AUGHTY GATHERING | COMHDHÁIL EACHTAÍ Kilchreest Castledaly Heritage Group

Following the success of Aughty People and Earth Day held in Crusheen last year, Kilchreest Castledaly Heritage Group are this year hosting an “Aughty Gathering” of all those interested in the heritage of the Sliabh Aughty area. Sliabh Aughty extends from Loughrea south to Mountshannon and from Crusheen east to .

The purpose of the day is to bring together people who are active or interested in local heritage in the Sliabh Aughty region of Counties Clare and and to introduce themselves to each other. The day will provide a unique opportunity to share heritage interests in a cross county inclusive way and identify possible future projects. The day will be completely informal.

The event will take place on Saturday 21st April in the Castle Inn Castledaly commencing at 10.00am and concluding at 5.30pm. Castledaly is eight miles from Loughrea and seven miles from on the main Loughrea / Gort road. Refreshments will be served during the day.

The keynote address will be given by the geographer Fidelma Mullane who specialises in Vernacular Architecture.

Throughout the day there will be small group workshops on topics such as Music, Folklore, Customs, Place Names, Big Houses, Wildlife, Family History, Forestry, , Churches, Graveyards, Walkways, Schools on the Sliabh Aughty, Children’s Burial Grounds, Trades, Old Cures, Stone Walls, Holy Wells.

Those present will select their chosen themes and Anne O’Doherty, Crusheen, will act as facilitator for the day.

You are cordially invited to join us on the day and admission is free.

However, we do need to have an idea of numbers attending so we would be grateful if you would indicate your attendance by Thursday 5th April.

We can be contacted preferably by email at [email protected] or phone 091-635460 / 086-0788251 between 7.00-8.00pm

Details are also available on AUGHTY GATHERING | COMHDHÁIL EACHTAÍ Kilchreest Castledaly Heritage Group Saturday 21st April 2007, Castle Inn, Castledaly, Co. Galway, 10.00am - 5.30pm

Aughty Gathering 2006

• Flora and Fauna / Biodiversity | Flóra agus Ainmhithe / Bithéagsúlacht • History / Heritage | Stair / Oidhreacht • Archaeology | Seandálaíocht • Settlement / Land Use | Suíomh / Úsáid an Talaimh • Culture / Tradition | Cultúr / Traidisiún • Families | Teaghlaigh

Aughty Gathering 2007

Music | Ceol Churches | Cillíní Folklore | Béaloideas Graveyards | Reiligí Customs |Nósanna Walkways | Siúlóidí Place Names | Logainmneacha Schools on the Sliabh Aughty | Scoileanna Shliabh Eachtaí Big Houses | Tithe Móra Children’s Burial Grounds | Reiligí na bPáistí Wildlife | Dúlra Trades | Ceirdeanna Family History | Stair Sloinnte Stone Walls | Ballaí Cloiche Forestry | Coillte Holy Wells | Toibreacha Naofa Gaeilge | Irish Language

Please indicate topics that interest you and feel free to suggest any other topics you would also like to participate in during the day. Bring this form with you on the day.

Name: Organisation (if any): Phone: Email:

Email [email protected]

phone 091-635460 / 086-0788251 between 7.00-8.00pm

Details are also available on