Max Weber Programme Max Weber Programme European University Institute Villa La Fonte, Via delle Fontanelle 10 50014 San Domenico di Fiesole, Italy Email:
[email protected] Annual Report Academic Year 2006-2007 “Given the goals of the Max Weber Programme of emphasizing interdisciplinarity, one of the most gratifying experiences has been to learn so much about other disciplines. Many hours of formal and informal learning have paid off as I have opened my eyes to other perspectives and approaches.” Mariely López-Santana, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, George Mason University, Washington DC, USA, Max Weber Fellow 2006-2007 “My first year at the EUI has been positive: for the first time I had an office, some funds for traveling, I could use photocopiers and printers, electronic databases without either struggling for a desk or with nine-to-five office hours… and in what a wonderful environment! The EUI Library had everything I had desired for ages, open shelves, journals and books in both the history of Central and Eastern Europe and economic history.” Valentina Fava, Department of History and Civilization, EUI, Max Weber Fellow 2006-2008 “The first year of my Max Weber fellowship has proved very fruitful for my research. I enjoyed all the opportunities to discuss my research ideas with my peers at the Max Weber Programme in the magnificent setting of Villa La Fonte and to hear valuable, and sometimes critical, comments from members of the Law Department.” Roman Petrov, Law Department, EUI, Max Weber Fellow 2006-2008 “The EUI has allowed me to enlarge my aims and gain a wider vision of the world.