DIRECTOR~.) . BARNET, 39 • Burgess John, farmer, May's lane . • Farrow William Charles, tobacconist, 46 High street Bouow• James, dairyman, 42 Uni{)n stree~ Fielder Mabel (Miss), costumier, 9 Strafford road Butcher M. & Son, florists, 109 High street • Finch Charles E. k Son, painters, 4 Salisbury road Byfield & Son, solicitors, 12 High street. T N 42 Fire -Brigade (Urban District Couneil) (W, J. Ridgway, · Byfield George Dickinson (firm, Byfield & Son), solicitor, captain), High street l &; clerk to the Barnet & ;Rural District Fitzgerald Henry, mechanical engineer, New road Council& & to Barnet Sub-Committee of Herts Local Flashman & Son, builders & deoorators, I3 New· road Pension Committee, 12 High street. T N 42 Flecknoe William, tailor, 20 Union street · Carrick, Davies & Partners Ltd. coal mers. 88b, High st Fort W. R. laundry, 3 New road Carter Henry James, butcher, 14S High street · Foster Walter Thomas, carpenter, Bells hill Challen George Alien, Old Red Lion P .H. Underbill Fowler Mabel (Miss), Green Man P.·H. 143 High stree~ Chancellor William Bartlett, surveyor to the Urban Dis- Francis Brothe~·s .Limited, eller, 198 High street George Ruth (Miss), confectioner, see Steele & George . Collis George, shopkeeper, 53 Puller road Gibson Annie (Miss), dress maker. 6r High stl'ee~ · lding Grace (Miss ),private schl.Ripley ho. 'J.';he Avenue Cooper Reginald Brodie, solicitor & commissioner for Graham Agnes (Mrs.), confectioner, 39 High street oaths, Highcroft, Wood street Gransby Arthur Da\"id, farmer, Rowley Grn. frm. _\.rkley Cooper Squad.-Sergt.-Major ·William, drill instructor to Graves Gt>org-P, sewing machine agent, 232 High street D Squadron Herts Yeomanry Territorial Force, 51 Griffiths Emily &; 'Elizh. (Misses), hosiers, 120 High st Sali~tbury road Griffiths John, dairyman, Elm' farm, Coote &; Warren. Limited, coal merchant-s, 38 High st. Hall H. & Co. hardware dealers, IIJ & 119 High street &; Railway station · Hanchl't Wm.G. mon. masons,r South view,West End la Coppin Samuel, boot & shoe maker, I 14 High street Hancock ~Iaude (Mrs.), Willington P.H. 141 High st Oonnty Court (His Honor James .A.loysius Scully, judge; Hardie Charles Frederick M.A., M.B., B.C.Camb., William Osborn Boyes LL.D. registrar & high bailiff), M.R.O.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lo~d. physician (firm,Stewart, Union street Hardie & Hu!!hes), medical officer of health to Earnet igg William, boot repairer, 8o Strafford road . to the Barnet Urban District Council IsolationHospital, · ad Harrison Edmund J. architect, 4 Bedford avenue de Rivaz Francis John, dairyman, 36 High street Haskell Frank &; Son, boot makers, 1a, Church passage de Vos Charles, Albion P.H. 6o Union street Hathaway Frederick, boot maker, 5 Calvert road · Dental (The) Manufacturing Co. Limited, dental instru- Hawkins Henry &; Sons, gasfitters, 12 New road ment makers, Alston works, Alston road 'Hawkim John, printer, 2{0 High street · Dewdney Leonard, organist to parish chu.rch,Io Wood ~