San Jose Stamp Club APS Chapter 0264-025791 Founded 1927, Club show since 1928 July 2020 ________________________________________________________________________________ 2020 Club Officers* President Managing during the Quarantine *Brian Jones ……………….. 408 300 3377
[email protected] We have been in quarantine for 3 months. The last physical meeting the club had was March 4, which included a nice presentation by Peter Vice President *David Occhipinti ………… 408 723 0122 Adams about EFO’s. There were no meetings in April or May. What are some of the changes that have been implemented to keep the club Secretary functioning during the forced quarantine. If you have any ideas, speak *Stan Flowerdew ………….. 408 378 5550 up. Everybody’s input is appreciated.
[email protected] Treasurer/Webmaster/Newsletter Brian has done an excellent job keeping in touch with members. He call *Jim Steinwinder ……..….. 408 644 4090 members on a regular basis, checking to make sure everybody is OK and
[email protected] getting input on various ideas he is thinking about to help the club get Blog thru this quarantine. While we may not be able to meet in person it is Ron Biell ………..….……. 408 323 8702 still important to get input from all the members. It is after all a social
[email protected] club first and a stamp club second. _______________________________________ Filatelic Fiesta 2020 Canceled To replace physical meetings the club has gotten a 1 year subscription for Chairman Brian Jones …….…..…….. 408 300 3377 ZOOM. This is to be able to host a meeting. The client software which
[email protected] is what is required to sign in to a meeting is free.