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THE VOICE OF THE UNION April b May 2016 California Volume 69, Number 4 CALIFORNIA TeacherFEDERATION OF TEACHERS, AFT, AFL-CIO STRIKE! On the streets of San Francisco for justice PAGE 8 Extend benefits Vote June 7! A century of of Prop. 30 Primary Election workers’ rights Fall ballot measure opportunity Kamala Harris for U.S. Senate Snapshot: 100 years of the AFT PAGE 3 PAGE 5 PAGE 7 California In this issue All-Union News 03 Community College 14 Teacher Pre-K/K-12 12 University 15 Classified 13 Local Wire 16 UpFront Joshua Pechthalt, CFT President Election 2016: Americans have shown they that are ready for populist change here is a lot at stake in this com- But we must not confuse our elec- message calling out the irresponsibil- Ting November election. Not only toral work with our community build- ity of corporate America. If we build will we elect a president and therefore ing work. The social movements that a real progressive movement in this shape the Supreme Court for years to emerged in the 1930s and 1960s weren’t country, we could attract many of the Ultimately, our job come, but we also have a key U.S. sen- tied to mainstream electoral efforts. Trump supporters. ate race, a vital state ballot measure to Rather, they shaped them and gave In California, we have changed is to build the social extend Proposition 30, and important rise to new initiatives that changed the the political narrative by recharging state and local legislative races. political landscape. Ultimately, our job the labor movement, building ties movements that keep While I have been and continue is to build the social movements that to community organizations, and elected leaders to be a Bernie supporter, I believe keep elected leaders moving in a more expanding the electorate. Our efforts the priority in this election is get- progressive direction. four years ago to pass the Millionaires moving in a more ting a Democrat elected to the White Labor must play a decisive role in Tax led to enactment of Proposition progressive direction. House. Those who argue that we are that. Whether regarding income in- 30 and sea changes for education lining up with the corporate-friendly equality, anti-racist funding and the policies of the Democrats miss the policies including economy. Now we point. The policies of the Democrats prison and polic- Prop 30 works! have to work to are far better than the reactionary ing reform, climate pass an extension policies of the Republican Party — change, an anti-interventionist for- of Prop. 30, a more progressive ballot not as good as those under a Social eign policy, high-quality public edu- measure than the original. Democratic president like Sanders cation including free or affordable Whether it is electing a Democratic would be — but better. higher education, the labor move- president, renewing Proposition 30, If Donald Trump is the Republican ment must provide leadership in or electing Kamala Harris to be our nominee, the task of progressives and deepening and expanding this work. next U.S. senator, we won’t be sitting liberals will be to ensure he is over- The good news is that the Sanders on the sidelines. We can be proud whelmingly defeated. A third party ef- campaign and even the success of that CFT members always turn out fort, whether it be Bernie or the Green the Trump candidacy, show that a to vote in high numbers. Our work Party, that could hand over the White majority of Americans are ready for together in the coming weeks and House to Trump is politically irrespon- something different. They are dis- months will help shape this state and sible. We only have to look at the failed satisfied with the status quo and have country for generations to come. effort of Ralph Nader and election of responded to a populist message George W. Bush in 2000 to be remind- from the left and the right. We must ed of the disastrous consequences. continue to build upon the Sanders’ ON THE COVER The California Federation of Teachers is an affiliate CaliforniaTeacher (ISSN 0410-3556) is published Direct letters or other editorial submissions to the < of the American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO. The four times a year in September/October, November/ editor. Letters must not exceed 200 words and must What led to this one-day strike? CFT represents faculty and classified workers in public December, February/March and April/May by the include your name, address, and phone number. Letters Faculty members at City College of and private schools and colleges, from early childhood California Federation of Teachers, 2550 N. Hollywood will be edited for clarity and length. Way, Suite 400, Burbank, CA 91505, and mailed to all San Francisco have been working through higher education. The CFT is committed to EDITORIAL OFFICE raising the standards of the profession and to securing CFT members and agency fee payers. Annual subscription without a contract, are making about California Federation of Teachers, 1330 Broadway, 3.5 percent less than they did in the conditions essential to provide the best service to price: $3 (included in membership dues). For others: Suite 1601, Oakland, California 94612 2007, were threatened with loss of California’s students. $10 per year. Periodicals postage paid at Burbank and Telephone 510-523-5238 Fax 510-523-5262 additional mailing offices. accreditation and watched student PRESIDENT Joshua Pechthalt Email [email protected] enrollment plummet, and now the SECRETARY TREASURER Jeffery M. Freitas Postmaster: Send address corrections to California Publications Director and Editor Jane Hundertmark Teacher, 2550 N. Hollywood Way, Suite 400, Burbank, administration wants to cut classes by SENIOR VICE-PRESIDENT L. Lacy Barnes Contributors this issue: David Bacon, Iván Carillo, 26 percent over the next few years. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Cathy Campbell, Alex Caputo- CA 91505. Erin Conley, Fred Glass, Emily Gordon, Elaine Johnson, Pearl, Robert Chacanaca, Linda Chan, Kimberly Claytor, California Teacher is a member of the International Jim Mahler, Joshua Pechthalt, Paula A. Phillips, Mindy PHOTO BY SHARON BEALS Melinda Dart, Betty Forrester, Ray Gaer, Miki Goral, Labor Communications Association and the AFT Com- Pines, Ron Rapp, Jill Rice, Bob Samuels, Rico Tamayo, Kathy Jasper, Dennis Kelly,Tim Killikelly, Jim Mahler, municators Network. It is printed by union workers at Jessica Ulstad, Steve Weingarten, Emily Wilson Elaine Merriweather, David Mielke, Dean Murakami, Pacific Standard Press in Sacramento using soy-based Graphic Design Kajun Design, Graphic Artists Guild John Perez, Paula A. Phillips, Francisco Rodriguez, inks on Forest Stewardship Council-certified paper that Bob Samuels, Linda Sneed, Luukia Smith, Rico Tamayo, contains 10 percent post-consumer recycled content. Joanne Waddell, Carl Williams, Kent Wong, David Yancey ® 977-M Cert no. SW-COC-001530 cft.org CFT @CFTunion IBT 853 2 CALIFORNIA TEACHER APRIL/MAY 2016 around the union… Faculty at City College of San Francisco won community support for their April 27 strike. All-Union News General Election 2016 Prop. 30 extension qualifies for November election Campaign to keep public education funded kicks into high gear N O ON MAY 11, a coalition of unions LS increase in the sales tax, and the other R and community groups announced CA $6 billion dollars originates in three EY that it had submitted more than CAS tiers of 1, 2, and 3 percent bumps on Y S E a million signatures to place the T taxpayers making $250,000, $300,000 R U O “California Children’s Education C and $500,000 per year. This made it and Health Care Protection Act” on an overwhelmingly progressive tax, the November ballot to continue the with the regressive portion — funding benefits of Proposition 30. the sales tax — expiring at The new statewide ballot measure the end of this year. Without asks voters to extend the more pro- an extension, the tax on the gressive income taxes for the wealthi- wealthy ends in 2018. est 2 percent of Californians, and “Thanks to Prop. 30, we drop the modest sales tax that is part have begun to restore the pro- of the original Prop. 30. The measure grams and positions lost to the Great Surrounded by AFT members on will extend the tax on the wealthy for the Monterey Bay Labor Council, Recession,” says CFT President Joshua the next 12 years. state Sen. Bill Monning signs on for Pechthalt. “Without asking million- Proposition 30, a temporary tax extending Proposition 30. aires to pay a little more so that all of passed by California’s voters in 2012 us can benefit, education will return by a 55-45 margin, has been a game to the devastating years of layoffs and tuition increases. We cannot afford to Poll says voters favor extending Prop. 30 changer for public education and the let Prop. 30 expire.” state’s public sector, pumping $7 to ON APRIL 20, the Public Policy Institute of California released the results of its CFT is partnering with the CTA, poll, reporting that most Californians say state funding for their local public schools $8 billion per year into state coffers SEIU, and other unions to pass the is inadequate and most favor an extension of the Proposition 30 tax increase on from two sources. extension this November. higher incomes, as well as a bond measure to pay for school construction projects. About a billion dollars comes in >Learn more at protectingca.org from a one quarter of one percent and cft.org. — By CFT Staff The California Children’s Education and Health Care Protection Act Temporarily Only affects the top Updates Reduces Hires Provides up to $2