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Sir Walter Scott : Rob Roy: Illustrated before purchasing it in order to gage whether or not it would be worth my time, and all praised Rob Roy: Illustrated:

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Wonderful!By Michael TozerI picked up "Rob Roy" after first finishing Sir Walter Scott's immortal novel, "". The latter was perhaps the most entertaining and inspiring novel I've ever read. "Rob Roy" did not quite measure up to "Ivanhoe", in my view. But it is a splendid novel, nonetheless.The plot concerns a young heir to a huge London business fortune, Francis Osbaldistone, becoming caught up in the romance and intrigue of the Jacobite uprising of 1715 in Northern England and Scotland. Francis shows little joy for the idea that he should inherit his father's prosperous business and career. His father, in disappointment, dispatches him to the North, with word to his Uncle that the first cousin, Rashleigh, should be considered the replacement for Francis in the proffered business career. There, at the Uncle's estate, Francis meets for the first time both his cousins, including this Rashleigh, and the enigmatic Diane Vernon, a beautiful, mysterious, athletic, and profoundly capable young women. Along the way, he encounters the strong, silent Mr. Campbell, who turns out to be the title character, Rob Roy. With this, we see one of Sir Walter Scott's evidently preferred approaches: he introduces his hero in disguise. This he did in "Ivanhoe" both with the title character and with Richard, the Lion-heart.But the character of perhaps even more interest than Rob Roy is this Diane Vernon. As another reviewer has opined, she emerges as perhaps one of the most interesting female characters in English literature. In this, she resembles strongly Scott's rendering of the Jewish damsel, Rebecca of York, in "Ivanhoe". Like Rebecca, Diane is both achingly beautiful and wonderfully spirited. Also like Rebecca, she is a proud member of a despised minority group: Rebecca being a Jew and Diane being a Catholic, in an England that was then staunchley, if only officially, anti-Catholic.Diane's faith, of course, also provides something of a backdrop for the political intrigue of the novel. The Jacobite uprising was an attempt to return James II, the last Catholic King of England, to the throne. And we see in Scott's beautiful and detailed description of England and Scotland in this period both the profound prejudice under which Catholics then labored in these lands and the steadfast devotion to their faith that these folks evidently lived, albeit somewhat on the sly.The book is excellent and hugely entertaining. It is not in any way to be confused with the ridiculous and insulting Hollywood movie made not long ago with Liam Neeson in the title role. In fact, the only thing that the book and movie share is the title. Scott's novel, here reviewed, is a rousing and wonderful tale of high adventure, intrigue, and beautiful, though subtley sweet, romance. We recommend it highly. Enjoy!0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Rob Roy the Robin Hood of Scotland is chronicled in this novel in th Waverly Series by Sir Walter ScottBy C. M MillsRoy Roy was published to wide sales in 1817. Sir Walter Scott (117-1832)had already won fame through his novel "Waverly" amd ballad poems such as "The Lady and The Lake" and "Marmion." Scott turned to fiction when his poetry took a backseat to the new works being produced by such Romantics as and Shelly. Roy Roy is a 500 page novel set in the 1715 time when the young Stuart Pretender ivaded England in a futile attempt to cast aside Hanoverian dynatsy monarch George I restoring Catholic rule to Great Britain. Scotalnd and England had been united as Great Britain in 1707 but hostilities on both sides of the Tweed were still manifest. The story deals with young Francis Olbaldistone scion of a wealthy merchant. Frank finds this work dull and sest northward for adventure and fortune. He stays at the oome of his Catholic uncle meeting several dissolute, hunting and boozing cousins. While at the estate he falls in love with the Roman Catholic Diana Vernon. The book deals with Francis becoming aquainted with Rob Roy McGregor, his formidable wife Margaret and their family who engage in cattle rustling and harassing the Protestant and Lowland Scotch. The intricate plot features a greedy and evil cousin Lashleigh who seeks to trick Frank's father out of his business money and win Diana as a lover. The book is resolved when Lasheligh is defeated and Diana weds Frank. Rob Roy does not appear until page 247 halfway though the novel. Frank and Diane are stick figures.Comic characters such as Andrew Fairchild provide humor. Rob Roy is based on thge real life exploits of a Scottish historical figure. Rob Roy has realtively little action, contains hard to understand Scottish dialect and is slow moving in resolving the complicated plot. Parts of the story read like a Scottish tour guide. The book is memorable for Scott's introduction of the proud Highland culture to their neighbors to the south and in interesting male readers in adventure stories. Scott is the pioneer of the historical novel for which he will always hold a place in literary history. This Penguin Edition has no footnotes at the back of the volume or an introduction by a modern literary scholar. It must have been published prior to Penguin's fine new series of Scott reprints based on the distinguished Scholary Edition. Also, the volume lacks a chronology of Scott's career. Sir Walter Scott is a tough go for modern eyes but is worth the read for his insight into Scottish life and ability to weave a story.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. PLEASE READBy Sherry RudolphYou can not beat the classics, I encourage everyone to read as many of the old authors as possible .You can go anywhere ,and learn all kinds of things about the whole world if you just pick up a book. Let your imagination and your heart be your guides. Spend a few days in Old Scotland with Sir Walter and ROB ROY and youmay decide you would like to go back and meet WILLIAM WALLACE!

Rob Roy is a historical novel written by Sir Walter Scott. The action is narrated by an Englishman who travels to the Scottish Highlands. This popular book was adapted into a movie in 1995 that starred Liam Neeson. When Frank Obaldistone is sent, disinherited and in disgrace, to live with his uncle, Sir Hildebrand, he meets and falls in love with the beautiful Diana Vernon. But, when his cousin Rashleigh steals documents that are vital to his fatherrsquo;s livelihood and reputation, Frank has no choice but to pursue him to restore his fatherrsquo;s honour and his familyrsquo;s good name. Along the way, Frank crosses paths with the legendary Rob Roymdash;an infamous Scottish folk hero who has information of benefit to Frank and his family. Set against the backdrop of the 1715 Jacobite Rising in Scotland, Sir Walter Scottrsquo;s Rob Roy is both an epic tale of adventure and romance, and a realistic reflection of the brutal living and social conditions present in Scotland during the early eighteenth century.

.com This novel, first published in 1817, achieved a huge success and helped establish the historical novel as a literary form. In rich prose and vivid description, Rob Roy follows the adventures of a businessman's son, Frank Osbaldistone, who is sent to Scotland and finds himself drawn to the powerful, enigmatic figure of Rob Roy MacGregor, the romantic outlaw who fights for justice and dignity for the Scots. This is an incomparable portrait of the haunted Highlands and Scotland's glorious past. "When I think of "Rob Roy I am impatient with all other novels."--Robert Louis Stevenson"When I think of "Rob Roy" I am impatient with all other novels."--Robert Louis StevensonFrom the PublisherFounded in 1906 by J.M. Dent, the Everyman Library has always tried to make the best books ever written available to the greatest number of people at the lowest possible price. Unique editorial features that help Everyman Paperback Classics stand out from the crowd include: a leading scholar or literary critic's introduction to the text, a biography of the author, a chronology of her or his life and times, a historical selection of criticism, and a concise plot summary. All books published since 1993 have also been completely restyled: all type has been reset, to offer a clarity and ease of reading unique among editions of the classics; a vibrant, full-color cover design now complements these great texts with beautiful contemporary works of art. But the best feature must be Everyman's uniquely low price. Each Everyman title offers these extensive materials at a price that competes with the most inexpensive editions on the market-but Everyman Paperbacks have durable binding, quality paper, and the highest editorial and scholarly standards.

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