Hastings Country Park Nature Reserve Biodiversity Review 2013 A review of the last ten years of nature conservation at Hastings Country Park Nature Reserve. Andy Phillips April 2013 Flat 5, 21 West Hill Road, St Leonards On Sea, East Sussex TN38 0NA •
[email protected] Table of Contents Foreword iii 1. Summary 1 1.1. Purpose of the Biodiversity Report 1 1.2. Report Summary 1 2. Introduction 2 2.1. Hastings Country Park Nature Reserve 2 2.2. Biodiversity Overview 2 2.2.1. Soft rock cliff 2 2.2.2. Maritime heath and grassland 3 2.2.3. Semi-natural neutral grassland and meadow 3 2.2.4. Ancient gill woodland 4 3. Biodiversity Surveys 5 3.1. List of Surveys 5 3.1.1. Invertebrates 5 3.1.2. Botanical 6 3.1.3. Birds 6 3.1.4. Dormouse 7 3.2. Proposed Future Survey Programme 8 4. Habitats 9 4.1. Maritime Cliff 9 4.1.1. Cathormiocerus myrmecophilus conservation 9 Andy Phillips Hastings Country Park Nature Reserve Biodiversity Review 2013 i 4.2. Maritime Heath 10 4.3. Ancient Gill Woodland 11 4.4. Semi-natural Grassland 11 4.5. Arable Farmland 13 5. Species 14 5.1. Birds 14 5.2. Plants 25 5.2.1. Heathland habitat monitoring 25 5.2.2. Semi-natural grassland & arable margins. 27 5.3. Invertebrates 30 5.3.1. Species Accounts 36 5.4 Dormouse 39 6. Assessment & Future Management 40 6.1. Maritime Cliff 40 6.2. Maritime Heath 40 6.3. Ancient Gill Woodland 41 6.4.