ABCD Life Sciences Top Titles
ABCD Life Sciences Top Titles September 2009 Biochemistry (general) 2 Biochemistry (general) powerful tool that enables us to seek a deeper under- ine the relevant physiological, emotional, cognitive standing of the complex mechanisms underpinning so and social processes. The resulting understanding of many vital biologic systems. In this fully revised and the functional interplay of these processes gives valu- updated second edition of Bioluminescence: Meth- able insights into the biological roots and benefits of ods and Protocols, expert researchers contribute a religion. readable and utilitarian compilation of the newest More on and most innovative techniques that have emerged in this rapidly expanding and progressively diverse Available field including methods to assess cell trafficking, pro- 2009. X, 304 p. 13 illus. (The Frontiers Collection, ) tein-protein interactions, intracellular signaling, and 978-3-642-00127-7 ▶ 69,95 € apoptosis. Also opening up the possibility to visual- ize and quantify biological mechanisms in real-time and in in vivo settings, the volume also describes the in vivo study of bacterial or viral infections, trans- planted cells, stem cells proliferation, vascular flow, E. Jacoby and tumors. Written in the highly successful Meth- ods in Molecular Biology™ series format, chapters Chemogenomics include brief introductions to their respective top- Methods and Applications ics, lists of the necessary materials, equipment, and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory The establishment, analysis, prediction, and expan- protocols, and notes on troubleshooting and avoiding sion of a comprehensive ligand-target Struc- known pitfalls. Authoritative and cutting-edge, Bio- ture-Activity Relationship (SAR) in the post-genomic luminescence: Methods and Protocols, Second Edi- era presents a key research challenge for this cen- tion provides protocols that are detailed enough to tury.
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