
1 Axiomatic Systems

1.1 Features of Axiomatic Systems

One motivation for developing axiomatic systems is to determine precisely which prop erties

of certain ob jects can b e deduced from which other prop erties. The goal is to cho ose a

certain fundamental of prop erties the axioms  from which the other prop erties of the

ob jects can b e deduced e.g., as . Apart from the prop erties given in the axioms,

the ob jects are regarded as unde ned.

As a p owerful consequence, once you haveshown that any particular collection of ob jects

satis es the axioms however unintuitive or at variance with your preconceived notions these

objects may be, without any additional e ort you may immediately conclude that all the

theorems must also b e true for these ob jects.

Wewanttocho ose our axioms wisely. Wedonotwant them to lead to contradictions;

i.e., wewant the axioms to b e consistent. We also strive for economy and wanttoavoid

redundancy|not assuming any axiom that can b e proved from the others; i.e., wewantthe

to b e independent.Finally,wemaywishtoinsistthatwebeabletoprove

or disproveany statement ab out our ob jects from the axioms alone. If this is the case, we

say that the axiomatic system is complete.

We can verify that an axiomatic system is consistentby nding a model for the axioms|a

choice of ob jects that satisfy the axioms.

We can verify that a sp eci ed axiom is indep endent of the others by ndingtwo mo dels|one

for which all of the axioms hold, and another for which the sp eci ed axiom is false but the

other axioms are true.

We can verify that an axiomatic system is complete by showing that there is essentially only

one mo del for it all mo dels are isomorphic ; i.e., that the system is categorical.

Reference: Kay, Section 2.2. 1

1.2 Examples

Let's lo ok at three examples of axiomatic systems for a collection of committees selected

from a set of p eople. In each case, determine whether the axiomatic system is consistentor

inconsistent. If it is consistent, determine whether the system is indep endent or redundant,

complete or incomplete.

1. a There is a nite numb er of p eople.

b Each committee consists of exactly two p eople.

c Exactly one p erson is on an o dd numb er of committees. 2

2. a There is a nite numb er of p eople.

b Each committee consists of exactly two p eople.

c No p erson serves on more than two committees.

d The numb er of p eople who serve on exactly one committeeiseven. 3

3. a Each committee consists exactly two p eople.

b There are exactly six committees.

c Each p erson serves on exactly three committees. 4

1.3 Kirkman's Scho olgirl Problem

Consider the following axiomatic system for p oints and lines, where lines are certain

of p oints, but otherwise p oints and lines are unde ned.

 Given anytwo distinct p oints, there is exactly one containing b oth of them.

 Given anytwo distinct lines, they intersect in a single p oint.

 There exist four p oints, no three of which are contained in a common line.

 The total numb er of p oints is nite.

1. Try to come up with some mo dels for this axiomatic system.

2. Find a mo del containing exactly 15 p oints.

3. Solve the following famous puzzle prop osed byT.P. Kirkman in 1847:

A school-mistress is in the habit of taking her girls for a daily walk. The girls

are fteen in number, and are arrangedin verows of threeeach, so that

each girl might have two companions. The problem is to dispose them so that

for seven consecutive days no girl wil l walk with any of her school-fel lows in

any triplet more than once. 5

1.4 Finite Pro jective Planes

The axioms describ ed in the previous section de ne structures called nite projective planes.I

have a game called Con gurations that is designed to intro duce the players to the existence,

construction, and prop erties of nite pro jective planes. When I checked in August 1997

the game was available from WFF 'N Learning Games Asso ciates, 1490 South

Boulevard, Ann Arb or, MI 48104, phone: 313 665-2269, fax: 313 764-9339, for a cost of


Here are examples of some problems from this game:

1. In eachbox b elowwriteanumb er from 1 to 7, sub ject to the two rules: 1 The three

numb ers in each column must b e di erent; 2 the same pair of numb ers must not

occurintwo di erent columns.

Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 Col 5 Col 6 Col 7



Row3 6

2. Use the solution to the ab ove problem to lab el the seven p oints of the following diagram

with the numb ers 1 through 7 so that the columns of the ab ove problem corresp ond

to the triples of p oints in the diagram b elow that lie on a common line or .

This is called the Fano . 7