La Follette Policy Report ROBERT M. LA FOLLETTE SCHOOL OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS VOLUME 12, NUMBER 2, FALL–WINTER 2001–02 DIRECTOR’S PERSPECTIVE Economic Development: The Role of The events of September 11 deeply affected all of us at State and Local Government in Wisconsin La Follette as they did every- one. Faculty, staff, and students by Stephen Malpezzi gathered quickly around televi- sions that morning, standing in Professor Malpezzi is an associate professor and Wangard Faculty Scholar in the Department stunned silence as events un- of Real Estate and Urban Land Economics of the School of Business, as well as an associate folded. Our collective grief and member of the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, of the University of Wisconsin– dismay grew throughout that Madison. The following article is based on a study the author prepared for the Governor’s day and in the ensuing weeks. Blue-Ribbon Commission on State and Local Government Partnerships, chaired by Professor A standing-room-only im- Donald Kettl (see References, acknowledgments, and support- promptu seminar took place ing data are available from the author at
[email protected]. soon after the tragedy, in which students, faculty, and staff— with a wide range of interna- he recent softening of the U.S. and fits, economic development. Economic tional expertise and experi- TWisconsin economies, preceding development, broadly and appropriately ence—shared their thoughts but exacerbated by the economic fall- construed, translates into improved and concerns, insights and un- out from September’s terrorist attacks, standards of living and well-being for derstanding.