The Marine Transportation System and the Federal Role
94911mvp_Cov 4/2/04 11:48 AM Page 1 Special Report 279 The Marine Transportation System and the Federal Role SPECIAL REPORT 279 The Marine Measuring Performance, Targeting Improvement any public and private entities share responsibility for providing the critical Transportation System Minfrastructure and services of the nation’s marine transportation system (MTS), which comprises hundreds of ports, thousands of waterway terminals, and tens of thousands of shippers and carriers. This report calls on the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) to take the lead in measuring and monitoring the performance and the Federal Role of the MTS, to inform public and private decision making about initiatives for improvements. In particular, the study committee recommends that DOT develop The Marine Transportation System and the Federal Role The Marine Transportation reports on the condition and performance of the MTS and seek a mandate from Congress to produce regular reports similar to those for the nation’s highway Measuring Performance, and transit systems. Targeting Improvement Also of interest A Concept for a National Freight Data Program Special Report 276, ISBN 0-309-08570-5, 114 pages, 6 x 9, paperbound (2003) Shipboard Automatic Identification System Displays: Meeting the Needs of Mariners Special Report 273, ISBN 0-309-08550-0, 197 pages, 6 x 9, paperbound (2003) Freight Capacity for the 21st Century Special Report 271, ISBN 0-309-07746-X, 155 pages, 6 x 9, paperbound (2003) Financing and Improving Land Access to U.S. Intermodal Cargo Hubs NCHRP Report 497, ISBN 0-309-08771-6, 150 pages, 8.5 x 11, paperbound (2003) Integrating Freight Facilities and Operations with Community Goals NCHRP Synthesis 320, ISBN 0-309-06967-X, 58 pages, 8.5 x 11, paperbound (2003) Water Transportation, Ports, and International Trade Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No.
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