and against this estate, whether 5th day of February, 2020. and Minority Owned businesses qualifi ed to perform the Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk day of _, _, (the same being work contemplated by this solicitation are encouraged to 03/27/20 FOR CHANGE OF NAME information is that there are or not now due, must fi le All persons having claims within thirty (30) days after AL DONG, whose mailing no other pending causes of the claim in the offi ce of the against this estate, whether Bid. 04/03/20 the Third Notice of Suit. The City of Fishers reserves the right to reject any or all bids 04/10/20 address is 124 Gazebo action with respect to Guin in Clerk of this Court within or not now due, must fi le Please Check and if you fail to do so a Dr., Indianapolis, IN 46227 this or any other state. Lin’s three (3) months from the the claim in the offi ce of the or to waive any informalities in the bidding to the extent Your Ad judgment will be entered in Marion County, Indiana, knowledge and information date of the fi rst publication of Clerk of this Court within permitted by law. against you for what the hereby gives notice that AL is also that no other person this notice, or within nine (9) three (3) months from the Jason Taylor, Director of Engineering Please carefully plaintiff was demanded. DONG has fi led a petition months after the decedent’s date of the fi rst publication 0f Department of Engineering, City of Fishers, Indiana Dated: February 12, 2020 or party has any custodial read your ad in the Marion County Circuit rights or authority with death, whichever is earlier, this notice, or within nine (9) hspaxlp 04/10/20 Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk Court requesting that name respect to Guin [with the or the claims will be forever months after the decedent’s 04/17/20 the first day it 04/10/20 be changed to NI NI MYINT. exception of Carra]. barred. death, whichever is earlier, appears and 04/17/20 Notice is further given that 19. Merryn Gluys of Gluys Dated at Indianapolis, or the claims will be forever 04/24/20 the hearing will be held and Miller, An Association Indiana this March 30, 2020 barred. report any errors on SAID PETITION on the of Attorneys, is counsel for Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk Dated at Marion County, PUBLIC NOTICE promptly. Credit 19th day of May, 2020 Petitioner. Gluys’s offi ce 04/10/20 Indiana, this March 23, for errors is at 9:00 a.m. at 200 East is located at 1915 Broad 04/17/20 2020 NOTIFICATION OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Washington Street Room Ripple Avenue, Indianapolis, Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk The Trustees of Purdue University will solicit and interview limited to the W506, City County Building, Indiana 46220. 04/03/20 prospective CMc fi rms for the Purdue Memorial Union cost of the first at Indianapolis, IN 46204. WHEREFORE, Petitioner 04/10/20 Ground Floor Renovation Project. The RFP process will con- Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk prays that the Court: sist of two stages. The fi rst stage (RFP-A/B) will be a quali- ad only and 04/10/20 1. Find that a Guardian fi cations based review. From these responses, fi rms will be adjustment is 04/17/20 of the person of Guin is shortlisted to proceed to the next stage. The second stage necessary; (RFP-C) will consist of interviews, which will be conducted limited to the 2. fi nd that Petitioner is the via WebEx. Purdue University intends to evaluate potential actual cost of most suitable person to CMc’s qualifi cations for the performance of all phases of the serve as Guardian; and African-American/Black Purdue Memorial Union Ground Floor Renovation Project space. 3. Appoint Petitioner as and reserves the right to award future phases based on the It is illegal to discriminate Guardian of the person of teens spend an average CMc’s performance. The Trustees of Purdue University will Guin. receive RFP-A responses until 11:00 a.m. Eastern Daylight Petitioner also prays for all Time (EDT) on the 23rd day of April, 2020 at: Capital Pro- against any person because of race, other relief that is proper in of $96 dollars monthly, gram Management, Purdue Technology Center Aerospace the premises. 1801 Newman Road, Ste. 208, West Lafayette, IN 47906- Lin Lehmkuhl, Petitioner 20% more per month 4510 To obtain Request for Proposal documents, please Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk email: Don Petersen, Project Executive drpeter@purdue. color, religion, sex, handicap, 03/27/20 edu THE TRUSTEES OF PURDUE UNIVERSITY James K. 04/03/20 than the average U.S. teen. Keefe, Senior Director of Capital Program Management 04/10/20 Date: familial status,or national origin. hspaxlp 04/10/20 04/17/20 Pike Township, Marion County, Indiana Disbursements by Vendor 2019

Fund/Category/Vendor Name Amount TOWNSHIP FUND Personal Services 5104 MERITAIN HEALTH $27,963.68 2777 SYSTEMS TAX SERVICE $89,140.59 5937 INPRS FBO PERF $70,859.23 2864 UNITED HEALTHCARE INS CO $656.48 5936 GENERATIONS HEALTH PARTNERS $600.95 00706 BOND, BRISHON $1,901.54 156 PIKE HEALTH PLAN $1,179.55 00620 DEKEMPER, STAN $588.88 00703 JOHNSON, ANNETTE M $2,862.00 3805 PIKE TOWNSHIP, EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAN $14,194.44 7777 DIRECT DEPOSIT PAYCHECKS $583,250.85 00705 VIRJEE, NABEELA $3,230.77 TOWNSHIP FUND Supplies 7040 DYNAMARK $84.87 4402 NET RESULTS INC $6,692.00 00707 AUTMON, ERICA $10.70 124 PITNEY BOWES $900.00 7007 PURE WATER PARTNERS $1,188.00 6511 XEROX CORPORATION $668.02 5920 RESCUE TERMITE & PEST CONTROL $190.00 5596 BUILDING SERVICE PARTNERS, LLC $14,090.13 3879 SAFEGUARD BUSINESS SYSTEMS $2,451.42 5584 TOSHIBA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS $75.00 7150 TABCO $833.14 150 SCHORNHORST, DONNA D. $13.65 4202 LEXIS NEXIS MATTHEW BENDER $483.61 7133 TOSHIBA FINANCIAL SERVICES $216.63 5792 U.S. POSTAL SERVICE (POSTAGE BY PHONE) $3,400.00 1739 INDIANAPOLIS BUSINESS JOURNAL $105.00 6190 OFFICE360 $8,096.05 1774 PLYMATE INC $3,080.70 6977 OFFICE H2Q, LLC $125.00 5652 FEDEX OFFICE $179.98 817 FLAG AND BANNER $464.40 6889 PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS $202.50 3199 OFFICE DEPOT $534.88 4146 MATTHEW BENDER & CO., INC. $4,523.16 2593 AQUA SYSTEMS, INC $215.60 6976 PROSHRED SECURITY $328.00 7039 USPS $500.00 6991 VIRJEE, NABEELA $69.90 7013 THEE CRAFT CASTLE $270.00 6995 INDIANA NEWSPAPERS INC. $217.97 5711 PRIORITY PRESS $1,944.19 6714 BARDACH AWARDS $373.81 3062 AMERICAN STAMPS & MARKING PRODUCTS, INC $479.59 4177 FED-EX KINKOS $401.29 00569 KELLY, KAREN $19.50 4098 THOMSON REUTERS WEST $352.00 7095 TIM AUSTIN PHOTOGRAPHY $250.00 2070 INDIANAPOLIS RECORDER $44.34 TOWNSHIP FUND Services and Charges 6087 CITIZENS ENERGY GROUP $5,019.12 6967 HOOSIERS FOR JUSTICE $5,900.00 1593 WEISS, ZOE ATTORNEY $450.00 6511 XEROX CORPORATION $791.83 4514 J.B. ENTERPRISES HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING $450.00 148 INDPLS. POWER & LIGHT - IPL $14,248.01 5920 RESCUE TERMITE & PEST CONTROL $95.00 6969 SIPES LAW FIRM PC $4,602.25 3550 THRASHER BUSCHMANN & VOELKEL, P.C. $1,718.40 6999 BYERS, GREG $100.00 5584 TOSHIBA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS $6,030.49 5314 CAMERON FENCE $2,385.00 7132 CLAUDETTE PETERSON $490.00 6878 WORD SYSTEMS. INC. $670.82 4202 LEXIS NEXIS MATTHEW BENDER $90.08 6978 BLACK PEARL IT SOLUTIONS $3,062.50 2343 PINGEL, SUZANNE $100.00 4858 ITA (INDIANA TOWNSHIP ASSOCIATION, INC) $1,070.00 4039 MARION CO. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT $1,190.28 7133 TOSHIBA FINANCIAL SERVICES $531.98 2580 STEPHENS, A DOUGLAS $428.41 3652 GUY, JOSEPH $100.00 7104 FERGUSON, JERAMY $50.00 7131 HUFCOR INC. $855.00 5221 AT&T MOBILITY $1,789.32 1581 CENTRAL INDIANA HARDWARE CO. $22,196.81 5294 DALE HUBBARD ELECTRIC INC $125.00 7124 BOOKKEEPING PLUS, INC. $372.00 1789 SONITROL OF INDIANAPOLIS, INC. $3,559.56 6889 PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS $270.00 761 AT&T $1,314.76 5326 CALLTOWER $7,728.76 1756 RAY’S TRASH SERVICE, INC. $1,134.05 7103 WEHMEIER, JAY $50.00 6522 LTC LANGUAGE SOLUTIONS $3,213.75 7020 LOVELYLAWNS & LANDSCAPING $10,144.00 6991 VIRJEE, NABEELA $513.84 6597 OFFICE TEAM $2,950.35 6716 RICHARDS, BOB $3,338.73 5636 JOHNSON, ANNETTE $18.00 4772 REGIONS BANK $7,959.33 2035 COURT & COMMERCIAL RECORD/IBJ CORP $51.91 7008 CIVIC POINT $9,217.00 6614 KIWANIS CLUB OF NORTHWEST INDIANAPOLIS $140.00 4290 CNA SURETY $1,800.00 7023 PING’S TREE SERVICE, INC. $2,370.00 6865 MCINNES. DONALD $100.00 3062 AMERICAN STAMPS & MARKING PRODUCTS, INC $46.75 5513 IRK, MICHAEL $100.00 6735 FAY BICCARD GLICK NC $1,000.00 6979 INDIANA JUDGES ASSOCIATION $200.00 7070 LUTZ, BOB $50.00 4145 ICE MILLER $647.00 6664 AYROW STUDIOS $350.00 TOWNSHIP FUND Capital Outlays 6242 CDW GOVERNMENT $971.70 7110 CULTURE LIGHTING CO., INC $4,000.00 TOWNSHIP FUND Other Disbursements 6982 HUNTINGTON CA $25.00 TOWNSHIP FUND $988,680.78 FIRE PENSION FUND Personal Services 7777 DIRECT DEPOSIT PAYCHECKS $162,155.61 FIRE PENSION FUND $162,155.61 TOWNSHIP ASSISTANCE Personal Services 5104 MERITAIN HEALTH $16,127.12 2777 SYSTEMS TAX SERVICE $15,687.29 5937 INPRS FBO PERF $23,941.06 00707 AUTMON, ERICA $1,558.92 2864 UNITED HEALTHCARE INS CO $199.60 156 PIKE HEALTH PLAN $929.23 3805 PIKE TOWNSHIP, EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAN $6,959.72 7777 DIRECT DEPOSIT PAYCHECKS $200,376.23 TOWNSHIP ASSISTANCE Supplies 00707 AUTMON, ERICA $35.00 3879 SAFEGUARD BUSINESS SYSTEMS $181.10 5792 U.S. POSTAL SERVICE (POSTAGE BY PHONE) $100.00 1389 BOYCE FORMS-SYSTEMS $769.75 6429 A.E. BOYCE COMPANY, INC. $277.36 TOWNSHIP ASSISTANCE Services and Charges 4858 ITA (INDIANA TOWNSHIP ASSOCIATION, INC) $975.00 6522 LTC LANGUAGE SOLUTIONS $110.00 3682 FIFTH THIRD BANK $602.95 TOWNSHIP ASSISTANCE Township Assistance 1179 CAMBRIDGE COMMONS APTS $5,673.30 1130 DEERCROSS APTS $4,720.00 6537 FIRST KEY HOMES $600.00 6087 CITIZENS ENERGY GROUP $9,886.93 1125 MAYFIELD GREEN COOPERATIVE $2,809.00 5312 WOODHAVEN PARK $2,235.00 1161 WOODS OF EAGLE CREEK $6,875.00 6093 T & H REALTY SERVICES, INC $1,200.00 1117 COLONIAL SQ.-GENE GLICK C. $1,027.00 7079 WIH2 LAKESIDE, LLC $960.00 1213 EDWARD ROSE OF IN/ SCARBOROUGH LAKES APT $6,235.00 3168 CROSS CREEK APARTMENTS $5,766.76 1204 WHISPERING PINES APARTMENTS $560.00 4470 SUMMERWOOD ON TOWNE LINE $1,520.00 7107 MAIN STREET RENEWAL $480.00 4271 LAKES OF GEORGETOWN $5,444.00 7047 DIXON MEMORIAL CHAPEL AND CREMATION SERVICES $3,580.00 7122 MIDWEST PROPERTIES AND MANAGEMENT, LLC $325.00 4734 EAGLE CREEK APARTMENTS $1,160.00 1253 COVERED BRIDGE APTS. $2,752.00 6911 WYLDE AT EAGLE CREEK APARTMENT $560.00 6642 GARDEN POINTE APTS $839.00 7069 THE ELLIOTT AT COLLEGE PARK $1,120.00 6990 STARKS, DAVID $730.00 3129 ANNHURST APARTMENTS $1,440.00 4570 EAGLE CHASE APARTMENTS $600.00 1261 WOODBROOK APARTMENTS $480.00 1185 THREE FOUNTAINS WEST (P.R.) $1,325.00 7054 RAJA, TALHA $600.00 1268 GUION CREEK APARTMENTS $752.89 6949 TURNER, WILLIAM C. JR. $600.00 6066 PANGEA PARKWEST $480.00 1287 FLANNER & BUCHANAN $800.00 6069 RICHMOND, ANDREW $560.00 7138 INDIA WILLIAMS $700.00 6962 GRAY-WILLIAMS, TIFFANY NICOLE $560.00 1271 PNC MORTGAGE CORPORATION $480.00 3167 CREEKSIDE SQUARE APTS $1,933.00 5941 ARSICH, SVETO $675.00 6297 HOWER, MICHAEL $500.00 1181 WASHINGTON PARK NORTH FUNERAL HOME $800.00 6367 AMERICAN HOMES 4 RENT LLC $560.00 1203 ABINGTON APTS $3,800.00 4137 OAKLAKE AT CROOKED CREEK $1,600.00 2675 CAMBRIDGE SQUARE NORTH APARTMENTS $1,351.34 6902 TRUE PROPERTY MANAGMENT GROUP $480.00 7016 HOME SFR BORROWER IV LLC $600.00 6262 REAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT CENTRAL INDIANA $170.50 6939 REL HOMES, LLC $2,160.00 6971 PROGRESS RESIDENTIAL BORROWER 3, LLC $1,160.00 6553 RETZLOFF $1,200.00 4538 IN TOWN SUITES $643.33 4168 US BANK HOME MORTGAGE $1,585.16 5154 JULIAN CENTER $4,469.00 1290 ROSEWOOD COMMONS $3,920.00 6996 DOVENMUEHLE MORTGAGE, INC. $560.00 7128 COMPASS PROPERTY MANAGEMENT $600.00 1364 OAKS OF EAGLE CREEK $3,255.19 6881 ASHFORD GEORGETOWN LLC $4,280.00 4979 IN TOWN SUITES $1,716.62 6805 KROGER LIMITED PARTNERSHIP I $1,910.48 5039 HUNTINGTON MORTGAGE $600.00 1231 OAKBROOK VILLAGE APTS. $4,509.89 6981 GROVE, MICHAEL C. $730.00 5579 SHOPPERS WORLD $10,514.42 1361 FALCON CREEK PLACE APARTMENTS $2,370.00 6975 HARTY, SHAHALA $960.00 4096 MIDLAND MORTGAGE $856.07 1177 CARLTON APARTMENTS $3,900.00 1332 STUART MORTUARY, INC. $1,595.00 5108 LA JOYA APARTMENTS $1,739.00 1139 INDPLS. POWER & LIGHT (PR) - IPL $42,479.63 1124 SPRINGHILL APTS. $560.00 6305 PANGEA REAL ESTATE $860.00 5015 WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE $560.00 7136 MR. COOPER HOME LOANS $250.00 4771 ASPEN CHASE AT EAGLE CREEK $3,009.00 6972 DENSON, ALICE L $480.00 7003 SPECIALIZED LOAN SERVICING LLC $600.00 7116 CHARLES AND CARLETTE CORPORATION LLC $560.00 6246 LEGACY CREMATION & FUNERAL $350.00 5672 OCWEN LOANING SERVICING $480.00 6974 TRIPLE E PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LLC $480.00 7043 MR. COOPER $600.00 6970 HUYNH, KENNEDY TRAN $600.00 6966 NEW PENN FINANCIAL $730.00 7068 WESTSIDE PROPERTY GROUP, LLC $600.00 7148 DIONNA DUVALL $600.00 6737 PENNY MAC LOAN SERVICES, LLC $214.43 5008 VOHRA, INDU; LANDLORD $625.00 2656 LAKE CAMELOT APARTMENTS $776.04 1238 BENT TREE APARTMENTS $929.00 5012 CROOKED CREEK APARTMENTS $1,520.00 5247 SUTHERLAND PARK CEMETERY $1,600.00 TOWNSHIP ASSISTANCE $472,433.31 FIRE FIGHTING Personal Services 5070 LIEVENS, ZACKARY $400.00 5104 MERITAIN HEALTH $682,758.44 2777 SYSTEMS TAX SERVICE $1,044,355.78 5937 INPRS FBO PERF $387,739.77 6270 GOODRICH, MICHAEL $400.00 1074 SAUNDERS, ROBERT $400.00 5607 GOODWIN, ROBERT $400.00 1087 TINSLEY, SCOTT R. $400.00 6447 EMERICK, LEE E $400.00 2864 UNITED HEALTHCARE INS CO $25,210.94 1033 HELRIGEL, JON R. $400.00 6506 WINTER, JASON $400.00 5936 GENERATIONS HEALTH PARTNERS $72,140.95 6504 MICHALISKO, JAMES $400.00 4149 GOOLSBY, BRENT $400.00 885 WILKEY, MARTIN $400.00 6669 NATIONWIDE TRUST COMPANY - PEHP $157,548.28 6434 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY $62,641.48 1026 HASTON, TERRY E. $400.00 5123 KRAMER, JUSTIN $400.00 5094 ROSS, RYAN $400.00 4342 AMIS, JOSEPH M $400.00 4801 RAMIREZ, JOSHUA $400.00 00696 HILBURT, JOSEPH $2,915.41 993 CRABTREE, MARK $400.00 00734 RUARK, DONALD $744.80 7089 PAYNE, NATHAN $200.00 4356 MINICHIELLO, MICHAEL $400.00 00714 FANGMAN, ZACHARY $876.12 4366 WELLER, PAUL E $400.00 1099 WILSON, WILLIAM K. $400.00 4345 BOONE, MARCUS $400.00 6453 SANCHEZ, DANIEL J $400.00 995 CRONE, BARRY $400.00 00738 JAMES, TRAVIS $932.80 Pike Township, Marion County, Indiana 7091 RINCKER, NOAH $200.00 Disbursements by Vendor 2019 00716 HAKES, BRIAN $876.12 891 ARDERY, CHARLES W. $400.00 Fund/Category/Vendor Name Amount 1034 HENDRIX, RONALD $400.00 TOWNSHIP FUND 1047 LAUREANO, JOSE $200.00 Personal Services 3697 SAUER, BRIAN $400.00 5104 MERITAIN HEALTH $27,963.68 1086 TARDIFF, STEVE $400.00 2777 SYSTEMS TAX SERVICE $89,140.59 156 PIKE HEALTH PLAN $281,212.49 5937 INPRS FBO PERF $70,859.23 1005 ELMORE, KEVIN $400.00 2864 UNITED HEALTHCARE INS CO $656.48 00730 BAKER, SAMANTHA $951.92 5936 GENERATIONS HEALTH PARTNERS $600.95 5606 CANFIELD, DUSTIN $400.00 00706 BOND, BRISHON $1,901.54 1098 WILKE, RONALD $400.00 156 PIKE HEALTH PLAN $1,179.55 1025 HARPE, JEFFERY $400.00 00620 DEKEMPER, STAN $588.88 00684 YANNOTTI, JUSTIN $408.00 00703 JOHNSON, ANNETTE M $2,862.00 997 DELAPLANE, ROBERT $400.00 3805 PIKE TOWNSHIP, EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAN $14,194.44 7093 SAUNDERS, JOHN $200.00 7777 DIRECT DEPOSIT PAYCHECKS $583,250.85 00718 KNICLEY, HANNAH $876.12 00705 VIRJEE, NABEELA $3,230.77 4347 CLEMENTS, TROY W $400.00 TOWNSHIP FUND 1100 YOUNG, MICHAEL D. $400.00 Supplies 6449 HIGHLAND, ANGELA R $400.00 7040 DYNAMARK $84.87 1052 MARTIN, DAVID A. $400.00 4402 NET RESULTS INC $6,692.00 1006 ESTES, DAVID $400.00 00707 AUTMON, ERICA $10.70 5605 BRESCHER, KADE $400.00 124 PITNEY BOWES $900.00 00725 WILKERSON, WILLIAM $876.12 7007 PURE WATER PARTNERS $1,188.00 7081 CROY, BRANDON $200.00 6511 XEROX CORPORATION $668.02 6843 JOHNSON, MATTHEW $400.00 5920 RESCUE TERMITE & PEST CONTROL $190.00 4795 MCCLENDON, MARVIN $400.00 5596 BUILDING SERVICE PARTNERS, LLC $14,090.13 00733 CHRISTIAN, JARRETT $751.78 3879 SAFEGUARD BUSINESS SYSTEMS $2,451.42 00695 WISE, STEPHEN $2,000.80 5584 TOSHIBA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS $75.00 7088 PATTERSON, RYAN $200.00 7150 TABCO $833.14 1043 KRIEGER, WILLIAM B. $400.00 150 SCHORNHORST, DONNA D. $13.65 00713 DICKISON, MICHAEL $876.12 4202 LEXIS NEXIS MATTHEW BENDER $483.61 4949 ALLGOOD, JASON $400.00 7133 TOSHIBA FINANCIAL SERVICES $216.63 6848 WILSON, JUSTIN $400.00 5792 U.S. POSTAL SERVICE (POSTAGE BY PHONE) $3,400.00 2235 HATTER, (DON) BRENT $400.00 1739 INDIANAPOLIS BUSINESS JOURNAL $105.00 1044 KRATT, THOMAS $400.00 6190 OFFICE360 $8,096.05 4349 DREXLER, AMANDA G $400.00 1774 PLYMATE INC $3,080.70 00720 PAYNE, NATHAN $876.12 6977 OFFICE H2Q, LLC $125.00 00729 MACK, DAMON $783.60 5652 FEDEX OFFICE $179.98 7085 HAKES, BRIAN $200.00 817 FLAG AND BANNER $464.40 4153 MCMURTREY, DAVID $200.00 6889 PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS $202.50 00556 RAMIREZ, JOSHUA $45.52 3199 OFFICE DEPOT $534.88 6182 UNITED STATES TREASURY $1,460.20 4146 MATTHEW BENDER & CO., INC. $4,523.16 00366 WALDEN, TROY D. $3,350.60 2593 AQUA SYSTEMS, INC $215.60 1095 WILEY, LARRY $200.00 6976 PROSHRED SECURITY $328.00 7092 RIVERA, DILLON $200.00 7039 USPS $500.00 5124 ROBERTS, GREGORY $400.00 6991 VIRJEE, NABEELA $69.90 3805 PIKE TOWNSHIP, EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAN $792,155.19 7013 THEE CRAFT CASTLE $270.00 4365 WALKER, DANIEL $400.00 6995 INDIANA NEWSPAPERS INC. $217.97 881 HENSON, JAMES $400.00 5711 PRIORITY PRESS $1,944.19 5126 YOUNG, CALVIN $400.00 6714 BARDACH AWARDS $373.81 3294 GREGORY & APPEL INSURANCE $37,916.67 3062 AMERICAN STAMPS & MARKING PRODUCTS, INC $479.59 1071 RICKARD, JOEL $400.00 4177 FED-EX KINKOS $401.29 00723 RINCKER, NOAH $876.12 00569 KELLY, KAREN $19.50 7014 BOREL, ARTHUR $400.00 4098 THOMSON REUTERS WEST $352.00 7080 CALDWELL, MATTHEW $200.00 7095 TIM AUSTIN PHOTOGRAPHY $250.00 6272 JAS, JAN $400.00 2070 INDIANAPOLIS RECORDER $44.34 7175 LOSS, REBEKAH $408.00 TOWNSHIP FUND 6847 WADLINGTON, CAMERON $400.00 Services and Charges 00717 JOHNSON, DEAN $2,628.35 6087 CITIZENS ENERGY GROUP $5,019.12 1015 GEORGE, RICKY $400.00 6967 HOOSIERS FOR JUSTICE $5,900.00 4800 PETRO, MARK $400.00 1593 WEISS, ZOE ATTORNEY $450.00 1031 HEATH, CHRISTOPHER $400.00 6511 XEROX CORPORATION $791.83 6452 SALMON, MATTHEW J $400.00 4514 J.B. ENTERPRISES HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING $450.00 1080 SMITH, DAVID $400.00 148 INDPLS. POWER & LIGHT - IPL $14,248.01 1003 DUNCAN, LEONARD $400.00 5920 RESCUE TERMITE & PEST CONTROL $95.00 6505 RANEY, MARK $400.00 6969 SIPES LAW FIRM PC $4,602.25 00721 PETERSON, KYLE $876.12 3550 THRASHER BUSCHMANN & VOELKEL, P.C. $1,718.40 5122 BOROS, JAMES $400.00 6999 BYERS, GREG $100.00 00724 SAUNDERS, JOHN $876.12 5584 TOSHIBA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS $6,030.49 1019 GRASS, KERRY T. $400.00 5314 CAMERON FENCE $2,385.00 4950 EFFNER, LLOYD $400.00 7132 CLAUDETTE PETERSON $490.00 6143 INPRS FUND 77 $2,384,094.67 6878 WORD SYSTEMS. INC. $670.82 4346 BUTLER, MARSHALL $400.00 4202 LEXIS NEXIS MATTHEW BENDER $90.08 00711 LEE, CRYSTAL $638.43 6978 BLACK PEARL IT SOLUTIONS $3,062.50 4798 PENNINGTON, PATRICK $400.00 2343 PINGEL, SUZANNE $100.00 4351 JOHNSON, COREY $400.00 4858 ITA (INDIANA TOWNSHIP ASSOCIATION, INC) $1,070.00 4343 BAYLESS, RAPHAEL $400.00 4039 MARION CO. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT $1,190.28 6275 KRIEGER, BRANDON $400.00 7133 TOSHIBA FINANCIAL SERVICES $531.98 1009 FISCHER, EVERETT A. $400.00 2580 STEPHENS, A DOUGLAS $428.41 00712 CROY, BRANDON $876.12 3652 GUY, JOSEPH $100.00 4796 MILLER, SHAWN $400.00 7104 FERGUSON, JERAMY $50.00 2655 INDIANA DEPT OF WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT $32,757.79 7131 HUFCOR INC. $855.00 887 ADAMS, JAMES $400.00 5221 AT&T MOBILITY $1,789.32 988 CAMPBELL, JAMES $400.00 1581 CENTRAL INDIANA HARDWARE CO. $22,196.81 4360 RUSSELL, LARRY D $400.00 5294 DALE HUBBARD ELECTRIC INC $125.00 5610 SCHUBERT, DAVID $400.00 7124 BOOKKEEPING PLUS, INC. $372.00 998 DOOLIN, DANIEL $400.00 1789 SONITROL OF INDIANAPOLIS, INC. $3,559.56 1024 HARDEBECK, DAVID $400.00 6889 PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS $270.00 7094 TAYLOR, LANA $200.00 761 AT&T $1,314.76 5609 MAUER, ROCHELLE $400.00 5326 CALLTOWER $7,728.76 00719 PATTERSON, RYAN $876.12 1756 RAY’S TRASH SERVICE, INC. $1,134.05 6846 RADER. KENNETH $400.00 7103 WEHMEIER, JAY $50.00 5604 BELL, JEREMIE $400.00 6522 LTC LANGUAGE SOLUTIONS $3,213.75 4791 CROWELL, TYSON $400.00 7020 LOVELYLAWNS & LANDSCAPING $10,144.00 4803 WINSLOW, PETER $400.00 6991 VIRJEE, NABEELA $513.84 6271 HILEMAN, MARK $400.00 6597 OFFICE TEAM $2,950.35 1054 MARTIN, MICHAEL $400.00 6716 RICHARDS, BOB $3,338.73 4354 MASTERS, RYAN $400.00 5636 JOHNSON, ANNETTE $18.00 4793 GASTON, LARRY $400.00 4772 REGIONS BANK $7,959.33 4772 REGIONS BANK $75.00 2035 COURT & COMMERCIAL RECORD/IBJ CORP $51.91 1088 TRAGESSER, CHRISTOPHER $400.00 7008 CIVIC POINT $9,217.00 4364 WALDEN, TROY $400.00 6614 KIWANIS CLUB OF NORTHWEST INDIANAPOLIS $140.00 4350 HUSER, CHRISTOPHER $400.00 4290 CNA SURETY $1,800.00 4361 MCKAMEY, ALAN $400.00 7023 PING’S TREE SERVICE, INC. $2,370.00 7777 DIRECT DEPOSIT PAYCHECKS $13,805,585.00 6865 MCINNES. DONALD $100.00 6451 PITTS, DANIEL G $400.00 3062 AMERICAN STAMPS & MARKING PRODUCTS, INC $46.75 6446 CLAPP, ERIC L $400.00 5513 IRK, MICHAEL $100.00 00731 LANDBERG, COLIN $903.85 6735 FAY BICCARD GLICK NC $1,000.00 7087 KNICLEY, HANNAH $200.00 6979 INDIANA JUDGES ASSOCIATION $200.00 6454 SHUPE, MINDY R $400.00 7070 LUTZ, BOB $50.00 4363 UTZIG, WENDY $2,764.80 4145 ICE MILLER $647.00 4344 BELL, AARON $400.00 6664 AYROW STUDIOS $350.00 4797 MILLS, STEVEN $400.00 TOWNSHIP FUND 897 BLACKWELL, DONALD $400.00 Capital Outlays 00732 PICKETT, TANYA $1,480.93 6242 CDW GOVERNMENT $971.70 00544 BLACK, DENNIS $4,087.39 7110 CULTURE LIGHTING CO., INC $4,000.00 6562 HOGWOOD, MARGARET $400.00 TOWNSHIP FUND 2611 MATTHEWS, SCOTT $400.00 Other Disbursements 4790 BLACK, DENNIS $400.00 6982 HUNTINGTON CA $25.00 1083 STAGGS, ERIC B. $400.00 TOWNSHIP FUND $988,680.78 4792 GANNON, JEREMY $400.00 FIRE PENSION FUND 6424 4IMPRINT, INC. $1,842.24 Personal Services 3058 VEGA, RICARDO $400.00 7777 DIRECT DEPOSIT PAYCHECKS $162,155.61 5093 BROWN, AARON W $400.00 FIRE PENSION FUND $162,155.61 00726 WILSON, ALTON $876.12 TOWNSHIP ASSISTANCE 00685 WARD, KATHY $2,458.00 Personal Services 7082 DICKISON, MICHAEL $200.00 5104 MERITAIN HEALTH $16,127.12 4352 KEMPSON, JOSHUA R $400.00 2777 SYSTEMS TAX SERVICE $15,687.29 6273 MCCLIMON, CHRISTOPHER $400.00 5937 INPRS FBO PERF $23,941.06 5125 VAN VELSE, JACQUELYN $400.00 00707 AUTMON, ERICA $1,558.92 00359 VEGA, RICARDO $3,511.52 2864 UNITED HEALTHCARE INS CO $199.60 5612 WALSH, BRIAN $400.00 156 PIKE HEALTH PLAN $929.23 7090 PETTYGROVE, MICHAEL $200.00 3805 PIKE TOWNSHIP, EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAN $6,959.72 00162 ELMORE, KEVIN DAVID $3,399.85 7777 DIRECT DEPOSIT PAYCHECKS $200,376.23 00715 GEIST, NATHANIEL $876.12 TOWNSHIP ASSISTANCE 4341 ANE, DAVID $400.00 Supplies 00503 UTZIG, WENDY K $3,569.83 00707 AUTMON, ERICA $35.00 00722 PETTYGROVE, MICHAEL $876.12 3879 SAFEGUARD BUSINESS SYSTEMS $181.10 4357 MITCHELL, STEVEN $400.00 5792 U.S. POSTAL SERVICE (POSTAGE BY PHONE) $100.00 6838 CALVERT, MACKENZIE $400.00 1389 BOYCE FORMS-SYSTEMS $769.75 00728 RIVERA, DILLON $876.12 6429 A.E. BOYCE COMPANY, INC. $277.36 00687 THOMAS, TROY $312.98 TOWNSHIP ASSISTANCE 7084 GEIST, NATHANIEL $200.00 Services and Charges 4353 KLEIMAN, NICHOLAS R $400.00 4858 ITA (INDIANA TOWNSHIP ASSOCIATION, INC) $975.00 986 BURTON, JOSEPH A. $200.00 6522 LTC LANGUAGE SOLUTIONS $110.00 1093 VOIGHT, CRAIG A. $400.00 3682 FIFTH THIRD BANK $602.95 00364 WILKEY, MARTIN F $4,302.44 TOWNSHIP ASSISTANCE 6448 HALE, JOSEPH M $400.00 Township Assistance 7086 JOHNSON, DEAN $200.00 1179 CAMBRIDGE COMMONS APTS $5,673.30 00704 BOREL, ARTHUR J $4,084.85 1130 DEERCROSS APTS $4,720.00 1069 RANKIN, ALLYN $400.00 6537 FIRST KEY HOMES $600.00 5324 NATIONAL BANK OF INDIANAPOLIS (RHIF FUNDS) $200,000.00 6087 CITIZENS ENERGY GROUP $9,886.93 6842 HILL, JA’MICHAEL $400.00 1125 MAYFIELD GREEN COOPERATIVE $2,809.00 6269 FORNEY, RYAN $400.00 5312 WOODHAVEN PARK $2,235.00 00727 CALDWELL, MATTHEW $876.12 1161 WOODS OF EAGLE CREEK $6,875.00 985 BURNELL, TIMOTHY $400.00 6093 T & H REALTY SERVICES, INC $1,200.00 7083 FANGMAN, ZACHARY $200.00 1117 COLONIAL SQ.-GENE GLICK C. $1,027.00 1041 KERSEY, JOSEF P. $400.00 7079 WIH2 LAKESIDE, LLC $960.00 4355 MCCORKLE, LANCE M $400.00 1213 EDWARD ROSE OF IN/ SCARBOROUGH LAKES APT $6,235.00 00627 GOODRICH, MICHAEL B $4,667.87 3168 CROSS CREEK APARTMENTS $5,766.76 00735 SOLENBERG, AARON $537.60 1204 WHISPERING PINES APARTMENTS $560.00 5872 CRACIUNOIU, BRITTANY $400.00 4470 SUMMERWOOD ON TOWNE LINE $1,520.00 FIRE FIGHTING 7107 MAIN STREET RENEWAL $480.00 Supplies 4271 LAKES OF GEORGETOWN $5,444.00 7040 DYNAMARK $1,839.06 7047 DIXON MEMORIAL CHAPEL AND CREMATION SERVICES $3,580.00 4207 ARTISTIC AWARDS $1,789.60 7122 MIDWEST PROPERTIES AND MANAGEMENT, LLC $325.00 4978 CENTRAL RESTAURANT PRODUCTS $3,087.87 4734 EAGLE CREEK APARTMENTS $1,160.00 5089 MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES INC $139,273.79 1253 COVERED BRIDGE APTS. $2,752.00 7114 O’REILLY FIRST CALL $879.66 6911 WYLDE AT EAGLE CREEK APARTMENT $560.00 3863 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, INC. $3,480.53 6642 GARDEN POINTE APTS $839.00 5797 ZIEBART OF INDIANAPOLIS - WEST $316.19 7069 THE ELLIOTT AT COLLEGE PARK $1,120.00 6372 PARTSMASTER $2,085.33 6990 STARKS, DAVID $730.00 5884 PEARSON WHOLESALE PARTS $4,751.59 3129 ANNHURST APARTMENTS $1,440.00 3055 MATTHEWS MOBILE SERVICE $26,625.16 4570 EAGLE CHASE APARTMENTS $600.00 1900 H. P. PRODUCTS $841.07 1261 WOODBROOK APARTMENTS $480.00 7010 P&G CLEANERS, LLC $1,604.85 1185 THREE FOUNTAINS WEST (P.R.) $1,325.00 835 KOORSEN FIRE AND SECURITY INC $4,558.05 7054 RAJA, TALHA $600.00 1604 J & F DISTRIBUTING CO., INC. $4,589.93 1268 GUION CREEK APARTMENTS $752.89 788 CINTAS CORPORATION $6,434.69 6949 TURNER, WILLIAM C. JR. $600.00 828 INDIANA OXYGEN COMPANY $7,676.88 6066 PANGEA PARKWEST $480.00 5768 MID AMERICA FIRE & SAFETY, LLC $6,203.20 1287 FLANNER & BUCHANAN $800.00 2330 SNAP-ON TOOLS CORPORATION $3,628.94 6069 RICHMOND, ANDREW $560.00 6643 PRO AIR MIDWEST, LLC $23.00 7138 INDIA WILLIAMS $700.00 6527 AFC INTERNATIONAL INC $2,297.46 6962 GRAY-WILLIAMS, TIFFANY NICOLE $560.00 2020 GURNEY J. BUSH, INC $950.00 1271 PNC MORTGAGE CORPORATION $480.00 6073 FLEETPRIDE $17,425.59 3167 CREEKSIDE SQUARE APTS $1,933.00 4514 J.B. ENTERPRISES HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING $4,700.00 5941 ARSICH, SVETO $675.00 5088 GLOBAL EMERGENCY PRODUCTS, INC $27,809.75 6297 HOWER, MICHAEL $500.00 6515 CIRCLE DISTRIBUTING $15,977.55 1181 WASHINGTON PARK NORTH FUNERAL HOME $800.00 6155 PIP PRINTING $1,437.28 6367 AMERICAN HOMES 4 RENT LLC $560.00 3043 VAN’S ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS $244.84 1203 ABINGTON APTS $3,800.00 6662 ANDY MOHR CHEVROLET $3,610.16 4137 OAKLAKE AT CROOKED CREEK $1,600.00 3016 TSI INCORPORATED $234.60 2675 CAMBRIDGE SQUARE NORTH APARTMENTS $1,351.34 2450 EMERGENCY MEDICAL PRODUCTS, INC. $9,333.23 6902 TRUE PROPERTY MANAGMENT GROUP $480.00 4449 ACORN DISTRIBUTERS, INC $8,502.47 7016 HOME SFR BORROWER IV LLC $600.00 6035 A-1 SUPPLY COMPANY $4,023.79 6262 REAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT CENTRAL INDIANA $170.50 7120 TBA TIBBS $243.83 6939 REL HOMES, LLC $2,160.00 6110 WEX BANK $163,056.05 6971 PROGRESS RESIDENTIAL BORROWER 3, LLC $1,160.00 4212 NAPA AUTO PARTS/GENUINE PARTS CO - INDPLS $9,662.21 6553 RETZLOFF $1,200.00 2064 MYERS TIRE SUPPLY $223.71 4538 IN TOWN SUITES $643.33 2058 ZIEBART $169.94 4168 US BANK HOME MORTGAGE $1,585.16 7037 SUPPLYWORKS $78.92 5154 JULIAN CENTER $4,469.00 4257 SOUTHSIDE STEEL $137.22 1290 ROSEWOOD COMMONS $3,920.00 4164 NORTHWEST AWARDS INC $375.00 6996 DOVENMUEHLE MORTGAGE, INC. $560.00 6140 RELIABLE PARTS $476.41 7128 COMPASS PROPERTY MANAGEMENT $600.00 1034 HENDRIX, RONALD $105.93 1364 OAKS OF EAGLE CREEK $3,255.19 2949 EMBROIDERY PLUS $4,350.00 6881 ASHFORD GEORGETOWN LLC $4,280.00 6675 RALPH’S MUFFLER SHOPS AVON $139.95 4979 IN TOWN SUITES $1,716.62 7041 CHAPMAN MASONRY $3,800.00 6805 KROGER LIMITED PARTNERSHIP I $1,910.48 3091 DONLEY SAFETY $920.68 5039 HUNTINGTON MORTGAGE $600.00 6223 RED WING SHOE STORE $360.00 1231 OAKBROOK VILLAGE APTS. $4,509.89 7149 SIRCHIE $188.52 6981 GROVE, MICHAEL C. $730.00 6353 CUMMINS CROSSPOINT $825.20 5579 SHOPPERS WORLD $10,514.42 5878 BOTTAMILLER LLC $1,836.00 1361 FALCON CREEK PLACE APARTMENTS $2,370.00 7056 EDWARDS EQUIPMENT CO., INC. $244.05 6975 HARTY, SHAHALA $960.00 7001 ACE RADIATOR INC. $5,909.46 4096 MIDLAND MORTGAGE $856.07 3120 ACE LOCK & KEY CO $1,501.17 1177 CARLTON APARTMENTS $3,900.00 5782 VERATHON $2,520.00 1332 STUART MORTUARY, INC. $1,595.00 5855 TAYLOR & BLACKBURN BATTERY WAREHOUSE $905.61 5108 LA JOYA APARTMENTS $1,739.00 5541 FITE LLC $1,725.00 1139 INDPLS. POWER & LIGHT (PR) - IPL $42,479.63 6419 HARRISON HYDRA-GEN, LTD $1,631.10 1124 SPRINGHILL APTS. $560.00 6111 GALLS $167.94 6305 PANGEA REAL ESTATE $860.00 4275 GORDON PLUMBING, INC $425.00 5015 WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE $560.00 7035 L&N WELDING $535.25 7136 MR. COOPER HOME LOANS $250.00 7125 MAXX XHAUST LLC $1,082.29 4771 ASPEN CHASE AT EAGLE CREEK $3,009.00 4123 FLOTEC INC. $450.00 6972 DENSON, ALICE L $480.00 6304 BONE DRY ROOFING, INC $275.00 7003 SPECIALIZED LOAN SERVICING LLC $600.00 6853 BECK SERVICE CENTER $2,284.02 7116 CHARLES AND CARLETTE CORPORATION LLC $560.00 6414 TREESTUFF.COM $189.98 6246 LEGACY CREMATION & FUNERAL $350.00 6631 ZORES, INC. $1,627.00 5672 OCWEN LOANING SERVICING $480.00 1581 CENTRAL INDIANA HARDWARE CO. $24.30 6974 TRIPLE E PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LLC $480.00 6266 INDIANAPOLIS EMS $24,697.36 7043 MR. COOPER $600.00 5620 CLAUDE & GREG’S $1,825.00 6970 HUYNH, KENNEDY TRAN $600.00 6839 BEST-ONE OF INDY $33,323.53 6966 NEW PENN FINANCIAL $730.00 5337 FIRE SERVICE INC $45,124.82 7068 WESTSIDE PROPERTY GROUP, LLC $600.00 1293 ST VINCENT HOSPITAL & HEALTHCARE CENTER $24.15 7148 DIONNA DUVALL $600.00 2358 TURBO & DIESEL INJECTION $766.07 6737 PENNY MAC LOAN SERVICES, LLC $214.43 6209 FIVE ALARM FIRE & SAFETY EQUIPMENT $124,172.06 5008 VOHRA, INDU; LANDLORD $625.00 5615 US UNIFORM & SUPPLY $1,001.03 2656 LAKE CAMELOT APARTMENTS $776.04 6528 J&B MEDICAL SUPPLY $82,728.45 1238 BENT TREE APARTMENTS $929.00 3684 ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATION GPO $37,829.29 5012 CROOKED CREEK APARTMENTS $1,520.00 5294 DALE HUBBARD ELECTRIC INC $16,214.05 5247 SUTHERLAND PARK CEMETERY $1,600.00 6242 CDW GOVERNMENT $121.09 TOWNSHIP ASSISTANCE $472,433.31 6915 RED WING BUSINESS ADVANTAGE $285.26 FIRE FIGHTING 4181 DISASTER MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS INC. $3,090.53 Personal Services 863 PROFESSIONAL GARAGE DOOR SYSTEMS, INC $325.00 5070 LIEVENS, ZACKARY $400.00 4446 J&E TIRE CENTER, INC. $1,048.25 5104 MERITAIN HEALTH $682,758.44 5624 MISTRAS GROUP $7,057.80 2777 SYSTEMS TAX SERVICE $1,044,355.78 1592 BILL ESTES CHEVROLET, INC. $306.57 5937 INPRS FBO PERF $387,739.77 7110 CULTURE LIGHTING CO., INC $4,327.65 6270 GOODRICH, MICHAEL $400.00 1533 MAPLE BUSINESS FORMS $5,008.96 1074 SAUNDERS, ROBERT $400.00 6935 MINERVA BUNKER GEAR CLEANERS $1,511.25 5607 GOODWIN, ROBERT $400.00 817 FLAG AND BANNER $1,269.60 1087 TINSLEY, SCOTT R. $400.00 6531 TOTAL TRUCK PARTS $1,648.24 6447 EMERICK, LEE E $400.00 6442 MARSHALL AUTO GLASS LCC $50.00 2864 UNITED HEALTHCARE INS CO $25,210.94 5406 SUNBELT RENTALS $311.56 1033 HELRIGEL, JON R. $400.00 6227 UNITED LABORATORIES $1,465.83 6506 WINTER, JASON $400.00 5749 DON’S AUTO TRIM $2,290.00 5936 GENERATIONS HEALTH PARTNERS $72,140.95 2187 UNIFORM HOUSE, INC. $21,380.74 6504 MICHALISKO, JAMES $400.00 2442 MID STATE TRUCK EQUIPMENT $1,268.46 4149 GOOLSBY, BRENT $400.00 6499 INTERSTATE ALL BATTERY CENTER $2,795.11 885 WILKEY, MARTIN $400.00 5409 BRIGHT SHEET METAL CO. INC $2,943.92 6669 NATIONWIDE TRUST COMPANY - PEHP $157,548.28 6253 ESKENAZI HEALTH/ INDIANAPOLIS EMS $21,829.68 6434 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY $62,641.48 4173 ERS WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS $6,081.34 1026 HASTON, TERRY E. $400.00 4827 O’REILLY AUTO PARTS $825.12 5123 KRAMER, JUSTIN $400.00 3885 FASTENAL COMPANY $5,362.51 5094 ROSS, RYAN $400.00 3260 STRYKER SALES CORPORATION $1,970.36 4342 AMIS, JOSEPH M $400.00 7034 INDIANAPOLIS WIRE AND TERMINAL $16,168.05 4801 RAMIREZ, JOSHUA $400.00 5066 CLARKE POWER SERVICES $37,362.70 00696 HILBURT, JOSEPH $2,915.41 7121 PINE LOCKBOX $1,448.00 993 CRABTREE, MARK $400.00 5219 FEDEX KINKOS $25.00 00734 RUARK, DONALD $744.80 1783 HERFF JONES $1,353.45 7089 PAYNE, NATHAN $200.00 6976 PROSHRED SECURITY $780.00 4356 MINICHIELLO, MICHAEL $400.00 6082 REGIONS COMMERCIAL BANK CARD $270.00 00714 FANGMAN, ZACHARY $876.12 3298 GRAINGER PARTS OPERATION $3,765.48 4366 WELLER, PAUL E $400.00 7102 CCP INDUSTRIES INC. $844.00 1099 WILSON, WILLIAM K. $400.00 6444 BATTERIES PLUS BULBS $1,393.62 4345 BOONE, MARCUS $400.00 5833 CROSSROADS AMBULANCE SALES & SERVICE $1,423.97 6453 SANCHEZ, DANIEL J $400.00 3170 GARAGE DOORS OF INDIANAPOLIS INC $7,535.70 995 CRONE, BARRY $400.00 3025 TRUCK SERVICE INC $4,111.87 00738 JAMES, TRAVIS $932.80 6619 BILL ESTES FORD $414.98 Pike Township, Marion County, Indiana 7091 RINCKER, NOAH $200.00 7002 HP PRODUCTS CORPORATION $1,276.43 Disbursements by Vendor 2019 00716 HAKES, BRIAN $876.12 6524 CHAMPION CHRYSLER JEEP DODGE RAM $710.02 891 ARDERY, CHARLES W. $400.00 6912 TBA WAREHOUSE $1,658.21 Fund/Category/Vendor Name Amount 1034 HENDRIX, RONALD $400.00 6807 G & G OIL CO. OF INDIANA, INC. $12,421.75 TOWNSHIP FUND 1047 LAUREANO, JOSE $200.00 6840 INDY’S PRO GRAPHIX $750.00 Personal Services 3697 SAUER, BRIAN $400.00 6716 RICHARDS, BOB $5,712.65 5104 MERITAIN HEALTH $27,963.68 1086 TARDIFF, STEVE $400.00 785 CARDINAL MANUFACTURING $646.32 2777 SYSTEMS TAX SERVICE $89,140.59 156 PIKE HEALTH PLAN $281,212.49 2916 MENARDS $405.25 5937 INPRS FBO PERF $70,859.23 1005 ELMORE, KEVIN $400.00 1466 BARRETT SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT $25,523.11 2864 UNITED HEALTHCARE INS CO $656.48 00730 BAKER, SAMANTHA $951.92 5821 ALERT ALL CORP $5,447.50 5936 GENERATIONS HEALTH PARTNERS $600.95 5606 CANFIELD, DUSTIN $400.00 1390 PEARSON FORD, INC. $1,301.02 00706 BOND, BRISHON $1,901.54 1098 WILKE, RONALD $400.00 4232 TRUCK PRO, INC $921.17 156 PIKE HEALTH PLAN $1,179.55 1025 HARPE, JEFFERY $400.00 3163 MOORE INDUSTRIAL HARDWARE $168.23 00620 DEKEMPER, STAN $588.88 00684 YANNOTTI, JUSTIN $408.00 2989 STOOPS FREIGHTLINER-QUALITY TRAILER INC $1,569.96 00703 JOHNSON, ANNETTE M $2,862.00 997 DELAPLANE, ROBERT $400.00 5003 ST. VINCENT HOSP & HEALTH CARE CT $93.18 3805 PIKE TOWNSHIP, EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAN $14,194.44 7093 SAUNDERS, JOHN $200.00 4886 UPS $221.29 7777 DIRECT DEPOSIT PAYCHECKS $583,250.85 00718 KNICLEY, HANNAH $876.12 7036 SKAGGS TRANSMISSIONS, LLC $2,805.00 00705 VIRJEE, NABEELA $3,230.77 4347 CLEMENTS, TROY W $400.00 6633 ULINE $3,027.11 TOWNSHIP FUND 1100 YOUNG, MICHAEL D. $400.00 2971 OFFICE DEPOT CREDIT PLAN $14,050.52 Supplies 6449 HIGHLAND, ANGELA R $400.00 1388 NAPA AUTO PARTS $14,380.74 7040 DYNAMARK $84.87 1052 MARTIN, DAVID A. $400.00 5411 HERITAGE CRYSTAL CLEAN, LLC $646.31 4402 NET RESULTS INC $6,692.00 1006 ESTES, DAVID $400.00 6072 BLUE TARP FINANCIAL INC. $474.33 00707 AUTMON, ERICA $10.70 5605 BRESCHER, KADE $400.00 6738 RELIABLE TRANSMISSION SERVICE $3,313.06 124 PITNEY BOWES $900.00 00725 WILKERSON, WILLIAM $876.12 6667 SHIELD SOLUTIONS, LLC $1,972.96 7007 PURE WATER PARTNERS $1,188.00 7081 CROY, BRANDON $200.00 6062 HABEGGER CORP $313.63 6511 XEROX CORPORATION $668.02 6843 JOHNSON, MATTHEW $400.00 2316 PETTY CASH $149.00 5920 RESCUE TERMITE & PEST CONTROL $190.00 4795 MCCLENDON, MARVIN $400.00 4025 MITE-E-DUCTS $449.00 5596 BUILDING SERVICE PARTNERS, LLC $14,090.13 00733 CHRISTIAN, JARRETT $751.78 6058 WITMER PUBLIC SAFTEY GROUP INC. $3,424.35 3879 SAFEGUARD BUSINESS SYSTEMS $2,451.42 00695 WISE, STEPHEN $2,000.80 6635 JENNY’S ALTERATIONS $166.00 5584 TOSHIBA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS $75.00 7088 PATTERSON, RYAN $200.00 6461 GLENDALE PARADE STORE $770.90 7150 TABCO $833.14 1043 KRIEGER, WILLIAM B. $400.00 3206 KIRBY RISK CORPORATION $498.60 150 SCHORNHORST, DONNA D. $13.65 00713 DICKISON, MICHAEL $876.12 7126 LMC SERVICE SOLUTIONS $447.00 4202 LEXIS NEXIS MATTHEW BENDER $483.61 4949 ALLGOOD, JASON $400.00 4134 PITNEY BOWES PURCHASE POWER $1,483.97 7133 TOSHIBA FINANCIAL SERVICES $216.63 6848 WILSON, JUSTIN $400.00 1410 DIVE RESCUE INTERNATIONAL, INC $469.00 5792 U.S. POSTAL SERVICE (POSTAGE BY PHONE) $3,400.00 2235 HATTER, (DON) BRENT $400.00 3122 CLEAN AIR CONCEPTS $1,935.42 1739 INDIANAPOLIS BUSINESS JOURNAL $105.00 1044 KRATT, THOMAS $400.00 1478 CONTROL TECH HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING $369.46 6190 OFFICE360 $8,096.05 4349 DREXLER, AMANDA G $400.00 5805 OTTO’S PARKING MARKING COMPANY $1,081.00 1774 PLYMATE INC $3,080.70 00720 PAYNE, NATHAN $876.12 6125 TEAM IMAGE $6,432.53 6977 OFFICE H2Q, LLC $125.00 00729 MACK, DAMON $783.60 1276 HENTHORN MOWER AND ENGINE $2,229.81 5652 FEDEX OFFICE $179.98 7085 HAKES, BRIAN $200.00 3100 KAM HYDRAULICS, INC $971.50 817 FLAG AND BANNER $464.40 4153 MCMURTREY, DAVID $200.00 1358 GALLS, INC. $274.88 6889 PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS $202.50 00556 RAMIREZ, JOSHUA $45.52 6994 CUSTOM HOME IMPROVEMENT INC. $7,670.00 3199 OFFICE DEPOT $534.88 6182 UNITED STATES TREASURY $1,460.20 6796 JUST ADD WATER BOATS, LLC $1,834.34 4146 MATTHEW BENDER & CO., INC. $4,523.16 00366 WALDEN, TROY D. $3,350.60 6674 DAVID CLARK $357.00 2593 AQUA SYSTEMS, INC $215.60 1095 WILEY, LARRY $200.00 820 HOOSIER FIRE EQUIPMENT $1,486.41 6976 PROSHRED SECURITY $328.00 7092 RIVERA, DILLON $200.00 2082 WAYMIRE A.P.S., INC $620.50 7039 USPS $500.00 5124 ROBERTS, GREGORY $400.00 2577 LOWES BUSINESS ACCOUNT $21,694.60 6991 VIRJEE, NABEELA $69.90 3805 PIKE TOWNSHIP, EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAN $792,155.19 4971 SOUTHERN INDIANA SCUBA $1,602.71 7013 THEE CRAFT CASTLE $270.00 4365 WALKER, DANIEL $400.00 7142 MACQUEEN EMERGENCY $420.37 6995 INDIANA NEWSPAPERS INC. $217.97 881 HENSON, JAMES $400.00 7145 KENSAR EQUIPMENT COMPANY $1,080.40 5711 PRIORITY PRESS $1,944.19 5126 YOUNG, CALVIN $400.00 7017 HARE AUTOMOTIVE $413.28 6714 BARDACH AWARDS $373.81 3294 GREGORY & APPEL INSURANCE $37,916.67 5252 ACME $328.00 3062 AMERICAN STAMPS & MARKING PRODUCTS, INC $479.59 1071 RICKARD, JOEL $400.00 7101 TAYLOR OIL CO., INC. $779.93 4177 FED-EX KINKOS $401.29 00723 RINCKER, NOAH $876.12 1344 INDIANA POWER SERVICE & SUPPLY, INC. $84.00 00569 KELLY, KAREN $19.50 7014 BOREL, ARTHUR $400.00 5277 ST. VINCENT HOSPITAL & HEALTH CARE CENTER $17.15 4098 THOMSON REUTERS WEST $352.00 7080 CALDWELL, MATTHEW $200.00 4888 FIRST CALL $136.88 7095 TIM AUSTIN PHOTOGRAPHY $250.00 6272 JAS, JAN $400.00 6290 KEMPLER, JONATHAN $120.00 2070 INDIANAPOLIS RECORDER $44.34 7175 LOSS, REBEKAH $408.00 4254 MARK IV ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS $227.50 TOWNSHIP FUND 6847 WADLINGTON, CAMERON $400.00 6560 MITCHELL 1 $1,608.00 Services and Charges 00717 JOHNSON, DEAN $2,628.35 6897 C.E.S. CITY ELECTRIC SUPPY-MA $50.19 6087 CITIZENS ENERGY GROUP $5,019.12 1015 GEORGE, RICKY $400.00 6952 SAFELITE AUTOGLASS $317.97 6967 HOOSIERS FOR JUSTICE $5,900.00 4800 PETRO, MARK $400.00 5909 ST. VINCENT HOSPITAL & HEALTH SERVICES $40.73 1593 WEISS, ZOE ATTORNEY $450.00 1031 HEATH, CHRISTOPHER $400.00 2355 BATTERIES PLUS $222.61 6511 XEROX CORPORATION $791.83 6452 SALMON, MATTHEW J $400.00 2969 CIRCLE CITY SECURITY SYSTEMS INC $1,290.00 4514 J.B. ENTERPRISES HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING $450.00 1080 SMITH, DAVID $400.00 4639 ANDY MOHR FORD $175.79 148 INDPLS. POWER & LIGHT - IPL $14,248.01 1003 DUNCAN, LEONARD $400.00 2650 MACALLISTER MACHINERY CO, INC $537.59 5920 RESCUE TERMITE & PEST CONTROL $95.00 6505 RANEY, MARK $400.00 6339 D & D MEDICAL, INC. $145.22 6969 SIPES LAW FIRM PC $4,602.25 00721 PETERSON, KYLE $876.12 FIRE FIGHTING 3550 THRASHER BUSCHMANN & VOELKEL, P.C. $1,718.40 5122 BOROS, JAMES $400.00 Services and Charges 6999 BYERS, GREG $100.00 00724 SAUNDERS, JOHN $876.12 4402 NET RESULTS INC $8,536.01 5584 TOSHIBA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS $6,030.49 1019 GRASS, KERRY T. $400.00 5399 LIFE TIME FITNESS/MEMBERSHIP DUES $289.32 5314 CAMERON FENCE $2,385.00 4950 EFFNER, LLOYD $400.00 4785 LIFE TIME FITNESS, INC $4,101.75 7132 CLAUDETTE PETERSON $490.00 6143 INPRS FUND 77 $2,384,094.67 00707 AUTMON, ERICA $104.32 6878 WORD SYSTEMS. INC. $670.82 4346 BUTLER, MARSHALL $400.00 6087 CITIZENS ENERGY GROUP $50,435.94 4202 LEXIS NEXIS MATTHEW BENDER $90.08 00711 LEE, CRYSTAL $638.43 5607 GOODWIN, ROBERT $171.25 6978 BLACK PEARL IT SOLUTIONS $3,062.50 4798 PENNINGTON, PATRICK $400.00 6967 HOOSIERS FOR JUSTICE $5,900.00 2343 PINGEL, SUZANNE $100.00 4351 JOHNSON, COREY $400.00 835 KOORSEN FIRE AND SECURITY INC $4,854.08 4858 ITA (INDIANA TOWNSHIP ASSOCIATION, INC) $1,070.00 4343 BAYLESS, RAPHAEL $400.00 7058 CWATTS CLEANING $1,125.00 4039 MARION CO. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT $1,190.28 6275 KRIEGER, BRANDON $400.00 788 CINTAS CORPORATION $6,538.13 7133 TOSHIBA FINANCIAL SERVICES $531.98 1009 FISCHER, EVERETT A. $400.00 2864 UNITED HEALTHCARE INS CO $8,562.80 2580 STEPHENS, A DOUGLAS $428.41 00712 CROY, BRANDON $876.12 7129 KIKA ENTERPRISE LLC $789.00 3652 GUY, JOSEPH $100.00 4796 MILLER, SHAWN $400.00 4496 PEARSON EDUCATION $6,238.10 7104 FERGUSON, JERAMY $50.00 2655 INDIANA DEPT OF WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT $32,757.79 6936 ASCENSION ST. VINCENT PUBLIC SAFETY $195,644.25 7131 HUFCOR INC. $855.00 887 ADAMS, JAMES $400.00 6643 PRO AIR MIDWEST, LLC $6,905.00 5221 AT&T MOBILITY $1,789.32 988 CAMPBELL, JAMES $400.00 7123 BOUNCE ABOUT INDY $210.00 1581 CENTRAL INDIANA HARDWARE CO. $22,196.81 4360 RUSSELL, LARRY D $400.00 6511 XEROX CORPORATION $3,975.39 5294 DALE HUBBARD ELECTRIC INC $125.00 5610 SCHUBERT, DAVID $400.00 3618 VERIZON WIRELESS $35,198.84 7124 BOOKKEEPING PLUS, INC. $372.00 998 DOOLIN, DANIEL $400.00 7077 C.L. COONROD & CO. $18,313.00 1789 SONITROL OF INDIANAPOLIS, INC. $3,559.56 1024 HARDEBECK, DAVID $400.00 4149 GOOLSBY, BRENT $385.48 6889 PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS $270.00 7094 TAYLOR, LANA $200.00 4219 COMCAST CABLE $19,813.26 761 AT&T $1,314.76 5609 MAUER, ROCHELLE $400.00 7038 INSURANCE MANAGEMENT GROUP $333,304.00 5326 CALLTOWER $7,728.76 00719 PATTERSON, RYAN $876.12 148 INDPLS. POWER & LIGHT - IPL $77,591.02 1756 RAY’S TRASH SERVICE, INC. $1,134.05 6846 RADER. KENNETH $400.00 5920 RESCUE TERMITE & PEST CONTROL $1,700.00 7103 WEHMEIER, JAY $50.00 5604 BELL, JEREMIE $400.00 6969 SIPES LAW FIRM PC $7,099.00 6522 LTC LANGUAGE SOLUTIONS $3,213.75 4791 CROWELL, TYSON $400.00 3550 THRASHER BUSCHMANN & VOELKEL, P.C. $1,449.85 7020 LOVELYLAWNS & LANDSCAPING $10,144.00 4803 WINSLOW, PETER $400.00 885 WILKEY, MARTIN $82.30 6991 VIRJEE, NABEELA $513.84 6271 HILEMAN, MARK $400.00 6336 XEROX BUSINESS SERVICES LLC $703.66 6597 OFFICE TEAM $2,950.35 1054 MARTIN, MICHAEL $400.00 7105 COLORADO STATE FIRE CHIEFS $445.00 6716 RICHARDS, BOB $3,338.73 4354 MASTERS, RYAN $400.00 6676 CHARLES WATTS $9,600.00 5636 JOHNSON, ANNETTE $18.00 4793 GASTON, LARRY $400.00 7115 EITELJORG MUSEUM $200.00 4772 REGIONS BANK $7,959.33 4772 REGIONS BANK $75.00 4787 QUENCH USA $2,898.00 2035 COURT & COMMERCIAL RECORD/IBJ CORP $51.91 1088 TRAGESSER, CHRISTOPHER $400.00 2660 WAYNE TOWNSHIP FIRE DEPT $435.00 7008 CIVIC POINT $9,217.00 4364 WALDEN, TROY $400.00 4801 RAMIREZ, JOSHUA $172.37 6614 KIWANIS CLUB OF NORTHWEST INDIANAPOLIS $140.00 4350 HUSER, CHRISTOPHER $400.00 7018 GARRISON, STEPHEN $400.00 4290 CNA SURETY $1,800.00 4361 MCKAMEY, ALAN $400.00 6074 PITNEY BOWES GLOBAL FINANCIAL SERVICES $835.11 7023 PING’S TREE SERVICE, INC. $2,370.00 7777 DIRECT DEPOSIT PAYCHECKS $13,805,585.00 7147 MICHAEL A. KAUFMANN, M.D., FACEP $660.00 6865 MCINNES. DONALD $100.00 6451 PITTS, DANIEL G $400.00 6963 INDIANAPOLIS HEALTHPLEX $5,770.62 3062 AMERICAN STAMPS & MARKING PRODUCTS, INC $46.75 6446 CLAPP, ERIC L $400.00 4400 INDIANA BLACK EXPO/EOF $1,325.00 5513 IRK, MICHAEL $100.00 00731 LANDBERG, COLIN $903.85 7055 BUSINESS TRAINING MEDIA $2,116.00 6735 FAY BICCARD GLICK NC $1,000.00 7087 KNICLEY, HANNAH $200.00 2073 KRONOS, INC $27.26 6979 INDIANA JUDGES ASSOCIATION $200.00 6454 SHUPE, MINDY R $400.00 4229 IFCA $525.00 7070 LUTZ, BOB $50.00 4363 UTZIG, WENDY $2,764.80 7139 NATRINA DEBOW $600.00 4145 ICE MILLER $647.00 4344 BELL, AARON $400.00 6978 BLACK PEARL IT SOLUTIONS $6,687.50 6664 AYROW STUDIOS $350.00 4797 MILLS, STEVEN $400.00 1098 WILKE, RONALD $157.64 TOWNSHIP FUND 897 BLACKWELL, DONALD $400.00 5279 CAREER BUILDER $650.00 Capital Outlays 00732 PICKETT, TANYA $1,480.93 1247 HENDRIXSON, STEVEN $600.00 6242 CDW GOVERNMENT $971.70 00544 BLACK, DENNIS $4,087.39 6496 MSD OF PIKE FOODSERVICE $200.00 7110 CULTURE LIGHTING CO., INC $4,000.00 6562 HOGWOOD, MARGARET $400.00 4347 CLEMENTS, TROY W $202.86 TOWNSHIP FUND 2611 MATTHEWS, SCOTT $400.00 6965 JOCO FITNESS $5,280.00 Other Disbursements 4790 BLACK, DENNIS $400.00 7019 LIFE ASSIST $159.85 6982 HUNTINGTON CA $25.00 1083 STAGGS, ERIC B. $400.00 6968 BONDRY MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS, LLC $7,500.00 TOWNSHIP FUND $988,680.78 4792 GANNON, JEREMY $400.00 6630 NAT. ASSOC OF FIRE INVESTIGATORS/NAFI $65.00 FIRE PENSION FUND 6424 4IMPRINT, INC. $1,842.24 2276 IBJ CORP,COURT AND COMMERCIAL RECORD $17.50 Personal Services 3058 VEGA, RICARDO $400.00 6226 PROJECT LIFESAVER INTERNATIONAL $495.00 7777 DIRECT DEPOSIT PAYCHECKS $162,155.61 5093 BROWN, AARON W $400.00 7050 NOLAN DODGE $826.73 FIRE PENSION FUND $162,155.61 00726 WILSON, ALTON $876.12 6950 CLEVELAND HEARTLAB $9,900.00 TOWNSHIP ASSISTANCE 00685 WARD, KATHY $2,458.00 2096 INTL ASSOC. OF FIRE CHIEFS, INC. IAFC $2,580.00 Personal Services 7082 DICKISON, MICHAEL $200.00 7135 COLIN LANDBERG $116.08 5104 MERITAIN HEALTH $16,127.12 4352 KEMPSON, JOSHUA R $400.00 6077 NFPA $475.00 2777 SYSTEMS TAX SERVICE $15,687.29 6273 MCCLIMON, CHRISTOPHER $400.00 3825 INTERNATIONAL ASSOC. OF ARSON $90.00 5937 INPRS FBO PERF $23,941.06 5125 VAN VELSE, JACQUELYN $400.00 7140 RUSS SIPES $600.00 00707 AUTMON, ERICA $1,558.92 00359 VEGA, RICARDO $3,511.52 6701 A-S-K ASSOCIATES, INC. $1,675.00 2864 UNITED HEALTHCARE INS CO $199.60 5612 WALSH, BRIAN $400.00 6801 POORE, NANCY $600.00 156 PIKE HEALTH PLAN $929.23 7090 PETTYGROVE, MICHAEL $200.00 7146 LYNN MCWHIRTER $780.00 3805 PIKE TOWNSHIP, EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAN $6,959.72 00162 ELMORE, KEVIN DAVID $3,399.85 6507 EMERGENCY SERVICES MARKETING CORP.,INC $660.00 7777 DIRECT DEPOSIT PAYCHECKS $200,376.23 00715 GEIST, NATHANIEL $876.12 6671 IAAP $150.00 TOWNSHIP ASSISTANCE 4341 ANE, DAVID $400.00 2929 BUSCHMANN, STEPHEN $600.00 Supplies 00503 UTZIG, WENDY K $3,569.83 6631 ZORES, INC. $2,800.00 00707 AUTMON, ERICA $35.00 00722 PETTYGROVE, MICHAEL $876.12 5221 AT&T MOBILITY $9,356.17 3879 SAFEGUARD BUSINESS SYSTEMS $181.10 4357 MITCHELL, STEVEN $400.00 6615 KRONOS $19,315.35 5792 U.S. POSTAL SERVICE (POSTAGE BY PHONE) $100.00 6838 CALVERT, MACKENZIE $400.00 1581 CENTRAL INDIANA HARDWARE CO. $550.00 1389 BOYCE FORMS-SYSTEMS $769.75 00728 RIVERA, DILLON $876.12 5084 ST. VINCENT STRESS CENTER $1,728.00 6429 A.E. BOYCE COMPANY, INC. $277.36 00687 THOMAS, TROY $312.98 1295 MARION COUNTY FIRE CHIEFS ASSOC. $150.00 TOWNSHIP ASSISTANCE 7084 GEIST, NATHANIEL $200.00 1293 ST VINCENT HOSPITAL & HEALTHCARE CENTER $700.00 Services and Charges 4353 KLEIMAN, NICHOLAS R $400.00 1099 WILSON, WILLIAM K. $35.00 INDIANAPOLIS RECORDER 4858 ITA (INDIANA TOWNSHIP ASSOCIATION, INC) $975.00 986 BURTON, JOSEPH A. $200.00 5417FRIDAY, SINGLEPOINT april 10 , 2020 $23,249.90 B5 6522 LTC LANGUAGE SOLUTIONS $110.00 1093 VOIGHT, CRAIG A. $400.00 5126 YOUNG, CALVIN $158.57 3682 FIFTH THIRD BANK $602.95 00364 WILKEY, MARTIN F $4,302.44 6075 BARADA ASSOCIATES INC. $3,654.89 TOWNSHIP ASSISTANCE 6448 HALE, JOSEPH M $400.00 6375 YMCA OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS $5,561.00 Township Assistance 7086 JOHNSON, DEAN $200.00 3684 ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATION GPO $19,909.50 L E G A L S n 1179L CAMBRIDGE COMMONSE APTSG A $5,673.30 L 00704 BOREL,S ARTHUR J n L $4,084.85E 6242G CDW GOVERNMENT A L $36,824.59S 1130 DEERCROSS APTS $4,720.00 1069 RANKIN, ALLYN $400.00 3294 GREGORY & APPEL INSURANCE $36,005.00 6537 FIRST KEY HOMES $600.00 5324 NATIONAL BANK OF INDIANAPOLIS (RHIF FUNDS) $200,000.00 6992 PENNWELL CORP/FDIC 2019 $1,215.00 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE 6087 CITIZENS ENERGY GROUP $9,886.93 6842 HILL, JA’MICHAEL $400.00 3162 INDIANA FIRE CHIEFS’ ASSOCIATION $150.00 1125 MAYFIELD GREEN COOPERATIVE $2,809.00 6269 FORNEY, RYAN $400.00 6698 ST. VINCENT $230.00 Cellco Partnership and its Pike Township, Marion County, 5312 WOODHAVENIndiana PARK $2,235.00 00727 CALDWELL, MATTHEW $876.12 6751 MED BILL $81,813.08 controlled affi liates doing Cash & Investments Combined 1161 Statement WOODS - 2019OF EAGLE CREEK $6,875.00 985 BURNELL, TIMOTHY $400.00 1665 FIRE DEPT. SAFETY OFFICERS $1,044.00 6093 T & H REALTY SERVICES, INC $1,200.00 business as Verizon Wire- Local Fund Receipts Disbursements 7083 FANGMAN, ZACHARY $200.00 5904 FIREHOUSE $300.00 Local Beg Cash 1117 COLONIAL SQ.-GENE GLICK C. $1,027.00 1041 KERSEY, JOSEF P. $400.00 4519 FEDEX KINKO’S OFFICE AND PRINT SERVICES $578.35 less (Verizon Wireless) Name & lnv Bal End Cash & Inv Bal Fund 7079 WIH2 LAKESIDE, LLC Dec $960.0031,2019 4355 MCCORKLE, LANCE M $400.00 6810 EXCEEDION $2,600.00 proposes to build a 47-foot Number Jan 1,2019 1213 EDWARD ROSE OF IN/ SCARBOROUGH LAKES APT $6,235.00 00627 GOODRICH, MICHAEL B $4,667.87 1365 INDIANA FIRE INSTRUCTORS ASSOC $250.00 utility light pole Communica- Governmental0060 LEVY EXCESS FUND $49,387.77 3168 CROSS$0.00 CREEK APARTMENTS $0.00 $49,387.77 $5,766.76 00735 SOLENBERG, AARON $537.60 6964 IU HEALTH METHODIST HOSPITAL $1,914.00 tions Tower at the approx. Activities 0061 2001 RAINY DAY FUND $3,589,408.31 1204 WHISPERING$0.00 PINES $0.00 APARTMENTS $3,589,408,31 $560.00 5872 CRACIUNOIU, BRITTANY $400.00 7124 BOOKKEEPING PLUS, INC. $13,117.20 vicinity of 9003 Buckeye 0101 TOWNSHIP FUND $152,885.13 $1.500,722.98 4470 SUMMERWOOD $988,680.78 ON TOWNE LINE $684,907.31 $1,520.00 FIRE FIGHTING 6108 NATIONAL FIRE CODES $1,495.00 Court, Indianapolis, Marion 0341 FIRE PENSION FUND $85,881.74 $185.825.74 7107 MAIN STREET $182,155.61 RENEWAL $109,331.87 $480.00 Supplies 5456 MED BILL CORPORATION $40,044.16 County, IN 46260. Public 0840 TOWNSHIP ASSISTANCE $442,317.88 $51,799.884271 LAKES OF GEORGETOWN$472,433.31 $21,684.25 $5,444.00 7040 DYNAMARK $1,839.06 761 AT&T $105,085.14 1111 FIRE FIGIiTING $17,011,221.29 $29,144,623.44 7047 DIXON MEMORIAL $28,033,730.82 CHAPEL AND CREMATION SERVICES$18,122,113.91 $3,580.00 4207 ARTISTIC AWARDS $1,789.60 5326 CALLTOWER $1,433.96 comments regarding poten- 1118 FIRE PENSION CDS $431,695.85 7122 $358.85 MIDWEST PROPERTIES $0.00 AND MANAGEMENT, LLC$432,054.70 $325.00 tial effects from this site on 4978 CENTRAL RESTAURANT PRODUCTS $3,087.87 821 INT’L SOCIETY OF FIRE SERV INSTRUCTORS - ISFSI $1,015.00 1182 FIRE DEBT FUND $268,556.91 4734 EAGLE$0.00 CREEK APARTMENTS $0.00 $258,566.91 $1,160.00 5089 MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES INC $139,273.79 6626 WFCA: THE DAILY DISPATCH $405.00 historic properties may be 1187 EMERGENCY FIRE LOAN $47,882.52 1253 COVERED$0.00 BRIDGE $0.00 APTS. $47,682.52 $2,752.00 7114 O’REILLY FIRST CALL $879.66 6832 BUDDY COVERS $385.30 submitted within 30 days 1190 CUMULATIVE FIRE $8,879,858.96 $2.814,584.33 6911 WYLDE AT $3,580,146.32 EAGLE CREEK APARTMENT $8,114,296.98 $560.00 3863 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, INC. $3,480.53 6834 CODE QUEST LLC $6,715.00 from the date of this publica- 5555 PIKE HEALTH PLAN $60,767.50 $5.081,313.82 6642 GARDEN $5,058,479.69POINTE APTS $85,601.63 $839.00 5797 ZIEBART OF INDIANAPOLIS - WEST $316.19 5415 $1,511.73 tion to: Trileaf Corp, Stepha- 7777 PIKE FSA LOAN $33,946.69 $70,586.727069 THE ELLIOTT $80,267.54 AT COLLEGE PARK $24,215.87 $1,120.00 6372 PARTSMASTER $2,085.33 6082 REGIONS COMMERCIAL BANK CARD $21,354.26 nie, [email protected], 8044 ASSISTANCE TO 6990 STARKS, DAVID $730.00 5884 PEARSON WHOLESALE PARTS $4,751.59 3298 GRAINGER PARTS OPERATION $366.18 2121 W. Chandler Blvd, FIREFIGHTERS GRANT -$51,870.52 $150,819.00 3129 ANNHURST APARTMENTS $2,971.73 $95,976.75 $1,440.00 3055 MATTHEWS MOBILE SERVICE $26,625.16 6613 INDIANA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, LLC $10,544.12 Suite 108, Chandler, AZ 9999 PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS $2,485.81 $4,410,440.38 4570 EAGLE CHASE $4,517,319.20 APARTMENTS -$104,393.01 $600.00 1900 H. P. PRODUCTS $841.07 6444 BATTERIES PLUS BULBS $562.02 Total All Funds $31,003,965.83 $43,411,044.92 1261 WOODBROOK $42,894,205.00 APARTMENTS $31,520,805.75 $480.00 7010 P&G CLEANERS, LLC $1,604.85 7067 LIFESERVICES EAP $3,887.88 85224 – 314.412.5670. 1185 THREE FOUNTAINS WEST (P.R.) $1,325.00 835 KOORSEN FIRE AND SECURITY INC $4,558.05 5957 WASTE MANGEMENT $3,862.52 hspaxlp 04/10/20 Pike Township, Marion County, 7054 RAJA,Indiana TALHA $600.00 1604 J & F DISTRIBUTING CO., INC. $4,589.93 1024 HARDEBECK, DAVID $131.04 Detailed Receipts 12682019 GUION CREEK APARTMENTS $752.89 788 CINTAS CORPORATION $6,434.69 3475 JONES AND BARTLETT PUBLISHERS, INC. $2,956.15 6949 TURNER, WILLIAM C. JR. $600.00 828 INDIANA OXYGEN COMPANY $7,676.88 6905 DBSERVICES DATABASE CONSULTING $7,575.00 TOWNSHIP FUND County Option Income Tax 6066(COIT) PANGEA PARKWEST $1,025,000.00 $480.00 5768 MID AMERICA FIRE & SAFETY, LLC $6,203.20 1382 MARION COUNTY SHERIFF DEPT. $75.00 PUBLIC NOTICE Earnings on Investments and 1287 Deposits FLANNER & BUCHANAN $309.318.33 $800.00 2330 SNAP-ON TOOLS CORPORATION $3,628.94 5609 MAUER, ROCHELLE $39.00 Governmental Refunds and Reimbursements 6069 RICHMOND, ANDREW $560.00$588.88 6643 PRO AIR MIDWEST, LLC $23.00 6439 SHRED-IT USA $647.12 Cellco Partnership and its Activities Other Court and Clerk Receipts/4101 7138 INDIA -WILLIAMS COURT DOCKET $164,905.75 $700.00 6527 AFC INTERNATIONAL INC $2,297.46 1321 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF CENTRAL INDIANA $5,376.23 Other Receipts/6500 - MISCELLANEOUS 6962 GRAY-WILLIAMS, RECEIPTS TIFFANY NICOLE $560.00$910.00 2020 GURNEY J. BUSH, INC $950.00 6864 LAJUANA WARREN TAPESTRY SOLUTIONS $2,600.00 controlled affi liates doing 1271 PNC MORTGAGE CORPORATION $480.00 business as Verizon Wire- Total TOWNSHIP FUND $1,500,722.96 6073 FLEETPRIDE $17,425.59 3260 STRYKER SALES CORPORATION $11,141.60 FIRE PENSION FUND Benefi t Plan Contributions 3167 CREEKSIDE SQUARE APTS $185,825.74 $1,933.00 4514 J.B. ENTERPRISES HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING $4,700.00 6513 EMS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS, LLC $10,530.00 less (Verizon Wireless) Total FIRE PENSION 5941 ARSICH, FUND SVETO $185,825.74 $675.00 5088 GLOBAL EMERGENCY PRODUCTS, INC $27,809.75 6898 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTERS $2,334.00 proposes to build a 47-foot TOWNSHIP ASSISTANCE County Option Income Tax 6297(COIT) HOWER, MICHAEL $50,000.00 $500.00 6515 CIRCLE DISTRIBUTING $15,977.55 1867 IMAGING OFFICE SYSTEMS $6,350.00 utility pole Communications Other Receipts/6500 - MISCELLANEOUS 1181 WASHINGTON RECEIPTS PARK NORTH FUNERAL HOME $1,799.68 $800.00 6155 PIP PRINTING $1,437.28 6732 NELSON ALARM COMPANY $392.30 Tower at the approx. vicinity Total TOWNSHIP 6367 ASSISTANCEAMERICAN HOMES 4 RENT LLC $51,799.68 $560.00 3043 VAN’S ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS $244.84 4354 MASTERS, RYAN $254.02 of 1622 Emily Drive, India- FIRE FlGHTING General Property Taxes 1203 ABINGTON APTS $22,569,005.78 $3,800.00 6662 ANDY MOHR CHEVROLET $3,610.16 3582 FIRE DEPT. TRAINING NETWORK $360.00 napolis, Marion County, IN County Adjusted Gross lncome 4137 OAKLAKETax (CAGIT) AT PropertyCROOKED Tax CREEK Replac $1,294,221.61 $1,600.00 3016 TSI INCORPORATED $234.60 4793 GASTON, LARRY $599.95 County Option Income Tax 2675(COIT) CAMBRIDGE SQUARE NORTH APARTMENTS$2.768.876.28 $1,351.34 2450 EMERGENCY MEDICAL PRODUCTS, INC. $9,333.23 4772 REGIONS BANK $600.00 46260. Public comments 6902 TRUE PROPERTY MANAGMENT GROUP $480.00 regarding potential effects Emergency Medical Services Fees $2.198.937.02 4449 ACORN DISTRIBUTERS, INC $8,502.47 5947 IU HEALTH WORKPLACE SERVICES $1,405.00 Refunds and Reimbursements 7016 HOME SFR BORROWER IV LLC $2.919.26 $600.00 6035 A-1 SUPPLY COMPANY $4,023.79 6541 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, INC. $127,183.41 from this site on historic Other Receipts/6500 - MISCELLANEOUS 6262 REAL PROPERTY RECEIPTS MANAGEMENT CENTRAL INDIANA$310,663.49 $170.50 7120 TBA TIBBS $243.83 4301 PENNWELL $3,396.00 properties may be submit- Total FIRE FIGHTING 6939 REL HOMES, LLC $29,144.623.44 $2,160.00 6110 WEX BANK $163,056.05 3116 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE INVESTIGATORS $65.00 ted within 30 days from the FIRE PENSION CDS Earnings on Investments and 6971 Deposits PROGRESS RESIDENTIAL BORROWER 3, LLC $1,160.00$358.85 4212 NAPA AUTO PARTS/GENUINE PARTS CO - INDPLS $9,662.21 2035 COURT & COMMERCIAL RECORD/IBJ CORP $1,624.99 date of this publication to: Total FIRE PENSION 6553 RETZLOFF CDS $1,200.00$358.85 2064 MYERS TIRE SUPPLY $223.71 6773 VERIZON WIRELESS - VSAT $550.00 Trileaf Corp, Stephanie, CUMULATIVE FIRE General Property Taxes 4538 IN TOWN SUITES $1,698,742.37 $643.33 2058 ZIEBART $169.94 6593 AMERICAN SAFETY AND HEALTH INSTITUTE $2,508.59 [email protected], County Option Income Tax 4168(COIT) US BANK HOME MORTGAGE $1,115,841.96 $1,585.16 7037 SUPPLYWORKS $78.92 6208 ESO SOLUTIONS INC. $14,229.00 Total CUIIULATIVE 5154 JULIAN FIRE CENTER $2,814,584.33 $4,469.00 4257 SOUTHSIDE STEEL $137.22 2971 OFFICE DEPOT CREDIT PLAN $1,844.28 2121 W. Chandler Blvd, 1290 ROSEWOOD COMMONS $3,920.00 Suite 108, Chandler, AZ PIKE HEALTH PLAN Payroll Fund and Clearing Account Receipts $3,722.34 4164 NORTHWEST AWARDS INC $375.00 4290 CNA SURETY $100.00 Transfers In - Transferred from 6996 Another DOVENMUEHLE Fund MORTGAGE, INC. $3,674,841.62 $560.00 6140 RELIABLE PARTS $476.41 7006 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTERS OF THE SW $3,843.50 85224 – 314.412.5670. Other Receipts/6500 - MISCELLANEOUS 7128 COMPASS RECEIPTSPROPERTY MANAGEMENT $1.402,949.86 $600.00 1034 HENDRIX, RONALD $105.93 2316 PETTY CASH $119.96 hspaxlp 04/10/20 Total PIKE HEALTH 1364 OAKS PLAN OF EAGLE CREEK $5,081,313.82 $3,255.19 2949 EMBROIDERY PLUS $4,350.00 6241 SCOTT, TERESA $58.68 PIKE FSA LOAN Payroll Fund and Clearing 6881Account ASHFORD Receipts GEORGETOWN LLC $67.693.30 $4,280.00 6675 RALPH’S MUFFLER SHOPS AVON $139.95 6752 SMARTDRAW SOFTWARE, LLC $349.75 Other Receipts/6500 - MISCELLANEOUS 4979 IN TOWN SUITES RECEIPTS $1,716.62$2.863.42 7041 CHAPMAN MASONRY $3,800.00 7100 BAKER, SAMANTHA $778.71 Total PIKE FSA 6805 LOAN KROGER LIMITED PARTNERSHIP I $70,556.72 $1,910.48 3091 DONLEY SAFETY $920.68 6623 ROGUEFITNESS $13,663.97 PUBLIC NOTICE ASSISTANCE TO FIREFIGHT Other Receipts/6500 - MISCELLANEOUS 5039 HUNTINGTON RECEIPTS MORTGAGE $150,819.00 $600.00 6223 RED WING SHOE STORE $360.00 6980 CLFD INC. $80.00 Total ASSISTANCE 1231 OAKBROOK TO FIREFICIKTERS VILLAGE APTS. GRANT $150,819.00 $4,509.89 7149 SIRCHIE $188.52 4344 BELL, AARON $232.79 Cellco Partnership and its PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS Payroll Fund and Clearing 6981Account GROVE, Receipts MICHAEL C. $4,410,440.38 $730.00 6353 CUMMINS CROSSPOINT $825.20 6851 LLC CENTURYLINK COMMUNICATION $18,476.40 Total PAYROLL 5579 DEDUCTIONS SHOPPERS WORLD $4,410,440.38 $10,514.42 5878 BOTTAMILLER LLC $1,836.00 1139 INDPLS. POWER & LIGHT (PR) - IPL $9,018.99 controlled affi liates doing 1361 FALCON CREEK PLACE APARTMENTS $2,370.00 7056 EDWARDS EQUIPMENT CO., INC. $244.05 5987 GYM41 $217.00 business as Verizon Wire- 6975 HARTY, SHAHALA $960.00 7001 ACE RADIATOR INC. $5,909.46 5931 CITY OF LAWRENCE FIRE DEPARTMENT $300.00 less (Verizon Wireless) CERTIFICATIONPike Township, Marion County, Indiana 4096 MIDLAND MORTGAGE $856.07 3120 ACE LOCK & KEY CO $1,501.17 1410 DIVE RESCUE INTERNATIONAL, INC $350.00 proposes to build a 47-foot StateDisbursements of Indiana by Vendor 2019 1177 CARLTON APARTMENTS $3,900.00 5782 VERATHON $2,520.00 6562 HOGWOOD, MARGARET $971.19 utility pole Communications SS: 1332 STUART MORTUARY, INC. $1,595.00 5855 TAYLOR & BLACKBURN BATTERY WAREHOUSE $905.61 4177 FED-EX KINKOS $307.32 Tower at the approx. vicinity MarionFund/Category/Vendor County Name Amount 5108 LA JOYA APARTMENTS $1,739.00 5541 FITE LLC $1,725.00 5970 CNA SURETY $100.00 I,TOWNSHIP Annette Johnson,FUND Trustee of, PIKE TOWNSHIP, Marion County, Indiana, 1139 do INDPLS. solemnly POWER affi rm & under LIGHT the (PR) penalty - IPL of perjury $42,479.63 that the 6419 HARRISON HYDRA-GEN, LTD $1,631.10 3058 VEGA, RICARDO $39.00 of 6563 Walton Street, In- Personal Services 1124 SPRINGHILL APTS. $560.00 dianapolis, Marion County, preceding report i complete, true and correct; that the sum with which I am charged in this report are all of the sums received by me; and 6111 GALLS $167.94 7053 WPS GHA $370.20 that the 5104 various MERITAIN items HEALTH of expenditures credited have been $27,963.68 fully paid in the sums 6305 PANGEAstated; that REAL such ESTATE payments were made without $860.00express 4275 GORDON PLUMBING, INC $425.00 7118 KAHN’S CATERING $290.00 IN 46241. Public comments or implied 2777 agreementSYSTEMS TAX that SERVICE any portion thereof shall be retained $89,140.59 by or repaid 5015 to me WELLS or to anyFARGO other HOME person. MORTGAGE I further affi rm that a complete $560.00 7035 L&N WELDING $535.25 6125 TEAM IMAGE $598.00 regarding potential effects and detailed 5937 INPRS annual FBO report, PERF together with all accompanying $70,859.23 vouchers showing 7136 MR.the namesCOOPER of HOMEpersons LOANS having been paid money $250.00 by the 7125 MAXX XHAUST LLC $1,082.29 6899 MEDICAL MUTTS $3,510.00 from this site on historic township, 2864 haveUNITED been HEALTHCARE fi led as required INS CO by law in the offi ce of$656.48 the County Auditor, 4771 ASPENand that CHASE copies AT of EAGLE such annual CREEK report are in custody$3,009.00 of 4123 FLOTEC INC. $450.00 6951 PATCTECH DIGITAL FORENSICS $99.00 properties may be submit- the Township 5936 GENERATIONS Board and the HEALTH State PARTNERSBoard of Accounts. Said $600.95 report is subject 6972 to inspection DENSON, byALICE any L taxpayer of the township $480.00 6304 BONE DRY ROOFING, INC $275.00 2082 WAYMIRE A.P.S., INC $413.75 ted within 30 days from the 00706 BOND, BRISHON $1,901.54 7003 SPECIALIZED LOAN SERVICING LLC $600.00 6853 BECK SERVICE CENTER $2,284.02 7048 OFF DUTY DUMPSTERS $1,500.00 ______156 PIKE HEALTH PLAN (sign) $1,179.55 7116 CHARLES AND CARLETTE CORPORATION LLC $560.00 6414 TREESTUFF.COM $189.98 4039 MARION CO. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT $4,680.00 date of this publication to: 00620 DEKEMPER, STAN $588.88 Trileaf Corp, Stephanie, PIKE TOWNSHIP Trustee 6246 LEGACY CREMATION & FUNERAL $350.00 6631 ZORES, INC. $1,627.00 7057 SOUTH CAROLINA FIRE ACADEMY $839.00 Telephone: 00703 317-JOHNSON,291-5801 ANNETTE M $2,862.00 5672 OCWEN LOANING SERVICING $480.00 1581 CENTRAL INDIANA HARDWARE CO. $24.30 7076 SNAP-ON BUSINESS SOLUTIONS RH $625.00 [email protected], 3805 PIKE TOWNSHIP, EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAN $14,194.44 6974 TRIPLE E PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LLC $480.00 6266 INDIANAPOLIS EMS $24,697.36 5653 IN.GOV $95.00 2121 W. Chandler Blvd, Date this report was to be published: Subscribed 7777 DIRECT and sworn DEPOSIT (or affi PAYCHECKS rmed) to before me, the $583,250.85 Chairman of the Township 7043 MR. Board COOPER of CENTER TOWNSHIP at its annual meeting,$600.00 5620 CLAUDE & GREG’S $1,825.00 7042 PUBLIC SAFETY ANALYTICS INDY $1,050.00 Suite 108, Chandler, AZ this 25th 00705 day VIRJEE, of February, NABEELA 2020. $3,230.77 6970 HUYNH, KENNEDY TRAN $600.00 6839 BEST-ONE OF INDY $33,323.53 6290 KEMPLER, JONATHAN $436.05 85224 – 314.412.5670. TOWNSHIP FUND 6966 NEW PENN FINANCIAL $730.00 5337 FIRE SERVICE INC $45,124.82 6516 EMPLOYEE TECH, INC. $2,500.00 hspaxlp 04/10/20 ______Supplies (sign) 7068 WESTSIDE PROPERTY GROUP, LLC $600.00 1293 ST VINCENT HOSPITAL & HEALTHCARE CENTER $24.15 5968 INDIANA UNIVERSITY HEALTH $200.00 David 7040 Willis DYNAMARK Township Board Chairman $84.87 7148 DIONNA DUVALL $600.00 2358 TURBO & DIESEL INJECTION $766.07 7086 JOHNSON, DEAN $80.00 OPTION 4402 1 NET RESULTS INC $6,692.00 6737 PENNY MAC LOAN SERVICES, LLC $214.43 6209 FIVE ALARM FIRE & SAFETY EQUIPMENT $124,172.06 2969 CIRCLE CITY SECURITY SYSTEMS INC $1,610.00 00707 AUTMON, ERICA $10.70 5008 VOHRA, INDU; LANDLORD $625.00 5615 US UNIFORM & SUPPLY $1,001.03 3171 IAAI INTERNATIONAL ASSOC OF ARSON $195.00 This report 124 PITNEY was received, BOWES accepted, and approved by the Township $900.00 Board at its annual meeting, this 22nd day of January, 2019. PUBLIC NOTICE PIKE Township Board: 2656 LAKE CAMELOT APARTMENTS $776.04 6528 J&B MEDICAL SUPPLY $82,728.45 7022 TARGET SOLUTIONS, LLC $17,305.00 7007 PURE WATER PARTNERS $1,188.00 1238 BENT TREE APARTMENTS $929.00 3684 ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATION GPO $37,829.29 6624 TESTING FOR PUBLIC SAFETY, LLC $19,700.00 6511 XEROX CORPORATION $668.02 Cellco Partnership and its ______(sign) ______5012 (sign) CROOKED ______CREEK APARTMENTS (sign) $1,520.00 5294 DALE HUBBARD ELECTRIC INC $16,214.05 7095 TIM AUSTIN PHOTOGRAPHY $250.00 controlled affi liates doing 5920 RESCUE TERMITE & PEST CONTROL $190.00 5247 SUTHERLAND PARK CEMETERY $1,600.00 6242 CDW GOVERNMENT $121.09 5193 CENTER FOR EDUCATION AND EMPLOYMENT LAW $124.95 business as Verizon Wireless 5596 BUILDING SERVICE PARTNERS, LLC $14,090.13 TOWNSHIP ASSISTANCE $472,433.31 6915 RED WING BUSINESS ADVANTAGE $285.26 6748 BRENT GOOLSBY $276.65 ______3879 SAFEGUARD BUSINESS (sign)SYSTEMS ______$2,451.42 (sign) (Verizon Wireless) proposes FIRE FIGHTING 4181 DISASTER MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS INC. $3,090.53 7119 CLASSMARKER PTY LTD $198.00 5584 TOSHIBA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS $75.00 Personal Services 863 PROFESSIONAL GARAGE DOOR SYSTEMS, INC $325.00 1793 BOB BLOCK FITNESS EQUIPMENT SUPERSTORE $115.00 to build a 47-foot Streetlight hspaxlp 7150 TABCO $833.14 5070 LIEVENS, ZACKARY 04/10/20$400.00 Utility Pole Communications 4446 J&E TIRE CENTER, INC. $1,048.25 6973 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. $7,754.00 150 SCHORNHORST, DONNA D. $13.65 5104 MERITAIN HEALTH $682,758.44 5624 MISTRAS GROUP $7,057.80 FIRE FIGHTING Tower at the approx. vicinity 4202 LEXIS NEXIS MATTHEW BENDER $483.61 2777 SYSTEMS TAX SERVICE $1,044,355.78 1592 BILL ESTES CHEVROLET, INC. $306.57 Capital Outlays of 5625 Henry Street, India- 7133 TOSHIBA FINANCIAL SERVICES $216.63 5937 INPRS FBO PERF $387,739.77 7110 CULTURE LIGHTING CO., INC $4,327.65 3055 MATTHEWS MOBILE SERVICE $3,892.00 napolis, Marion County, IN 5792 U.S. POSTAL SERVICE (POSTAGE BY PHONE) $3,400.00 6270 GOODRICH, MICHAEL $400.00 1533 MAPLE BUSINESS FORMS $5,008.96 6631 ZORES, INC. $225.00 46241. Public comments 1739 INDIANAPOLIS BUSINESS JOURNAL $105.00 1074 SAUNDERS, ROBERT $400.00 6935 MINERVA BUNKER GEAR CLEANERS $1,511.25 6840 INDY’S PRO GRAPHIX $550.00 regarding potential effects 6190 OFFICE360 $8,096.05 5607 GOODWIN, ROBERT $400.00 817 FLAG AND BANNER $1,269.60 7130 BEST VALUE MATTRESS WAREHOUSE $2,999.50 1774 PLYMATE INC $3,080.70 1087 TINSLEY, SCOTT R. $400.00 6531 TOTAL TRUCK PARTS $1,648.24 FIRE FIGHTING from this site on historic 6977 OFFICE H2Q, LLC $125.00 properties may be submit- 6447 EMERICK, LEE E $400.00 6442 MARSHALL AUTO GLASS LCC $50.00 Other Disbursements 5652 FEDEX OFFICE $179.98 2864 UNITED HEALTHCARE INS CO $25,210.94 5406 SUNBELT RENTALS $311.56 5089 MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES INC $21,361.68 ted within 30 days from the 817 FLAG AND BANNER $464.40 1033 HELRIGEL, JON R. $400.00 6227 UNITED LABORATORIES $1,465.83 00707 AUTMON, ERICA $319.29 date of this publication to: 6889 PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS $202.50 6506 WINTER, JASON $400.00 5749 DON’S AUTO TRIM $2,290.00 3055 MATTHEWS MOBILE SERVICE $9,294.30 Trileaf Corp, Emily Senne, 3199 OFFICE DEPOT $534.88 5936 GENERATIONS HEALTH PARTNERS $72,140.95 2187 UNIFORM HOUSE, INC. $21,380.74 4968 UNITED HEALTHCARE $1,999.51 [email protected] 2121 4146 MATTHEW BENDER & CO., INC. $4,523.16 6504 MICHALISKO, JAMES $400.00 2442 MID STATE TRUCK EQUIPMENT $1,268.46 7075 SHERIFF, RALPH $1.50 W Chandler Blvd, Suite 108, 2593 AQUA SYSTEMS, INC $215.60 4149 GOOLSBY, BRENT $400.00 6499 INTERSTATE ALL BATTERY CENTER $2,795.11 2864 UNITED HEALTHCARE INS CO $2,990.50 Chandler, AZ 85224, 480- 6976 PROSHRED SECURITY $328.00 885 WILKEY, MARTIN $400.00 5409 BRIGHT SHEET METAL CO. INC $2,943.92 6643 PRO AIR MIDWEST, LLC $78,950.00 7039 USPS $500.00 6669 NATIONWIDE TRUST COMPANY - PEHP $157,548.28 6253 ESKENAZI HEALTH/ INDIANAPOLIS EMS $21,829.68 7064 JOHNSON, SCOTTIE $5.00 850-0575. 6991 VIRJEE, NABEELA $69.90 hspaxlp 04/10/20 6434 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY $62,641.48 4173 ERS WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS $6,081.34 6956 CHEUNG, CODY $354.00 7013 THEE CRAFT CASTLE $270.00 1026 HASTON, TERRY E. $400.00 4827 O’REILLY AUTO PARTS $825.12 5103 MDWISE $1,616.87 6995 INDIANA NEWSPAPERS INC. $217.97 5123 KRAMER, JUSTIN $400.00 3885 FASTENAL COMPANY $5,362.51 2447 ACCENT $776.68 5711 PRIORITY PRESS $1,944.19 5094 ROSS, RYAN $400.00 3260 STRYKER SALES CORPORATION $1,970.36 4801 RAMIREZ, JOSHUA $92.64 6714 BARDACH AWARDS $373.81 4342 AMIS, JOSEPH M $400.00 7034 INDIANAPOLIS WIRE AND TERMINAL $16,168.05 6983 ALSMAN, CAROL $1,254.30 3062 AMERICAN STAMPS & MARKING PRODUCTS, INC $479.59 4801 RAMIREZ, JOSHUA $400.00 5066 CLARKE POWER SERVICES $37,362.70 7072 SMITHLEY, JERRY $93.23 PUBLIC NOTICE 4177 FED-EX KINKOS $401.29 00696 HILBURT, JOSEPH $2,915.41 7121 PINE LOCKBOX $1,448.00 7061 WHITEMAN, JUDY $5.00 00569 KELLY, KAREN $19.50 993 CRABTREE, MARK $400.00 5219 FEDEX KINKOS $25.00 3563 CIGNA $1,963.36 Cellco Partnership and its 4098 THOMSON REUTERS WEST $352.00 00734 RUARK, DONALD $744.80 1783 HERFF JONES $1,353.45 7109 BRISTOL WEST INSURANCE $285.00 controlled affi liates doing 7095 TIM AUSTIN PHOTOGRAPHY $250.00 7089 PAYNE, NATHAN $200.00 6976 PROSHRED SECURITY $780.00 7074 PONDER, PHYLLIS $72.60 business as Verizon Wireless 2070 INDIANAPOLIS RECORDER $44.34 4356 MINICHIELLO, MICHAEL $400.00 6082 REGIONS COMMERCIAL BANK CARD $270.00 7029 FARRAR, RAYDELL $40.00 (Verizon Wireless) proposes TOWNSHIP FUND 00714 FANGMAN, ZACHARY $876.12 3298 GRAINGER PARTS OPERATION $3,765.48 7045 BENEFIT RECOVERY $182.57 to build a 47-foot Streetlight Services and Charges 4366 WELLER, PAUL E $400.00 7102 CCP INDUSTRIES INC. $844.00 6580 BCBS HIP $110.94 6087 CITIZENS ENERGY GROUP $5,019.12 1099 WILSON, WILLIAM K. $400.00 6444 BATTERIES PLUS BULBS $1,393.62 7052 STANELY, SCOTT $126.65 Utility Pole Communications 6967 HOOSIERS FOR JUSTICE $5,900.00 Tower at the approx. vicinity 4345 BOONE, MARCUS $400.00 5833 CROSSROADS AMBULANCE SALES & SERVICE $1,423.97 7062 SKINNER, MARY $73.51 1593 WEISS, ZOE ATTORNEY $450.00 6453 SANCHEZ, DANIEL J $400.00 3170 GARAGE DOORS OF INDIANAPOLIS INC $7,535.70 7141 FITBIT, INC $35,632.50 of 849 Charter Woods Drive, 6511 XEROX CORPORATION $791.83 995 CRONE, BARRY $400.00 3025 TRUCK SERVICE INC $4,111.87 7099 WARNER, JOHN $1,450.44 Indianapolis, Marion County, 4514 J.B. ENTERPRISES HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING $450.00 00738 JAMES, TRAVIS $932.80 6619 BILL ESTES FORD $414.98 6957 HERBERT H ROWLAND GUARDIANSHIP $1,255.00 IN 46224. Public comments 148 INDPLS. POWER & LIGHT - IPL $14,248.01 7091 RINCKER, NOAH $200.00 7002 HP PRODUCTS CORPORATION $1,276.43 6819 HUMANA MANAGED CARE $144.81 regarding potential effects 5920 RESCUE TERMITE & PEST CONTROL $95.00 00716 HAKES, BRIAN $876.12 6524 CHAMPION CHRYSLER JEEP DODGE RAM $710.02 6870 CARESOURCE INDIANA MEDICAID $751.92 from this site on historic 6969 SIPES LAW FIRM PC $4,602.25 891 ARDERY, CHARLES W. $400.00 6912 TBA WAREHOUSE $1,658.21 7031 COLEMAN, SHAWNA $11.66 properties may be submit- 3550 THRASHER BUSCHMANN & VOELKEL, P.C. $1,718.40 1034 HENDRIX, RONALD $400.00 6807 G & G OIL CO. OF INDIANA, INC. $12,421.75 7098 SAUNDERS, RONALD JR. $50.00 6999 BYERS, GREG $100.00 1047 LAUREANO, JOSE $200.00 6840 INDY’S PRO GRAPHIX $750.00 7112 LINDA KREMER $336.05 ted within 30 days from the 5584 TOSHIBA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS $6,030.49 3697 SAUER, BRIAN $400.00 date of this publication to: 6716 RICHARDS, BOB $5,712.65 5206 TRANSFER OF FUNDS $3,674,641.62 5314 CAMERON FENCE $2,385.00 1086 TARDIFF, STEVE $400.00 785 CARDINAL MANUFACTURING $646.32 6986 BALKEMA, MAXINE $69.79 Trileaf Corp, Emily Senne, 7132 CLAUDETTE PETERSON $490.00 156 PIKE HEALTH PLAN $281,212.49 2916 MENARDS $405.25 7059 COX, DAVID $460.74 [email protected], 2121 6878 WORD SYSTEMS. INC. $670.82 1005 ELMORE, KEVIN $400.00 1466 BARRETT SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT $25,523.11 7028 SANTOS, PEDRO $132.68 W Chandler Blvd, Suite 108, 4202 LEXIS NEXIS MATTHEW BENDER $90.08 00730 BAKER, SAMANTHA $951.92 5821 ALERT ALL CORP $5,447.50 7108 ADVANCED RESCUE SOLUTIONS $12,000.00 Chandler, AZ 85224, 480- 6978 BLACK PEARL IT SOLUTIONS $3,062.50 5606 CANFIELD, DUSTIN $400.00 1390 PEARSON FORD, INC. $1,301.02 7051 JONES, SARAH $308.88 850-0575. 2343 PINGEL, SUZANNE $100.00 1098 WILKE, RONALD $400.00 4232 TRUCK PRO, INC $921.17 7073 TRIBOLETTI, MARK $100.00 hspaxlp 04/10/20 4858 ITA (INDIANA TOWNSHIP ASSOCIATION, INC) $1,070.00 1025 HARPE, JEFFERY $400.00 3163 MOORE INDUSTRIAL HARDWARE $168.23 6304 BONE DRY ROOFING, INC $800.00 4039 MARION CO. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT $1,190.28 00684 YANNOTTI, JUSTIN $408.00 2989 STOOPS FREIGHTLINER-QUALITY TRAILER INC $1,569.96 6988 SISCO - NOVIPAX LLC $596.42 7133 TOSHIBA FINANCIAL SERVICES $531.98 997 DELAPLANE, ROBERT $400.00 5003 ST. VINCENT HOSP & HEALTH CARE CT $93.18 2886 LITTLE, MARY $80.30 PUBLIC NOTICE 2580 STEPHENS, A DOUGLAS $428.41 7093 SAUNDERS, JOHN $200.00 4886 UPS $221.29 2557 HUMANA HEALTH CARE PLANS $107.12 3652 GUY, JOSEPH $100.00 00718 KNICLEY, HANNAH $876.12 7036 SKAGGS TRANSMISSIONS, LLC $2,805.00 3272 ANTHEM BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD $4,875.52 7104 FERGUSON, JERAMY $50.00 4347 CLEMENTS, TROY W $400.00 Cellco Partnership and its 6633 ULINE $3,027.11 7014 BOREL, ARTHUR $28.41 7131 HUFCOR INC. $855.00 1100 YOUNG, MICHAEL D. $400.00 2971 OFFICE DEPOT CREDIT PLAN $14,050.52 6751 MED BILL $1,194.25 controlled affi liates doing 5221 AT&T MOBILITY $1,789.32 6449 HIGHLAND, ANGELA R $400.00 1388 NAPA AUTO PARTS $14,380.74 7024 OAKLEY, GERALD $200.00 business as Verizon Wireless 1581 CENTRAL INDIANA HARDWARE CO. $22,196.81 1052 MARTIN, DAVID A. $400.00 5411 HERITAGE CRYSTAL CLEAN, LLC $646.31 6953 FOLLOWELL, BEATRIX $25.00 (Verizon Wireless) proposes 5294 DALE HUBBARD ELECTRIC INC $125.00 1006 ESTES, DAVID $400.00 6072 BLUE TARP FINANCIAL INC. $474.33 2505 AETNA $689.71 to build a 47foot utility pole 7124 BOOKKEEPING PLUS, INC. $372.00 5605 BRESCHER, KADE $400.00 6738 RELIABLE TRANSMISSION SERVICE $3,313.06 6954 BENSON, BEVERLY $50.00 Communications Tower at 1789 SONITROL OF INDIANAPOLIS, INC. $3,559.56 00725 WILKERSON, WILLIAM $876.12 6667 SHIELD SOLUTIONS, LLC $1,972.96 6166 MANAGED HEALTH SERVICES $130.70 the approx. vicinity of 1709 6889 PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS $270.00 7081 CROY, BRANDON $200.00 6062 HABEGGER CORP $313.63 6925 BCBS OF MICHIGAN $302.28 761 AT&T $1,314.76 6843 JOHNSON, MATTHEW $400.00 2316 PETTY CASH $149.00 7030 JONES, ROBERT $60.00 Trace Ln, Indianapolis, IN 5326 CALLTOWER $7,728.76 4795 MCCLENDON, MARVIN $400.00 46260. Public comments 4025 MITE-E-DUCTS $449.00 7097 ASH, ROBERTA $101.43 1756 RAY’S TRASH SERVICE, INC. $1,134.05 00733 CHRISTIAN, JARRETT $751.78 6058 WITMER PUBLIC SAFTEY GROUP INC. $3,424.35 1070 REYNOLDS, DARRYL $682.51 regarding potential effects 7103 WEHMEIER, JAY $50.00 00695 WISE, STEPHEN $2,000.80 6635 JENNY’S ALTERATIONS $166.00 7111 KEVIN RYAN $114.80 from this site on historic 6522 LTC LANGUAGE SOLUTIONS $3,213.75 7088 PATTERSON, RYAN $200.00 6461 GLENDALE PARADE STORE $770.90 4648 IU HEALTH PLANS $2,270.59 properties may be submit- 7020 LOVELYLAWNS & LANDSCAPING $10,144.00 1043 KRIEGER, WILLIAM B. $400.00 3206 KIRBY RISK CORPORATION $498.60 6734 UNITED HEALTH GROUP RECOVERY $733.19 ted within 30 days from the 6991 VIRJEE, NABEELA $513.84 00713 DICKISON, MICHAEL $876.12 7126 LMC SERVICE SOLUTIONS $447.00 7025 GORDON, KEITH $7.00 date of this publication to: 6597 OFFICE TEAM $2,950.35 4949 ALLGOOD, JASON $400.00 4134 PITNEY BOWES PURCHASE POWER $1,483.97 4772 REGIONS BANK $1,167,114.21 6716 RICHARDS, BOB $3,338.73 6848 WILSON, JUSTIN $400.00 1410 DIVE RESCUE INTERNATIONAL, INC $469.00 6958 THOMAS JR., JOSEPH $90.57 Trileaf Corp, Eboni Rhone, 5636 JOHNSON, ANNETTE $18.00 [email protected], 2121 2235 HATTER, (DON) BRENT $400.00 3122 CLEAN AIR CONCEPTS $1,935.42 6987 MHS HCC $1,258.29 4772 REGIONS BANK $7,959.33 1044 KRATT, THOMAS $400.00 1478 CONTROL TECH HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING $369.46 4952 ANTHEM FINANCE DEPARTMENT $581.82 W. Chandler Blvd, Chandler, 2035 COURT & COMMERCIAL RECORD/IBJ CORP $51.91 4349 DREXLER, AMANDA G $400.00 5805 OTTO’S PARKING MARKING COMPANY $1,081.00 6241 SCOTT, TERESA $37.98 AZ 85224, 4808500575. 7008 CIVIC POINT $9,217.00 00720 PAYNE, NATHAN $876.12 6125 TEAM IMAGE $6,432.53 7065 SISCO BENEFITS $97.61 hspaxlp 04/10/20 6614 KIWANIS CLUB OF NORTHWEST INDIANAPOLIS $140.00 00729 MACK, DAMON $783.60 1276 HENTHORN MOWER AND ENGINE $2,229.81 7049 GEORGE BOOTH $1,755.00 4290 CNA SURETY $1,800.00 7085 HAKES, BRIAN $200.00 3100 KAM HYDRAULICS, INC $971.50 6984 COUNTRY FINANCIAL $1,755.00 7023 PING’S TREE SERVICE, INC. $2,370.00 4153 MCMURTREY, DAVID $200.00 1358 GALLS, INC. $274.88 6997 MCGOWAN, LINDA $891.61 PUBLIC NOTICE 6865 MCINNES. DONALD $100.00 00556 RAMIREZ, JOSHUA $45.52 6994 CUSTOM HOME IMPROVEMENT INC. $7,670.00 6562 HOGWOOD, MARGARET $491.99 3062 AMERICAN STAMPS & MARKING PRODUCTS, INC $46.75 6182 UNITED STATES TREASURY $1,460.20 6796 JUST ADD WATER BOATS, LLC $1,834.34 7053 WPS GHA $218.79 5513 IRK, MICHAEL $100.00 00366 WALDEN, TROY D. $3,350.60 6674 DAVID CLARK $357.00 6872 TRICARE FOR LIFE $101.11 Cellco Partnership and its 6735 FAY BICCARD GLICK NC $1,000.00 controlled affi liates doing 1095 WILEY, LARRY $200.00 820 HOOSIER FIRE EQUIPMENT $1,486.41 7026 MARTIN, MIKAYLA $25.00 6979 INDIANA JUDGES ASSOCIATION $200.00 7092 RIVERA, DILLON $200.00 2082 WAYMIRE A.P.S., INC $620.50 1022 HACKLEMAN, RONALD $2,600.08 business as Verizon Wireless 7070 LUTZ, BOB $50.00 5124 ROBERTS, GREGORY $400.00 2577 LOWES BUSINESS ACCOUNT $21,694.60 7066 YORK GROUP RISK $1,502.91 (Verizon Wireless) proposes 4145 ICE MILLER $647.00 3805 PIKE TOWNSHIP, EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAN $792,155.19 4971 SOUTHERN INDIANA SCUBA $1,602.71 7060 MZUMARA, JOYCE $470.80 to build a 47-foot Streetlight 6664 AYROW STUDIOS $350.00 4365 WALKER, DANIEL $400.00 7142 MACQUEEN EMERGENCY $420.37 1347 EMBASSY SUITES HOTEL $16,152.40 Utility Pole Communications TOWNSHIP FUND 881 HENSON, JAMES $400.00 7145 KENSAR EQUIPMENT COMPANY $1,080.40 6916 AMBETTER $497.68 Tower at the approx. vicinity Capital Outlays 5126 YOUNG, CALVIN $400.00 7017 HARE AUTOMOTIVE $413.28 6989 USAA $1,330.00 of 575 Farley Drive, India- 6242 CDW GOVERNMENT $971.70 3294 GREGORY & APPEL INSURANCE $37,916.67 5252 ACME $328.00 6955 MCCARTY, CHRISTINA $50.00 7110 CULTURE LIGHTING CO., INC $4,000.00 1071 RICKARD, JOEL $400.00 7101 TAYLOR OIL CO., INC. $779.93 6998 SRTICKER, LISA $100.00 napolis, Marion County, IN TOWNSHIP FUND 00723 RINCKER, NOAH $876.12 46214. Public comments 1344 INDIANA POWER SERVICE & SUPPLY, INC. $84.00 6063 MEDICAID ANTHEM $138.87 Other Disbursements 7014 BOREL, ARTHUR $400.00 5277 ST. VINCENT HOSPITAL & HEALTH CARE CENTER $17.15 6961 WARREN, ROBERT $92.19 regarding potential effects 6982 HUNTINGTON CA $25.00 7080 CALDWELL, MATTHEW $200.00 4888 FIRST CALL $136.88 6960 PURITAN LIFE $90.57 from this site on historic TOWNSHIP FUND $988,680.78 6272 JAS, JAN $400.00 6290 KEMPLER, JONATHAN $120.00 7071 DAY, CAROLYN $1,595.45 properties may be submit- FIRE PENSION FUND 7175 LOSS, REBEKAH $408.00 4254 MARK IV ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS $227.50 6455 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE, INC. $50.23 ted within 30 days from the Personal Services 6847 WADLINGTON, CAMERON $400.00 6560 MITCHELL 1 $1,608.00 7027 PATRICK AND NICOLE SCONCE $20.00 date of this publication to: 7777 DIRECT DEPOSIT PAYCHECKS $162,155.61 00717 JOHNSON, DEAN $2,628.35 6897 C.E.S. CITY ELECTRIC SUPPY-MA $50.19 6959 ROSEMAN, KIMBERLY $50.00 FIRE PENSION FUND $162,155.61 1015 GEORGE, RICKY $400.00 6952 SAFELITE AUTOGLASS $317.97 6985 LUEDKE, JOSHUA $838.41 Trileaf Corp, Emily Senne, TOWNSHIP ASSISTANCE [email protected], 2121 4800 PETRO, MARK $400.00 5909 ST. VINCENT HOSPITAL & HEALTH SERVICES $40.73 5081 UNITED WORLD LIFE INS. CO $98.24 Personal Services 1031 HEATH, CHRISTOPHER $400.00 2355 BATTERIES PLUS $222.61 FIRE FIGHTING $28,033,730.82 W Chandler Blvd, Suite 108, 5104 MERITAIN HEALTH $16,127.12 6452 SALMON, MATTHEW J $400.00 2969 CIRCLE CITY SECURITY SYSTEMS INC $1,290.00 CUMULATIVE FIRE Chandler, AZ 85224, 480- 2777 SYSTEMS TAX SERVICE $15,687.29 1080 SMITH, DAVID $400.00 4639 ANDY MOHR FORD $175.79 Capital Outlays 850-0575. 5937 INPRS FBO PERF $23,941.06 1003 DUNCAN, LEONARD $400.00 2650 MACALLISTER MACHINERY CO, INC $537.59 5620 CLAUDE & GREG’S $10,173.00 hspaxlp 04/10/20 00707 AUTMON, ERICA $1,558.92 6505 RANEY, MARK $400.00 6339 D & D MEDICAL, INC. $145.22 7040 DYNAMARK $3,843.85 2864 UNITED HEALTHCARE INS CO $199.60 00721 PETERSON, KYLE $876.12 FIRE FIGHTING 5928 LEHMAN’S INC. OF ANDERSON $243,665.76 156 PIKE HEALTH PLAN $929.23 5122 BOROS, JAMES $400.00 Services and Charges 4978 CENTRAL RESTAURANT PRODUCTS $28,423.43 3805 PIKE TOWNSHIP, EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAN $6,959.72 00724 SAUNDERS, JOHN $876.12 4402 NET RESULTS INC $8,536.01 5089 MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES INC $850,801.05 7777 DIRECT DEPOSIT PAYCHECKS $200,376.23 1019 GRASS, KERRY T. $400.00 5399 LIFE TIME FITNESS/MEMBERSHIP DUES $289.32 5797 ZIEBART OF INDIANAPOLIS - WEST $2,719.94 PUBLIC NOTICE TOWNSHIP ASSISTANCE 4950 EFFNER, LLOYD $400.00 4785 LIFE TIME FITNESS, INC $4,101.75 7021 FINELINE FURNITURE $42,700.91 Supplies 6143 INPRS FUND 77 $2,384,094.67 00707 AUTMON, ERICA $104.32 6087 CITIZENS ENERGY GROUP $9,695.00 Cellco Partnership and its 00707 AUTMON, ERICA $35.00 4346 BUTLER, MARSHALL $400.00 6087 CITIZENS ENERGY GROUP $50,435.94 3055 MATTHEWS MOBILE SERVICE $18,105.77 controlled affi liates doing 3879 SAFEGUARD BUSINESS SYSTEMS $181.10 00711 LEE, CRYSTAL $638.43 5607 GOODWIN, ROBERT $171.25 4277 RQAW CORPORATION $5,805.27 business as Verizon Wireless 5792 U.S. POSTAL SERVICE (POSTAGE BY PHONE) $100.00 4798 PENNINGTON, PATRICK $400.00 6967 HOOSIERS FOR JUSTICE $5,900.00 6527 AFC INTERNATIONAL INC $449.13 (Verizon Wireless) proposes 1389 BOYCE FORMS-SYSTEMS $769.75 4351 JOHNSON, COREY $400.00 835 KOORSEN FIRE AND SECURITY INC $4,854.08 6769 JAMES BABCOCK INC $146,312.31 to build a 47-foot Streetlight 6429 A.E. BOYCE COMPANY, INC. $277.36 4343 BAYLESS, RAPHAEL $400.00 7058 CWATTS CLEANING $1,125.00 6155 PIP PRINTING $7,052.02 Utility Pole Communications TOWNSHIP ASSISTANCE 6275 KRIEGER, BRANDON $400.00 788 CINTAS CORPORATION $6,538.13 7004 KIMTEK CORPORATION $4,230.00 Services and Charges 1009 FISCHER, EVERETT A. $400.00 2864 UNITED HEALTHCARE INS CO $8,562.80 6610 FOUNDATION BUILDING MATERIALS $788.78 Tower at the approx. vicin- 4858 ITA (INDIANA TOWNSHIP ASSOCIATION, INC) $975.00 00712 CROY, BRANDON $876.12 ity of 830 Thorndale Street, 7129 KIKA ENTERPRISE LLC $789.00 6662 ANDY MOHR CHEVROLET $100,622.60 6522 LTC LANGUAGE SOLUTIONS $110.00 4796 MILLER, SHAWN $400.00 4496 PEARSON EDUCATION $6,238.10 3016 TSI INCORPORATED $14,881.71 Indianapolis, Marion County, 3682 FIFTH THIRD BANK $602.95 2655 INDIANA DEPT OF WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT $32,757.79 6936 ASCENSION ST. VINCENT PUBLIC SAFETY $195,644.25 7009 PRO-BUILD $4,861.00 IN 46214. Public comments TOWNSHIP ASSISTANCE 887 ADAMS, JAMES $400.00 6643 PRO AIR MIDWEST, LLC $6,905.00 6677 MACDOUGALL PIERCE CONSTRUCTION $1,007,911.42 regarding potential effects Township Assistance 988 CAMPBELL, JAMES $400.00 7123 BOUNCE ABOUT INDY $210.00 5841 GODBY HOME FURNISHINGS $17,817.23 from this site on historic 1179 CAMBRIDGE COMMONS APTS $5,673.30 4360 RUSSELL, LARRY D $400.00 6511 XEROX CORPORATION $3,975.39 5573 SENSORY TECHNOLOGY $105,923.00 properties may be submit- 1130 DEERCROSS APTS $4,720.00 5610 SCHUBERT, DAVID $400.00 3618 VERIZON WIRELESS $35,198.84 7113 MILLER EADS COMPANY $17,530.00 ted within 30 days from the 6537 FIRST KEY HOMES $600.00 998 DOOLIN, DANIEL $400.00 7077 C.L. COONROD & CO. $18,313.00 2986 NEIL E DORBECKER BUILDING CONTRACTOR $5,000.00 6087 CITIZENS ENERGY GROUP $9,886.93 1024 HARDEBECK, DAVID $400.00 4149 GOOLSBY, BRENT $385.48 6226 PROJECT LIFESAVER INTERNATIONAL $197.98 date of this publication to: 1125 MAYFIELD GREEN COOPERATIVE $2,809.00 7094 TAYLOR, LANA $200.00 Trileaf Corp, Emily Senne, 4219 COMCAST CABLE $19,813.26 7033 HAWK ANALYTICS $2,495.00 5312 WOODHAVEN PARK $2,235.00 5609 MAUER, ROCHELLE $400.00 7038 INSURANCE MANAGEMENT GROUP $333,304.00 7005 MILPRO MARINE LLC $36,165.00 [email protected], 2121 1161 WOODS OF EAGLE CREEK $6,875.00 00719 PATTERSON, RYAN $876.12 148 INDPLS. POWER & LIGHT - IPL $77,591.02 6702 MARCOM TECH $1,765.25 W Chandler Blvd, Suite 108, 6093 T & H REALTY SERVICES, INC $1,200.00 6846 RADER. KENNETH $400.00 5920 RESCUE TERMITE & PEST CONTROL $1,700.00 6330 EMP TECHNICAL GROUP $12,321.00 Chandler, AZ 85224, 480- 1117 COLONIAL SQ.-GENE GLICK C. $1,027.00 5604 BELL, JEREMIE $400.00 6969 SIPES LAW FIRM PC $7,099.00 6631 ZORES, INC. $300.00 850-0575. 7079 WIH2 LAKESIDE, LLC $960.00 4791 CROWELL, TYSON $400.00 3550 THRASHER BUSCHMANN & VOELKEL, P.C. $1,449.85 1581 CENTRAL INDIANA HARDWARE CO. $60,402.45 hspaxlp 04/10/20 1213 EDWARD ROSE OF IN/ SCARBOROUGH LAKES APT $6,235.00 4803 WINSLOW, PETER $400.00 885 WILKEY, MARTIN $82.30 5337 FIRE SERVICE INC $3,950.00 3168 CROSS CREEK APARTMENTS $5,766.76 6271 HILEMAN, MARK $400.00 6336 XEROX BUSINESS SERVICES LLC $703.66 6209 FIVE ALARM FIRE & SAFETY EQUIPMENT $69,149.90 1204 WHISPERING PINES APARTMENTS $560.00 1054 MARTIN, MICHAEL $400.00 7105 COLORADO STATE FIRE CHIEFS $445.00 6242 CDW GOVERNMENT $29,591.49 4470 SUMMERWOOD ON TOWNE LINE $1,520.00 4354 MASTERS, RYAN $400.00 6676 CHARLES WATTS $9,600.00 3802 DELL MARKETING L.P $42,943.38 7107 MAIN STREET RENEWAL $480.00 4793 GASTON, LARRY $400.00 7115 EITELJORG MUSEUM $200.00 5652 FEDEX OFFICE $112.63 PUBLIC NOTICE 4271 LAKES OF GEORGETOWN $5,444.00 4772 REGIONS BANK $75.00 4787 QUENCH USA $2,898.00 6531 TOTAL TRUCK PARTS $1,199.26 7047 DIXON MEMORIAL CHAPEL AND CREMATION SERVICES $3,580.00 1088 TRAGESSER, CHRISTOPHER $400.00 2660 WAYNE TOWNSHIP FIRE DEPT $435.00 4173 ERS WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS $60,996.45 Cellco Partnership and its 7122 MIDWEST PROPERTIES AND MANAGEMENT, LLC $325.00 4364 WALDEN, TROY $400.00 4801 RAMIREZ, JOSHUA $172.37 3298 GRAINGER PARTS OPERATION $1,717.08 4734 EAGLE CREEK APARTMENTS $1,160.00 4350 HUSER, CHRISTOPHER $400.00 7018 GARRISON, STEPHEN $400.00 6639 C. GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, LLC $184,903.33 controlled affi liates doing 1253 COVERED BRIDGE APTS. $2,752.00 4361 MCKAMEY, ALAN $400.00 business as Verizon Wireless 6074 PITNEY BOWES GLOBAL FINANCIAL SERVICES $835.11 6840 INDY’S PRO GRAPHIX $5,000.00 6911 WYLDE AT EAGLE CREEK APARTMENT $560.00 7777 DIRECT DEPOSIT PAYCHECKS $13,805,585.00 7147 MICHAEL A. KAUFMANN, M.D., FACEP $660.00 2916 MENARDS $447.99 (Verizon Wireless) proposes 6642 GARDEN POINTE APTS $839.00 6451 PITTS, DANIEL G $400.00 6963 INDIANAPOLIS HEALTHPLEX $5,770.62 6691 ORACLE AMERICA, INC. $16,627.10 to build a 47-foot utility pole 7069 THE ELLIOTT AT COLLEGE PARK $1,120.00 6446 CLAPP, ERIC L $400.00 4400 INDIANA BLACK EXPO/EOF $1,325.00 6900 LOCUTION SYSTEMS, INC. $9,750.00 Communications Tower at 6990 STARKS, DAVID $730.00 00731 LANDBERG, COLIN $903.85 7055 BUSINESS TRAINING MEDIA $2,116.00 7096 HC CLIMATE CONTROL, INC $1,626.50 the approx. vicinity of 9087 3129 ANNHURST APARTMENTS $1,440.00 7087 KNICLEY, HANNAH $200.00 2073 KRONOS, INC $27.26 6541 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, INC. $23,553.24 Dewberry Ct, Indianapolis, 4570 EAGLE CHASE APARTMENTS $600.00 6454 SHUPE, MINDY R $400.00 4229 IFCA $525.00 6800 RYAN FIREPROTECTION, INC. $43,898.40 IN 46260. Public comments 1261 WOODBROOK APARTMENTS $480.00 4363 UTZIG, WENDY $2,764.80 7139 NATRINA DEBOW $600.00 6633 ULINE $191.23 1185 THREE FOUNTAINS WEST (P.R.) $1,325.00 4344 BELL, AARON $400.00 6978 BLACK PEARL IT SOLUTIONS $6,687.50 2971 OFFICE DEPOT CREDIT PLAN $8,876.81 regarding potential effects 7054 RAJA, TALHA $600.00 4797 MILLS, STEVEN $400.00 from this site on historic 1098 WILKE, RONALD $157.64 6993 TECHBYRD, LLC $1,200.00 1268 GUION CREEK APARTMENTS $752.89 897 BLACKWELL, DONALD $400.00 5279 CAREER BUILDER $650.00 6623 ROGUEFITNESS $35,731.32 properties may be submit- 6949 TURNER, WILLIAM C. JR. $600.00 00732 PICKETT, TANYA $1,480.93 1247 HENDRIXSON, STEVEN $600.00 7046 JAY’S MOVING $4,136.25 ted within 30 days from the 6066 PANGEA PARKWEST $480.00 00544 BLACK, DENNIS $4,087.39 6496 MSD OF PIKE FOODSERVICE $200.00 7078 UEBELHOR & SONS FLEET & COMMERCIAL VEHICLES $90,114.75 date of this publication to: 1287 FLANNER & BUCHANAN $800.00 6562 HOGWOOD, MARGARET $400.00 4347 CLEMENTS, TROY W $202.86 3122 CLEAN AIR CONCEPTS $61,144.44 Trileaf Corp, Eboni Rhone, 6069 RICHMOND, ANDREW $560.00 2611 MATTHEWS, SCOTT $400.00 6965 JOCO FITNESS $5,280.00 7134 INBODY $7,917.57 [email protected], 2121 7138 INDIA WILLIAMS $700.00 4790 BLACK, DENNIS $400.00 7019 LIFE ASSIST $159.85 2577 LOWES BUSINESS ACCOUNT $966.73 6962 GRAY-WILLIAMS, TIFFANY NICOLE $560.00 1083 STAGGS, ERIC B. $400.00 6968 BONDRY MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS, LLC $7,500.00 6577 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS, INC $4,646.28 W. Chandler Blvd, Chandler, 1271 PNC MORTGAGE CORPORATION $480.00 AZ 85224, 480-850-0575. 4792 GANNON, JEREMY $400.00 6630 NAT. ASSOC OF FIRE INVESTIGATORS/NAFI $65.00 6231 GEARGRID CORP. $16,829.00 3167 CREEKSIDE SQUARE APTS $1,933.00 6424 4IMPRINT, INC. $1,842.24 2276 IBJ CORP,COURT AND COMMERCIAL RECORD $17.50 7032 DEEP TREKKER INC. $35,170.00 hspaxlp 04/10/20 5941 ARSICH, SVETO $675.00 3058 VEGA, RICARDO $400.00 6226 PROJECT LIFESAVER INTERNATIONAL $495.00 7106 CROWDSTRIKE, INC. $22,326.33 6297 HOWER, MICHAEL $500.00 5093 BROWN, AARON W $400.00 7050 NOLAN DODGE $826.73 2650 MACALLISTER MACHINERY CO, INC $32,469.00 1181 WASHINGTON PARK NORTH FUNERAL HOME $800.00 00726 WILSON, ALTON $876.12 6950 CLEVELAND HEARTLAB $9,900.00 CUMULATIVE FIRE $3,580,146.32 6367 AMERICAN HOMES 4 RENT LLC $560.00 00685 WARD, KATHY $2,458.00 2096 INTL ASSOC. OF FIRE CHIEFS, INC. IAFC $2,580.00 PIKE HEALTH PLAN 1203 ABINGTON APTS $3,800.00 7082 DICKISON, MICHAEL $200.00 7135 COLIN LANDBERG $116.08 Personal Services PUBLIC NOTICE 4137 OAKLAKE AT CROOKED CREEK $1,600.00 4352 KEMPSON, JOSHUA R $400.00 6077 NFPA $475.00 5104 MERITAIN HEALTH $5,056,479.69 2675 CAMBRIDGE SQUARE NORTH APARTMENTS $1,351.34 6273 MCCLIMON, CHRISTOPHER $400.00 3825 INTERNATIONAL ASSOC. OF ARSON $90.00 PIKE HEALTH PLAN $5,056,479.69 Cellco Partnership and its 6902 TRUE PROPERTY MANAGMENT GROUP $480.00 5125 VAN VELSE, JACQUELYN $400.00 7140 RUSS SIPES $600.00 PIKE FSA LOAN controlled affi liates doing 7016 HOME SFR BORROWER IV LLC $600.00 00359 VEGA, RICARDO $3,511.52 6701 A-S-K ASSOCIATES, INC. $1,675.00 Personal Services business as Verizon Wireless 6262 REAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT CENTRAL INDIANA $170.50 5612 WALSH, BRIAN $400.00 6801 POORE, NANCY $600.00 6245 REGIONS BANK PIKE FSA $39,834.25 (Verizon Wireless) proposes 6939 REL HOMES, LLC $2,160.00 7090 PETTYGROVE, MICHAEL $200.00 7146 LYNN MCWHIRTER $780.00 1019 GRASS, KERRY T. $109.68 6971 PROGRESS RESIDENTIAL BORROWER 3, LLC $1,160.00 00162 ELMORE, KEVIN DAVID $3,399.85 6507 EMERGENCY SERVICES MARKETING CORP.,INC $660.00 PIKE FSA LOAN to build a 47-foot utility pole 6553 RETZLOFF $1,200.00 Communications Tower at 00715 GEIST, NATHANIEL $876.12 6671 IAAP $150.00 Supplies 4538 IN TOWN SUITES $643.33 4341 ANE, DAVID $400.00 2929 BUSCHMANN, STEPHEN $600.00 6245 REGIONS BANK PIKE FSA $234.08 the approx. vicinity of 7350 4168 US BANK HOME MORTGAGE $1,585.16 00503 UTZIG, WENDY K $3,569.83 6631 ZORES, INC. $2,800.00 PIKE FSA LOAN Grandview Dr, Indianapolis, 5154 JULIAN CENTER $4,469.00 00722 PETTYGROVE, MICHAEL $876.12 5221 AT&T MOBILITY $9,356.17 Other Disbursements IN 46260. Public comments 1290 ROSEWOOD COMMONS $3,920.00 4357 MITCHELL, STEVEN $400.00 6615 KRONOS $19,315.35 5070 LIEVENS, ZACKARY $548.62 regarding potential effects 6996 DOVENMUEHLE MORTGAGE, INC. $560.00 6838 CALVERT, MACKENZIE $400.00 1581 CENTRAL INDIANA HARDWARE CO. $550.00 6270 GOODRICH, MICHAEL $244.76 from this site on historic 7128 COMPASS PROPERTY MANAGEMENT $600.00 00728 RIVERA, DILLON $876.12 5084 ST. VINCENT STRESS CENTER $1,728.00 5607 GOODWIN, ROBERT $2,100.02 properties may be submit- 1364 OAKS OF EAGLE CREEK $3,255.19 00687 THOMAS, TROY $312.98 1295 MARION COUNTY FIRE CHIEFS ASSOC. $150.00 6506 WINTER, JASON $555.40 6881 ASHFORD GEORGETOWN LLC $4,280.00 7084 GEIST, NATHANIEL $200.00 1293 ST VINCENT HOSPITAL & HEALTHCARE CENTER $700.00 4149 GOOLSBY, BRENT $600.08 ted within 30 days from the 4979 IN TOWN SUITES $1,716.62 date of this publication to: 4353 KLEIMAN, NICHOLAS R $400.00 1099 WILSON, WILLIAM K. $35.00 5094 ROSS, RYAN $2,649.92 6805 KROGER LIMITED PARTNERSHIP I $1,910.48 986 BURTON, JOSEPH A. $200.00 5417 SINGLEPOINT $23,249.90 4342 AMIS, JOSEPH M $3,707.32 Trileaf Corp, Eboni Rhone, 5039 HUNTINGTON MORTGAGE $600.00 1093 VOIGHT, CRAIG A. $400.00 5126 YOUNG, CALVIN $158.57 6263 BACHMAN, CHRISTOPHER $3,059.79 [email protected], 2121 1231 OAKBROOK VILLAGE APTS. $4,509.89 00364 WILKEY, MARTIN F $4,302.44 6075 BARADA ASSOCIATES INC. $3,654.89 4345 BOONE, MARCUS $755.95 W. Chandler Blvd, Chandler, 6981 GROVE, MICHAEL C. $730.00 6448 HALE, JOSEPH M $400.00 6375 YMCA OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS $5,561.00 6947 SPINA, CHELSEA $706.17 AZ 85224, 480-850-0575. 5579 SHOPPERS WORLD $10,514.42 7086 JOHNSON, DEAN $200.00 3684 ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATION GPO $19,909.50 5143 LEONARD, CAROLINA $497.74 hspaxlp 04/10/20 1361 FALCON CREEK PLACE APARTMENTS $2,370.00 00704 BOREL, ARTHUR J $4,084.85 6242 CDW GOVERNMENT $36,824.59 1011 FIELY, KEVIN $2,091.36 6975 HARTY, SHAHALA $960.00 1069 RANKIN, ALLYN $400.00 3294 GREGORY & APPEL INSURANCE $36,005.00 4365 WALKER, DANIEL $850.74 4096 MIDLAND MORTGAGE $856.07 5324 NATIONAL BANK OF INDIANAPOLIS (RHIF FUNDS) $200,000.00 6992 PENNWELL CORP/FDIC 2019 $1,215.00 881 HENSON, JAMES $143.00 1177 CARLTON APARTMENTS $3,900.00 6842 HILL, JA’MICHAEL $400.00 3162 INDIANA FIRE CHIEFS’ ASSOCIATION $150.00 6272 JAS, JAN $800.02 1332 STUART MORTUARY, INC. $1,595.00 6269 FORNEY, RYAN $400.00 6698 ST. VINCENT $230.00 5124 ROBERTS, GREGORY $1,989.31 5108 LA JOYA APARTMENTS $1,739.00 00727 CALDWELL, MATTHEW $876.12 6751 MED BILL $81,813.08 1019 GRASS, KERRY T. $224.00 1139 INDPLS. POWER & LIGHT (PR) - IPL $42,479.63 985 BURNELL, TIMOTHY $400.00 1665 FIRE DEPT. SAFETY OFFICERS $1,044.00 4798 PENNINGTON, PATRICK $683.90 1124 SPRINGHILL APTS. $560.00 7083 FANGMAN, ZACHARY $200.00 5904 FIREHOUSE $300.00 6275 KRIEGER, BRANDON $89.94 6305 PANGEA REAL ESTATE $860.00 1041 KERSEY, JOSEF P. $400.00 4519 FEDEX KINKO’S OFFICE AND PRINT SERVICES $578.35 1009 FISCHER, EVERETT A. $2,097.36 5015 WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE $560.00 4355 MCCORKLE, LANCE M $400.00 6810 EXCEEDION $2,600.00 988 CAMPBELL, JAMES $1,286.53 7136 MR. COOPER HOME LOANS $250.00 00627 GOODRICH, MICHAEL B $4,667.87 1365 INDIANA FIRE INSTRUCTORS ASSOC $250.00 4360 RUSSELL, LARRY D $2,649.92 4771 ASPEN CHASE AT EAGLE CREEK $3,009.00 00735 SOLENBERG, AARON $537.60 6964 IU HEALTH METHODIST HOSPITAL $1,914.00 243 LIEVENS,ZACKARY $122.40 6972 DENSON, ALICE L $480.00 5872 CRACIUNOIU, BRITTANY $400.00 7124 BOOKKEEPING PLUS, INC. $13,117.20 4354 MASTERS, RYAN $1,043.61 7003 SPECIALIZED LOAN SERVICING LLC $600.00 FIRE FIGHTING 6108 NATIONAL FIRE CODES $1,495.00 4793 GASTON, LARRY $755.18 7116 CHARLES AND CARLETTE CORPORATION LLC $560.00 Supplies 5456 MED BILL CORPORATION $40,044.16 4361 MCKAMEY, ALAN $935.94 6246 LEGACY CREMATION & FUNERAL $350.00 7040 DYNAMARK $1,839.06 761 AT&T $105,085.14 6454 SHUPE, MINDY R $300.04 5672 OCWEN LOANING SERVICING $480.00 4207 ARTISTIC AWARDS $1,789.60 5326 CALLTOWER $1,433.96 6241 SCOTT, TERESA $483.00 6974 TRIPLE E PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LLC $480.00 4978 CENTRAL RESTAURANT PRODUCTS $3,087.87 821 INT’L SOCIETY OF FIRE SERV INSTRUCTORS - ISFSI $1,015.00 6239 FILER, MARGO $499.98 7043 MR. COOPER $600.00 5089 MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES INC $139,273.79 6626 WFCA: THE DAILY DISPATCH $405.00 4344 BELL, AARON $1,176.00 6970 HUYNH, KENNEDY TRAN $600.00 7114 O’REILLY FIRST CALL $879.66 6832 BUDDY COVERS $385.30 2611 MATTHEWS, SCOTT $900.17 6966 NEW PENN FINANCIAL $730.00 3863 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, INC. $3,480.53 6834 CODE QUEST LLC $6,715.00 6240 KLEIMAN, NICHOLAS $477.74 7068 WESTSIDE PROPERTY GROUP, LLC $600.00 5797 ZIEBART OF INDIANAPOLIS - WEST $316.19 5415 THE INDIANAPOLIS STAR $1,511.73 6665 POWELL, CYNETHIA $1,128.34 7148 DIONNA DUVALL $600.00 6372 PARTSMASTER $2,085.33 6082 REGIONS COMMERCIAL BANK CARD $21,354.26 4352 KEMPSON, JOSHUA R $490.00 6737 PENNY MAC LOAN SERVICES, LLC $214.43 5884 PEARSON WHOLESALE PARTS $4,751.59 3298 GRAINGER PARTS OPERATION $366.18 1028 HATTER, DAVID $1,400.10 5008 VOHRA, INDU; LANDLORD $625.00 3055 MATTHEWS MOBILE SERVICE $26,625.16 6613 INDIANA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, LLC $10,544.12 5612 WALSH, BRIAN $935.17 2656 LAKE CAMELOT APARTMENTS $776.04 1900 H. P. PRODUCTS $841.07 6444 BATTERIES PLUS BULBS $562.02 7000 THOMAS, ANDREW $375.20 1238 BENT TREE APARTMENTS $929.00 7010 P&G CLEANERS, LLC $1,604.85 7067 LIFESERVICES EAP $3,887.88 2393 MATTHEWS, SCOTT $154.73 5012 CROOKED CREEK APARTMENTS $1,520.00 835 KOORSEN FIRE AND SECURITY INC $4,558.05 5957 WASTE MANGEMENT $3,862.52 4357 MITCHELL, STEVEN $499.98 5247 SUTHERLAND PARK CEMETERY $1,600.00 1604 J & F DISTRIBUTING CO., INC. $4,589.93 1024 HARDEBECK, DAVID $131.04 7015 DUELBERG, SONJA $100.10 TOWNSHIP ASSISTANCE $472,433.31 788 CINTAS CORPORATION $6,434.69 3475 JONES AND BARTLETT PUBLISHERS, INC. $2,956.15 PIKE FSA LOAN $80,287.54 FIRE FIGHTING 828 INDIANA OXYGEN COMPANY $7,676.88 6905 DBSERVICES DATABASE CONSULTING $7,575.00 ASSISTANCE TO FIREFIGHTERS GRANT Personal Services 5768 MID AMERICA FIRE & SAFETY, LLC $6,203.20 1382 MARION COUNTY SHERIFF DEPT. $75.00 Services and Charges 5070 LIEVENS, ZACKARY $400.00 2330 SNAP-ON TOOLS CORPORATION $3,628.94 5609 MAUER, ROCHELLE $39.00 6263 BACHMAN, CHRISTOPHER $387.95 5104 MERITAIN HEALTH $682,758.44 6643 PRO AIR MIDWEST, LLC $23.00 6439 SHRED-IT USA $647.12 6082 REGIONS COMMERCIAL BANK CARD $2,583.78 2777 SYSTEMS TAX SERVICE $1,044,355.78 6527 AFC INTERNATIONAL INC $2,297.46 1321 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF CENTRAL INDIANA $5,376.23 ASSISTANCE TO FIREFIGHTERS GRANT $2,971.73 5937 INPRS FBO PERF $387,739.77 2020 GURNEY J. BUSH, INC $950.00 6864 LAJUANA WARREN TAPESTRY SOLUTIONS $2,600.00 PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS 6270 GOODRICH, MICHAEL $400.00 6073 FLEETPRIDE $17,425.59 3260 STRYKER SALES CORPORATION $11,141.60 Personal Services 1074 SAUNDERS, ROBERT $400.00 4514 J.B. ENTERPRISES HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING $4,700.00 6513 EMS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS, LLC $10,530.00 6612 DELANEY, ANN M. $1,222.00 5607 GOODWIN, ROBERT $400.00 5088 GLOBAL EMERGENCY PRODUCTS, INC $27,809.75 6898 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTERS $2,334.00 5399 LIFE TIME FITNESS/MEMBERSHIP DUES $2,190.00 1087 TINSLEY, SCOTT R. $400.00 6515 CIRCLE DISTRIBUTING $15,977.55 1867 IMAGING OFFICE SYSTEMS $6,350.00 2777 SYSTEMS TAX SERVICE $3,543,199.26 6447 EMERICK, LEE E $400.00 6155 PIP PRINTING $1,437.28 6732 NELSON ALARM COMPANY $392.30 6456 AFLAC $30,489.60 2864 UNITED HEALTHCARE INS CO $25,210.94 3043 VAN’S ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS $244.84 4354 MASTERS, RYAN $254.02 3691 UNITED WAY OF CENTRAL INDIANA $40.00 1033 HELRIGEL, JON R. $400.00 6662 ANDY MOHR CHEVROLET $3,610.16 3582 FIRE DEPT. TRAINING NETWORK $360.00 7012 INSCCU-ASFE $55.00 6506 WINTER, JASON $400.00 3016 TSI INCORPORATED $234.60 4793 GASTON, LARRY $599.95 7144 POLICE AND FIREMEN’S INSURANCE ASSOC. $1,932.68 5936 GENERATIONS HEALTH PARTNERS $72,140.95 2450 EMERGENCY MEDICAL PRODUCTS, INC. $9,333.23 4772 REGIONS BANK $600.00 3805 PIKE TOWNSHIP, EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAN $88,047.66 6504 MICHALISKO, JAMES $400.00 4449 ACORN DISTRIBUTERS, INC $8,502.47 5947 IU HEALTH WORKPLACE SERVICES $1,405.00 4674 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTIONS $548,889.32 4149 GOOLSBY, BRENT $400.00 6035 A-1 SUPPLY COMPANY $4,023.79 6541 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, INC. $127,183.41 6245 REGIONS BANK PIKE FSA $67,910.29 885 WILKEY, MARTIN $400.00 7120 TBA TIBBS $243.83 4301 PENNWELL $3,396.00 6375 YMCA OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS $3,480.00 6669 NATIONWIDE TRUST COMPANY - PEHP $157,548.28 6110 WEX BANK $163,056.05 3116 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE INVESTIGATORS $65.00 4572 INDIANA STATE CENTRAL COLLECTION UNIT $62,096.68 6434 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY $62,641.48 4212 NAPA AUTO PARTS/GENUINE PARTS CO - INDPLS $9,662.21 2035 COURT & COMMERCIAL RECORD/IBJ CORP $1,624.99 3950 HEALTH PLEX-MEMBERSHIP DUES $2,690.00 1026 HASTON, TERRY E. $400.00 2064 MYERS TIRE SUPPLY $223.71 6773 VERIZON WIRELESS - VSAT $550.00 4544 GREAT-WEST RETIREMENT SERVICES, WELLS FARGO A $60,626.04 5123 KRAMER, JUSTIN $400.00 2058 ZIEBART $169.94 6593 AMERICAN SAFETY AND HEALTH INSTITUTE $2,508.59 3267 INDIANAPOLIS METROPOLITAN FIREFIGHTERS-LOCAL $104,430.67 5094 ROSS, RYAN $400.00 7037 SUPPLYWORKS $78.92 6208 ESO SOLUTIONS INC. $14,229.00 5987 GYM41 $20.00 4342 AMIS, JOSEPH M $400.00 4257 SOUTHSIDE STEEL $137.22 2971 OFFICE DEPOT CREDIT PLAN $1,844.28 PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS $4,517,319.20 4801 RAMIREZ, JOSHUA $400.00 4164 NORTHWEST AWARDS INC $375.00 4290 CNA SURETY $100.00 00696 HILBURT, JOSEPH $2,915.41 6140 RELIABLE PARTS $476.41 7006 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTERS OF THE SW $3,843.50 993 CRABTREE, MARK $400.00 1034 HENDRIX, RONALD $105.93 2316 PETTY CASH $119.96 00734 RUARK, DONALD $744.80 2949 EMBROIDERY PLUS $4,350.00 6241 SCOTT, TERESA $58.68 7089 PAYNE, NATHAN $200.00 6675 RALPH’S MUFFLER SHOPS AVON $139.95 6752 SMARTDRAW SOFTWARE, LLC $349.75 4356 MINICHIELLO, MICHAEL $400.00 7041 CHAPMAN MASONRY $3,800.00 7100 BAKER, SAMANTHA $778.71 00714 FANGMAN, ZACHARY $876.12 3091 DONLEY SAFETY $920.68 6623 ROGUEFITNESS $13,663.97 4366 WELLER, PAUL E $400.00 6223 RED WING SHOE STORE $360.00 6980 CLFD INC. $80.00 1099 WILSON, WILLIAM K. $400.00 7149 SIRCHIE $188.52 4344 BELL, AARON $232.79 4345 BOONE, MARCUS $400.00 6353 CUMMINS CROSSPOINT $825.20 6851 LLC CENTURYLINK COMMUNICATION $18,476.40 6453 SANCHEZ, DANIEL J $400.00 5878 BOTTAMILLER LLC $1,836.00 1139 INDPLS. POWER & LIGHT (PR) - IPL $9,018.99 995 CRONE, BARRY $400.00 7056 EDWARDS EQUIPMENT CO., INC. $244.05 5987 GYM41 $217.00 00738 JAMES, TRAVIS $932.80 7001 ACE RADIATOR INC. $5,909.46 5931 CITY OF LAWRENCE FIRE DEPARTMENT $300.00 7091 RINCKER, NOAH $200.00 3120 ACE LOCK & KEY CO $1,501.17 1410 DIVE RESCUE INTERNATIONAL, INC $350.00 00716 HAKES, BRIAN $876.12 5782 VERATHON $2,520.00 6562 HOGWOOD, MARGARET $971.19 891 ARDERY, CHARLES W. $400.00 5855 TAYLOR & BLACKBURN BATTERY WAREHOUSE $905.61 4177 FED-EX KINKOS $307.32 1034 HENDRIX, RONALD $400.00 5541 FITE LLC $1,725.00 5970 CNA SURETY $100.00 1047 LAUREANO, JOSE $200.00 6419 HARRISON HYDRA-GEN, LTD $1,631.10 3058 VEGA, RICARDO $39.00 3697 SAUER, BRIAN $400.00 6111 GALLS $167.94 7053 WPS GHA $370.20 1086 TARDIFF, STEVE $400.00 4275 GORDON PLUMBING, INC $425.00 7118 KAHN’S CATERING $290.00 156 PIKE HEALTH PLAN $281,212.49 7035 L&N WELDING $535.25 6125 TEAM IMAGE $598.00 1005 ELMORE, KEVIN $400.00 7125 MAXX XHAUST LLC $1,082.29 6899 MEDICAL MUTTS $3,510.00 00730 BAKER, SAMANTHA $951.92 4123 FLOTEC INC. $450.00 6951 PATCTECH DIGITAL FORENSICS $99.00 5606 CANFIELD, DUSTIN $400.00 6304 BONE DRY ROOFING, INC $275.00 2082 WAYMIRE A.P.S., INC $413.75 1098 WILKE, RONALD $400.00 6853 BECK SERVICE CENTER $2,284.02 7048 OFF DUTY DUMPSTERS $1,500.00 1025 HARPE, JEFFERY $400.00 6414 TREESTUFF.COM $189.98 4039 MARION CO. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT $4,680.00 00684 YANNOTTI, JUSTIN $408.00 6631 ZORES, INC. $1,627.00 7057 SOUTH CAROLINA FIRE ACADEMY $839.00 997 DELAPLANE, ROBERT $400.00 1581 CENTRAL INDIANA HARDWARE CO. $24.30 7076 SNAP-ON BUSINESS SOLUTIONS RH $625.00 7093 SAUNDERS, JOHN $200.00 6266 INDIANAPOLIS EMS $24,697.36 5653 IN.GOV $95.00 00718 KNICLEY, HANNAH $876.12 5620 CLAUDE & GREG’S $1,825.00 7042 PUBLIC SAFETY ANALYTICS INDY $1,050.00 4347 CLEMENTS, TROY W $400.00 6839 BEST-ONE OF INDY $33,323.53 6290 KEMPLER, JONATHAN $436.05 1100 YOUNG, MICHAEL D. $400.00 5337 FIRE SERVICE INC $45,124.82 6516 EMPLOYEE TECH, INC. $2,500.00 6449 HIGHLAND, ANGELA R $400.00 1293 ST VINCENT HOSPITAL & HEALTHCARE CENTER $24.15 5968 INDIANA UNIVERSITY HEALTH $200.00 1052 MARTIN, DAVID A. $400.00 2358 TURBO & DIESEL INJECTION $766.07 7086 JOHNSON, DEAN $80.00 1006 ESTES, DAVID $400.00 6209 FIVE ALARM FIRE & SAFETY EQUIPMENT $124,172.06 2969 CIRCLE CITY SECURITY SYSTEMS INC $1,610.00 5605 BRESCHER, KADE $400.00 5615 US UNIFORM & SUPPLY $1,001.03 3171 IAAI INTERNATIONAL ASSOC OF ARSON $195.00 00725 WILKERSON, WILLIAM $876.12 6528 J&B MEDICAL SUPPLY $82,728.45 7022 TARGET SOLUTIONS, LLC $17,305.00 7081 CROY, BRANDON $200.00 3684 ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATION GPO $37,829.29 6624 TESTING FOR PUBLIC SAFETY, LLC $19,700.00 6843 JOHNSON, MATTHEW $400.00 5294 DALE HUBBARD ELECTRIC INC $16,214.05 7095 TIM AUSTIN PHOTOGRAPHY $250.00 4795 MCCLENDON, MARVIN $400.00 6242 CDW GOVERNMENT $121.09 5193 CENTER FOR EDUCATION AND EMPLOYMENT LAW $124.95 00733 CHRISTIAN, JARRETT $751.78 6915 RED WING BUSINESS ADVANTAGE $285.26 6748 BRENT GOOLSBY $276.65 00695 WISE, STEPHEN $2,000.80 4181 DISASTER MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS INC. $3,090.53 7119 CLASSMARKER PTY LTD $198.00 7088 PATTERSON, RYAN $200.00 863 PROFESSIONAL GARAGE DOOR SYSTEMS, INC $325.00 1793 BOB BLOCK FITNESS EQUIPMENT SUPERSTORE $115.00 1043 KRIEGER, WILLIAM B. $400.00 4446 J&E TIRE CENTER, INC. $1,048.25 6973 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. $7,754.00 00713 DICKISON, MICHAEL $876.12 5624 MISTRAS GROUP $7,057.80 FIRE FIGHTING 4949 ALLGOOD, JASON $400.00 1592 BILL ESTES CHEVROLET, INC. $306.57 Capital Outlays 6848 WILSON, JUSTIN $400.00 7110 CULTURE LIGHTING CO., INC $4,327.65 3055 MATTHEWS MOBILE SERVICE $3,892.00 2235 HATTER, (DON) BRENT $400.00 1533 MAPLE BUSINESS FORMS $5,008.96 6631 ZORES, INC. $225.00 1044 KRATT, THOMAS $400.00 6935 MINERVA BUNKER GEAR CLEANERS $1,511.25 6840 INDY’S PRO GRAPHIX $550.00 4349 DREXLER, AMANDA G $400.00 817 FLAG AND BANNER $1,269.60 7130 BEST VALUE MATTRESS WAREHOUSE $2,999.50 00720 PAYNE, NATHAN $876.12 6531 TOTAL TRUCK PARTS $1,648.24 FIRE FIGHTING 00729 MACK, DAMON $783.60 6442 MARSHALL AUTO GLASS LCC $50.00 Other Disbursements 7085 HAKES, BRIAN $200.00 5406 SUNBELT RENTALS $311.56 5089 MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES INC $21,361.68 4153 MCMURTREY, DAVID $200.00 6227 UNITED LABORATORIES $1,465.83 00707 AUTMON, ERICA $319.29 00556 RAMIREZ, JOSHUA $45.52 5749 DON’S AUTO TRIM $2,290.00 3055 MATTHEWS MOBILE SERVICE $9,294.30 6182 UNITED STATES TREASURY $1,460.20 2187 UNIFORM HOUSE, INC. $21,380.74 4968 UNITED HEALTHCARE $1,999.51 00366 WALDEN, TROY D. $3,350.60 2442 MID STATE TRUCK EQUIPMENT $1,268.46 7075 SHERIFF, RALPH $1.50 1095 WILEY, LARRY $200.00 6499 INTERSTATE ALL BATTERY CENTER $2,795.11 2864 UNITED HEALTHCARE INS CO $2,990.50 7092 RIVERA, DILLON $200.00 5409 BRIGHT SHEET METAL CO. INC $2,943.92 6643 PRO AIR MIDWEST, LLC $78,950.00 5124 ROBERTS, GREGORY $400.00 6253 ESKENAZI HEALTH/ INDIANAPOLIS EMS $21,829.68 7064 JOHNSON, SCOTTIE $5.00 3805 PIKE TOWNSHIP, EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAN $792,155.19 4173 ERS WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS $6,081.34 6956 CHEUNG, CODY $354.00 4365 WALKER, DANIEL $400.00 4827 O’REILLY AUTO PARTS $825.12 5103 MDWISE $1,616.87 881 HENSON, JAMES $400.00 3885 FASTENAL COMPANY $5,362.51 2447 ACCENT $776.68 5126 YOUNG, CALVIN $400.00 3260 STRYKER SALES CORPORATION $1,970.36 4801 RAMIREZ, JOSHUA $92.64 3294 GREGORY & APPEL INSURANCE $37,916.67 7034 INDIANAPOLIS WIRE AND TERMINAL $16,168.05 6983 ALSMAN, CAROL $1,254.30 1071 RICKARD, JOEL $400.00 5066 CLARKE POWER SERVICES $37,362.70 7072 SMITHLEY, JERRY $93.23 00723 RINCKER, NOAH $876.12 7121 PINE LOCKBOX $1,448.00 7061 WHITEMAN, JUDY $5.00 7014 BOREL, ARTHUR $400.00 5219 FEDEX KINKOS $25.00 3563 CIGNA $1,963.36 7080 CALDWELL, MATTHEW $200.00 1783 HERFF JONES $1,353.45 7109 BRISTOL WEST INSURANCE $285.00 6272 JAS, JAN $400.00 6976 PROSHRED SECURITY $780.00 7074 PONDER, PHYLLIS $72.60 7175 LOSS, REBEKAH $408.00 6082 REGIONS COMMERCIAL BANK CARD $270.00 7029 FARRAR, RAYDELL $40.00 6847 WADLINGTON, CAMERON $400.00 3298 GRAINGER PARTS OPERATION $3,765.48 7045 BENEFIT RECOVERY $182.57 00717 JOHNSON, DEAN $2,628.35 7102 CCP INDUSTRIES INC. $844.00 6580 BCBS HIP $110.94 1015 GEORGE, RICKY $400.00 6444 BATTERIES PLUS BULBS $1,393.62 7052 STANELY, SCOTT $126.65 4800 PETRO, MARK $400.00 5833 CROSSROADS AMBULANCE SALES & SERVICE $1,423.97 7062 SKINNER, MARY $73.51 1031 HEATH, CHRISTOPHER $400.00 3170 GARAGE DOORS OF INDIANAPOLIS INC $7,535.70 7141 FITBIT, INC $35,632.50 6452 SALMON, MATTHEW J $400.00 3025 TRUCK SERVICE INC $4,111.87 7099 WARNER, JOHN $1,450.44 1080 SMITH, DAVID $400.00 6619 BILL ESTES FORD $414.98 6957 HERBERT H ROWLAND GUARDIANSHIP $1,255.00 1003 DUNCAN, LEONARD $400.00 7002 HP PRODUCTS CORPORATION $1,276.43 6819 HUMANA MANAGED CARE $144.81 6505 RANEY, MARK $400.00 6524 CHAMPION CHRYSLER JEEP DODGE RAM $710.02 6870 CARESOURCE INDIANA MEDICAID $751.92 00721 PETERSON, KYLE $876.12 6912 TBA WAREHOUSE $1,658.21 7031 COLEMAN, SHAWNA $11.66 5122 BOROS, JAMES $400.00 6807 G & G OIL CO. OF INDIANA, INC. $12,421.75 7098 SAUNDERS, RONALD JR. $50.00 00724 SAUNDERS, JOHN $876.12 6840 INDY’S PRO GRAPHIX $750.00 7112 LINDA KREMER $336.05 1019 GRASS, KERRY T. $400.00 6716 RICHARDS, BOB $5,712.65 5206 TRANSFER OF FUNDS $3,674,641.62 4950 EFFNER, LLOYD $400.00 785 CARDINAL MANUFACTURING $646.32 6986 BALKEMA, MAXINE $69.79 6143 INPRS FUND 77 $2,384,094.67 2916 MENARDS $405.25 7059 COX, DAVID $460.74 4346 BUTLER, MARSHALL $400.00 1466 BARRETT SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT $25,523.11 7028 SANTOS, PEDRO $132.68 00711 LEE, CRYSTAL $638.43 5821 ALERT ALL CORP $5,447.50 7108 ADVANCED RESCUE SOLUTIONS $12,000.00 4798 PENNINGTON, PATRICK $400.00 1390 PEARSON FORD, INC. $1,301.02 7051 JONES, SARAH $308.88 4351 JOHNSON, COREY $400.00 4232 TRUCK PRO, INC $921.17 7073 TRIBOLETTI, MARK $100.00 4343 BAYLESS, RAPHAEL $400.00 3163 MOORE INDUSTRIAL HARDWARE $168.23 6304 BONE DRY ROOFING, INC $800.00 6275 KRIEGER, BRANDON $400.00 2989 STOOPS FREIGHTLINER-QUALITY TRAILER INC $1,569.96 6988 SISCO - NOVIPAX LLC $596.42 1009 FISCHER, EVERETT A. $400.00 5003 ST. VINCENT HOSP & HEALTH CARE CT $93.18 2886 LITTLE, MARY $80.30 00712 CROY, BRANDON $876.12 4886 UPS $221.29 2557 HUMANA HEALTH CARE PLANS $107.12 4796 MILLER, SHAWN $400.00 7036 SKAGGS TRANSMISSIONS, LLC $2,805.00 3272 ANTHEM BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD $4,875.52 2655 INDIANA DEPT OF WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT $32,757.79 6633 ULINE $3,027.11 7014 BOREL, ARTHUR $28.41 887 ADAMS, JAMES $400.00 2971 OFFICE DEPOT CREDIT PLAN $14,050.52 6751 MED BILL $1,194.25 988 CAMPBELL, JAMES $400.00 1388 NAPA AUTO PARTS $14,380.74 7024 OAKLEY, GERALD $200.00 4360 RUSSELL, LARRY D $400.00 5411 HERITAGE CRYSTAL CLEAN, LLC $646.31 6953 FOLLOWELL, BEATRIX $25.00 5610 SCHUBERT, DAVID $400.00 6072 BLUE TARP FINANCIAL INC. $474.33 2505 AETNA $689.71 998 DOOLIN, DANIEL $400.00 6738 RELIABLE TRANSMISSION SERVICE $3,313.06 6954 BENSON, BEVERLY $50.00 1024 HARDEBECK, DAVID $400.00 6667 SHIELD SOLUTIONS, LLC $1,972.96 6166 MANAGED HEALTH SERVICES $130.70 7094 TAYLOR, LANA $200.00 6062 HABEGGER CORP $313.63 6925 BCBS OF MICHIGAN $302.28 5609 MAUER, ROCHELLE $400.00 2316 PETTY CASH $149.00 7030 JONES, ROBERT $60.00 00719 PATTERSON, RYAN $876.12 4025 MITE-E-DUCTS $449.00 7097 ASH, ROBERTA $101.43 6846 RADER. KENNETH $400.00 6058 WITMER PUBLIC SAFTEY GROUP INC. $3,424.35 1070 REYNOLDS, DARRYL $682.51 5604 BELL, JEREMIE $400.00 6635 JENNY’S ALTERATIONS $166.00 7111 KEVIN RYAN $114.80 4791 CROWELL, TYSON $400.00 6461 GLENDALE PARADE STORE $770.90 4648 IU HEALTH PLANS $2,270.59 4803 WINSLOW, PETER $400.00 3206 KIRBY RISK CORPORATION $498.60 6734 UNITED HEALTH GROUP RECOVERY $733.19 6271 HILEMAN, MARK $400.00 7126 LMC SERVICE SOLUTIONS $447.00 7025 GORDON, KEITH $7.00 1054 MARTIN, MICHAEL $400.00 4134 PITNEY BOWES PURCHASE POWER $1,483.97 4772 REGIONS BANK $1,167,114.21 4354 MASTERS, RYAN $400.00 1410 DIVE RESCUE INTERNATIONAL, INC $469.00 6958 THOMAS JR., JOSEPH $90.57 4793 GASTON, LARRY $400.00 3122 CLEAN AIR CONCEPTS $1,935.42 6987 MHS HCC $1,258.29 4772 REGIONS BANK $75.00 1478 CONTROL TECH HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING $369.46 4952 ANTHEM FINANCE DEPARTMENT $581.82 1088 TRAGESSER, CHRISTOPHER $400.00 5805 OTTO’S PARKING MARKING COMPANY $1,081.00 6241 SCOTT, TERESA $37.98 4364 WALDEN, TROY $400.00 6125 TEAM IMAGE $6,432.53 7065 SISCO BENEFITS $97.61 4350 HUSER, CHRISTOPHER $400.00 1276 HENTHORN MOWER AND ENGINE $2,229.81 7049 GEORGE BOOTH $1,755.00 4361 MCKAMEY, ALAN $400.00 3100 KAM HYDRAULICS, INC $971.50 6984 COUNTRY FINANCIAL $1,755.00 7777 DIRECT DEPOSIT PAYCHECKS $13,805,585.00 1358 GALLS, INC. $274.88 6997 MCGOWAN, LINDA $891.61 6451 PITTS, DANIEL G $400.00 6994 CUSTOM HOME IMPROVEMENT INC. $7,670.00 6562 HOGWOOD, MARGARET $491.99 6446 CLAPP, ERIC L $400.00 6796 JUST ADD WATER BOATS, LLC $1,834.34 7053 WPS GHA $218.79 00731 LANDBERG, COLIN $903.85 6674 DAVID CLARK $357.00 6872 TRICARE FOR LIFE $101.11 7087 KNICLEY, HANNAH $200.00 820 HOOSIER FIRE EQUIPMENT $1,486.41 7026 MARTIN, MIKAYLA $25.00 6454 SHUPE, MINDY R $400.00 2082 WAYMIRE A.P.S., INC $620.50 1022 HACKLEMAN, RONALD $2,600.08 4363 UTZIG, WENDY $2,764.80 2577 LOWES BUSINESS ACCOUNT $21,694.60 7066 YORK GROUP RISK $1,502.91 4344 BELL, AARON $400.00 4971 SOUTHERN INDIANA SCUBA $1,602.71 7060 MZUMARA, JOYCE $470.80 4797 MILLS, STEVEN $400.00 7142 MACQUEEN EMERGENCY $420.37 1347 EMBASSY SUITES HOTEL $16,152.40 897 BLACKWELL, DONALD $400.00 7145 KENSAR EQUIPMENT COMPANY $1,080.40 6916 AMBETTER $497.68 00732 PICKETT, TANYA $1,480.93 7017 HARE AUTOMOTIVE $413.28 6989 USAA $1,330.00 00544 BLACK, DENNIS $4,087.39 5252 ACME $328.00 6955 MCCARTY, CHRISTINA $50.00 6562 HOGWOOD, MARGARET $400.00 7101 TAYLOR OIL CO., INC. $779.93 6998 SRTICKER, LISA $100.00 2611 MATTHEWS, SCOTT $400.00 1344 INDIANA POWER SERVICE & SUPPLY, INC. $84.00 6063 MEDICAID ANTHEM $138.87 4790 BLACK, DENNIS $400.00 5277 ST. VINCENT HOSPITAL & HEALTH CARE CENTER $17.15 6961 WARREN, ROBERT $92.19 1083 STAGGS, ERIC B. $400.00 4888 FIRST CALL $136.88 6960 PURITAN LIFE $90.57 4792 GANNON, JEREMY $400.00 6290 KEMPLER, JONATHAN $120.00 7071 DAY, CAROLYN $1,595.45 6424 4IMPRINT, INC. $1,842.24 4254 MARK IV ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS $227.50 6455 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE, INC. $50.23 3058 VEGA, RICARDO $400.00 6560 MITCHELL 1 $1,608.00 7027 PATRICK AND NICOLE SCONCE $20.00 5093 BROWN, AARON W $400.00 6897 C.E.S. CITY ELECTRIC SUPPY-MA $50.19 6959 ROSEMAN, KIMBERLY $50.00 00726 WILSON, ALTON $876.12 6952 SAFELITE AUTOGLASS $317.97 6985 LUEDKE, JOSHUA $838.41 00685 WARD, KATHY $2,458.00 5909 ST. VINCENT HOSPITAL & HEALTH SERVICES $40.73 5081 UNITED WORLD LIFE INS. CO $98.24 7082 DICKISON, MICHAEL $200.00 2355 BATTERIES PLUS $222.61 FIRE FIGHTING $28,033,730.82 4352 KEMPSON, JOSHUA R $400.00 2969 CIRCLE CITY SECURITY SYSTEMS INC $1,290.00 CUMULATIVE FIRE 6273 MCCLIMON, CHRISTOPHER $400.00 4639 ANDY MOHR FORD $175.79 Capital Outlays 5125 VAN VELSE, JACQUELYN $400.00 2650 MACALLISTER MACHINERY CO, INC $537.59 5620 CLAUDE & GREG’S $10,173.00 00359 VEGA, RICARDO $3,511.52 6339 D & D MEDICAL, INC. $145.22 7040 DYNAMARK $3,843.85 5612 WALSH, BRIAN $400.00 FIRE FIGHTING 5928 LEHMAN’S INC. OF ANDERSON $243,665.76 7090 PETTYGROVE, MICHAEL $200.00 Services and Charges 4978 CENTRAL RESTAURANT PRODUCTS $28,423.43 00162 ELMORE, KEVIN DAVID $3,399.85 4402 NET RESULTS INC $8,536.01 5089 MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES INC $850,801.05 00715 GEIST, NATHANIEL $876.12 5399 LIFE TIME FITNESS/MEMBERSHIP DUES $289.32 5797 ZIEBART OF INDIANAPOLIS - WEST $2,719.94 4341 ANE, DAVID $400.00 4785 LIFE TIME FITNESS, INC $4,101.75 7021 FINELINE FURNITURE $42,700.91 00503 UTZIG, WENDY K $3,569.83 00707 AUTMON, ERICA $104.32 6087 CITIZENS ENERGY GROUP $9,695.00 00722 PETTYGROVE, MICHAEL $876.12 6087 CITIZENS ENERGY GROUP $50,435.94 3055 MATTHEWS MOBILE SERVICE $18,105.77 4357 MITCHELL, STEVEN $400.00 5607 GOODWIN, ROBERT $171.25 4277 RQAW CORPORATION $5,805.27 6838 CALVERT, MACKENZIE $400.00 6967 HOOSIERS FOR JUSTICE $5,900.00 6527 AFC INTERNATIONAL INC $449.13 00728 RIVERA, DILLON $876.12 835 KOORSEN FIRE AND SECURITY INC $4,854.08 6769 JAMES BABCOCK INC $146,312.31 00687 THOMAS, TROY $312.98 7058 CWATTS CLEANING $1,125.00 6155 PIP PRINTING $7,052.02 7084 GEIST, NATHANIEL $200.00 788 CINTAS CORPORATION $6,538.13 7004 KIMTEK CORPORATION $4,230.00 4353 KLEIMAN, NICHOLAS R $400.00 2864 UNITED HEALTHCARE INS CO $8,562.80 6610 FOUNDATION BUILDING MATERIALS $788.78 986 BURTON, JOSEPH A. $200.00 7129 KIKA ENTERPRISE LLC $789.00 6662 ANDY MOHR CHEVROLET $100,622.60 1093 VOIGHT, CRAIG A. $400.00 4496 PEARSON EDUCATION $6,238.10 3016 TSI INCORPORATED $14,881.71 00364 WILKEY, MARTIN F $4,302.44 6936 ASCENSION ST. VINCENT PUBLIC SAFETY $195,644.25 7009 PRO-BUILD $4,861.00 6448 HALE, JOSEPH M $400.00 6643 PRO AIR MIDWEST, LLC $6,905.00 6677 MACDOUGALL PIERCE CONSTRUCTION $1,007,911.42 7086 JOHNSON, DEAN $200.00 7123 BOUNCE ABOUT INDY $210.00 5841 GODBY HOME FURNISHINGS $17,817.23 00704 BOREL, ARTHUR J $4,084.85 6511 XEROX CORPORATION $3,975.39 5573 SENSORY TECHNOLOGY $105,923.00 1069 RANKIN, ALLYN $400.00 3618 VERIZON WIRELESS $35,198.84 7113 MILLER EADS COMPANY $17,530.00 5324 NATIONAL BANK OF INDIANAPOLIS (RHIF FUNDS) $200,000.00 7077 C.L. COONROD & CO. $18,313.00 2986 NEIL E DORBECKER BUILDING CONTRACTOR $5,000.00 6842 HILL, JA’MICHAEL $400.00 4149 GOOLSBY, BRENT $385.48 6226 PROJECT LIFESAVER INTERNATIONAL $197.98 6269 FORNEY, RYAN $400.00 4219 COMCAST CABLE $19,813.26 7033 HAWK ANALYTICS $2,495.00 00727 CALDWELL, MATTHEW $876.12 7038 INSURANCE MANAGEMENT GROUP $333,304.00 7005 MILPRO MARINE LLC $36,165.00 985 BURNELL, TIMOTHY $400.00 148 INDPLS. POWER & LIGHT - IPL $77,591.02 6702 MARCOM TECH $1,765.25 7083 FANGMAN, ZACHARY $200.00 5920 RESCUE TERMITE & PEST CONTROL $1,700.00 6330 EMP TECHNICAL GROUP $12,321.00 1041 KERSEY, JOSEF P. $400.00 6969 SIPES LAW FIRM PC $7,099.00 6631 ZORES, INC. $300.00 4355 MCCORKLE, LANCE M $400.00 3550 THRASHER BUSCHMANN & VOELKEL, P.C. $1,449.85 1581 CENTRAL INDIANA HARDWARE CO. $60,402.45 00627 GOODRICH, MICHAEL B $4,667.87 885 WILKEY, MARTIN $82.30 5337 FIRE SERVICE INC $3,950.00 00735 SOLENBERG, AARON $537.60 6336 XEROX BUSINESS SERVICES LLC $703.66 6209 FIVE ALARM FIRE & SAFETY EQUIPMENT $69,149.90 5872 CRACIUNOIU, BRITTANY $400.00 7105 COLORADO STATE FIRE CHIEFS $445.00 6242 CDW GOVERNMENT $29,591.49 FIRE FIGHTING 6676 CHARLES WATTS $9,600.00 3802 DELL MARKETING L.P $42,943.38 Supplies 7115 EITELJORG MUSEUM $200.00 5652 FEDEX OFFICE $112.63 7040 DYNAMARK $1,839.06 4787 QUENCH USA $2,898.00 6531 TOTAL TRUCK PARTS $1,199.26 4207 ARTISTIC AWARDS $1,789.60 2660 WAYNE TOWNSHIP FIRE DEPT $435.00 4173 ERS WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS $60,996.45 4978 CENTRAL RESTAURANT PRODUCTS $3,087.87 4801 RAMIREZ, JOSHUA $172.37 3298 GRAINGER PARTS OPERATION $1,717.08 5089 MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES INC $139,273.79 7018 GARRISON, STEPHEN $400.00 6639 C. GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, LLC $184,903.33 7114 O’REILLY FIRST CALL $879.66 6074 PITNEY BOWES GLOBAL FINANCIAL SERVICES $835.11 6840 INDY’S PRO GRAPHIX $5,000.00 3863 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, INC. $3,480.53 7147 MICHAEL A. KAUFMANN, M.D., FACEP $660.00 2916 MENARDS $447.99 5797 ZIEBART OF INDIANAPOLIS - WEST $316.19 6963 INDIANAPOLIS HEALTHPLEX $5,770.62 6691 ORACLE AMERICA, INC. $16,627.10 6372 PARTSMASTER $2,085.33 4400 INDIANA BLACK EXPO/EOF $1,325.00 6900 LOCUTION SYSTEMS, INC. $9,750.00 5884 PEARSON WHOLESALE PARTS $4,751.59 7055 BUSINESS TRAINING MEDIA $2,116.00 7096 HC CLIMATE CONTROL, INC $1,626.50 3055 MATTHEWS MOBILE SERVICE $26,625.16 2073 KRONOS, INC $27.26 6541 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, INC. $23,553.24 1900 H. P. PRODUCTS $841.07 4229 IFCA $525.00 6800 RYAN FIREPROTECTION, INC. $43,898.40 7010 P&G CLEANERS, LLC $1,604.85 7139 NATRINA DEBOW $600.00 6633 ULINE $191.23 835 KOORSEN FIRE AND SECURITY INC $4,558.05 6978 BLACK PEARL IT SOLUTIONS $6,687.50 2971 OFFICE DEPOT CREDIT PLAN $8,876.81 1604 J & F DISTRIBUTING CO., INC. $4,589.93 1098 WILKE, RONALD $157.64 6993 TECHBYRD, LLC $1,200.00 788 CINTAS CORPORATION $6,434.69 5279 CAREER BUILDER $650.00 6623 ROGUEFITNESS $35,731.32 828 INDIANA OXYGEN COMPANY $7,676.88 1247 HENDRIXSON, STEVEN $600.00 7046 JAY’S MOVING $4,136.25 5768 MID AMERICA FIRE & SAFETY, LLC $6,203.20 6496 MSD OF PIKE FOODSERVICE $200.00 7078 UEBELHOR & SONS FLEET & COMMERCIAL VEHICLES $90,114.75 2330 SNAP-ON TOOLS CORPORATION $3,628.94 4347 CLEMENTS, TROY W $202.86 3122 CLEAN AIR CONCEPTS $61,144.44 6643 PRO AIR MIDWEST, LLC $23.00 6965 JOCO FITNESS $5,280.00 7134 INBODY $7,917.57 6527 AFC INTERNATIONAL INC $2,297.46 7019 LIFE ASSIST $159.85 2577 LOWES BUSINESS ACCOUNT $966.73 2020 GURNEY J. BUSH, INC $950.00 6968 BONDRY MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS, LLC $7,500.00 6577 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS, INC $4,646.28 6073 FLEETPRIDE $17,425.59 6630 NAT. ASSOC OF FIRE INVESTIGATORS/NAFI $65.00 6231 GEARGRID CORP. $16,829.00 4514 J.B. ENTERPRISES HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING $4,700.00 2276 IBJ CORP,COURT AND COMMERCIAL RECORD $17.50 7032 DEEP TREKKER INC. $35,170.00 5088 GLOBAL EMERGENCY PRODUCTS, INC $27,809.75 6226 PROJECT LIFESAVER INTERNATIONAL $495.00 7106 CROWDSTRIKE, INC. $22,326.33 6515 CIRCLE DISTRIBUTING $15,977.55 7050 NOLAN DODGE $826.73 2650 MACALLISTER MACHINERY CO, INC $32,469.00 6155 PIP PRINTING $1,437.28 6950 CLEVELAND HEARTLAB $9,900.00 CUMULATIVE FIRE $3,580,146.32 3043 VAN’S ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS $244.84 2096 INTL ASSOC. OF FIRE CHIEFS, INC. IAFC $2,580.00 PIKE HEALTH PLAN 6662 ANDY MOHR CHEVROLET $3,610.16 7135 COLIN LANDBERG $116.08 Personal Services 3016 TSI INCORPORATED $234.60 6077 NFPA $475.00 5104 MERITAIN HEALTH $5,056,479.69 2450 EMERGENCY MEDICAL PRODUCTS, INC. $9,333.23 3825 INTERNATIONAL ASSOC. OF ARSON $90.00 PIKE HEALTH PLAN $5,056,479.69 4449 ACORN DISTRIBUTERS, INC $8,502.47 7140 RUSS SIPES $600.00 PIKE FSA LOAN 6035 A-1 SUPPLY COMPANY $4,023.79 6701 A-S-K ASSOCIATES, INC. $1,675.00 Personal Services 7120 TBA TIBBS $243.83 6801 POORE, NANCY $600.00 6245 REGIONS BANK PIKE FSA $39,834.25 6110 WEX BANK $163,056.05 7146 LYNN MCWHIRTER $780.00 1019 GRASS, KERRY T. $109.68 4212 NAPA AUTO PARTS/GENUINE PARTS CO - INDPLS $9,662.21 6507 EMERGENCY SERVICES MARKETING CORP.,INC $660.00 PIKE FSA LOAN 2064 MYERS TIRE SUPPLY $223.71 6671 IAAP $150.00 Supplies 2058 ZIEBART $169.94 2929 BUSCHMANN, STEPHEN $600.00 6245 REGIONS BANK PIKE FSA $234.08 7037 SUPPLYWORKS $78.92 6631 ZORES, INC. $2,800.00 PIKE FSA LOAN 4257 SOUTHSIDE STEEL $137.22 5221 AT&T MOBILITY $9,356.17 Other Disbursements 4164 NORTHWEST AWARDS INC $375.00 6615 KRONOS $19,315.35 5070 LIEVENS, ZACKARY $548.62 6140 RELIABLE PARTS $476.41 1581 CENTRAL INDIANA HARDWARE CO. $550.00 6270 GOODRICH, MICHAEL $244.76 1034 HENDRIX, RONALD $105.93 5084 ST. VINCENT STRESS CENTER $1,728.00 5607 GOODWIN, ROBERT $2,100.02 2949 EMBROIDERY PLUS $4,350.00 1295 MARION COUNTY FIRE CHIEFS ASSOC. $150.00 6506 WINTER, JASON $555.40 6675 RALPH’S MUFFLER SHOPS AVON $139.95 1293 ST VINCENT HOSPITAL & HEALTHCARE CENTER $700.00 4149 GOOLSBY, BRENT $600.08 7041 CHAPMAN MASONRY $3,800.00 1099 WILSON, WILLIAM K. $35.00 5094 ROSS, RYAN $2,649.92 3091 DONLEY SAFETY $920.68 5417 SINGLEPOINT $23,249.90 4342 AMIS, JOSEPH M $3,707.32 6223 RED WING SHOE STORE $360.00 5126 YOUNG, CALVIN $158.57 6263 BACHMAN, CHRISTOPHER $3,059.79 7149 SIRCHIE $188.52 6075 BARADA ASSOCIATES INC. $3,654.89 4345 BOONE, MARCUS $755.95 6353 CUMMINS CROSSPOINT $825.20 6375 YMCA OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS $5,561.00 6947 SPINA, CHELSEA $706.17 5878 BOTTAMILLER LLC $1,836.00 3684 ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATION GPO $19,909.50 5143 LEONARD, CAROLINA $497.74 7056 EDWARDS EQUIPMENT CO., INC. $244.05 6242 CDW GOVERNMENT $36,824.59 1011 FIELY, KEVIN $2,091.36 7001 ACE RADIATOR INC. $5,909.46 3294 GREGORY & APPEL INSURANCE $36,005.00 4365 WALKER, DANIEL $850.74 3120 ACE LOCK & KEY CO $1,501.17 6992 PENNWELL CORP/FDIC 2019 $1,215.00 881 HENSON, JAMES $143.00 5782 VERATHON $2,520.00 3162 INDIANA FIRE CHIEFS’ ASSOCIATION $150.00 6272 JAS, JAN $800.02 5855 TAYLOR & BLACKBURN BATTERY WAREHOUSE $905.61 6698 ST. VINCENT $230.00 5124 ROBERTS, GREGORY $1,989.31 5541 FITE LLC $1,725.00 6751 MED BILL $81,813.08 1019 GRASS, KERRY T. $224.00 6419 HARRISON HYDRA-GEN, LTD $1,631.10 1665 FIRE DEPT. SAFETY OFFICERS $1,044.00 4798 PENNINGTON, PATRICK $683.90 6111 GALLS $167.94 5904 FIREHOUSE $300.00 6275 KRIEGER, BRANDON $89.94 4275 GORDON PLUMBING, INC $425.00 4519 FEDEX KINKO’S OFFICE AND PRINT SERVICES $578.35 1009 FISCHER, EVERETT A. $2,097.36 7035 L&N WELDING $535.25 6810 EXCEEDION $2,600.00 988 CAMPBELL, JAMES $1,286.53 7125 MAXX XHAUST LLC $1,082.29 1365 INDIANA FIRE INSTRUCTORS ASSOC $250.00 4360 RUSSELL, LARRY D $2,649.92 4123 FLOTEC INC. $450.00 6964 IU HEALTH METHODIST HOSPITAL $1,914.00 243 LIEVENS,ZACKARY $122.40 6304 BONE DRY ROOFING, INC $275.00 7124 BOOKKEEPING PLUS, INC. $13,117.20 4354 MASTERS, RYAN $1,043.61 6853 BECK SERVICE CENTER $2,284.02 6108 NATIONAL FIRE CODES $1,495.00 4793 GASTON, LARRY $755.18 6414 TREESTUFF.COM $189.98 5456 MED BILL CORPORATION $40,044.16 4361 MCKAMEY, ALAN $935.94 6631 ZORES, INC. $1,627.00 761 AT&T $105,085.14 6454 SHUPE, MINDY R $300.04 1581 CENTRAL INDIANA HARDWARE CO. $24.30 5326 CALLTOWER $1,433.96 6241 SCOTT, TERESA $483.00 6266 INDIANAPOLIS EMS $24,697.36 821 INT’L SOCIETY OF FIRE SERV INSTRUCTORS - ISFSI $1,015.00 6239 FILER, MARGO $499.98 5620 CLAUDE & GREG’S $1,825.00 6626 WFCA: THE DAILY DISPATCH $405.00 4344 BELL, AARON $1,176.00 6839 BEST-ONE OF INDY $33,323.53 6832 BUDDY COVERS $385.30 2611 MATTHEWS, SCOTT $900.17 5337 FIRE SERVICE INC $45,124.82 6834 CODE QUEST LLC $6,715.00 6240 KLEIMAN, NICHOLAS $477.74 1293 ST VINCENT HOSPITAL & HEALTHCARE CENTER $24.15 5415 THE INDIANAPOLIS STAR $1,511.73 6665 POWELL, CYNETHIA $1,128.34 2358 TURBO & DIESEL INJECTION $766.07 6082 REGIONS COMMERCIAL BANK CARD $21,354.26 4352 KEMPSON, JOSHUA R $490.00 6209 FIVE ALARM FIRE & SAFETY EQUIPMENT $124,172.06 3298 GRAINGER PARTS OPERATION $366.18 1028 HATTER, DAVID $1,400.10 5615 US UNIFORM & SUPPLY $1,001.03 6613 INDIANA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, LLC $10,544.12 5612 WALSH, BRIAN $935.17 6528 J&B MEDICAL SUPPLY $82,728.45 6444 BATTERIES PLUS BULBS $562.02 7000 THOMAS, ANDREW $375.20 3684 ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATION GPO $37,829.29 7067 LIFESERVICES EAP $3,887.88 2393 MATTHEWS, SCOTT $154.73 5294 DALE HUBBARD ELECTRIC INC $16,214.05 5957 WASTE MANGEMENT $3,862.52 4357 MITCHELL, STEVEN $499.98 6242 CDW GOVERNMENT $121.09 1024 HARDEBECK, DAVID $131.04 7015 DUELBERG, SONJA $100.10 6915 RED WING BUSINESS ADVANTAGE $285.26 3475 JONES AND BARTLETT PUBLISHERS, INC. $2,956.15 PIKE FSA LOAN $80,287.54 4181 DISASTER MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS INC. $3,090.53 6905 DBSERVICES DATABASE CONSULTING $7,575.00 ASSISTANCE TO FIREFIGHTERS GRANT 863 PROFESSIONAL GARAGE DOOR SYSTEMS, INC $325.00 1382 MARION COUNTY SHERIFF DEPT. $75.00 Services and Charges 4446 J&E TIRE CENTER, INC. $1,048.25 5609 MAUER, ROCHELLE $39.00 6263 BACHMAN, CHRISTOPHER $387.95 5624 MISTRAS GROUP $7,057.80 6439 SHRED-IT USA $647.12 6082 REGIONS COMMERCIAL BANK CARD $2,583.78 1592 BILL ESTES CHEVROLET, INC. $306.57 1321 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF CENTRAL INDIANA $5,376.23 ASSISTANCE TO FIREFIGHTERS GRANT $2,971.73 7110 CULTURE LIGHTING CO., INC $4,327.65 6864 LAJUANA WARREN TAPESTRY SOLUTIONS $2,600.00 PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS 1533 MAPLE BUSINESS FORMS $5,008.96 3260 STRYKER SALES CORPORATION $11,141.60 Personal Services 6935 MINERVA BUNKER GEAR CLEANERS $1,511.25 6513 EMS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS, LLC $10,530.00 6612 DELANEY, ANN M. $1,222.00 817 FLAG AND BANNER $1,269.60 6898 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTERS $2,334.00 5399 LIFE TIME FITNESS/MEMBERSHIP DUES $2,190.00 6531 TOTAL TRUCK PARTS $1,648.24 1867 IMAGING OFFICE SYSTEMS $6,350.00 2777 SYSTEMS TAX SERVICE $3,543,199.26 6442 MARSHALL AUTO GLASS LCC $50.00 6732 NELSON ALARM COMPANY $392.30 6456 AFLAC $30,489.60 5406 SUNBELT RENTALS $311.56 4354 MASTERS, RYAN $254.02 3691 UNITED WAY OF CENTRAL INDIANA $40.00 6227 UNITED LABORATORIES $1,465.83 3582 FIRE DEPT. TRAINING NETWORK $360.00 7012 INSCCU-ASFE $55.00 5749 DON’S AUTO TRIM $2,290.00 4793 GASTON, LARRY $599.95 7144 POLICE AND FIREMEN’S INSURANCE ASSOC. $1,932.68 2187 UNIFORM HOUSE, INC. $21,380.74 4772 REGIONS BANK $600.00 3805 PIKE TOWNSHIP, EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAN $88,047.66 2442 MID STATE TRUCK EQUIPMENT $1,268.46 5947 IU HEALTH WORKPLACE SERVICES $1,405.00 4674 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTIONS $548,889.32 6499 INTERSTATE ALL BATTERY CENTER $2,795.11 6541 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, INC. $127,183.41 6245 REGIONS BANK PIKE FSA $67,910.29 5409 BRIGHT SHEET METAL CO. INC $2,943.92 4301 PENNWELL $3,396.00 6375 YMCA OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS $3,480.00 6253 ESKENAZI HEALTH/ INDIANAPOLIS EMS $21,829.68 3116 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE INVESTIGATORS $65.00 4572 INDIANA STATE CENTRAL COLLECTION UNIT $62,096.68 4173 ERS WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS $6,081.34 2035 COURT & COMMERCIAL RECORD/IBJ CORP $1,624.99 3950 HEALTH PLEX-MEMBERSHIP DUES $2,690.00 4827 O’REILLY AUTO PARTS $825.12 6773 VERIZON WIRELESS - VSAT $550.00 4544 GREAT-WEST RETIREMENT SERVICES, WELLS FARGO A $60,626.04 3885 FASTENAL COMPANY $5,362.51 6593 AMERICAN SAFETY AND HEALTH INSTITUTE $2,508.59 3267 INDIANAPOLIS METROPOLITAN FIREFIGHTERS-LOCAL $104,430.67 3260 STRYKER SALES CORPORATION $1,970.36 6208 ESO SOLUTIONS INC. $14,229.00 5987 GYM41 $20.00 7034 INDIANAPOLIS WIRE AND TERMINAL $16,168.05 2971 OFFICE DEPOT CREDIT PLAN $1,844.28 PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS $4,517,319.20 5066 CLARKE POWER SERVICES $37,362.70 4290 CNA SURETY $100.00 7121 PINE LOCKBOX $1,448.00 7006 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTERS OF THE SW $3,843.50 5219 FEDEX KINKOS $25.00 2316 PETTY CASH $119.96 1783 HERFF JONES $1,353.45 6241 SCOTT, TERESA $58.68 6976 PROSHRED SECURITY $780.00 6752 SMARTDRAW SOFTWARE, LLC $349.75 6082 REGIONS COMMERCIAL BANK CARD $270.00 7100 BAKER, SAMANTHA $778.71 3298 GRAINGER PARTS OPERATION $3,765.48 6623 ROGUEFITNESS $13,663.97 7102 CCP INDUSTRIES INC. $844.00 6980 CLFD INC. $80.00 6444 BATTERIES PLUS BULBS $1,393.62 4344 BELL, AARON $232.79 5833 CROSSROADS AMBULANCE SALES & SERVICE $1,423.97 6851 LLC CENTURYLINK COMMUNICATION $18,476.40 3170 GARAGE DOORS OF INDIANAPOLIS INC $7,535.70 1139 INDPLS. POWER & LIGHT (PR) - IPL $9,018.99 3025 TRUCK SERVICE INC $4,111.87 5987 GYM41 $217.00 6619 BILL ESTES FORD $414.98 5931 CITY OF LAWRENCE FIRE DEPARTMENT $300.00 7002 HP PRODUCTS CORPORATION $1,276.43 1410 DIVE RESCUE INTERNATIONAL, INC $350.00 6524 CHAMPION CHRYSLER JEEP DODGE RAM $710.02 6562 HOGWOOD, MARGARET $971.19 6912 TBA WAREHOUSE $1,658.21 4177 FED-EX KINKOS $307.32 6807 G & G OIL CO. OF INDIANA, INC. $12,421.75 5970 CNA SURETY $100.00 6840 INDY’S PRO GRAPHIX $750.00 3058 VEGA, RICARDO $39.00 6716 RICHARDS, BOB $5,712.65 7053 WPS GHA $370.20 785 CARDINAL MANUFACTURING $646.32 7118 KAHN’S CATERING $290.00 2916 MENARDS $405.25 6125 TEAM IMAGE $598.00 1466 BARRETT SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT $25,523.11 6899 MEDICAL MUTTS $3,510.00 5821 ALERT ALL CORP $5,447.50 6951 PATCTECH DIGITAL FORENSICS $99.00 1390 PEARSON FORD, INC. $1,301.02 2082 WAYMIRE A.P.S., INC $413.75 4232 TRUCK PRO, INC $921.17 7048 OFF DUTY DUMPSTERS $1,500.00 3163 MOORE INDUSTRIAL HARDWARE $168.23 4039 MARION CO. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT $4,680.00 2989 STOOPS FREIGHTLINER-QUALITY TRAILER INC $1,569.96 7057 SOUTH CAROLINA FIRE ACADEMY $839.00 5003 ST. VINCENT HOSP & HEALTH CARE CT $93.18 7076 SNAP-ON BUSINESS SOLUTIONS RH $625.00 4886 UPS $221.29 5653 IN.GOV $95.00 7036 SKAGGS TRANSMISSIONS, LLC $2,805.00 7042 PUBLIC SAFETY ANALYTICS INDY $1,050.00 6633 ULINE $3,027.11 6290 KEMPLER, JONATHAN $436.05 2971 OFFICE DEPOT CREDIT PLAN $14,050.52 6516 EMPLOYEE TECH, INC. $2,500.00 1388 NAPA AUTO PARTS $14,380.74 5968 INDIANA UNIVERSITY HEALTH $200.00 5411 HERITAGE CRYSTAL CLEAN, LLC $646.31 7086 JOHNSON, DEAN $80.00 6072 BLUE TARP FINANCIAL INC. $474.33 2969 CIRCLE CITY SECURITY SYSTEMS INC $1,610.00 6738 RELIABLE TRANSMISSION SERVICE $3,313.06 3171 IAAI INTERNATIONAL ASSOC OF ARSON $195.00 6667 SHIELD SOLUTIONS, LLC $1,972.96 7022 TARGET SOLUTIONS, LLC $17,305.00 6062 HABEGGER CORP $313.63 6624 TESTING FOR PUBLIC SAFETY, LLC $19,700.00 2316 PETTY CASH $149.00 7095 TIM AUSTIN PHOTOGRAPHY $250.00 4025 MITE-E-DUCTS $449.00 5193 CENTER FOR EDUCATION AND EMPLOYMENT LAW $124.95 6058 WITMER PUBLIC SAFTEY GROUP INC. $3,424.35 6748 BRENT GOOLSBY $276.65 6635 JENNY’S ALTERATIONS $166.00 7119 CLASSMARKER PTY LTD $198.00 6461 GLENDALE PARADE STORE $770.90 1793 BOB BLOCK FITNESS EQUIPMENT SUPERSTORE $115.00 3206 KIRBY RISK CORPORATION $498.60 6973 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. $7,754.00 7126 LMC SERVICE SOLUTIONS $447.00 FIRE FIGHTING 4134 PITNEY BOWES PURCHASE POWER $1,483.97 Capital Outlays 1410 DIVE RESCUE INTERNATIONAL, INC $469.00 3055 MATTHEWS MOBILE SERVICE $3,892.00 3122 CLEAN AIR CONCEPTS $1,935.42 6631 ZORES, INC. $225.00 1478 CONTROL TECH HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING $369.46 6840 INDY’S PRO GRAPHIX $550.00 5805 OTTO’S PARKING MARKING COMPANY $1,081.00 7130 BEST VALUE MATTRESS WAREHOUSE $2,999.50 6125 TEAM IMAGE $6,432.53 FIRE FIGHTING 1276 HENTHORN MOWER AND ENGINE $2,229.81 Other Disbursements 3100 KAM HYDRAULICS, INC $971.50 5089 MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES INC $21,361.68 1358 GALLS, INC. $274.88 00707 AUTMON, ERICA $319.29 6994 CUSTOM HOME IMPROVEMENT INC. $7,670.00 3055 MATTHEWS MOBILE SERVICE $9,294.30 6796 JUST ADD WATER BOATS, LLC $1,834.34 4968 UNITED HEALTHCARE $1,999.51 6674 DAVID CLARK $357.00 7075 SHERIFF, RALPH $1.50 820 HOOSIER FIRE EQUIPMENT $1,486.41 2864 UNITED HEALTHCARE INS CO $2,990.50 2082 WAYMIRE A.P.S., INC $620.50 6643 PRO AIR MIDWEST, LLC $78,950.00 2577 LOWES BUSINESS ACCOUNT $21,694.60 7064 JOHNSON, SCOTTIE $5.00 4971 SOUTHERN INDIANA SCUBA $1,602.71 6956 CHEUNG, CODY $354.00 7142 MACQUEEN EMERGENCY $420.37 5103 MDWISE $1,616.87 7145 KENSAR EQUIPMENT COMPANY $1,080.40 2447 ACCENT $776.68 7017 HARE AUTOMOTIVE $413.28 4801 RAMIREZ, JOSHUA $92.64 5252 ACME $328.00 6983 ALSMAN, CAROL $1,254.30 7101 TAYLOR OIL CO., INC. $779.93 7072 SMITHLEY, JERRY $93.23 1344 INDIANA POWER SERVICE & SUPPLY, INC. $84.00 7061 WHITEMAN, JUDY $5.00 5277 ST. VINCENT HOSPITAL & HEALTH CARE CENTER $17.15 3563 CIGNA $1,963.36 4888 FIRST CALL $136.88 7109 BRISTOL WEST INSURANCE $285.00 6290 KEMPLER, JONATHAN $120.00 7074 PONDER, PHYLLIS $72.60 4254 MARK IV ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS $227.50 7029 FARRAR, RAYDELL $40.00 6560 MITCHELL 1 $1,608.00 7045 BENEFIT RECOVERY $182.57 6897 C.E.S. CITY ELECTRIC SUPPY-MA $50.19 6580 BCBS HIP $110.94 6952 SAFELITE AUTOGLASS $317.97 7052 STANELY, SCOTT $126.65 5909 ST. VINCENT HOSPITAL & HEALTH SERVICES $40.73 7062 SKINNER, MARY $73.51 2355 BATTERIES PLUS $222.61 7141 FITBIT, INC $35,632.50 2969 CIRCLE CITY SECURITY SYSTEMS INC $1,290.00 7099 WARNER, JOHN $1,450.44 4639 ANDY MOHR FORD $175.79 6957 HERBERT H ROWLAND GUARDIANSHIP $1,255.00 2650 MACALLISTER MACHINERY CO, INC $537.59 6819 HUMANA MANAGED CARE $144.81 6339 D & D MEDICAL, INC. $145.22 6870 CARESOURCE INDIANA MEDICAID $751.92 FIRE FIGHTING 7031 COLEMAN, SHAWNA $11.66 Services and Charges 7098 SAUNDERS, RONALD JR. $50.00 4402 NET RESULTS INC $8,536.01 7112 LINDA KREMER $336.05 5399 LIFE TIME FITNESS/MEMBERSHIP DUES $289.32 5206 TRANSFER OF FUNDS $3,674,641.62 4785 LIFE TIME FITNESS, INC $4,101.75 6986 BALKEMA, MAXINE $69.79 00707 AUTMON, ERICA $104.32 7059 COX, DAVID $460.74 6087 CITIZENS ENERGY GROUP $50,435.94 7028 SANTOS, PEDRO $132.68 5607 GOODWIN, ROBERT $171.25 7108 ADVANCED RESCUE SOLUTIONS $12,000.00 6967 HOOSIERS FOR JUSTICE $5,900.00 7051 JONES, SARAH $308.88 835 KOORSEN FIRE AND SECURITY INC $4,854.08 7073 TRIBOLETTI, MARK $100.00 7058 CWATTS CLEANING $1,125.00 6304 BONE DRY ROOFING, INC $800.00 788 CINTAS CORPORATION $6,538.13 6988 SISCO - NOVIPAX LLC $596.42 2864 UNITED HEALTHCARE INS CO $8,562.80 2886 LITTLE, MARY $80.30 7129 KIKA ENTERPRISE LLC $789.00 2557 HUMANA HEALTH CARE PLANS $107.12 4496 PEARSON EDUCATION $6,238.10 3272 ANTHEM BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD $4,875.52 6936 ASCENSION ST. VINCENT PUBLIC SAFETY $195,644.25 7014 BOREL, ARTHUR $28.41 6643 PRO AIR MIDWEST, LLC $6,905.00 6751 MED BILL $1,194.25 7123 BOUNCE ABOUT INDY $210.00 7024 OAKLEY, GERALD $200.00 6511 XEROX CORPORATION $3,975.39 6953 FOLLOWELL, BEATRIX $25.00 3618 VERIZON WIRELESS $35,198.84 2505 AETNA $689.71 7077 C.L. COONROD & CO. $18,313.00 6954 BENSON, BEVERLY $50.00 4149 GOOLSBY, BRENT $385.48 6166 MANAGED HEALTH SERVICES $130.70 4219 COMCAST CABLE $19,813.26 6925 BCBS OF MICHIGAN $302.28 7038 INSURANCE MANAGEMENT GROUP $333,304.00 7030 JONES, ROBERT $60.00 148 INDPLS. POWER & LIGHT - IPL $77,591.02 7097 ASH, ROBERTA $101.43 5920 RESCUE TERMITE & PEST CONTROL $1,700.00 1070 REYNOLDS, DARRYL $682.51 6969 SIPES LAW FIRM PC $7,099.00 7111 KEVIN RYAN $114.80 3550 THRASHER BUSCHMANN & VOELKEL, P.C. $1,449.85 4648 IU HEALTH PLANS $2,270.59 885 WILKEY, MARTIN $82.30 6734 UNITED HEALTH GROUP RECOVERY $733.19 6336 XEROX BUSINESS SERVICES LLC $703.66 7025 GORDON, KEITH $7.00 7105 COLORADO STATE FIRE CHIEFS $445.00 4772 REGIONS BANK $1,167,114.21 6676 CHARLES WATTS $9,600.00 6958 THOMAS JR., JOSEPH $90.57 7115 EITELJORG MUSEUM $200.00 6987 MHS HCC $1,258.29 4787 QUENCH USA $2,898.00 4952 ANTHEM FINANCE DEPARTMENT $581.82 2660 WAYNE TOWNSHIP FIRE DEPT $435.00 6241 SCOTT, TERESA $37.98 4801 RAMIREZ, JOSHUA $172.37 7065 SISCO BENEFITS $97.61 7018 GARRISON, STEPHEN $400.00 7049 GEORGE BOOTH $1,755.00 6074 PITNEY BOWES GLOBAL FINANCIAL SERVICES $835.11 6984 COUNTRY FINANCIAL $1,755.00 7147 MICHAEL A. KAUFMANN, M.D., FACEP $660.00 6997 MCGOWAN, LINDA $891.61 6963 INDIANAPOLIS HEALTHPLEX $5,770.62 6562 HOGWOOD, MARGARET $491.99 4400 INDIANA BLACK EXPO/EOF $1,325.00 7053 WPS GHA $218.79 7055 BUSINESS TRAINING MEDIA $2,116.00 6872 TRICARE FOR LIFE $101.11 2073 KRONOS, INC $27.26 7026 MARTIN, MIKAYLA $25.00 4229 IFCA $525.00 1022 HACKLEMAN, RONALD $2,600.08 7139 NATRINA DEBOW $600.00 7066 YORK GROUP RISK $1,502.91 6978 BLACK PEARL IT SOLUTIONS $6,687.50 7060 MZUMARA, JOYCE $470.80 1098 WILKE, RONALD $157.64 1347 EMBASSY SUITES HOTEL $16,152.40 5279 CAREER BUILDER $650.00 6916 AMBETTER $497.68 1247 HENDRIXSON, STEVEN $600.00 6989 USAA $1,330.00 6496 MSD OF PIKE FOODSERVICE $200.00 6955 MCCARTY, CHRISTINA $50.00 4347 CLEMENTS, TROY W $202.86 6998 SRTICKER, LISA $100.00 6965 JOCO FITNESS $5,280.00 6063 MEDICAID ANTHEM $138.87 7019 LIFE ASSIST $159.85 6961 WARREN, ROBERT $92.19 6968 BONDRY MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS, LLC $7,500.00 6960 PURITAN LIFE $90.57 6630 NAT. ASSOC OF FIRE INVESTIGATORS/NAFI $65.00 7071 DAY, CAROLYN $1,595.45 2276 IBJ CORP,COURT AND COMMERCIAL RECORD $17.50 6455 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE, INC. $50.23 6226 PROJECT LIFESAVER INTERNATIONAL $495.00 7027 PATRICK AND NICOLE SCONCE $20.00 7050 NOLAN DODGE $826.73 6959 ROSEMAN, KIMBERLY $50.00 6950 CLEVELAND HEARTLAB $9,900.00 6985 LUEDKE, JOSHUA $838.41 2096 INTL ASSOC. OF FIRE CHIEFS, INC. IAFC $2,580.00 5081 UNITED WORLD LIFE INS. CO $98.24 7135 COLIN LANDBERG $116.08 FIRE FIGHTING $28,033,730.82 6077 NFPA $475.00 CUMULATIVE FIRE 3825 INTERNATIONAL ASSOC. OF ARSON $90.00 Capital Outlays 7140 RUSS SIPES $600.00 5620 CLAUDE & GREG’S $10,173.00 6701 A-S-K ASSOCIATES, INC. $1,675.00 7040 DYNAMARK $3,843.85 6801 POORE, NANCY $600.00 5928 LEHMAN’S INC. OF ANDERSON $243,665.76 7146 LYNN MCWHIRTER $780.00 4978 CENTRAL RESTAURANT PRODUCTS $28,423.43 6507 EMERGENCY SERVICES MARKETING CORP.,INC $660.00 5089 MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES INC $850,801.05 6671 IAAP $150.00 5797 ZIEBART OF INDIANAPOLIS - WEST $2,719.94 2929 BUSCHMANN, STEPHEN $600.00 7021 FINELINE FURNITURE $42,700.91 6631 ZORES, INC. $2,800.00 6087 CITIZENS ENERGY GROUP $9,695.00 5221 AT&T MOBILITY $9,356.17 3055 MATTHEWS MOBILE SERVICE $18,105.77 6615 KRONOS $19,315.35 4277 RQAW CORPORATION $5,805.27 1581 CENTRAL INDIANA HARDWARE CO. $550.00 6527 AFC INTERNATIONAL INC $449.13 5084 ST. VINCENT STRESS CENTER $1,728.00 6769 JAMES BABCOCK INC $146,312.31 1295 MARION COUNTY FIRE CHIEFS ASSOC. $150.00 6155 PIP PRINTING $7,052.02 1293 ST VINCENT HOSPITAL & HEALTHCARE CENTER $700.00 7004 KIMTEK CORPORATION $4,230.00 1099 WILSON, WILLIAM K. $35.00 6610 FOUNDATION BUILDING MATERIALS $788.78 5417 SINGLEPOINT $23,249.90 6662 ANDY MOHR CHEVROLET $100,622.60 5126 YOUNG, CALVIN $158.57 3016 TSI INCORPORATED $14,881.71 6075 BARADA ASSOCIATES INC. $3,654.89 7009 PRO-BUILD $4,861.00 6375 YMCA OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS $5,561.00 6677 MACDOUGALL PIERCE CONSTRUCTION $1,007,911.42 3684 ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATION GPO $19,909.50 5841 GODBY HOME FURNISHINGS $17,817.23 6242 CDW GOVERNMENT $36,824.59 5573 SENSORY TECHNOLOGY $105,923.00 3294 GREGORY & APPEL INSURANCE $36,005.00 7113 MILLER EADS COMPANY $17,530.00 6992 PENNWELL CORP/FDIC 2019 $1,215.00 2986 NEIL E DORBECKER BUILDING CONTRACTOR $5,000.00 3162 INDIANA FIRE CHIEFS’ ASSOCIATION $150.00 6226 PROJECT LIFESAVER INTERNATIONAL $197.98 6698 ST. VINCENT $230.00 7033 HAWK ANALYTICS $2,495.00 6751 MED BILL $81,813.08 7005 MILPRO MARINE LLC $36,165.00 1665 FIRE DEPT. SAFETY OFFICERS $1,044.00 6702 MARCOM TECH $1,765.25 5904 FIREHOUSE $300.00 6330 EMP TECHNICAL GROUP $12,321.00 4519 FEDEX KINKO’S OFFICE AND PRINT SERVICES $578.35 6631 ZORES, INC. $300.00 6810 EXCEEDION $2,600.00 1581 CENTRAL INDIANA HARDWARE CO. $60,402.45 1365 INDIANA FIRE INSTRUCTORS ASSOC $250.00 5337 FIRE SERVICE INC $3,950.00 6964 IU HEALTH METHODIST HOSPITAL $1,914.00 6209 FIVE ALARM FIRE & SAFETY EQUIPMENT $69,149.90 7124 BOOKKEEPING PLUS, INC. $13,117.20 6242 CDW GOVERNMENT $29,591.49 6108 NATIONAL FIRE CODES $1,495.00 3802 DELL MARKETING L.P $42,943.38 5456 MED BILL CORPORATION $40,044.16 5652 FEDEX OFFICE $112.63 761 AT&T $105,085.14 6531 TOTAL TRUCK PARTS $1,199.26 5326 CALLTOWER $1,433.96 4173 ERS WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS $60,996.45 821 INT’L SOCIETY OF FIRE SERV INSTRUCTORS - ISFSI $1,015.00 3298 GRAINGER PARTS OPERATION $1,717.08 6626 WFCA: THE DAILY DISPATCH $405.00 6639 C. GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, LLC $184,903.33 6832 BUDDY COVERS $385.30 6840 INDY’S PRO GRAPHIX $5,000.00 6834 CODE QUEST LLC $6,715.00 2916 MENARDS $447.99 5415 THE INDIANAPOLIS STAR $1,511.73 6691 ORACLE AMERICA, INC. $16,627.10 6082 REGIONS COMMERCIAL BANK CARD $21,354.26 6900 LOCUTION SYSTEMS, INC. $9,750.00 3298 GRAINGER PARTS OPERATION $366.18 7096 HC CLIMATE CONTROL, INC $1,626.50 6613 INDIANA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, LLC $10,544.12 6541 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, INC. $23,553.24 6444 BATTERIES PLUS BULBS $562.02 6800 RYAN FIREPROTECTION, INC. $43,898.40 7067 LIFESERVICES EAP $3,887.88 6633 ULINE $191.23 5957 WASTE MANGEMENT $3,862.52 2971 OFFICE DEPOT CREDIT PLAN $8,876.81 1024 HARDEBECK, DAVID $131.04 6993 TECHBYRD, LLC $1,200.00 3475 JONES AND BARTLETT PUBLISHERS, INC. $2,956.15 6623 ROGUEFITNESS $35,731.32 6905 DBSERVICES DATABASE CONSULTING $7,575.00 7046 JAY’S MOVING $4,136.25 1382 MARION COUNTY SHERIFF DEPT. $75.00 7078 UEBELHOR & SONS FLEET & COMMERCIAL VEHICLES $90,114.75 5609 MAUER, ROCHELLE $39.00 3122 CLEAN AIR CONCEPTS $61,144.44 6439 SHRED-IT USA $647.12 7134 INBODY $7,917.57 1321 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF CENTRAL INDIANA $5,376.23 2577 LOWES BUSINESS ACCOUNT $966.73 6864 LAJUANA WARREN TAPESTRY SOLUTIONS $2,600.00 6577 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS, INC $4,646.28 3260 STRYKER SALES CORPORATION $11,141.60 6231 GEARGRID CORP. $16,829.00 6513 EMS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS, LLC $10,530.00 7032 DEEP TREKKER INC. $35,170.00 6898 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTERS $2,334.00 7106 CROWDSTRIKE, INC. $22,326.33 1867 IMAGING OFFICE SYSTEMS $6,350.00 2650 MACALLISTER MACHINERY CO, INC $32,469.00 6732 NELSON ALARM COMPANY $392.30 CUMULATIVE FIRE $3,580,146.32 4354 MASTERS, RYAN $254.02 PIKE HEALTH PLAN 3582 FIRE DEPT. TRAINING NETWORK $360.00 Personal Services 4793 GASTON, LARRY $599.95 5104 MERITAIN HEALTH $5,056,479.69 4772 REGIONS BANK $600.00 PIKE HEALTH PLAN $5,056,479.69 5947 IU HEALTH WORKPLACE SERVICES $1,405.00 PIKE FSA LOAN 6541 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, INC. $127,183.41 Personal Services 4301 PENNWELL $3,396.00 6245 REGIONS BANK PIKE FSA $39,834.25 3116 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE INVESTIGATORS $65.00 1019 GRASS, KERRY T. $109.68 2035 COURT & COMMERCIAL RECORD/IBJ CORP $1,624.99 PIKE FSA LOAN 6773 VERIZON WIRELESS - VSAT $550.00 Supplies 6593 AMERICAN SAFETY AND HEALTH INSTITUTE $2,508.59 6245 REGIONS BANK PIKE FSA $234.08 6208 ESO SOLUTIONS INC. $14,229.00 PIKE FSA LOAN 2971 OFFICE DEPOT CREDIT PLAN $1,844.28 Other Disbursements 4290 CNA SURETY $100.00 5070 LIEVENS, ZACKARY $548.62 7006 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTERS OF THE SW $3,843.50 6270 GOODRICH, MICHAEL $244.76 2316 PETTY CASH $119.96 5607 GOODWIN, ROBERT $2,100.02 6241 SCOTT, TERESA $58.68 6506 WINTER, JASON $555.40 6752 SMARTDRAW SOFTWARE, LLC $349.75 4149 GOOLSBY, BRENT $600.08 7100 BAKER, SAMANTHA $778.71 5094 ROSS, RYAN $2,649.92 6623 ROGUEFITNESS $13,663.97 4342 AMIS, JOSEPH M $3,707.32 6980 CLFD INC. $80.00 6263 BACHMAN, CHRISTOPHER $3,059.79 4344 BELL, AARON $232.79 4345 BOONE, MARCUS $755.95 6851 LLC CENTURYLINK COMMUNICATION $18,476.40 6947 SPINA, CHELSEA $706.17 1139 INDPLS. POWER & LIGHT (PR) - IPL $9,018.99 5143 LEONARD, CAROLINA $497.74 5987 GYM41 $217.00 1011 FIELY, KEVIN $2,091.36 5931 CITY OF LAWRENCE FIRE DEPARTMENT $300.00 4365 WALKER, DANIEL $850.74 1410 DIVE RESCUE INTERNATIONAL, INC $350.00 881 HENSON, JAMES $143.00 6562 HOGWOOD, MARGARET $971.19 6272 JAS, JAN $800.02 4177 FED-EX KINKOS $307.32 5124 ROBERTS, GREGORY $1,989.31 5970 CNA SURETY $100.00 1019 GRASS, KERRY T. $224.00 3058 VEGA, RICARDO $39.00 4798 PENNINGTON, PATRICK $683.90 7053 WPS GHA $370.20 6275 KRIEGER, BRANDON $89.94 7118 KAHN’S CATERING $290.00 1009 FISCHER, EVERETT A. $2,097.36 6125 TEAM IMAGE $598.00 988 CAMPBELL, JAMES $1,286.53 6899 MEDICAL MUTTS $3,510.00 4360 RUSSELL, LARRY D $2,649.92 6951 PATCTECH DIGITAL FORENSICS $99.00 243 LIEVENS,ZACKARY $122.40 2082 WAYMIRE A.P.S., INC $413.75 4354 MASTERS, RYAN $1,043.61 7048 OFF DUTY DUMPSTERS $1,500.00 4793 GASTON, LARRY $755.18 4039 MARION CO. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT $4,680.00 4361 MCKAMEY, ALAN $935.94 7057 SOUTH CAROLINA FIRE ACADEMY $839.00 6454 SHUPE, MINDY R $300.04 7076 SNAP-ON BUSINESS SOLUTIONS RH $625.00 6241 SCOTT, TERESA $483.00 5653 IN.GOV $95.00 6239 FILER, MARGO $499.98 7042 PUBLIC SAFETY ANALYTICS INDY $1,050.00 4344 BELL, AARON $1,176.00 6290 KEMPLER, JONATHAN $436.05 2611 MATTHEWS, SCOTT $900.17 6516 EMPLOYEE TECH, INC. $2,500.00 6240 KLEIMAN, NICHOLAS $477.74 5968 INDIANA UNIVERSITY HEALTH $200.00 6665 POWELL, CYNETHIA $1,128.34 7086 JOHNSON, DEAN $80.00 4352 KEMPSON, JOSHUA R $490.00 2969 CIRCLE CITY SECURITY SYSTEMS INC $1,610.00 1028 HATTER, DAVID $1,400.10 3171 IAAI INTERNATIONAL ASSOC OF ARSON $195.00 5612 WALSH, BRIAN $935.17 7022 TARGET SOLUTIONS, LLC $17,305.00 7000 THOMAS, ANDREW $375.20 6624 TESTING FOR PUBLIC SAFETY, LLC $19,700.00 2393 MATTHEWS, SCOTT $154.73 7095 TIM AUSTIN PHOTOGRAPHY $250.00 4357 MITCHELL, STEVEN $499.98 5193 CENTER FOR EDUCATION AND EMPLOYMENT LAW $124.95 7015 DUELBERG, SONJA $100.10 6748 BRENT GOOLSBY $276.65 PIKE FSA LOAN $80,287.54 7119 CLASSMARKER PTY LTD $198.00 ASSISTANCE TO FIREFIGHTERS GRANT 1793 BOB BLOCK FITNESS EQUIPMENT SUPERSTORE $115.00 Services and Charges 6973 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. $7,754.00 6263 BACHMAN, CHRISTOPHER $387.95 FIRE FIGHTING 6082 REGIONS COMMERCIAL BANK CARD $2,583.78 Capital Outlays ASSISTANCE TO FIREFIGHTERS GRANT $2,971.73 3055 MATTHEWS MOBILE SERVICE $3,892.00 PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS 6631 ZORES, INC. $225.00 Personal Services 6840 INDY’S PRO GRAPHIX $550.00 6612 DELANEY, ANN M. $1,222.00 7130 BEST VALUE MATTRESS WAREHOUSE $2,999.50 5399 LIFE TIME FITNESS/MEMBERSHIP DUES $2,190.00 FIRE FIGHTING 2777 SYSTEMS TAX SERVICE $3,543,199.26 Other Disbursements 6456 AFLAC $30,489.60 5089 MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES INC $21,361.68 3691 UNITED WAY OF CENTRAL INDIANA $40.00 00707 AUTMON, ERICA $319.29 7012 INSCCU-ASFE $55.00 3055 MATTHEWS MOBILE SERVICE $9,294.30 7144 POLICE AND FIREMEN’S INSURANCE ASSOC. $1,932.68 4968 UNITED HEALTHCARE $1,999.51 3805 PIKE TOWNSHIP, EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAN $88,047.66 7075 SHERIFF, RALPH $1.50 4674 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTIONS $548,889.32 2864 UNITED HEALTHCARE INS CO $2,990.50 6245 REGIONS BANK PIKE FSA $67,910.29 6643 PRO AIR MIDWEST, LLC $78,950.00 6375 YMCA OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS $3,480.00 7064 JOHNSON, SCOTTIE $5.00 4572 INDIANA STATE CENTRAL COLLECTION UNIT $62,096.68 6956 CHEUNG, CODY $354.00 3950 HEALTH PLEX-MEMBERSHIP DUES $2,690.00 5103 MDWISE $1,616.87 4544 GREAT-WEST RETIREMENT SERVICES, WELLS FARGO A $60,626.04 2447 ACCENT $776.68 3267 INDIANAPOLIS METROPOLITAN FIREFIGHTERS-LOCAL $104,430.67 4801 RAMIREZ, JOSHUA $92.64 5987 GYM41 $20.00 6983 ALSMAN, CAROL $1,254.30 PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS $4,517,319.20 7072 SMITHLEY, JERRY $93.23 7061 WHITEMAN, JUDY $5.00 3563 CIGNA $1,963.36 7109 BRISTOL WEST INSURANCE $285.00 7074 PONDER, PHYLLIS $72.60 7029 FARRAR, RAYDELL $40.00 7045 BENEFIT RECOVERY $182.57 6580 BCBS HIP $110.94 7052 STANELY, SCOTT $126.65 7062 SKINNER, MARY $73.51 7141 FITBIT, INC $35,632.50 7099 WARNER, JOHN $1,450.44 6957 HERBERT H ROWLAND GUARDIANSHIP $1,255.00 6819 HUMANA MANAGED CARE $144.81 6870 CARESOURCE INDIANA MEDICAID $751.92 7031 COLEMAN, SHAWNA $11.66 7098 SAUNDERS, RONALD JR. $50.00 7112 LINDA KREMER $336.05 5206 TRANSFER OF FUNDS $3,674,641.62 6986 BALKEMA, MAXINE $69.79 7059 COX, DAVID $460.74 7028 SANTOS, PEDRO $132.68 7108 ADVANCED RESCUE SOLUTIONS $12,000.00 7051 JONES, SARAH $308.88 7073 TRIBOLETTI, MARK $100.00 6304 BONE DRY ROOFING, INC $800.00 6988 SISCO - NOVIPAX LLC $596.42 2886 LITTLE, MARY $80.30 2557 HUMANA HEALTH CARE PLANS $107.12 3272 ANTHEM BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD $4,875.52 7014 BOREL, ARTHUR $28.41 6751 MED BILL $1,194.25 7024 OAKLEY, GERALD $200.00 6953 FOLLOWELL, BEATRIX $25.00 2505 AETNA $689.71 6954 BENSON, BEVERLY $50.00 6166 MANAGED HEALTH SERVICES $130.70 6925 BCBS OF MICHIGAN $302.28 7030 JONES, ROBERT $60.00 7097 ASH, ROBERTA $101.43 1070 REYNOLDS, DARRYL $682.51 7111 KEVIN RYAN $114.80 4648 IU HEALTH PLANS $2,270.59 6734 UNITED HEALTH GROUP RECOVERY $733.19 7025 GORDON, KEITH $7.00 4772 REGIONS BANK $1,167,114.21 6958 THOMAS JR., JOSEPH $90.57 6987 MHS HCC $1,258.29 4952 ANTHEM FINANCE DEPARTMENT $581.82 6241 SCOTT, TERESA $37.98 7065 SISCO BENEFITS $97.61 7049 GEORGE BOOTH $1,755.00 6984 COUNTRY FINANCIAL $1,755.00 6997 MCGOWAN, LINDA $891.61 6562 HOGWOOD, MARGARET $491.99 7053 WPS GHA $218.79 6872 TRICARE FOR LIFE $101.11 7026 MARTIN, MIKAYLA $25.00 1022 HACKLEMAN, RONALD $2,600.08 7066 YORK GROUP RISK $1,502.91 7060 MZUMARA, JOYCE $470.80 1347 EMBASSY SUITES HOTEL $16,152.40 6916 AMBETTER $497.68 6989 USAA $1,330.00 6955 MCCARTY, CHRISTINA $50.00 6998 SRTICKER, LISA $100.00 6063 MEDICAID ANTHEM $138.87 6961 WARREN, ROBERT $92.19 6960 PURITAN LIFE $90.57 7071 DAY, CAROLYN $1,595.45 6455 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE, INC. $50.23 7027 PATRICK AND NICOLE SCONCE $20.00 6959 ROSEMAN, KIMBERLY $50.00 6985 LUEDKE, JOSHUA $838.41 5081 UNITED WORLD LIFE INS. CO $98.24 FIRE FIGHTING $28,033,730.82 CUMULATIVE FIRE Capital Outlays 5620 CLAUDE & GREG’S $10,173.00 7040 DYNAMARK $3,843.85 5928 LEHMAN’S INC. OF ANDERSON $243,665.76 4978 CENTRAL RESTAURANT PRODUCTS $28,423.43 5089 MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES INC $850,801.05 5797 ZIEBART OF INDIANAPOLIS - WEST $2,719.94 7021 FINELINE FURNITURE $42,700.91 6087 CITIZENS ENERGY GROUP $9,695.00 3055 MATTHEWS MOBILE SERVICE $18,105.77 4277 RQAW CORPORATION $5,805.27 6527 AFC INTERNATIONAL INC $449.13 6769 JAMES BABCOCK INC $146,312.31 6155 PIP PRINTING $7,052.02 7004 KIMTEK CORPORATION $4,230.00 6610 FOUNDATION BUILDING MATERIALS $788.78 6662 ANDY MOHR CHEVROLET $100,622.60 3016 TSI INCORPORATED $14,881.71 7009 PRO-BUILD $4,861.00 6677 MACDOUGALL PIERCE CONSTRUCTION $1,007,911.42 5841 GODBY HOME FURNISHINGS $17,817.23 5573 SENSORY TECHNOLOGY $105,923.00 7113 MILLER EADS COMPANY $17,530.00 2986 NEIL E DORBECKER BUILDING CONTRACTOR $5,000.00 6226 PROJECT LIFESAVER INTERNATIONAL $197.98 7033 HAWK ANALYTICS $2,495.00 7005 MILPRO MARINE LLC $36,165.00 6702 MARCOM TECH $1,765.25 6330 EMP TECHNICAL GROUP $12,321.00 6631 ZORES, INC. $300.00 1581 CENTRAL INDIANA HARDWARE CO. $60,402.45 5337 FIRE SERVICE INC $3,950.00 6209 FIVE ALARM FIRE & SAFETY EQUIPMENT $69,149.90 6242 CDW GOVERNMENT $29,591.49 3802 DELL MARKETING L.P $42,943.38 5652 FEDEX OFFICE $112.63 6531 TOTAL TRUCK PARTS $1,199.26 4173 ERS WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS $60,996.45 3298 GRAINGER PARTS OPERATION $1,717.08 6639 C. GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, LLC $184,903.33 6840 INDY’S PRO GRAPHIX $5,000.00 2916 MENARDS $447.99 6691 ORACLE AMERICA, INC. $16,627.10 6900 LOCUTION SYSTEMS, INC. $9,750.00 7096 HC CLIMATE CONTROL, INC $1,626.50 6541 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, INC. $23,553.24 6800 RYAN FIREPROTECTION, INC. $43,898.40 6633 ULINE $191.23 2971 OFFICE DEPOT CREDIT PLAN $8,876.81 6993 TECHBYRD, LLC $1,200.00 6623 ROGUEFITNESS $35,731.32 7046 JAY’S MOVING $4,136.25 7078 UEBELHOR & SONS FLEET & COMMERCIAL VEHICLES $90,114.75 3122 CLEAN AIR CONCEPTS $61,144.44 7134 INBODY $7,917.57 2577 LOWES BUSINESS ACCOUNT $966.73 6577 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS, INC $4,646.28 6231 GEARGRID CORP. $16,829.00 7032 DEEP TREKKER INC. $35,170.00 7106 CROWDSTRIKE, INC. $22,326.33 2650 MACALLISTER MACHINERY CO, INC $32,469.00 CUMULATIVE FIRE $3,580,146.32 PIKE HEALTH PLAN Personal Services 5104 MERITAIN HEALTH $5,056,479.69 PIKE HEALTH PLAN $5,056,479.69 PIKE FSA LOAN Personal Services 6245 REGIONS BANK PIKE FSA $39,834.25 1019 GRASS, KERRY T. $109.68 PIKE FSA LOAN Supplies 6245 REGIONS BANK PIKE FSA $234.08 PIKE FSA LOAN Other Disbursements 5070 LIEVENS, ZACKARY $548.62 6270 GOODRICH, MICHAEL $244.76 5607 GOODWIN, ROBERT $2,100.02 6506 WINTER, JASON $555.40 4149 GOOLSBY, BRENT $600.08 5094 ROSS, RYAN $2,649.92 4342 AMIS, JOSEPH M $3,707.32 6263 BACHMAN, CHRISTOPHER $3,059.79 4345 BOONE, MARCUS $755.95 6947 SPINA, CHELSEA $706.17 5143 LEONARD, CAROLINA $497.74 1011 FIELY, KEVIN $2,091.36 4365 WALKER, DANIEL $850.74 881 HENSON, JAMES $143.00 6272 JAS, JAN $800.02 5124 ROBERTS, GREGORY $1,989.31 1019 GRASS, KERRY T. $224.00 4798 PENNINGTON, PATRICK $683.90 6275 KRIEGER, BRANDON $89.94 1009 FISCHER, EVERETT A. $2,097.36 988 CAMPBELL, JAMES $1,286.53 4360 RUSSELL, LARRY D $2,649.92 243 LIEVENS,ZACKARY $122.40 4354 MASTERS, RYAN $1,043.61 4793 GASTON, LARRY $755.18 4361 MCKAMEY, ALAN $935.94 6454 SHUPE, MINDY R $300.04 6241 SCOTT, TERESA $483.00 6239 FILER, MARGO $499.98 4344 BELL, AARON $1,176.00 2611 MATTHEWS, SCOTT $900.17 6240 KLEIMAN, NICHOLAS $477.74 6665 POWELL, CYNETHIA $1,128.34 4352 KEMPSON, JOSHUA R $490.00 1028 HATTER, DAVID $1,400.10 5612 WALSH, BRIAN $935.17 7000 THOMAS, ANDREW $375.20 2393 MATTHEWS, SCOTT $154.73 4357 MITCHELL, STEVEN $499.98 7015 DUELBERG, SONJA $100.10 PIKE FSA LOAN $80,287.54 ASSISTANCE TO FIREFIGHTERS GRANT Services and Charges 6263 BACHMAN, CHRISTOPHER $387.95 6082 REGIONS COMMERCIAL BANK CARD $2,583.78 ASSISTANCE TO FIREFIGHTERS GRANT $2,971.73 PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS Personal Services 6612 DELANEY, ANN M. $1,222.00 5399 LIFE TIME FITNESS/MEMBERSHIP DUES $2,190.00 2777 SYSTEMS TAX SERVICE $3,543,199.26 6456 AFLAC $30,489.60 3691 UNITED WAY OF CENTRAL INDIANA $40.00 7012 INSCCU-ASFE $55.00 7144 POLICE AND FIREMEN’S INSURANCE ASSOC. $1,932.68 3805 PIKE TOWNSHIP, EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAN $88,047.66 4674 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTIONS $548,889.32 6245 REGIONS BANK PIKE FSA $67,910.29 6375 YMCA OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS $3,480.00 4572 INDIANA STATE CENTRAL COLLECTION UNIT $62,096.68 3950 HEALTH PLEX-MEMBERSHIP DUES $2,690.00 4544 GREAT-WEST RETIREMENT SERVICES, WELLS FARGO A $60,626.04 3267 INDIANAPOLIS METROPOLITAN FIREFIGHTERS-LOCAL $104,430.67 5987 GYM41 $20.00 PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS $4,517,319.20 Pike Township, Marion County, Indiana Disbursements by Vendor 2019

Fund/Category/Vendor Name Amount TOWNSHIP FUND Personal Services 5104 MERITAIN HEALTH $27,963.68 2777 SYSTEMS TAX SERVICE $89,140.59 5937 INPRS FBO PERF $70,859.23 2864 UNITED HEALTHCARE INS CO $656.48 5936 GENERATIONS HEALTH PARTNERS $600.95 00706 BOND, BRISHON $1,901.54 156 PIKE HEALTH PLAN $1,179.55 00620 DEKEMPER, STAN $588.88 00703 JOHNSON, ANNETTE M $2,862.00 3805 PIKE TOWNSHIP, EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAN $14,194.44 7777 DIRECT DEPOSIT PAYCHECKS $583,250.85 00705 VIRJEE, NABEELA $3,230.77 TOWNSHIP FUND Supplies 7040 DYNAMARK $84.87 4402 NET RESULTS INC $6,692.00 00707 AUTMON, ERICA $10.70 124 PITNEY BOWES $900.00 7007 PURE WATER PARTNERS $1,188.00 6511 XEROX CORPORATION $668.02 5920 RESCUE TERMITE & PEST CONTROL $190.00 5596 BUILDING SERVICE PARTNERS, LLC $14,090.13 Pike Township, Marion County, Indiana 3879 SAFEGUARD BUSINESS SYSTEMS $2,451.42 Disbursements by Vendor 2019 5584 TOSHIBA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS $75.00 7150 TABCO $833.14 Fund/Category/Vendor Name Amount 150 SCHORNHORST, DONNA D. $13.65 TOWNSHIP FUND 4202 LEXIS NEXIS MATTHEW BENDER $483.61 Personal Services 7133 TOSHIBA FINANCIAL SERVICES $216.63 5104 MERITAIN HEALTH $27,963.68 5792 U.S. POSTAL SERVICE (POSTAGE BY PHONE) $3,400.00 2777 SYSTEMS TAX SERVICE $89,140.59 1739 INDIANAPOLIS BUSINESS JOURNAL $105.00 5937 INPRS FBO PERF $70,859.23 6190 OFFICE360 $8,096.05 2864 UNITED HEALTHCARE INS CO $656.48 1774 PLYMATE INC $3,080.70 5936 GENERATIONS HEALTH PARTNERS $600.95 6977 OFFICE H2Q, LLC $125.00 00706 BOND, BRISHON $1,901.54 5652 FEDEX OFFICE $179.98 156 PIKE HEALTH PLAN $1,179.55 817 FLAG AND BANNER $464.40 00620 DEKEMPER, STAN $588.88 6889 PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS $202.50 00703 JOHNSON, ANNETTE M $2,862.00 3199 OFFICE DEPOT $534.88 3805 PIKE TOWNSHIP, EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAN $14,194.44 4146 MATTHEW BENDER & CO., INC. $4,523.16 7777 DIRECT DEPOSIT PAYCHECKS $583,250.85 2593 AQUA SYSTEMS, INC $215.60 00705 VIRJEE, NABEELA $3,230.77 6976 PROSHRED SECURITY $328.00 TOWNSHIP FUND 7039 USPS $500.00 Supplies 6991 VIRJEE, NABEELA $69.90 7040 DYNAMARK $84.87 7013 THEE CRAFT CASTLE $270.00 4402 NET RESULTS INC $6,692.00 6995 INDIANA NEWSPAPERS INC. $217.97 00707 AUTMON, ERICA $10.70 5711 PRIORITY PRESS $1,944.19 124 PITNEY BOWES $900.00 6714 BARDACH AWARDS $373.81 7007 PURE WATER PARTNERS $1,188.00 3062 AMERICAN STAMPS & MARKING PRODUCTS, INC $479.59 6511 XEROX CORPORATION $668.02 4177 FED-EX KINKOS $401.29 5920 RESCUE TERMITE & PEST CONTROL $190.00 00569 KELLY, KAREN $19.50 5596 BUILDING SERVICE PARTNERS, LLC $14,090.13 4098 THOMSON REUTERS WEST $352.00 3879 SAFEGUARD BUSINESS SYSTEMS $2,451.42 7095 TIM AUSTIN PHOTOGRAPHY $250.00 5584 TOSHIBA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS $75.00 2070 INDIANAPOLIS RECORDER $44.34 7150 TABCO $833.14 TOWNSHIP FUND 150 SCHORNHORST, DONNA D. $13.65 Services and Charges 4202 LEXIS NEXIS MATTHEW BENDER $483.61 6087 CITIZENS ENERGY GROUP $5,019.12 7133 TOSHIBA FINANCIAL SERVICES $216.63 6967 HOOSIERS FOR JUSTICE $5,900.00 5792 U.S. POSTAL SERVICE (POSTAGE BY PHONE) $3,400.00 1593 WEISS, ZOE ATTORNEY $450.00 1739 INDIANAPOLIS BUSINESS JOURNAL $105.00 6511 XEROX CORPORATION $791.83 6190 OFFICE360 $8,096.05 4514 J.B. ENTERPRISES HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING $450.00 1774 PLYMATE INC $3,080.70 148 INDPLS. POWER & LIGHT - IPL $14,248.01 6977 OFFICE H2Q, LLC $125.00 5920 RESCUE TERMITE & PEST CONTROL $95.00 5652 FEDEX OFFICE $179.98 6969 SIPES LAW FIRM PC $4,602.25 817 FLAG AND BANNER $464.40 3550 THRASHER BUSCHMANN & VOELKEL, P.C. $1,718.40 6889 PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS $202.50 6999 BYERS, GREG $100.00 3199 OFFICE DEPOT $534.88 5584 TOSHIBA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS $6,030.49 4146 MATTHEW BENDER & CO., INC. $4,523.16 5314 CAMERON FENCE $2,385.00 2593 AQUA SYSTEMS, INC $215.60 7132 CLAUDETTE PETERSON $490.00 6976 PROSHRED SECURITY $328.00 6878 WORD SYSTEMS. INC. $670.82 7039 USPS $500.00 4202 LEXIS NEXIS MATTHEW BENDER $90.08 6991 VIRJEE, NABEELA $69.90 6978 BLACK PEARL IT SOLUTIONS $3,062.50 7013 THEE CRAFT CASTLE $270.00 2343 PINGEL, SUZANNE $100.00 6995 INDIANA NEWSPAPERS INC. $217.97 4858 ITA (INDIANA TOWNSHIP ASSOCIATION, INC) $1,070.00 5711 PRIORITY PRESS $1,944.19 4039 MARION CO. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT $1,190.28 6714 BARDACH AWARDS $373.81 7133 TOSHIBA FINANCIAL SERVICES $531.98 3062 AMERICAN STAMPS & MARKING PRODUCTS, INC $479.59 2580 STEPHENS, A DOUGLAS $428.41 4177 FED-EX KINKOS $401.29 3652 GUY, JOSEPH $100.00 00569 KELLY, KAREN $19.50 7104 FERGUSON, JERAMY $50.00 4098 THOMSON REUTERS WEST $352.00 7131 HUFCOR INC. $855.00 7095 TIM AUSTIN PHOTOGRAPHY $250.00 5221 AT&T MOBILITY $1,789.32 2070 INDIANAPOLIS RECORDER $44.34 1581 CENTRAL INDIANA HARDWARE CO. $22,196.81 TOWNSHIP FUND 5294 DALE HUBBARD ELECTRIC INC $125.00 Services and Charges 7124 BOOKKEEPING PLUS, INC. $372.00 6087 CITIZENS ENERGY GROUP $5,019.12 1789 SONITROL OF INDIANAPOLIS, INC. $3,559.56 6967 HOOSIERS FOR JUSTICE $5,900.00 6889 PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS $270.00 1593 WEISS, ZOE ATTORNEY $450.00 761 AT&T $1,314.76 6511 XEROX CORPORATION $791.83 5326 CALLTOWER $7,728.76 4514 J.B. ENTERPRISES HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING $450.00 1756 RAY’S TRASH SERVICE, INC. $1,134.05 148 INDPLS. POWER & LIGHT - IPL $14,248.01 7103 WEHMEIER, JAY $50.00 5920 RESCUE TERMITE & PEST CONTROL $95.00 6522 LTC LANGUAGE SOLUTIONS $3,213.75 6969 SIPES LAW FIRM PC $4,602.25 7020 LOVELYLAWNS & LANDSCAPING $10,144.00 3550 THRASHER BUSCHMANN & VOELKEL, P.C. $1,718.40 6991 VIRJEE, NABEELA $513.84 6999 BYERS, GREG $100.00 6597 OFFICE TEAM $2,950.35 5584 TOSHIBA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS $6,030.49 6716 RICHARDS, BOB $3,338.73 5314 CAMERON FENCE $2,385.00 5636 JOHNSON, ANNETTE $18.00 7132 CLAUDETTE PETERSON $490.00 4772 REGIONS BANK $7,959.33 6878 WORD SYSTEMS. INC. $670.82 2035 COURT & COMMERCIAL RECORD/IBJ CORP $51.91 4202 LEXIS NEXIS MATTHEW BENDER $90.08 7008 CIVIC POINT $9,217.00 6978 BLACK PEARL IT SOLUTIONS $3,062.50 6614 KIWANIS CLUB OF NORTHWEST INDIANAPOLIS $140.00 2343 PINGEL, SUZANNE $100.00 4290 CNA SURETY $1,800.00 4858 ITA (INDIANA TOWNSHIP ASSOCIATION, INC) $1,070.00 7023 PING’S TREE SERVICE, INC. $2,370.00 4039 MARION CO. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT $1,190.28 6865 MCINNES. DONALD $100.00 7133 TOSHIBA FINANCIAL SERVICES $531.98 3062 AMERICAN STAMPS & MARKING PRODUCTS, INC $46.75 2580 STEPHENS, A DOUGLAS $428.41 5513 IRK, MICHAEL $100.00 3652 GUY, JOSEPH $100.00 6735 FAY BICCARD GLICK NC $1,000.00 7104 FERGUSON, JERAMY $50.00 6979 INDIANA JUDGES ASSOCIATION $200.00 7131 HUFCOR INC. $855.00 7070 LUTZ, BOB $50.00 5221 AT&T MOBILITY $1,789.32 4145 ICE MILLER $647.00 1581 CENTRAL INDIANA HARDWARE CO. $22,196.81 6664 AYROW STUDIOS $350.00 5294 DALE HUBBARD ELECTRIC INC $125.00 TOWNSHIP FUND 7124 BOOKKEEPING PLUS, INC. $372.00 Capital Outlays 1789 SONITROL OF INDIANAPOLIS, INC. $3,559.56 6242 CDW GOVERNMENT $971.70 6889 PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS $270.00 7110 CULTURE LIGHTING CO., INC $4,000.00 761 AT&T $1,314.76 TOWNSHIP FUND 5326 CALLTOWER $7,728.76 Other Disbursements 1756 RAY’S TRASH SERVICE, INC. $1,134.05 6982 HUNTINGTON CA $25.00 7103 WEHMEIER, JAY $50.00 TOWNSHIP FUND $988,680.78 6522 LTC LANGUAGE SOLUTIONS $3,213.75 FIRE PENSION FUND 7020 LOVELYLAWNS & LANDSCAPING $10,144.00 Personal Services 6991 VIRJEE, NABEELA $513.84 7777 DIRECT DEPOSIT PAYCHECKS $162,155.61 6597 OFFICE TEAM $2,950.35 FIRE PENSION FUND $162,155.61 6716 RICHARDS, BOB $3,338.73 TOWNSHIP ASSISTANCE 5636 JOHNSON, ANNETTE $18.00 Personal Services 4772 REGIONS BANK $7,959.33 5104 MERITAIN HEALTH $16,127.12 2035 COURT & COMMERCIAL RECORD/IBJ CORP $51.91 2777 SYSTEMS TAX SERVICE $15,687.29 7008 CIVIC POINT $9,217.00 5937 INPRS FBO PERF $23,941.06 6614 KIWANIS CLUB OF NORTHWEST INDIANAPOLIS $140.00 00707 AUTMON, ERICA $1,558.92 4290 CNA SURETY $1,800.00 2864 UNITED HEALTHCARE INS CO $199.60 7023 PING’S TREE SERVICE, INC. $2,370.00 156 PIKE HEALTH PLAN $929.23 6865 MCINNES. DONALD $100.00 3805 PIKE TOWNSHIP, EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAN $6,959.72 3062 AMERICAN STAMPS & MARKING PRODUCTS, INC $46.75 7777 DIRECT DEPOSIT PAYCHECKS $200,376.23 5513 IRK, MICHAEL $100.00 TOWNSHIP ASSISTANCE 6735 FAY BICCARD GLICK NC $1,000.00 Supplies 6979 INDIANA JUDGES ASSOCIATION $200.00 00707 AUTMON, ERICA $35.00 7070 LUTZ, BOB $50.00 3879 SAFEGUARD BUSINESS SYSTEMS $181.10 4145 ICE MILLER $647.00 5792 U.S. POSTAL SERVICE (POSTAGE BY PHONE) $100.00 6664 AYROW STUDIOS $350.00 1389 BOYCE FORMS-SYSTEMS $769.75 TOWNSHIP FUND 6429 A.E. BOYCE COMPANY, INC. $277.36 Capital Outlays TOWNSHIP ASSISTANCE 6242 CDW GOVERNMENT $971.70 Services and Charges 7110 CULTURE LIGHTING CO., INC $4,000.00 4858 ITA (INDIANA TOWNSHIP ASSOCIATION, INC) $975.00 TOWNSHIP FUND 6522 LTC LANGUAGE SOLUTIONS $110.00 Other Disbursements 3682 FIFTH THIRD BANK $602.95 6982 HUNTINGTON CA $25.00 TOWNSHIP ASSISTANCE TOWNSHIP FUND $988,680.78 Township Assistance FIRE PENSION FUND 1179 CAMBRIDGE COMMONS APTS $5,673.30 Personal Services 1130 DEERCROSS APTS $4,720.00 7777 DIRECT DEPOSIT PAYCHECKS $162,155.61 6537 FIRST KEY HOMES $600.00 FIRE PENSION FUND $162,155.61 6087 CITIZENS ENERGY GROUP $9,886.93 TOWNSHIP ASSISTANCE 1125 MAYFIELD GREEN COOPERATIVE $2,809.00 Personal Services 5312 WOODHAVEN PARK $2,235.00 5104 MERITAIN HEALTH $16,127.12 1161 WOODS OF EAGLE CREEK $6,875.00 2777 SYSTEMS TAX SERVICE $15,687.29 6093 T & H REALTY SERVICES, INC $1,200.00 5937 INPRS FBO PERF $23,941.06 1117 COLONIAL SQ.-GENE GLICK C. $1,027.00 00707 AUTMON, ERICA $1,558.92 7079 WIH2 LAKESIDE, LLC $960.00 2864 UNITED HEALTHCARE INS CO $199.60 1213 EDWARD ROSE OF IN/ SCARBOROUGH LAKES APT $6,235.00 156 PIKE HEALTH PLAN $929.23 3168 CROSS CREEK APARTMENTS $5,766.76 3805 PIKE TOWNSHIP, EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAN $6,959.72 1204 WHISPERING PINES APARTMENTS $560.00 7777 DIRECT DEPOSIT PAYCHECKS $200,376.23 4470 SUMMERWOOD ON TOWNE LINE $1,520.00 TOWNSHIP ASSISTANCE 7107 MAIN STREET RENEWAL $480.00 Supplies 4271 LAKES OF GEORGETOWN $5,444.00 00707 AUTMON, ERICA $35.00 7047 DIXON MEMORIAL CHAPEL AND CREMATION SERVICES $3,580.00 3879 SAFEGUARD BUSINESS SYSTEMS $181.10 7122 MIDWEST PROPERTIES AND MANAGEMENT, LLC $325.00 5792 U.S. POSTAL SERVICE (POSTAGE BY PHONE) $100.00 4734 EAGLE CREEK APARTMENTS $1,160.00 1389 BOYCE FORMS-SYSTEMS $769.75 1253 COVERED BRIDGE APTS. $2,752.00 6429 A.E. BOYCE COMPANY, INC. $277.36 6911 WYLDE AT EAGLE CREEK APARTMENT $560.00 TOWNSHIP ASSISTANCE 6642 GARDEN POINTE APTS $839.00 Services and Charges 7069 THE ELLIOTT AT COLLEGE PARK $1,120.00 4858 ITA (INDIANA TOWNSHIP ASSOCIATION, INC) $975.00 6990 STARKS, DAVID $730.00 6522 LTC LANGUAGE SOLUTIONS $110.00 3129 ANNHURST APARTMENTS $1,440.00 3682 FIFTH THIRD BANK $602.95 4570 EAGLE CHASE APARTMENTS $600.00 TOWNSHIP ASSISTANCE 1261 WOODBROOK APARTMENTS $480.00 Township Assistance 1185 THREE FOUNTAINS WEST (P.R.) $1,325.00 1179 CAMBRIDGE COMMONS APTS $5,673.30 7054 RAJA, TALHA $600.00 1130 DEERCROSS APTS $4,720.00 1268 GUION CREEK APARTMENTS $752.89 6537 FIRST KEY HOMES $600.00 6949 TURNER, WILLIAM C. JR. $600.00 6087 CITIZENS ENERGY GROUP $9,886.93 6066 PANGEA PARKWEST $480.00 1125 MAYFIELD GREEN COOPERATIVE $2,809.00 1287 FLANNER & BUCHANAN $800.00 5312 WOODHAVEN PARK $2,235.00 6069 RICHMOND, ANDREW $560.00 1161 WOODS OF EAGLE CREEK $6,875.00 7138 INDIA WILLIAMS $700.00 6093 T & H REALTY SERVICES, INC $1,200.00 6962 GRAY-WILLIAMS, TIFFANY NICOLE $560.00 1117 COLONIAL SQ.-GENE GLICK C. $1,027.00 1271 PNC MORTGAGE CORPORATION $480.00 7079 WIH2 LAKESIDE, LLC $960.00 3167 CREEKSIDE SQUARE APTS $1,933.00 1213 EDWARD ROSE OF IN/ SCARBOROUGH LAKES APT $6,235.00 5941 ARSICH, SVETO $675.00 3168 CROSS CREEK APARTMENTS $5,766.76 6297 HOWER, MICHAEL $500.00 1204 WHISPERING PINES APARTMENTS $560.00 1181 WASHINGTON PARK NORTH FUNERAL HOME $800.00 4470 SUMMERWOOD ON TOWNE LINE $1,520.00 6367 AMERICAN HOMES 4 RENT LLC $560.00 7107 MAIN STREET RENEWAL $480.00 1203 ABINGTON APTS $3,800.00 4271 LAKES OF GEORGETOWN $5,444.00 4137 OAKLAKE AT CROOKED CREEK $1,600.00 7047 DIXON MEMORIAL CHAPEL AND CREMATION SERVICES $3,580.00 2675 CAMBRIDGE SQUARE NORTH APARTMENTS $1,351.34 7122 MIDWEST PROPERTIES AND MANAGEMENT, LLC $325.00 6902 TRUE PROPERTY MANAGMENT GROUP $480.00 4734 EAGLE CREEK APARTMENTS $1,160.00 7016 HOME SFR BORROWER IV LLC $600.00 1253 COVERED BRIDGE APTS. $2,752.00 6262 REAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT CENTRAL INDIANA $170.50 6911 WYLDE AT EAGLE CREEK APARTMENT $560.00 6939 REL HOMES, LLC $2,160.00 6642 GARDEN POINTE APTS $839.00 6971 PROGRESS RESIDENTIAL BORROWER 3, LLC $1,160.00 7069 THE ELLIOTT AT COLLEGE PARK $1,120.00 6553 RETZLOFF $1,200.00 6990 STARKS, DAVID $730.00 4538 IN TOWN SUITES $643.33 3129 ANNHURST APARTMENTS $1,440.00 4168 US BANK HOME MORTGAGE $1,585.16 4570 EAGLE CHASE APARTMENTS $600.00 5154 JULIAN CENTER $4,469.00 1261 WOODBROOK APARTMENTS $480.00 1290 ROSEWOOD COMMONS $3,920.00 1185 THREE FOUNTAINS WEST (P.R.) $1,325.00 6996 DOVENMUEHLE MORTGAGE, INC. $560.00 7054 RAJA, TALHA $600.00 7128 COMPASS PROPERTY MANAGEMENT $600.00 1268 GUION CREEK APARTMENTS $752.89 1364 OAKS OF EAGLE CREEK $3,255.19 6949 TURNER, WILLIAM C. JR. $600.00 6881 ASHFORD GEORGETOWN LLC $4,280.00 6066 PANGEA PARKWEST $480.00 4979 IN TOWN SUITES $1,716.62 1287 FLANNER & BUCHANAN $800.00 6805 KROGER LIMITED PARTNERSHIP I $1,910.48 6069 RICHMOND, ANDREW $560.00 5039 HUNTINGTON MORTGAGE $600.00 7138 INDIA WILLIAMS $700.00 1231 OAKBROOK VILLAGE APTS. $4,509.89 6962 GRAY-WILLIAMS, TIFFANY NICOLE $560.00 6981 GROVE, MICHAEL C. $730.00 1271 PNC MORTGAGE CORPORATION $480.00 5579 SHOPPERS WORLD $10,514.42 3167 CREEKSIDE SQUARE APTS $1,933.00 1361 FALCON CREEK PLACE APARTMENTS $2,370.00 5941 ARSICH, SVETO $675.00 6975 HARTY, SHAHALA $960.00 6297 HOWER, MICHAEL $500.00 4096 MIDLAND MORTGAGE $856.07 1181 WASHINGTON PARK NORTH FUNERAL HOME $800.00 1177 CARLTON APARTMENTS $3,900.00 6367 AMERICAN HOMES 4 RENT LLC $560.00 1332 STUART MORTUARY, INC. $1,595.00 1203 ABINGTON APTS $3,800.00 5108 LA JOYA APARTMENTS $1,739.00 4137 OAKLAKE AT CROOKED CREEK $1,600.00 1139 INDPLS. POWER & LIGHT (PR) - IPL $42,479.63 2675 CAMBRIDGE SQUARE NORTH APARTMENTS $1,351.34 1124 SPRINGHILL APTS. $560.00 6902 TRUE PROPERTY MANAGMENT GROUP $480.00 6305 PANGEA REAL ESTATE $860.00 7016 HOME SFR BORROWER IV LLC $600.00 5015 WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE $560.00 6262 REAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT CENTRAL INDIANA $170.50 7136 MR. COOPER HOME LOANS $250.00 6939 REL HOMES, LLC $2,160.00 4771 ASPEN CHASE AT EAGLE CREEK $3,009.00 6971 PROGRESS RESIDENTIAL BORROWER 3, LLC $1,160.00 6972 DENSON, ALICE L $480.00 6553 RETZLOFF $1,200.00 7003 SPECIALIZED LOAN SERVICING LLC $600.00 4538 IN TOWN SUITES $643.33 7116 CHARLES AND CARLETTE CORPORATION LLC $560.00 4168 US BANK HOME MORTGAGE $1,585.16 6246 LEGACY CREMATION & FUNERAL $350.00 5154 JULIAN CENTER $4,469.00 5672 OCWEN LOANING SERVICING $480.00 1290 ROSEWOOD COMMONS $3,920.00 6974 TRIPLE E PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LLC $480.00 6996 DOVENMUEHLE MORTGAGE, INC. $560.00 7043 MR. COOPER $600.00 7128 COMPASS PROPERTY MANAGEMENT $600.00 6970 HUYNH, KENNEDY TRAN $600.00 1364 OAKS OF EAGLE CREEK $3,255.19 6966 NEW PENN FINANCIAL $730.00 6881 ASHFORD GEORGETOWN LLC $4,280.00 7068 WESTSIDE PROPERTY GROUP, LLC $600.00 4979 IN TOWN SUITES $1,716.62 7148 DIONNA DUVALL $600.00 6805 KROGER LIMITED PARTNERSHIP I $1,910.48 6737 PENNY MAC LOAN SERVICES, LLC $214.43 5039 HUNTINGTON MORTGAGE $600.00 5008 VOHRA, INDU; LANDLORD $625.00 1231 OAKBROOK VILLAGE APTS. $4,509.89 2656 LAKE CAMELOT APARTMENTS $776.04 6981 GROVE, MICHAEL C. $730.00 1238 BENT TREE APARTMENTS $929.00 5579 SHOPPERS WORLD $10,514.42 5012 CROOKED CREEK APARTMENTS $1,520.00 1361 FALCON CREEK PLACE APARTMENTS $2,370.00 5247 SUTHERLAND PARK CEMETERY $1,600.00 6975 HARTY, SHAHALA $960.00 TOWNSHIP ASSISTANCE $472,433.31 4096 MIDLAND MORTGAGE $856.07 FIRE FIGHTING 1177 CARLTON APARTMENTS $3,900.00 Personal Services 1332 STUART MORTUARY, INC. $1,595.00 5070 LIEVENS, ZACKARY $400.00 5108 LA JOYA APARTMENTS $1,739.00 5104 MERITAIN HEALTH $682,758.44 1139 INDPLS. POWER & LIGHT (PR) - IPL $42,479.63 2777 SYSTEMS TAX SERVICE $1,044,355.78 1124 SPRINGHILL APTS. $560.00 5937 INPRS FBO PERF $387,739.77 6305 PANGEA REAL ESTATE $860.00 6270 GOODRICH, MICHAEL $400.00 5015 WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE $560.00 1074 SAUNDERS, ROBERT $400.00 7136 MR. COOPER HOME LOANS $250.00 5607 GOODWIN, ROBERT $400.00 4771 ASPEN CHASE AT EAGLE CREEK $3,009.00 1087 TINSLEY, SCOTT R. $400.00 6972 DENSON, ALICE L $480.00 6447 EMERICK, LEE E $400.00 7003 SPECIALIZED LOAN SERVICING LLC $600.00 2864 UNITED HEALTHCARE INS CO $25,210.94 7116 CHARLES AND CARLETTE CORPORATION LLC $560.00 1033 HELRIGEL, JON R. $400.00 6246 LEGACY CREMATION & FUNERAL $350.00 6506 WINTER, JASON $400.00 5672 OCWEN LOANING SERVICING $480.00 5936 GENERATIONS HEALTH PARTNERS $72,140.95 6974 TRIPLE E PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LLC $480.00 6504 MICHALISKO, JAMES $400.00 7043 MR. COOPER $600.00 4149 GOOLSBY, BRENT $400.00 6970 HUYNH, KENNEDY TRAN $600.00 885 WILKEY, MARTIN $400.00 6966 NEW PENN FINANCIAL $730.00 6669 NATIONWIDE TRUST COMPANY - PEHP $157,548.28 7068 WESTSIDE PROPERTY GROUP, LLC $600.00 6434 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY $62,641.48 7148 DIONNA DUVALL $600.00 1026 HASTON, TERRY E. $400.00 6737 PENNY MAC LOAN SERVICES, LLC $214.43 5123 KRAMER, JUSTIN $400.00 5008 VOHRA, INDU; LANDLORD $625.00 5094 ROSS, RYAN $400.00 2656 LAKE CAMELOT APARTMENTS $776.04 4342 AMIS, JOSEPH M $400.00 1238 BENT TREE APARTMENTS $929.00 4801 RAMIREZ, JOSHUA $400.00 5012 CROOKED CREEK APARTMENTS $1,520.00 00696 HILBURT, JOSEPH $2,915.41 5247 SUTHERLAND PARK CEMETERY $1,600.00 993 CRABTREE, MARK $400.00 TOWNSHIP ASSISTANCE $472,433.31 00734 RUARK, DONALD $744.80 FIRE FIGHTING 7089 PAYNE, NATHAN $200.00 Personal Services 4356 MINICHIELLO, MICHAEL $400.00 5070 LIEVENS, ZACKARY $400.00 00714 FANGMAN, ZACHARY $876.12 5104 MERITAIN HEALTH $682,758.44 4366 WELLER, PAUL E $400.00 2777 SYSTEMS TAX SERVICE $1,044,355.78 1099 WILSON, WILLIAM K. $400.00 5937 INPRS FBO PERF $387,739.77 4345 BOONE, MARCUS $400.00 6270 GOODRICH, MICHAEL $400.00 6453 SANCHEZ, DANIEL J $400.00 1074 SAUNDERS, ROBERT $400.00 995 CRONE, BARRY $400.00 5607 GOODWIN, ROBERT $400.00 00738 JAMES, TRAVIS $932.80 1087 TINSLEY, SCOTT R. $400.00 7091 RINCKER, NOAH $200.00 6447 EMERICK, LEE E $400.00 00716 HAKES, BRIAN $876.12 2864 UNITED HEALTHCARE INS CO $25,210.94 891 ARDERY, CHARLES W. $400.00 1033 HELRIGEL, JON R. $400.00 1034 HENDRIX, RONALD $400.00 6506 WINTER, JASON $400.00 1047 LAUREANO, JOSE $200.00 5936 GENERATIONS HEALTH PARTNERS $72,140.95 3697 SAUER, BRIAN $400.00 6504 MICHALISKO, JAMES $400.00 1086 TARDIFF, STEVE $400.00 4149 GOOLSBY, BRENT $400.00 156 PIKE HEALTH PLAN $281,212.49 885 WILKEY, MARTIN $400.00 1005 ELMORE, KEVIN $400.00 6669 NATIONWIDE TRUST COMPANY - PEHP $157,548.28 00730 BAKER, SAMANTHA $951.92 6434 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY $62,641.48 5606 CANFIELD, DUSTIN $400.00 1026 HASTON, TERRY E. $400.00 1098 WILKE, RONALD $400.00 5123 KRAMER, JUSTIN $400.00 1025 HARPE, JEFFERY $400.00 5094 ROSS, RYAN $400.00 00684 YANNOTTI, JUSTIN $408.00 4342 AMIS, JOSEPH M $400.00 997 DELAPLANE, ROBERT $400.00 4801 RAMIREZ, JOSHUA $400.00 7093 SAUNDERS, JOHN $200.00 00696 HILBURT, JOSEPH $2,915.41 00718 KNICLEY, HANNAH $876.12 993 CRABTREE, MARK $400.00 4347 CLEMENTS, TROY W $400.00 00734 RUARK, DONALD $744.80 1100 YOUNG, MICHAEL D. $400.00 7089 PAYNE, NATHAN $200.00 6449 HIGHLAND, ANGELA R $400.00 4356 MINICHIELLO, MICHAEL $400.00 1052 MARTIN, DAVID A. $400.00 00714 FANGMAN, ZACHARY $876.12 1006 ESTES, DAVID $400.00 4366 WELLER, PAUL E $400.00 5605 BRESCHER, KADE $400.00 1099 WILSON, WILLIAM K. $400.00 00725 WILKERSON, WILLIAM $876.12 4345 BOONE, MARCUS $400.00 7081 CROY, BRANDON $200.00 6453 SANCHEZ, DANIEL J $400.00 6843 JOHNSON, MATTHEW $400.00 995 CRONE, BARRY $400.00 4795 MCCLENDON, MARVIN $400.00 00738 JAMES, TRAVIS $932.80 00733 CHRISTIAN, JARRETT $751.78 7091 RINCKER, NOAH $200.00 00695 WISE, STEPHEN $2,000.80 00716 HAKES, BRIAN $876.12 7088 PATTERSON, RYAN $200.00 891 ARDERY, CHARLES W. $400.00 1043 KRIEGER, WILLIAM B. $400.00 1034 HENDRIX, RONALD $400.00 00713 DICKISON, MICHAEL $876.12 1047 LAUREANO, JOSE $200.00 4949 ALLGOOD, JASON $400.00 3697 SAUER, BRIAN $400.00 6848 WILSON, JUSTIN $400.00 1086 TARDIFF, STEVE $400.00 2235 HATTER, (DON) BRENT $400.00 156 PIKE HEALTH PLAN $281,212.49 1044 KRATT, THOMAS $400.00 1005 ELMORE, KEVIN $400.00 4349 DREXLER, AMANDA G $400.00 00730 BAKER, SAMANTHA $951.92 00720 PAYNE, NATHAN $876.12 5606 CANFIELD, DUSTIN $400.00 00729 MACK, DAMON $783.60 1098 WILKE, RONALD $400.00 7085 HAKES, BRIAN $200.00 1025 HARPE, JEFFERY $400.00 4153 MCMURTREY, DAVID $200.00 00684 YANNOTTI, JUSTIN $408.00 00556 RAMIREZ, JOSHUA $45.52 997 DELAPLANE, ROBERT $400.00 6182 UNITED STATES TREASURY $1,460.20 7093 SAUNDERS, JOHN $200.00 00366 WALDEN, TROY D. $3,350.60 00718 KNICLEY, HANNAH $876.12 1095 WILEY, LARRY $200.00 4347 CLEMENTS, TROY W $400.00 7092 RIVERA, DILLON $200.00 1100 YOUNG, MICHAEL D. $400.00 5124 ROBERTS, GREGORY $400.00 6449 HIGHLAND, ANGELA R $400.00 3805 PIKE TOWNSHIP, EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAN $792,155.19 1052 MARTIN, DAVID A. $400.00 4365 WALKER, DANIEL $400.00 1006 ESTES, DAVID $400.00 881 HENSON, JAMES $400.00 5605 BRESCHER, KADE $400.00 5126 YOUNG, CALVIN $400.00 00725 WILKERSON, WILLIAM $876.12 3294 GREGORY & APPEL INSURANCE $37,916.67 7081 CROY, BRANDON $200.00 1071 RICKARD, JOEL $400.00 6843 JOHNSON, MATTHEW $400.00 00723 RINCKER, NOAH $876.12 4795 MCCLENDON, MARVIN $400.00 7014 BOREL, ARTHUR $400.00 00733 CHRISTIAN, JARRETT $751.78 7080 CALDWELL, MATTHEW $200.00 00695 WISE, STEPHEN $2,000.80 6272 JAS, JAN $400.00 7088 PATTERSON, RYAN $200.00 7175 LOSS, REBEKAH $408.00 1043 KRIEGER, WILLIAM B. $400.00 6847 WADLINGTON, CAMERON $400.00 00713 DICKISON, MICHAEL $876.12 00717 JOHNSON, DEAN $2,628.35 4949 ALLGOOD, JASON $400.00 1015 GEORGE, RICKY $400.00 6848 WILSON, JUSTIN $400.00 4800 PETRO, MARK $400.00 2235 HATTER, (DON) BRENT $400.00 1031 HEATH, CHRISTOPHER $400.00 1044 KRATT, THOMAS $400.00 6452 SALMON, MATTHEW J $400.00 4349 DREXLER, AMANDA G $400.00 1080 SMITH, DAVID $400.00 00720 PAYNE, NATHAN $876.12 1003 DUNCAN, LEONARD $400.00 00729 MACK, DAMON $783.60 6505 RANEY, MARK $400.00 7085 HAKES, BRIAN $200.00 00721 PETERSON, KYLE $876.12 4153 MCMURTREY, DAVID $200.00 5122 BOROS, JAMES $400.00 00556 RAMIREZ, JOSHUA $45.52 00724 SAUNDERS, JOHN $876.12 6182 UNITED STATES TREASURY $1,460.20 1019 GRASS, KERRY T. $400.00 00366 WALDEN, TROY D. $3,350.60 4950 EFFNER, LLOYD $400.00 1095 WILEY, LARRY $200.00 6143 INPRS FUND 77 $2,384,094.67 7092 RIVERA, DILLON $200.00 4346 BUTLER, MARSHALL $400.00 5124 ROBERTS, GREGORY $400.00 00711 LEE, CRYSTAL $638.43 3805 PIKE TOWNSHIP, EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAN $792,155.19 4798 PENNINGTON, PATRICK $400.00 4365 WALKER, DANIEL $400.00 4351 JOHNSON, COREY $400.00 881 HENSON, JAMES $400.00 4343 BAYLESS, RAPHAEL $400.00 5126 YOUNG, CALVIN $400.00 6275 KRIEGER, BRANDON $400.00 3294 GREGORY & APPEL INSURANCE $37,916.67 1009 FISCHER, EVERETT A. $400.00 1071 RICKARD, JOEL $400.00 00712 CROY, BRANDON $876.12 00723 RINCKER, NOAH $876.12 4796 MILLER, SHAWN $400.00 7014 BOREL, ARTHUR $400.00 2655 INDIANA DEPT OF WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT $32,757.79 7080 CALDWELL, MATTHEW $200.00 887 ADAMS, JAMES $400.00 6272 JAS, JAN $400.00 988 CAMPBELL, JAMES $400.00 7175 LOSS, REBEKAH $408.00 4360 RUSSELL, LARRY D $400.00 6847 WADLINGTON, CAMERON $400.00 5610 SCHUBERT, DAVID $400.00 00717 JOHNSON, DEAN $2,628.35 998 DOOLIN, DANIEL $400.00 1015 GEORGE, RICKY $400.00 1024 HARDEBECK, DAVID $400.00 4800 PETRO, MARK $400.00 7094 TAYLOR, LANA $200.00 1031 HEATH, CHRISTOPHER $400.00 5609 MAUER, ROCHELLE $400.00 6452 SALMON, MATTHEW J $400.00 00719 PATTERSON, RYAN $876.12 1080 SMITH, DAVID $400.00 6846 RADER. KENNETH $400.00 1003 DUNCAN, LEONARD $400.00 5604 BELL, JEREMIE $400.00 6505 RANEY, MARK $400.00 4791 CROWELL, TYSON $400.00 00721 PETERSON, KYLE $876.12 4803 WINSLOW, PETER $400.00 5122 BOROS, JAMES $400.00 6271 HILEMAN, MARK $400.00 00724 SAUNDERS, JOHN $876.12 1054 MARTIN, MICHAEL $400.00 1019 GRASS, KERRY T. $400.00 4354 MASTERS, RYAN $400.00 4950 EFFNER, LLOYD $400.00 4793 GASTON, LARRY $400.00 6143 INPRS FUND 77 $2,384,094.67 4772 REGIONS BANK $75.00 4346 BUTLER, MARSHALL $400.00 1088 TRAGESSER, CHRISTOPHER $400.00 00711 LEE, CRYSTAL $638.43 4364 WALDEN, TROY $400.00 4798 PENNINGTON, PATRICK $400.00 4350 HUSER, CHRISTOPHER $400.00 4351 JOHNSON, COREY $400.00 4361 MCKAMEY, ALAN $400.00 4343 BAYLESS, RAPHAEL $400.00 7777 DIRECT DEPOSIT PAYCHECKS $13,805,585.00 6275 KRIEGER, BRANDON $400.00 6451 PITTS, DANIEL G $400.00 1009 FISCHER, EVERETT A. $400.00 6446 CLAPP, ERIC L $400.00 00712 CROY, BRANDON $876.12 00731 LANDBERG, COLIN $903.85 4796 MILLER, SHAWN $400.00 7087 KNICLEY, HANNAH $200.00 2655 INDIANA DEPT OF WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT $32,757.79 6454 SHUPE, MINDY R $400.00 887 ADAMS, JAMES $400.00 4363 UTZIG, WENDY $2,764.80 988 CAMPBELL, JAMES $400.00 4344 BELL, AARON $400.00 4360 RUSSELL, LARRY D $400.00 4797 MILLS, STEVEN $400.00 5610 SCHUBERT, DAVID $400.00 897 BLACKWELL, DONALD $400.00 998 DOOLIN, DANIEL $400.00 00732 PICKETT, TANYA $1,480.93 1024 HARDEBECK, DAVID $400.00 00544 BLACK, DENNIS $4,087.39 7094 TAYLOR, LANA $200.00 6562 HOGWOOD, MARGARET $400.00 5609 MAUER, ROCHELLE $400.00 2611 MATTHEWS, SCOTT $400.00 00719 PATTERSON, RYAN $876.12 4790 BLACK, DENNIS $400.00 6846 RADER. KENNETH $400.00 1083 STAGGS, ERIC B. $400.00 5604 BELL, JEREMIE $400.00 4792 GANNON, JEREMY $400.00 4791 CROWELL, TYSON $400.00 6424 4IMPRINT, INC. $1,842.24 4803 WINSLOW, PETER $400.00 3058 VEGA, RICARDO $400.00 6271 HILEMAN, MARK $400.00 5093 BROWN, AARON W $400.00 1054 MARTIN, MICHAEL $400.00 00726 WILSON, ALTON $876.12 4354 MASTERS, RYAN $400.00 00685 WARD, KATHY $2,458.00 4793 GASTON, LARRY $400.00 7082 DICKISON, MICHAEL $200.00 4772 REGIONS BANK $75.00 4352 KEMPSON, JOSHUA R $400.00 1088 TRAGESSER, CHRISTOPHER $400.00 6273 MCCLIMON, CHRISTOPHER $400.00 4364 WALDEN, TROY $400.00 5125 VAN VELSE, JACQUELYN $400.00 4350 HUSER, CHRISTOPHER $400.00 00359 VEGA, RICARDO $3,511.52 4361 MCKAMEY, ALAN $400.00 5612 WALSH, BRIAN $400.00 7777 DIRECT DEPOSIT PAYCHECKS $13,805,585.00 7090 PETTYGROVE, MICHAEL $200.00 6451 PITTS, DANIEL G $400.00 00162 ELMORE, KEVIN DAVID $3,399.85 6446 CLAPP, ERIC L $400.00 00715 GEIST, NATHANIEL $876.12 00731 LANDBERG, COLIN $903.85 4341 ANE, DAVID $400.00 7087 KNICLEY, HANNAH $200.00 00503 UTZIG, WENDY K $3,569.83 6454 SHUPE, MINDY R $400.00 00722 PETTYGROVE, MICHAEL $876.12 4363 UTZIG, WENDY $2,764.80 4357 MITCHELL, STEVEN $400.00 4344 BELL, AARON $400.00 6838 CALVERT, MACKENZIE $400.00 4797 MILLS, STEVEN $400.00 00728 RIVERA, DILLON $876.12 897 BLACKWELL, DONALD $400.00 00687 THOMAS, TROY $312.98 00732 PICKETT, TANYA $1,480.93 7084 GEIST, NATHANIEL $200.00 00544 BLACK, DENNIS $4,087.39 4353 KLEIMAN, NICHOLAS R $400.00 6562 HOGWOOD, MARGARET $400.00 986 BURTON, JOSEPH A. $200.00 2611 MATTHEWS, SCOTT $400.00 1093 VOIGHT, CRAIG A. $400.00 4790 BLACK, DENNIS $400.00 00364 WILKEY, MARTIN F $4,302.44 1083 STAGGS, ERIC B. $400.00 6448 HALE, JOSEPH M $400.00 4792 GANNON, JEREMY $400.00 7086 JOHNSON, DEAN $200.00 6424 4IMPRINT, INC. $1,842.24 00704 BOREL, ARTHUR J $4,084.85 3058 VEGA, RICARDO $400.00 1069 RANKIN, ALLYN $400.00 5093 BROWN, AARON W $400.00 5324 NATIONAL BANK OF INDIANAPOLIS (RHIF FUNDS) $200,000.00 00726 WILSON, ALTON $876.12 6842 HILL, JA’MICHAEL $400.00 00685 WARD, KATHY $2,458.00 6269 FORNEY, RYAN $400.00 7082 DICKISON, MICHAEL $200.00 00727 CALDWELL, MATTHEW $876.12 4352 KEMPSON, JOSHUA R $400.00 985 BURNELL, TIMOTHY $400.00 6273 MCCLIMON, CHRISTOPHER $400.00 7083 FANGMAN, ZACHARY $200.00 5125 VAN VELSE, JACQUELYN $400.00 1041 KERSEY, JOSEF P. $400.00 00359 VEGA, RICARDO $3,511.52 4355 MCCORKLE, LANCE M $400.00 5612 WALSH, BRIAN $400.00 00627 GOODRICH, MICHAEL B $4,667.87 7090 PETTYGROVE, MICHAEL $200.00 00735 SOLENBERG, AARON $537.60 00162 ELMORE, KEVIN DAVID $3,399.85 5872 CRACIUNOIU, BRITTANY $400.00 00715 GEIST, NATHANIEL $876.12 FIRE FIGHTING 4341 ANE, DAVID $400.00 Supplies 00503 UTZIG, WENDY K $3,569.83 7040 DYNAMARK $1,839.06 00722 PETTYGROVE, MICHAEL $876.12 4207 ARTISTIC AWARDS $1,789.60 4357 MITCHELL, STEVEN $400.00 4978 CENTRAL RESTAURANT PRODUCTS $3,087.87 6838 CALVERT, MACKENZIE $400.00 5089 MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES INC $139,273.79 00728 RIVERA, DILLON $876.12 7114 O’REILLY FIRST CALL $879.66 00687 THOMAS, TROY $312.98 3863 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, INC. $3,480.53 7084 GEIST, NATHANIEL $200.00 5797 ZIEBART OF INDIANAPOLIS - WEST $316.19 4353 KLEIMAN, NICHOLAS R $400.00 6372 PARTSMASTER $2,085.33 986 BURTON, JOSEPH A. $200.00 5884 PEARSON WHOLESALE PARTS $4,751.59 1093 VOIGHT, CRAIG A. $400.00 3055 MATTHEWS MOBILE SERVICE $26,625.16 00364 WILKEY, MARTIN F $4,302.44 1900 H. P. PRODUCTS $841.07 6448 HALE, JOSEPH M $400.00 7010 P&G CLEANERS, LLC $1,604.85 7086 JOHNSON, DEAN $200.00 835 KOORSEN FIRE AND SECURITY INC $4,558.05 00704 BOREL, ARTHUR J $4,084.85 1604 J & F DISTRIBUTING CO., INC. $4,589.93 1069 RANKIN, ALLYN $400.00 788 CINTAS CORPORATION $6,434.69 5324 NATIONAL BANK OF INDIANAPOLIS (RHIF FUNDS) $200,000.00 828 INDIANA OXYGEN COMPANY $7,676.88 6842 HILL, JA’MICHAEL $400.00 5768 MID AMERICA FIRE & SAFETY, LLC $6,203.20 6269 FORNEY, RYAN $400.00 2330 SNAP-ON TOOLS CORPORATION $3,628.94 00727 CALDWELL, MATTHEW $876.12 6643 PRO AIR MIDWEST, LLC $23.00 985 BURNELL, TIMOTHY $400.00 6527 AFC INTERNATIONAL INC $2,297.46 7083 FANGMAN, ZACHARY $200.00 2020 GURNEY J. BUSH, INC $950.00 1041 KERSEY, JOSEF P. $400.00 6073 FLEETPRIDE $17,425.59 4355 MCCORKLE, LANCE M $400.00 4514 J.B. ENTERPRISES HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING $4,700.00 00627 GOODRICH, MICHAEL B $4,667.87 5088 GLOBAL EMERGENCY PRODUCTS, INC $27,809.75 00735 SOLENBERG, AARON $537.60 6515 CIRCLE DISTRIBUTING $15,977.55 5872 CRACIUNOIU, BRITTANY $400.00 6155 PIP PRINTING $1,437.28 FIRE FIGHTING 3043 VAN’S ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS $244.84 Supplies 6662 ANDY MOHR CHEVROLET $3,610.16 7040 DYNAMARK $1,839.06 3016 TSI INCORPORATED $234.60 4207 ARTISTIC AWARDS $1,789.60 2450 EMERGENCY MEDICAL PRODUCTS, INC. $9,333.23 4978 CENTRAL RESTAURANT PRODUCTS $3,087.87 4449 ACORN DISTRIBUTERS, INC $8,502.47 5089 MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES INC $139,273.79 6035 A-1 SUPPLY COMPANY $4,023.79 7114 O’REILLY FIRST CALL $879.66 7120 TBA TIBBS $243.83 3863 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, INC. $3,480.53 6110 WEX BANK $163,056.05 5797 ZIEBART OF INDIANAPOLIS - WEST $316.19 4212 NAPA AUTO PARTS/GENUINE PARTS CO - INDPLS $9,662.21 6372 PARTSMASTER $2,085.33 2064 MYERS TIRE SUPPLY $223.71 5884 PEARSON WHOLESALE PARTS $4,751.59 2058 ZIEBART $169.94 3055 MATTHEWS MOBILE SERVICE $26,625.16 7037 SUPPLYWORKS $78.92 1900 H. P. PRODUCTS $841.07 4257 SOUTHSIDE STEEL $137.22 7010 P&G CLEANERS, LLC $1,604.85 4164 NORTHWEST AWARDS INC $375.00 835 KOORSEN FIRE AND SECURITY INC $4,558.05 6140 RELIABLE PARTS $476.41 1604 J & F DISTRIBUTING CO., INC. $4,589.93 1034 HENDRIX, RONALD $105.93 788 CINTAS CORPORATION $6,434.69 2949 EMBROIDERY PLUS $4,350.00 828 INDIANA OXYGEN COMPANY $7,676.88 6675 RALPH’S MUFFLER SHOPS AVON $139.95 5768 MID AMERICA FIRE & SAFETY, LLC $6,203.20 7041 CHAPMAN MASONRY $3,800.00 2330 SNAP-ON TOOLS CORPORATION $3,628.94 3091 DONLEY SAFETY $920.68 6643 PRO AIR MIDWEST, LLC $23.00 6223 RED WING SHOE STORE $360.00 6527 AFC INTERNATIONAL INC $2,297.46 7149 SIRCHIE $188.52 2020 GURNEY J. BUSH, INC $950.00 6353 CUMMINS CROSSPOINT $825.20 6073 FLEETPRIDE $17,425.59 5878 BOTTAMILLER LLC $1,836.00 4514 J.B. ENTERPRISES HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING $4,700.00 7056 EDWARDS EQUIPMENT CO., INC. $244.05 5088 GLOBAL EMERGENCY PRODUCTS, INC $27,809.75 7001 ACE RADIATOR INC. $5,909.46 6515 CIRCLE DISTRIBUTING $15,977.55 3120 ACE LOCK & KEY CO $1,501.17 6155 PIP PRINTING $1,437.28 5782 VERATHON $2,520.00 3043 VAN’S ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS $244.84 5855 TAYLOR & BLACKBURN BATTERY WAREHOUSE $905.61 6662 ANDY MOHR CHEVROLET $3,610.16 5541 FITE LLC $1,725.00 3016 TSI INCORPORATED $234.60 6419 HARRISON HYDRA-GEN, LTD $1,631.10 2450 EMERGENCY MEDICAL PRODUCTS, INC. $9,333.23 6111 GALLS $167.94 4449 ACORN DISTRIBUTERS, INC $8,502.47 4275 GORDON PLUMBING, INC $425.00 6035 A-1 SUPPLY COMPANY $4,023.79 7035 L&N WELDING $535.25 7120 TBA TIBBS $243.83 7125 MAXX XHAUST LLC $1,082.29 6110 WEX BANK $163,056.05 4123 FLOTEC INC. $450.00 4212 NAPA AUTO PARTS/GENUINE PARTS CO - INDPLS $9,662.21 6304 BONE DRY ROOFING, INC $275.00 2064 MYERS TIRE SUPPLY $223.71 6853 BECK SERVICE CENTER $2,284.02 2058 ZIEBART $169.94 6414 TREESTUFF.COM $189.98 7037 SUPPLYWORKS $78.92 6631 ZORES, INC. $1,627.00 4257 SOUTHSIDE STEEL $137.22 1581 CENTRAL INDIANA HARDWARE CO. $24.30 4164 NORTHWEST AWARDS INC $375.00 6266 INDIANAPOLIS EMS $24,697.36 6140 RELIABLE PARTS $476.41 5620 CLAUDE & GREG’S $1,825.00 1034 HENDRIX, RONALD $105.93 6839 BEST-ONE OF INDY $33,323.53 2949 EMBROIDERY PLUS $4,350.00 5337 FIRE SERVICE INC $45,124.82 6675 RALPH’S MUFFLER SHOPS AVON $139.95 1293 ST VINCENT HOSPITAL & HEALTHCARE CENTER $24.15 7041 CHAPMAN MASONRY $3,800.00 2358 TURBO & DIESEL INJECTION $766.07 3091 DONLEY SAFETY $920.68 6209 FIVE ALARM FIRE & SAFETY EQUIPMENT $124,172.06 6223 RED WING SHOE STORE $360.00 5615 US UNIFORM & SUPPLY $1,001.03 7149 SIRCHIE $188.52 6528 J&B MEDICAL SUPPLY $82,728.45 6353 CUMMINS CROSSPOINT $825.20 3684 ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATION GPO $37,829.29 5878 BOTTAMILLER LLC $1,836.00 5294 DALE HUBBARD ELECTRIC INC $16,214.05 7056 EDWARDS EQUIPMENT CO., INC. $244.05 6242 CDW GOVERNMENT $121.09 7001 ACE RADIATOR INC. $5,909.46 6915 RED WING BUSINESS ADVANTAGE $285.26 3120 ACE LOCK & KEY CO $1,501.17 4181 DISASTER MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS INC. $3,090.53 5782 VERATHON $2,520.00 863 PROFESSIONAL GARAGE DOOR SYSTEMS, INC $325.00 5855 TAYLOR & BLACKBURN BATTERY WAREHOUSE $905.61 4446 J&E TIRE CENTER, INC. $1,048.25 5541 FITE LLC $1,725.00 5624 MISTRAS GROUP $7,057.80 6419 HARRISON HYDRA-GEN, LTD $1,631.10 1592 BILL ESTES CHEVROLET, INC. $306.57 6111 GALLS $167.94 7110 CULTURE LIGHTING CO., INC $4,327.65 4275 GORDON PLUMBING, INC $425.00 1533 MAPLE BUSINESS FORMS $5,008.96 7035 L&N WELDING $535.25 6935 MINERVA BUNKER GEAR CLEANERS $1,511.25 7125 MAXX XHAUST LLC $1,082.29 817 FLAG AND BANNER $1,269.60 4123 FLOTEC INC. $450.00 6531 TOTAL TRUCK PARTS $1,648.24 6304 BONE DRY ROOFING, INC $275.00 6442 MARSHALL AUTO GLASS LCC $50.00 6853 BECK SERVICE CENTER $2,284.02 5406 SUNBELT RENTALS $311.56 6414 TREESTUFF.COM $189.98 6227 UNITED LABORATORIES $1,465.83 6631 ZORES, INC. $1,627.00 5749 DON’S AUTO TRIM $2,290.00 1581 CENTRAL INDIANA HARDWARE CO. $24.30 2187 UNIFORM HOUSE, INC. $21,380.74 6266 INDIANAPOLIS EMS $24,697.36 2442 MID STATE TRUCK EQUIPMENT $1,268.46 5620 CLAUDE & GREG’S $1,825.00 6499 INTERSTATE ALL BATTERY CENTER $2,795.11 6839 BEST-ONE OF INDY $33,323.53 5409 BRIGHT SHEET METAL CO. INC $2,943.92 5337 FIRE SERVICE INC $45,124.82 6253 ESKENAZI HEALTH/ INDIANAPOLIS EMS $21,829.68 1293 ST VINCENT HOSPITAL & HEALTHCARE CENTER $24.15 4173 ERS WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS $6,081.34 2358 TURBO & DIESEL INJECTION $766.07 4827 O’REILLY AUTO PARTS $825.12 6209 FIVE ALARM FIRE & SAFETY EQUIPMENT $124,172.06 3885 FASTENAL COMPANY $5,362.51 5615 US UNIFORM & SUPPLY $1,001.03 3260 STRYKER SALES CORPORATION $1,970.36 6528 J&B MEDICAL SUPPLY $82,728.45 7034 INDIANAPOLIS WIRE AND TERMINAL $16,168.05 3684 ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATION GPO $37,829.29 5066 CLARKE POWER SERVICES $37,362.70 5294 DALE HUBBARD ELECTRIC INC $16,214.05 7121 PINE LOCKBOX $1,448.00 6242 CDW GOVERNMENT $121.09 5219 FEDEX KINKOS $25.00 6915 RED WING BUSINESS ADVANTAGE $285.26 1783 HERFF JONES $1,353.45 4181 DISASTER MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS INC. $3,090.53 6976 PROSHRED SECURITY $780.00 863 PROFESSIONAL GARAGE DOOR SYSTEMS, INC $325.00 6082 REGIONS COMMERCIAL BANK CARD $270.00 4446 J&E TIRE CENTER, INC. $1,048.25 3298 GRAINGER PARTS OPERATION $3,765.48 5624 MISTRAS GROUP $7,057.80 7102 CCP INDUSTRIES INC. $844.00 1592 BILL ESTES CHEVROLET, INC. $306.57 6444 BATTERIES PLUS BULBS $1,393.62 7110 CULTURE LIGHTING CO., INC $4,327.65 5833 CROSSROADS AMBULANCE SALES & SERVICE $1,423.97 1533 MAPLE BUSINESS FORMS $5,008.96 3170 GARAGE DOORS OF INDIANAPOLIS INC $7,535.70 6935 MINERVA BUNKER GEAR CLEANERS $1,511.25 3025 TRUCK SERVICE INC $4,111.87 817 FLAG AND BANNER $1,269.60 6619 BILL ESTES FORD $414.98 6531 TOTAL TRUCK PARTS $1,648.24 7002 HP PRODUCTS CORPORATION $1,276.43 6442 MARSHALL AUTO GLASS LCC $50.00 6524 CHAMPION CHRYSLER JEEP DODGE RAM $710.02 5406 SUNBELT RENTALS $311.56 6912 TBA WAREHOUSE $1,658.21 6227 UNITED LABORATORIES $1,465.83 6807 G & G OIL CO. OF INDIANA, INC. $12,421.75 5749 DON’S AUTO TRIM $2,290.00 6840 INDY’S PRO GRAPHIX $750.00 2187 UNIFORM HOUSE, INC. $21,380.74 6716 RICHARDS, BOB $5,712.65 2442 MID STATE TRUCK EQUIPMENT $1,268.46 785 CARDINAL MANUFACTURING $646.32 6499 INTERSTATE ALL BATTERY CENTER $2,795.11 2916 MENARDS $405.25 5409 BRIGHT SHEET METAL CO. INC $2,943.92 1466 BARRETT SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT $25,523.11 6253 ESKENAZI HEALTH/ INDIANAPOLIS EMS $21,829.68 5821 ALERT ALL CORP $5,447.50 4173 ERS WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS $6,081.34 1390 PEARSON FORD, INC. $1,301.02 4827 O’REILLY AUTO PARTS $825.12 4232 TRUCK PRO, INC $921.17 3885 FASTENAL COMPANY $5,362.51 3163 MOORE INDUSTRIAL HARDWARE $168.23 3260 STRYKER SALES CORPORATION $1,970.36 2989 STOOPS FREIGHTLINER-QUALITY TRAILER INC $1,569.96 7034 INDIANAPOLIS WIRE AND TERMINAL $16,168.05 5003 ST. VINCENT HOSP & HEALTH CARE CT $93.18 5066 CLARKE POWER SERVICES $37,362.70 4886 UPS $221.29 7121 PINE LOCKBOX $1,448.00 7036 SKAGGS TRANSMISSIONS, LLC $2,805.00 5219 FEDEX KINKOS $25.00 6633 ULINE $3,027.11 1783 HERFF JONES $1,353.45 2971 OFFICE DEPOT CREDIT PLAN $14,050.52 6976 PROSHRED SECURITY $780.00 1388 NAPA AUTO PARTS $14,380.74 6082 REGIONS COMMERCIAL BANK CARD $270.00 5411 HERITAGE CRYSTAL CLEAN, LLC $646.31 3298 GRAINGER PARTS OPERATION $3,765.48 6072 BLUE TARP FINANCIAL INC. $474.33 7102 CCP INDUSTRIES INC. $844.00 6738 RELIABLE TRANSMISSION SERVICE $3,313.06 6444 BATTERIES PLUS BULBS $1,393.62 6667 SHIELD SOLUTIONS, LLC $1,972.96 5833 CROSSROADS AMBULANCE SALES & SERVICE $1,423.97 6062 HABEGGER CORP $313.63 3170 GARAGE DOORS OF INDIANAPOLIS INC $7,535.70 2316 PETTY CASH $149.00 3025 TRUCK SERVICE INC $4,111.87 4025 MITE-E-DUCTS $449.00 6619 BILL ESTES FORD $414.98 6058 WITMER PUBLIC SAFTEY GROUP INC. $3,424.35 7002 HP PRODUCTS CORPORATION $1,276.43 6635 JENNY’S ALTERATIONS $166.00 6524 CHAMPION CHRYSLER JEEP DODGE RAM $710.02 6461 GLENDALE PARADE STORE $770.90 6912 TBA WAREHOUSE $1,658.21 3206 KIRBY RISK CORPORATION $498.60 6807 G & G OIL CO. OF INDIANA, INC. $12,421.75 7126 LMC SERVICE SOLUTIONS $447.00 6840 INDY’S PRO GRAPHIX $750.00 4134 PITNEY BOWES PURCHASE POWER $1,483.97 6716 RICHARDS, BOB $5,712.65 1410 DIVE RESCUE INTERNATIONAL, INC $469.00 785 CARDINAL MANUFACTURING $646.32 3122 CLEAN AIR CONCEPTS $1,935.42 2916 MENARDS $405.25 1478 CONTROL TECH HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING $369.46 1466 BARRETT SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT $25,523.11 5805 OTTO’S PARKING MARKING COMPANY $1,081.00 5821 ALERT ALL CORP $5,447.50 6125 TEAM IMAGE $6,432.53 1390 PEARSON FORD, INC. $1,301.02 1276 HENTHORN MOWER AND ENGINE $2,229.81 4232 TRUCK PRO, INC $921.17 3100 KAM HYDRAULICS, INC $971.50 3163 MOORE INDUSTRIAL HARDWARE $168.23 1358 GALLS, INC. $274.88 2989 STOOPS FREIGHTLINER-QUALITY TRAILER INC $1,569.96 6994 CUSTOM HOME IMPROVEMENT INC. $7,670.00 5003 ST. VINCENT HOSP & HEALTH CARE CT $93.18 6796 JUST ADD WATER BOATS, LLC $1,834.34 4886 UPS $221.29 6674 DAVID CLARK $357.00 7036 SKAGGS TRANSMISSIONS, LLC $2,805.00 820 HOOSIER FIRE EQUIPMENT $1,486.41 6633 ULINE $3,027.11 2082 WAYMIRE A.P.S., INC $620.50 2971 OFFICE DEPOT CREDIT PLAN $14,050.52 2577 LOWES BUSINESS ACCOUNT $21,694.60 1388 NAPA AUTO PARTS $14,380.74 4971 SOUTHERN INDIANA SCUBA $1,602.71 5411 HERITAGE CRYSTAL CLEAN, LLC $646.31 7142 MACQUEEN EMERGENCY $420.37 6072 BLUE TARP FINANCIAL INC. $474.33 7145 KENSAR EQUIPMENT COMPANY $1,080.40 6738 RELIABLE TRANSMISSION SERVICE $3,313.06 7017 HARE AUTOMOTIVE $413.28 6667 SHIELD SOLUTIONS, LLC $1,972.96 5252 ACME $328.00 6062 HABEGGER CORP $313.63 7101 TAYLOR OIL CO., INC. $779.93 2316 PETTY CASH $149.00 1344 INDIANA POWER SERVICE & SUPPLY, INC. $84.00 4025 MITE-E-DUCTS $449.00 5277 ST. VINCENT HOSPITAL & HEALTH CARE CENTER $17.15 6058 WITMER PUBLIC SAFTEY GROUP INC. $3,424.35 4888 FIRST CALL $136.88 6635 JENNY’S ALTERATIONS $166.00 6290 KEMPLER, JONATHAN $120.00 6461 GLENDALE PARADE STORE $770.90 4254 MARK IV ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS $227.50 3206 KIRBY RISK CORPORATION $498.60 6560 MITCHELL 1 $1,608.00 7126 LMC SERVICE SOLUTIONS $447.00 6897 C.E.S. CITY ELECTRIC SUPPY-MA $50.19 4134 PITNEY BOWES PURCHASE POWER $1,483.97 6952 SAFELITE AUTOGLASS $317.97 1410 DIVE RESCUE INTERNATIONAL, INC $469.00 5909 ST. VINCENT HOSPITAL & HEALTH SERVICES $40.73 3122 CLEAN AIR CONCEPTS $1,935.42 2355 BATTERIES PLUS $222.61 1478 CONTROL TECH HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING $369.46 2969 CIRCLE CITY SECURITY SYSTEMS INC $1,290.00 5805 OTTO’S PARKING MARKING COMPANY $1,081.00 4639 ANDY MOHR FORD $175.79 6125 TEAM IMAGE $6,432.53 2650 MACALLISTER MACHINERY CO, INC $537.59 1276 HENTHORN MOWER AND ENGINE $2,229.81 6339 D & D MEDICAL, INC. $145.22 3100 KAM HYDRAULICS, INC $971.50 FIRE FIGHTING 1358 GALLS, INC. $274.88 Services and Charges 6994 CUSTOM HOME IMPROVEMENT INC. $7,670.00 4402 NET RESULTS INC $8,536.01 6796 JUST ADD WATER BOATS, LLC $1,834.34 5399 LIFE TIME FITNESS/MEMBERSHIP DUES $289.32 6674 DAVID CLARK $357.00 4785 LIFE TIME FITNESS, INC $4,101.75 820 HOOSIER FIRE EQUIPMENT $1,486.41 00707 AUTMON, ERICA $104.32 2082 WAYMIRE A.P.S., INC $620.50 6087 CITIZENS ENERGY GROUP $50,435.94 2577 LOWES BUSINESS ACCOUNT $21,694.60 5607 GOODWIN, ROBERT $171.25 4971 SOUTHERN INDIANA SCUBA $1,602.71 6967 HOOSIERS FOR JUSTICE $5,900.00 7142 MACQUEEN EMERGENCY $420.37 835 KOORSEN FIRE AND SECURITY INC $4,854.08 7145 KENSAR EQUIPMENT COMPANY $1,080.40 7058 CWATTS CLEANING $1,125.00 7017 HARE AUTOMOTIVE $413.28 788 CINTAS CORPORATION $6,538.13 5252 ACME $328.00 2864 UNITED HEALTHCARE INS CO $8,562.80 7101 TAYLOR OIL CO., INC. $779.93 7129 KIKA ENTERPRISE LLC $789.00 1344 INDIANA POWER SERVICE & SUPPLY, INC. $84.00 4496 PEARSON EDUCATION $6,238.10 5277 ST. VINCENT HOSPITAL & HEALTH CARE CENTER $17.15 6936 ASCENSION ST. VINCENT PUBLIC SAFETY $195,644.25 4888 FIRST CALL $136.88 6643 PRO AIR MIDWEST, LLC $6,905.00 6290 KEMPLER, JONATHAN $120.00 7123 BOUNCE ABOUT INDY $210.00 4254 MARK IV ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS $227.50 6511 XEROX CORPORATION $3,975.39 6560 MITCHELL 1 $1,608.00 3618 VERIZON WIRELESS $35,198.84 6897 C.E.S. CITY ELECTRIC SUPPY-MA $50.19 7077 C.L. COONROD & CO. $18,313.00 6952 SAFELITE AUTOGLASS $317.97 4149 GOOLSBY, BRENT $385.48 5909 ST. VINCENT HOSPITAL & HEALTH SERVICES $40.73 4219 COMCAST CABLE $19,813.26 2355 BATTERIES PLUS $222.61 7038 INSURANCE MANAGEMENT GROUP $333,304.00 2969 CIRCLE CITY SECURITY SYSTEMS INC $1,290.00 148 INDPLS. POWER & LIGHT - IPL $77,591.02 4639 ANDY MOHR FORD $175.79 5920 RESCUE TERMITE & PEST CONTROL $1,700.00 2650 MACALLISTER MACHINERY CO, INC $537.59 6969 SIPES LAW FIRM PC $7,099.00 6339 D & D MEDICAL, INC. $145.22 3550 THRASHER BUSCHMANN & VOELKEL, P.C. $1,449.85 FIRE FIGHTING 885 WILKEY, MARTIN $82.30 Services and Charges 6336 XEROX BUSINESS SERVICES LLC $703.66 4402 NET RESULTS INC $8,536.01 7105 COLORADO STATE FIRE CHIEFS $445.00 5399 LIFE TIME FITNESS/MEMBERSHIP DUES $289.32 6676 CHARLES WATTS $9,600.00 4785 LIFE TIME FITNESS, INC $4,101.75 7115 EITELJORG MUSEUM $200.00 00707 AUTMON, ERICA $104.32 4787 QUENCH USA $2,898.00 6087 CITIZENS ENERGY GROUP $50,435.94 2660 WAYNE TOWNSHIP FIRE DEPT $435.00 5607 GOODWIN, ROBERT $171.25 4801 RAMIREZ, JOSHUA $172.37 6967 HOOSIERS FOR JUSTICE $5,900.00 7018 GARRISON, STEPHEN $400.00 835 KOORSEN FIRE AND SECURITY INC $4,854.08 6074 PITNEY BOWES GLOBAL FINANCIAL SERVICES $835.11 7058 CWATTS CLEANING $1,125.00 7147 MICHAEL A. KAUFMANN, M.D., FACEP $660.00 788 CINTAS CORPORATION $6,538.13 6963 INDIANAPOLIS HEALTHPLEX $5,770.62 2864 UNITED HEALTHCARE INS CO $8,562.80 4400 INDIANA BLACK EXPO/EOF $1,325.00 7129 KIKA ENTERPRISE LLC $789.00 7055 BUSINESS TRAINING MEDIA $2,116.00 4496 PEARSON EDUCATION $6,238.10 2073 KRONOS, INC $27.26 6936 ASCENSION ST. VINCENT PUBLIC SAFETY $195,644.25 4229 IFCA $525.00 6643 PRO AIR MIDWEST, LLC $6,905.00 7139 NATRINA DEBOW $600.00 7123 BOUNCE ABOUT INDY $210.00 6978 BLACK PEARL IT SOLUTIONS $6,687.50 6511 XEROX CORPORATION $3,975.39 1098 WILKE, RONALD $157.64 3618 VERIZON WIRELESS $35,198.84 5279 CAREER BUILDER $650.00 7077 C.L. COONROD & CO. $18,313.00 1247 HENDRIXSON, STEVEN $600.00 4149 GOOLSBY, BRENT $385.48 6496 MSD OF PIKE FOODSERVICE $200.00 4219 COMCAST CABLE $19,813.26 4347 CLEMENTS, TROY W $202.86 7038 INSURANCE MANAGEMENT GROUP $333,304.00 6965 JOCO FITNESS $5,280.00 148 INDPLS. POWER & LIGHT - IPL $77,591.02 7019 LIFE ASSIST $159.85 5920 RESCUE TERMITE & PEST CONTROL $1,700.00 6968 BONDRY MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS, LLC $7,500.00 6969 SIPES LAW FIRM PC $7,099.00 6630 NAT. ASSOC OF FIRE INVESTIGATORS/NAFI $65.00 3550 THRASHER BUSCHMANN & VOELKEL, P.C. $1,449.85 2276 IBJ CORP,COURT AND COMMERCIAL RECORD $17.50 885 WILKEY, MARTIN $82.30 6226 PROJECT LIFESAVER INTERNATIONAL $495.00 6336 XEROX BUSINESS SERVICES LLC $703.66 7050 NOLAN DODGE $826.73 7105 COLORADO STATE FIRE CHIEFS $445.00 6950 CLEVELAND HEARTLAB $9,900.00 6676 CHARLES WATTS $9,600.00 2096 INTL ASSOC. OF FIRE CHIEFS, INC. IAFC $2,580.00 7115 EITELJORG MUSEUM $200.00 7135 COLIN LANDBERG $116.08 4787 QUENCH USA $2,898.00 6077 NFPA $475.00 2660 WAYNE TOWNSHIP FIRE DEPT $435.00 3825 INTERNATIONAL ASSOC. OF ARSON $90.00 4801 RAMIREZ, JOSHUA $172.37 7140 RUSS SIPES $600.00 7018 GARRISON, STEPHEN $400.00 6701 A-S-K ASSOCIATES, INC. $1,675.00 6074 PITNEY BOWES GLOBAL FINANCIAL SERVICES $835.11 6801 POORE, NANCY $600.00 7147 MICHAEL A. KAUFMANN, M.D., FACEP $660.00 7146 LYNN MCWHIRTER $780.00 6963 INDIANAPOLIS HEALTHPLEX $5,770.62 6507 EMERGENCY SERVICES MARKETING CORP.,INC $660.00 4400 INDIANA BLACK EXPO/EOF $1,325.00 6671 IAAP $150.00 7055 BUSINESS TRAINING MEDIA $2,116.00 2929 BUSCHMANN, STEPHEN $600.00 2073 KRONOS, INC $27.26 6631 ZORES, INC. $2,800.00 4229 IFCA $525.00 5221 AT&T MOBILITY $9,356.17 7139 NATRINA DEBOW $600.00 6615 KRONOS $19,315.35 6978 BLACK PEARL IT SOLUTIONS $6,687.50 1581 CENTRAL INDIANA HARDWARE CO. $550.00 1098 WILKE, RONALD $157.64 5084 ST. VINCENT STRESS CENTER $1,728.00 5279 CAREER BUILDER $650.00 1295 MARION COUNTY FIRE CHIEFS ASSOC. $150.00 1247 HENDRIXSON, STEVEN $600.00 1293 ST VINCENT HOSPITAL & HEALTHCARE CENTER $700.00 6496 MSD OF PIKE FOODSERVICE $200.00 1099 WILSON, WILLIAM K. $35.00 4347 CLEMENTS, TROY W $202.86 5417 SINGLEPOINT $23,249.90 6965 JOCO FITNESS $5,280.00 5126 YOUNG, CALVIN $158.57 7019 LIFE ASSIST $159.85 6075 BARADA ASSOCIATES INC. $3,654.89 6968 BONDRY MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS, LLC $7,500.00 6375 YMCA OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS $5,561.00 6630 NAT. ASSOC OF FIRE INVESTIGATORS/NAFI $65.00 3684 ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATION GPO $19,909.50 2276 IBJ CORP,COURT AND COMMERCIAL RECORD $17.50 6242 CDW GOVERNMENT $36,824.59 6226 PROJECT LIFESAVER INTERNATIONAL $495.00 3294 GREGORY & APPEL INSURANCE $36,005.00 7050 NOLAN DODGE $826.73 6992 PENNWELL CORP/FDIC 2019 $1,215.00 6950 CLEVELAND HEARTLAB $9,900.00 3162 INDIANA FIRE CHIEFS’ ASSOCIATION $150.00 2096 INTL ASSOC. OF FIRE CHIEFS, INC. IAFC $2,580.00 6698 ST. VINCENT $230.00 7135 COLIN LANDBERG $116.08 6751 MED BILL $81,813.08 6077 NFPA $475.00 1665 FIRE DEPT. SAFETY OFFICERS $1,044.00 3825 INTERNATIONAL ASSOC. OF ARSON $90.00 5904 FIREHOUSE $300.00 7140 RUSS SIPES $600.00 4519 FEDEX KINKO’S OFFICE AND PRINT SERVICES $578.35 6701 A-S-K ASSOCIATES, INC. $1,675.00 6810 EXCEEDION $2,600.00 6801 POORE, NANCY $600.00 1365 INDIANA FIRE INSTRUCTORS ASSOC $250.00 7146 LYNN MCWHIRTER $780.00 6964 IU HEALTH METHODIST HOSPITAL $1,914.00 6507 EMERGENCY SERVICES MARKETING CORP.,INC $660.00 7124 BOOKKEEPING PLUS, INC. $13,117.20 6671 IAAP $150.00 6108 NATIONAL FIRE CODES $1,495.00 2929 BUSCHMANN, STEPHEN $600.00 5456 MED BILL CORPORATION $40,044.16 6631 ZORES, INC. $2,800.00 761 AT&T $105,085.14 5221 AT&T MOBILITY $9,356.17 5326 CALLTOWER $1,433.96 6615 KRONOS $19,315.35 821 INT’L SOCIETY OF FIRE SERV INSTRUCTORS - ISFSI $1,015.00 1581 CENTRAL INDIANA HARDWARE CO. $550.00 6626 WFCA: THE DAILY DISPATCH $405.00 5084 ST. VINCENT STRESS CENTER $1,728.00 6832 BUDDY COVERS $385.30 1295 MARION COUNTY FIRE CHIEFS ASSOC. $150.00 6834 CODE QUEST LLC $6,715.00 1293 ST VINCENT HOSPITAL & HEALTHCARE CENTER $700.00 5415 THE INDIANAPOLIS STAR $1,511.73 1099 WILSON, WILLIAM K. $35.00 6082 REGIONS COMMERCIAL BANK CARD $21,354.26 5417 SINGLEPOINT $23,249.90 3298 GRAINGER PARTS OPERATION $366.18 5126 YOUNG, CALVIN $158.57 6613 INDIANA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, LLC $10,544.12 6075 BARADA ASSOCIATES INC. $3,654.89 6444 BATTERIES PLUS BULBS $562.02 6375 YMCA OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS $5,561.00 7067 LIFESERVICES EAP $3,887.88 3684 ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATION GPO $19,909.50 5957 WASTE MANGEMENT $3,862.52 6242 CDW GOVERNMENT $36,824.59 1024 HARDEBECK, DAVID $131.04 3294 GREGORY & APPEL INSURANCE $36,005.00 3475 JONES AND BARTLETT PUBLISHERS, INC. $2,956.15 6992 PENNWELL CORP/FDIC 2019 $1,215.00 6905 DBSERVICES DATABASE CONSULTING $7,575.00 3162 INDIANA FIRE CHIEFS’ ASSOCIATION $150.00 1382 MARION COUNTY SHERIFF DEPT. $75.00 6698 ST. VINCENT $230.00 5609 MAUER, ROCHELLE $39.00 6751 MED BILL $81,813.08 6439 SHRED-IT USA $647.12 1665 FIRE DEPT. SAFETY OFFICERS $1,044.00 1321 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF CENTRAL INDIANA $5,376.23 5904 FIREHOUSE $300.00 6864 LAJUANA WARREN TAPESTRY SOLUTIONS $2,600.00 4519 FEDEX KINKO’S OFFICE AND PRINT SERVICES $578.35 3260 STRYKER SALES CORPORATION $11,141.60 6810 EXCEEDION $2,600.00 6513 EMS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS, LLC $10,530.00 1365 INDIANA FIRE INSTRUCTORS ASSOC $250.00 6898 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTERS $2,334.00 6964 IU HEALTH METHODIST HOSPITAL $1,914.00 1867 IMAGING OFFICE SYSTEMS $6,350.00 7124 BOOKKEEPING PLUS, INC. $13,117.20 6732 NELSON ALARM COMPANY $392.30 6108 NATIONAL FIRE CODES $1,495.00 4354 MASTERS, RYAN $254.02 5456 MED BILL CORPORATION $40,044.16 3582 FIRE DEPT. TRAINING NETWORK $360.00 761 AT&T $105,085.14 4793 GASTON, LARRY $599.95 5326 CALLTOWER $1,433.96 4772 REGIONS BANK $600.00 821 INT’L SOCIETY OF FIRE SERV INSTRUCTORS - ISFSI $1,015.00 5947 IU HEALTH WORKPLACE SERVICES $1,405.00 6626 WFCA: THE DAILY DISPATCH $405.00 6541 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, INC. $127,183.41 6832 BUDDY COVERS $385.30 4301 PENNWELL $3,396.00 6834 CODE QUEST LLC $6,715.00 3116 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE INVESTIGATORS $65.00 5415 THE INDIANAPOLIS STAR $1,511.73 2035 COURT & COMMERCIAL RECORD/IBJ CORP $1,624.99 6082 REGIONS COMMERCIAL BANK CARD $21,354.26 6773 VERIZON WIRELESS - VSAT $550.00 3298 GRAINGER PARTS OPERATION $366.18 6593 AMERICAN SAFETY AND HEALTH INSTITUTE $2,508.59 6613 INDIANA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, LLC $10,544.12 6208 ESO SOLUTIONS INC. $14,229.00 6444 BATTERIES PLUS BULBS $562.02 2971 OFFICE DEPOT CREDIT PLAN $1,844.28 7067 LIFESERVICES EAP $3,887.88 4290 CNA SURETY $100.00 5957 WASTE MANGEMENT $3,862.52 7006 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTERS OF THE SW $3,843.50 1024 HARDEBECK, DAVID $131.04 2316 PETTY CASH $119.96 3475 JONES AND BARTLETT PUBLISHERS, INC. $2,956.15 6241 SCOTT, TERESA $58.68 6905 DBSERVICES DATABASE CONSULTING $7,575.00 6752 SMARTDRAW SOFTWARE, LLC $349.75 1382 MARION COUNTY SHERIFF DEPT. $75.00 7100 BAKER, SAMANTHA $778.71 5609 MAUER, ROCHELLE $39.00 6623 ROGUEFITNESS $13,663.97 6439 SHRED-IT USA $647.12 6980 CLFD INC. $80.00 1321 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF CENTRAL INDIANA $5,376.23 4344 BELL, AARON $232.79 6864 LAJUANA WARREN TAPESTRY SOLUTIONS $2,600.00 6851 LLC CENTURYLINK COMMUNICATION $18,476.40 3260 STRYKER SALES CORPORATION $11,141.60 1139 INDPLS. POWER & LIGHT (PR) - IPL $9,018.99 6513 EMS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS, LLC $10,530.00 5987 GYM41 $217.00 6898 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTERS $2,334.00 5931 CITY OF LAWRENCE FIRE DEPARTMENT $300.00 1867 IMAGING OFFICE SYSTEMS $6,350.00 1410 DIVE RESCUE INTERNATIONAL, INC $350.00 6732 NELSON ALARM COMPANY $392.30 6562 HOGWOOD, MARGARET $971.19 4354 MASTERS, RYAN $254.02 4177 FED-EX KINKOS $307.32 3582 FIRE DEPT. TRAINING NETWORK $360.00 5970 CNA SURETY $100.00 4793 GASTON, LARRY $599.95 3058 VEGA, RICARDO $39.00 4772 REGIONS BANK $600.00 7053 WPS GHA $370.20 5947 IU HEALTH WORKPLACE SERVICES $1,405.00 7118 KAHN’S CATERING $290.00 6541 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, INC. $127,183.41 6125 TEAM IMAGE $598.00 4301 PENNWELL $3,396.00 6899 MEDICAL MUTTS $3,510.00 3116 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE INVESTIGATORS $65.00 6951 PATCTECH DIGITAL FORENSICS $99.00 2035 COURT & COMMERCIAL RECORD/IBJ CORP $1,624.99 2082 WAYMIRE A.P.S., INC $413.75 6773 VERIZON WIRELESS - VSAT $550.00 7048 OFF DUTY DUMPSTERS $1,500.00 6593 AMERICAN SAFETY AND HEALTH INSTITUTE $2,508.59 4039 MARION CO. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT $4,680.00 6208 ESO SOLUTIONS INC. $14,229.00 7057 SOUTH CAROLINA FIRE ACADEMY $839.00 2971 OFFICE DEPOT CREDIT PLAN $1,844.28 7076 SNAP-ON BUSINESS SOLUTIONS RH $625.00 4290 CNA SURETY $100.00 5653 IN.GOV $95.00 7006 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTERS OF THE SW $3,843.50 7042 PUBLIC SAFETY ANALYTICS INDY $1,050.00 2316 PETTY CASH $119.96 6290 KEMPLER, JONATHAN $436.05 6241 SCOTT, TERESA $58.68 6516 EMPLOYEE TECH, INC. $2,500.00 6752 SMARTDRAW SOFTWARE, LLC $349.75 5968 INDIANA UNIVERSITY HEALTH $200.00 7100 BAKER, SAMANTHA $778.71 7086 JOHNSON, DEAN $80.00 6623 ROGUEFITNESS $13,663.97 2969 CIRCLE CITY SECURITY SYSTEMS INC $1,610.00 6980 CLFD INC. $80.00 3171 IAAI INTERNATIONAL ASSOC OF ARSON $195.00 4344 BELL, AARON $232.79 7022 TARGET SOLUTIONS, LLC $17,305.00 6851 LLC CENTURYLINK COMMUNICATION $18,476.40 6624 TESTING FOR PUBLIC SAFETY, LLC $19,700.00 1139 INDPLS. POWER & LIGHT (PR) - IPL $9,018.99 7095 TIM AUSTIN PHOTOGRAPHY $250.00 5987 GYM41 $217.00 5193 CENTER FOR EDUCATION AND EMPLOYMENT LAW $124.95 5931 CITY OF LAWRENCE FIRE DEPARTMENT $300.00 6748 BRENT GOOLSBY $276.65 1410 DIVE RESCUE INTERNATIONAL, INC $350.00 7119 CLASSMARKER PTY LTD $198.00 6562 HOGWOOD, MARGARET $971.19 1793 BOB BLOCK FITNESS EQUIPMENT SUPERSTORE $115.00 4177 FED-EX KINKOS $307.32 6973 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. $7,754.00 5970 CNA SURETY $100.00 FIRE FIGHTING 3058 VEGA, RICARDO $39.00 Capital Outlays 7053 WPS GHA $370.20 3055 MATTHEWS MOBILE SERVICE $3,892.00 7118 KAHN’S CATERING $290.00 6631 ZORES, INC. $225.00 6125 TEAM IMAGE $598.00 6840 INDY’S PRO GRAPHIX $550.00 6899 MEDICAL MUTTS $3,510.00 7130 BEST VALUE MATTRESS WAREHOUSE $2,999.50 6951 PATCTECH DIGITAL FORENSICS $99.00 FIRE FIGHTING 2082 WAYMIRE A.P.S., INC $413.75 Other Disbursements 7048 OFF DUTY DUMPSTERS $1,500.00 5089 MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES INC $21,361.68 4039 MARION CO. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT $4,680.00 00707 AUTMON, ERICA $319.29 7057 SOUTH CAROLINA FIRE ACADEMY $839.00 3055 MATTHEWS MOBILE SERVICE $9,294.30 7076 SNAP-ON BUSINESS SOLUTIONS RH $625.00 4968 UNITED HEALTHCARE $1,999.51 5653 IN.GOV $95.00 7075 SHERIFF, RALPH $1.50 7042 PUBLIC SAFETY ANALYTICS INDY $1,050.00 2864 UNITED HEALTHCARE INS CO $2,990.50 6290 KEMPLER, JONATHAN $436.05 6643 PRO AIR MIDWEST, LLC $78,950.00 6516 EMPLOYEE TECH, INC. $2,500.00 7064 JOHNSON, SCOTTIE $5.00 5968 INDIANA UNIVERSITY HEALTH $200.00 6956 CHEUNG, CODY $354.00 7086 JOHNSON, DEAN $80.00 5103 MDWISE $1,616.87 2969 CIRCLE CITY SECURITY SYSTEMS INC $1,610.00 2447 ACCENT $776.68 3171 IAAI INTERNATIONAL ASSOC OF ARSON $195.00 4801 RAMIREZ, JOSHUA $92.64 7022 TARGET SOLUTIONS, LLC $17,305.00 6983 ALSMAN, CAROL $1,254.30 6624 TESTING FOR PUBLIC SAFETY, LLC $19,700.00 7072 SMITHLEY, JERRY $93.23 7095 TIM AUSTIN PHOTOGRAPHY $250.00 7061 WHITEMAN, JUDY $5.00 5193 CENTER FOR EDUCATION AND EMPLOYMENT LAW $124.95 3563 CIGNA $1,963.36 6748 BRENT GOOLSBY $276.65 7109 BRISTOL WEST INSURANCE $285.00 7119 CLASSMARKER PTY LTD $198.00 7074 PONDER, PHYLLIS $72.60 1793 BOB BLOCK FITNESS EQUIPMENT SUPERSTORE $115.00 7029 FARRAR, RAYDELL $40.00 6973 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. $7,754.00 7045 BENEFIT RECOVERY $182.57 FIRE FIGHTING 6580 BCBS HIP $110.94 Capital Outlays 7052 STANELY, SCOTT $126.65 3055 MATTHEWS MOBILE SERVICE $3,892.00 7062 SKINNER, MARY $73.51 6631 ZORES, INC. $225.00 7141 FITBIT, INC $35,632.50 6840 INDY’S PRO GRAPHIX $550.00 7099 WARNER, JOHN $1,450.44 7130 BEST VALUE MATTRESS WAREHOUSE $2,999.50 6957 HERBERT H ROWLAND GUARDIANSHIP $1,255.00 FIRE FIGHTING 6819 HUMANA MANAGED CARE $144.81 Other Disbursements 6870 CARESOURCE INDIANA MEDICAID $751.92 5089 MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES INC $21,361.68 7031 COLEMAN, SHAWNA $11.66 00707 AUTMON, ERICA $319.29 7098 SAUNDERS, RONALD JR. $50.00 3055 MATTHEWS MOBILE SERVICE $9,294.30 7112 LINDA KREMER $336.05 4968 UNITED HEALTHCARE $1,999.51 5206 TRANSFER OF FUNDS $3,674,641.62 7075 SHERIFF, RALPH $1.50 6986 BALKEMA, MAXINE $69.79 2864 UNITED HEALTHCARE INS CO $2,990.50 7059 COX, DAVID $460.74 6643 PRO AIR MIDWEST, LLC $78,950.00 7028 SANTOS, PEDRO $132.68 7064 JOHNSON, SCOTTIE $5.00 7108 ADVANCED RESCUE SOLUTIONS $12,000.00 6956 CHEUNG, CODY $354.00 7051 JONES, SARAH $308.88 5103 MDWISE $1,616.87 7073 TRIBOLETTI, MARK $100.00 2447 ACCENT $776.68 6304 BONE DRY ROOFING, INC $800.00 4801 RAMIREZ, JOSHUA $92.64 6988 SISCO - NOVIPAX LLC $596.42 6983 ALSMAN, CAROL $1,254.30 2886 LITTLE, MARY $80.30 7072 SMITHLEY, JERRY $93.23 2557 HUMANA HEALTH CARE PLANS $107.12 7061 WHITEMAN, JUDY $5.00 3272 ANTHEM BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD $4,875.52 3563 CIGNA $1,963.36 7014 BOREL, ARTHUR $28.41 7109 BRISTOL WEST INSURANCE $285.00 6751 MED BILL $1,194.25 7074 PONDER, PHYLLIS $72.60 7024 OAKLEY, GERALD $200.00 7029 FARRAR, RAYDELL $40.00 6953 FOLLOWELL, BEATRIX $25.00 7045 BENEFIT RECOVERY $182.57 2505 AETNA $689.71 6580 BCBS HIP $110.94 6954 BENSON, BEVERLY $50.00 7052 STANELY, SCOTT $126.65 6166 MANAGED HEALTH SERVICES $130.70 7062 SKINNER, MARY $73.51 6925 BCBS OF MICHIGAN $302.28 7141 FITBIT, INC $35,632.50 7030 JONES, ROBERT $60.00 7099 WARNER, JOHN $1,450.44 7097 ASH, ROBERTA $101.43 6957 HERBERT H ROWLAND GUARDIANSHIP $1,255.00 1070 REYNOLDS, DARRYL $682.51 6819 HUMANA MANAGED CARE $144.81 7111 KEVIN RYAN $114.80 6870 CARESOURCE INDIANA MEDICAID $751.92 4648 IU HEALTH PLANS $2,270.59 7031 COLEMAN, SHAWNA $11.66 6734 UNITED HEALTH GROUP RECOVERY $733.19 7098 SAUNDERS, RONALD JR. $50.00 7025 GORDON, KEITH $7.00 7112 LINDA KREMER $336.05 4772 REGIONS BANK $1,167,114.21 5206 TRANSFER OF FUNDS $3,674,641.62 6958 THOMAS JR., JOSEPH $90.57 6986 BALKEMA, MAXINE $69.79 6987 MHS HCC $1,258.29 7059 COX, DAVID $460.74 4952 ANTHEM FINANCE DEPARTMENT $581.82 7028 SANTOS, PEDRO $132.68 6241 SCOTT, TERESA $37.98 7108 ADVANCED RESCUE SOLUTIONS $12,000.00 7065 SISCO BENEFITS $97.61 7051 JONES, SARAH $308.88 7049 GEORGE BOOTH $1,755.00 7073 TRIBOLETTI, MARK $100.00 6984 COUNTRY FINANCIAL $1,755.00 6304 BONE DRY ROOFING, INC $800.00 6997 MCGOWAN, LINDA $891.61 6988 SISCO - NOVIPAX LLC $596.42 6562 HOGWOOD, MARGARET $491.99 2886 LITTLE, MARY $80.30 7053 WPS GHA $218.79 2557 HUMANA HEALTH CARE PLANS $107.12 6872 TRICARE FOR LIFE $101.11 3272 ANTHEM BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD $4,875.52 7026 MARTIN, MIKAYLA $25.00 7014 BOREL, ARTHUR $28.41 1022 HACKLEMAN, RONALD $2,600.08 6751 MED BILL $1,194.25 7066 YORK GROUP RISK $1,502.91 7024 OAKLEY, GERALD $200.00 7060 MZUMARA, JOYCE $470.80 6953 FOLLOWELL, BEATRIX $25.00 1347 EMBASSY SUITES HOTEL $16,152.40 2505 AETNA $689.71 6916 AMBETTER $497.68 6954 BENSON, BEVERLY $50.00 6989 USAA $1,330.00 6166 MANAGED HEALTH SERVICES $130.70 6955 MCCARTY, CHRISTINA $50.00 6925 BCBS OF MICHIGAN $302.28 6998 SRTICKER, LISA $100.00 7030 JONES, ROBERT $60.00 6063 MEDICAID ANTHEM $138.87 7097 ASH, ROBERTA $101.43 6961 WARREN, ROBERT $92.19 1070 REYNOLDS, DARRYL $682.51 6960 PURITAN LIFE $90.57 7111 KEVIN RYAN $114.80 7071 DAY, CAROLYN $1,595.45 4648 IU HEALTH PLANS $2,270.59 6455 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE, INC. $50.23 6734 UNITED HEALTH GROUP RECOVERY $733.19 7027 PATRICK AND NICOLE SCONCE $20.00 7025 GORDON, KEITH $7.00 6959 ROSEMAN, KIMBERLY $50.00 4772 REGIONS BANK $1,167,114.21 6985 LUEDKE, JOSHUA $838.41 6958 THOMAS JR., JOSEPH $90.57 5081 UNITED WORLD LIFE INS. CO $98.24 6987 MHS HCC $1,258.29 FIRE FIGHTING $28,033,730.82 4952 ANTHEM FINANCE DEPARTMENT $581.82 CUMULATIVE FIRE 6241 SCOTT, TERESA $37.98 Capital Outlays 7065 SISCO BENEFITS $97.61 5620 CLAUDE & GREG’S $10,173.00 7049 GEORGE BOOTH $1,755.00 7040 DYNAMARK $3,843.85 6984 COUNTRY FINANCIAL $1,755.00 5928 LEHMAN’S INC. OF ANDERSON $243,665.76 6997 MCGOWAN, LINDA $891.61 4978 CENTRAL RESTAURANT PRODUCTS $28,423.43 6562 HOGWOOD, MARGARET $491.99 5089 MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES INC $850,801.05 7053 WPS GHA $218.79 5797 ZIEBART OF INDIANAPOLIS - WEST $2,719.94 6872 TRICARE FOR LIFE $101.11 7021 FINELINE FURNITURE $42,700.91 7026 MARTIN, MIKAYLA $25.00 6087 CITIZENS ENERGY GROUP $9,695.00 1022 HACKLEMAN, RONALD $2,600.08 3055 MATTHEWS MOBILE SERVICE $18,105.77 7066 YORK GROUP RISK $1,502.91 4277 RQAW CORPORATION $5,805.27 7060 MZUMARA, JOYCE $470.80 6527 AFC INTERNATIONAL INC $449.13 1347 EMBASSY SUITES HOTEL $16,152.40 6769 JAMES BABCOCK INC $146,312.31 6916 AMBETTER $497.68 6155 PIP PRINTING $7,052.02 6989 USAA $1,330.00 7004 KIMTEK CORPORATION $4,230.00 6955 MCCARTY, CHRISTINA $50.00 6610 FOUNDATION BUILDING MATERIALS $788.78 6998 SRTICKER, LISA $100.00 6662 ANDY MOHR CHEVROLET $100,622.60 6063 MEDICAID ANTHEM $138.87 3016 TSI INCORPORATED $14,881.71 6961 WARREN, ROBERT $92.19 7009 PRO-BUILD $4,861.00 6960 PURITAN LIFE $90.57 6677 MACDOUGALL PIERCE CONSTRUCTION $1,007,911.42 7071 DAY, CAROLYN $1,595.45 5841 GODBY HOME FURNISHINGS $17,817.23 6455 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE, INC. $50.23 5573 SENSORY TECHNOLOGY $105,923.00 7027 PATRICK AND NICOLE SCONCE $20.00 7113 MILLER EADS COMPANY $17,530.00 6959 ROSEMAN, KIMBERLY $50.00 2986 NEIL E DORBECKER BUILDING CONTRACTOR $5,000.00 6985 LUEDKE, JOSHUA $838.41 6226 PROJECT LIFESAVER INTERNATIONAL $197.98 5081 UNITED WORLD LIFE INS. CO $98.24 7033 HAWK ANALYTICS $2,495.00 FIRE FIGHTING $28,033,730.82 7005 MILPRO MARINE LLC $36,165.00 CUMULATIVE FIRE 6702 MARCOM TECH $1,765.25 Capital Outlays 6330 EMP TECHNICAL GROUP $12,321.00 5620 CLAUDE & GREG’S $10,173.00 6631 ZORES, INC. $300.00 7040 DYNAMARK $3,843.85 1581 CENTRAL INDIANA HARDWARE CO. $60,402.45 5928 LEHMAN’S INC. OF ANDERSON $243,665.76 5337 FIRE SERVICE INC $3,950.00 4978 CENTRAL RESTAURANT PRODUCTS $28,423.43 6209 FIVE ALARM FIRE & SAFETY EQUIPMENT $69,149.90 5089 MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES INC $850,801.05 6242 CDW GOVERNMENT $29,591.49 5797 ZIEBART OF INDIANAPOLIS - WEST $2,719.94 3802 DELL MARKETING L.P $42,943.38 7021 FINELINE FURNITURE $42,700.91 5652 FEDEX OFFICE $112.63 6087 CITIZENS ENERGY GROUP $9,695.00 6531 TOTAL TRUCK PARTS $1,199.26 3055 MATTHEWS MOBILE SERVICE $18,105.77 4173 ERS WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS $60,996.45 4277 RQAW CORPORATION $5,805.27 3298 GRAINGER PARTS OPERATION $1,717.08 6527 AFC INTERNATIONAL INC $449.13 6639 C. GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, LLC $184,903.33 6769 JAMES BABCOCK INC $146,312.31 6840 INDY’S PRO GRAPHIX $5,000.00 6155 PIP PRINTING $7,052.02 2916 MENARDS $447.99 7004 KIMTEK CORPORATION $4,230.00 6691 ORACLE AMERICA, INC. $16,627.10 6610 FOUNDATION BUILDING MATERIALS $788.78 6900 LOCUTION SYSTEMS, INC. $9,750.00 6662 ANDY MOHR CHEVROLET $100,622.60 7096 HC CLIMATE CONTROL, INC $1,626.50 3016 TSI INCORPORATED $14,881.71 6541 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, INC. $23,553.24 7009 PRO-BUILD $4,861.00 6800 RYAN FIREPROTECTION, INC. $43,898.40 6677 MACDOUGALL PIERCE CONSTRUCTION $1,007,911.42 6633 ULINE $191.23 5841 GODBY HOME FURNISHINGS $17,817.23 2971 OFFICE DEPOT CREDIT PLAN $8,876.81 5573 SENSORY TECHNOLOGY $105,923.00 6993 TECHBYRD, LLC $1,200.00 7113 MILLER EADS COMPANY $17,530.00 6623 ROGUEFITNESS $35,731.32 2986 NEIL E DORBECKER BUILDING CONTRACTOR $5,000.00 7046 JAY’S MOVING $4,136.25 6226 PROJECT LIFESAVER INTERNATIONAL $197.98 7078 UEBELHOR & SONS FLEET & COMMERCIAL VEHICLES $90,114.75 7033 HAWK ANALYTICS $2,495.00 3122 CLEAN AIR CONCEPTS $61,144.44 7005 MILPRO MARINE LLC $36,165.00 7134 INBODY $7,917.57 6702 MARCOM TECH $1,765.25 2577 LOWES BUSINESS ACCOUNT $966.73 6330 EMP TECHNICAL GROUP $12,321.00 6577 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS, INC $4,646.28 6631 ZORES, INC. $300.00 6231 GEARGRID CORP. $16,829.00 1581 CENTRAL INDIANA HARDWARE CO. $60,402.45 7032 DEEP TREKKER INC. $35,170.00 5337 FIRE SERVICE INC $3,950.00 7106 CROWDSTRIKE, INC. $22,326.33 6209 FIVE ALARM FIRE & SAFETY EQUIPMENT $69,149.90 2650 MACALLISTER MACHINERY CO, INC $32,469.00 6242 CDW GOVERNMENT $29,591.49 CUMULATIVE FIRE $3,580,146.32 3802 DELL MARKETING L.P $42,943.38 PIKE HEALTH PLAN 5652 FEDEX OFFICE $112.63 Personal Services 6531 TOTAL TRUCK PARTS $1,199.26 5104 MERITAIN HEALTH $5,056,479.69 4173 ERS WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS $60,996.45 PIKE HEALTH PLAN $5,056,479.69 3298 GRAINGER PARTS OPERATION $1,717.08 PIKE FSA LOAN 6639 C. GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, LLC $184,903.33 Personal Services 6840 INDY’S PRO GRAPHIX $5,000.00 6245 REGIONS BANK PIKE FSA $39,834.25 2916 MENARDS $447.99 1019 GRASS, KERRY T. $109.68 6691 ORACLE AMERICA, INC. $16,627.10 PIKE FSA LOAN 6900 LOCUTION SYSTEMS, INC. $9,750.00 Supplies 7096 HC CLIMATE CONTROL, INC $1,626.50 6245 REGIONS BANK PIKE FSA $234.08 6541 NETWORK SOLUTIONS, INC. $23,553.24 PIKE FSA LOAN 6800 RYAN FIREPROTECTION, INC. $43,898.40 Other Disbursements 6633 ULINE $191.23 5070 LIEVENS, ZACKARY $548.62 2971 OFFICE DEPOT CREDIT PLAN $8,876.81 6270 GOODRICH, MICHAEL $244.76 6993 TECHBYRD, LLC $1,200.00 5607 GOODWIN, ROBERT $2,100.02 6623 ROGUEFITNESS $35,731.32 6506 WINTER, JASON $555.40 7046 JAY’S MOVING $4,136.25 4149 GOOLSBY, BRENT $600.08 7078 UEBELHOR & SONS FLEET & COMMERCIAL VEHICLES $90,114.75 5094 ROSS, RYAN $2,649.92 3122 CLEAN AIR CONCEPTS $61,144.44public notice 4342 AMIS, JOSEPH M $3,707.32 7134 INBODY $7,917.57 6263 BACHMAN, CHRISTOPHER $3,059.79 2577 LOWES BUSINESS ACCOUNT p ike t ownship, $966.73 Marion c ounty, 4345 BOONE,indiana MARCUS $755.95 6577 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS, INC $4,646.28 cash & investments combined 6947 Statement SPINA, -CHELSEA 2019 $706.17 6231 GEARGRID CORP. $16,829.00 5143 LEONARD, CAROLINA $497.74 7032 DEEP lTREKKERocal INC.local Fund $35,170.00beg cash 1011Receipts FIELY, KEVINDisbursements $2,091.36 name end cash & inv bal 7106 CROWDSTRIKE,Fund INC. $22,326.33& lnv bal 4365 WALKER, DANIEL Dec $850.7431,2019 2650 MACALLISTERnumber MACHINERY CO, INC $32,469.00Jan 1,2019 881 HENSON, JAMES $143.00 Governmental CUMULATIVE0060 FIRELEVY EXCESS FUND $3,580,146.32 $49,387.77 6272 JAS,$0.00 JAN $0.00 $49,387.77 $800.02 PIKEActivities HEALTH PLAN0061 2001 RAINY DAY FUND $3,589,408.31 5124 ROBERTS,$0.00 GREGORY $0.00 $3,589,408,31 $1,989.31 Personal Services0101 TOWNSHIP FUND $152,885.13 $1.500,722.98 1019 GRASS, KERRY $988,680.78 T. $684,907.31 $224.00 5104 MERITAIN0341 HEALTH FIRE PENSION FUND $5,056,479.69 $85,881.74 $185.825.74 4798 PENNINGTON, $182,155.61 PATRICK $109,331.87 $683.90 PIKE0840 HEALTH PLANTOWNSHIP ASSISTANCE $5,056,479.69 $442,317.88 $51,799.886275 KRIEGER, BRANDON $472,433.31 $21,684.25 $89.94 PIKE FSA LOAN 1111 FIRE FIGIiTING $17,011,221.29 $29,144,623.44 1009 FISCHER, $28,033,730.82 EVERETT A. $18,122,113.91 $2,097.36 Personal Services1118 FIRE PENSION CDS $431,695.85 988 $358.85 CAMPBELL, JAMES $0.00 $432,054.70 $1,286.53 6245 REGIONS1182 BANK FIRE PIKE DEBT FSA FUND $268,556.91$39,834.25 4360 RUSSELL,$0.00 LARRY D$0.00 $258,566.91 $2,649.92 1019 GRASS,1187 KERRY EMERGENCYT. FIRE LOAN $47,882.52 $109.68 243 LIEVENS,ZACKARY $0.00 $0.00 $47,682.52 $122.40 PIKE FSA LOAN 1190 CUMULATIVE FIRE $8,879,858.96 $2.814,584.33 4354 MASTERS, $3,580,146.32 RYAN $8,114,296.98 $1,043.61 Supplies 5555 PIKE HEALTH PLAN $60,767.50 $5.081,313.82 4793 GASTON, $5,058,479.69 LARRY $85,601.63 $755.18 6245 REGIONS7777 BANK PIKE PIKE FSA FSA LOAN $33,946.69 $234.08 $70,586.724361 MCKAMEY, ALAN $80,267.54 $24,215.87 $935.94 PIKE FSA LOAN 8044 ASSISTANCE TO 6454 SHUPE, MINDY R $300.04 Other Disbursements FIREFIGHTERS GRANT -$51,870.52 $150,819.00 6241 SCOTT, TERESA $2,971.73 $95,976.75 $483.00 5070 LIEVENS,9999 ZACKARY PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS $2,485.81 $548.62 $4,410,440.38 6239 FILER, MARGO $4,517,319.20 -$104,393.01 $499.98 6270 GOODRICH, MICHAELtotal All Funds $31,003,965.83 $244.76 $43,411,044.92 4344 BELL, AARON $42,894,205.00 $31,520,805.75 $1,176.00 5607 GOODWIN, ROBERT $2,100.02 2611 MATTHEWS, SCOTT $900.17 6506 WINTER, JASON pike t ownship, $555.40 Marion c ounty, 6240 KLEIMAN,indiana NICHOLAS $477.74 4149 GOOLSBY, BRENT Detailed $600.08 Receipts 66652019 POWELL, CYNETHIA $1,128.34 B6 5094 FRIDAY, ROSS, RYAN a p ri l 10, 2020 $2,649.92 4352 KEMPSON, JOSHUA R $490.00 INDIANAPOLIS RECORDER 4342 AMIS, toJOSEPHWnSH Mip F un D County Option$3,707.32 Income Tax 1028(COIT) HATTER, DAVID $1,025,000.00 $1,400.10 6263 BACHMAN, CHRISTOPHER Earnings $3,059.79 on Investments and 5612 Deposits WALSH, BRIAN $309.318.33 $935.17 Governmental 4345 BOONE, MARCUS Refunds and $755.95 Reimbursements 7000 THOMAS, ANDREW $375.20$588.88 Activities 6947 SPINA, CHELSEA Other Court $706.17 and Clerk Receipts/4101 2393 MATTHEWS, - COURT SCOTT DOCKET $164,905.75 $154.73 L 5143 LEONARD, E CAROLINA G Other A Receipts/6500 $497.74 L - MISCELLANEOUS 4357 MITCHELL, S RECEIPTS STEVENn L $499.98$910.00E G A L S n L E G A L S 1011 FIELY, KEVIN $2,091.36total to W n SH 7015ip FDUELBERG,unD SONJA $1,500,722.96 $100.10 4365 WALKER,FiR DANIELe penS ion F un D Benefit Plan $850.74 Contributions PIKE FSA LOAN $185,825.74 $80,287.54 881 HENSON, JAMES $143.00total FiASSISTANCERe penSion TO F unFIREFIGHTERSD GRANT $185,825.74 6272 JAS, JANto W n SH ip ASS i S t A nce County Option $800.02 Income TaxServices (COIT) and Charges $50,000.00 PUBLIC NOTICE SUMMONS SUMMONS SUMMONS SUMMONS 5124 ROBERTS, GREGORY Other Receipts/6500 $1,989.31 - MISCELLANEOUS 6263 BACHMAN, RECEIPTS CHRISTOPHER $1,799.68 $387.95 1019 GRASS, KERRY T. $224.00total to W n SH 6082ip ASSREGIONSiStAnce COMMERCIAL BANK CARD $51,799.68 $2,583.78 Dandridge, Ronald Phillip STATE OF INDIANA MDK # 20-007121 STATE OF INDIANA STATE OF INDIANA 4798 PENNINGTON,FiRe FlGH PATRICKtinG General Property $683.90 Taxes ASSISTANCE TO FIREFIGHTERS GRANT$22,569,005.78 $2,971.73 is presenting public notice COUNTY OF MARION SS: STATE OF INDIANA COUNTY OF MARION SS: COUNTY OF MARION SS: 6275 KRIEGER, BRANDON County Adjusted $89.94 GrossPAYROLL lncome DEDUCTIONS Tax (CAGIT) Property Tax Replac $1,294,221.61 of Common Law Copyright 49C01-2003-PL-012408 COUNTY OF MARION SS: 49C01-2003-PL-012372 49C01-2003-MF-012403 1009 FISCHER, EVERETT A. County Option$2,097.36 Income TaxPersonal (COIT) Services $2.768.876.28 Claim over any and all deriv- SJW PROPERTIES, LLC, IN THE MARION CIRCUIT SJW PROPERTIES, LLC, SJW PROPERTIES, LLC, 988 CAMPBELL, JAMES Emergency $1,286.53 Medical Services 6612 Fees DELANEY, ANN M. $2.198.937.02 $1,222.00 Plaintiff, 4360 RUSSELL, LARRY D $2,649.92 5399 LIFE TIME FITNESS/MEMBERSHIP DUES $2,190.00 atives or variations the AS- Plaintiff, COURT Plaintiff, Refunds and Reimbursements $2.919.26 SUMED NAMES; RONALD v. CAUSE NO. v. v. 243 LIEVENS,ZACKARY Other Receipts/6500 $122.40 - MISCELLANEOUS 2777 SYSTEMS TAXRECEIPTS SERVICE $3,543,199.26$310,663.49 4354 MASTERS, RYAN $1,043.61 6456 AFLAC $30,489.60 P. DANDRIDGE(c), RONALD HORIZON TRUST 49D11-2003-MF-011366 BLAIR PROPERTIES, ESTATE OF JAMES W. total FiRe FiGHtinG $29,144.623.44 RICE; JUDITH DUNVILLE; 4793 GASTON,FiR eLARRY penS ion c DS Earnings on$755.18 Investments and 3691 Deposits UNITED WAY OF CENTRAL INDIANA $358.85 $40.00 PHILLIP DANDRIDGE(c), COMPANY, LLC AS Nationstar Mortgage LLC LLC; INDIANAPOLIS 4361 MCKAMEY, ALAN $935.94total Fi R e pen 7012Sion INSCCU-ASFE cDS $358.85 $55.00 and DANDRIDGE, RONALD CUSTODIAN FOR d/b/a Mr. Cooper DEPARTMENT OF CODE JAMES DUNVILLE; UNION 6454 SHUPE,cu MINDYMulA Rti V e F i R e General Property $300.04 Taxes 7144 POLICE AND FIREMEN’S INSURANCE ASSOC.$1,698,742.37 $1,932.68 PHILLIP(c). Any use of the CAROLYN BUZEK IRA; Plaintiff, ENFORCEMENT; HEALTH & PLANTERS BANK, n/k/a 6241 SCOTT, TERESA County Option $483.00 Income Tax 3805(COIT) PIKE TOWNSHIP, EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAN$1,115,841.96 $88,047.66 ASSUMED NAMES listed CAROLYN BUZEK IRA; vs. HOSPITAL CORPORATION REGIONS BANK; REGIONS 6239 FILER, MARGO $499.98 4674 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTIONS $2,814,584.33 $548,889.32 BANK; HEIRS OF JAMES W. 4344 BELL, AARON $1,176.00total cuiiulAtiVe FiRe above, or any derivatives SUN LAKE, LLC; HEALTH & Tina Skadra, AKA Tina M. OF MARION COUNTY; and piKe HeAltH plAn Payroll Fund and Clearing 6245Account REGIONS Receipts BANK PIKE FSA $67,910.29$3,722.34 or variations, without the HOSPITAL CORPORATION Skadra, et al. ANY UNKNOWN PERSONS RICE; and ANY UNKNOWN 2611 MATTHEWS, SCOTT $900.17 6375 YMCA OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS $3,674,841.62 $3,480.00 6240 KLEIMAN, NICHOLAS Transfers $477.74In - Transferred from Another Fund expressed, wet ink signed OF MARION COUNTY; and Defendants. CLAIMING AN INTEREST PERSONS CLAIMING AN Other Receipts/6500 - MISCELLANEOUS 4572 INDIANA STATE RECEIPTS CENTRAL COLLECTION UNIT$1.402,949.86 $62,096.68 6665 POWELL, CYNETHIA $1,128.34 3950 HEALTH PLEX-MEMBERSHIP DUES $2,690.00 signature of Dandridge, ANY UNKNOWN PERSONS NOTICE OF SUIT IN THE REAL ESTATE INTEREST IN THE REAL 4352 KEMPSON, JOSHUA R $490.00total piKe HeAltH plAn $5,081,313.82 ESTATE DESCRIBED piKe FSA loAn Payroll Fund and Clearing 4544Account GREAT-WEST Receipts RETIREMENT SERVICES, WELLS FARGO A $67.693.30$60,626.04 Ronald Phillip in red, purple, CLAIMING AN INTEREST SUMMONS BY DESCRIBED HEREIN, 1028 HATTER, DAVID $1,400.10 3267 INDIANAPOLIS METROPOLITAN FIREFIGHTERS-LOCAL $104,430.67 or gold ink, shall be subject IN THE REAL ESTATE PUBLICATION Defendant(s). HEREIN, 5612 WALSH, BRIAN Other Receipts/6500 $935.17 - MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS $2.863.42 total pi K e FSA 5987 lo GYM41An $70,556.72 $20.00 to the fi nes and penalties of DESCRIBED HEREIN, TO: The Unknown Successor SUMMONS BY Defendant(s). 7000 THOMAS, ANDREW $375.20 PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS $4,517,319.20 Unauthorized Use pre-dis- Defendant(s). Trustee(s) of the Meryl T. and SUMMONS BY 2393 MATTHEWS,ASSiS SCOTTtAnce to F i R e F i GH t Other Receipts/6500 $154.73 - MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS $150,819.00 PUBLICATION 4357 MITCHELL, STEVEN $499.98total ASSiStAnce to FiReFiciKteRS GRAnt $150,819.00 closed in the COPYRIGHT SUMMONS BY Ethel Mae Neeb Revocable THE STATE OF INDIANA TO PUBLICATION 7015 DUELBERG,pAYRoll SONJA De D uction S Payroll Fund $100.10 and Clearing Account Receipts $4,410,440.38 NOTICE and NOTICE OF PUBLICATION Living Trust dated July 19, DEFENDANTS: THE STATE OF INDIANA TO PIKE FSA LOAN $80,287.54total pAYRoll DeDuctionS $4,410,440.38 FEE SCHEDULE recorded in THE STATE OF INDIANA TO 1999: You are notifi ed that you DEFENDANTS: ASSISTANCE TO FIREFIGHTERS GRANT cause number 49C01-0606- DEFENDANTS: BE IT KNOWN, that have been sued by the You are notifi ed that you CERTIFICATION Services and Charges JP-22570. Any rebuttals to You are notifi ed that you Nationstar Mortgage LLC entity/person identifi ed as have been sued by the State 6263of Indiana BACHMAN, CHRISTOPHER $387.95 this claim may be submit- have been sued by the d/b/a Mr. Cooper, the “Plaintiff” in the Court caption entity/person identifi ed as SS: 6082 REGIONS COMMERCIAL BANK CARD $2,583.78 ted in writing to c/o [2740] entity/person identifi ed as above-named Plaintiff, by written above. The nature of “Plaintiff” in the Court caption Marion County ASSISTANCE TO FIREFIGHTERS GRANT $2,971.73 North Mayfair Avenue, # “Plaintiff” in the Court caption its attorney, J. Dustin Smith, the suit against you is stated written above. The nature of PAYROLLI, Annette DEDUCTIONS Johnson, Trustee of, PIKE TOWNSHIP, Marion County, Indiana, do solemnly affirm under the penalty of perjury that the Personal Services H397, Springfi eld, Mis- written above. The nature of has fi led in the offi ce of the in the Complaint to Quiet Title the suit against you is stated preceding report i complete, true and correct; that the sum with which I am charged in this report are all of the sums received by me; and souri [65803] or by email to the suit against you is stated Clerk of the Marion Circuit upon the real estate legally in the Complaint to Quiet Title that the 6612 various DELANEY, items ANN of expenditures M. credited have been $1,222.00 fully paid in the sums stated; that such payments were made without express 5399 LIFE TIME FITNESS/MEMBERSHIP DUES $2,190.00 [email protected] in the Complaint to Quiet Title Court its Complaint against described as: upon the real estate legally or implied agreement that any portion thereof shall be retained by or repaid to me or to any other person. I further affirm that a complete described as: and detailed 2777 SYSTEMS annual TAXreport, SERVICE together with all accompanying $3,543,199.26 vouchers showing the names of persons having been paid money by the within 30 days of the initial upon the real estate legally Defendant The Unknown Legal description: township, 6456 haveAFLAC been filed as required by law in the office $30,489.60 of the County Auditor, and that copies of such annual report are in custody of posting of this notice. described as: Successor Trustee(s) of VAWTERS ADD 40 1/2FT Legal description: the Township 3691 UNITED Board WAY and OF the CENTRAL State Board INDIANA of Accounts. Said $40.00report is subject to inspection by any taxpayer of the township hspaxlp 03/20/20 Legal description: the Meryl T. and Ethel Mae ON LA SALLE ST X 118FT CENTRAL TRUST CO TRS 7012 INSCCU-ASFE $55.00 03/27/20 J & L REALTY INC 1ST SEC Neeb Revocable Living Trust COM243FT N OF SE COR SUB NORTH BROOKSIDE 7144 POLICE AND FIREMEN’S INSURANCE ASSOC. $1,932.68 PARK ADD L23 BLK B ______3805 PIKE TOWNSHIP, EMPLOYEE BENEFIT (sign) PLAN $88,047.66 04/03/20 AMENDED L7 dated July 19, 1999, and L3 PIKE 4674TOWNSHIP NATIONWIDE Trustee RETIREMENT SOLUTIONS $548,889.32 04/10/20 Street address or common the said Plaintiff having also Street address or common Street address or common Telephone: 6245 REGIONS 317-291 -BANK5801 PIKE FSA $67,910.29 description: fi led in said Clerk’s offi ce description: description: Date this6375 report YMCA was OF GREATERto be published: INDIANAPOLIS $3,480.00 3238 N COLORADO AVE, the affi davit of a competent 922 N LASALLE ST 2049 HOUSTON ST, Subscribed 4572 INDIANA and sworn STATE (or CENTRAL affirmed) COLLECTION to before me,UNIT the $62,096.68 Chairman of the Township Board of CENTER TOWNSHIP at its annual meeting, INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46218 this 25th day of February, 2020. INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46218 person showing that the INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46201 3950 HEALTH PLEX-MEMBERSHIP DUES $2,690.00 Parcel: 1094281 residence and whereabouts Parcel: 1019738 Parcel: 1003935 4544 GREAT-WEST RETIREMENT SERVICES, WELLS FARGO A $60,626.04 This summons by publication of the Defendant, The This summons by This summons by ______3267 INDIANAPOLIS METROPOLITAN FIREFIGHTERS-LOCAL (sign) $104,430.67 David Willis Township Board Chairman is specifi cally directed Unknown Successor publication is specifi cally publication is specifi cally 5987 GYM41 $20.00 directed to the following OPTION 1 PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS $4,517,319.20 to the following named Trustee(s) of the Meryl T. and directed to the following This report was received, accepted, and approved by the Township Board at its annual meeting, this 22nd day of January, 2019. defendants(s): HORIZON Ethel Mae Neeb Revocable named defendants(s): named defendants(s): PIKE Township Board: TRUST COMPANY, LLC AS Living Trust dated July 19, BLAIR PROPERTIES, ESTATE OF JAMES W. CUSTODIAN FOR CAROLYN 1999, upon diligent inquiry LLC; INDIANAPOLIS RICE; JUDITH DUNVILLE; ______(sign) ______(sign) ______(sign) BUZEK IRA; CAROLYN is unknown, and that said DEPARTMENT OF CODE JAMES DUNVILLE; UNION PLANTERS BANK, n/k/a ______(sign) ______(sign) BUZEK IRA; SUN LAKE, cause of action is for default ENFORCEMENT; HEALTH & LLC; HEALTH & HOSPITAL on the promissory note and HOSPITAL CORPORATION REGIONS BANK; REGIONS hspaxlp 04/10/20 CORPORATION OF MARION to foreclose a mortgage on OF MARION COUNTY. BANK; HEIRS OF JAMES COUNTY. In addition to the the following described real In addition to the named W. RICE. In addition to the PUBLIC NOTICE named defendant(s), there estate in Marion County, defendant(s), there may be named defendant(s), there PUBLIC NOTICE may be other potential State of Indiana, to wit: other potential defendants may be other potential AutoReturn will be having an abandoned vehicle auction 04/09/20 at 12:00 PM. The defendants who have an Lot 206 in Eagledale, who have an interest in this defendants who have an auction will be held at 2451 S Belmont Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46221. Viewing begins at Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation interest in this lawsuit. Eleventh Section, Part Two, lawsuit. interest in this lawsuit. 10:00 AM. All vehicle release prices as of 03/26/20. The following vehicles will be sold: (IPTC) If any named defendant an Addition to the City of If any named defendant If any named defendant Year Make Model VIN Body Amount Invitation for Bid (IFB) 19-01-309 Wash Bay, Paint or potential defendant has Indianapolis, Indiana, as or potential defendant has or potential defendant has 2003 ACURA TL 19UUA56693A009612 4 DOOR $ 855.00 Booth & Door Widening Project. a claim for relief against per plat thereof, recorded in a claim for relief against a claim for relief against 2003 AUDI A4 WAULT68E93A334580 4 DOOR $ 905.00 IPTC is seeking bids from qualifi ed General plaintiff arising from plaintiff’s Plat Book 31, page 405, in plaintiff arising from plaintiff’s plaintiff arising from plaintiff’s 1987 BMW 3 SERIES WBAAA1309H2321213 2 DOOR $ 785.00 assertion of superior and the Offi ce of the Recorder of assertion of superior and assertion of superior and 2008 BMW 5 SERIES WBANV93538CW56462 4 DOOR $ 830.00 Contractors, exclusive title to the real Marion County, Indiana. exclusive title to the real exclusive title to the real 1995 BUICK RIVIERA 1G4GD2217S4727096 2 DOOR $ 855.00 1. Door Widening Scope: estate described above or commonly known as estate described above or estate described above or 2005 BUICK LACROSSE CX 2G4WE537451293698 4 DOOR $ 755.00 a. Removal of existing overhead door and if any named defendant 3438 Macarthur Lane, if any named defendant if any named defendant 2000 BUICK LESABRE 1G4HP54K1Y4256865 4 DOOR $ 855.00 smoke curtain between bus parking area and or potential defendant Indianapolis, IN 46224. or potential defendant or potential defendant 2012 BUICK ENCLAVE 5GAKRDED8CJ117973 SPORTS UTILITY $ 855.00 wash/fueling bay area. controverts plaintiff’s request NOW, THEREFORE, said controverts plaintiff’s request controverts plaintiff’s request 2005 BUICK LESABRE 1G4HP52K65U107186 4 DOOR $ 810.00 b. Expansion (widening) of existing masonry to quiet title to the real estate Defendant is hereby notifi ed to quiet title to the real estate to quiet title to the real estate 2005 BUICK RAINIER 5GADT13S052196028 SPORTS UTILITY $ 835.00 described herein against the of the fi ling and pendency of described herein against the described herein against the 2005 BUICK CENTURY 2G4WS52J051158143 4 DOOR $1,730.00 opening between bus parking area and wash entire world, you must assert said Complaint against them entire world, you must assert entire world, you must assert 2002 CADILLAC ESCALADE 1GYEK63N42R286213 SPORTS UTILITY $1,000.00 / fueling area. such a claim in a written and that unless they appear such a claim in a written such a claim in a written 2004 CADILLAC CTS 1G6DM577640107780 4 DOOR $ 755.00 c. Scope of work includes removal of and answer to be fi led with the and answer or otherwise answer to be fi led with the answer to be fi led with the 2011 CHEVROLET MALIBU 1G1ZB5E13BF197173 4 DOOR $ 855.00 provide new steel bollards and associated court. To answer in writing, defend thereto within thirty court. To answer in writing, court. To answer in writing, 2003 CHEVROLET VENTURE 1GNDX03E03D272315 VAN $ 905.00 you or your attorney must (30) days after the last notice you or your attorney must you or your attorney must 1979 CHEVROLET EL CAMINO 1W80HAK403794 4 DOOR $ 855.00 concrete work. 2. Paint Booth Replacement: fi le your written answer to of this action is published, fi le your written answer to fi le your written answer to 2008 CHEVROLET MALIBU 1G1ZG57B484205485 4 DOOR $ 920.00 plaintiff’s complaint with the judgment by default may plaintiff’s complaint with the plaintiff’s complaint with the 2004 CHEVROLET S-10 PICK-UP 1GCDT13XX4K148058 PICK UP $ 880.00 a. Removal of existing paint booth and Clerk of the Marion Circuit/ be entered against said Clerk of the Marion Circuit/ Clerk of the Marion Circuit/ 2015 CHEVROLET SPARK KL8CB6S93FC779867 4 DOOR $ 935.00 associated mechanical, electrical, plumbing Superior Court within thirty Defendant for the relief Superior Court within thirty Superior Court within thirty 2002 CHEVROLET TRAIL BLAZER 1GNDT13S422157900 SPORTS UTILITY $ 905.00 and fi re protection. (30) days commencing the demanded in the Complaint. (30) days commencing the (30) days commencing the 1996 CHEVROLET TAHOE 3GNEK18R3TG131990 SPORTS UTILITY $ 990.00 b. Replacement of existing paint booth day after the 3rd publication Dated Clerk, Marion day after the 3rd publication day after the 3rd publication 2009 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2G1WB57K391217853 4 DOOR $ 780.00 date, and if you fail to do so, Circuit Court date, and if you fail to do so, date, and if you fail to do so, 2002 CHEVROLET CAVALIER 1G1JC524427106611 4 DOOR $ 785.00 equipment, make-up air unit and associated electrical, HVAC, structural and roofi ng work. judgment will be entered J. Dustin Smith (29493-06) judgment will be entered judgment will be entered 1999 CHEVROLET BLAZER 1GNDT13W4X2130173 SPORTS UTILITY $ 910.00 granting plaintiff’s request to Stephanie A. Reinhart granting plaintiff’s request to granting plaintiff’s request to 2006 CHEVROLET HHR 3GNDA23D96S600808 SPORTS UTILITY $ 805.00 3. Wash Bay and Equipment Replacement: quiet title to the described (25071-06) quiet title to the described quiet title to the described 2005 CHEVROLET AVEO KL1TG52665B402518 4 DOOR $ 805.00 a. Removal of existing equipment including real estate. Sarah E. Barngrover (28840- real estate. real estate. 2001 CHEVROLET BLAZER 1GNCS18W01K250969 SPORTS UTILITY $ 880.00 all associated electrical and plumbing Attorney for plaintiff: James 64) Attorney for plaintiff: Attorney for plaintiff: James 2011 CHEVROLET MALIBU 1G1ZE5E19BF267461 4 DOOR $ 910.00 requirements as shown on the drawings. P. Driscoll, #28232-64 Chris Wiley (26936-10) James P. Driscoll, #28232- P. Driscoll, #28232-64 2006 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2G1WT58K069212537 4 DOOR $ 880.00 EFRON & EFRON, P.C. Nicholas M. Smith (31800- 64 EFRON & EFRON, P.C. 2004 CHEVROLET CLASSIC 1G1ND52F34M554729 4 DOOR $ 915.00 b. Replacement of existing wash equipment and associated work. 5246 Hohman Ave, Fifth 15) EFRON & EFRON, P.C. 5246 Hohman Ave, Fifth 2004 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1GCEC14V04E147436 PICK UP $ 755.00 Floor Elyssa M. Meade (25352-64) 5246 Hohman Ave, Fifth Floor 1995 CHEVROLET C-1500 1GCEC14Z9SZ132006 PICK UP $ 805.00 c. Cleaning and painting of wall surfaces in the Hammond, IN 46320 Attorneys for Plaintiff Floor Hammond, IN 46320 2005 CHEVROLET TRAIL BLAZER 1GNDT13S352364198 SPORTS UTILITY $ 805.00 wash bay area. (219) 931-5380 MANLEY DEAS KOCHALSKI Hammond, IN 46320 (219) 931-5380 2003 CHEVROLET TAHOE 1GNEK13Z53R174671 SPORTS UTILITY $ 855.00 Solicitation Release March 25, 2019 Date: 3/26/2020 LLC (219) 931-5380 Date: 3/25/2020 1989 CHEVROLET 3500-SERIES 1GBHR34K5KJ124627 PICK UP $ 935.00 Pre-Bid Meeting April 12, 2019 at 10:00 am Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk P.O. Box 441039 Date: 3/25/2020 Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk 1997 CHEVROLET MALIBU 1G1NE52M3V6101180 4 DOOR $ 930.00 04/03/20 Indianapolis, IN 46244 Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk 04/03/20 2003 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 2GCEC19T931179034 PICK UP $ 880.00 Location IPTC Board Room 1501 W. Washington St. Indianapolis, IN. 46222. 04/10/20 Telephone: 614-220-5611 04/03/20 04/10/20 1995 CHEVROLET VAN 1GBEG25K4SF195967 VAN $ 780.00 04/17/20 Facsimile: 614-220-5613 04/10/20 04/17/20 2007 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2G1WT58KX79191732 4 DOOR $1,605.00 Questions Due April 15, 2019 by 3:00pm (EST). Email: sef-jdsmith@ 04/17/20 2001 CHEVROLET MONTE CARLO 2G1WW12EX19121495 2 DOOR $1,580.00 Answers Provided April 22, 2019 (Posted on 2003 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2G1WF52EX39441037 4 DOOR $1,630.00 IndyGoWebsite) SUMMONS 03/27/20 2008 CHEVROLET COBALT 1G1AM18B787133483 2 DOOR $ 755.00 Bids Due May 8, 2019 at 10:30am (EST) / Security STATE OF INDIANA 04/03/20 1995 CHEVROLET CAMARO 2G1FP32P3S2125134 CONVERTIBLE $ 912.50 04/10/20 2003 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2G1WH55K939304702 4 DOOR $ 755.00 Front Desk. COUNTY OF MARION SS: SUMMONS 2006 CHRYSLER 300 2C3KK53GX6H271276 4 DOOR $ 855.00 Bid Opening May 8, 2019 at 11:00am (EST) IPTC 49C01-2003-PL-012398 SUMMONS SJW PROPERTIES, LLC, STATE OF INDIANA ) 2002 CHRYSLER TOWN-COUNT 2C4GP34372R638013 VAN $ 780.00 Board Room. COUNTY OF MARION SS: 2001 CHRYSLER TOWN-COUNT 2C8GP54L91R314828 VAN $ 810.00 Plaintiff, STATE OF INDIANA IPTC Board Meeting May 23, 2019 at 5:00pm / SUMMONS COUNTY OF MARION SS: 49C01-2003-PL-012455 2006 CHRYSLER PACIFICA 2A4GM68416R614514 SPORTS UTILITY $ 805.00 Public Meeting. v. JERRY D. FYE; FIFTH STATE OF INDIANA 49C01-2003-PL-012369 SJW PROPERTIES, LLC, 2005 CHRYSLER 300 2C3JA63H65H562921 4 DOOR $ 905.00 Plaintiff, 2005 CHRYSLER 300 2C3JA53G75H555977 4 DOOR $ 805.00 Deliver Bid Package to: IPTC Procurement, 1501 THIRD MORTGAGE COUNTY OF MARION SS: SJW PROPERTIES, LLC, W. Washington St., Indianapolis, IN 46222 COMPANY; DEPARTMENT 49C01-2003-PL-012451 Plaintiff, v. 2006 CHRYSLER SEBRING 1C3EL36R66N233188 4 DOOR $ 905.00 M & J REAL ESTATE 2007 CHRYSLER ASPEN 1A8HW58297F578442 SPORTS UTILITY $ 880.00 No late Bids accepted and proposals must be hard OF BUSINESS & SJW PROPERTIES, LLC, v. NEIGHBORHOOD Plaintiff, DUNG TRIEU; INVESTORS, LLP; SELECT 1995 CHRYSLER CONCORDE 2C3HD56T5SH596523 4 DOOR $ 805.00 copies. PORTFOLIO SERVICING, 2005 CHRYSLER TOWN-COUNT 1C4GP45R55B361003 VAN $ 835.00 SERVICES; HEALTH & v. DEPARTMENT To access Solicitation / Bid Documents please OF BUSINESS & INC.; CITY OF LAWRENCE; 2008 CHRYSLER PT CRUISER 3A8FY48B98T137364 SPORTS UTILITY $1,730.00 email request to Dave Adamson at dadamson@ HOSPITAL CORPORATION NEW JERUSALEM OF MARION COUNTY; and MISSIONARY BAPTIST NEIGHBORHOOD GREGORY PUNCH; MERS, 2006 DODGE CHARGER 2B3KA53H26H201635 4 DOOR $ 805.00 INC.; WELLS FARGO 1973 DODGE OTHER VL29C3B318838 4 DOOR $ 830.00, at that time a Shared hyperlink will be ANY UNKNOWN PERSONS CHURCH; STATE OF SERVICES; MARION forwarded to sending email address. CLAIMING AN INTEREST INDIANA; JPMORGAN COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH BANK, N.A. AS TRUSTEE; 2003 DODGE NEON 1B3ES56C33D139701 4 DOOR $ 855.00 BANK OF AMERICA, 1997 DODGE RAM 1B7HC13Z4VJ576489 PICK UP $ 830.00 hspaxlp 03/20/20 IN THE REAL ESTATE CHASE BANK, N.A. as DEPARTMENT; HEALTH & 03/27/20 DESCRIBED HEREIN, successor to INB NATIONAL HOSPITAL CORPORATION N.A.; FIRST FRANKLIN A 2004 DODGE RAM 1D7HA18D24J206777 PICK UP $ 896.25 DIVISION OF NAT. CITY 1998 DODGE RAM 3B7KC26Z6WM242895 PICK UP $1,430.00 04/03/20 Defendant(s). BANK; and ANY UNKNOWN OF MARION COUNTY; and 04/10/20 SUMMONS BY PERSONS CLAIMING AN ANY UNKNOWN PERSONS BANK OF INDIANA; PNC 2008 DODGE CHARGER 2B3LA43G08H325864 4 DOOR $ 880.00 BANK, N.A.; STATE OF 2005 DODGE STRATUS 1B3EL463X5N689061 4 DOOR $ 880.00 PUBLICATION INTEREST IN THE REAL CLAIMING AN INTEREST THE STATE OF INDIANA TO ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE REAL ESTATE INDIANA; DEPARTMENT 2000 DODGE DURANGO 1B4HS28N6YF213341 SPORTS UTILITY $ 930.00 OF BUSINESS & 2003 DODGE CARAVAN 1D4GP25R53B256336 VAN $ 835.00 PUBLIC NOTICE DEFENDANTS: HEREIN, DESCRIBED HEREIN, You are notifi ed that you Defendant(s). Defendant(s). NEIGHBORHOOD 1998 FORD EXPLORER 1FMYU22E5WUD11805 SPORTS UTILITY $ 910.00 SERVICES; HEALTH & 2000 FORD TAURUS 1FAFP5528YA160359 4 DOOR $ 880.00 PUBLIC PROJECT have been sued by the SUMMONS BY SUMMONS BY Purdue Child Development Center entity/person identifi ed as PUBLICATION PUBLICATION HOSPITAL CORPORATION 2003 FORD WINDSTAR 2FMZA51413BA32828 VAN $ 855.00 OF MARION COUNTY; and 2005 FORD TAURUS 1FAFP53U45A288968 4 DOOR $ 880.00 Shiel Sexton is seeking prequalifi ed subcontractor bids for “Plaintiff” in the Court caption THE STATE OF INDIANA TO THE STATE OF INDIANA TO 1999 FORD ESCORT 1FAFP10P3XW108473 4 DOOR $ 912.50 the Purdue Child Development Center project for work as- written above. The nature of DEFENDANTS: DEFENDANTS: ANY UNKNOWN PERSONS 2003 FORD FOCUS 3FAFP313X3R178959 HATCH BACK $ 910.00 sociated with the following bid packages: the suit against you is stated You are notifi ed that you You are notifi ed that you CLAIMING AN INTEREST 2006 FORD FIVE HUNDRED 1FAFP23156G176733 4 DOOR $ 805.00 Contract No. 01 – Site Demolition, Earthwork, & Site Utilities in the Complaint to Quiet Title have been sued by the have been sued by the IN THE REAL ESTATE 2011 FORD FUSION 3FAHP0HA7BR180324 4 DOOR $ 860.00 Contract No. 02 – Asphalt Paving, Striping, Traffi c Signage upon the real estate legally entity/person identifi ed as entity/person identifi ed as DESCRIBED HEREIN, 1999 FORD ESCORT 1FAFP10P7XW141024 4 DOOR $ 855.00 Contract No. 03 – Fence & Gates described as: “Plaintiff” in the Court caption “Plaintiff” in the Court caption Defendant(s). 2010 FORD TAURUS 1FAHP2FW8AG124098 4 DOOR $ 805.00 Contract No. 04 – Landscaping Legal description: written above. The nature of written above. The nature of SUMMONS BY 1996 FORD TAURUS 1FALP52UXTA158419 4 DOOR $ 805.00 Contract No. 05 – Building & Site Concrete BASHS SOUTHEASTERN the suit against you is stated the suit against you is stated PUBLICATION 2007 FORD FIVE HUNDRED 1FAHP24197G164478 4 DOOR $ 830.00 Contract No. 06 – Masonry ADD L19 in the Complaint to Quiet Title in the Complaint to Quiet Title THE STATE OF INDIANA TO 2002 FORD RANGER 1FTYR14V22TA80522 PICK UP $ 730.00 Contract No. 07 – Structural & Misc. Steel Street address or common upon the real estate legally upon the real estate legally DEFENDANTS: 2000 FORD MUSTANG 1FAFP4046YF225022 2 DOOR $ 855.00 Contract No. 08 – Rough Carpentry Material Package description: described as: described as: You are notifi ed that you 1992 FORD F150 1FTEF15N1NLA06586 PICK UP $ 755.00 Contract No. 09 – Rough Carpentry / Framing Installation 1716 E TABOR ST, Legal description: Legal description: have been sued by the 1997 FORD F250 1FTEF2764VNB45367 PICK UP $ 855.00 Contract No. 10 – Finish Carpentry INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46203 PENDLETON HTS L13 F E DAUNERS RESUB L2 entity/person identifi ed as 2003 FORD F250 1FTNW20L43EC00543 PICK UP $ 880.00 Contract No. 11 – Roofi ng, Gutters, and Downspouts Parcel: 1081320 Street address or common Street address or common “Plaintiff” in the Court caption 2008 FORD FUSION 3FAHP08138R118587 4 DOOR $ 830.00 Contract No. 12 – Insulation This summons by description: description: written above. The nature of 2003 FORD TAURUS 1FAFP55283G273587 4 DOOR $ 780.00 Contract No. 13 – Caulking publication is specifi cally 5415 E 34TH ST, 806 E 38TH ST the suit against you is stated 1998 FORD F150 1FTZX1720WNC13638 OTHER $ 805.00 Contract No. 14 – Interior/Exterior Glass & Glazing directed to the following INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46218 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46205 in the Complaint to Quiet Title 2002 FORD EXPLORER 1FMDU73W72ZB46002 SPORTS UTILITY $ 755.00 Contract No. 15 – Doors, Frames, & Hardware named defendants(s): Parcel: 7000983 Parcel: 8022604 upon the real estate legally 1976 FORD OTHER 6P66S164836 4 DOOR $ 805.00 Contract No. 16 – Drywall & Gypsum Ceilings JERRY D. FYE; FIFTH THIRD This summons by This summons by publication described as: 2003 FORD EXPEDITION 1FMFU18L63LA41573 SPORTS UTILITY $ 880.00 Contract No. 17 – Acoustic Ceilings MORTGAGE COMPANY; publication is specifi cally is specifi cally directed Legal description: 2000 FORD F150 2FTRX08W4YCA24270 PICK UP $ 855.00 Contract No. 18 – Paint, Sealed Concrete, & Resinous Flooring DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS directed to the following to the following named VAN SICKLES L42 2006 FORD FOCUS 1FAFP36N06W110908 SPORTS UTILITY $ 830.00 Contract No. 19 – Casework, Solid Surfaces, & Hardware & NEIGHBORHOOD named defendants(s): NEW defendants(s): DUNG TRIEU; Street address or common 2007 FORD FOCUS 1FAFP34N47W250237 4 DOOR $ 905.00 Contract No. 20 – Carpet, Resilient Flooring, & Base SERVICES; HEALTH & JERUSALEM MISSIONARY DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS description: 2011 FORD CROWN VICT 2FABP7BV5BX137922 4 DOOR $1,770.00 Contract No. 21 – Specialties HOSPITAL CORPORATION BAPTIST CHURCH; STATE & NEIGHBORHOOD 7951 PLUMMER ST, 2003 GMC SONOMA 1GTDT19X638109504 PICK UP $ 780.00 Contract No. 22 – Playground Equipment & Special Surfaces OF MARION COUNTY. OF INDIANA; JPMORGAN SERVICES; MARION INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46226 2002 GMC SAVANA 1GTGG25R121902733 VAN $ 805.00 Contract No. 23 – Kitchen and Residential Equipment In addition to the named CHASE BANK, N.A. as COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH Parcel: 4004859 1998 GMC SONOMA 1GTCS1949W8544395 PICK UP $1,456.25 Contract No. 24 – Plumbing defendant(s), there may be successor to INB NATIONAL DEPARTMENT; HEALTH & This summons by publication 2001 HONDA ACCORD 1HGCG566X1A102601 4 DOOR $ 880.00 Contract No. 25 – HVAC other potential defendants BANK. In addition to the HOSPITAL CORPORATION is specifi cally directed 1997 HONDA ACCORD 1HGCD5684VA148182 4 DOOR $ 810.00 Contract No. 26 – Fire Protection who have an interest in this named defendant(s), there OF MARION COUNTY. to the following named 2005 HONDA ODYSSEY 5FNRL384X5B041820 VAN $ 830.00 Contract No. 27 – Electrical & Low Voltage lawsuit. may be other potential In addition to the named defendants(s): M & J REAL 2000 HONDA CIVIC 1HGEJ6675YL017690 4 DOOR $ 880.00 Contract No. 28 – Soil Treatment If any named defendant defendants who have an defendant(s), there may be ESTATE INVESTORS, LLP; 1998 HONDA CIVIC 1HGEJ6677WL019020 4 DOOR $ 810.00 Contract No. 29 – Testing or potential defendant has interest in this lawsuit. other potential defendants SELECT PORTFOLIO 2000 HONDA ACCORD 1HGCG6578YA095223 4 DOOR $ 805.00 Contract No. 30 – Final Cleaning a claim for relief against If any named defendant who have an interest in this SERVICING, INC.; CITY OF 2001 HONDA ACCORD 1HGCG22441A035254 2 DOOR $ 830.00 Contract No. 31 – Surveying plaintiff arising from plaintiff’s or potential defendant has lawsuit. LAWRENCE; GREGORY 2007 HONDA CIVIC 2HGFG12657H556177 2 DOOR $ 880.00 Plans & specifi cations will be available Monday, April 13, assertion of superior and a claim for relief against If any named defendant PUNCH; MERS, INC.; 2008 HONDA FIT JHMGD37428S026188 4 DOOR $ 755.00 2020. Plans & specifi cations may also be viewed online at exclusive title to the real plaintiff arising from plaintiff’s or potential defendant has WELLS FARGO BANK, 2001 HONDA CIVIC 1HGEM21591L020202 2 DOOR $ 860.00 and For questions regarding estate described above or assertion of superior and a claim for relief against N.A. AS TRUSTEE; BANK 1998 HONDA CIVIC 1HGEJ6621WL048100 4 DOOR $ 815.00 the bid documents contact Dirk Dudeck at ddudeck@shiel- if any named defendant exclusive title to the real plaintiff arising from plaintiff’s OF AMERICA, N.A.; FIRST 2006 HYUNDAI SONATA 5NPEU46F06H116176 4 DOOR $ 780.00 or (317) 557-2679. or potential defendant estate described above or assertion of superior and FRANKLIN A DIVISION 2004 HYUNDAI SONATA KMHWF25S24A917788 4 DOOR $ 880.00 Pre-Bid Meeting will be held Wednesday, April 22, 2020 at controverts plaintiff’s request if any named defendant exclusive title to the real OF NAT. CITY BANK OF 2011 HYUNDAI SONATA 5NPEB4AC7BH117774 4 DOOR $ 830.00 1:00 PM (EST). This will be a Zoom Online Video Conference. to quiet title to the real estate or potential defendant estate described above or INDIANA; PNC BANK, 2001 HYUNDAI ACCENT KMHCG45C41U194959 4 DOOR $ 805.00 Each bid over $200,000 shall be accompanied by a bid se- described herein against the controverts plaintiff’s request if any named defendant N.A.; STATE OF INDIANA; 2001 JAGUAR S-TYPE SAJDA01P01GM11046 4 DOOR $ 880.00 curity in the amount of 5% of the total base bid amount. Bids entire world, you must assert to quiet title to the real estate or potential defendant DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS 2008 JEEP PATRIOT 1J8FF28W08D751044 SPORTS UTILITY $ 830.00 are due Friday, May 1, 2020 at 2:00pm (EST). Sealed bids such a claim in a written described herein against the controverts plaintiff’s request & NEIGHBORHOOD 2002 JEEP LIBERTY 1J4GL58K62W136605 SPORTS UTILITY $ 880.00 shall be submitted to Shiel Sexton, Attention: Dirk Dudeck, answer to be fi led with the entire world, you must assert to quiet title to the real estate SERVICES; HEALTH & 2000 JEEP GRAND CHER 1J4GW48S7YC179832 SPORTS UTILITY $ 830.00 at Shiel Sexton’s corporate offi ce, 902 N. Capitol Avenue, court. To answer in writing, such a claim in a written described herein against the HOSPITAL CORPORATION 2006 KIA SPECTRA KNAFE121165290300 4 DOOR $ 830.00 Indianapolis, IN 46204. you or your attorney must answer to be fi led with the entire world, you must assert OF MARION COUNTY. 2017 KIA FORTE 3KPFL4A71HE124866 4 DOOR $ 855.00 hspaxlp 04/10/20 fi le your written answer to court. To answer in writing, such a claim in a written In addition to the named 2012 KIA FORTE KNAFU4A20C5577766 4 DOOR $ 905.00 04/17/20 plaintiff’s complaint with the you or your attorney must answer to be fi led with the defendant(s), there may be 2003 KIA SORENTO KNDJC733X35174367 SPORTS UTILITY $ 865.00 Clerk of the Marion Circuit/ fi le your written answer to court. To answer in writing, other potential defendants 2009 KIA RIO KNADE223996504267 4 DOOR $ 955.00 Superior Court within thirty plaintiff’s complaint with the you or your attorney must who have an interest in this lawsuit. 2011 KIA RIO KNADH4A34B6749777 4 DOOR $ 845.00 PUBLIC NOTICE SUMMONS (30) days commencing the Clerk of the Marion Circuit/ fi le your written answer to 1999 LEXUS RX 300 JT6HF10U0X0088382 SPORTS UTILITY $ 805.00 day after the 3rd publication Superior Court within thirty plaintiff’s complaint with the If any named defendant 2007 LINCOLN TOWN CAR 1LNHM82V17Y625609 4 DOOR $ 855.00 Calumet Civil Contractors, SUMMONS — SERVICE BY date, and if you fail to do so, (30) days commencing the Clerk of the Marion Circuit/ or potential defendant has 1994 LINCOLN TOWN CAR 1LNLM81W5RY652044 4 DOOR $ 805.00 Inc., an Equal Opportunity PUBLICATION judgment will be entered day after the 3rd publication Superior Court within thirty a claim for relief against 2007 MAZDA 6 1YVHP80D475M54159 4 DOOR $ 780.00 Employer, is requesting par- STATE OF INDIANA granting plaintiff’s request to date, and if you fail to do so, (30) days commencing the plaintiff arising from plaintiff’s 2005 MAZDA TRIBUTE 4F2YZ94105KM32020 SPORTS UTILITY $ 880.00 ticipation from registered COUNTY OF MARION quiet title to the described judgment will be entered day after the 3rd publication assertion of superior and 1996 MERCURY COUGAR 1MELM62W0TH634659 2 DOOR $ 880.00 MBE, WBE, VBE and DOBE IN THE MARION CIRCUIT real estate. granting plaintiff’s request to date, and if you fail to do so, exclusive title to the real 2002 MITSUBISHI GALLANT 4A3AA46G22E150675 4 DOOR $ 880.00 fi rms interested in providing COURT Attorney for plaintiff: James quiet title to the described judgment will be entered estate described above or 2005 MITSUBISHI LANCER JA3AJ26E85U017207 4 DOOR $ 855.00 bids for the construction of CAUSE NO. P. Driscoll, #28232-64 real estate. granting plaintiff’s request to if any named defendant 2001 NISSAN PATHFINDER JN8DR09Y21W606564 SPORTS UTILITY $ 805.00 ST-17-053 Clarendon Road 49C01-2001-PL-004811 EFRON & EFRON, P.C. Date: 3/26/2020 quiet title to the described or potential defendant 2005 NISSAN ALTIMA 1N4BL11E75N415784 4 DOOR $ 830.00 Sidewalk Improvements for VICTORIA L. BRAND 5246 Hohman Ave, Fifth Attorney for plaintiff: real estate. controverts plaintiff’s request 2004 NISSAN ALTIMA 1N4AL11EX4C115386 4 DOOR $ 880.00 The City of Indianapolis. The Plaintiff Floor James P. Driscoll, #28232- Attorney for plaintiff: to quiet title to the real estate 2008 NISSAN SENTRA 3N1AB61E18L739178 4 DOOR $ 780.00 bid date is April 9, 2020. V Hammond, IN 46320 64 James P. Driscoll, #28232- described herein against the 2002 OLDSMOBILE BROVADO 1GHDT13S822122862 SPORTS UTILITY $ 935.00 The following trades may be AMERICAN EXPRESS (219) 931-5380 EFRON & EFRON, P.C. Myla 64 entire world, you must assert 2000 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE 1G2HY54K8Y4155375 4 DOOR $ 855.00 included in this work: Con- NATIONAL BANK, Date: 3/25/2020 A. Eldridge, EFRON & EFRON, P.C. such a claim in a written 2003 PONTIAC GRAND AM 1G2NV52EX3C223036 4 DOOR $ 910.00 crete, Seeding/Erosion Con- And DISCOVER BANK, Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk 5246 Hohman Ave, Fifth 5246 Hohman Ave, Fifth answer to be fi led with the 2004 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX 2G2WP522941317677 4 DOOR $ 855.00 trol, Excavation, Hauling, and ) DM PROPRTY 04/03/20 Floor Marion County Clerk Floor court. To answer in writing, 2004 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX 2G2WS522641267867 4 DOOR $ 830.00 Construction Engineering, MANAGEMENT INC., and 04/10/20 of Court Hammond, IN 46320 you or your attorney must 2006 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX 2G2WP552X61309604 4 DOOR $ 830.00 and Maintenance of Traffi c. JL HAIR REALTY, and 04/17/20 Hammond, IN 46320 (219) 931-5380 fi le your written answer to 2006 PONTIAC G6 1G2ZG558164216296 4 DOOR $ 780.00 Calumet also requests sub- MCFARLING FOODS INC., (219) 931-5380 Date: 3/25/2020 plaintiff’s complaint with the 1995 PONTIAC GRAND AM 1G2NW15M0SC706431 2 DOOR $ 755.00 contractors to provide addi- and ) MIDLAND FUNDING Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk Clerk of the Marion Circuit/ 2003 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE 1G2HY52K534159430 4 DOOR $ 880.00 tional MBE/WBE/DBE/DOBE LLC, 04/03/20 04/03/20 Superior Court within thirty 2004 PONTIAC GRAND AM 1G2NF52E94C146948 4 DOOR $1,630.00 participation concerning Defendants. 04/10/20 04/10/20 (30) days commencing the 1999 PONTIAC OTHER 1GMDX03EXXD339738 VAN $1,730.00 supply of materials, engi- NOTICE OF SUIT 04/17/20 04/17/20 day after the 3rd publication 2005 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX 2G2WP542751170306 4 DOOR $1,580.00 neering, shipping, trans- The State of Indiana to Oliver date, and if you fail to do so, 2001 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX 1G2WR52101F257990 4 DOOR $ 810.00 portation of goods, fuel, or T. Morris and DM Property SUMMONS judgment will be entered 2005 PONTIAC G6 1G2ZG528954157422 4 DOOR $ 830.00 other items incidental to its Management Inc., and any granting plaintiff’s request to 2008 SAAB 9-3 YS3FB49Y281002450 4 DOOR $1,815.00 work. If a MBE/WBE/VBE/ other person who may be MDK # 20-004261 quiet title to the described 2008 SATURN OTHER W08AT271085117316 HATCH BACK $ 755.00 DOBE could not perform all concerned. You are notifi ed STATE OF INDIANA) real estate. 2007 SATURN VUE 5GZCZ33D17S861137 SPORTS UTILITY $ 930.00 work, please notify us. Email that you have been sued in IN THE MARION SUPERIOR COURT, CIVIL DIVISION 3) Attorney for plaintiff: 2007 SATURN ION 1G8AM15F17Z145396 4 DOOR $ 805.00 [email protected] the Marion County Circuit SS: Date:3/26/2020 2000 SATURN L SERIES 1G8JW52R9YY608313 4 DOOR $ 835.00 for more information. Court. The nature of the suit COUNTY OF MARION) James P. Driscoll, #28232- 2006 SATURN VUE 5GZCZ63436S806608 SPORTS UTILITY $ 810.00 hspaxlp 04/10/20 against you is: Quiet Title CAUSE NO. 49D03-2002-MF-007340 64 2007 SATURN ION 1G8AJ55F27Z196163 4 DOOR $ 930.00 Action Caliber Home Loans, Inc. EFRON & EFRON, P.C. 2003 SUBARU OUTBACK 4S3BH686337631561 SPORTS UTILITY $ 810.00 This summons by publication Plaintiff, 5246 Hohman Ave, Fifth 1999 SUBARU IMPREZA JF1GF4853XG809469 SPORTS UTILITY $ 705.00 is specifi cally directed to the vs. Floor 2006 SUZUKI OTHER JS3TD943364102390 SPORTS UTILITY $ 930.00 following defendants Whose Dustin Michael Jude Schmidt, et al. Hammond, IN 46320 2001 TOYOTA CELICA JTDDR32T110109391 HATCH BACK $ 880.00 address(s) is/are unknown: Defendants. (219) 931-5380 2003 TOYOTA CELICA JTDDR32T830161183 HATCH BACK $ 780.00 DM Property Management NOTICE OF SUIT SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk 2004 TOYOTA AVALON 4T1BF28B54U341882 4 DOOR $ 880.00 And Oliver T. Morris TO: First Horizon Home Loan Corporation: 04/03/20 2010 TOYOTA COROLLA 1NXBU4EE6AZ227174 4 DOOR $ 840.00 6446 N Ralston Ave BE IT KNOWN, that Caliber Home Loans, Inc., the above- 04/10/20 2004 TOYOTA CELICA JTDDR32T340173453 HATCH BACK $ 855.00 Indianapolis, IN 46220 named Plaintiff, by its attorney, Elyssa M. Meade, has fi led 04/17/20 2005 VOLKSWAGEN JETTA 3VWSK69M75M030657 4 DOOR $ 855.00 You are hereby notifi ed that in the offi ce of the Clerk of the Marion Superior Court, Civil 2012 VOLKSWAGEN EOS WVWBW7AH0CV001502 CONVERTIBLE $ 880.00 Victoria Brand has petitioned Division 3 its Complaint against Defendant First Horizon hspaxlp 04/03/20 for quiet title to real estate Home Loan Corporation, and the said Plaintiff having also in the Marion County Circuit fi led in said Clerk’s offi ce the affi davit of a competent person court. showing that the residence and whereabouts of the Defen- Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk dant, First Horizon Home Loan Corporation, upon diligent PUBLIC NOTICE STATE OF INDIANA 04/03/20 inquiry is unknown, and that said cause of action is for de- 04/10/20 fault on the promissory note and to foreclose a mortgage on Indiana’s Finest Wrecker will be having an auction/public Legal Notice 04/17/20 the following described real estate in Marion County, State African-American/Black sale on April 20th, 2020 at 8AM. 7576 W Washington St of Indiana, to wit: Indianapolis, IN 46231. List of vehicles to be included in STATE OF INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF Lot Numbered 46 in Honey Manor, Section Two, an addi- the sale: tion to the City of Indianapolis, in Marion County, Indiana, Year Make VIN Sale Price ADMINISTRATION as per plat thereof recorded June 1, 1976, as Instrument teens spend an average 2002 CHEVROLET 1G1ND52J82M726254 $950.00 NOTICE TO BIDDERS YOUR AD COULD BE HERE Number 76-30435, in the Offi ce of the Recorder of Marion 2002 CHEVROLET 1GNDT13S522440788 $950.00 ON BEHALF OF: All County, Indiana. 2007 JEEP 1J8GR48K57C616537 $950.00 State Agencies commonly known as 5432 Honey Manor Drive, Indianapolis, 1999 DODGE 1B3ES47C3XD100363 $950.00 IN 46221. 2005 KIA KNALD124X55062200 $950.00 SOLICITATION FOR: of $96 dollars monthly, Less Lethal Munitions; NOW, THEREFORE, said Defendant is hereby notifi ed of the 2005 TOYOTA 2T1KR32E75C330353 $950.00 fi ling and pendency of said Complaint against them and that 2004 CHRYSLER 2C8GM68484R500785 $950.00 ASA-20-1144 CALL 3179245143 unless they appear and answer or otherwise defend thereto 1995 MAZDA JM1TA2213S1132209 $950.00 PROPOSAL DUE DATE: within thirty (30) days after the last notice of this action is 20% more per month hspaxlp 04/10/20 May 01, 2020 by 3:00 published, judgment by default may be entered against PM EDT said Defendant for the relief demanded in the Complaint. idoa/2354.htm Dated Clerk, Marion Superior Court, Civil Division 3 than the average U.S. teen. 03/27/20 hspaxlp 04/10/20 04/03/20 FOR DETAILS 04/10/20 INDIANAPOLIS RECORDER FRIDAY, april 10, 2020 B7 L E G A L S n L E G A L S n C L A S S I F I E D

SUMMONS ADVERTISERS: You can SUMMONS SUMMONS SUMMONS SUMMONS SUMMONS SUMMONS SUMMONS place a 25-word classified STATE OF INDIANA STATE OF INDIANA ad in more than 140 news- STATE OF INDIANA STATE OF INDIANA STATE OF INDIANA STATE OF INDIANA STATE OF INDIANA STATE OF INDIANA papers across the state for COUNTY OF MARION SS: COUNTY OF MARION SS: COUNTY OF MARION COUNTY OF MARION SS: COUNTY OF MARION IN THE MARION CIRCUIT/ COUNTY OF MARION SS: COUNTY OF MARION SS: 49C01-2003-PL-012410 MARION COUNTY as little as $340.00 with one 49C01-2003-PL-012444 IN THE MARION SUPERIOR 49C01-2003-PL-012379 IN THE MARION CIRCUIT SUPERIOR COURT 49C01-2003-PL-012407 order and paying with one SJW PROPERTIES, LLC, SJW PROPERTIES, LLC, COURT SJW PROPERTIES, LLC, COURT COUNTY OF MARION SUPERIOR COURT NO. 14 SJW PROPERTIES, LLC, Plaintiff, CAUSE NO. check through ICAN, Indi- Plaintiff, CAUSE NUMBER: Plaintiff, CAUSE NO: CAUSE NUMBER: 49D13- Plaintiff, ana Classified Advertising v. v. 49D12-2003-MF-010830 v. 49C01-2003-PL-011868 2003-MF-010576 49D14-1906-PL-26007 v. ASCEND, LLC; UNION BERKLEY PLACE Network. For Information WESTVIEW PROPERTIES, WILMINGTON SAVINGS ESTELLA ETTER; S & C FINANCIAL GROUP, CALIBER HOME LOANS, NORMA JEAN JOHNSON; contact the classified de- LLC; and ANY UNKNOWN FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK FUND SOCIETY, FSB, MERCHANDISE REALTY LLC INC., TOWNHOMES UNKNOWN HEIRS OF n/k/a HUNTINGTON HOMEOWNERS partment of your local news- PERSONS CLAIMING AN NOT IN ITS INDIVIDUAL CORP; CAMERON SMITH; Plaintiff, Plaintiff, NORMA JEAN JOHNSON; paper or call ICAN direct at INTEREST IN THE REAL BANK; HUNTINGTON CAPACITY, BUT SOLELY AS WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A.; Vs. vs. ASSOCIATION, INC., and ANY UNKNOWN NATIONAL BANK; FIRST Plaintiff, Hoosier State Press Associa- ESTATE DESCRIBED TRUSTEE OF CSMC 2019- TMS MORTGAGE, INC. DAVID J. WILLIAMS, BRENT W. MAGNESS, et al. PERSONS CLAIMING AN tion, (317) 803-4772. HEREIN, AMERICAN BANK; WELLS RPL5 TRUST, dba THE MONEY STORE; STATE OF INDIANA Defendants. vs. INTEREST IN THE REAL Defendant(s). FARGO BANK N.A., Plaintiff, HEALTH & HOSPITAL DEPARTMENT OF NOTICE OF SUIT JACQUELINE REED, ESTATE DESCRIBED SUMMONS BY TRUSTEE; DEPARTMENT vs. CORPORATION OF REVENUE, SUMMONS - SERVICE BY THE BANK OF NEW HEREIN, FISHING & HUNTING OF BUSINESS & YORK MELLON f/k/a THE PUBLICATION RHONDA GLASCOE, MARION COUNTY; MARION MIDLAND FUNDING LLC, PUBLICATION Defendant(s). VACATION CABINS FOR THE STATE OF INDIANA TO NEIGHBORHOOD UNKNOWN HEIRS, COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH SMS FINANCIAL 30, LLC, The State of Indiana to the BANK OF NEW YORK SUMMONS BY SERVICES; HEALTH & AS TRUSTEE FOR HOME RENT IN CANADA. Fish for DEFENDANTS: DEVISEES, LEGATEES, DEPARTMENT; INTERNAL PROGRESSIVE defendants above named, PUBLICATION walleyes, perch, northerns. You are notifi ed that you HOSPITAL CORPORATION PERSONAL REVENUE SERVICE; PALOVERDE INSURANCE and any other person who EQUITY LOAN TRUST THE STATE OF INDIANA TO OF MARION COUNTY; and 2007-FRE1, FREMONT Boats, motors, gasoline have been sued by the REPRESENTATIVES, AND SCS CREDIT CORP; COMPANY, may be concerned. You are DEFENDANTS: included. Visit entity/person identifi ed as ANY UNKNOWN PERSONS CREDITORS OF RHONDICA FRANCISCAN ALLIANCE, PNC BANK NA, notifi ed that you have been INVESTMENT & LOAN a/k/a You are notifi ed that you CLAIMING AN INTEREST FREMONT REORGANIZING or www.canadi- “Plaintiff” in the Court caption S. GLASCOE (DECEASED), INC.; and ANY UNKNOWN MARCELLA TODD, sued in the Court above have been sued by the for more infor- written above. The nature of IN THE REAL ESTATE et al. PERSONS CLAIMING AN MOLLY K BOWERS, named. The nature of the CORPORATION, INDIANA entity/person identifi ed as DESCRIBED HEREIN, HOUSING & COMMUNITY mation. For a free brochure the suit against you is stated Defendants. INTEREST IN THE REAL STATE FARM MUTUAL suit against you is a foreclo- “Plaintiff” in the Court caption call Hugh 1-800-426-2550. in the Complaint to Quiet Title Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SUIT ESTATE DESCRIBED AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE sure of the real estate mort- DEVELOPMENT written above. The nature of upon the real estate legally SUMMONS BY SUMMONS - SERVICE BY HEREIN, COMPANY, gage, legally described as: AUTHORITY, ROBERT the suit against you is stated PUBLICATION FOR SALE — described as: PUBLICATION Defendant(s). GMAC MORTGAGE LLC, LOT NUMBERED 432 IN D. HAAS, PORTFOLIO in the Complaint to Quiet Title MERCHANDISE, SERVICES Legal description: THE STATE OF INDIANA TO The State of Indiana to the SUMMONS BY NORA PINES APARTMENTS MOELLER ESTATES AT RECOVERY ASSOCIATES, upon the real estate legally WASHINGTON HEIGHTS DEFENDANTS: defendants above named, PUBLICATION BY MEDALLION WILDWOOD FARMS, SEC- LLC, FIRST NATIONAL described as: & MISCELLANEOUS You are notifi ed that you BANK OF OMAHA, and 2ND SEC L423 and any other person who THE STATE OF INDIANA TO MANAGEMENT, TION 9, AN ADDITION IN Legal description: BATHROOM RENOVA- Street address or common have been sued by the may be concerned. You are DEFENDANTS: AS MANAGING AGENT, MARION COUNTY, INDI- STATE OF INDIANA MARS HILL L2032 & L2033 entity/person identifi ed as DEPARTMENT OF TIONS. EASY, ONE DAY up- description: notifi ed that you have been You are notifi ed that you STALLARD & ASSOCIATES, ANA, AS PER PLAT THERE- Street address or common dates! We specialize in safe 4162 N COLLEGE AVE, “Plaintiff” in the Court caption sued in the Court above have been sued by the INC., OF RECORDED MAY 12, REVENUE, description: written above. The nature of Defendants. bathing. Grab bars, no slip INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46205 named. The nature of the suit entity/person identifi ed as IMC CREDIT SERVICES, 2005 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 3060 S MC CLURE ST, flooring & seated showers. Parcel: 8010687 the suit against you is stated against you is a foreclosure “Plaintiff” in the Court caption VERNON GRAVES LLC, 2005-73956, IN THE OF- NOTICE OF SUIT INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46221 in the Complaint to Quiet Title The State of Indiana to for a free in-home con- This summons by publication of the real estate mortgage, written above. The nature of DANA FENDLEY, FICE OF THE RECORDER Parcel: 2002361 sultation: 855-898-3106 is specifi cally directed upon the real estate legally legally described as: the suit against you is stated MICHAEL HOWER, OF MARION COUNTY, IN- Defendants above named, This summons by described as: and any other person who to the following named LOT NUMBERED ONE in the Complaint to Quiet Title CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS, DIANA. publication is specifi cally Smart Home Installations? defendants(s): WESTVIEW Legal description: HUNDRED SIXTY-FIVE upon the real estate legally And The unknown SUBJECT TO ALL LIENS, may be concerned. directed to the following MARION HIGHLANDS L80 You are notifi ed that you Geeks on Site will install your PROPERTIES, LLC. In (165) IN KEYSTONE described as: husbands, wives, widows, EASEMENTS AND ENCUM- named defendants(s): WIFI, Doorbells, Cameras, addition to the named Street address or common PARK, IN THE CITY Legal description: widowers, surviving BRANCES OF RECORD. have been sued in the Court NORMA JEAN JOHNSON; description: above named. The nature Home Theater Systems & defendant(s), there may be OF INDIANAPOLIS, AS CLARK’S ADDITION TO spouses, heirs, legatees, PARCEL NO: 49-09-30-107- UNKNOWN HEIRS OF Gaming Consoles. $20 OFF other potential defendants 3758 BROADWAY ST, LAID OUT BY JOHN HAUGHVILLE L178 devisees, grantees, 062.000-300 of the suit against you is for NORMA JEAN JOHNSON. INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46205 reducing past homeowner’s coupon 42537! (Restrictions who have an interest in this ARMSTRONG, THE PLAT Street address or common children, descendants, This property is commonly In addition to the named apply) 855-668-0067 lawsuit. Parcel: 1002152 OF WHICH IS RECORDED description: mortgagees, creditors, known as 8114 Fisher Bend association dues to defendant(s), there may be If any named defendant This summons by IN PLAT BOOK 10, PAGE 1057 N TREMONT ST administrators, executors, Drive, Indianapolis, IN judgment and foreclosing other potential defendants publication is specifi cally the Plaintiff’s lien upon the DISH Network $59.99 For or potential defendant has 123, IN THE OFFICE OF THE INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46222 trustees, receivers, 46239 who have an interest in this 190 Channels! Add High a claim for relief against directed to the following RECORDER OF MARION Parcel: 9022581 guardians, successors, This summons by publica- property located at 9443 lawsuit. named defendants(s): Glencroft Way, Indianapolis, Speed Internet for ONLY plaintiff arising from plaintiff’s COUNTY, INDIANA. This summons by publication assigns, if deceased, of tion is specifi cally directed If any named defendant $19.95/month. Call Today for assertion of superior and ASCEND, LLC; UNION EXCEPT: is specifi cally directed all persons above named, to the following Defendants IN 46250. or potential defendant has FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK This summons by publication $100 Gift Card! Best Value exclusive title to the real A PART OF LOT 165 IN to the following named all persons, associations, whose addresses are a claim for relief against & Technology. FREE Instal- estate described above or n/k/a HUNTINGTON BANK; KEYSTONE PARK, AN defendants(s): ESTELLA partnerships, known: is specifi cally directed to the plaintiff arising from plaintiff’s HUNTINGTON NATIONAL following named Defendant lation. Call 1-855-551-9764 if any named defendant ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ETTER; MERCHANDISE partners, trustees, assigns, Eagle Finance Company assertion of superior and (some restrictions apply) or potential defendant BANK; FIRST AMERICAN INDIANAPOLIS, THE PLAT REALTY CORP; CAMERON representatives, successors, Serve Incorp Services, Inc., whose whereabouts are exclusive title to the real BANK; WELLS FARGO unknown and whose last controverts plaintiff’s request OF WHICH IS RECORDED SMITH; WELLS FARGO corporations, or claimants, Registered Agent estate described above or Get NFL Sunday Ticket FREE to quiet title to the real estate BANK N.A., TRUSTEE; IN PLAT BOOK 10, PAGE BANK, N.A.; TMS who assert any title to claim 200 Byrd Way, STE 205 known address was c/o CT if any named defendant DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS Corporation System, R.A., w/ DIRECTV Choice All- described herein against the 123, IN THE OFFICE MORTGAGE, INC. dba THE upon or interest in the real Greenwood, IN 46143 or potential defendant Included Package. $59.99/ entire world, you must assert & NEIGHBORHOOD OF THE RECORDER MONEY STORE; HEALTH & estate herein described, all Horizon Bank 251 E. Ohio St., Ste. 1100, controverts plaintiff’s request SERVICES; HEALTH & Indianapolis, IN 46204: month for 12 months. 185 such a claim in a written OF MARION COUNTY, HOSPITAL CORPORATION women once known Serve Craig M. Dwight, Reg- to quiet title to the real estate Channels PLUS Thousands answer to be fi led with the HOSPITAL CORPORATION INDIANA, DESCRIBED AS OF MARION COUNTY; by any of the names or istered Agent Fremont Investment & Loan described herein against the OF MARION COUNTY. a/k/a Fremont Reorganizing of Shows/Movies On De- court. To answer in writing, FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT MARION COUNTY PUBLIC designations above stated, 515 Franklin Square entire world, you must assert mand. FREE Genie HD DVR you or your attorney must In addition to the named THE SOUTHWEST CORNER HEALTH DEPARTMENT; whose names may have Michigan City, IN 46360 Corporation such a claim in a written defendant(s), there may be In addition to the above- Upgrade. Call 1-888-885- fi le your written answer to OF SAID LOT: THENCE INTERNAL REVENUE been changed and the Brent W. Magness answer to be fi led with the 8931 plaintiff’s complaint with the other potential defendants NORTHERLY 9.74 FEET SERVICE; SCS CREDIT names of all the spouses of 10047 Hawkins Court named Defendant being court. To answer in writing, Clerk of the Marion Circuit/ who have an interest in this ALONG WEST LINE OF CORP; FRANCISCAN persons above named; Indianapolis, IN 46229 served by this summons, you or your attorney must lawsuit. there may be other HughesNet Satellite Internet Superior Court within thirty SAID LOT: THENCE SOUTH ALLIANCE, INC.. In addition described and designated Melissa A. Magness fi le your written answer to - 25mbps for just $49.99/mo! (30) days commencing the If any named defendant 69 DEGREES 55 MINUTES to the named defendant(s), as defendants to this action 8114 Fisher Bend Drive Defendants who have an plaintiff’s complaint with the or potential defendant has interest in this lawsuit. Get More Data FREE Off- day after the 3rd publication 01 SECONDS EAST 27.49 there may be other potential who are married and Indianapolis, IN 46239 Clerk of the Marion Circuit/ Peak Data. No phone line date, and if you fail to do so, a claim for relief against FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE defendants who have an whose names are unknown Portfolio Recovery Associ- If you have a claim for relief Superior Court within thirty plaintiff arising from plaintiff’s against the Plaintiff arising required! FAST download judgment will be entered OF SAID LOT, THENCE interest in this lawsuit. to Plaintiffs, ates, LLC (30) days commencing the speeds. WiFi built in! FREE granting plaintiff’s request to assertion of superior and WESTERLY 25.76 FEET If any named defendant D e f e n d a n t s . Serve Highest Offi cer from the same transaction day after the 3rd publication exclusive title to the real or occurrence, you must Standard Installation! Call quiet title to the described ALONG TO THE POINT OF or potential defendant has NOTICE OF SUIT Found date, and if you fail to do so, 1-844-257-4934 real estate. estate described above or BEGINNING. a claim for relief against The State of Indiana to the 120 Corporate Blvd., STE assert it in your written judgment will be entered if any named defendant answer. You must answer Attorney for plaintiff: SUBJECT TO ALL LIENS, plaintiff arising from plaintiff’s defendants above named, 100 granting plaintiff’s request to DIRECTV NOW. No Satel- James P. Driscoll, #28232- or potential defendant EASEMENTS AND assertion of superior and and any other person who Norfolk, VA 23502 the Complaint in writing, by quiet title to the described controverts plaintiff’s request you or your attorney, within lite Needed. $40/month. 65 64 ENCUMBRANCES OF exclusive title to the real may be concerned. Wildwood Farms Homeown- real estate. Channels. Stream Breaking EFRON & EFRON, P.C. Myla to quiet title to the real estate RECORD. estate described above or You are notifi ed that you ers Association, Inc. thirty (30) days after the third Attorney for plaintiff: James described herein against the (3rd) and last Notice of Suit News, Live Events, Sports & A. Eldridge, PARCEL NO: 49-06-22-107- if any named defendant have been sued in the Court Serve Community Asso- P. Driscoll, #28232-64 On Demand Titles. No Annu- 5246 Hohman Ave, Fifth entire world, you must assert 056.000-101 or potential defendant above named. ciation Services of Indiana, is published, and if you fail EFRON & EFRON, P.C. such a claim in a written to do so, a judgment will be al Contract. No Commitment. Floor Marion County Clerk This property is commonly controverts plaintiff’s request The nature of the suit against Registered Agent 5246 Hohman Ave, Fifth CALL 1-833-433-9881 of Court answer to be fi led with the known as 1037 West 32nd to quiet title to the real estate you is: 11711 N College Avenue, entered against you for what Floor Hammond, IN 46320 court. To answer in writing, Street, Indianapolis, IN described herein against the Complaint to Quiet Title STE 100 the Plaintiff has demanded. Hammond, IN 46320 you or your attorney must /s/ Corey B. Baldwin AT&T Internet. Starting at (219) 931-5380 46208 entire world, you must assert to Real Estate in MARION Carmel, IN 46032 (219) 931-5380 $40/month w/12-mo agmt. Date:3/26/2020 fi le your written answer to This summons by publication such a claim in a written County, Indiana, to-wit: And to the following defen- Robert D. Roache, II (6087- Date: 3/25/2020 plaintiff’s complaint with the 49) Includes 1 TB of data per Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk is specifi cally directed to the answer to be fi led with the A PART OF THE WEST dant whose addresses are Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk month. Get More For Your 04/03/20 Clerk of the Marion Circuit/ following Defendants whose court. To answer in writing, HALF OF THE NORTHEAST unknown: Corey Baldwin (31876-55) 04/03/20 Superior Court within thirty Attorneys for Plaintiff High-Speed Internet Thing. 04/10/20 addresses are known: you or your attorney must QUARTER OF SECTION Equable Ascent Financial, 04/10/20 Ask us how to bundle and 04/17/20 (30) days commencing the Rhonda Glascoe fi le your written answer to 5, TOWNSHIP 14 NORTH, LLC ROACHE & ASSOCIATES 04/17/20 day after the 3rd publication 581 S. Rangeline Road, Suite SAVE! Geo & svc restrictions 1037 West 32nd Street plaintiff’s complaint with the RANGE 5 EAST, IN MARION In addition to the above apply. Call us today 1-866- date, and if you fail to do so, Indianapolis, IN 46208 Clerk of the Marion Circuit/ COUNTY, INDIANA, BEING named Defendants being A1 judgment will be entered 716-9895. SUMMONS And to the following Superior Court within thirty MORE PARTICULARLY served by this summons Carmel, IN 46032-2149 granting plaintiff’s request to (317) 688-7082 Fax (317) SUMMONS defendant whose addresses (30) days commencing the DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: there may be other Defen- EarthlinkHigh Speed Inter- STATE OF INDIANA quiet title to the described are unknown: day after the 3rd publication BEGINNING AT A POINT IN dants who have an interest 688-7086 COUNTY OF MARION SS: real estate. Clerk STATE OF INDIANA net. As Low As $14.95/month Unknown heirs, devisees, date, and if you fail to do so, THE EAST LINE OF SAID in this lawsuit. If you have Myla A. Eldridge, (for the first 3 months.) Reli- 49C01-2003-PL-012453 Attorney for plaintiff: James legatees, personal judgment will be entered HALF QUARTER SECTION, a claim for relief against 04/10/20 COUNTY OF MARION SS: SJW PROPERTIES, LLC, P. Driscoll, #28232-64 04/17/20 49C01-2003-PL-012409 able High Speed Fiber Optic representatives, and granting plaintiff’s request to DISTANT SOUTH 486.70 the Plaintiff arising from the Technology. Stream Videos, Plaintiff, EFRON & EFRON, P.C. creditors of Rhondica S. quiet title to the described FEET, BY MEASUREMENT same transaction or occur- 04/24/20 SJW PROPERTIES, LLC, v. 5246 Hohman Ave, Fifth Plaintiff, Music and More! Call Earth- Glascoe (deceased) real estate. FROM THE NORTHEAST rence, you must assert it link Today 1-855-977-7069 KIMBERLY RENE Floor In addition to the above Attorney for plaintiff: CORNER THEREOF, SAID in your written answer. You v. Hammond, IN 46320 UNKNOWN HEIRS OF Pickup from 3.22.20 MCCLELLAN; UNKNOWN named Defendants being James P. Driscoll, #28232- POINT BEING ALSO must answer the Complaint SUMMONS HEIRS OF VIOLA M. (219) 931-5380 SHERMAN EUGENE High-Speed Internet. We served by this summons 64 153.26 FEET SOUTH OF in writing, by your attorney, instantly compare speed, HEATON; HUNTINGTON Date: 3/26/2020 there may be other EFRON & EFRON, P.C. THE CENTER LINE OF on or before the 10th day of STATE OF INDIANA CANNON; LAZATHA NATIONAL BANK; and ANY Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk L. CANNON; NEW pricing, availability to find the Defendants who have an 5246 Hohman Ave, Fifth U.S. HIGHWAY #421, AND May, 2020, (the same being COUNTY OF MARION SS: best service for your needs. UNKNOWN PERSONS 04/03/20 interest in this lawsuit. If Floor RUNNING THENCE SOUTH, within thirty (30) days after 49C01-2003-PL-012404 CENTURY MORTGAGE CLAIMING AN INTEREST 04/10/20 CORPORATION; Starting at $39.99/month! you have a claim for relief Hammond, IN 46320 UPON AND ALONG SAID the Third Notice of Suit), and SJW PROPERTIES, LLC, Quickly compare offers from IN THE REAL ESTATE 04/17/20 against the Plaintiff arising (219) 931-5380 EAST LINE 98.142 FEET; if you fail to do so a judg- Plaintiff, CARRINGTON MORTGAGE DESCRIBED HEREIN, SERVICES, LLC; STATE top providers. Call 1-844- from the same transaction or Date: 3/25/2020 THENCE WEST 644.3 ment will be entered against v. 961-0666 Defendant(s). SUMMONS occurrence, you must assert Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk FEET TO A POINT WHICH you for what the Plaintiff has CLIFFORD WARREN OF INDIANA; and ANY SUMMONS BY it in your written answer. You 04/03/20 IS 569.242 FEET SOUTH demanded. LEWIS; DEPARTMENT UNKNOWN PERSONS PUBLICATION STATE OF INDIANA must answer the Complaint 04/10/20 OF THE NORTH LINE OF 03/27/20 OF BUSINESS & CLAIMING AN INTEREST health/MEDICAL THE STATE OF INDIANA TO COUNTY OF MARION SS: in writing, by your attorney, 04/17/20 SAID HALF QUARTER 04/03/20 NEIGHBORHOOD IN THE REAL ESTATE DEFENDANTS: MARION COUNTY DESCRIBED HEREIN, Struggling with DRUGS or on or before the 10th day of SECTION; THENCE NORTH 04/10/20 SERVICES; and ANY ALCOHOL? Addicted to You are notifi ed that you SUPERIOR COURT NO. 2 May, 2020, (the same being PARALLEL TO THE EAST Defendant(s). CAUSE NO. UNKNOWN PERSONS PILLS? Talk to someone who have been sued by the within thirty (30) days after SUMMONS LINE AFORESAID, 98.142 CLAIMING AN INTEREST SUMMONS BY entity/person identifi ed as 49D02-1904-PL-16714 SUMMONS PUBLICATION cares. Call The Addiction the Third Notice of Suit), and FEET; THENCE EAST AND IN THE REAL ESTATE Hope & Help Line for a free “Plaintiff” in the Court caption WILDWOOD FARMS if you fail to do so a judgment STATE OF INDIANA PARALLEL TO THE SOUTH DESCRIBED HEREIN, THE STATE OF INDIANA TO HOMEOWNERS STATE OF INDIANA DEFENDANTS: assessment. 888-331-1847 written above. The nature of will be entered against you COUNTY OF MARION SS: LINE HEREIN DESCRIBED COUNTY OF MARION SS: Defendant(s). the suit against you is stated ASSOCIATION, INC., for what the Plaintiff has 49C01-2003-PL-012393 644.3 FEET TO THE PLACE You are notifi ed that you Plaintiff, 49C01-2003-PL-012396 SUMMONS BY LIVE PAIN FREE with CBD in the Complaint to Quiet Title demanded. SJW PROPERTIES, LLC, OF BEGINNING. ALSO, PUBLICATION have been sued by the vs. SJW PROPERTIES, LLC, entity/person identifi ed as products from AceWellness. upon the real estate legally Matthew C. Gladwell (30493- Plaintiff, A STRIP OF GROUND Plaintiff, THE STATE OF INDIANA TO described as: MARIYA IGNATIYEVNA v. “Plaintiff” in the Court caption We guarantee highest qual- 49) 47.5 FEET IN WIDTH v. DEFENDANTS: ity, most competitive pricing Legal description: IVASHCHENKO as Joel F. Bornkamp (27410-49) BELINDA J. SANDERS; IMMEDIATELY ADJOINING You are notifi ed that you written above. The nature of TRUSTEE STOCKTON HERBERT L. NEUHAUSEL; the suit against you is stated on CBD products. Softgels, PLEASANT HILLS ADD 3RD Christopher J. Arlinghaus ADMINISTRATOR OF SAID ABOVE DESCRIBED DOROTHY A. NEUHAUSEL; have been sued by the SEC L103 FAMILY TRUST, and VETERANS AFFAIRS; in the Complaint to Quiet Title Oils, Skincare, Vape & more. (31680-15) REAL ESTATE, LIMITED and ANY UNKNOWN entity/person identifi ed as Coupon Code: PRINT20 Call Street address or common MORTGAGE GROUP USA, Gregory A. Stout (29517-15) CAPITAL ONE BANK BY THE NORTH AND “Plaintiff” in the Court caption upon the real estate legally INC., PERSONS CLAIMING AN described as: Now 833-226-3105 description: Amanda L. Krenson (28999- USA, NA; AMERICREDIT SOUTH LINES OF SAID INTEREST IN THE REAL written above. The nature of 7931 E 33RD ST, Defendants. ) 61) FINANCIAL SERVICES, REAL ESTATE EXTENDED the suit against you is stated Legal description: NOTICE OF SUIT ESTATE DESCRIBED NORTH EASTWOOD 6TH HELP WANTED drivers INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46226 Attorneys for Plaintiff INC.; NATIONAL CITY BANK WESTERLY. HEREIN, in the Complaint to Quiet Title Parcel: 7023944 The State of Indiana to the Reisenfeld & Associates nka PNC BANK, NA; and Commonly known as: 5110 upon the real estate legally SEC L669 Defendants above named, Defendant(s). Street address or common New Starting Base Pay - This summons by publication LLC ANY UNKNOWN PERSONS Hickory, Indianapolis, IN SUMMONS BY described as: is specifi cally directed and any other person who CLAIMING AN INTEREST description: .50 cpm w/ option to make 3962 Red Bank Road 46239 PUBLICATION Legal description: .60 cpm for Class A CDL to the following named may be concerned. Cincinnati, OH 45227 IN THE REAL ESTATE To the following Defendants BOSWELL & FLEMINGS 3716 N CELTIC DR, You are notifi ed that you THE STATE OF INDIANA TO INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46235 Flatbed Drivers, Excellent defendants(s): KIMBERLY Voice: (513) 322-7000 DESCRIBED HEREIN, whose whereabouts are DEFENDANTS: GRANDVIEW ADD 25FT RENE MCCLELLAN; have been sued in the Court Defendant(s). Parcel: 7028492 Benefits, Home Weekends, Facsimile: (513) 322-7099 known: NONE; You are notifi ed that you E SIDEL28 & 12.50FT SW Call 800-648-9915 or www. UNKNOWN HEIRS OF VIOLA above named. The nature ATTEST: SUMMONS BY To the following Defendants SIDE L31 This summons by publication of the suit against you is for have been sued by the is specifi cally directed M. HEATON; HUNTINGTON Clerk of the Marion County PUBLICATION whose whereabouts are not entity/person identifi ed as Street address or common NATIONAL BANK. In addition reducing past homeowner’s Superior Court THE STATE OF INDIANA TO known: DAVID J. WILLIAMS, description: to the following named association dues to “Plaintiff” in the Court caption defendants(s): UNKNOWN MEDICAL to the named defendant(s), 03/27/20 DEFENDANTS: STATE OF INDIANA written above. The nature of 2814 CARROLLTON AVE, there may be other potential judgment and foreclosing 04/03/20 You are notifi ed that you DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE, INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46205 HEIRS OF SHERMAN the Plaintiff’s lien upon the the suit against you is stated EUGENE CANNON; Attention: Oxygen Users! defendants who have an 04/10/20 have been sued by the MIDLAND FUNDING LLC, in the Complaint to Quiet Title Parcel: 1039130 interest in this lawsuit. property located at 3356 entity/person identifi ed as LAZATHA L. CANNON; NEW Gain freedom with a Portable SMS FINANCIAL 30, LLC, upon the real estate legally This summons by Oxygen Concentrator! No If any named defendant Blue Ash Lane, Indianapolis, “Plaintiff” in the Court caption PROGRESSIVE PALOVERDE publication is specifi cally CENTURY MORTGAGE IN 46239. described as: C O R P O R A T I O N ; more heavy tanks and refills! or potential defendant has SUMMONS written above. The nature of INSURANCE COMPANY, Legal description: directed to the following a claim for relief against This summons by publication the suit against you is stated CARRINGTON MORTGAGE Guaranteed Lowest Prices! PNC BANK NA, MARCELLA ROUNDTREE PARK 4TH named defendants(s): Call the Oxygen Concentra- plaintiff arising from plaintiff’s is specifi cally directed to the MDK # 19-027684 in the Complaint to Quiet Title TODD, MOLLY K BOWERS, CLIFFORD WARREN LEWIS; SERVICES, LLC; STATE following named Defendant SEC L81 OF INDIANA. In addition to tor Store: 866-770-6849 assertion of superior and STATE OF INDIANA) upon the real estate legally STATE FARM MUTUAL Street address or common DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS exclusive title to the real whose whereabouts are IN THE MARION SUPERIOR described as: AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE & NEIGHBORHOOD the named defendant(s), unknown and whose last description: there may be other potential MISCELANEOUS estate described above or COURT #5) SS: Legal description: COMPANY, GMAC 1713 TEMPERANCE AVE, SERVICES. In addition to if any named defendant known address was 8520 COUNTY OF MARION) COLE SUB CRESS ADD MORTGAGE LLC, NORA the named defendant(s), defendants who have an Allison Pointe Boulevard, INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46203 interest in this lawsuit. INVENTORS - FREE INFOR- or potential defendant CAUSE NO. 18FT E SIDE L4 22FT W PINES APARTMENTS BY Parcel: 1098618 there may be other potential controverts plaintiff’s request #410, Indianapolis, IN 46250: 49D05-1908-MF-035546 SIDE L5& PT VAC ALLEY N If any named defendant MATION PACKAGE Have MEDALLION MANAGEMENT This summons by publication defendants who have an your product idea developed to quiet title to the real estate Mortgage Group USA, Inc. Nationstar Mortgage LLC & ADJ AS MANAGING AGENT, interest in this lawsuit. or potential defendant has In addition to the above- is specifi cally directed a claim for relief against affordably by the Research described herein against the d/b/a Mr. Cooper Street address or common STALLARD & ASSOCIATES, to the following named If any named defendant entire world, you must assert named Defendant being Plaintiff, description: plaintiff arising from plaintiff’s & Development pros and INC., IMC CREDIT SERVICES, defendants(s): HERBERT L. or potential defendant has presented to manufactur- such a claim in a written served by this summons, vs. 1440 LAWTON AVE, VERNON GRAVES a claim for relief against assertion of superior and there may be other NEUHAUSEL; DOROTHY exclusive title to the real ers. Call 1-844-981-1824 for answer to be fi led with the The Unknown heirs, devisees, INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46203 LLC, DANA FENDLEY, A. NEUHAUSEL. In addition plaintiff arising from plaintiff’s court. To answer in writing, Defendants who have an legatees, benefi ciaries of Parcel: 1079634 estate described above or a Free Idea Starter Guide. MICHAEL HOWER, CITY to the named defendant(s), assertion of superior and Submit your idea for a free you or your attorney must interest in this lawsuit. Lois Holland, their unknown This summons by publication OF INDIANAPOLIS and the exclusive title to the real if any named defendant If you have a claim for relief there may be other potential or potential defendant consultation. fi le your written answer to creditors; and, the unknown is specifi cally directed unknown husbands, wives, defendants who have an estate described above or plaintiff’s complaint with the against the Plaintiff arising executor, administrator, or to the following named widows, widowers, surviving if any named defendant controverts plaintiff’s request from the same transaction interest in this lawsuit. to quiet title to the real estate NOTICES Clerk of the Marion Circuit/ personal representative of defendants(s): BELINDA J. spouses, heirs, legatees, If any named defendant or potential defendant Superior Court within thirty or occurrence, you must the Estate of Lois Holland, SANDERS; ADMINISTRATOR devisees, grantees, children, controverts plaintiff’s request described herein against the assert it in your written or potential defendant has entire world, you must assert DONATE YOUR CAR TO (30) days commencing the et al. OF VETERANS AFFAIRS; descendants, mortgagees, a claim for relief against to quiet title to the real estate day after the 3rd publication answer. You must answer Defendants. CAPITAL ONE BANK such a claim in a written CHARITY! FAST FREE PICK- creditors, administrators, plaintiff arising from plaintiff’s described herein against the UP-24 HR RESPONSE! Help date, and if you fail to do so, the Complaint in writing, by NOTICE OF SUIT USA, NA; AMERICREDIT executors, trustees, entire world, you must assert answer to be fi led with the you or your attorney, within assertion of superior and court. To answer in writing, Children in Need, Support judgment will be entered SUMMONS BY FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC.; receivers, guardians, exclusive title to the real such a claim in a written granting plaintiff’s request to thirty (30) days after the third PUBLICATION NATIONAL CITY BANK nka you or your attorney must Breast Cancer Education/ successors, assigns, if estate described above or answer to be fi led with the Prevention or Veterans. Tax quiet title to the described (3rd) and last Notice of Suit TO: The Unknown heirs, PNC BANK, NA. In addition deceased, of all persons court. To answer in writing, fi le your written answer to is published, and if you fail if any named defendant plaintiff’s complaint with the Deduction 844-820-9099 real estate. devisees, legatees, to the named defendant(s), above named, all persons, or potential defendant you or your attorney must Attorney for plaintiff: Date: to do so, a judgment will be benefi ciaries of Lois Holland, there may be other potential Clerk of the Marion Circuit/ associations, partnerships, controverts plaintiff’s request fi le your written answer to DONATE YOUR CAR TO 3/26/2020 entered against you for what their unknown creditors; defendants who have an partners, trustees, assigns, plaintiff’s complaint with the Superior Court within thirty the Plaintiff has demanded. to quiet title to the real estate (30) days commencing the UNITED BREAST CANCER James P. Driscoll, #28232- and, the unknown executor, interest in this lawsuit. representatives, successors, described herein against the Clerk of the Marion Circuit/ 64 /s/ Corey B. Baldwin administrator, or personal If any named defendant day after the 3rd publication FOUNDATION! Your dona- corporations, or claimants, entire world, you must assert Superior Court within thirty tion helps education, pre- EFRON & EFRON, P.C. Myla Robert D. Roache, II (6087- representative of the Estate or potential defendant has who assert any title to claim (30) days commencing the date, and if you fail to do so, 49) such a claim in a written judgment will be entered vention & support programs. A. Eldridge, of Lois Holland: a claim for relief against upon or interest in the real answer to be fi led with the day after the 3rd publication 5246 Hohman Ave, Fifth Corey Baldwin (31876-55) BE IT KNOWN, that plaintiff arising from plaintiff’s granting plaintiff’s request to FAST FREE PICKUP - 24 HR estate herein described, all court. To answer in writing, date, and if you fail to do so, RESPONSE - TAX DEDUC- Floor Marion County Clerk Attorneys for Plaintiff Nationstar Mortgage LLC assertion of superior and women once known by any judgment will be entered quiet title to the described ROACHE & ASSOCIATES you or your attorney must real estate. TION 1-844-268-1694 of Court d/b/a Mr. Cooper, the exclusive title to the real of the names or designations fi le your written answer to granting plaintiff’s request to Hammond, IN 46320 581 S. Rangeline Road, Suite above-named Plaintiff, by its estate described above or above stated, whose names quiet title to the described Attorney for plaintiff: A1 plaintiff’s complaint with the James P. Driscoll, #28232- SERVICES (219) 931-5380 attorney, Elyssa M. Meade, if any named defendant may have been changed Clerk of the Marion Circuit/ real estate. Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk Carmel, IN 46032-2149 has fi led in the offi ce of the or potential defendant and the names of all the Attorney for plaintiff: James 64 (317) 688-7082 Fax (317) Superior Court within thirty EFRON & EFRON, P.C. Denied Social Security Dis- 04/03/20 Clerk of the Marion Superior controverts plaintiff’s request spouses of persons above (30) days commencing the P. Driscoll, #28232-64 04/10/20 688-7086 Court #5 its Complaint to quiet title to the real estate 5246 Hohman Ave, Fifth ability? Appeal! If youíre 50+, named; described and day after the 3rd publication EFRON & EFRON, P.C. filed for SSD and denied, our 04/17/20 Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk against Defendant The described herein against the designated as defendants 5246 Hohman Ave, Fifth Floor 04/10/20 date, and if you fail to do so, Hammond, IN 46320 attorneys can help get you Unknown heirs, devisees, entire world, you must assert to this action who are judgment will be entered Floor 04/17/20 legatees, benefi ciaries of such a claim in a written (219) 931-5380 approved! No money out married and whose names granting plaintiff’s request to Hammond, IN 46320 of pockets! Call 1-855-995- 04/24/20 Lois Holland, their unknown answer to be fi led with the are unknown to Plaintiff, In (219) 931-5380 Date: 3/26/2020 quiet title to the described Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk 4758 creditors; and, the unknown court. To answer in writing, addition to the above named real estate. Date: 3/25/2020 executor, administrator, or you or your attorney must defendants being served by Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk 04/03/20 Attorney for plaintiff: 04/10/20 Need Help with Family Law? personal representative of fi le your written answer to this summons there may be James P. Driscoll, #28232- 04/03/20 SUMMONS the Estate of Lois Holland, plaintiff’s complaint with the 04/17/20 Can’t Afford a $5,000 Retain- other defendants who have 64 04/10/20 er? www.familycourtdirect. and the said Plaintiff having Clerk of the Marion Circuit/ an interest in this law suit. EFRON & EFRON, P.C. 04/17/20 STATE OF INDIANA also fi led in said Clerk’s offi ce Superior Court within thirty com/Family/Law - Low Cost If you have a claim for relief 5246 Hohman Ave, Fifth Legal Services - Pay As You COUNTY OF MARION SS: the affi davit of a competent (30) days commencing the against the plaintiff arising 49C01-2003-PL-012547 Floor Go - As low as $750-$1,500 person showing that the day after the 3rd publication from the same transaction or Hammond, IN 46320 SJW PROPERTIS, LLC, residence and whereabouts date, and if you fail to do so, - Get Legal Help Now! Call occurrence, you must assert (219) 931-5380 1-888-417-4602 Mon-Fri Plaintiff, of the Defendant, The judgment will be entered it in your written answer. v. Date: 3/25/2020 7am to 4 pm PCT Unknown heirs, devisees, granting plaintiff’s request to You must answer the Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk THEATRICE BROWN LIVING TRUST DATED 11/5/09; and legatees, benefi ciaries of quiet title to the described Complaint in writing, by you ANY UNKNOWN PERSONS CLAIMING AN INTEREST IN 04/03/20 Unable to work due to injury Lois Holland, their unknown real estate. or your attorney, on or before 04/10/20 THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED HEREIN, creditors; and, the unknown Attorney for plaintiff: or illness? Call Bill Gordon thirty (30) days after the Third 04/17/20 & Assoc., Social Security Defendant(s). executor, administrator, or James P. Driscoll, #28232- Published Notice of Suit, and SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION personal representative of 64 Disability Attorneys! FREE if you fail to do so a judgment Evaluation. Local Attorneys THE STATE OF INDIANA TO DEFENDANTS: the Estate of Lois Holland, EFRON & EFRON, P.C. will be entered against you You are notifi ed that you have been sued by the entity/person upon diligent inquiry is 5246 Hohman Ave, Fifth Nationwide 1-855-398-5075 for what the plaintiff has [Mail: 2420 N St NW, Wash- identifi ed as “Plaintiff” in the Court caption written above. The unknown, and that said Floor demanded. nature of the suit against you is stated in the Complaint to cause of action is for default Hammond, IN 46320 ington DC. Office: Broward The Name and Address of Co. FL (TX/NM Bar.)] Quiet Title upon the real estate legally described as: on the promissory note and (219) 931-5380 the Attorney Representing Legal description: to foreclose a mortgage on Date: 3/25/2020 the Plaintiff is: SANGSTER HARRISON & CO OAK HILL L8 B23 & 6.5FT N the following described real Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk Janet Davis Hocker WANTED TO BUY SIDE L7 & 6.5FT S SIDE L9 BLK 23 estate in Marion County, 04/03/20 HOCKER & ASSOCIATES, FREON R12 WANTED: We Street address or common description: State of Indiana, to wit: 04/10/20 LLC 2729 CAROLINE AVE, INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46218 Lot Numbered 209 in 04/17/20 pay CA$H for cylinders and Attorney for Plaintiff cans. R12 R500 R11 R113 Parcel: 1080345 Whitehall Commons, Section 6626 E. 75th St., Suite 410 This summons by publication is specifi cally directed to Four, an addition to the City R114. Convenient. Certified Indianapolis, IN 46250 Professionals. Call 312-313- the following named defendants(s): THEATRICE BROWN of Indianapolis, Indiana, as T: (317) 578-1630 LIVING TRUST DATED 11/5/09. In addition to the named per plat thereof, recorded 9840 or visit RefrigerantFind- F: (317) 849-1892 defendant(s), there may be other potential defendants who October 30, 1973 as E: Janet.Hocker@hockerlaw. have an interest in this lawsuit. Instrument No. 73-69780, in com If any named defendant or potential defendant has a claim the Offi ce of the Recorder of Marion County Clerk for relief against plaintiff arising from plaintiff’s assertion Marion County, Indiana. SEAL: of superior and exclusive title to the real estate described commonly known as 4710 Prepared By: above or if any named defendant or potential defendant Dorkin Court, Indianapolis, Janet Davis Hocker #17380- REAL ESTATE controverts plaintiff’s request to quiet title to the real estate IN 46254. 49 described herein against the entire world, you must assert NOW, THEREFORE, said Hocker & Associates, LLC such a claim in a written answer to be fi led with the court. To Defendant is hereby notifi ed 03/27/20 answer in writing, you or your attorney must fi le your written of the fi ling and pendency of 04/03/20 answer to plaintiff’s complaint with the Clerk of the Marion said Complaint against them 04/10/20 Hud Housing Circuit/Superior Court within thirty (30) days commencing the and that unless they appear day after the 3rd publication date, and if you fail to do so, and answer or otherwise Available judgment will be entered granting plaintiff’s request to quiet defend thereto within thirty title to the described real estate. (30) days after the last notice Studio’s & Attorney for plaintiff: Date:3/27/2020 of this action is published, James P. Driscoll, #28232-64 judgment by default may YOUR AD COULD BE HERE 1 Bedrooms EFRON & EFRON, P.C. 5246 Hohman Ave, Fifth Floor be entered against said Hammond, IN 46320 Defendant for the relief (219) 931-5380 demanded in the Complaint. 3475 Boulevard Myla A. Eldridge, Clerk 04/03/20 Dated Clerk, Marion Place 04/10/20 Superior Court #5 CALL 3179245143 04/17/20 03/27/20 317-925-0555 04/03/20 04/10/20 or 317-925-0069 FOR DETAILS TTY B Section Friday, April 10, 2020

Trump talks with US pro sports leaders to discuss virus By TIM REYNOLDS AP Basketball Writer

President Donald Trump talked to many U.S. pro sports leaders about the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, saying he was looking forward to the resumption of com- petitions “as soon as we can.” “I want fans back in the arenas,” Trump said later in a briefing at the White House. “I think it’s ... whenever we’re ready. As soon as we can, obviously. And the fans want to be back, too. They want to see basketball and baseball and football and hockey. They want to see their sports. They want to go out onto the golf courses and breathe nice, clean, beautiful fresh air.” A person with direct knowledge of the call said Trump believes the NFL season — scheduled to begin Sept. 10 — will start on time with fans in seats. But that seemed too optimistic for California Gov. Gavin News- om, who was asked if he thought the NFL season would start on time. “I’m not anticipating that happening in this state,” Newsom said. The NBA, NHL, NFL and Major League Baseball were all represented by their com- missioners — Adam Silver, Gary Bettman, Roger Goodell and Rob Manfred, respec- tively. None of those leagues released public comment. A second person with knowledge of the call said some commissioners, Silver included, stressed to Trump that they are working on multiple season-resumption plans but cau- tioned nothing can move forward without clearance from public health officials. The people spoke to AP on condition of anonym- ity because no discussion from the call was to be revealed publicly. Others on the call included PGA Tour Commissioner Jay Monahan, LPGA Tour Commissioner Mike Whan, Indianapo- lis Motor Speedway owner Roger Penske, Nick Westbrook UFC President Dana White, World Wres- tling Entertainment owner Vince McMahon, MLS Commissioner Don Garber, WNBA Pro day cancellations forcing Commissioner Cathy Englebert and Breed- ers’ Cup President Drew Fleming. National Women’s Soccer League Com- missioner Lisa Baird was not included in the changes to NFL draft process call, and that league was not pleased. “As a leader in women’s professional sports, the NWSL would welcome the chance to partici- By MICHAEL MAROT And those who competed in college all-star games pate in any future discussions between the AP Sports Writer but didn’t receive a combine invite, like Indiana top sports leagues in the U.S. and the White receiver Nick Westbrook, also have the advantage of House,” the league said. INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Bill Polian simplified the performing in front of scouts. Trump addressed Little League players NFL’s draft process years ago. Many others find themselves in limbo. April 4, tweeting to tell them, “hang in there! He studied film, relied on medical experts, checked “I just feel horrible for all these kids that aren’t com- We will get you back out on the fields, and the numbers and interviewed players. bine guys and put in all this work and now they’re just know that you will be playing baseball soon. With the flurry of pro days canceled because of the kind of stuck,” agent Ron Slavin said. We will get through this together, and bats new coronavirus, the Hall of Fame executive who con- The stories are endless. will be swinging before you know it.” structed multiple Super Bowl teams during his 32-year Slavin represents eight draft-eligible players, includ- Trump said the need for social distancing career believes it’s time for a return to his throwback ing Houston punter Dane Roy, who returned home to is affecting his 14-year-old son, Barron. The approach. Australia for his wedding before the school’s March 31 president described his son as a good athlete “Really all you need, and it’s especially true in a time workout was called off. Roy doesn’t know when he’ll be and soccer fan. like today, you need the game film, the physical exam, back in the U.S. “We have to get back,” Trump said. “We which may be difficult to get right now, and the mea- Westbrook was working out in Seattle — until the have to get back. Remember that. We have surables,” he told The Associated Press. “So if a player pandemic started shutting down the city. So the Indi- to get back and we have to get back soon.” has been to the combine, that’s all you really need. If ana receiver moved in with his parents in Florida but a player hasn’t been to the combine or is from a small has struggled to find a workout facility. school, then you’ve just got to go on the game film and Lehigh’s top receiver, Devon Bibbens, actually missed you’d be slightly less accurate. out on three pro days — two at Temple and one at SPORTS QUIZ “And the people who haven’t done it as long as I did By Ryan A. Berenz Delaware. He is back home in Pennsylvania, using his are probably a little discombobulated about that right old high school regimen to stay in shape. now.” 1. Gary Player, who in 1961 became the “I’m lucky enough that I have some equipment in Younger scouts, front-office executives and even my garage — dumbbells, a barbell, a pull-up bar, field first non-American golfer to win the Mas- coaches find themselves coping with a whole new draft ters, hailed from what country? equipment. My high school has a hill,” Bibbens said. process with Americans hunkering down and doctors “These are the workouts I did in high school, so getting 2. What organization, founded in 2017, is overwhelmed by the mounting cases of COVID-19. the global governing body for the sport of back to those things is honestly kind of fun.” Gone for the most part this year are access to in- Still, nothing can really replace missing time in front urban axe throwing? person interviews, on-campus workouts and visits to 3. What NCAA Division I men’s hockey of NFL scouts. So coaches are pitching in. team headquarters. Also gone are some of the num- Illinois was one of the few major schools to conduct team holds the record for consecutive bers garnered at pro days that decision-makers like to Frozen Four appearances with 10 from a pro day before travel restrictions were imposed, so crunch as they become increasingly reliant on ad- coach Lovie Smith has spent his days responding to 1948-57? vanced metrics. 4. In August 2019, Golden State War- follow-up questions. That combination has forced everyone to rethink At Georgia, coach Kirby Smart said he’s been con- riors executive Jonnie West — son of NBA how they do business. legend Jerry West — married what LPGA tacted personally by five NFL teams and answers text - Zoom and Skype meetings have become common- messages daily in an effort to help his players, espe- Tour golfer? place. 5. Beginning in the fall of 1946, Major cially those under the radar. - Draft prospects are offering to send homemade “The guys that didn’t get to go to the combine that League Baseball great Jackie Robinson videos of workouts and drills to NFL teams. played for what short-lived professional are really football players, I worry for them, for their - Some college coaches are making a more concerted sake,” Smart said. “You feel good when you go out there basketball team? effort to sell the players who didn’t get a chance to 6. Film and TV production company and you go perform, whether you perform good or bad, work out in front of NFL scouts. you feel good that you got your opportunity.” SpringHill Entertainment — whose credits - Even agents find themselves playing new roles. include “Survivor’s Remorse” and “Cleve- It’s not just the football component that disappoints “I feel like more of a mental health counselor than players, it’s the uncertainty. land Hustles” — was founded by Maverick ever before because some of these kids have been so Carter and what NBA star? “Not knowing what’s going to happen and even if the stressed out to not have the opportunity to showcase draft takes place on time, whether the minicamps start 7. What Chicago Bears player ran for a what they’ve worked for their whole life,” said David 1-yard touchdown in the 3rd quarter of the up and all those unknowns is probably the hardest Moreno, who represents about 10 pro prospects. thing to deal with right now,” Westbrook said. Bears’ 46-10 win over the New England Everybody agrees that top-tier players such as Heis- Patriots in Super Bowl XX? But Polian has a reassuring message for borderline man Trophy winner Joe Burrow of LSU or defensive prospects: NFL teams have been unearthing talent for end Chase Young of Ohio State won’t be hurt by the Answers decades — many years with no combine and no pro cancellations. They did enough in their college careers days. 1. South Africa. — and it’s all on tape. Plus, they met with team officials 2. The World Axe Throwing League “That’s why we have scouts,” he said. “They’ve seen and went through the medical checks at the NFL’s an- the player up close and personal and can do a pretty (WATL). nual scouting combine in Indianapolis. 3. The University of Michigan Wolverines. good assessment of all the measurables and the physi- Some players with medical concerns, such as Ala- cal. If they need additional information, I’m sure the 4. Michelle Wie. bama’s Tua Tagovailoa, the 2018 Heisman Trophy 5. The Los Angeles Red Devils. school will give it to them. ... If you have good scouts, runner-up, or Colorado receiver Laviska Shenault Jr. you’re in great shape.” 6. LeBron James. probably won’t see a precipitous drop in their stock 7. William “The Refrigerator” Perry. either. (c) 2020 King Features Syndicate, Inc.