Walter Heller and the Introduction of Human Capital Theory into Education Policy Jeff Biddle Dept. Of Economics Michigan State University
[email protected] Laura Holden College of Education Michigan State University
[email protected] November 2014 Abstract Prior to 1958, there was no such thing as “human capital theory” in economics, much less in the discussion of education policy. Within five years, there was an active theoretical and empirical human capital research program in economics. Over the same short period, the new idea of public spending on education as a form of investment with a demonstrably high rate of return and the capacity to contribute to the achievement of important national goals was enthusiastically communicated to the public by opinion leaders, policy makers, and even a President. This paper aims to shed light on why the human capital idea so rapidly came to influence education policy: the human capital idea implied policies promoting education could advance goals – first faster economic growth, then poverty reduction -- that circumstances pushed to the top of the nation’s policy agenda during the period of human capital theory’s initial development; and an advocate of the theory who could persuasively explain the logic and the emerging empirical evidence linking education to those goals moved into a position of power and influence. We also argue that this episode is that it marks the beginning of, and was a contributing factor to, a profound transformation of the public discourse surrounding education policy in the United States. 1 “I propose to treat education as an investment in man and to treat its consequences as a form of capital.