Why Lenin Succeeds
• ~ . I ~ WHY LENIN SUCCEEDS ( j ) Henri Guilbeaux, writing in "Moscow," states "H istory has known political gen iuses, great reform ists, audacious and glorious conquerors, but L enin alone, up to this day, has subordi nated his personality, his power, to a do c trine which he pro fessed at a period when he, humble, dis dained and calum niated had propagated - Marxism , }. , ' L enin is the very personification of the theory and practice of M arxism_" "Marx's wonderful critico analytical mind. "---Lenin. ,LENIN .. ':~ Works of Marx ~nd Erzgels Other Classical Works Capital- I. Processes of ~a pi~ali l' t Pmdu,~: ,,~-' .• , ',..> J;>o~iti ve <?utcome of Ph~l osoPltY~Dietig~n.. _:t: $1.50 tion ____ , __ __ __:.. ____ ___ < ___,<'''---- -- ----..:~- ~, $2}50 i,Phllosollh;lcal Essays-Dletzgfn ___ , __ _____ .. , ___ ___ ,_"-""_ _'. 1.50 Capital-II. The ~roce ss ' nf , tlt~y.rrif!iI of ' jl';~' M~h~r~~id of Dietzgen: " T ~~,~~ ~S O~l' _P~~ ,~.o s oC~, Ca?~ta l-lIL c.a~~i~ Ji~~ p~~~~ -~t-f6~--~~ - ~'Wh~ i ~ ; : ~; ':::;\(;a~i~:!i;~d~;.ou:~:,~~~C~~d;i~-~- :-,--::- : -- ',------: ." ' :~- 2:00 Cntlque of Pobtlcal Economy ----( '---------------;~--.--- ' . 1.2;> , ;~,:Eco noIl1ic · Ca,use-s of W rir-":PrOf. · Loria ______________ . 1.25 Eighteenth Brumaire -------- ;-- ----.:--. ---- .----.-- ------ ,.:--- .75 ,',';;" A Marxi,s.t -on· economic imperialism. Poverty of Philosophy ____ _________ . __ .: __ ____________ ___ :__ , __ ... 1.25 , ,>Ristory of 'the ' Supreme · ,Court-Gustavus ,\ Revolution and Counter-Revolution ____ .:___ .. ___ .: .. _. .75 ":,';: Myers ______ _____ L~~,,: : ___ :____ __ . __ ______ .. _______ ___________ .
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